Angelina Jolie: ‘We will get through this time & hopefully be a stronger family for it’

Angelina Jolie was in Cambodia this weekend for the big world premiere of her latest film, First They Killed My Father. She brought all six of her kids to Cambodia, and Maddox and Shiloh even spoke at the premiere, and spoke in Khmer! As it turns out, Angelina also did an exclusive interview with the BBC in Cambodia. Everyone wondered which outlet would get Angelina’s first exclusive post-split interview. Some said Vanity Fair. Some said People Magazine. Some said 20/20. But look, it’s the BBC. I think that’s a good call, for many reasons. The BBC is outside of Hollywood and the American-gossip cycle. It’s an actual worldwide news resource, ensuring that the interview would be seen around the world. And the BBC gave her the space to say what she wanted to say without pressing her to answer a lot of personal questions. Here’s the interview:

When asked specifically about the incident on the plane that got this whole messy situation started, Angelina stayed quiet for a moment, almost as if she was fighting back tears. Then she said:

“I don’t want to say very much about that, except to say it was a very difficult time and… and we are a family and we will always be a family, and we will get through this time and hopefully be a stronger family for it…Many, many people find themselves in this situation. My whole, my family… we’ve all being through a difficult time. My focus is my children, our children… and my focus is finding this way through. We are and forever will be a family. I am coping with finding a way through to make sure that this somehow makes us stronger and closer.”

[From People]

She also joked that “It’s been a difficult few months. Right now, I’m going through a moment when just everybody’s in my room. Two dogs, two hamsters and two children at the moment. It’s wonderful. But, usually, I just wake up trying to figure out who’s going to get [the] dog out, who’s going to start the pancakes and did anybody brush their teeth.” She was asked where she sees herself in five years, and she realizes that she will have a house full of teenagers and “At that stage, I hope just standing… In five years’ time I would like to be traveling around the world visiting my children, hoping that they’re just happy and doing really interesting things, and I imagine in many different parts of the world, and I’ll be supporting them.”

Yeah… from a PR perspective, I think she’s playing this really well. I’m sure Brad’s people are throwing and will continue to throw massive hissy fits about this and there’s a PR war coming. Sigh…

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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187 Responses to “Angelina Jolie: ‘We will get through this time & hopefully be a stronger family for it’”

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  1. Fa says:

    She is speaking here herself no PR people are talking for her if he send his pr people to tabloids he will look foolish, and she didn’t attacked him she was talking the whole family included him.

    • KB says:

      I agree, I think when she said “family” she meant all 8 of them.

    • SM says:

      Her answer is fantastic. She speaks of family and that theyvwill remain family forever. She went oit of her way to include him and to speak about them all rather than her feelings and her situation. I hope Brad’s people are smart enoughvto sit this one out

    • Sasha says:

      @ LadyT
      She was caught off guard. If you’ve never been, that’s what it looks like.
      She handled it with grace and wouldn’t comment further. That’s what class looks like.

      • Seraphina says:

        @Sasha, I don’t believe she agreed to be interviewed without full knowledge of what would be asked. Furthermore, even if she didn’t see the questions, her thinking that she would not be asked about Brad or that incident would be sheer stupidity on her part. And stupid she is not.

      • Some trick says:

        Oh bless your heart!

      • Sasha says:

        You take an awful lot for granted and in no small way, you’ve obviously have made your mind up about a woman you’ve never met.
        You would have to admit, though, that she is beautiful, both aesthetically and through all of her work as a UNHCR ambassador. Cheers!

      • Seraphina says:

        Sasha, her physical beauty and inside beauty (which I never mentioned nor did I attack – you brought up) have no relevance on my comment.

        I was stating my opinion, not a negative or a positive. It seems you are the one who has made up her mind and think I’m attacking her. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. I simply think she is a business woman, a very smart one. And she would be stupid not to agree to the questions before hand or to think for a moment her marriage issues would not come up. lets all be real here. She may be victim to whatever Brad may have done but that doesn’t make her stupid.

  2. justsaying says:

    She won’t be travelling the world in five years to visit her children because Vivienne and Knox will only be 14-years-old then ^^

    • Toot says:

      Well, Maddox and Pax will be 20 and 18, so they might be out in the world somewhere.

    • Alix says:

      Yeah, I thought it was odd that she imagined all her kids scattered about the world at such a young age.

      • Rhiley says:

        Me too… and that is not meant as shade. I can’t listen to the interview yet because work, but in writing it is not very clear what she meant and comes across odd. But who knows. Their world is so different than mine.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Two of them will be university age at that point. Nothing unusual if 18 and 20 year olds would be at a university away from their parents and four younger siblings. Given the international nature of this family, it is likely that the kids would choose universities outside of the US.

      • BJ says:

        It’s possible she meant to say in 10 years rather than 5.Or she was referring to older kids.Also we have no idea what grades these kids are in.I have a neighbor who was homeschooled.He will be graduating from HS in May.He is only 14.

    • almondmilk says:

      maybe get your facts straight?

      I’m sure as a mother, she knows the hopes and dreams her eldest children may have for themselves and what they would like to do. They will be adults in 5 years time, and have maybe expressed a desire to live abroad. I read Maddox has a girlfriend in England- perhaps he wants to attend school there. Maybe Pax likes France.

      Point is, these kids are world travelers have dual citizenship and with the orange psycho in office here, living abroad sounds a lot more sane and stable every day.

      • justsaying says:

        ‘maybe get your facts straight?” – Stop being rude.

      • Amanda says:

        Maybe stop writing the same essay long paragraphs on every single Angie thread over and over and over and over….
        A little overinvested are we?
        Lol scary…

    • crazydaisy says:

      Maybe International boarding schools?

    • bap says:

      @Justsaying Angelina was referring to Maddox and Pax.

    • Sarah says:

      Yeah, that struck me as really weird, too. She has some young kids, still. But the rest of it, it seemed very sincere. And she looks so much healthier now than she did at the end of her marriage. I was stunned at the pictures – her face is fuller, she seems to have gained weight, she seems to have a real smile in the pics.
      I think being married to Mr. Handsome was a huge stress for her. I think he did a lot of damage to their relationship with his behavior.

  3. Talie says:

    I thought the Page Six stories were uncalled for, but I honestly think Brad’s people had nothing to do with them. He doesn’t need to engage anymore. The tone of all the stories has changed significantly since that week he appeared at The Globes and everything was sealed.

    • Greata says:

      @Talie…I agree. I actually thought it might be the ever malignant John Voigt. The malice in that piece was palpable, and I think Pitt still loves her…so no.

      • Ramona says:

        “I think pitt still loves her…”

        Huh? No seriously, how did you reach that conclusion?

      • Paige says:

        @Ramona You don’t suddenly stop loving someone you were in a relationship with for nearly 12 years. They may not have the love for each other as before but it’s only been five months since they split.

      • Merritt says:


        The moment you split is not the moment you drift apart. Things were probably going wrong for a long time. Getting married was a band-aid for the problems they were having.

    • Indira says:

      I heard Page Six is used by the Huvane brothers so who knows.

      • Fanny says:

        There are a lot of powerful people who are invested in Brad Pitt’s career and who are going to try to win the PR war for him. Even if he had nothing but benevolent feelings towards Angelina and didn’t want to fight a PR war (which I don’t believe at all – he’s every bit as PR-savvy and careerist as Angelina) he’s got a big team of people who would do it for him.

      • KB says:

        @Fanny His PR savvy is partially why I think he wasn’t behind the Page Six story. The public liked that he wasn’t playing dirty when they felt like she was. Why would he suddenly change tactics? Isn’t it possible that Page Six is just giving their readers what they seem to want by slamming her?

        And why on earth would he push the “she has custody of the kids, he has custody of Hollywood” angle? That’s not a good look for a Dad whose parenting has come into question over the last five months.

    • IlsaLund says:

      Is Page Six published in a Trump friendly newspaper? Maybe it’s payback for the OpEd she wrote on the immigration travel ban.

      • Bluer says:

        I don’t think it’s in response to her op-ed on the travel ban. They wrote a similarly scathing piece back in Sep/Oct on how AJ exposes her rebel-turned-saint myth by trashing Brad Pitt. They know hating her gets clicks, lots of them. And I think a lot of people in PR and in showbiz news feel like it’s their duty to expose her so-called PR machinations. I mean, even NYTimes did an article on her PR savvy back in 2008. In the end less is more, it seems, in PR, and BP wins out while doing much less – or appearing to do much less in terms of not leaking.

    • KB says:

      Thank you! In my opinion, I think they both genuinely don’t want this stuff in the tabloids anymore. He has given her permission to take the kids on a Christmas vacation to Crested Butte and to her film premiere in Cambodia. This idea that he’s resentful makes no sense, why would he give her permission?

      And again, Page Six said he slept around with Russian hookers, why would he be giving them stories?!

      • Carmen says:

        He might be resentful because she dumped him and filed for divorce. He was probably very hurt and angry, and that doesn’t go away in five months. Of course he’d give her permission to take the kids away on those occasions; he’d look like a jerk if he didn’t. And few people in Hollywood are more obsessed with their image than Brad Pitt.

      • GoOnGirl says:

        @KB: Wasn’t Brad photographed with one or two of the children in Crested Butte?

      • KB says:

        @Carmen Being resentful about the divorce and being so resentful and petty that you get a shady gossip page to write a hit piece on the mother of your children are two very different things. I don’t think he’s behind it.

        @goongirl IIRC, there was a photo of someone covered head to toe riding a dirt bike or something and people thought it might have been Pitt, but I think that was it.

  4. Sera says:

    If Brad is truly a loving Dad then he will follow her lead and they will continue to work t through this difficult time as a family. If his or team react negatively then we will see his true colors and they won’t be pretty. So be smart Brad and take th I s opportunity to move the media scrutiny forward by just agreeing and moving on. I can not wait to see this movie FTKMF . No secret I am an Angelina fan.

  5. Slowsnow says:

    I got a really strange vibe from this video. I have always admired Jolie for her will to turn her life around. I even liked her crazy younger years (minus the drugs of course).
    Here though, she comes across as those mums who talk about minor things (two dogs in the room!, pancakes!) as if she invented them. Came across as very disengenious. I have come to be very suspicious of people who show off their emotions all the time. If emotions are there on call, means they don’t run very deep. Maybe that’s why.
    However, I have no idea. Who am I to believe this vibe? A film does not tell you anything about anyone. But Pitt can destroy her with this kind of seemingly manipulative behaviour.

    • Fa says:

      They do have 2 dogs and hamsters she talked about it before she didn’t invented and Brad is the one always do the pancakes for the kids in the morning and he talked this before as well.

    • Xboxsucks says:

      You do know she talked about them before ,we even saw pictures of the kids buying hamsters. This is how she always described her family life even with brad , she even said brad wiuld do the best pancakes in the family

      • bap says:

        @Xboxsucks In the past there are pictures of Angelina buying hamsters for the children. In the pass interviews Angelina said Brad made the pancakes for the kids, especially Knox loves pancakes. Now Angelina will be making pancakes.

      • Felicia says:

        I have a bit of difficulty believing they brought the hamsters along. You need to microchip your pets and show proof of rabies vaccinations in order to bring them into Cambodia. I suppose that hamsters could be microchipped (??) but they have never developed a rabies vaccination adapted to hamsters. Using something adapted to another animal would probably kill the poor little guys.

    • almondmilk says:


      By ‘turn her life around,’ I take it you mean growing up? Maturing, yes? We all do it – Angelina is no different. She wasn’t Robert Downey He breaking into homes high on crack and passing out, or Lindsey Lohan. She was winning Oscars and starting in blockbuster franchises at that age. You only know about her issues because she told the press first when she grew out of that wild child phase.

      Another odd contradiction in your post is inferring that only “here,” is Angelina talking about ‘Mom things’ – like for the first time in 12 years she’s sounding homey and domesticated. In literally every interview over the last 12-15 years she’s talked about being a Mom, her kids sharing her bed, her pets and other mundane things that most Moms experience on the daily. So what are you on about?

      Also, jolie is and always has been an emotional woman who shares her life with the world- whether it’s her mom’s death, her brca1 gene and surgeries, or this. Where have you been?

      Now you’re accusing someone you claim to used to be a fan of as not deep because she’s emotional or because she talks about her life and what matters? Nice scientific formula – too bad you can’t confirm this hypothesis. If only she had continued to be a lost unhappy “crazy” girl instead of growing into an admired humanitarian and inspiring person. Maybe she would have kept you in the fold.

      And the kicker…
      You say, ‘Pitt can destroy HER because of her interview discussing the mundacity of Mom-hood.’ pitt, the guy who lost physical custody of his kids temporarily for showing out on a plane possibly high and ragey? That guy can destroy her for her vague well wishes for her family and describing pancake breakfasts?

      Riiight, lady. Ugh.

      Misogyny is starting early this am.

      • Slowsnow says:

        I am going to answer bc whereas I tried to be sincere about my gut feeling about this interview, you accused me of mysoginy based on a post. Maybe you should read what you wrote yourself. Is it more important to you to try to understand what someone says or to vilify him or her? Your choice.
        By “Turn her life around” I don’t mean justget rid of an addiction. She became a humanitarian, someone who deeply cares for important causes, she tries her best not to fall into the hollywood trap and tries to prevent her kids from being affected by it etc.
        I don’t consider myself a fan of anyone, but I when I see an article about Jolie I read it because it always has something uplifting or truthful about the world we live in. And she is one of the most beautiful women I can think of.
        The terrible ordeal she is going through is horrifying for many reasons, and I think it is dangerous for her to be talking about her kids. Let’s not be naïve here, all interviews are vetted and prepared for A listers. So she knew what was coming and agreed to it. I find it a bit dangerous to be gushing about motherhood in a, let’s say, contrived way yes, considering the seemingly dirty game Pitt has been playing.

      • GoOnGirl says:

        @ Almond milk: For the life of me, I still can’t fathom why Angie is seen as the bad one, who called DFCS on Brad and caused all this to happen. If Angie hadn’t filed for the divorce, perhaps Brad would have? I don’t think so. Brad, being the gentlemen, preferred Angie to file so he could come off looking hurt, angry and sad? People forget, even if Brad is cleared of all wrong doing, HE did something on that plane to set all this in motion. Angie has talked about her family in every interview she’s done since becoming a mom. SMDH!

    • notasugarhere says:

      “If emotions are there on call, means they don’t run very deep. ”

      Really? I find some of the most deeply emotional people are the ones who cannot keep their emotions from bubbling to the surface sometimes.

    • Esmom says:

      I know you’re getting flack already for saying this but I know what you mean. And Angelina isn’t the only celeb parent who can come off that way. I think it’s an attempt to sound real and relatable without giving too much actual, private info away. So it’s natural that it wouldn’t ring all that true, imo, because it’s sort of designed to deflect.

      • Slowsnow says:

        Yes @esmom, I am sure she means it, I am also sure it was a choice for her to try to deflect scrutiny – thus the strange emotional vibe I got, in my opinion, because questions are pre-arranged.
        But I thought it was so wise for them to decide things on their own away from the press that I guess I was surprised to see her talk about her children.

      • LadyT says:

        I know what she meant, too. And she’s not merely getting flack, she was labeled misogynistic after her words were twisted and inflated.

    • Paige says:

      Now taking care of your kids and doings things she’s done for sixteen years is being manipulative. Life doesn’t stop after you have a divorce.

    • B n A fn says:

      I get the feeling that Angelina is not sure if this marriage is done. She appears very emotional when talking about her and Brad’s children. I have a feeling she may be willing to give the marriage another shot if Brad can get his shortcomings together. I just feel she still loves him and is very sad she had to take this drastic measures to save her family. IMO, Angie is very honest to a fault, she will be truthful or keep her mouth close, jmo.

      • IMO says:

        I’m pretty sure they still love each other. You don’t just stop loving someone overnight.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Love the other person, wish the best for them as a person and a parent vs. in love with each other and still wanting to be in a romantic relationship. I’d bet on the first one.

      • KB says:

        I kind of hope that it is over, if their physical appearances mean anything. They have both looked like hell the last couple of years. Less than six months apart and they both look fantastic.

      • Guesto says:

        Oh I think she’s done with the marriage. The sadness – genuine, imo – is that it deteriorated and ended the way it did.

        Anyway, it’s a nice interview and I’m looking forward to seeing the film at some point.

      • GoOnGirl says:

        @ B n A fn: It appears the ball is in Pitt’s court. Knowing him, he’s already walked away. After all, he’s the one who said he doesn’t look back. Agree that Angie still appears to love him. But I do think he’s done with her. No so much the kids. Now when Brad is photographed with the children, will any one say he’s using the children to up his image?

      • Carmen says:

        It’s easy to “walk away” from someone who dumped you in the first place. Brad was the one who was crying and devastated and whining that he had been blindsided. God, he played that pity angle to the hilt. For days on end the tabloids were reporting that he was in floods of tears because evil Angie wouldn’t let him see the kids.

        I think Angie is done with him and has been for at least a year before she filed for divorce. He was running all over Europe drinking and drugging and indulging in his midlife crisis and leaving her at home to raise six kids alone. He thought he could carry on like that indefinitely and Angie would always be there waiting for him whenever he decided to come back home.

        I agree with Guesto. I think Angie is sad and nostalgic over what happened to their relationship and their marriage, but I don’t think she regrets for a second leaving him. She did what she had to do.

    • Aren says:

      I find it terrible that you couldn’t express your opinion without getting attacked.
      In any case, I also found her odd, same as her image, she looks very different and not in a good way.

      • Bexington says:

        Totally agree. Looks like she got fillers and her answer seemed rehearsed. She is an actress after all…

    • Bluer says:

      I think she’s aware of the negative PR about her supposedly trashing Pitt that’s out there and so she’s trying to present herself as a normal mother. She looks bone tired though. I would too, if I had six kids (even with nannies; it’s just the maths).

      • Tana says:

        I think she looked really tired as well. Her face looked kind of puffy, which happens to me when I cry a lot, so that might be it.

        Other than that I think she’s very poised and is obviously really passionate about this story.

        Some of the interview came across as disengenuios to me too. I think the long pause after the incident question was a little rehearsed, but that just may be me. I really like seeing this softer side of her, when she’s laughs and talks about the kids, she seems so much more relaxed.

  6. Toot says:

    They all looked well and I’m wishing the best for Angelina and the children. Hopefully Brad is doing well too.

    • V4Real says:

      AJ looks so naturally beautiful in the video. I think people need to stop taking sides in celebrity divorces (such as this one) and stop treating them like they are rooting for their favorite sports team. Team AJ and Team Brad is so stupid. These are two adults with children who are the ones suffering.

      Some posters have mentioned that when the kids get older they may one day read the nasty stories and comments about their parents but they are the ones contributing to the nasty stories and comments. Maybe they will read what most of us were saying about their mother and father. Do you think some celebrities haven’t heard of Celebitchy? These kids may or may already have reached a point where they don’t want to hear shitty crap about either parent. I think it’s safe to say they love AJ and Brad.

      None of us knew what was really going on in their relationship. I hope they both reach a better place where they can co-parent. It seems to be heading in that direction.

  7. Midori says:

    So much better without hearing every week who said/filed what in court, whose lawyer/PR said what about the other one’s requests/filings etc. Should have been like that from the start.

    • almondmilk says:


      Better for who?

      We’ve already gotten a glimpse of how women attacked her when she first filed without knowing what Brad did. We saw the wind leave the hater’s sails when they found out Brad allegedly terrorized his kids in public on a plane.

      My guess is, if the rags and haters and gossips had no idea what had happened beyond the investigations and there were no transparency in the early days – I’m sure the usual misogynist suspects would have had Angelina spiking his ice water and causing him to do what he did on that plane. Or they’d make up stories that it was Angelina being the raging drunk who was bring investigated. At which point there would be zero leverage or impetus for Brad a possible drunk substance abuser to get the help he needs.

      • lissanne says:

        But the tabloids and posters on many sites did exactly what you describe–outside of this site, the overwhelming response was to call Angelina every name in the book, claim that she set Brad up, that she drove him to it, and on and on. While I’m not a particular fan of her or Brad, I thought the reporting, and comments on some sites, were despicable. The tabloids picked up every little thing, made up a story, and then commenters would take the story as gospel.

        As for leverage for Brad to get clean, even with the record sealed, the restricted access to his children would have become obvious at some point. Also, I would like to assume that wanting to spend time with his children would be incentive enough to change his ways.

      • Midori says:

        I believe you have answered your own question.

        It is better for the whole family not to be dragged through every tabloid writer’s and poster’s imagination.

        Usual misogynist suspects have no more insight into what happened than usual misandrists, so I have every right to think that there are other hidden motives for such a public divorce battle on AJ’s side other than “alleged, possible” abuse. I certainly won’t cry if I’m wrong about that.

        What I find sad is that posters that are neither “here” nor “there” are being accused of misogyny at the slightest criticism of AJ.

      • bap says:

        Pitts fan wanted the papers sealed so the truth would never come out to put a stain on his IMAGE. The main grievance they have with Angelina, she did not seal it in the beginning because now he’s been expose. They will hole this against Angelina for telling the truth about their Golden Boy.

        Faces he is a Weak Man.

      • Midori says:


        The truth is for the family to deal with. The DCFS involvement upon initial report of BP’s abuse is enough to raise questions among fans, but the truth should remain in the family. General public has no business knowing painful details about their struggles.

      • EOA says:

        Per usual, some of her “fans” here have a hard time separating their own emotional needs from what actually makes the most sense for this family. Of course it is better for Angelina Jolie and her children to not have this all play out in the tabloids. Because she has the right to manage her family’s private business without unhinged supporters or detractors commenting on every single thing.

        But there are a number of posters here who don’t seem to understand that – they have a need to see it all play out publicly because it meets whatever emotional need they have to elevate Angie to sainthood and to demonize Pitt as a monster. The truth is, no doubt, that both are human beings, and are therefore flawed. I don’t know who is more responsible – it certainly seems like Pitt did something terribly wrong on that airplane – but I do know that because I am not a part of their family, I will never truly know what happened to break up their relationship. It’s really unseemly the number of people here who think that they do.

      • Midori says:


        I think that most posters here, apart from reasons you have stated, base their opinion on personal experience – I certainly do. I can’t take abuse allegations as the gospel truth without investigating further. I’d rather wait for the judge to give his opinion, because he’ll have all the relevant facts before he decides whether BP is abusive or not. We certainly don’t know anything about their day-to-day life.

      • KB says:

        @EOA The posters that want her to be a saint and him to be a monster are the same ones that emphatically insisted they were the perfect couple. I think because they were so emotionally invested in the romance fairytale, they feel like they’ve been betrayed. They have to demonize one of the people in order to make sense of how something could have been so perfect but now be over.

        It’s the same people that were denying there could be trouble in paradise when they hadn’t been seen together for months on end. It seems much more likely to me that they fell out of love awhile ago and whatever happened on the plane was merely the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree with you Midori. It would have been better for both of them, but especially for the kids.
      Unfortunately with their fame, there was always going to be media coverage and speculation, but it has calmed down a lot since they both agreed to keep it all private, which is telling.

      • Midori says:

        I think that media would then be able to report only sightings and stuff like that. Speculations would be outrageous I suspect, but they would be respected a lot more – especially since the had the option to go for the sealed records from the beginning and chose not to.

        I know AJ’s side agreed to sealing the records after a while, but BP’s lawyers should have known to play a bit nicer when going against mother that alleges abuse of her kids – she will always be favored in the beginning. They could have saved the “mud slinging” after the sealing takes place.

    • Bluer says:

      I agree with you, Midori. She should have left it up to law enforcement if it was that bad, and all the leaks just made people wonder what else there was between them that produced so much hate against him in her. I can believe he was a terrible, pot-head father who was on the juice all the time too, but just a couple of years ago she was the one proclaiming, “he’s a wonderful father,” at some premiere.

  8. Amelia says:

    Is this interview edited weird or is it just me? Seemed like an ill timed tangent into personal questions and also seems her response to the second question was cut short.

    • SaraR. says:

      It is edited. They posted now extended version too.

    • MostlyMegan says:

      She also reacts as if she was broadsided by this question, but she knew the question was coming, the exact wording, and she calculated her response. No shade on Angie for this, but just also be aware that she wasn’t surprised by this question and approved it before the interview.

      • dotdotdot says:

        Just because one knows a question is coming, doesn´t mean they will not feel emotions. Even prepared, a brain still memories, etc.

      • BJ says:

        Well she paused 10 seconds before answering the question but I guess she was just “acting”.Dramatic pause

  9. Indira says:

    I’m just glad that everything is sealed and we can’t read any court documents, emails from their lawyers etc. anymore.

    • nemera34 says:

      I still wish it had happened at the beginning. All that lawyer talk didn’t help matters at all. Just hope they can both be happy and work together raising their children. Because 12 years is a lot of years. And I think they loved each other very much. That is something I hold fast to.

    • KB says:

      Agreed. It’s one thing for gossipy details to get out and it’s something completely different for the names of therapists to be out. It should have been sealed from the beginning.

  10. Adorable says:

    Sad..Hopefully the family will indeed be stronger at the end of it all..& hope the kids stay happy & healthy

  11. Maya says:

    Why? He was the one who messed up and chose his image over his family.

    • nemera34 says:

      You don’t know that. Brad hasn’t said one thing. And to attribute every negative story about Angie to him is silly. These nasty tabloids were writing negative things about her before they got together, during and after.

      Everyone knows and no one more than Brad that his actions caused this. You have no idea what he is or isn’t doing because he is not talking. And you have no idea what he is doing or not. He is not putting his “image” above his family because he was out promoting his movie or supporting a film he Produced. Anymore than anyone can say Angie is. Some of these over the top attacks are seriously strange; especially since no one knows much at this point.

      • GoOnGirl says:

        @nemera34: I’m still waiting for Brad to publicly acknowledge his part on all this. The statements I heard from him were something to the effect asking the public for privacy during this time with his children, which he later changed to our children. No where did I hear him I say I made a mistake and i’m working on rectifying the situation.

  12. Ramy says:

    Very well said jolie , I think she included brad when she said as a family. Even when she was talking about the kids she said our children
    Good for her she knows exactly what she’s doing

  13. Maya says:

    Hopefully one day soon, Brad will look into a mirror and be disgusted with himself.

    He broke this lovely family and still chooses to care more about his image than his wife and children.

    He could easily put a stop to the media attack on Angelina and the children. People are talking about Angie and Maddox in a sexual way, that Brad should take only his biological children with him, that Angelina accused him falsely etc.

    Seriously Brad – be a husband and father and put a damn stop to these attacks. You did the mistake so you do the time not your wife and your children.

    Angelina – you just continue to be strong for your family. The truth will come out one day..

    • Carmen says:

      He could have intervened when the tabloids were trashing Angie for breaking up his first marriage. He could have said “I broke my marriage up. I chose to leave my wife. This was on me.” Instead, he just sat back and let Angie take all the heat. I lost a lot of respect for him behind that.

      • Bluer says:

        This is the same guy who cried on TV to pretend it was all ex-wifey#1’s fault for not giving him kids. He seems to have a history of leaving of his partners to the dogs to preserve his own viability.

      • Carmen says:

        Everyone one of his failed relationships has been the other person’s fault. He never takes responsibility for anything that happens to him. His statements in the wake of this separation have been majorly self-serving.

    • GoOnGirl says:

      @ Maya: One can only wish. When Pitt looks into the mirror, he loves what he sees. Let’s not hold our breath he’ll be disgusted by what he sees. He is still getting away with more than he should.

    • Bluer says:

      I think your reading of this, Maya, is probably correct. It seems like Brad “left” the family first. But don’t think AJ played the PR game well as people will remember mostly what she did with the leaks than how terrible a father he might have been. I think she should have only leaked a couple of times and built up the suspense, done a clean and quick divorce, and then done a big crying interview with Dianne Sawyer.

  14. Xboxsucks says:

    Damn she looks quite emotional here.
    Kudos to her for standing for her family and mostly for the kids.
    Inadvertently she just told she even has custody of the dogs and hamsters lmao
    You go !!!
    As the custody case is difficult to travel with kids without the other parent consent which makes me think brad has definitely not have it yet .i dont see him agreeing with this without a salvo to people magazine

    • Marlena says:

      I would say he did agree to it. Why not? I am sure Angelina agrees to him taking the kids to see their grandparents. All this mudslinging should end- mostly because Brad and Angie ended it, so we should emulate them. Anything else would be childish.

      • Carmen says:

        Speaking of grandparents… does anyone beside me find it kind of odd that since Angie left Brad and took the kids, there has not been a word from Bill and Jane Pitt?

        You would think the anti-Angie tabloids would have been all over that. The senior Pitts were vocally supportive of Angie after her mastectomy, Jane Pitt commenting that “We love her very much”. One would think the tabs would have approached the Pitts for some kind of supportive statement re Brad along the lines of we are standing by our son as he goes through this trying time, etc. Or some kind of comment blaming Angie for putting Brad through the wringer. Instead, zero. Zip. Nada.

        I can’t help wondering if the senior Pitts blame Brad for his marriage breaking up. They have always been fond of Angie and are devoted to their grandchildren. The fact that Brad chose not to spend either Thanksgiving or Christmas with them, although he claims to be close to his family, makes me wonder if there had been some estrangement between them in the wake of the separation.

        Anyway, for Bill and Jane’s sake as well as the kids’, I hope they have been keeping in touch with frequent phone calls, video chats, etc. Kids need their grandparents and vice-versa.

      • GoOnGirl says:

        @ Carmen. I have to agree with you. I, too, wondered why, at the beginning of this mess, no comment whatsoever came from the sr. Pitts. Nothing, not a word. Also kept waiting for the Pitt girl who doesn’t seem to like Angie, to make a comment or post another picture.

      • Carmen says:

        @GoOnGirl: usually in the wake of a divorce, one wants the emotional support of their own family. I know; I’ve been there. Brad choosing not spending major family holidays with his family while all the tabloids were picturing him as crying and devastated in the wake of his split from Angie, suggests that he might have suspected such support wouldn’t be forthcoming from them.

  15. TyrantDestroyed says:

    I am so happy that they decided to finally have a private divorce. I cannot imagine as a young adult (the oldest) reading every week in the news the about each smallest detail of your parent’s battle.

  16. Felicia says:

    I think we can probably safely assume that the BBC (or any other outlet that interviews her) only asks questions that that she has pre-approved, so it’s unlikely that they would go off script by pressing her to answer a lot of unexpected personal questions. She’s not exactly a Z-lister who has to take what she can get after all.

    The BBC… possibly the hand of her two British advisors in that decision. Good thing she’s not in Thailand, the BBC is blocked there.

    • Xboxsucks says:

      She can get to the same conclusion(bbc) wihout those advisers, she was never stupid with her interviews so why would she be now?
      And if they were that good for pr purposes she would have listened to them instead of paying pr team like she did on the past couple of months.
      Those ladies are kore political inclined

      • Felicia says:

        Of course she’s never been stupid with her interviews, she, like every other A-lister, tightly controls what’s going to be asked. We know this. They all do it.

        The BBC… there are of course a limited number of English speaking countries with an international press. But, the BBC is pretty much aimed at the Brits, I’d be surprised if many Americans watch it. Or Canadians or Aussies either because they have their own national channels. It seems like a bit of an odd choice unless your target market is the Brits. Or perhaps (and this is another possibility), your soon-to-be ex-husband has locked down the interviewers in the US who might have had the sort of audience that AJ would want to reach.

        That was the gist of my comment about her British advisors.

      • dotdotdot says:

        It think, BBC is a great choice. It is international and has a more “serious” reputation — perfect to promote a film with a serious matter that is not US-specific.

    • Lilly says:

      Yes, for me it’s awkward seeing her look down, sigh, pause dramatically and then get emotional over the question, when there is no doubt that she knew they were going to ask.

      • NotSoSocialButterfy says:

        That does not mean that answering is any less painful. Wow.

      • MostlyMegan says:

        I think it can be both things. I think it can be a really painful question to have to answer, and also be a rehearsed answer. This is an award-winning actress – but one who has also been very recently, very severely hurt. Both these things can be true – and she can draw on both these facts to get her intended message across.

      • Lilly says:

        No I’m not saying it’s not painful or that she’s not hurt, but the hesitation, the pause, those are intentional. She wants people on her side. She wants to be sympathetic.

      • LadyT says:

        I’m with Lilly. Of course it’s a painful question (that she knew was coming) but there was a falseness/rehearsed quality in the awkwardness of the response. She’s generally a PR master and that’s what I felt like I was witnessing.

      • Krystal says:

        Lady T & Lily
        God can this woman do anything without there being some conspiracy on how she breathes, walks, talks, etc! Yes, I do believe she uses PR but it’s like people see her as a dishonest emotionless robot.

      • Lilly says:

        Hi Krystal, sorry but this is a gossip site. not a fan page.

        I do like her, but I’m a cynic I guess.

      • Krystal says:

        Maybe I’m not a cynic. Because I didn’t see her interview as a PR move. She seemed like she wasn’t ready to talk about it even if she was aware of the questions being asked. She seemed hesitiate and her response was straight to the point without going into detail. Her response was also a blip in the interview. She seemed sincere. Maybe I responded to your comment because everything this woman does is considered a PR move. She can’t walk down the street without someone screaming she’s insincere and it’s a PR move to help her image. Case in point, the nasty Page Six article.

      • Ennie says:

        Angelina can get emotional with some issues. After her mom’s death she cried in interviews too. I do believe she is sincere, also, that Brad is not trying to kill her character. I do believe they fought for more access to the children, but I think they are in a good place since the kids can travel with her and they agreed to lock gossip down.

    • GoOnGirl says:

      It has always been my opinion Angie imposed no restrictions on any interviewer. I may be wrong.

  17. MunichGirl says:

    The Daily Mail and People comments are harsh..

  18. Ophelia says:

    As with some posters above, I too find the interview very awkwardly edited. It’s too short to fit both comfortably without providing viewers some sort of whiplash. Her 60 Minutes profile when she was promoting In the Land of Blood and Honey was better paced and segued cleanly from professional (the movie) to the private (Brad and kids).

    In the BBC interview case, it is so ill-timed it made her come across as disingenious.

    I am sure that these things have preapproval, so her invoking Princess Diana in the late woman’s infamous Panorama interview looked as contrived as it was with Diana back then.

    I would much prefer her talk more about the movie, tbh. All these tabloid nonsense are frivolous at best and only added to the polarization of her persona.

    • Fa says:

      Go watch the whole interview they talked more about the movie, the interviewer asked the personal question at the end of the interview and it was 1 minute long.

    • Paige says:

      Maybe you should watch the entire interview before assuming the entire thing was about her personal life. She spoke briefly about her personal life but the rest of the interview was about the subject at hand, FTKMF. Kaiser didn’t post the full video. It’s on BBC and it’s about ten minutes long.

  19. crazydaisy says:

    When Angie started to cry, I did, too. I feel so proud of her right now—doing this film, staying true to her ideals, holding her head high. Divorce is hard, but it sounds like after the dust settles, she wants to stay friends with Brad, or at least on copacetic terms, which is best for all. She says they “will always be a family” and she’s right. The marriage failed, but the family doesn’t have to fail—it just has to change. Hopefully Angelina will accept some measure of joint custody that Brad can live with, and they all move on in a loving way. On another note, I’m looking forward to seeing the film. Tough as it may be to watch, I agree: it’s important to know about the world…

    • Xboxsucks says:

      She is emotional but didnt cry

      • crazydaisy says:

        Right. She started to cry but she held back. What’s your point?

      • Lauren II says:

        Angie is very sad, and trying not to break down sobbing.
        I do not like Angie very much, but i believe she is very devoted to her children, and very much wanted a stable family life.
        Brad will always have the upper hand because of his successful Plan B movies. Page Six confirmed what we already know- Brad is a Golden Boy in Hollywood, while Angie is seen as a “lunatic”. The cruelty must stop.

  20. Logan says:

    PR move.

  21. paolanqar says:

    SO MANY trolls on this article on the Daily Mail.
    I spent the last hour red arrowing those comments that picture women as crazy, hormone-guided creatures, users, evil spirited and that should have no rights.
    It’s 2017 and people still paint all women with the same brush. No one really knows what really went down with Angelina and Brad. I have learnt to take gossip with a grain of salt and whatever happened between them I do believe they are both going through so much, both in different ways and just because she shows emotions she is not ‘giving the performance of her life’ or ‘the next oscar goes to..’and he is not the ‘poor battered husband’.
    I am a fan of neither but you can clearly see those kids are happy to support her mother and are happy kids in general.
    That is all that matters really.

    • jmo says:

      They are not trolls, they have never liked her because she wants to help refugees, they still think she takes drugs, they think she has a “weird relationship” with her brother and so on – the DM readers will never change.

    • Fa says:

      Daily Mail comments will never change whatever you do good or bad, hint they are mostly Trump supporters.

    • GoOnGirl says:

      @ paolangar: You managed to read comments at the DF for an hour? You have a great stomach. I leave after the first couple comments villifying Angie.

    • Carmen says:

      Oh good lord, those people posting on the Daily Fail think Trump is God, Jennifer Aniston is the Queen of Sheba, and Angie is the devil incarnate. I couldn’t read those comments for two minutes, let alone an hour.

  22. Carrie says:

    Is anyone going to comment on her quasi-British accent she all of a sudden has? It threw me off, big time. I don’t ever remember hearing this in the past……hmm…

    • Gunnar says:

      I’m a Brit (Londoner) and I can’t hear an accent. I do remember years ago some people were saying the same thing as you, I think around her Tomb Raider days. Her voice doesn’t resemble any of our regional accents either, so where in Britain you would you find her accent I don’t know. But that’s just me.

    • MostlyMegan says:

      As a mid-westerner living abroad for the last 20 years – after living out of America for an extended time your accent does change. You stop dropping your t’s and start pronouncing the end of words instead of swallowing them. Some people see this as a British accent, but really, it is just a more precise way of speaking.

  23. Libra girl says:

    I’m glad that she herself has finally talked about all of it. No Hollywood, no PR, no lawyers….good for her. I can’t stand how much weight the media gets and shifts peoples views. This interview was relatable. Hopefully, in time they all heal and do become close again. Not married again, but civil and nothing but love. For the children if not anything else. This was a great interview and I’m not on either side.

  24. Billy says:

    I found Angelina sad and hurt, I think what happened on the plane to her was a painful thing for everyone in the family. But that going through all these problems and divorce will cause the family to strengthen and become more united and solves all problems.

    To realize how happy and healthy the children are, Angelina did very well in fighting for Brad to comply with the agreement and not force any contact of children without their will and as the support of psychologists …. there are situations that unfortunately we do not know How to cope and to be humble and to know that you need help is not to show weakness.

    I do not think she is in doubt with her decision …. I think the whole sadness is not having been able to protect the children from any irresponsible attitude of Brad …. she tried to wait for him to solve his problems .. Brad was in the last year, was not being the present father that he always was ….. Angelina needed the help of her brother to take care of the children …. Brad was taking care of only him, his priorities was to make film, to produce Film, produce wine, produce Custom Furniture, travel alone. And probably abuse drink and drugs because of being frustrated, depressed … I do not know

    For all that Angelina had to give herself and be attacked for being with him …. Brad should at least have been man and protected her and the children after his imbecility put them in this mess all …. damn it “Correct form of divorce” “to deal with the media” …. if the worst happened that was to traumatize their own children ….. GO TO HELL WHAT THE MIDIA, HOLLYWOOD, SOME COMMENTS ON A BLOG. …..

  25. YepIsaidit says:

    TO me this solidified that something very serious happened on that plane and she and her kids are very hurt by it. Brad had the nerve to play the victim and to try to drag her through the tabloid mud. He’s horrible.

    Also, from the beginning her team said they didn’t want sole custody forever but basically wanted Pitt to get it together so they could co parent. What a disappointment he turned out to be.

    I’m sure he’s p’od because she did not deny that “the incident” is what caused this mess.

    Other than that she seems good,

  26. Joannie says:

    I wouldnt mind reading the book but this movie doesnt interest me at all. The killing Fields was beautifully done and horrifying at the same time. She has this to promote but I think she’s going to be a little lost career wise. Ive said this before. She will never get to the level of fame she once had with Pitt. It’s a well known fact she isnt well liked in HW.

    • YepIsaidit says:

      Lmao she was a big star before she ever got with brad Pitt. He did nothing but make her into a tabloid star.

      • Joannie says:

        Their whole relationship was tabloid fodder! She wasnt a big star…fading is more like it. She’s made a couple of decent movies early on and it was on a downhill slide after that. Not throwing shade just stating facts. Tomb Raider was the last thing she ever did that one could say she held her own.

      • YepIsaidit says:

        Joannie, people like you (Pitt fans) seem to forget she was huge worldwide before she ever met his ass. And he was coming off of a huge domestic bomb. Brad Pitt was a joke back then- like an older zac efron. If anything being with Angelina gave him more respect in Hollywood and took a lot away from her. She was on the cover of almost every tabloid weekly because of him. She didn’t have that before. She was in the tabs but never to that extant.

        That’s all he did for her- turned her into a tabloid star (he already was one) and made her one of the most hated celebs in the US. He did nothing for her career. Nada, zilch, zero!!!

      • Joannie says:

        I’m a Pitt fan? Please dont speak for me. Im not a fan of either to be perfectly honest. Nor am I emotionally invested. It’s just how I see it. Time will tell how these two will do without “the brand”. That’s what they sold us and ppl lapped it up.

    • Paige says:

      Actually you’re wrong. Brad and Angie were big stars before becoming a couple. Yes, they gained more star power as a couple but they were A-listers before Brangelina. Maybe it’s your obvious dislike of Angelina, but to claim she was a nobody before Pitt is ridiculous. That’s bad as the Page Six article. Also I doubt her feelings are hurt if she isn’t well liked in Hollywood. She seems to have a life outside of Hollywood that means more to her.

    • Cara says:

      LMAO. Prior to hooking up with Jolie, his movies were popcorn like and forgettable : Meet Joe Black, the Mexican, the Ocean series, and God awful Troy. He himself credited her and the family they had to bring out the best in him and his choices in making the movies. So please , yes, they both benefited from the union but more so him than her. Him being more artistic and charity wise. Oh and with Jolie by his side, he did finally get himself a big brood of a family he had always dreamed of until he got tired of the responsibility of taking care of the kids. Now he wanted time out permanently and he got it with a bit of a scandal. No big deal though being a rich good looking white man living in America, he will survive and live on happily. She will be fine too once the dust settles. All’s well ends well.

    • almondmilk says:


      You’re in all the threads and usually saying something biased against Angelina. It’s not like you’re objective.

      I just don’t know where this nasty tendency for women to beat up and kick a woman and mom probably going thru hell not of her making.

      It’s the death of civility in this country. It’s how we got Trump. I often wonder what it would take his supporters to turn away from him. Angelina and her haters are a good analogy for this. Nothing. There’s nothing. They’re more invested in what a ‘win’ means for them. In the case of Trump it’s against Obama/liberals/non-whites, immigrants and refugees. In the car of Angelina it’s utter destruction, a fall from grace. Her haters actually also used to wish for plane crashes. They wish she didn’t exist.

    • GoOnGirl says:

      @ Joannie: Those same people smiling in Pitt’s face can’t wait to stab him in the back. Angie isn’t well liked in Hollywod and the people who do like her is because of Pitt? And, again, SMDH!

  27. Sarah says:

    Funny how there’s no comments about the evident work she’s had done on her face. It’s obviously more puffy, albeit it’s well done. You never cease to mention Nicole Kidman’s botox but it is conveniently omitted when discussing Saint Jolie.

  28. Lola says:

    Listening to her the last 2 min of the interview was hard. I feel for her, the fact that people have to discuss whether what she had to do was probably not good for her brand, image or career saddens me. Not just for her but all women who go through harsh situations and then have to prove their innocence. It actually highlights how America media is extremely sexists & misogynistic.

    She met him when she was 30 yrs old, was already established career wise and in her humanitarian actions. So anre we suppose to not remember all of that and just pretend I heard of her name when she got together with Pitt.

    By the way how’s the brangelina fans doing they were very much like twihard fans lol

  29. Samebidness says:

    This is the most engaging and heartfelt interview she’s ever given. You can see the emotion of her truth and conviction to help those less fortunate than herself. She is a shining beacon of light in such a dark world and her artistry shimmers like no other creating ripples that with echo for generations. Her class in answering the personal questions speaks volumes about her as a mother, as a woman and as a human being. She may be transcendently beautiful and talented beyond the measure of mere mortals but her true power comes from how she manages not only her household, sons and daughters but also her own emotions in the face of such personal anguish.

  30. neil says:

    I have watched this video on BBC and many of the comments just had me shaking my head. Fortunately I have long stopped being angered by these sorts of unhinged and ignorant slurs. To be honest I wonder if many of these people have any self-awareness about themselves. They all come off seeming very small minded and shallow. Why would anyone want to advertise that? When I watched this video it just reminded me of why I love this woman so much. There is just so much to love there; so many adjectives to list.

  31. Madeleine says:

    I’m not buying what she’s selling. So many lies and so much botox.

  32. Lilly says:

    Thanks for posting this. I watched it yesterday on the BBC. Excellent. I admire her greatly, for so many reasons. She is incredibly beautiful and she’s never rested on that.

  33. Mirage says:

    As far as I can see, Angelina gave everything to her family, and she made Brad and the kids her absolute priority.
    In the final years of their marriage Brad really started behaving like and idiot, drinking in front of the children, smoking pot I imagine. Being restless without being able to address it as an adult.
    He is one of those guys who will never leave a woman, but rather behave in an unacceptable way for her to pull the plug.

    I never understood the expression: “Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned” before.
    I thought women who tried to pull their children away from their dad in the separation process were really unreasonable.
    But now that I am a mother, and that I’m working hard at keeping my family together. And that I’ve made a lot of sacrifices, in my personal and professional life to achieve this, I understand.

    To give so much and realise that one’s partner has basically given up. That doesn’t understand the importance of working on the relationship to keep the family together, is beyond heartbreaking. As a woman, you just want to break everything apart, to show the man what he has done.
    It’s a way of saying: “you want this to be over? Let me show you what over is”

    Angelina is just human. Maybe it was a mistake to try and keep the kids away from Brad. But that was her being a wife, a mother, that had been wronged and let down by the man she thought would be with her to see the children grow.

  34. Rocio says:

    What’s up with the accent? She sounds like me and I’ve lived for 6 years in the UK.

  35. Cara says:

    They both looked great since separated. Both did themselves a favor in taking care of personal appearance. He dried out and lost the alcohol bloat especially in the face. She gained much needed weight and whatever cosmetic fixings required. Both are better off with going their separate way.

  36. Violet says:

    I think her face looks changed too, but not sure if I like it. very plastic and less gaunt a combination of fillers, Botox and facial peels I reckon but you know that’s what most women in Hollywood do I guess