Golf Mag: Donald Trump lied, he really did call the White House a ‘real dump’

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I don’t get a chance to cover all of the political stories that interest me, and I do tend to cover political stories which have more of a pop-culture angle. The Trump presidency – which I hope will be mercifully brief in the grand scheme of things – has been fascinating in that Donald Trump blurs all the lines. There are no longer any lines between pop culture and politics, relevant and irrelevant information, breezy, sycophantic entertainment journalism and “real,” authentic journalism. Even though Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury and indictments could be coming down in a few months, one of the bigger stories this week is that Donald Trump apparently referred to the White House as a “real dump.” I covered that earlier this week – apparently, when Trump spends his weekends at his golf clubs, he often chats with club members and he’s been saying that “real dump” line a few times.

What was interesting about this story is that Golf Magazine broke it. Not Politico. Not the Washington Post or New York Times. Golf Magazine! And not just that, Golf Magazine got pushback from the White House and they got a tweet-denial from Trump:

So what did Golf Magazine do? They stood by their story. Journalist Alan Shipnuck – who broke the story – sat down with his editor Michael Bamberger for the Golf Magazine’s podcast, and both of them doubled-down on the story and offered a glimpse into how the White House reacts when they get caught in a Bigly lie:

MICHAEL BAMBERGER: Alan, let me just ask you one question right off the top here because I’m being asked about it and whatever you say will be helpful to me as well. I got a call the other day…it was kind of a hectic day and I got an email on my phone that said, “‘Call me. It’s urgent.’ Blah, blah, blah.” I read it quickly and it said [from] Hicks.

Well, I figured it was [NBC broadcaster] Dan Hicks. I figured he must have been mentioned in the story. There must have been some sort of problem, so I called back and got a young woman’s voice. I said, “Oh, hi. It’s Michael Bamberger. Is your dad around?” I was confused, because I thought I was calling Dan Hicks. Ms. Hicks said, “No, you haven’t called Dan Hicks. You’ve called Hope Hicks,” who is one of President Trump’s longtime advisors and spokespeople. Anyway, she was calling to complain about two words in the story that are getting a lot of attention where Donald Trump is quoted as saying “The White House is a real dump.” Ms. Hicks told me that that was a “lie and that Sports Illustrated is not in the business of publishing lies.”

I know it’s not but maybe, Alan, you can fill in the listenership about how that quote got into the magazine and what it means.

ALAN SHIPNUCK: Yeah, I had a conversation with Ms. Hicks as well, which was quite enlightening — the confrontational and rude tone of the phone call. They definitely don’t waste any time trying to be charming or friendly, these people in the White House communications department. She tried the same line on me, “That’s a lie and needs to be retracted.” I explained to her: It’s not a lie. The president said this in front of eight or nine members and staffers at [Trump] Bedminster. It was his first visit to the club after he had been residing in the White House. It was a moment of candor. Someone who was a part of that conversation relayed it to me. I found this person to be an extremely credible source on any number of topics.

The week of the U.S. Women’s Open [in July], I heard the same story told by two or three different other sources. This is certainly a moment that has already passed into legend at Trump Bedminster. It might be inconvenient for her boss and she might wish he didn’t say it, but it’s not a lie. It was a little insight into how the Trump media operation works coming out of the White House. As a courtesy to the office of the president, we did put in the digital version a parenthetical statement that says, “a White House spokesperson denies this incident ever took place.” I forget the exact wording. Of course it did take place but we were just being nice by offering in their two cents. I got a similar nasty phone call. It’s a little insight into how the modern media works. This is a highly-nuanced, deeply reported, 7,000-word story and there’s been a lot of play about one sentence in it.

[From Golf Magazine]

While in the grand scheme of things, this is nowhere near as important as Mueller’s investigation, or Jeff Sessions’ efforts to institutionalize even more racism within the system, or, you know, all the treason. But this is the continuing narrative: Trump lies. His people lie. No one in that family has any credibility. No one at the White House has any credibility. They will lie about anything and everything. Trump lies about phone calls from the Boy Scouts. He lies about phone calls with our allies. He lies about what he says at his golf clubs. He lies. His lies flow like water.

Robert Pattinson arrives at the 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' show

Robert Pattinson arrives at the 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' show

Covers courtesy of The New Yorker, Newsweek, photo courtesy of Getty.

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73 Responses to “Golf Mag: Donald Trump lied, he really did call the White House a ‘real dump’”

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  1. Nicole says:

    If I were an ally of the US I would be watching this and making sure I didn’t reveal anything important during any call, meeting or conference. We are not to be trusted

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Israel learned that the hard way when he exposed their intelligence information in an Oval office meeting with the Russians. They later said they trust him again…at least that’s what they said.

    • SoulSPA says:


      ETA: Let’s hope that Drumpf’s oratorical g***rrhea will not be used by certain actors to feed disinformation. I am gobsmacked at the amount of stupidity (sorry for the word) and lack of professionalism in the WH. From speakers to leakers. And while I do agree totally that the media must do their jobs, there should be some restraint on their part as to what they report. The world could become even messier than it is.

  2. grabbyhands says:

    Unfortunately, when 45 is exposed for lying, all his supporter are hearing are beeps and clicks.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      This is the part that leaves me slack-jawed. Not that Trump lies constantly, changes his mind every five minutes, can’t fulfill ANY of his campaign promises (not that we want him to!), pisses off our allies and sucks up to dictators… No, the part I find incomprehensible is that his followers STILL LOVE HIM. He is stabbing them in the back and they STILL LOVE HIM. Is this what it means to be a cult leader? People will follow you anywhere and believe everything you say… just because?

      • maisie says:

        His followers identify with him. To them, he’s “sticking it” to all the people who make fun of the illogical, the unintelligent, the uneducated, and the classless. They think he’s “beating the system, beating the government” – all seemingly without realizing that THEY, the American taxpayers, are “the government” – the ones Trump is screwing over to line his own pockets, his family’s, and anyone he considers a “friend.” (usually people as horrible, grasping, ignorant and vulgar as he is).

        Part of this identification is actually what I call “The Kardashian Factor.” It’s the admiration for people who, despite being stupid, talentless, tasteless and arrogant, can achieve fame and wealth in spite of these “qualities.” Trump embodies these traits as much as the Kardashians do. Unfortunately he’s allowed himself to be used as a pawn by Russia in order to 1) cover his gigantic ass (a trait he shares with the Kardashians – love the New Yorker cover!) due to all the shady deals he’s done with Russian oligarchs; and 2) keep the ill-gotten money flowing until he can beat it to somewhere safe (you KNOW he has an escape plan, as does Kushner). He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about democracy anywhere or this country specifically. He only cares about No. 1 (and I’m convinced he’s throw all of his children and grandchildren off a cliff to save his enormous butt). Trump is the most disgusting person ever to set foot in the White House, and I’m counting Nixon and Dick Cheney.

  3. Svea says:

    That man is such a phony patriot. There is nothing patriotic about him. It is all self dealing.

  4. Tate says:

    That Newsweek cover tho…. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

    • swak says:

      Guess Kelly has kept that cover from Trump because he doesn’t want bad information getting into the president’s hands. Waiting for the tweets.

      • Tate says:

        trump has been tweeting all morning but nothing about the Newsweek cover. I did tweet him to ask if he would be framing that cover and hanging it at his golf resort. No response yet. 😉

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      It’s like a blistering Mad magazine cover; they might as well have made him Alfred E. Neuman. And good for Golf magazine. The gloves are off.

    • AnnaKist says:

      And look at the huge arse on the New Yorker cover. I didn’t realise the huge lying, treasonous arse had such a massive, blubbery bum.

    • themummy says:

      That cover is brutal and wonderful all at once. I actually wondered if it was fake because it *is* so brutal. Yay! Go, Newsweek!

  5. EOA says:

    I love the fact that even Golf Magazine is like, “nope, not going to be strong-armed.”

    • kNY says:

      Ha! I know!

      • LoveShoes says:

        Brilliant covers and bravo to Golf Digest. He will go down history as the worst president of all time. I keep hoping that he will be impeached because I don’t think that our country could handle four years of this. Earlier today he also released the job numbers which is dictated as how long the POTUS has to keep it mum. This is the second time he has done this.

    • SuperStef says:

      Me too! I laughed out loud a little on that.

      This article is one of the best articles written on Trump’s press machine and how it operates. He talks so much shit, all the time, that he seems to forget what he said. When called out on it, he calls it fake news. He seems to protest the most when his lies are the boldest…

      I can’t believe this man has changed the semantics of leadership with BS terms like ‘fake news’ and ‘alternative facts’. Chomsky could write another books on it.

      I feel bad for you, America, as your little sister, Canada. Obama did a lot to repair the world wide reputational damage that the W’s did. I used to have discussions on it in my classes with German executives when I lived and worked there as a teacher. Trump has sadly reversed a lot of that good work in less than 6 months.

      You’re now the laughing stock of the world and it’s sad, and just wrong. You’re a great nation with great people, yet your reputation on the world stage has been reduced to twitter rants about fake news. Le sigh…

      • Tate says:

        It is depressing but I am holding onto the hope that we have good people who will do the right thing. Mueller and team are working hard and there was bipartisan effort this week to tie trumps hands on certain things.

        It will take us time to recover from this disaster but I have to believe that we will… some day.

      • PortlandJan says:

        Actually, Canada, you’re the BIG sister in this relationship.

      • holly hobby says:

        Awhile back, when Orangino had that GOP breakfast where he bashed the Senators for giving up on Trumpcare (Calling out/threatening Dean Heller), I thought he was copying a page of Capone in the Untouchables. Well now I see Mueller’s group as that group representing justice – the Untouchables. The parallels are amazing.

    • still_sarah says:

      Golf Digest – standing up for America. Fore!!

    • pixiestyx says:

      Agreed! I really wish other journalists and news organizations would stand up to this administration the same way.

  6. Dem says:

    Loling hard at the fact that 28 year old former beauty queen Hope Hicks who has no prior policy or communications experience is described as one Trumps longtime advisers. No doubt she advises the idiot but I bet you she is not there for her advice – if you catch my drift..

    • Esmom says:

      Ew, gross. And yes what a joke. Fresh Air had Bill Moyers on this week, press secretary under LBJ. He commented that Trump seems to live in a completely different reality than everyone else and that working for him has got to be truly impossible. I thought it was gracious of him to give the benefit of the doubt to the staffers but they are just as deplorable as Bigly, imo.

      • Algernon says:

        I feel sorry for the non-appointed staff at the White House, the people who work there regardless of who’s in office. And I feel sorry for the Secret Service agents who have to do their jobs even as Trump is fleecing their agency of money, forcing them to pay for rooms in Trump properties. I don’t feel sorry for anyone who *chooses* to work for 45.

      • Esmom says:

        Algernon, yes, absolutely. I should have made that distinction.

    • Radley says:

      I would love to know what’s going on with her. But I hear the WH is full of young, inexperienced, thirsty staffers since many older, seasoned staffers refused to destroy their professional reputations by working for Orange Apocalypse.

      And he lies about literally everything. I keep going back to the people around him knowing full well he can’t do the job but have gone along for the ride anyway. They’re truly terrible people. It’s upsetting to watch but also amazing. How toxic do you have to be to end up surrounded by idiots, haters and sycophants? Where is rock bottom? My God…

    • Betsy says:

      Your gossip is incorrect based on what I’ve read. Trump is alleged to have another lady friend and Ms. Hicks is with Mr. Lewandowski. I can’t fathom anyone wanting to be near any of these clowns, let alone in such a close manner, but there you are.

      • The Original G says:

        Another lady? Tell!

      • CynicalAnn says:

        Yes-word was that Hope Hicks was fooling around with the very married Corey Lewandowski. I don’t know-or want to even imagine-who Trump could be screwing (besides our country.)

  7. minx says:

    Of course he said it. I can just visualize him bloviating to a bunch of people…”Lemme tell you, the White House is a dump!” It sounds exactly like something he would say.

    • Esmom says:

      Exactly, and especially in contrast to his “beautiful, beautiful” golf club. Using it as a selling point, no doubt.

      • Giddy says:

        Can’t you hear his running commentary when he first toured the WH? “What a dump. Where are the yuge chandeliers? Those tvs are too small. They call this a President’s toilet? Send for my gold throne! These colors are so blah! We’ll re-paint and add marble and gilt!”

  8. D says:

    I saw photos of his Trump tower apartment and it’s the tackiest thing I’ve ever seen, does he get redecorate the White House however he wants? If he does it will soon be covered in 24k gold and marble, the Trump’s are proof that money can’t buy taste.

    • Yep. Gold plated tackiness. He is so gauche. He thinks he has the best taste, he thinks he’s the smartest person, he thinks he’s a billionaire. He’s delusional.

    • jetlagged says:

      I have a feeling that is why the Chief Usher at the White House was fired soon after Trump took office. The Usher manages all operations, but one of their main responsibilities is protecting the historic nature of the house and its contents. I’d bet anything the Usher objected to some of his plans so he canned her and his new guy (from his own hotel chain) won’t dare say no to the boss. Or Trump just couldn’t stand someone that Obama hired being in charge. The Usher position historically has very low turnover, some of them served for decades and saw multiple administrations come and go.

  9. Beth says:

    Trump and his supporters will still deny it’s true. They’re already claiming those awful phone calls to Mexico and Australia never happened. Get the fucking out of the WH if it’s such a dump,Trump.

    I love both of those covers! Perfect

  10. the_blonde_one says:

    They didn’t even need to comment, I believed them without thought or hesitation. My golden rule re: Drumpf- is his mouth moving? are his thumbs moving? yeah, he’s lying.

    • Wow says:


      Yep! He’s a Lying Liar who Lies.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      And sickeningly, he is someone who enjoys lying and duping people. It gives him a charge like little else. Well, at least it is right up there with bullying and cash.

  11. Shijel says:

    I really don’t like caricatures that make fun of someone’s weight, but then I remember that 45 used to descend like a vulture on Hillary, criticising her appearance, age and health, and suddenly I don’t feel sorry at all. It’s clear that this narcissist puts a lot of weight (heh) on physical appearance and /supposed/ health. How’s that medicine, monster? Taste familiar?

    That and of course the obvious dig at his golf courses. How’s that working out in Scotland huh? The most beautiful golf course in the world. Lol, it’s not even the most beautiful in the immediate location.

    • Algernon says:

      Are you referring to the New Yorker cover? That’s not really a caricature. There’s a photo of him playing golf taken from that angle and yeah, that’s what he looks like. They just illustrated the photo. Honestly they make him a look a little better because in the photo it looks like he’s wearing an adult diaper.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Trump told a Miss Universe to lose weight​ and insulted Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz’s wife. He set the tone it’s ok to make fun of him.

    • swak says:

      Definition of caricature: a picture, description, or imitation of a person or thing in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.

      So if they have exaggerated Trump’s rear end, it is all part and parcel of drawing a caricature.

  12. Bellagio DuPont says:

    What an awful, awful situation to be in, being “led” by this odious, vile man. I can’t help but feel really sorry for you Americans and that’s saying something considering I’m bri-ish. 🙁 🙁

  13. Giddy says:

    He’s lies so much that his own dog won’t come when he calls him!

  14. notasugarhere says:

    Every time he goes to one of his properties, the taxpayers pay for all of the security personnel and staff to be housed there. He is making millions off of the American people.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Dead set, notasugarhere. Nick off at every opportunity from the home provided to you by the people you’re meant to be serving, and ensconce yourself in your own properties with a huge entourage, whose accommodation, food, travel etc., is paid for by the people, but goes directly into YOUR pocket. That is one cunning stunt…

    • Lightpurple says:

      They also have to rent space permanently at several of his properties. Military spends $130,000 a MONTH at Trump Tower. He was billing the Secret Service more than that because they were higher up. They also have to rent at Mar a Lago and one of his other properties because they have to maintain a constant presence.

  15. Tinkerbell says:

    Too funny! Golf Magazine = liberal media = “fake news.”

    • AnnaKist says:

      He can scream all he likes about “fake news”, but there’s just no denying that massive lard arse.

  16. angie0717 says:

    Yes, all caps, I’m shouting, is anyone listening??!!?

  17. holly hobby says:

    Of course he did. I think Congress has caught on too because they are now openly defying him. Lisa Murkowski did a procedural yesterday (before Congress left for recess) that allowed for a continual session throughout August. That ultimately barred Orangino from making recess appts.

    This is documented in HuffPo. They even asked Turtle face about it and he pretty much said if it happens it happens (the procedural). He didn’t stop it and he doesn’t care.

    Once a liar always a liar. It’s a shame he got those suckers in W. VA to bellyache about Hillary last night. Pathetic.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      And suckers they are. It was so pathetic. Not even enough collective candle power to see through the fact that the crowd’s vote didn’t put him in office, as he lost the popular vote. Not even sharp enough to realize the the whole wall lie isridiculous.

    • ArchieGoodwin says:

      Yes, but they did the same to Obama last year, I read, to stop him from appointing someone to the Supreme Court. So it seems they all play this game, only this year it’s deadly serious and last year it was just being a bunch of cry baby asshats defying Obama at every turn.

  18. Hazel says:

    Those magazine covers are great!!

  19. Skylark says:

    That New Yorker cover!! I so want to be a fly on the wall when he sees it and his hugely bigly saggy arse.

    *Prays that someone witnesses it and leaks his rage-faced jumpy-up-and-downy reaction*

  20. Betsy says:

    The White House employees are far too classy, but I would pay real money to read a tell-all by the cleaners, curators, and other workers. They are dedicated staff who take their jobs and role seriously, so we won’t get that for decades (and when we do get it, it’s pretty bland), but I would just looooooove to hear what they have to say.

  21. themummy says:

    He actually called Golf Magazine “fake news.” GOLF MAGAZINE. That is hilarious. To him, the entire world is a giant “fake news” conspiracy (and I use quotes because he doesn’t actually understand what fake news is or that it is an actual thing with an actual meaning…and it doesn’t mean what he thinks it does!).

  22. why? says:

    The Newsweek cover is missing one thing. The phone.

    Remember the time that The King of Lies and Fake News planted cheer teams in the places where he was giving his speeches to make it look like poeple loved his speeches. The press used to call him out on this, but now they don’t do it so much. So it’s more than likely that the majority of people showing up to his rallies are his employees, being paid to provide postive support. One time The King of Lies did a press release about how his employees were suffering from Obamacare and then it turned out that they didn’t even have Obamacare. The people who appeared in the background were also in the background when The King of Lies and Fake News did a rally late that day.

    During his rally last night, The King of Lies and Fake News said that he didn’t win because of the Russians, but because of his base. The King of Lies and Fake News won because a 3rd party hijacked out election using various methods and if the GOP and press won’t impeach and indict The King of Lies and Fake News it’s going to happen again. Some reporters keep falsely reporting that no one cares about the Russian investigation. Yes they do. Just because the GOP ordered everyone in Congress to stop publicly talking about Russia, doesn’t mean that no one cares about Russian. The same tactics that were used in 2016 will be used in 2020 and in the years to follow. If no one steps in, we could end up with the Trumps in power for eternity.

    Of course everyone in the WH lies, who is holding them accountable? Sarah Huckabee lies every time she opens her mouth and no matter how ridiculous her lie is, the WH reporters keep coming back and sitting there.

  23. Unoriginal Commenter says:

    God, I miss President Obama so much it makes me feel as bad as I did during my first heartbreak. And just as powerless.

  24. jwoolman says:

    He should be happy about that Newsweek cover. They just pasted a decent shot of his head on a much younger and thinner body…

  25. robyn says:

    Donald Trump trashes everything … to him the glass is always more than half empty. Everything stinks to Donald and his cultish followers who think the same way. Trump doesn’t get the awesome sense of history or magnificence within the beautiful bones of the heritage building. Trump doesn’t even grasp or fully appreciate democracy in the US or its shining light to the world. Sad! Give this man a fake gold toilet seat and a crown and he’ll be happy. That’s the depth of Donald Trump.

  26. Lucky Charm says:

    I just love that Newsweek included a bag of Cheetohs in that cover photo, LOL!