I’m not prone to violence whatsoever, but if my significant other wore that hat, I would truly feel the urge to violently barf him, regardless of whether or not I was married to him. The above photo is of Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci and his wife Deidre Ball, also known as Mooch & Ball. Mooch & Ball have been married for three years and they have two children together. Mooch & Ball are no longer happening. Deidre filed for divorce, according to Page Six. She filed this past week, apparently, because she loathes Donald Trump and hates that her husband has become an unhinged Deplorable. I would imagine the New Yorker interview didn’t help things whatsoever too.
Anthony Scaramucci, the White House’s potty-mouthed new communications director, has been dumped by his beautiful blond wife because of his “naked political ambition,” multiple sources exclusively tell Page Six. Deidre Ball, who worked as a vice president in investor relations for SkyBridge Capital, the firm he founded in 2005 and sold to ascend to the White House, has filed for divorce from “The Mooch” after three years of marriage after getting fed up with his ruthless quest to get close to President Trump, whom she despises.
One source told Page Six, “Deidre has left him and has filed for divorce. She liked the nice Wall Street life and their home on Long Island, not the insane world of D.C. She is tired of his naked ambition, which is so enormous that it left her at her wits’ end. She has left him even though they have two children together.”
Scaramucci and Ball, 38, began dating in 2011 and are believed to have married in 2014. The source said that the Wall Street financier, 52, had been “hell-bent” on claiming his position at the White House after he was originally pegged for a senior role and sold SkyBridge Capital in preparation in January. He was blocked by Reince Priebus, Trump’s chief of staff. But, after an aggressive campaign, Scaramucci was made communications director on July 21 by Trump, prompting Sean Spicer to quit. A second source close to Scaramucci — who has alternately not been wearing his wedding ring, or has been sporting it on his right hand — said the former couple had fought over his loyalty to Trump. This was his second marriage and Ball was noticeably not present at his recent SALT conference in mid-May.
The source said, “Deidre is not a fan of Trump, and she hasn’t exactly been on board and supportive of Anthony and his push to get back into the White House. Anthony is focusing on his children, his work for the president and the American people. There is nothing more important to him. I don’t know who Deidre thought she was marrying but anyone who knows Anthony knows he’s an ambitious man.”
This is bad, right? But wait… it gets much worse. As it turns out, she was nine months pregnant when she filed for divorce and the Mooch didn’t even bother coming to see his newborn son:
Anthony Scaramucci’s wife demanded a divorce three weeks ago, while she was nine months pregnant, sources told The Post. Deidre Scaramucci, 38, fed up with her three-year marriage to the new White House communication director, filed divorce papers on July 6 in Nassau County Supreme Court. On Monday, while Anthony was in West Virginia with President Trump for the Boy Scouts Jamboree, Deidre gave birth to the couple’s baby boy James. As of Friday evening, a full four days after delivery, her 53-year-old husband had yet to meet his newborn son, though an associate close to Anthony said he visited the child late that night.
“When James was born, he sent her a text saying, ‘Congratulations, I’ll pray for our child,’” said a source close to the situation.
Anthony’s associate said, “There was discussion between him, her and the divorce attorneys about Anthony going to the hospital and unfortunately … the delivery was sudden.”
Deidre’s anger with her husband was a factor. “There’s been … a lot of lies,” said the source. Asked if any other person was involved in the split, those close to Scaramucci said no. Arthur Schwartz, his rep, told The Post that “There’s absolutely zero truth in that.” The associate added, “The only one he’s dating right now is the West Wing of the White House.”
While Anthony was having dinner with President Trump and others in Washington Wednesday night, Deidre was home in Long Island recovering from labor. The source said that Deidre gave birth at Lenox Hill hospital on the Upper East Side. Deidre’s attorney, Jill Stone, told The Post that her client “is not making this into a circus. She has children to protect and that’s what she’s concerned about.”
Deidre’s infant son, who was born two weeks before his Aug. 8 due date at 5 pounds, 13 ounces, was admitted on Thursday to the neonatal intensive care unit at North Shore Hospital.
“She’s mad. They aren’t really speaking right now,” the source said of Diedre.“The [pain] runs deep. [Anthony] tells her she’s not that smart, that he’s out of her league.”
Read that Page Six story if you’d like even more sordid details. This is a gigantic mess. Here’s the Mooch’s tweet about it:
Leave civilians out of this. I can take the hits, but I would ask that you would put my family in your thoughts and prayers & nothing more.
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) July 28, 2017
Which leaves me to wonder… does the Mooch think he’s not a civilian? He will soon be a federal employee, but he’s still a civilian. Anyway… yeah, it sounds like the Mooch will fit right in with Easy D.
Photos courtesy of Twitter, Getty.
Well done – hope you and your children will live happily without that jerk.
I wish more women left their partners who supports a racist and sexist jerk like Trump.
That will freaking show those deplorable exactly the true power women hold.
Why are you acting as though only men support Trump?
because it is too painful to think about women who are so bogged down in institutionalized misogyny that they would willingly support trump and his racist, bigoted, sexist administration?
Haha fair point. Men should head out, too.
@Lizzie, It may be painful, but 53 percent of white women voters did back Trump. Without them, Trump could not have won. It’s disingenuous to behave as if Trump was only backed by men. The fact that more than 90 percent of black women voters backed Hillary indicates that racism, xenophobia and internalized misogyny did play a role in how white women voted. I point this out because it’s really tiring when we behave as if white women don’t have a bigotry problem and not addressing it will do nothing to stop their bigotry from deciding the next election.
I am only after finding out from my brother, that his mother in law, who I really like and think is a lovely smart descent women, loves Trump and thinks he is great, I just cannot believe it, that people like this fall for whatever he is selling, its unbelievable to me, but it goes to show you.
My husband is a conservative (he was a campaign surrogate for Ted Cruz during the primaries). He despises Trump and has been labeled a “Never Trumper” by other conservatives. A female Trump supporter took issue with something he wrote against Trump this morning, and when my husband challenged her with facts, she said, “You’re a f***ing Never Trumper” then blocked him.
This is a woman who is educated, owns her own business and is very successful, so they’re out there. I cannot imagine why they support Trump, but he still has his “true believers” who make excuses for every bad thing that happens. Usually with the rallying cry of “Fake News!”
@WTW To be clear, 53% of white women *who voted* were for Trump. Voter turnout was extremely low (about half of all eligible voters).
Not that it makes it palatable. =\
I can only reenact in my head how their break-up happened: Mooch’s wife most likely him gave an ultimatum, “either you desist from working for that orange racist, sexist, chauvinistic, lying, misogynistic, shameless, disloyal,hypocritical, down-low, disgusting, narcissistic, crazy pig or I will divorce you”. It is very obvious that he chose to work for Trump than to stay with his family. Mooch has sold his soul to the devil and he will pay dearly for it when his employer drives a knife in his back.
“Mooch has sold his soul to the devil and he will pay dearly for it when his employer drives a knife in his back. ” SO TRUE and I will pity him not!
I’m sure this isn’t the first trump related divorce and it won’t be the last.
Dear Fellow CB’rs : It’s worth the time it takes to read the Page Six story.
Even Breitbart.com doesn’t like the Mooch. I go to the site every week or so to see what the Trump devotees are reading and to try to understand this whole wretched episode of #45.
The mooch is Gretchen weener from mean girls.
omg, hilarious, Gretchen the Enforcer.
It’s all so fetch
Wow. This really is a case of “irrreconcilable differences”. It’s the children caught in the middle again, isn’t it? He likely won’t see too much of them. I’m not even American, but being a tRump supporter would be deal breaker for me. I remember the very loud and and “passionate” debates my late hubby and I had over Britain’s invasion of the Falkland Islands. They have become legendary among some of our friends. Scaramucci is a trog. Ugh.
“The [pain] runs deep. [Anthony] tells her she’s not that smart, that he’s out of her league.”
I’m sure the lawyers will try to shut it down, but I hope he fights dirty, causing her to unload everything she knows about that ass.
And, unless he lied, she’ll have all his finances, due to the disclosure form.
As I said Friday when the news hit, Three years! Who could spend three minutes with that dick.
…never mind have his children. Gag and gag.
She has three young children, one of them in the NICU. Slavering in anticipation of her life getting harder is not a good look.
Lablah, Deirdre has two children, not three. The newborn is her second child. He has three older children with the first wife, Lisa. They were married for 23 years until they divorced in 2011. He “started” dating Deirdre weeks later. Deirdre worked for him at Sky Bridge which he founded.
Her life will get better when she severs ties with him and there’s no way those children won’t know what an ass their father is. If she cares about them she’ll limit their exposure to him.
And his behavior shows he obviously doesn’t give much of a flip about his kids or he wouldn’t be such an appalling role model.
His first wife hates Tangerine even more. She wore a pantsuit to vote for Hilary and is involved in politics but on the way other side. I feel for his older children who have to exist in the world with that last name. Forever it will be associated with an unhinged vulgar loon.
They can change their names.
A connected, Harvard-educated lawyer is not going to be taken to the cleaners for a 3 year marriage. He could wind up paying a lot more to keep it quiet, she has a lot of leverage in that regard. (Full disclosure, I went through a divorce from a high powered litigation expert.)
So, he’s ‘dating’ Cheetolini? Well, at least his rep is upfront about it.
God bless Deidre and keep her strong! The only question is why she ever hooked up with this ass-wipe in the first place.
How about also reporting to his mother Marie? This is the ultimate NYC Wall St divorce story.
The beginning of the relationship sounds kind of sketchy. They started dating the year they both separated from their spouses, and at some point before that he was her boss.
I’m reading between the lines. What I’m reading is, they were having an affair, decided to both file for a divorce. They then came out officially after the divorce as a couple. He’s about 15 years older than her so she saw all the razzle dazzle that the first wife worked to help him create. The new wife thought that he’s a good catch, now she has buyers remorse.
Just listening to his vulgarity, I bet he’s just as nasty at home to this wife. Good thing is, she’s young and will move on with her children.
OT: anyone noticed the children 👃 nose. I just can’t get over how nice his nose is. I’m saying nose job, then Botox, tanning and hair dying 😆 every two weeks, high maintenance mooch. Wife can’t keep up with his beauty regimen.
Yea from the stories I’ve read they (probably) had an affair and she got caught up in the lifestyle he afforded her. So I don’t feel THAT bad for her because she knew the type of man she married. The kind that does anything to “trade up”. He did so when he dumped his wife after 23 years for her.
I do feel sorry for the kids as always
How did ~anyone~ spend 23 years with that creature?
It will be a real spectacle when he and Trump turn on each other.
From what I’ve read, his first marriage was during his ‘poor’ days. Hopefully the first wife is living comfortably, since he’s clearly made a lot of money the past few years and this second union seems to have had a sketchy starting timeline.
@Christin-he worked at Goldman Sachs during their heyday-no way those were the “poor” years 🙂
Let us not overlook this important news:
The new White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci lauded Trump’s athletic prowess during his first briefing last Friday and described Trump throwing dead spirals and sinking ‘three-foot putts’.
But when the transcript of Scaramucci’s comments appeared on the White House website, Scaramucci was quoted as saying: ‘He sinks 30-foot putts.’
Ain’t love grand?
When will they get a proofreader? Or did their idiot intern think that sounded more impressive?
How long before we have to start referring to him as Our Glorious Supreme Leader, Guiding Star Who Descended from Trump Tower, Eternal Orange President of the People’s Republic of America?
“[Anthony] tells her she’s not that smart, that he’s out of her league.”
Strange wording. Maybe whoever said that was trying to say that Scary Moochy told her *he* is so smart that *she* is out of *his* league? Though it is very obvious that he is not smart at all.
More likely the source got the expression backwards in the stress of the moment or just isn’t that articulate. Can imagine Scaramucci told her she wasn’t in his league. What an ego.
Yes I can also imagine he told she wasn’t in his league. LUCKY HER !
Really! If this true about Mooch he is just a bully like his new boss. I don’t blame her for divorcing him.
Have you read that New Yorker interview? He is a total bully blowhard. She better off.
The Not in My League insult is used by many desperate, insecure spouses/partners who secretly hate themselves. It’s a cruel thing to say yet very telling about Scaramucci’s actual low self esteem which is masked by the public bluster and foul mouthed name calling.
Just like his boss! Birds of a father, and all that. Too bad that with the constant media attention, “The Mooch” will probably end up on Time Magazine (just like “President Bannon”) and then fall out of favour with the Orange A**hole who will take it as a hit to his outsized ego. I really don’t understand who would want to work in that kind of WH environment. SMH
Narcissists need someone to offload all of their insecurities onto. When he feels stupid, he makes her feel stupid. When someone makes him feel like a loser, he makes her feel like a loser. That way, he can always remain superior in his mind.
I had one of those in my early 20s. Finally broke it off with him, but 20 years later he still periodically tries to get in touch with me. Which is weird, since he made it really clear I wasn’t good enough for him.
Maybe that explains why he was so mad about the disclosure of his financial info…
^^This! I never thought of that…I totally agree with you, Jax.
Well spotted, Jax. I hope she walks away with tens of millions.
Oh and if they are not married, can she testify against him if it comes to that?
Can’t she either way? I thought it was that you can’t *compel* a spouse to testify against a spouse … but that assumes a loyal spouse.
I don’t know how it works 🙁
She already can. That anachronism only applies to the inability to compel a spouse to give evidence.
Oh man those poor kids. Not ok. But this is just the sad mentality of this administration.
Well, they’ll have story to tell when they grow up. I hope they’re ok, it’s just indicative of the appalling lack of decency of these people that he apparently hasn’t given a thought to the effect his actions will have on them. Funny how these ‘family minded’ conservative types often turn out to be arsewipes at home isn’t it?
Amazing how many are hypocrites to the nth degree. The more they preach about the perceived decrease of family values in our society, the more likely they prove to everyone that they are just as bad, or worse, than those they constantly point their fingers at. The same thing seem to be going on with the higher profile Evangelicals (hello, Mike Huckabee) showing themselves to be the most hateful, vain, money-grubbers around. Ugh.
Yup. The hypocrisy is strong with these people.
And he has three older children? God. How awful this could be for them.
With both marriages, he seems to have put career first and expected his wives to be accessories. The remarks are so strangely detached, about trajectories and the like. He and Trump are soul mates in their fragile masculiniity, which means he’s just a d*ck.
His comment about “civilians” is very telling… we use that term when speaking about military and celebrity significant others. He’s definitely not military, so…
LADY BALLS. I have mad respect for this woman. While I’m sure, based on his recent, charming cocaine informercials, there were many, many, many other reasons to divorce this man, I love that she’s all like “Fuck Trump, and you, BYEEEE.” Because supporting Donald Trump at this point should be considered legitimate grounds for divorce.
It probably was the last straw.
I totally agree! I think it’s hilarious that out of all the reasons she’s divorcing him, she’s saying it’s his love for Trump that did it.
You have to give her credit. How scary would that be to be 9 months pregnant and file for divorce. It shows his (lack of) character that he would prostitute himself to Trump and reject his family. I hope the dirt comes out in the divorce.
What I said. A woman who files for divorce when she’s nine months pregnant must be absolutely desperate to get out.
not that scary, she’s a rich white lady living the high life in NY…she ain’t gonna be on food stamps workin 9-5 while her kids are in daycare…
His tirade sounded like a grandiose cocaine fit. Or he could be manic, in which case his new job and status will start unravelling…
Yes, smart move on her part for sure – you go, Diedre.
In the words of Steve Miller, “Go on, take the money and run.”
What does the Mooch think he is? A general in Trump’s army?! Good for his wife, she sounds like one gutsy lady.
Take all his money and leave his broke arse to get money from his lover The Orange one. I hope she files for sole custody too, no kids should be around that guy.
She doesn’t really need to file for sole custody to keep her kids mostly away from him. His current job is not one that leaves a lot of time for family life even if that family lives in the same state, which his doesn’t and he’s got far bigger ambitions than his current job.
But he could file for joint custody just to spite her. I can totally see him do that.
I don’t think I’d last 3 seconds with this arrogant, rude,asswipe. Would any woman want to stay married to a guy who’s made a bigly fool of himself by showing the world how much he loves and adores the most hated guy in the world? I’m glad she has the sense to leave him
He’s just been on BBC, the journalist who interviewed him looked like she couldn’t wait to finish the interview. He was trying to touch her hands all the time and she looked so uncomfortable. He was so unprofessional, cutting her off, at one point he asked her a question and when she tried to go back to her previous question *he* asked *her* ” why don’t you answer the question”.
I was watching and thinking, am I a masochist? Who would want to live with someone like him? It’s not like his personality and character changed overnight.
He sounds delightful.
He stayed with Trump instead of seeing his newborn?? My god, this guy is a piece of work.
EDIT: This crazy show in the White House just keeps getting crazier. The guy quoted in this article as Mooch’s spokesman is now making threats to expose Reince Prebus on Twitter including the phrase “Mistress much”
Good grief. Does anyone even care if Reince Priebus has a mistress? I’d add “except for the two of them,” but I’m not sure I’d care even if I were the mistress.
I don’t care. Mooch is so low-rent. Deflects just like his boss. The real story is this man didn’t go to the hospital to see his newborn and was off galavanting around with The Dumpster on Air Force One.
I imagine his wife and her attorneys care if he has a mistress.
I hope they keep going after him and he finally reaches his breaking point because he’s still saying nice things about Trump.
Huh, the follow up tweets are even weirder. Schwartz is replying to Tapper and threatening to post emails of him “leaking.” How does a journalist leak? It’s his job to tell people things.
The replies on that response get even weirder with one person saying Reince had already told his wife about the mistress on Friday. Was the WH threatening Preibus unless he played nice?
While I agree that finding out Priebus has a mistress is not really interesting to me, this whole thing is crazy. And I haven’t even had my coffee yet!
Isn’t it extortion – and therefore by definition a crime – to hold someone’s extramarital affairs over their head for cooperation, silence or other reasons?
Threatening to release details of his extramarital life. That would put Trump and his staffers in a criminal position….oops just remembered. He doesn’t care.
I love a tweet response to that idiot tweet by The Mooch.
“Are these grown up people? Surreal.”
It is frightening when you think of it, just immature man-babies in The White House. When the POTUS hires this guy and seems to love his vulgar, childish antics, it only solidifies what we already know. The president is a big, fat, immature, crude, intellectually-limited, misogynistic bully, who has no idea how to govern with intellect, grace, intelligence. He wants to be a dictator with his motley crew in tow.
Somebody late night said S’mooch was the son trump always wanted, but never had.
I think we can all agree on one point … Trump really does attract the best people. 🤢
Family values. LOL
Yes! He is literally the spokesman for the Evangelical, “values voter” base. This sort of stunt casting wouldn’t even fly on Veep. Too unrealistic.
I always knew evangelicals were a bunch of holier than thou hypocrites but boy did they really out themselves by voting for this steaming pile of garbage.
Best at being the worst. Tremendous!
Know who else filed for divorce while pregnant? Denise Richards. And we all know what happened afterwards. Mr Fandango’s Tiger Blood and Winning moment is coming.
Tremendous winning! The best winning!
When 45 will used and abused mooch like he has done to everyone in his circle. When he gets what he wants he will kick him to the curbe and call him a loser. He called McCain a loser and he does not like solders who were prisoner of war, because he was captured for five years, McCain got his revenge although I believe he did vote his conscience. I like how he begged McCain for his vote so he could screw the poor people to give to the rich. McCain said no, not this time. Revenge is best served cold.
Mooch’s days are already numbered. He’s stealing the show from his boss, which will eventually piss off the toddler in chief.
Absolutely right. The Scaramouche will get too much attention. Trump cannot tolerate that. These two crude, nasty vulgarians will clash, bigly.
Biden reportly called McCain and asked him not to vote for the ‘skinny repeal’ and talked about his cancer, the same kind that took Biden’s son. So that may have something to do with his reversal.
I hadn’t heard that – Thank you Joe!!!
You gotta be pretty awful if the mother of your child dumps you while she’s pregnant. Run, lady, run!
He wasn’t there for his son’s birth, didn’t come as soon as he could (assuming wife didn’t want him there at birth), and then his baby was admitted to the NICU and he didn’t get there as quickly as he could because he was kissing Dump’s butt? What a poor excuse for a father. His son will be old enough one day to read all about this too
Last night, I had to read parts of the story twice, because I could not believe it.
The guy is within a couple weeks of making more millions (once his latest sale is approved by the gov’t), and he puts this ‘job’ (which he cannot officially have until that sale is cleared) before his premature newborn?
Those good old right wing Christian values shining through.
Neither the Mooch nor his boss liked to be thwarted in anything and I imagine that two guys who are pretending to be alpha males are going to like it coming from a woman even less, so I imagine this is going to get pretty gross for her. In addition to his vulgarity, I could see him asking 45 to comment on some way or pull rank in whatever way he is able.
Once again I’m contemplating why a seemingly smart woman would make such a foolish choice in a partner and then compound it by starting a family with said foolish choice.
He’s got plenty of money but is he a good man? This is your kid’s father. Was he a good choice? He seems like a grade A j@ckass to me. An egomaniacal, dishonest, creep. And this woman thought it was a good idea to attach herself to him forever via kids? Baffling…
And she will shut up, because he will throw more money at her. We won’t hear much after this, probably even a few photo-ops, if he gives her a great financial package for the divorce.
Call me cynical. She won’t out him as the creep he is. But no worries, he will out himself every time he opens his mouth.
I agree. She knew who she was marrying.
When she married him he was a wealthy Democrat saying he hoped Hilary Clinton would run because she was so qualified and that Trump was a nightmare. His conversion to deplorable is frighteningly recent.
I wasn’t commenting on his political asperations, I meant that anyone who can go to the extreme of crazy foul mouthed lying and insane accusations has most likely always been that way. She must have seen that side of him in many other situations.
I think Mooch has been jealous of his Harvard Law School classmates who have been tapped to be part of other presidents’ administration. Most recently, several Harvard classmates in President Obama’s administration were appointed ambassadors. I can think of one who is consistly described as one of the most brilliant attorney of his generation. Mooch must be incredibly thirsty for that kind of recognition.
Dazzle and charm offensive until she was locked in with a baby. I think he was always obnoxious but now he is channeling Tangerine.
I don’t know. Whenever I hear a woman has left her (rich) husband while she’s heavily pregnant with his baby, I always I think she learned new information that was unforgivable and truly irreconcilable. I believe she knew he was bad but not this bad.
Anyone believes mooch is a nasty drunk 😵 or on drugs. Someone on the news mentioned he was drunk dialing the reporter. I believe he’s a perfect match for 45. I also heard he’s the person who got the three CNN reporters fired because they were going to put out a story that he was involved in the Russian mess.
There are cases involving very rich married couples who get a divorce in order to be able to retain part of their wealth, should one of them be investigated and punished for fraud and such. I am not saying this is the case here.
He is a jerk, a political prostitute, and a massive and stinky PoS.
Money can make a lot of people overlook short comings and see qualities that aren’t there. That is until the gloss of the money wears off.
I think I read that she was pregnant, so they got married. It may have been after the birth of their first child. So, if she had not gotten pregnant, she may never have married him. She’s 38, and was able to have two children before getting out. I don’t think their marriage ever worked, just an act really. Maybe that is what many wealthy people’s marriages are actually like, an act for the public to view.
According to Page Six, their first child was born before they married. The wedding was delayed until Mooch’s divorce from wife #1 went through. However he may have still felt pressured by the pregnancy. Or he felt it made him look like a big ol’ stud and was perfectly happy to marry her.
Money is a very good reason for men and women alike to marry deplorable people. I’m sure many of us see it everyday around us, not only on sites like Celebitchy where we see people (mainly women) marrying those who are much older or have horrible personalities, but have lots of money and influence. Maybe these people just think that if they end up divorced, at least they and their children will leave with a boatload of money and never have to worry about financially struggling again. That is a big motivator.
In response to the part where it says anyone who knows him knows he’s ambitious: there is a difference between ambition and BLIND ambition. There is a line and for Deidre, apparently he crossed it. Honestly, he comes off to me like a total jackass, so yeah he’ll fit right in.
Trump and The Mooch are a match made in narcissistic heaven. I hope he lasts a little while longer, he is so much more entertaining than dull old Spicey.
I wonder though how he will get on with John Kelly… probably not too well. Wouldn’t it be funny if he was fired after a month and sold his company for nothing? So much to look forward to!
i think the whole Trump angle is more likely spin from his side, not hers. It’s basically like catnip to the Deplorables. She’s a WOMAN who dared to break up with her husband because he supported their dear leader. I mean, the nerve! From every other part of the story he sounds like an insufferable jacka$$ who gave her plenty of reason to walk without even taking into
consideration what presidential candidate he supported. So this just seems designed to salvage whatever “reputation” he might have with the base and also insulate Trump from any blowback from all the crazy terrible sh*t that would likely come out if she decides to really go after good ‘ole Mooch.
Do I have this right?
–had an affair while married
–dumped his wife for his lover
–had kids out of wedlock
–is heading for a second divorce
–hasn’t seen his premie child
–said the following in reference to a minor leak:
“The fact that you guys know about it before he does really upsets me as a human being and as a Roman Catholic, you got that?”
That leak upsets him as a human being. And as a Roman Catholic. The rest apparently does not.
Do I have this right?
I don’t remember reading anything about him having children out of the wedlock (no offense to you, but I hate that word so much), but most probably I just missed that part. Or he had the first child with current soon to be his ex-wife before they got married?
He’s about as Catholic as I am. Which is to say, not at all.
Don’t you dare bring the Roman Catholics into this, you backstabbing, front-stabbing little worm! They’re in enough trouble without your potty mouth, which needs an old-school nun to come and wash out said mouth with a bar of original Dial soap.
Deidre, you’re doing amazing sweetie. ✌🏼
Guess he WILL have to learn to suck his own c*ck.
Good for her
What an a-hole. Any decent father would drop what they are doing to stay with their premature baby. Especially if that baby was admitted to a hospital. Shows you he believes in the trump way of child rearing. I feel sorry for his kids. I hope they take his money and disown him.
Through Trumpskis presidency I keep going back and forth between deep fear and laughter. Ever since the Mooch arrived it has been pretty hilarious. How is this guy even real? Good for you miss Bell!
He’s so Long Island. Quite a punchable cartoon version of a real human.
Kaiser you are trolling us with that ghoulish photo of the two of them. If I ever walked into a room and was greeted with that I would think I had died and gone to hell.
I saw a post that said Mooch looked like Bethenny Frankel.. and he does.
She filed for the divorce the same day Preibus was fired. COINCIDENCE OR CONSPIRACY??
Any woman who throws down divorce papers when 9 months pregnant isn’t palyin. Whatever her reasons it must have been really really bad.
bye bye Moochie!
Tied up your business, jettisoned the wife, and ran off to the White House to get f***ed over by the Liar-in-Chief. How’s that love affair with the West Wing going for ya?
He just got fired!!
OMG news moves so fast!! WHAAA?!?!
Curious to see if she pulls the filing or not!
Scaramucci sounds like a narcisstis just like Trump. No wonder why they get each other.
I just watched the late news and apparently he got fired already?
I wonder how strong his love for The Orange One is after that quick fall and also what he’s up to next…