The Fall ’17 Dior show at Paris Fashion Week: who was the worst dressed?

Paris Fashion Week Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2017-2018 - Christian Dior - Arrivals

The last time I covered the photos from a Dior show at Paris Fashion Week, it was last fall and the Dior clothes were, in a word, hideous. Jennifer Lawrence is always the big “get” for Dior shows, and for the past few runway shows, she looks like she’s in the midst of a hostage video. Like, last fall, she looked like she was counting down the hours until her Dior contract was up. So, J-Law made an appearance at Monday’s Dior Fall/Winter 2017-18 runway show during PFW. She didn’t look quite as bored this time, but maybe that’s because no one made her wear saggy jeans and a sheer tank top like last time. This time she got a somewhat cute ensemble, even if I suspect that she secretly hates everything she’s wearing. Those shoes! Is Dior in the business of, like, high-fashion Chuck Taylors now????

Paris Fashion Week - Christian Dior - Arrivals

Here’s Kirsten Dunst. Way too cutesy.

Paris Fashion Week - Christian Dior - Arrivals

Natalie Portman never forgets her most important must-have accessory: a bitchface that could turn anyone and anything to ice.

Paris Fashion Week - Christian Dior - Arrivals

It wouldn’t be a fashion show without Johannes Huebl and Olivia Palermo. Does he ever get bored with attending all of these fashion shows with Olivia?

Paris Fashion Week - Christian Dior - Arrivals

Oooh, Karlie Kloss, this white-blonde shade is NOT YOUR COLOR. Yikes. Those are not your grandma-orthopedic shoes either, Karlie.

Paris Fashion Week Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2017-2018 - Christian Dior - Arrivals

Paris Fashion Week Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2017-2018 - Christian Dior - Arrivals

Sparkles!! I love that he still has a Dior contract. He’s so pouty and J’adore.

Paris Fashion Week Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2017-2018 - Christian Dior - Arrivals

Ladies and gentlemen, Elizabeth Olsen is the winner! By that I mean that Olsen got the worst Dior ensemble (minus the awesome shades). Who did she piss off?

Paris Fashion Week Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2017-2018 - Christian Dior - Arrivals

Paris Fashion Week Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2017-2018 - Christian Dior - Arrivals

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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100 Responses to “The Fall ’17 Dior show at Paris Fashion Week: who was the worst dressed?”

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  1. Don't kill me I am French says:

    Kiki Dunst must be the one celebrity that Dior stylist doesn’t hate here

    • Char says:

      I agree. And those Dior clothes are taking a turn to the worst.

      • Nicole says:

        Dior has been hideous for a minute now. JLaw always looks awful when she wears Dior. Which is why I was surprised when she resigned. They make her look terrible.

    • Esmom says:

      Ha. Rob looks good, too.

    • WeAreAllMadeofStars says:

      The bohemian Anthropologie lover in me actually likes the cutouts on her dress.

    • teacakes says:

      Yeah, Kiki has got better clothes out of Dior in the last year than any of the current Dior ‘faces’ have got in the entire duration of their contracts. That Oscars dress of hers was great.

      She and Sparkles are the only people who don’t look awful here – sure the dress is twee but it suits her.

  2. Surely Wolfbeak says:

    Summertime in Paris and they put her in a wine cardigan. Do they want her to break the contact and quit? Is it like when a magazine puts Melissa McCarthy on its cover wrapped in a duvet, so no one is offended by the sight of someone who’s had a sandwich in the last year?

  3. Singtress says:

    Portman looks like her boobs shrank after the dress was measured. …and like she put it on in LA two days earlier.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, that neckline is atrocious. It must be insanely uncomfortable too, trying to keep the whole thing from falling down. Yuck.

    • FLORC says:

      It looks like her cleavage wad all heaved up to the top with no filler in the bottom or sides.
      Ugh that dress is the worst here… And the styling… wrong decade. Wrong person for it.
      I don’t care for Portman as an actress or… person. But, she is gorgeous when not styled terribly. This is all bad. And wrinkles! someone Get her a steamer!

    • Anname says:

      She had a baby very recently, didn’t she?

    • WeAreAllMadeofStars says:

      Does anyone else get junior Anna Wintour vibes off of Portman these days?

    • GiBee says:

      Yes! Why on earth is her dress so wrinkled?!

    • Alix says:

      The whole dress is so badly fitted!

  4. OriginallyBlue says:

    Yikes! That is a lot of fug. I do like Olivia’s outfit and Karlie’s dress, but the rest is no thank you.

    • minx says:

      Love Olivia’s outfit. Love the black/cream palette in these pics.

    • Elisa the I. says:

      Yep, her outfit is the only stylish one + her arm candy Johannes Hübl isn’t bad either.

  5. I Don't Know Her says:

    JLaw’s outfit is cute….till you get to the sneaker/shoe/boot…..thing.

    Also, side note: something looks different about her face. Maybe it’s the sunglasses or maybe that’s what she wants us to think.

    Either way. Meh to all.

    Happy 4th!🇺🇸

    • WeAreAllMadeofStars says:

      I liked it at first, but the more I looked at it the more I felt that it was a very staged try at looking like it was just thrown on in an oh-so carefree way. So meh in that case.

    • detritus says:

      Its cute except the shoe/boots.
      I like a high top, but this is not okay.

      Also , I couldn’t figure out who that was until I read Jlaw.

    • I so agree about her face looking weirdly “off”here,maybe it is the glasses hat combo.Also does anyone else think perhaps Jennifer and Elizabeth should have switched outfits?

    • Marianne says:

      Its an outfit I would expect at coachella, but not here.

  6. Don't kill me I am French says:

    Jennifer Lawrence already renewed her Dior contract once so I don’t buy that JLaw counts the time until the end of her contract

    • Ghost says:

      She got 40 million dollars the first time. I’d wear a cardboard box around for that kind of money, and grin from ear to ear. She could show a bit more enthusiasm. I know the stone cold face is a must with these fashion types, but it does not suit her. And the dark glasses don’t help either.

      • WeAreAllMadeofStars says:

        REALLY? OH MAN. Yeah I would wear a sh*^ hat around for that kind of money. And make it look good.

      • Nem says:

        Forty millions for such an underwhelming spoke person?
        And they fire the lovely Marion Cotillard…
        They are so messy… 😂

      • GiBee says:

        I love Dior but it’s a total clusterf*** right now. Ditching Marion, who’s pretty much the epitome of French style, and re-upping with Jennifer, who for some reason feels the need to play up a trailer trash redneck in interviews, spewing nonsense about not even knowing what haute couture is? Insane. I’m glad someone shoves her in ugly shizz whenever possible.

        Any chance Olsen is pregnant? Or did I miss that announcement?

      • Anname says:

        GiBee -I thought the same thing when I saw her pic, it’s a great pregnancy look.

      • Erica_V says:

        Wow I didn’t know they paid her that much – yeah I’d wear whatever hideous thing they threw at me too!

  7. rachel says:

    Oh no. I disagree. Jennifer is the winner, it’s hideous. Natalie Portman and Pattinson are the best dressed.

    • zinjojo says:

      I agree, that’s a horrible outfit. She looks like she’s doing a remake of The Outlaw Josey Wales with really stupid shoes.

    • Chinoiserie says:

      Portman’s dress doesn’t fit at all so how she can be the best dressed.

  8. Beth says:

    Ugh. Those are some really ugly clothes.

  9. Nem says:

    Palermo was the only one given decent clothes, and the the younger olsen shoes are perfect.
    Valentino continues to laugh, having kept the only good designer from its former duo. 😂
    I know money executives are taking over fashion in some of the biggest fashion houses but i m not sure they’re completely responsible for the dreadful results.
    Dior era is finished

  10. prissa says:

    I like Elizabeth Olsen outfit. And the skirt Olivia Palermo has on is nice too.

    • jwoolman says:

      I like Olsen’s outfit also except for the high heels. But I never like high heels, they look so uncomfortable and useless for actual walking. Modern footbinding, basically. But the rest looks comfortable.

      I doubt that I would like the price…. But bear in mind that I am dressed by eBay.

  11. Dragonlady Sakura says:

    The alcohol must have been flowing that day because everyone looks like they dressed drunk!

  12. Steph says:

    Everything is so ugly. And Jennifer’s cardigan looks kinda cheap

    • LadyT says:

      That acrylic looking black and white fringed cardigan has been around since 1985 at Kmart and every other cheapo store.

      • AnnaKist says:

        I don’t know where you’re from, but you’re right, Lady T. Not only did I recently donate my almost-dentical one (not from KMart, though), but I saw one just like it today while browsing an Aussie website. Nothing’s new or original anymore. Even when these haute designers think they’re being original, their creations are simply variations or modifcations of what is, or has been, around. Like those ridiculous shoes/boots/sneakers (Shoots? Snoots? Shneakers?) in the first pic.

      • cr says:

        Pretty sure I had one in college, in the late 80’s. Also had in in red and white.

  13. edith says:

    natalies dress is awful and doesnt fit and kirstens is just awful. the rest is okay, not great but I see all the current trends so they make kinda sense. I think elizabeths outfit is interesting. its just badly styled. the top alone is quite beautiful imo

  14. SKF says:

    Bella a Hadid looked gorgeous but the kid can pull off some whacky sh*t too. What did J-Law do to deserve this??

  15. AnnaKist says:

    I like JL’s sunglasses and hat, and that’s it. Everything else is hideous. They can stick a Dior label on, but it all still looks bloody fugg. I wish the ugly aviator sunglasses would disappear, too.

    Happy 4th of July to all the American posters! I’m celebrating with you today – my darling daughter is three years cancer-free today! 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🍸🎉

  16. Ghost says:

    I love Karlie’s shoes. Out of all the looks, I would wear those shoes and Rob’s entire outfit.

    • Alix says:

      Can’t deal with the entire outfit, from head to toe. And the hair color is truly awful on her.

  17. jackie says:

    The most beautiful outfits were olivia palermo and Gemma Arterton

  18. slowsnow says:

    Did Dior convert into a Mariachi souvenir shop?

  19. SM says:

    Everyone looks eqauly awful in my opinion. So no one shoild be offended that they got the worst outfit. And when I saw Natalie Portman my mind went to an image of Hulk trying to break out of his clothes he got a decade ago in a department store

  20. HK9 says:

    Natalie’s outfit looks like a design student’s project gone wrong.

  21. nemera34 says:

    I just stroll through the pictures without reading first. I had no idea that was Jlaw. But no one here looks great to me. Not one person.. I could pick out pieces that I like; but the overall look on each of them is a NO for me.

  22. Tig says:

    Olivia looks good- really want to check out shoes later! Rob P’s outfit is a huge step up from what they put him in earlier this summer.
    I like parts of JLaw’s and Elizabeth O’s outfits. Agree that Natalie’s dress is very ill-fitted.

  23. WhichWitch says:

    Worse and worser.

  24. WeAreAllMadeofStars says:

    Karlie, next time use Quick Blue bleach and leave the 40 developer and toner on for longer, okay?

  25. Marta says:

    Natalie’s outfit looks so cheap, the worst one for me

  26. CynicalAnn says:

    I thought JLaw was Amber Heard in the header picture. I love Kiki Dunst-her dress and Olivia who-ever (seriously, is she an actress?) look the best.

  27. Summer says:

    Jennifer Lawrence always looks pissed off. She must be a joy to be around.

  28. seesittellsit says:

    Worst dressed? Talk about spoiled for choice!

  29. Fiorucci says:

    Natalie’s face / hair looks like Caitlin Jenner there. Something twerked near her top lip?And I just realized who Karlie looks like, k d Lang. (Canadian singer popular in the 80s/90s)
    EO and JL have nice makeup and hair at least . Maybe a different shoe on EO would help

  30. Lucy says:

    Rob looks lovely. His suit is odd, but I like it on him.

  31. Nikki says:

    I actually LOVE Olivia Palermo’s skirt and shoes: cute, cute! But the other women’s ensembles are atrocious. The sneaker shoe is not only ugly, it’s been done ages ago. Shapeless sweaters, horizontal stripes galore: UGH.

    • Ankhel says:

      Olivia Palermo has a knack for combining and wearing “difficult” high-fashion garments, which would look awkward on most people.

      She’s basically wearing lampshades all the way down. And she looks stylish – not fair.

  32. Redgrl says:

    Natalie Portman belongs in an Ice Capades (or Stars on Ice) number about goth brides. Hideous.

  33. Monsi says:

    Tbh I quite like Jennifer outfit except for those ermmm boots(?)

    • Ankhel says:

      Wrestling boots?

      I’m now mentally writing fanfic, involving her falling in love with some hot, suitably young wrestler – and his wardrobe.

  34. Jessy says:

    JLaw must’ve been sweating under that cardigan – super hot in Paris, who thought it was a good idea to put a winter piece on her? Natalie’s dress looks ill-fitted… Kiki and Sparkles are the better dressed here. Poor Marion, how did they even come to firing the only truly French ambassador? And what about Charlize? There was a post on Jaime King’s instagram that looked like she was filming J’adore ad and it got me worried then… now Charlize is nowhere to be seen and I’m kinda worried again…

    • Nem says:

      Putting Charlize Theron out of the picture would be the last nail on the coffin…
      I believed the former dior designer would take in leelee Sobieski as an official muse, as she was one of the rare person to fit his aesthetic and half French , but he didn’t.
      There is that Melanie i forgot her name who had a perfume only contract but could have made it, even if she’s a laughingstock in France (the inglorious basterds protagonist)
      The last good pick was Rihanna and she was not there.

  35. Connell says:

    For my taste, Karlie Kloss. I hate the color of her dress and white hair. Very unflattering. I bet Natalie Portman thinks she looks great. Her legs look great. I think she’s padded and pushed up in the boob part. She wanted the cleavage. She’s still standing like she’s pregnant. Olivia looks lovely. Have you noticed how Kirsten Dunst almost needs a face lift? Her neck is starting to wrinkles. She’s way too young for it. I thought her dress was awful, but typical of Dior. Jennifer Lawrence hates high heels, and wore flat boots instead. She might be wearing a weird ensemble, but at least she’s comfortable. I think the unhappy face is an act.

    • Deidra says:

      Kiki has that unfortunate face structure when skin starts drooping early. Maybe her former unhealthy lifestyle has something to do with it as well, but she’s been looking older than she is for years.

  36. sparowiza says:

    no wonder Marion Cotillard decided to left Dior

    • Cami says:

      Marion was let go. I think it had to do with her stating not a feminist. This new designer collection and her personal views are all about being a feminist.

  37. Freddy Spaghetti says:

    I love how Jennifer Lawrence manages to look both bored and annoyed at these things.

    I think Dunst is the only one who looks good, besides Sparkles, who is, weirdly, perfect for Dior. Who would have guessed?

    • Anname says:

      Rob has a great high fashion build – tall, long legs, lean, but with decent size shoulders. He can wear couture well. I loved Gucci suits on him, but I am very glad he isn’t with Gucci now.

  38. themummy says:

    Portman’s dress doesn’t even fit her at all. It’s not ill-fitting…it’s just straight up the wrong size all over.

    I’d be so embarrassed to wear that outfit Elizabeth Olsen is wearing.

  39. MellyMel says:

    I actually really like Elizabeth’s outfit, though I suspect I might not like the material as much up close. Her shoes though are the perfect basic black pump! The Dior accessories seem to be better than the clothes honestly. Olivia looks great, but she normally does imo. And I like parts of Jennifer’s outfit. Like the slip/dress is cute and I covet a cardigan, but just not the two together. And Kiki’s dress looks more like Dolce & Gabbana than Dior.

    • minx says:

      Yes, I like EO’s outfit on her, with those shoes. I actually think she’s carrying it off. I do also like Lawrence’s dress but the sweater and footwear are hideous, and she has such a sour puss on her all the time.

  40. JuliaGoolia says:

    I’ve seen better outfits from H&M!

  41. applepie says:

    Natalie Portman = Hot Mess. Yummy, in a bad way

  42. Magnoliarose says:

    Jennifer Lawrence looks like a refugee from a 90s coming of age teen drama. The wardrobes were always what adults thought teens wore and always overdid it.
    There are no words for Olsen’s tragedy. Her styling is bad too.
    Natalie looks bizarre

    Olivia is ok. Kiki D is whatever. Karlie’s hair is busted. Rob sure I guess.

    These clothes are unimaginative and amateur. Dior sinks further by the year.

  43. Bug says:

    Natalie Portman looks like a 50-year-old who is trying to look young. Really bizarre. The fit is terrible and she looks like a joke.

  44. Goobie says:

    That’s all