Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal both in Martha’s Vineyard, not together(?)

There was a story that Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal were on holiday together in Martha’s Vineyard, and Helen wrote yesterday that the first clear pictures of them together are bound to be worth a lot to paparazzi.

Well paparazzi do have photos of Reese and Jake both in Martha’s Vineyard, but there are no pictures of the two together or even leaving the same place separately. INFDaily has pictures of Reese out with her children at an agricultural fair while there’s another picture of Jake Gyllenhaal out alone in his car buying snacks and bottled water.

So Gyllenhaal didn’t go with Witherspoon on an outing with her kids, and INF says that they were “both in Martha’s Vineyard with their families at the same time but were never photographed together.”

Also in Martha’s Vineyard at this time is Meg Ryan. It could just be a popular vacation spot and an overblown coincidence.

Helen reported yesterday that the director of Reese and Jake’s film together, Rendition, says they were only on set together once and that “to this day, I genuinely don’t know if they had a relationship.”

Note that he phrased it in the past tense. There is a blurry far-away picture of them in a car together that came out a few weeks ago. That will feed gossip stories about these two for weeks.

Thanks to INFDaily for the header image. That’s not Reese’s son Deacon, as he turns four in October and that boy is much older. Her daughter, Ava Elizabeth, will be 8 next month.

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