We finally have some details about Wonder Woman 2. When Director Patty Jenkins was in negotiations to come back for WW2, she dropped a bunch of ideas about the sequel. At that time, she indicated it would likely take place sometime between World War I (the first movie’s setting) and modern day (Justice League’s setting). Many, including me, thought WW2 would fall in the ’70s as a nod to the TV series. But DCEU has just revealed they’re jumping over the disco decade for power suits and big hair – the 1980s.
Prepare yourself for a leap across time between the first and second movies. Wonder Woman was set in 1918 at the end of World War I, whereas the sequel looks like it’s going to be set in the ’80s and follow a Cold War narrative. Initially it looked like we would find Diana in the modern day – which would put her in a post-Justice League world.
We also know where Jenkins wants it set. Diana was based in the Louvre in the Wonder Woman, but the director has her eye on the home of superheroes – the United States.
“The story will take place in the US, which I think is right,” Jenkins told Entertainment Weekly. “She’s Wonder Woman. She’s got to come to America. It’s time.”
As for the villain, Wonder Woman is rumoured to be going up against her classic foe, Cheetah. The Cheetah is British archaeologist Dr Barbara Ann Minerva, who is cursed to transform into a cheetah woman who hungers for human flesh. She is sometimes portrayed as an old friend of Diana’s who struggles against her unfortunate bloodlust.
As for the “rumors” about the villain being Cheetah, we know that Kristen Wiig has been cast as Cheetah and that Cheetah is one of Wonder Woman’s villains. So, I guess the question is will Cheetah be the main/only villain? Or possibly which version of Cheetah will Kristen be portraying? (Minerva was the 80s version so my guess is that one.)
As for the rest of it – I am two-feet in to all of it. I actually think staying away from the era of the TV show is a better way to honor it- let the show have something all its own. And I wasn’t too concerned with where the film will be set but I like that it will be in the US, solely for nostalgia reasons. Lynda Carter is still up for a cameo and I’m sure they will do everything in their power to make that happen this time. (Coincidently, Emma Thompson has also expressed interest in a role so let’s make that happen too, okay DC?) But what about the invisible jet? Fortunately, Patty is a fan after our own hearts, “The invisible jet is very important and ultimately we have to have the invisible jet. That’s a very big part of Wonder Woman.”
There is some rumbling about Chris Pine coming back but he’d only be a flashback if this is set in the 1980s. Or as his own relative, in which case – ew. Plus, as Kaiser linked yesterday, Pedro Pascal has been added to the cast, which means Diana will likely utter the immortal words, “Steve Trevor who?”
Photo credit: WENN Photos and Getty Images
Patty Jenkins reminds me of Perla Ferrar. Liking 80s fashion and hair?? That decade is usually referenced as a criticism on this site. I’m happy to see that someone’s liking it today 🙂
Mixed feelings. Adult fashions in the 80s were somewhat questionable, but it was an awesome, goofy time to be a kid. Kickin’ back in my bangle bracelets and leg warmers, mastering the rubix cube.
I liked parts of it. Parts of it claimed many fashion victims. And bettyrose is right – it was in many ways an awesome time to be a kid, although absent trauma I don’t know anyone who looks back at their childhood decade and says it was crap.
Hello childhood – I’m here for this!
I’m just not feeling any of this but I sincerely hope to be proven wrong. They totally lost me with Wiig’s casting. Pascal’s fine. Whatever. Not enough to get me excited. I really hope he’s not a love interest though, there’s no need. I read somewhere he might be some sort of henchman or side kick. Let’s go with that.
I am really looking forward to this. That is all.
Is it possible to add shoulder pads to a bustier?
Snort! hilarious comment
The first movie was ok. I kind of felt pressured to like the movie more than i actually did because ZOMG women warriors. It definitely had its moments, but to me it’s just another comic book movie, and that genre just isn’t must-see.
I kind of know what you mean. As a natural contrarian hype is a dangerous thing. I find myself being meh about a few things you are ‘supposed’ to support and feeling really guilty about it. E.g. for me the Big Sick was lovely but basically like every rom about a comedian ever (why is this a genre, whyyyyyy). I did like Wonder Woman though, and am looking forward to a sequel.
And that’s the beauty of a free society. I LOVED WW!! As a diehard Xena fan, and having watched every marvel/dceu movie, WW was EVERYTHING!!!! to each their own right 😀
Right the hell on, BooRadley.
I don’t care about anything else than MORE THEMISCYRA. More fierce Amazons and Hippolyta and bring back Antiope FFS! She’s a demigoddess so she can come back from the underworld, she was the best character and the Themiscyra part was the most compelling, part in the first movie. When she left the island it all went downhill. They gave so little screen time to the Amazons and too much to Chis Pine in an effort to not alienate the dude bros and maybe fearing a Ghostbusters-like backlash, but now they don’t need that anymore. Just give us more Amazons.
Yeeeesssss. Love these ideas.
Is *Antiope* a demigoddess or was that just Diana, by virtue of Hippolyta and Zeus?
That depends on what canon you’re going with. . In classic mythology, the amazons were demigods by Ares and Otrera, and thus Diana was grand daughter of Ares. That was true in the comics as well, but after the silver age of comics they have majorly retconned or downplayed that.
But Amazons HAVE died and been brought from the underworld. no one stays dead in this genre.
Bummer – that sounds like it could get real bloody, real quick. Part of what I loved about Wonder Woman was that, other than that one guy getting test-gassed, it wasn’t personally violent, you know? There was no gratuitous personal pain causing, no gory wounds. It was, in terms of gore, like a 1950s western and as someone who frequently doesn’t see movies because I hate gore, it was nice to see one.