Luann de Lesseps used to be a friggin’ countess! She married a COUNT and people called her Countess LuAnn. I still call her Countess LuAnn, even though she divorced the Count years ago. What I’m saying is the in the landscape of gauche American reality stars, I probably would have said that we would never get any stories about Countess LuAnn behaving like a drunken frat boy on Christmas Eve. LuAnn has had a rough year – around this time in 2016, she married Tom D’Agostino, a dude who repeatedly cheated on her. She married him knowing he was shady and a cheater, and then after eight months of shambles, they announced their split. How is LuAnn doing post-split? Well… she got arrested on Christmas Eve for being a drunken mess and kicking the sh-t out of a police officer.
Luann de Lesseps was arrested early Christmas Eve morning in Palm Beach, Florida. E! News can confirm the 52-year-old Real Housewives of New York City star was taken into custody for drunk and disorderly conduct around 1:25 a.m. We’re told she was arrested on charges of battery on an officer, disorderly intoxication, resisting arrest with violence and crimes against a person.
According to the Palm Beach Post, de Lesseps slammed a door and kicked an officer during her arrest. She also reportedly yelled out, “I’m going to kill you all.” She was later taken to Palm Beach County Jail and was released without bond.
The publication also reported that during her court appearance this morning, Judge Ted Booras suggested she hire a defense attorney as four of the five charges—battery on police officer, resisting arrest with violence and the two corruption by threat charges—against her are felonies. She is due back in court on Jan. 25.
I’m not saying I condone violence in the least, but if you’re going to get arrested, be sure to scream “I’m going to kill you all” in a drunken rage as you try to kick your way out of being arrested. Scratch that – I’m pretty sure that kind of thing only works when you’re a middle-aged white woman. If anyone with a skin color darker than parchment paper tried to do that, this story would be about how Palm Beach cops shot another person of color to death. Anyway, yes, LuAnn needs a lawyer. Are they filming RHONY right now? Because this drama could fill an entire season’s worth of storylines.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Yes, they’re filming, but they’re on a two-week break for the holidays. Oh, Luann, she has been a mess for years now…but it makes good TV. I can’t help but love her and her clueless ways.
So LuAnn will most likely pay a hefty fine and then release the standard “ I have a substance abuse problem and going to rehab” statement.
Where as a POC in similar situation would most likely be sitting in jail waiting for a court date and as for rehab be looking at a waiting list or unable to afford it.
Yup. Gross.
And the Orange Turd in the White House has emboldened this prejudicial treatment.
Yes! White, rich privilege at its finest. Smh.
Oh my, my thoughts on overserved woman, ugh. I would more expect this of Bethany Frankel, she’s so dramatic….but I’ve haven’t watched any of the housewives for years for obvious reasons.
It seems like the NY, OC, BH, and Potomac HW series’ are all asked on drinking. Especially NY and OC. I’m sure with all of this heavy out of control drinking being promoted for crazy tv, alcoholism has progressed in more than a few of these ladies.
Seriously. This would have turned out very differently had she been wearing a hoodie and not been white.
I came to the comments section to see if anyone posted this.
Honestly, if this was anywhere but Palm Beach, she would’ve been tasered. But this police dept is probably used to dealing with rich ladies gone wild.
Rich WHITE ladies
WHITE privilege
Bull 💩💩
Thank you, MI6–exactly what I came here to say. Exactly.
Also, can we talk about how she doesn’t even call the town by it’s usual name? It’s “West Palm” not “Palm Beach” or “West Palm Beach”. If you wanna play at being rich and bougie, at least get the nomenclature right.
“I’m going to kill you all” should be her new tag line.
Ha ha yes!
I had to look up what it was last season–“The only title I’d trade Countess for is…wife”.
Roaring with laughter from this one. Yes Please!!
Ahahaha, love it!
I guess money really can’t buy you class!
And apparently elegance can be unlearned.
If she ever had it in the first place.
now it’s running though my mind…”Elegance is learned….my friend! Elegance is learned…ooh yeah!”
Super surprised she didn’t pull a “don’t you know who I am” tbh
Released without bond = dead.
The Island is small, and the police know everyone and drunken holiday behavior isn’t unheard of, and the crime rate is low. It is an insular world, so they knew her already.
There aren’t a lot of residents of color so the chances of a no bond zero unless the person is a guest. They would stand out immediately and wouldn’t get a chance to be drunken and belligerent.
Once you drive over the bridge, it is a world of pure social privilege and everything that comes with that including a hierarchy. The fact that LL was even arrested and reported is a sign that she is not a protected insider.
Do you have any fiction recs about this lifestyle? I’d read it in a heartbeat.
Madness under the Royal Palms by Laurence Leamer is a good one. It explains the social order and the quirks of the place. Palm Beach Country Club is Jewish, and Everglades Club and Bath and Tennis Club are predominantly WASP. Just an example of how everything has an order and position. Of course, the WASP clubs have some Jewish members I suppose but it is shrouded in mystery. lol
Mar-a-Lago is open to anyone who can afford it for newer wealth who wouldn’t be invited to the other clubs.
There is always a lot of drinking and wayward trustfunder bad behavior.
Her social status and wealth is exaggerated for the show as are the others but reality TV is not reality anyway.
In your fifties and acting like this? Where’s the wisdom you are supposed to gain as you age? I do believe she has a drinking problem and needs to address it.
Its a lie really. The older I get care even less what people think of me. Meaning you can make stupid choices even in your “wisdom” years. I’m at the age where a lot of people are also getting divorce in their middle age. Divorce turns nice what you thought were awesome people in post-divorce social monsters.
Double-standard. Rich white Lady doesn’t have to post bond. Jane average would still be in lock-up on a million dollar bond.
Luanne puts on a “countess” exterior, but she’s really just a broad from Connecticut.
Yeah, that’s why I like her—ordinary chick from a regular family. She’s both dumb & smart.
The cast of RHNY either of alcohol issues- Luann, Dorinda, Ramona, Tinsley or eating disorders-Bethany and Carole.
My black a$$ would have been handcuffed, tased, beaten, and shot. Then the police would have said they shot me I reached for their gun (while handcuffed) .
Exactly right, sadly. I’m a white woman with a mixed-race family, and the only family members I worry about every time they go out are the black ones, because it’s a simple, horrible fact that black people are treated differently than whites by law enforcement and, as this case shows, also by the court system. Pretty sad when one race has to fear the very people and agencies charged with protecting citizens and their rights.
Yep. Sad to say but absolutely true.
When you are deunk and behaving like this? You do need rehab.
And yes, she is lucky she is a white woman acring like this. Any woman of color would have been treated VERY differently.
Heck even Mel Gibson got a bigger kick in the butt than her when he went ballistic on the cops. These so called housewives get excused all the time for their bratty mean behavior. Upper class women and “kept” women get away with a lot bad behavior.
I got that way once – well, not that extreme. I ‘just’ yelled at the cop and acted belligerant and stupid. I was drunk and got into it with some dude in a convenience store (this was right after Trump was elected and a bad breakup). I got arrested and spent the night in jail. Got ‘public intoxication’ and ‘resisting arrest’ – which they dropped. I was out w/o having to post bond the next morning and had to pay a fine. It definitely occured to me that if I wasn’t white, I’d probably be dead for how I acted. Police have shot people for FAR less than what I did, like Philandro Castille, who did nothing.
LuAnn between relationships isn’t exactly concerned with class and etiquette – that woman is looking for the party. Not hugely shocked that she ended up this wasted, especially since we’re coming up on what would have been her first wedding anniversary and she’s single, embarrassed, and had even given up her beloved Countess title.
She is definitely resisting the aging process. She seems to have a problem being with herself alone. Seems to need a man in her life at all times, at any cost. Stay home, read a book, spend time with friends WITHOUT ALCOHOL. Go on a healthy retreat.
I can say in all honesty that I have never seen a single episode of any “Real Housewives” show. I’m the “breadwinner” in my family so I figured I’d feel very crappy seeing a bunch of rich women live high on the hog from their spouse’s money. Also, I don’t have cable so…
That being said… Am I missing out on some mindless entertainment?! Or am I better off being ignorant to it?
I’ve never watched one HW show, Claire. I’ve never seen an episode of the Kardashians or their spin-offs either. I don’t feel I’m missing a damn thing. Personally, I think these types of reality shows contribute to the dumbing down of civilization.
On the contrary, you feel better about yourself watching them. I will explain… The majority of these people, despite all their wealth, are pretty miserable, buying their way to ‘happiness’ with new bags, jewels, cars, home reno and clothes but they never feel full enough. Their egos are as thin as glass so they have pissing contests and just plain can’t get along because of it. It’s hugely entertaining. I seriously always feel better about myself and reassured. And think, wow it’s exhausting,
emotionally and financially, to care that much about appearance of both self and home. I’ll keep living my life for myself and not for appearances.
totally mindless. They are a pretty vapid bunch. It’s like the worst backbiting girlfriends x alcohol.
I watched one or two and then couldn’t take the horrible characters. Vapid materialistic vain vulgar I could go on.
I know I’m about to get the boot but I’m white and I will NOT apologize for it: I respect the law and don’t behave like this fool: Those of you who are insulting whites are just as racist as any white person I’ve ever met: And all of you forgot that LuAnn is always talking about her Native American heritage: Let’s hear you slam them now:
Pointing out racial disparities in law enforcement is not “insulting whites”, it is research-based fact.
It’s not about you (or me, as another law-abiding white woman). People have correctly noted that this scenario is a prime example of how whiteness, combined with economic privilege, acts as a shield. They are pointing out racism in law enforcement, not expressing racist views.
No one has insulted whites. I’m white also. First thing I thought when I read this was “if she wasn’t white she’d be dead”. Did I think that because I hate myself and my white heritage? No. I thought that because I am aware of the country we live in and the realities of systemic racism. Addressing white privilege isn’t insulting whites, it’s stating reality.
If she wasn’t white we would be hearing about how she said “I will kill you all” as an excuse for why cops felt she was an immediate danger and needed to be shot. Because she IS white, it’s jusg a funny detail to the story.
Sad. She has kids. I know, they’re older, but what kind of example are you setting?
This didn’t surprise me at all. I wrote about it in a blog. Luanne is crazy. I think it most amazing that she held it together as well as she did. Deep down that woman is a lunatic. But, seriously, with her astrology chart, she’s done pretty well.
Please tell me about her astrology chart!
I love doing natal charts. Very informative and often accurate. I think Lu is a taurus..?
I’d be down for hearing about her chart. My own chart is nuts. We can rise above though.
I feel sorry for her kids having to watch their mom slowly lose her mind and reputation over that short, bald, broke Uncle Gomez looking mother fu*ker.
While I agree with you that it is sad to see and wondering how her kids are holding up, your comment literally made me LMAO!!! So thank you 🙂
I’m curious to find out how her and this man ended up in the wrong room? How drunk was he??!! I feel bad for her kids. This is truly hard for kids, of any age. I’m guessing Tom is the protected one in Palm Beach. I’ve bartended at these rich people parties. Six CASES of wine later, it’s quite the scene. Their rude, obnoxious ways are magnified. I love being sober, it’s very funny. I don’t watch the show but as I read the comments it sounds like this behavior is common. Being on those shows seems like they’re just trouble and ruin lives. I don’t get why anyone would do it.
He’s not protected, and neither is she. The tell is that she was in a hotel and not staying with anyone over the holidays. I am sure there is a story behind her hanging out there, but I would imagine they are part of 45’s circle. He has that same sheen of ewww.
She is a horrible snob who thinks she is better than everyone. Karma is a bitch