Cara Delevigne can’t take a compliment: ‘I take it as they are 100% lying’

Good Morning Britain

I feel like I haven’t written about Cara Delevingne in months. It’s a good feeling, honestly, because I don’t miss her when she’s not around. I’ll give her some credit: for a high-profile model who is still trying to transition into full-time acting, she’s not in our faces 24/7. Cara can disappear for months, and that’s a good thing. Anyway, Cara is currently promoting the absolutely bonkers-looking new Luc Besson film Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. When I say “bonkers-looking,” I don’t mean bonkers in a good way. This movie is either complete and total trash OR it will become a cult classic for just how bizarre it is. It is based on a graphic novel, but I do have to wonder… why? Why adapt this??

Not to harp on and on about this, but I wonder why people are still trying to make Cara happen as an actress? I’ve accepted that she’s a model and she can churn out some decent editorials. But on-screen, in motion, she’s really “flat.” No charisma, really. Anyway, she’s promoting this thing so we have to pretend to care. She covers the new issue of Glamour, and you can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

Acting is who she is: “I always say, modeling is something I do, whereas acting feels more like what I [am]. I have felt better than I felt in years, and that’s purely from doing what I love. Especially because, while I’ve been doing this film [the upcoming Life in a Year], I’ve been sober. Being completely clean and clearheaded has been so helpful with getting into character.

She can’t take a compliment:
“Isn’t that the weirdest thing when you get pissed off [at a compliment]? Personally I take it as they are 100 percent lying. A man said to me, “Paper Towns is my favorite movie.” I thought, I do love that movie, but I know you’re lying. He was a 35-year-old man! I was confused: Does he just want to see if I believed him or not? I just said, “It’s my favorite movie too.” I think each of us has to look at the root of the issue as to why we cannot feel good about ourselves often enough to celebrate ourselves. It’s larger than what’s happening in the moment of receiving a compliment. Everyone has to figure out why they don’t agree with what’s being said. It’s a self-confidence thing.

Working with Rihanna in the movie:
“I’ve seen her work in the studio, in concert, in meetings. But to see her act was incredible. There was a moment where Luc was trying to make her cry, to be emotional. He was like, “Imagine that you get told that your song hasn’t gone to number one and your performance is really bad.” I knew she wasn’t going to give a sh-t—that’s not the way to get into her emotion. And she literally said, “You’re kidding me? I couldn’t care less.” That was funny. Luc said we were similar in that, once the trust was there, we became clay he could mold.

On her sexual fluidity: “I know 13- and 15-year-old girls who are like, “I don’t know if I like a boy or a girl yet. I haven’t decided.” And it’s like—[imagine] if I was able to comprehend [that at their age]. I am very happy how sexuality has become easier and freer to talk about, especially for kids…. Once I spoke about my sexual fluidity, people were like, “So you’re gay.” And I’m like, “No, I’m not gay.” A lot of the friends I have who are straight have such an old way of thinking. It’s “So you’re just gay, right?” [They] don’t understand it. [If] I’m like, “Oh, I really like this guy,” [they’re like], “But you’re gay.” I’m like, “No, you’re so annoying!”…. Someone is in a relationship with a girl one minute, or a boy is in a relationship with a boy, I don’t want them to be pigeonholed.

Her shaved head: “Totally liberating. But it does feel like people read my mind more. I feel like people see my thoughts.

[From Glamour]

“Luc said we were similar in that, once the trust was there, we became clay he could mold.” Gross. Did anyone else think that was gross? Like, if Cara wants to molded, so be it. But Rihanna? That feels disrespectful, like Rihanna would even need to be molded by a director. Ugh. As for Cara’s sexual fluidity… it is what is and I accept that’s how she self-identifies. I don’t think people necessarily come at her with “oh, why not just call yourself gay?” though. It’s more like… what’s the difference between bisexuality and sexual fluidity? There’s a nuance there and I’m not sure Cara describes it well, but here’s an interesting article about it.

Good Morning Britain

Photos courtesy of Glamour.

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65 Responses to “Cara Delevigne can’t take a compliment: ‘I take it as they are 100% lying’”

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  1. Singtress says:

    “Ooooo, I love your hair.”
    (Yep, lying.)

  2. Nem says:

    I agree with her. She can’t take a compliment as she knows she s a nepotism queen, who will be a complete unknown without her family fabulous network on which her sister and her strive professionally.
    The film looks a big mess, in France Besson is a known plagiarism recidivist.
    He has been accused of being given undue money from state organism, and has blackmailed government for personal advantages for his production society. But i stay amazed by his capacity to work with excellent and superstars actors which is rare here.

    • GiBee says:

      I can never put my finger on what it is that annoys me so much about her desperation for an acting career.
      Some combination of:
      – She’s a good model, she’s a terrible actress. Why do the thing you’re awful at and sneer at the only thing you’re good at? Why be dismissive of the career you were bought?
      – There’s a million pretty girls who “know” they are meant to be actresses. Why does she get pushed on us so hard when she’s not any different than them?
      – Whinging. Whinge whinge whinge. A lot of people have a-hole fathers and drug-addled mothers, however most of them live and die in poverty, not multi-million dollar Belgravia mansions. Oh coming to terms with your sexuality identity was hard, was it Cara? Imagine if you weren’t a bloody rich blonde model.

  3. OriginallyBlue says:

    She should stick to modeling. For the life of me, I can’t understand how she keeps getting movie roles.

    • Nem says:

      She has a big Instagram following which allowed big career in modeling and maybe now in cinema if she succeed. I wish to know how all this following crowd is transferred into theater tickets prospect by producers.
      The only thing to make sense for me was selena gomez advertising magnet.

      • rty says:

        >She has a big Instagram following which allowed big career in modeling

        No, her upper-class connections like her godfather being a Condé Nast executive and her friend’s mother running a modelling agency allowed that.

      • Nem says:

        @RTY, sorry for my bad English i m French. I was saying careers in today modeling in general not hers, which is one of the biggest scam and the patient zero of the current big nepotism trend.
        It seems now all models are required an to be on these social networks and have to milk it so hard… 😂
        Supermodels from precedent era must be amazed by the new requirements. Most wouldn’t made it now.

      • Lady D says:

        You have very good English skills, Nem.

      • Nem says:

        @Lady D
        Thanks a lot, you’re so nice, but i think i need to improve a bit. 😂
        Celebitchy is a good school.

      • GiBee says:

        NEM your English is perfectly good!
        Also it’s both – family name gave her connections, but working social media gave her die hard fans. It’s the Taylor Swift model of “I’m rich and beautiful, but you are me are like, totally besties”. That’s how they get such devoted fans – it’s mostly young women who actually think that Cara/Taylor/whoever is their friend.

  4. sendepause says:

    I just want to scream whenever an article about bisexuality starts with “bi = attraction to BOTH SEXES”. Ugh, NO. While it might be how some individuals would describe their attraction for themselves, but it is not how bi organizations/activists define it because it is:
    (a) cis-sexist
    (b) erases trans and/or intersex bisexuals
    (c) not how all bi people experience their attraction

    • Kali says:

      Cis- sexist? Is that a new word for precious?

    • Anna says:

      I’m confused (and I’ve been part of queer community in one form or another for decades)…so…if the term “bi-” no longer refers to desire for male and female, then why use “bi-” at all? If I am attracked to a range of genders, wouldn’t that be “queer” or other more general term (I can’t think of another)? I identify now as queer specifically because of that fluidity. Anyway, I appreciate this info, just a bit confused…

    • Hikaru says:

      Um, intersex people are either male intersex or female intersex so… how does that erase them? We as a species only have two sexes.
      Sexual orientation has nothing to do with gender norms and everything to do with sex so calling it cissexist makes even less sense. If you aren’t attracted to both male and female sex you aren’t bisexual, if you are – you are, it’s really not complicated. Fluid is just another word for bisexual because straight people and us gay people aren’t sexually attracted to multiple sexes.

    • Marie says:

      go away snowflake

    • rty says:

      Virtue signaling at its finest… you might have spent too much time on tumblr. Sincerely, a bisexual person.

    • LAK says:

      I literally don’t understand anything in this post.

      I assume it’s English. Which dictionary do i use to translate this?

      • Sojaschnitzel says:

        LOL 😀
        I’m with you on this one. That comment really didn’t make any sense.

  5. slowsnow says:

    2 pet peeves:
    – anything Besson-related
    – stories with “chosen” heroes as in “you were chosen to save the galaxy”. Why? Particulalry when the “hoeroes” do not seem to fit the part. Don’t see any interesting existential need for that (that’s why I never got into Harry Potter). The chosen one thing always annoyed me.

    • justcrimmles says:

      Neville was the hero. Harry really was just the boy who lived…*hopes it’s Harry Potter weekend somewhere* I kept seeing a page ad for this movie, and get the impression Rihanna is basically playing herself. Like she’s so herself, if that makes sense. She does look good in space clothes, tho. Cara is a yawn.

      • slowsnow says:

        @justcrimmles, assuming you were replying to me, when I say I did not get into Harry Potter at all… I really didn’t. And therefore do not know who Neville is.
        But I’ll take your word for it 😉

      • burnsie says:

        How is Neville the hero?

      • Marr says:

        Umm no. While Neville was no doubt heroic in the end, he wasn’t THE hero. He’s one of my favorite characters in the series but let’s be real now lol.

      • Lady D says:

        He was a hero in the Philosophers Stone when he tried to prevent Harry, Hermione and Ron from sneaking out of the castle. (petrificus totalus) He was awarded points for his bravery by Dumbledore.

      • justcrimmles says:

        @various, Neville is the hero in that he’s the one who actually defeated Voldemort. Harry is the protagonist, which isn’t the same as hero. Not to poo on his accomplishments, but the big one, no. Wasn’t him.

        And how my life has come to this, debating the true hero of some children’s novels. Happy fourth, everyone 🌠😝

      • AsIf says:

        uhm how did Neville actually defeats Voldemort? sorry, but have you read the books? Neville kills Nagini- one horcrux.
        if we’re going by who destroyed horcruxes then I guess Ron, Dumbledore, Hermione, Crabbe and Harry(!) are all heroes?
        plus, technically, yes, the big accomplishment was Harry’s: he was the true owner of the Elder wand and when Voldemort cast the killing curse on Harry, it bounced back on him and tadaa Voldemort dead

        (yes, I’m obsessed)

    • Adrien says:

      slowsnow, I reckon you will not like “Kung POw, Enter the Fist”. It is on Netflix, go watch it. Also, Dane Dehaan will always be my chosen one.

      • slowsnow says:

        @Adrien Haha! Looked it up on google and I’m cracking up. Will definitely have a look.

      • I Choose Me says:

        Yes! Someone else who stans for Dane Dehaan. I will watch this just because he’s in it. And also because Rihanna is in it and she mesmerizes me whenever she’s on my screen.

    • justcrimmles says:

      I was 😊 no worries. I didn’t get Harry Potter at all way back when, but I really like the movies and started book one about two years ago (then got distracted by other things.) I take most of these chosen hero type stories as Jesus-based allegorical fanfic.

      But I get not everyone likes everything. My mother in law has repeatedly stated her distaste, to put it mildly, for fairy tales. And she doesn’t understand “grown women” who like things like HP and fantasy novels and the like. But she reads books about a mystery solving cat, so *shrug* it takes all kinds, eh? 🤔😉

      • slowsnow says:

        @justcrimmles Lol with the mystery solving cat situation!!
        I have absolutely no problem with adults reading YA or children fiction. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is one of my favorite books.
        Good on you for discovering Harry Potter. I guess that, apart from the Chosen One issue, I prefer stories that are more minimal. I was never into very long, intricate science-fiction books or films. I loose interest.
        Interesting what you say about the Jesus allegory, the saviour. Could also be the idea of falling into one’s own destiny I gess.

    • Bridget says:

      Everyone has their own taste, of course. But part of what I liked about Harry Potter was the idea that he was only the “chosen one” because the villain himself accidentally chose him, and that he had to learn to live up to it. It’s a great parable on growing up, but it is indeed VERY complicated. And JK Rowling sure writes with a lot of heart.

  6. Ghost says:

    Why is it disrespectful for Rihanna to be molded? And not when he was talking about Cara? They’re both new something-turned-actress, its logical that they need a lot of guidance from a director.
    And they’re both similar – both have a lot of charisma when singing/modelling, but both are bad actresses.

    • slowsnow says:

      Yeah, I didn’t get it either. I know Rihanna is Queen and I am the first to say she is the sexiest woman on earth etc. but here she was working as an actress, i.e. being moulded by the director into a character.
      For once that Cara sounded professional, let’s not bring the celeb-worshiping claws out! 😉

    • Pandy says:

      Right? I haven’t see Rihanna “act” but I’m not expecting much. She’s a singer. Cara is a model. Not that you can’t branch out but there’s less Charlize Therons and more Justin Timberlakes out there lollll. I do like her hair though. I’m not touching the gender fluidity. I can’t keep up with the terms. As Stephen Stills sang, “Love the One You’re With”.

  7. SM says:

    From how she described it, it seems likie she describes bisexuality and I am not sure what sexual fluidity has to do with it?

  8. Kiki says:

    This would be ruin Luc Besson’s career. This movie is a complete and utter clunker mess. Also, Cara I am about to tell you and Rihanna with some very good compliments ” DON’T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB” because neither the two of them cannot act.

    • LAK says:

      Luc Besson’s movies are always clunking messes. He coasts off the success of movies he made over 15yrs ago.

      Thst said, THE FAMILY is an underrated gem.

  9. QueenB says:

    I kinda feel for her. Not that she didnt have an easy life but she is definitely an emotional mess and being in the public eye like that cant be good for her. Acting never gives anyone a feeling of confidence because you cant measure acting. You cant really get a degree that gives you a qualification to play all parts. So she really shouldnt focus any of her barely there self esteem on that.

    As a model she is alright I guess. She cant walk but she takes the best pictures in my opinion, she certainyl is very photogenic with a more unique look, and that as a thin white blonde blue eyed woman!

    • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

      I don’t feel sorry for her (she is one of the lottery winners in life to have been born to a family with means and she gets paid thousands of dollars to simply take pictures and wear expensive clothes, no fast food jobs, no living on ramen to get through college, etc.) but I can *empathize* with her. Especially her feelings of inadequacy, and not being able to take compliments. I appreciate her honesty about being a past addict while other models and actors lie about it. I usually find her so annoying but have to say this was the most down to earth interview I have read from her.

      • Nem says:

        She was not always so frank and honest about her addiction, and i will always be amazed by the way her fallen white powder bag on the floor didn’t destroy her model career, when kate moss was crucified and let down by Lagerfeld among others.
        It Must be the marvels of high aristocracy and upper class support.
        So i will keep my pity for people with the same problems but less entitlement.
        Plum sykes has written a really interesting paper on her work discipline by default as our beauty was sleeping on their interview time.
        They are more deserving actresses and even models turned actress who took their work seriously and have put their money on acting classes so they won’t have these impostor syndrome. Why can’t she follow the steps of caitriona balfe or Charlize theron?

  10. LAK says:

    Rihanna is a terrible actress no matter how good a singer or fashionista she is.

    Grrl should stay away from acting.

    • Magnoliarose says:

      Agreed. I know stars like to become double or triple threats but so few are. Acting is not as easy as people think it is. She just needs to give it up.

      • Nem says:

        I think the problem is the directors who profit from their power over casting, to meet Rihanna.
        They are intelligent enough not give her protagonist roles or calling her for serious movies , so the film doesn’t depend on her acting, and they can satisfy their Trinidadian thirst by saying she attracts young audience.

    • Jeesie says:

      I liked her well enough in Bates Motel, and she was great as a voice actor for Home. Battleship was god-awful in every way so I won’t count that against her.

  11. Spunk says:

    This is as annoying as attractive people calling themselves “ugly”, thin people calling themselves fat,rich people wishing they had a normal life…etc

    I still cannot believe she has been handed two careers so far. I mean she is an actress now. I wonder which career she’ll one day wake up throwing tantrums for and eventually get…singing? Cara de musicioun…

    • Nem says:

      She knows to play battery… The only thing i know her to have learned and not be given

  12. Irulan says:

    “Acting is who she is: “I always say, modeling is something I do, whereas acting feels more like what I [am].”… 1. Don’t quit your day job, 2. you need more lessons as you were one of the main reasons I hated Suicide Squad.

    Her Enchantress was horrible and this movie looks like it will be a wreck and not because only she is in it… Rhianna as well is not a very good actress either it was painful to watch her in Battleship. Her fashion, style, attitude is spot on but much like Madonna she is a better artist in musical platform than acting.

  13. Naddie says:

    Next time she’ll tell us how shy, ugly and clumsy she is. Plus, I don’t see all this badass thing eveyone sees on Rihanna.

  14. perplexed says:

    I think I can relate to the feeling of being unable to take a compliment.

    On Facebook, compliments seem to flow way more than they do in real life, so when someone throws a nice comment my way I’m like “really? or are you performing for the public?”

    • Alix says:

      A compliment is nothing more than a verbal gift. To graciously receive it, as one would any other gift, one simply says ‘thanks’. Unfortunately, most people think that ‘thanks’ means, “I agree with you, I AM great”. Nope; just means “thanks for your kindness”.

      • perplexed says:

        That makes sense.

      • Lana 234 says:

        I agree with you. I was listening to a podcast called hey it’s ok it’s done by someone who works at glamour uk. She was saying how it’s considered arrogant to say thank you if someone pays you a compliment.

  15. Magnoliarose says:

    Out of all of the Nepotism models, she is the only one who seemed legit. She is no different than Honor Fraser, Stella Tennant or Jodie and Jemma Kidd from the 90s. Loulou de la Falaise from the 70s was Yves Saint Laurent’s muse, her niece Lucie and her brother Daniel were models in the 90s and many, many others. Aristocratic models have always been around because designers and editors love them.
    She doesn’t bug me except when she tries to be an actress.
    Anytime I see Luc Besson’s name on a film I already know it is going to be a waste of money. How he gets someone to give him money for his terrible films is beyond me.

    • Kiki says:

      I do agree with you on that. I don’t have issues with Cara Delevigne as a model. As a matter of fact, I think she’s a superb model and better than Kendall Jenner. However as an actress, she is downright terrible.

  16. Silent Star says:

    Well, maybe in the minority here but I think that movie looks awesome! I am a sucker for sci-fi, the weirder and campier the better, as long as there are not a lot of gaping plot holes.

    And I think Cara is a good fit for this genre, as she’s appropriately weird herself (in a good way). She’s not a great actress, but she’s not terrible. So what if she’s not aiming for awards — not all movies or parts need to aim for that. I admire her pursuit of happiness contribution to entertainment and that’s enough for me.

  17. poorlittlerichgirl says:

    She’s starting to get on my nerves.

  18. applepie says:

    Cara is one of life’s ‘haves’. If you are talking money and fame. I however, have different values in my life. Both of these (money and fame) are not on my agenda. Do I consider her successful? Yes in her field of work. Am I successful? Yes, I have all I need. I like her. She’s quirky and seems fun. I understand the gender fluidity thing. There are so many different labels now, perhaps gender fluid is hers…

  19. Clairej says:

    Love her as a model. But swing her in motion is awkward. Please stick with modelling Cara!

  20. Turtle says:

    As a couple of others have mentioned upthread, Kaiser misread the “molded” comment. She wasn’t talking about being molded as a person in real life, but as an actor playing a character who serves a specific purpose in the script and needs to be molded, so to speak, to be able to deliver what the role requires.

    People who succeed to to nepotism can be irksome, but it’s what you do with your advantages that counts. There are lots of connected people who fall flat on their face. Ultimately, it’s up to you.

    Besson’s films are an acquired taste, for sure. “Valerian” looks bonkers, but I love that kind of nutball stuff.

  21. Goobie says:

    We get it.
    You are unapproachable, unlikable and ultimately not worth the time.