Donald and Melania Trump did not watch Stormy Daniels’ 60 Minutes interview together. Bigly flew back to Washington on Sunday, and Melania and Barron stayed behind at Mar-a-Lago, where they will stay all week (because this is Barron’s spring break). I would imagine that Melania isn’t too happy about Stormy, but I think the larger problem for Melania is that her current life is a hellscape of treason and sadness. So someone had the balls to ask Melania’s long-suffering press secretary for a comment about Melania’s reaction to Stormy’s interview. This is what happened:
If Melania Trump saw Stormy Daniels’ bombshell 60 Minutes interview on Sunday, she’s not letting the public know. When asked if the first lady watched the tell-all where the porn star detailed her alleged sexual relationship with Donald Trump in 2006 — a year after Melania and President Trump’s wedding — White House Director of Communications for the first lady Stephanie Grisham evaded the question.
“She’s focused on being a mom and is quite enjoying spring break at Mar-a-Lago while working on future projects,” the spokeswoman said.
Grisham also tweeted on Sunday, “While I know the media is enjoying speculation & salacious gossip, I’d like to remind people there’s a minor child who’s name should be kept out of news stories when at all possible,” referring to Melania and President Trump’s 12-year-old son, Barron.
“I’d like to remind people there’s a minor child who’s name should be kept out of news stories when at all possible.” Literally no one has mentioned Barron’s name in the Stormy stories. The Trumps are the ones using Barron as a human deflection shield. If the political parties were reversed and a Democratic president had an affair with a porn star and then lied about it and covered it up and paid hush money, I would imagine the Republicans would be SUPER CONCERNED about the Democrat’s children too. Oh wait, the Republicans constantly went after Chelsea Clinton and Michelle, Sasha and Malia Obama? Oh, right.
As for Melania focusing on being a mom… by all accounts, she’s a devoted mother. By all accounts, she adores her son and they have a special connection, and she’s even taught him her native language. So I guess what this vague statement is supposed to mean is that Melania will stay with Bigly no matter what because of Barron, because Melania values motherhood so much. I’m sure the Evangelicals will eat that up. Ugh.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
I’ve asked this question numerous times, and I’ll ask it again: Melania’s hair is a wig, right? Where is her scalp?
A very bad wig at that. She must let Minute Maid Mao do her hair.
I’ve begrudgingly liked her style too. She’s worn some really nice pieces which has looked great on her. I hate her posing when she thrust her hand in her trouser pockets. It never looks normal.
if it’s a wig it is far from a bad one
Gotta be a wig. It looks so bizarre. And in the pic of her wearing a blazer, I can’t be the only one who thinks it’s a strange color combination.
Side note- when did Barron get so tall??
That colour combination is vomi-licious.
I actually like that color combo–very retro. Honestly, with the exception of a few tragic outfits here and there, I actually really like her style.
And yes, Barron is CRAZY tall all of a sudden, right? I do feel for him. The rest of the family can go eat sh*t though.
Aw, sorry Kitten, the first thing about we don’t see eye to eye! If the shirt was just a little less sharp or the suit just a little brighter… I’d be okay with it, too. : )
That was my second thought…chartreuse and peach? It followed my first, which was- whoa! She looks insane.
@butterfly I thought it was a French’s mustard and salmon combo :). She still manages to look good…
MandyMC- He had a big growth spurt during the campaign, probably during the summer. My brother was six foot tall by the age of 12. It’s just genetics. Hard on the kid, though, because most other boys are not that tall at such a young age and people can assume he’s older than he is, which is quite a problem.
A friend’s son had a major growth spurt over the summer at about the same age, and I honestly did not recognize the kid when I saw him in the Fall after just meeting him in the Spring. And changes keep happening for guys for years after that. I had a student who was a college freshman when first in my class, and didn’t recognize him when he was starting his sophomore year. He was already at his full height probably but other changes were dramatic in the face.
I have a lot of affection for you kitten but I have to disagree about Mel’s fashion. I have liked very few of what she has worn and the color combo above looks like lox and some funky mystery spread involving avacados.
Is it? I never thought of this conceptually before, and now the possibility that her flowy mane (which I’ve admired) might be fake is making me crazy!
She has a very high natural forehead, maybe she is losing hair. So she wears these wigs with too-low foreheads.
It’s a wig and it is very often askew, crooked, or falling down into her eyes
I don’t think it’s a wig, I think she starts her bangs near the back of her head and combs them forward, then plasters them with hairspray. If nothing else, she’s learned how to do comb-overs from Trump.
Her forehead isn’t so big that she needs to do this, IMO. In her older photos she looks fine.
I think it is a wig.
@Minx, the unchanging expressions are hilarious. It reminds me of Overboard, where Kurt Russell takes the mug shot of Goldie Hawn, and has his friend photoshop it over all of his wife’s pictures.
@minx Agreed. It looks like she started wearing wigs around 2013. She has very thin hair naturally.
Her squinty poses are terrible. Sure but she was a model as if. Lol
I wonder why she wears them. hmmm
I’m not positive it’s a wig per se, but it’s definitely covering up thinning hair and a huge forehead. I have both of those things, and this is exactly how I have tried to style my hair in the past. :/
The only reference to their son I’ve heard is simply that his new wife had recently given birth when he allegedly had these flings/relationships. No name, just a general reference.
Don’t blame the media, blame the one at the center of these tawdry stories.
Honestly, when i read about the “minor child” reference, I assumed they were referring to Stormy’s daughter who is only 7. But naw, guess I was wrong. Can’t be worried about anyone who doesn’t have Trump as a last name.
It should be children (plural), shouldn’t it?
That’s all I’ve heard of him mentioned in the stories too, which is simply factual and doesn’t really talk about him.
I feel so bad for that kid and do want him to be left alone, but I blame his father, not the media.
I bet Trump couldn’t tell you when Barron’s birth date is. He’s not interested in any of his children’s lives. He only cares about Ivanaka and as we all know, it’s for gross reasons only.
Melania is staying because she likes the lifestyle and has nothing else to fall back on. Any by that, I mean her trophy wife days are behind her. And not many men are going to want to take the Trump baggage that comes with her.
Ah, that makes me sad. My dad resurfaced after disappearing for several decades. I’d always wondered if he remembered my birthday during that time. Not surprisingly, he didn’t…
When you see pictures of the parents with Barron, no one is touching. They all look completed disconnected from the others, like three strangers. Trump is always wearing his gigantic suits and coats, arms straight down at his sides. Melania looks like she’s in a stupor. Barron looks like he wants to be anywhere else. There is no affection.
I agree. I don’t believe Melania is super-mom. She taught her son her language so they can speak without Trump knowing what they’re saying. Didn’t the kid have an entire floor to himself in Trump towers? Sounds pretty isolated for a little boy.
I don’t think she is either. Who puts a child on a separate floor? He has no siblings, and she and 45 don’t sleep together. Why wouldn’t they share one together? I think she fancies herself a wealthy idle woman and thinks that makes her sound rich. I don’t doubt she loves him, but I think it is distantly with the bulk of care handled by others.
I know the older kids were closer to their nannies than they ever were with their parents.
45 wouldn’t want him around at all. He dislikes kids and wouldn’t want him in his space. Does he look like he even cares about him?
I think “focused on being a Mom” is another way to say “my son is my family and my husband is not”.
Actually, there’s a brief clip of Melania and Barron goofing around at the inauguration, smiling even. But then Trump turns around and yells at them (everyone around looks alarmed like he’s cursing) and they go blank. It’s pretty sad.
I recall a magazine spread featuring Melania and Barron in their penthouse, and in a few shots, Melania’s affection for Barron was really obvious.
I believe she loves her son (who else has she got to love?), but I also think everyone in Donald’s orbit walks on eggshells when he’s around. If you’re going to judge them by their body language, do it based on moments when he’s not there.
She knew he was like this when she married him, she just didn’t expect it to end up such Bigly news.
Y’all replaced Michelle Obama with… that. Like, 53 % of white women tought Ivanka and Melania should represent the US abroad, on the world stage. Racism is the most powerful drug of all time.
I know, right? This whole shit show has shown me how much white privilege I have. The Obama’s would never have gotten away with any of this. Disgusting to know there are people out there who support them simply because they are white.
Yes, so much this. Remember tan suit gate or Michelle’s sleeveless dress?? Malia and Sasha looking bored at a Thanksgiving pardon ceremony?
And now, our first lady is a racist, lying birther who does not do a thing, not even the basics like organising a cute Easter roll for the kids; the first children and the son-in-law are knee-deep into treasonous nonsense.
And last but not least the president himself is fighting with pornstars, snatching p**ies left and right when is not busy trying to start WWIII with North Korea, or Iran or both.
I never want to hear about conservatives’ patriotism or their family values after Minute Maid Mao’s reign of terror.
It is insane when a person discovers just how much privilege white skin affords someone. I always thought the privilege I had was because of my family and socio-economics. Then I thought it had been about access. After that, I figured it was that plus my career. Still not recognizing it; I thought it was all that and what my marriage provided.
Finally, I opened my eyes, but it took some time to understand it really. Thanks to 45 my eyes were opened even further, and I get it. I also know it comes with the responsibility to use it to help others without it.
That said being Jewish comes with less privilege than a WASP. Not even Catholics enjoy the full benefits of Waspiness.
But it makes me angry, and I see things now I wish sometimes I didn’t. I can’t like everyone as I used to and I can’t make excuses like I used to.
This situation is so apparent and egregious it blows my mind. It shows how deep it goes and what people are willing to do to keep it.
Yes- the weak minded were swayed by not only FB adverts, but more importantly, by Giuliani’s cadre of misogynistic, lying NYC FBI goons, who threatened a false leak which forced Comey’s hand. That was the real coup de grace.
NotSoSocialButterfly – yeah, it’s pretty obvious now that the reason Comey wasn’t pushing to compare the e-mails earlier was because it was so unlikely to be important and other things had higher priority. So it could wait until after the election. Ordinarily, FBI policy is to be very careful for the two months before an election to avoid affecting it, which is why they weren’t talking about the Trump investigation. Besides, investigations can clear people also, as they did for Hillary.
Then the Giuliani and the FBI jerks in New York threatened to leak it all with their spin, and Comey had to send a confidential letter to Congress that he knew would be instantly leaked also by the Republicans. But he wrote the letter in a way that made it obvious to anybody with a functioning brain that there was probably nothing new, he just had to check it out. Which he did. And Hillary’s response was just to ask the FBI to speedily do just that, which would have told anybody with a functioning brain that she was completely unworried about the outcome.
Alas, functioning brains have become an endangered species in the USA.
I don’t think anybody thought about the first lady or Trump’s wife when they went to cast their vote for him. This was people voting for Donald’s public persona and nothing else.
I’m pretty sure if the race was between Ivanka and Michelle, Michelle would have won hands down.
I wish I could be as optimistic as you are, @Nanny to the rescue, but I’ve seen white mediocrity trump (pun intended) black excellence too many times.
Can we all stop comparing Ivanka to Michelle and object whenever we see someone do it? It is a false equivalency. Michelle was First Lady, the comparators are other First Ladies like Eleanor Roosevelt, Mamie Eisenhower, Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon, Betty Ford, Rosalyn Carter, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush and, yes, Melania, who definitely does NOT measure up. Lumping Ivanka In with First Ladies gives her power she should not have and almost normalizes what is illegal and previously unheard of behavior for the adult child of a president. Her comparators are: Lucy & Linda Johnson, Julie & Tricia Nixon, the Ford sons but not Susan because she was still in high school, the Carter sons but not Amy for the same reason, Patti Davis & Maureen, Michael & Ron Reagan, Doro Bush & her 4 brothers, but NOT Chelsea, the Bush twins or the Obama girls.
Lightpurple, I did it on purpose, because Ivanka tries to insert herself into a position of higher power than should be allowed, and her father is enabling her. The importance of Melania is – even in Donald’s eyes – far below Ivanka’s. It shouldn’t be like that, but the Trumps are making sure that it is so.
I’m not giving her power, I’m mocking her lust for it.
I’m a white woman, and I won’t even talk in a polite manner to any white woman who voted for Trump. Including family. Horrid.
And Barron isn’t 5 years old. The kid should be out playing ball with his friends, not hanging around with Mommy the ex-porn star herself. If she is still attached to him at the hip, that is a unhealthy relationaship right there. I can see if she had to drive him to sports, events, etc, but they make him sound like an infant.
Daddy should have remembered he had a kid when he was cheating and spreading racist lies. Mommy should have found her moral and mommy fiber to reject birthrism (she didn’t) . How do you think Obama kids felt? Where was Melania’s compassion? Had she spoken out about the bullying by Steve King and others regarding aEmma Gonzalez and MSJ kids? Nah. Karma is a bitch
Good point – she’s sitting silently while fans of her husband are attacking children. And not just children, but victims of a mass shooting. Not such a great anti-bullying advocate, is she?
Also, when someone has an affair and leaves their first wife for the mistress, the eventual 3rd wife has no grounds on which to be surprised when he cheats on her too. The only surprising thing is that more than 1 woman was willing to touch that orange blob.
Exactly. To those people, sympathy is a one-way street, always in their direction.
Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet on Twitter about Stormy’s sex interview. I bet the only thing quieter, is dinner with Melania.
Doubt they have dinner together. He prefers a bucket of KFC and the company of his beloved Faux News.
I thought he watched TV in bed while eating cheeseburgers for dinner?
I can’t feel bad for this woman. She was wife number three and knew how his other two marriages ended. I am sure she hasn’t shared a room with him in years and likely never after Barron was born. So she was ok with the other women, as long as it didn’t go public. Now it has. And she could have divorced him ages ago. She chooses to stay for the money so she is paying a price for her greed.
Also, am I the only one upset by the fact that Melania Trump’s *Communications Director* uses incorrect spelling/grammar in an official press release.
*Whose not Who’s
Isn’t anybody competent in this Administration?
I noticed too, but just dismissed it as indicative of a low-functioning example of anything/anyone tRump associated.
I don’t buy into her being terrified of him. No woman deliberately slaps her husband’s hand away in front of cameras on a world stage. She does it deliberately to humiliate him. She stays because she chooses to.
Yes, Kelly!
Wasn’t it yall that tried to slut shame Sasha and Malia for the length of their skirts? I swear the GOP and conservatives have AMAZING selective amnesia.
Also I must state again that I give zero Fs about Melania and her feelings.
She looks absolutely manic in that top picture. Yikes!
Yeah, just try to look in her eyes. She’s got crazy eyes.
And looks like a robot at the same time, which is hard to pull off.
Because when you focus on being a mom, you’re incapable of doing anything else. Melania has known about Stormy Daniels for years. She doesn’t care. And if she was really such a devoted & protective mother, she would not allow HER spokesperson to pull that “think about the poor child” crap. The Trumps exploit their young. Melania isn’t as bad as Ivanka, who has been posting pictures of her kids to distract from Stormy, but this isn’t the first time Melania has used Barron like this.
She had best focus on raising Barron so he does not turn into a mini Cheeto Mussolini. Unfortunately, given her track record, she is not likely to be that great of an influence on him.
She cost taxpayers an enormous amount of money staying in NYC with the excuse it was school. BS. She didn’t want this job and didn’t want to be near her husband. She didn’t want to leave her bf or her familiar luxury.
A devoted mother would remove her child from that situation. He’s being raised amid one of the most corrupt and dysfunctional families of all time, and his stepbrothers (or are they half-brothers, or only half-breeds?) fire a lot of guns.
(half- breed is a derogatory term)
Ouch, sorry. In their case, I 100% meant to be derogatory, but not at the expense of everyone else. I retract.
I don’t buy this Melania is a great involved mom bullshit. There was an article about the trumps. It stated that Barron had a whole floor in trump towers for him and his nanny. And that melania stayed in her area. I also remember someone posting about how they knew someone who worked for them and that Melanie was a pill popper. IMO, Melanie is barely involved in Barron’s life. She does her real housewives thing, shopping, spa, spends time with her parents. I believe Barron is raised by nanny or nannies and only comes out for photo ops. They are not loving involved parents like the Obamas.
Exactly. And what are the “future projects” that she is working on? She barely has a handle on current projects.
That was going to be my question. Isn’t her focus suppose to be on cyberbullying yet the number of people associated with her (Trump himself) and with Trump (Pompeo, Bolton, Steve King, etc) that constantly bully through various social media is never addressed by her.
I agree with you that he is being raised by “the help.” When Barron is out in public with his parents he always has a very flat affect as though he is checked out. I get the feeling he really has very little emotional connection to either of them. With parents like his, I do feel sorry for him.
I said the same above – should have read further down before posting.
They both used coke but she has been a zonked out space cadet for years, and it has been a joke.
You can tell when she is really out of it when she stares.
What is it with People and their obsession with marketing this woman?? I know agents pay and plant stories there about celebs in need of positive who is planting these?
You know, I’m thinking it’s a safer way to appeal to Trump supporters. Less likely to alienate readers, at least some non-deplorables are sympathetic or indifferent to Melania.
It’s an old political trick to use women to “humanize” their men.
The Don and Malaria head to the plastic surgeon and say: can you make us fraternal twins? Scary
I almost suspect Melania is happy to let him go off and be sleazy with other women. It means he’s spending less time sliming around her.
I go back and forth feeling sorry for Melania and then shaking myself and telling myself not to feel sorry for her because she chose to marry this despicable man and to have a child with him. It’s not like Donald’s affairs from his prior marriages were unknown. I do wonder why she doesn’t just pull the plug. I doubt Trump would fight for custody of Barron, he’d be more than happy to hand him off right to her. If she cares that much about her lifestyle over her son’s well-being, it makes it really hard to feel sympathy.
Obviously it isn’t Barron’s fault that is father is Donald Trump and I will hold judgment on him until he is no longer a minor. I really hope he doesn’t turn out like his older brothers and Ivanka and that this whole media circus of a presidency will turn him off to wanting to be involved with anything Trump when he is older. I feel so terrible for him that he is going through this and I can’t imagine what it’s like behind closed doors. I have this pipe dream he will write a tell-all with Tiffany when he is older and expose his family.
Look up narcissistic husbands on the malignant end of the spectrum, with sociopathic traits. Donald clearly lacks empathy but is highly vindictive. He is not interested in his son but he is very interested in vengeance. He is quite capable of deliberately making that child miserable with joint custody just to spite Melania if she does or says anything not to his liking.
Donald Trump is seriously dangerous, both to people around him and to all of us. He has a violent history and in public is verbally abusive. We have no idea what kind of tightrope Melania may be walking. We will not know her true beliefs about anything until he is dead and/or her son is full grown.
Plus the body language between Melania and her son, away from Donald, is relaxed and normal. All signs point to a normal relationship between them. The boy also seems to interact normally with his sibling’s children, including babies. He seems like a normal kid with a kind disposition. The dysfunction is all centered on Donald.
I know I’m in the minority here but I have zilch sympathy for any member of the Trumptard family, not even for Baron. And Melania can go kick rocks, she sitting by while her b7lly husband and their freaking goons are wrecking havoc on the gun violence victims! Where her sympathy and her sermon about cyber bullying? Melania likes to preach about cyber bullying and protecting the American kids and then at night goes and lays that bully husband of hers! Melania likes to talk the talk but never walks her own talk, I’m like b!+ch please, bye.🙋
I feel the same. The whole family (except maybe Barron but I do not hold out much hope for him) are pathological liars and should not be anywhere near the White House.
I don’t think you’re in the minority. I loathe the whole family except for Barron. They are terrible, corrupt, venal people.
Agreed. I have some sympathy for Barron but not much. He is getting treated much better than Malia and Sasha or Chelsea. So *shrug*.
We never hear from Barron, which is more than understandable, he’s a kid, and we never heard from Sasha/Malia, or Chelsea when she was in the WH, either. Maybe it’s just my penchant to ascribe innocence to children (I should know better with my job, oops), but I really hope Barron isn’t a racist white supremacist or whatever. :/
IDK, seeing kids be racist and horrible is just … it makes me really sad. So much brainwashing to undo, and I always wonder if they’ll be able to do the hard work and unravel their gross thinking and be people that can treat all people fairly and understand systemic, institutionalized racism and white privilege and how there’s no such thing as a level playing field, etc.
No one knows what it really up there or what she says or does behind the scenes. It’s doesn’t add up. We all know that.
I confess, I can’t get with vilifying Melania when there are actual people who really are responsible for governmental and social policies in the US and their ethical implementation have fallen short in so many real ways. I don’t think personally insulting her is adding to a real effort at electoral change.
Frankly, I don’t understand the thought that a third wife “deserves” to be the subject of potential continued marital abuse and on top of it deserves to be publicly characterised as a bad mother and person based on speculation.
Thanks FLOTUS and rep for injecting an innocent child into an adult discussion regarding infidelity and possible breaking of campaign finance laws. No body was talking about Barron.
Hmph. she better be focused on her lawyers and revising her prenup upwards.
As it’s already been said nobody is mentioning Barron. I echo this. However, even if folks were mentioning him, who cares? Being a Trump kid means you’re pretty much a dirtbag, unless you’re Invokana, and that additionally means you’re in danger of your father dating you. I don’t blame Meningitis for his bad mistakes. However, she has stayed with him, knowing what a pig he is. Therefore I cannot feel sorry for her. If she doesn’t care, why should anyone else? And I don’t think highly of any of them. Baron is just a kid, but I don’t hold out much hope that he’ll be any less racist, self-entitled, clueless and dishonest than any of the other ones.
She’s laughing at all the low rent leftists
The red states have the lowest levels of income, employment and education in the entire United States. Google it.