Source: Robert Pattinson is now ‘obsessed’ with Kristen Stewart

18th Annual MTV Movie Awards - Show
Just to toot my own horn, but I totally called it! I’ve laid out on two separate occasions my theory for the dynamics between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. Just yesterday, talking about the MTV Movie Awards, I was writing about how R-Pattz seems way more into K-Stew than she to him. And way back in April, I wrote this little gem about whether R-Pattz was trying to sleep with both Kristen and Nikki Reed while working on New Moon: “He’s probably trying to get in K-Stew’s pants as well. But is K-Stew putting out? It seems like she’s playing him as much as Pattz is trying to be a player. And I totally believe that Pattz is the kind of guy who would ignore the girl he’s really sleeping with (Nikki) because the girl he wants to sleep with (K-Stew) comes in the room.” R-Pattz later denied the reports that he and K-Stew were hooking up, which I interpreted as “K-Stew hasn’t given it up yet.”

Now, for the confirmation. True, this is a quote by an unnamed source to Gatecrasher, but I love when anyone confirms my theories about Teen Beat-esque hookups. The source told Gatecrasher that “Robert is obsessed with Kristen and has been for a while.” Aha! It’s like my favorite story in the world: hot British guy meets snotty American girl, British guy follows girl around like a lost puppy, boy grovels, girl makes him beg for it, boy gets obsessed, girl eventually has boy right where she wanted him. A love story for the ages:

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart may not have been just acting when they accepted their MTV Movie Award for “Best Kiss” on Sunday night.

Spies caught the “Twilight Saga: New Moon” co-stars getting cozy on an intimate date at hip Los Angeles eatery Cecconi’s following the awards show. The pair – who so far have claimed to be just friends – looked anything but as they held hands throughout the meal.

While Stewart has been dating fellow actor Michael Arangano for the past four years, her real-life boyfriend was nowhere to be seen as she chatted quietly with Pattinson. After the dinner, which ended around 11 p.m., a police escort brought the pair back to their West Hollywood hotel. Stewart, who at 19 is underage, stayed in, but man-of-the-hour Pattinson left his crush and headed to a late-night fete at Guy’s.

Says an insider of the stars’ budding relationship: “Robert is obsessed with Kristen and has been for a while. He likes that she’s a cool, down-to-earth girl. Kristen never saw Rob as anything but a friend, but that seems to be changing.”

One reason for Stewart’s new interest in her co-star? He’s been bulking up his already enviable bod.

“Taylor [Lautner] been training Rob a lot, and that’s why he’s got such ripped abs,” “New Moon” co-star Kellan Lutz told The News’ Nancy Dillon. “Rob’s been working hard. He’s trying to be the best Edward [Pattinson’s character in the films] he can be.”

Stewart and Pattinson also share a love of music. They both play the guitar, with Pattinson even contributing a song to the “Twilight” soundtrack.

Peter Facinelli, who plays Pattinson’s vampire dad in the “Twilight” series, told us: “I love to hear Rob sing. He’s got an insanely good voice. Sometimes we all get together and he gets on the guitar and starts playing and singing. He writes his own material.”
He added, “Kristen has taken up the guitar for the movie she’s doing [on Joan Jett]. Everyone’s been carrying a guitar around.”

What better way for Rob to profess his adoration for Kristen than a love song?

[From Gatecrasher]

I realize that this site doesn’t have the devoted Twi-hard fanbase like some of the other sites, but I have to admit, I’ve really started to love covering this stuff. It really makes me nostalgic for the halcyon days of reading about New Kids on the Block and Kirk Cameron in copies of Teen Beat I bought at the mall. And as I’ve seen more interviews with R-Pattz, I have a little crush on him too. When he’s talking in his little accent, with those lovely shoulders of his stooped a bit, my heart melts. I have a well-documented thing for those tall, lanky guys, especially ones with accents. Even though R-Pattz might be too good for K-Stew, I want him to be happy – so I hope K-Stew gives it up soon. Because that boy wants her really badly.

18th Annual MTV Movie Awards - Press Room
Photos above credit: Getty. Photos below credit: PRPhotos

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47 Responses to “Source: Robert Pattinson is now ‘obsessed’ with Kristen Stewart”

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  1. Annie says:

    I was thinking the same thing, except my obsession was Nsync. :X

    But you know, I gotta say, after seeing the clip of Kristen dropping her popcorn and Rob’s reaction, I actually think there’s some merit to this. I mean, it’s not like things like this don’t happen in Hollywood ALL THE TIME.

  2. ash says:

    eh I still don’t see it.

  3. kiki says:

    she is a slack jaw one note actress

  4. queenie says:

    Kristen a “cool, down-to-earth girl”????? pffffftttt….RIGHT! That little girl has coke-head written all over her future. Besides, if their chemistry is so great, why are her arms crossed in the photo? She really dressed like crap for the awards.

  5. Kaiser says:

    I love the footage & pics from the “Best Kiss” win because then I get to study R-Pattz’s gorgeous jawline. *sigh* I even love his hair now, too.

    F-ck. I’m a Twi-hard now, right?

  6. Bellatrix says:

    Kaiser, you’ve got it bad!

    Aren’t you sneaking out already to catch Pattinson (he’ll always be Cedric Diggory to me though) naked in the Dali flick?


  7. TaylorB says:

    I just watched Twilight, it was a fine movie and a cute teenage love story, but I guess I am to old to ‘get’ the big hoopla over these two. He looks like he could use a bath and she looks either stoned or daft.

  8. Amy says:

    I think she’s both, Taylor. He could definitely do better and I suspect it won’t take long for him to discover that.

  9. Kaiser says:

    Bellatrix- I might have to see the Dali one, if it comes to my little town (we didn’t get Milk or Brokeback Mtn because of the Christians).

    Even if I don’t get to see the Dali movie, I might have to buy a Pattz poster. Something with his profile, so I can kiss his pretty jawline.

    Too much?

    What hath the Twi-hards wrought?

  10. G. says:

    Blah. RPattz is ok, but Kristen bugs the crap outta me. I think she’s a terrible actress.

  11. Bellatrix says:

    Kaiser, come to Europe. Many movies with naked men. No such things as banning movies (I remember being very distrought at the age of fifteen when I couldn’t get in to see Sade -the story of the Marquis de Sade- because I was just a year too young: the young man at the boot didn’t bother to sell me a ticket at all when I kindly asked though). Many yummie men with yummie jawlines. It’s not just Mr Pattinson, dear!

    I was just wondering: have you even read the books or are you simply obsessing over the boy?

  12. Gina says:

    I don’t see all this chemistry, he’s goofy and she’s a twat, for me it’s all bullshits made up to sell magazines…

  13. queenie says:


    definately words of wisdom there….

  14. clare says:

    Nah, I think they’re just good friends.

  15. Sarto says:

    My overanalysis: She’s almost definitely a lesbian but there are certain men that lesbians appreciate. Two examples would be Valentino and RPattz. Pattz looks like the spawn of the Grim Reaper and a siamese cat. His exotic strangeness appeals to KStew, but it’s not enough to overcome her allergy to mens’ body parts. And he may like her in return because she’s a tweaked-out lesbian and thus “unavailable,” the one girl he can’t have, even though I think he’s asexual and self-obsessed anyway… Maybe they both are.

    They are soul mates, not bed mates. Imagine the Satanic version of a monk and a nun who love each other but can’t consummate the affair physically. Just as the monk and nun have a shared bond in the light of Jesus Christ, RPattz and KStew are forever bonded through the evil joke on the world that is TWILIGHT.

  16. yeah says:

    Kaiser, I thought you hated R-Pattz? What finally changed your mind?
    I thought he was dreamy and down to earth/funny since the Harry Potter days…

  17. Kaiser says:

    Bellatrix – Oh, no, my crush is about R-Pattz, not the character. I haven’t read the books, and I didn’t even care for the movie. My love for R-Pattz is all about his English accent, his jawline and his slouch. *swoon*

    Yeah – I never really hated R-Pattz, I just thought he was a bit douchey, like the English version of Zac Efron. But I’ve seen the light!

  18. Pete says:

    I’m all but certain Kristen is gay. And that she’s banging that other chick, Reed.

  19. Kristin says:

    Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed are the actual couple, not Kstew and RobPat.

  20. Annie says:

    ^ Same person much?

  21. Kaiser says:

    LOL Annie, no they’re not the same person, I just checked. I’ve actually heard that lesbian rumor for months now – I think it’s because K-Stew doesn’t jack herself up like Megan Fox. Even though K-Stew seems like a snotty brat, I give her props for wearing comfortable shoes.

  22. mellieg says:

    Just a note about all the comments about kristen being high: While she probably is, she is also trying to immerse herself in her next role as Joan Jett, she was reportedly pretty nervous about getting Joan’s nuances so i think that is all part of the personality we are seeing now. A bit of punk/ rock and roll/ screw the world.

  23. Annie says:

    Haha. Good to know.

    Snotty brat? Probably, but I honestly think she’s just high a lot….

    I’ll take her over Megan “I’m not retarded, but I’m a bisexual Prostitute” Fox anyday.

  24. Wow says:

    (((Kaiser))) for mentioning New Kids on the Block.

    As for the rest, could be. I don’t like the way Kristen comes off, but RPatts probably digs it.

    Good casting for Joan Jett though. Will be interesting.

  25. Dingles says:

    I don’t get the same “snot” vibe from K-Stew that so many seem to get. I’ve seen several interviews with her and she seems as thoughtful and taken-aback with her sudden success as Rob…she just doesn’t have the benefit of a British accent and millions of female fans drooling over her every move. She doesn’t come off as fake…I think what other people perceive as snotty is just her acknowledging how retarded the whole Twilight insanity really is (because let’s admit it, any thinking person who’s read the books knows they are ridiculous). If anything, I respect her more for being herself rather than pretending this series is TEH BEST LUV STORIE EVARRR ZOMG!!11!! It’s not that she isn’t greatful for all the success, she just realizes that it is what it is.

  26. Aspen says:

    Mellieg: Kristin Stewart has looked perpetually high on pot since she began filming Twilight. It ain’t some sort of high-minded (no pun intended) method acting stunt for getting into Joan.

    Second, I firmly believe two things about Kristin and little Robert:

    1.) The day she gives it up is the day he totally loses interest. There is nothing more intriguing to a single man under 25 than a woman whose panties prove difficult to remove.

    2.) Their appearance of closeness is actually the shared experience and pot-induced lack of respect for personal space brought on by years of going out back to fire up a bowl together. The idea that either of these very young people have any serious design on one another is a joke.

    It sure is fun to watch the stories go by, though. I wish they’d grow up and stop with the constant smoking, but y’know, they’re barely out of their teens and I’d rather have them be potheads for a couple years than turn into train wrecks who’ve ruined their careers by 30 on hard drugs, excessive drinking, and all the bad choices that follow the first two.

  27. queenie says:

    HA!!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Stewart as Joan Jett? But she CAN’T act!
    Maybe she just flops around in a stupor the whole film?

    I’ve really wondered how unnerving it must be for her to be around Robert when he is getting ALL the attention ALL the time? There is WAY more media attention on him than on her–he has become a collective obsession. No one is really interested in what she has to say and he seems to answer most of the questions because all she does is stumble all over her words.
    She will no doubt ride the Twilight star and then fade into obscurity. As far as her being in films independent of him, my money says they will flop miserably. I don’t get the sense that guys even find her that hot or interesting–and of the women out there, who wants to see her on the big screen??

  28. Bodhi says:

    Haha! Kaiser is a Twihard! Haha!! 😀

    The True Blood real life drama is SOOOO much better! 🙂

  29. Fesa says:

    Ugh, Kaiser.

    This is all a plot by Summit Studios.

    The Twihards need to believe they are together so they will spend as much money as they can on the merchandise. She loves her boyfriend.

  30. McCullen says:

    Please do continue to cover them. I’ve started a list of sites that cover all the Twi-happenings and your on it. I’m also checking my list of sites daily for any Twi-related things and archiving it. (Yes, I’m that devoted) Who knows, it probably can be published as a documentary of Twilight Saga Hype. Probably.

  31. Lee says:

    I think he’s fond of her because she hooks him up with weed

  32. whatevs says:

    I think if it wasn’t shoved down our throats that this guy is SOOO DREAMY, most people wouldn’t think twice. I mean, any actor they got to play the role of the supposedly gorgeous Edward would probably be the next big thing. I don’t think there is anything significant or special about this one.

    Oh and my Teen Beat days were filled with Jonathan Brandis, JTT, and Joey Lawrence. I had no idea that magazine was even still around!

  33. mercy says:

    You all are aware of course that what you wrote reveals way more about you than about a 19 year old girl, who is wise enough not to rush into some mess, which could only hurt her reputation. I find it especially endearing how quick some of you are to make her a drug user. How nice and mature of you. Compared to that it´s really lovely how quick some of you are to make her a lesbian, even though you know nothing but what you have been presented by media.
    I can understand her being weird by reading what people are writing about her not knowing anything at all. If she only knows a fraction of what strangers call her, she has every right to be angry and paranoid.
    And I dare all of you to pretend to be a damsel in distress when being something completely different in real life. And yes, sometimes you have to do some sh-t work to pay your bills.

  34. Wresa says:

    Kristen, you only hit the j once or twice before an event like this. Save the blunt for the afterparty (in the hotel with Robert).

  35. dew says:

    “hot British guy meets snotty American girl, British guy follows girl around like a lost puppy, boy grovels, girl makes him beg for it, boy gets obsessed, girl eventually has boy right where she wanted him.”

    Leave out the countries-of-origin, and that story’s almost the reverse of the Twilight stories LOL

  36. Roma says:

    Kaiser, if it makes you feel any better I have developed a hopeless crush on him too – and it has a lot to do with that slouch! There’s something sexy about a lanky man.

  37. James says:

    HaHAHAHAHAHA I love it how this snobish very beautiful girl won’t give it up. I feel bad for the boyfriend to have someone that looks as stunning as Kristen it must keep him up at night. She could easily run off with anyone she chooses but obviously being 19 she is in limbo about this thing called love. My take dump them and get with me, in my dreams I guess.

  38. kitty says:

    Oh for goodness sake, she gave it up already. He’s been banging her like a screen door in a hurricane for a while now.

    Kristen moved into Rob’s hotel in vancouver about three weeks before shooting ended – a few days after she was photographed on the streets of vancouver holding hands with and playfully jumping on the back of her idiot of a boyfriend Michael Arangano. But Kristen had been involved with Rob even before that, it’s just that in since about the time New Moon filming started in vancouver, they’ve seemed to care less and less about hiding it.

    For example, after the cast party in vancouver on May 8, they left together in a limo at 3:30 am. they allowed themselves to be photographed by the driver and those photos ended up online. THey were obviously taken in front of Rob’s hotel. Kristen, as usual, looked hammered.

    A local autograph hound who posts on Rob’s IMDB board later said that he spoke to the limo driver who confirmed where he dropped them off. Later, he found out that Kristen had moved from her hotel into Rob’s hotel a few days before the cast party.

    The day after the MTV awards Rob and Kristen were photographed leaving their hotel about noon, with Rob headed to the airport and Kristen headed home with her mommy.

    There’s video as well as photos- look on the x17 website. The video shows Kristen’s mom at one point “fixing” Rob’s hair by running her fingers through it. She’s obviously quite close to him (not in THAT way, perverts!LOL). It’s just obvious that Kristen has been quite close to Rob for quite some time, and that’s reflected in her mother’s behaviour with Rob.

    This hook up after the MTV awards was not a first time thing. It’s been going on a while. During the time Kristen was still being seen in public with Michael.

    Rob may be obsessed with her, but he is also banging her on a regular basis. She hasn’t been holding out on him – not for the last 2 and a half months anyway.

  39. kitty says:

    BTW, in the x17 video, Kristen’s mom is the one who looks like Adam Lambert.

  40. vbr482 says:

    I’m a new Rob Pattinson fan – He is dreamy and it has everything to do with the accent/lankiness.
    It certainly wasn’t his acting skills. K. Stewart isn’t much better. I had hoped Twilight was just poor directing/low budget but the preview of New Moon doesn’t look any better. They are just so flat.

    I think they would be cute together but I think it’s a marketing ploy to bring more attention to the cast of Twilight instead of just focusing on R. Pattinson. I mean, other websites are constantly discussing the best friendships of cast members being ruined by this relationship. I think they’ll go public about a month before New Moon is released or at least K. Stewart will be “single”

    Just hope they can both be happy with themselves in the end.

  41. Pyrochyde says:

    Who cares about all this? Wait all the teenies that are obsessed with the book. You can have it.

  42. Pyrochyde says:

    And further more.. even tho im a straight male i would have to say the other guy that played the evil blonde vampire in twilight? Yea him. He is WAYYYYYY better looking then Robert.. i think ppl are on hollywood grade mtv bullshit.

  43. Mel says:

    Kristen is wkd .. And ii dont think there is anything going on between kristen and robert, and if there was it wouldnt be no ones business! Just because their famous dont mean everyone has to know everything about them! .. They are who they are! btw robert i love you! LOL

  44. Wanted_bobbyp says:

    I happen to know that they are secretly dating but that they hadn’t even thought about before the media made such a big deal about it…I mean if you are being persecuted you might as well go ahead and commit the crime right?

  45. Robsessed says:

    Arrrggghhh You are all wrong!!!

    You see Robert is dating me…
    He just doesnt know it yet… 😉
    You see i figure if someone doesnt love you, you stalk them, capture them and make him beg for it lol

    Dreams are free lol.

    Btw K-Stew is freakin awesome.
    Great actress, Beautiful and down to earth Hence her ‘crappy outfit’ at the awards ^_^

    Chuck Taylors rock and so does she ^_^

  46. FF says:

    Aren’t the studio making Twilight pushing this whole rumour thing (like how they downplayed his fling with Nicki Reed by sticking her and Kirsten in the same hotel so that they could insinuate Kirsten and Rob were hanging out).

    It’s cold, hard marketing strategy people.


    Not to mention, doesn’t Rob get obsessed with co-stars and start proposing at the drop of a hottie. Now he’s got the motivating excuse of method acting on his side too.

    Kirsten’s got a bf and he frequently visits her on set.

    Rob should just pop another valium and chill – no one’s really going to be feeling these reports unless he puts a ring on it.

    I’ll give it this though, from their body language it looks like he’ll take any excuse to be all over her. She’s probably getting a little tired of it.

  47. Anne says:

    Its 2010 and they together for sure 🙂
    so cute!!!!!! i realy like kristen shes a cool girl and down to earth PS: i love her style !!!!
    Die passen aber ma wirklich totall gut zusammen