Roseanne Barr on people criticizing Trump: ‘You want Pence for the president?’

'Roseanne' at Walt Disney Studios - Premiere

Here are some photos from the premiere event for the Roseanne reboot. We’ve already discussed this reboot a few times, and I still maintain that this show is going to be an utter mess. It would be one thing if they kept it true to the original show, but they’re not – they’re tailoring it around Roseanne Barr’s actual political beliefs, in that she voted for Donald Trump and she thinks Hillary Clinton is a she-devil. My biggest problem isn’t so much that I believe that “Trump voters don’t belong on television,” it’s that I don’t believe this show will be in any way accurately representative of real Trump voters. The show is acting like a New York Times’ op-ed about how the peasants in fly-over states might really feel, you know? But whatever, the show is happening and the promotion is going poorly. Roseanne Barr and John Goodman appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live and good God…

Jimmy Kimmel kicked his interview with Roseanne Barr and John Goodman up a few notches when he broached the touchy subject of President Trump. Barr was never afraid to admit she voted for him, while Goodman clearly isn’t a fan. Whatever your political leanings, the chat made for some lively television on Thursday night. One juicy soundbite came when Barr told Kimmel, “You want Pence for the president? Well, then zip that f—in’ lip!”

This came after the late-night host pressed the Roseanne star on casting her vote for “Captain Wacko,” as he put it. In the past, Barr has defended her vote. But now, sitting on the Roseanne couch among two anti-Trump-ers, she said, “I’m still the same, you all moved so f–ing far out you lost everybody” — a reference to Democrats. Barr also addressed her previous friendship with Hillary Clinton and the more recent tweets she wrote about the Democratic candidate for president in 2016.

“I think you accused her of being a murderer on Twitter, didn’t you?” Kimmel asked.

“I did not!” she shot back. But when Kimmel promised to find the tweet “in the next 40 seconds,” she offered, “I deleted it, so f— you!”

On a more serious note, the actress and comedienne said she had issues with Clinton’s foreign policy. That left Goodman room to chime in: “She had one!”

The conversation veered towards Barr’s own family and their split reaction to Trump’s presidential victory, as well as how the new revival of her show mirrors her life. All in all, as spicy as it was, Kimmel said the interview was “kind of like what the show is like.”

“Here’s my two cents, damn it,” Barr said at one point. “It’s up to us to make this government work, no matter who’s president. It’s up to us to do our job as citizens and if we don’t like something, let ’em know you don’t like it, and then you’ve got another election in two years. Get out there and vote. Change it if you don’t like it.”

[From EW]

At various points in the interview, it does feel like Roseanne is play-acting this idea of a Trump supporter, and then at other points, it feels like she’s being completely serious. I don’t know. Maybe she is the typical Trump supporter: a wealthy white woman who can’t form a cohesive (or even coherent) argument for why she supports Donald Trump.

'Roseanne' at Walt Disney Studios - Premiere

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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71 Responses to “Roseanne Barr on people criticizing Trump: ‘You want Pence for the president?’”

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  1. justcrimmles says:

    No, dummy, we don’t want Pence any more than we wanted Trump. God Karen, you’re so stupid.

    • SM says:

      Yes. And alao it is so pedestrian of her to ask this question because it is her vote that put BOTH of them in government. However, at this point I do think that Pence would be better. First of all he seems like the type of politician that would more or less fall into the party polotical line even if at the very conservative end of it. This means that probably he would not end up starting a nuclear war as a result of twitter tantrum. Also, it is quite clear at this point Trump’s campaign colluded with Russians or simply put – commited treason. And so there’s no difference who is next in line, but someone who commits treason has to go!

      • Cranberry says:

        Except that Pence works for the Mercer’s and Koch bros as well Bolton and Sessions. So unfortunately he would still be pushing full steam ahead with much of the same policies we’ve already seen from Trump with their advisement in addition to who ever else Mercer/Koch/Bannan loyalist he’ll appoint at their instruction. Either way you look at it, Trump or Pence, it’s bad news. M/K/B played their hand very well.

    • holly hobby says:

      They came as a pkg deal. The one she does not like is a heartbeat away from that office. Sorry I can’t forgive her for stumping for that idiot traitor.

  2. Patricia says:

    She is acting like complete trash, I hope her show absolutely tanks. What an idiot.

    • naomipaige says:

      She is and always will be pure trash. Not sure if it’s just her shtick, or her true self. Either way, I will not be watching her show. Can’t stand her.

      • Megan says:

        I think it is her shtick. I read a review of the show and the first episode is about repairing the rift between Roseanne and Jackie that resulted from Roseanne voting for Trump. It sounds like they are setting her up to Archie Bunker.

    • Tate says:

      Same. Hope it is a complete failure.

  3. Cate says:

    I want neither of them. The entire administration is made up of treasonous cheaters and liars and the whole lot of them should be in prison for helping a foreign government hack our elections.

    And the Connors were never Republicans in the original run of the show. Barr herself was always fairly liberal until she realized being racist got her more attention. Stop stereotyping lower middle class America Roseanne.

  4. Darla says:

    I won’t read anything about her, so I only see the headline here.

    I know that they don’t like the political correctness of snowflakes like me, so I will lay it on the line.

    They are keeping this deranged loon on a leash. They have the boot on her face. Wait…waaaait.

    When the show is a hit, and I believe it will be, she will be unplugged.

    And then we are going to see some ish. And shame on the people who signed up for this. It makes me so sad because I always loved Goodman and Metcalf in particular. They are going to end up regretting this. But not as much as I already do.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      I also am surprised that the old cast members signed on to this. Stories abound of the difficulties of working with R on the former show. Perplexing. Watch Tom Arnold’s Twitter for major snark. Strange situation all around.

    • Jordan says:

      Well when you say you’d mow someone down with your car based on their political views that’s the very opposite of politically correct.

  5. Jussie says:

    She’s extremely racist. Like verging on inciting hate crimes racist. She’s also a full on conspiracy theorist, the kind that goes all in on the nonsense even people like Alex Jones say is extreme. That’s why she’s a Trump supporter. He ticks the racism box and the bat-s$&t crazy box.

    I think she is play-acting a bit here, because she isn’t a Republican in the religious, socially conservative sense, and that’s the audience she’s hoping Roseanne will attract this time around. But she is a genuine Trump supporter.

    • Darla says:

      Right. She’s incredibly racist. So how can i ever look at Goodman and Metcalf the same? And what really bothers me is my favorite escape show is TBBT. And I loved Metcalf as Sheldon’s mother. She’s ruined for me now. She is ruining everything. That’s just how I feel. And I’m not getting over it.

  6. Lala says:

    I had to block her racist a– YEARS AGO on Twitter regarding POTUS Obama…she’s NOT PLAYING AT ANY OF THIS!!!!

  7. S says:

    I have extreme affection for the original iteration of Roseanne, which I consider a TV classic. I have far less warm feelings for the actual actress/comedian herself. I veer between hating her as the vindictive, racist, temperamental narcissist she clearly is, or having slight sympathy for a person with obvious, serious mental illness being exploited by friends, family and Hollywood. It’s probably a little of both, but neither is anything I want to see on screen or taint my memories of what was really, until it’s final dreadful season (when Roseanne had 100% control), a seminal television show.

    • Ashby says:


      I’m sorry, but I have no understanding how anybody in the universe could have enjoyed the Roseanne sitcom.
      The show was such horrendous trash in my opinion.
      Sad, part of the American culture has some serious issues, celebrating such garbage.

      • holly hobby says:

        Yes I never watched it in its original run. Sorry it did not appeal to me.

      • S says:

        To each their own, but I always found it a heartwarming slice of blue collar life television that dealt, quite profoundly, with some serious issues, and was also consistently funny through at least the first 2/3 of its long run. The amount of top-notch writer/directors that got their start on Roseanne is immense and includes Joss Whedon, Amy Sherman, her husband Dan Palladino and Carrie Fisher (not a neophyte, but hardly a hack). I credit the shows success much more to them, than Roseanne herself, despite her being the star. (I’ve never liked her schtick in anything else, and have found her, at best, sad, and more often abrasive, rather than relatable.)

        On throughout my childhood, there are many episodes I know virtually by heart, but still find funny and charming. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a similiar part of the country and in similar economic straits as the Conners.

        At one point in history this may not have been accurate, but at present fictional “Roseanne Conner” and actual Roseanne Barr have very little in common, and while it’s, sadly, not at all odd for blue collar whites from the midwest to be ardent Trump supports, it is very much out of character for the highly feminist, union-friendly, anti-racist Roseanne Conner the original run of the show depicted for eight-plus seasons.

      • Mel M says:

        @S- totally agree and had the same thoughts. I posted further down but you articulated it much better.

      • Cranberry says:

        So what is good, non-trash television for you? ‘Full House’ perhaps ? ?

        What was great about Rosanne is that is was unpolished, blue collar sitcom that was produced on a very small budget. So they worked with what they had and stuck to basic premise of their show which is what made it all work. It may not have been sophisticated and polished, but it had a lot of heart and real wit.
        The Rosanne show wasn’t like anything else on TV, and nothing like it had been seen since the days of ‘Goodtimes’, ‘All in the Family’ and ‘Chico & the Man’ in the 70s. You may not have liked the show or the format of it, but to call it trash seems like you don’t even understand it’s place in television history or it’s juxtaposition against the eco-political environment of the times when it aired.

  8. Shelley says:

    I remember her National Anthem schtick that she was criticized for. She typifies the white Trump women like Lahren, can’t tell you concisely and cogently why they hate others ,but they know they have been victimized and mistreated by black and brown folks.

  9. Miss Jupitero says:

    Is that the best she can do? Dropping f-bombs on television?

    We will vote Pence out completely, never fear. He will be completely irrelevant by 2020. In the meantime, once we take over the House and the Senate, he can be “managed.”

    Trump is dangerous right now and has to go.

  10. Swack says:

    “You want Pence for the president?” – this quote bugs me. She voted for Trump, therefore voted for Pence and think she pretty much knew if something happens to Trump we get Pence. So her statement/question makes little sense to me.

    • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

      It doesn’t make sense because it’s not genuine. She’s a true Trump supporter and just like them, is trying to throw everything on the wall that would stick to justify her support. Which usually is incoherent. They are afraid of being honest about why they really support him: he is a White nationalist that will make insecure Whites feel better about themselves.

    • Save Mueller says:

      It bugs me too. You know Pence is a problem and you’re using that as defense of the batsh*t turd that you voted for? Makes no sense.

  11. Tanguerita says:

    No biach, I want Hilary for president, and should (God forbid) anything happen to her – Tim Kaine.

  12. Jay says:


    But I think Netflix’s set up doesn’t make ratings or popularity info available outside of what is obviously insanely popular (Stranger Things, etc) so we probably won’t ever know how badly her show does but I hope it’s an internal embarrassment for Netflix.

    • S says:

      It’s on ABC.

      • Megan says:

        The opening episode is about repairing the rift between Roseanne and Jackie because Jackie refuses to speak to her after she voted for Trump. I wonder how much of this is just hype to get the deplorables to watch.

      • Sharon says:

        And yet ABC just shelved an episode of ‘blackish’ that delved into the NFL protests. So we can glorify Rosanne’s political views but not the ‘blackish’ crew’s?
        That sounds messed up.

      • Cranberry says:

        @Megan, I wonder that too. I know Rosanne can be very crass and contrarian, but I didn’t know she would let it take her so far down this road since she is more of a libertarian/progressive hybrid of some sort. So I don’t know what to think. But this ‘narrative’ does sure fit into the show’s depiction of non-educated, dis enfranchised, blue collar culture.

        Problem is that although I thought the original show pulled this blue collar narrative pretty well in the 90s and dealt with a lot of real issues that were relevant and hot issues, I think now, in the Trump era were as a nation are not in the same place anymore. Our society is broken down much more now that I think it was then, and everyone knows it. All we have to do is watch the news to see the government dilapidate into chaos and shame. So people aren’t laughing about the dismantling of our government and institutions by self serving, billionaire criminals. I think any show that takes on the social-political climate right now will be juggling hot coals and likely going to start some fires even if they have some marginal success.

  13. Who ARE These People? says:

    I want to know more about how Republicans (of all types) arrived simultaneously at the idea that the Democratic party and its voters “moved to the far left” and at the opposing idea that Hillary Clinton was a “warmonger.”

    I want to know how people like me who have considered themselves to be moderate in terms of wanting a decent social safety net combined with an eye on sound fiscal management, who are concerned with equal rights for all Americans, who want responsible foreign policy and environmental stewardship, have come to be considered “far out.”

    I really want to know how people like me got shoved over and branded and reactionary, racist, religious fanatics took over the center and became, in the eyes of the media, pundits and themselves, the normal “big middle.”

    That’s the truly scary stuff.

    • Percy says:

      I want to know when people in the middle with no religious background, and some right leaning views like me all became labeled as “Racist religious fanatics “ You’re doing exactly the same thing.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        How did I do that? If you’re not a fanatic, I’m really glad. But there are fanatics and they have taken control of the government. Mike Pence is not middle of the road.

        I’m in my 60s and have lived comfortably among people with “right-leaning” views my whole life. Right-leaning including economic conservatism, belief in small government, etc., that’s all about normal differences of opinion about the role of government. Right-leaning that includes open racism, violence against and the domination of women, xenophobia, militarism, intolerance of other points of view, etc. — that’s different.

        If all the moderates could muscle out the extremists on either end, it would be a healthy change for the better.

      • otaku fairy says:

        A vote for Trump was a vote for all of those things though- whether those were the things that actually motivated someone to vote for Trump or just things they were willing to dismiss as no big deal because they thought Trump would lead to more money in their pockets. If you’re Not That Kind of Conservative- you’re not a Trump supporter and your ‘some right-leaning views’ aren’t the ones being brought up here, the criticism doesn’t really seem to apply to you. But it would be nice to see conservatives worry more about holding their own accountable and dealing with these very real problems in their party instead of hyper-focusing on generalizations about Trump supporters.

  14. Jayna says:

    Oh, F’vck off, Roseanne.

    • Addie says:

      Her schtick is all for effect and best ignored. She has no cogent ideas to articulate, just vicious bile. So wy bother with her at all? I can catch John Goodman and the glorious Laurie Metcalf in far better vehicles than this series.

      • Cranberry says:

        I’m inclined to agree with you. I think the original show did very well and was more appropriate to the social political environment of it’s time in 90s, but now we’re in totally new territory and things are a lot worse and divided more than ever. I have little tolerance now for disingenuous, in-cogent, contrary drivel for the sake of ratings. If I want to see that I can just watch commercial political news for the latest Dump tweet, his latest firing or who’s resigned, or the next law suit against him, and so on and so on, etc.

  15. Tara Beth says:

    Since he would be found complicit, Pence would not become president. It would likely fall to the Speaker of the House (Paul Ryan).

  16. Truthie says:

    I too am horrified at the prospect of President Pence, this is really between a rock and a hard place. Pres Pence would mean that Koch Industries are in charge, that they have finally won what they have been spending so many millions for. The Supreme Court appointees that would come from him would be the stuff of nightmares. I don’t see how Pence avoids Mueller scrutiny if he was in charge of the transition team, clearly he knew.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      He’s been implementing Koch brothers social/domestic policies since Day 1 and is probably the force behind most of Trump’s judiciary nominations. HE IS ALREADY THERE.

      • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

        Yep, Koch et. al are already getting their agenda enacted. Transgenders are no longer allowed in the military and we just gave the 1% a truck load of money via “tax cuts”. Pence on his own would have less power and support than George W. Bush. He lacks the 35% Trumpism cult that enables him, he is creepy and he lacks charisma. The man was run out of his own state how is he going to be re-elected for President in 2020!

        Trump is different than any other Republican before him, Pence would have to become as racist, bombastic and crass as Trump to stay in power. I think some people just like using him as a boogie man to keep a corrupt and insane dictator in office.

      • Truthie says:

        Sigh. I guess you are right. Trump never seemed the type to share any power whatsoever. To me, he wants to call all the shots himself, since he is the “stable genius” around there. So proud of making his decisions by himself. But of course they have Bigly access and they get things thrown into the soup. Does anyone else think that the Watergate mess pales in comparison to this vile mess? Nixon and GW are starting to look honorable in contrast. Gawd.

      • BorderMollie says:

        Koch domestic policy, and a foreign policy inspired by Sheldon Adelson’s crazy doomsday racist beliefs. Mess.

        But Trump is doing the same thing, and frankly most democrats toe the line of their big donors too, so it’s a dumb criticism on Roseanne’s part. Get the influence of big donors out of politics altogether.

      • Cranberry says:

        Yup, and the entire republican party is complicit to all this.

      • magnoliarose says:

        Pence’s Foreign Policy is driven by an extreme Christian ideology that happens to coincide with Sheldon A and Co.’s extremism. The largest lobby pushing the Middle East agenda is Christian. Evangelical bigots who want to make Jews go back to Israel to wait for the second coming and then if the Jews don’t accept their savior they will go to hell. So then the Holy Land will be home to only Christians, and they will take over everything. At the same time, they are intolerant bigots and antisemitic. That is Pence’s crew. Defense contractors push it to make money.
        It is a combination of several factions, but no one is doing this for Jews. They are doing it for Christians.

    • S says:

      The Koch brothers already got a 1.4 billion, with a “B,” reward via the Trump Tax Cut. Pretty good rate of return on their 100-million-ish investment.

  17. Muprhy says:

    FFS, Trump is the one who brought Pence into this in the first place!

  18. Merritt says:

    I don’t want either Trump or Pence in power. They both belong in prison.

  19. LW says:

    I live in Illinois in a place very similar to the fictitious Lanford. For the record I cannot stand Trump and am a staunch democrat, but I am in the minority here. Whether I like her personal views or not (I don’t, I think she’s vile) in my experience Roseanne Connor would be a prime Trump supporter. Struggling, lower middle class with no clue why they actually support the billionaire that has zero in common with them. And yes, it would divide their family. I have family I avoid now because of their vile and racist views regarding President Obama and President Trump. So the Jackie/Roseanne rift is very plausible. I might not like that a Trump supporter is getting this attention, but the Connor’s (or some of them) being supporters very much rings true to my experiences here in Trump Country. Illinois is a “blue” state because of Chicago only, in the rest of the state us “libs” are the minority now. And it sucks!

    • Darla says:

      I think you’re right about all of this. And it could make for a very interesting show. However, because I know she is personally a vicious, off the wall racist, I cannot watch it. If it were an act and it explored everything you write here, I think I would watch. But it’s not an act. I mean, if she’s portrayed as sane on the show, that would be the act.

      • LW says:

        I agree wholeheartedly! I loved the original roseanne but I won’t give my time to watching this. She’s horrible with horrible hate-mongering views. And I hate this notion of “we just need to understand where these Trump supporters are coming from”. No. Romney supporters, McCain supporters…..yes. I didn’t agree with them politically, but I didn’t think they had a blatant disregard for the sanctity of the office of POTUS, for people of different races, etc. Trumpism as I have experienced it here is MUCH more like a cult than a political party. I firmly believed a lot of these people are brainwashed.

      • virginfangirl says:

        Yep, count me in. I will avoid watching this show & hope it tanks as well.

    • Mel M says:

      I agree, I lived in IL for a long time and the suburbs of Chicago are very much Trump country for the most part. White middle/upper class.

      I used to watch roseanne and stil do sometimes if I want background tv going. It makes me laugh a lot because i have four kids and a lot of comments she makes or arguments her and Dan have are relatable. I am actually surprised that they are portraying Roseanne Conner as a trump voter. There were so many times that she and Dan both definitely made it clear they are Democrats. They always made comments about the government being run by rich a holes that don’t care about low income families. They made fun of GHWB. She gets her teenage daughter birth control and you know Trump voters would never do that. I know she’s a garbage person with horrible views but I never thought the character had those views.

      • TriedToTellYa says:

        What on earth kind of logic are you using when you say Trump supporters won’t get their daughters birth control? That’s ridiculous. I know many Trump supporters who are NOT racist, NOT particularly religious, and one of them has two teenage daughters BOTH of whom she got birth control for. She is also pro-life and STILL got both girls birth controls.

        I can assure you that everything said many commenters here is echoed by the right in how they feel about you.

        You don’t need to agree with someone politically but you also need to remember HALF the country voted for Trump and not all of them are far-right individuals. Don’t be ridiculous.

      • magnoliarose says:

        Yes, they are.
        No half the country didn’t. Your math is faulty.
        Anyone who voted for 45 supported his racism. You can’t vote for a racist without accepting their beliefs.
        Those that voted for him are responsible for all of his policies and everything that happens since he took office. I don’t care what someone promised me. I would never vote for a racist liar. Never. It would not happen because I am against racism. It is immoral and fueled by hate. I don’t care what his supporters think of me or the left.
        I don’t want or need their approval. If I could cut off an entire side of my family for supporting him, I would hardly care what his supporters thought. His low numbers now show his support is lower than when he got elected, and it is not half.

      • Cranberry says:

        Hey @TriedToTellYa, sorry but even if many Trump voters only voted for him for what they thought they’d get from him financially via the economy, they have to bear the label ‘racist bigots’ because that’s what he is and what he showed himself to be before and during the election. Many republicans want to use some lame excuse that he was the only choice they could make because they couldn’t vote for HC. Well that’s not true. They could have not voted like many republicans, dems and independents that stayed home election day because they couldn’t bring their selves to vote for either Trump or Hillary. Or they could have come to their senses and voted for the candidate that at least had the qualifications to govern and that had a basic understanding of the constitution – at least.
        The idea that Trump voters HAD to choose him because Hillary was somehow worse!?! – is ludicrous! If Trump were running against a Hitler, then the lesser of two evils argument would apply. But to equate that Hillary is so bad that you would rather vote for a known racist, misogynist, corrupt, bigot with no experience or respect for the law and the craft of governance and diplomacy is beyond stupidity. It’s sinister.
        So NO. People that voted for Trump and still support him have to own up to what they are. They may think they’re some kind of detached, realist, strategical voter and didn’t think Trump really believed what he was saying, but that’s not going to cut it. If you voted for this guy, seeing how divisive and hurtful he was and that didn’t matter to you and still doesn’t, well then you are a racist-misogynist bigot. Period.
        If you’re going to start defending Trump supporters then you need to at least use correct information, also known as FACTS. As in NO. No, half the country did NOT vote for Trump. If you don’t even know that simple election fact that Hillary had 3 million more popular votes than Trump, and she still lost because of Electoral College system, then you need to go back to school and learn something.

      • Mel M says:

        I know this is too late but in regards to trump supporters and birth control that was hardly my entire argument, it was just an example. Also it’s nice that your friends can afford to get their daughters birth control because they, and I’m guessing you, voted for a man that is trying to make it harder and less available. I know plenty of trump voters, I live in a very red state and I’m pretty much the only one of my family and my husbands family, including extended, that is anti trump and voted for HC. I don’t know any one of them that don’t agree with letting businesses take away birth control coverage for religious reasons.

  20. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I think my mother-in-law made her skirt. I’ve always enthusiastically disliked her so no need to cancel.

  21. LORENA says:

    I used to love this show! Roseanne Connor seems like a typical trump supporter to me so I am not surprised about that. I am torn about watching because I love all the other actors so much! I saw a promo photo of Jackie wearing a nasty woman shirt with a pink hat so maybe there is that

  22. NeoCleo says:

    I want ALL of the GOP trash out of office, including Trump and Pence. Easily said, unfortunately but it will not be done without a lot of pain. Which I am VERY willing to endure.

  23. JRenee says:

    She seems to be trying to play both sides. Nope.
    She donated cashed, voted for and encouraged others to vote in the current administration…

  24. Chef Grace says:

    She comes across as a bit ignorant but capable of getting her point across. Kind of like tossing dynamite into a cesspool.

  25. minx says:

    I have no time for Roseanne. She knows what she’s doing and couldn’t care less.

  26. jana says:

    Roseanne came off as an ignorant, overbearing bitch on Kimmel…I don’t care if she voted for Trump or not, but you can’t vote for a President without understanding that the Vice President is a breath away from holding that office…it’s literally what cost John McCain the 2008 race and and the nation’s respect for bringing that dipshit Sarah Palin onto his ticket and into our homes.

  27. Tanya says:

    She’s a dipshit and always has been. I honestly believe the “progressivism” in her first show was fake for ratings. Hers slipped because of other shows coming through the pipeline during much better.

    Let’s be honest: Roseanne always blamed others for her issues. She mismanaged money on the show, wasn’t particularly bright, and, was in all honesty, not the best mother. Yet, she blamed others for her plight.

    Sounds like Trump’s supporters from the go.

    I’m not watching and I don’t think most folks will when there’s much more to entertain us.

  28. TJ says:

    Pence is a more inteligent version of W (which we seen in the past, even as president), while the current one is very close of a fasict dictator-wannabe. So yeah, I’d rather have Pence as POTUS with all his homofobic views. He could be more easily voted out as well in 2020, then Trump sadly. Agent Orange have a cult of following. Pence has the Koch brothers and… that’s about it.

  29. Hannah says:

    Didn’t realize Roseanne was such an opportunist. Shame on her.