Honestly, the stories and photos from Coachella make me feel old. I AM old, so there’s that. But also: do gossip peeps really care about Hailey Baldwin’s movements? I barely care if Hailey Baldwin is dating Shawn Mendes, but beyond that… no, I don’t give a crap. And that’s what this year’s Coachella gossip is like: oh, Justin Bieber stood near someone he used to sleep with. Oh, a reality star wore a wig. Oh, a 19-year-old went to a VIP-only liquor-sponsored party tent. Some of the celebrities who were out and about on the first weekend of Coachella: Kylie Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, Millie Bobbie Brown, Paris Jackson, the Hadid siblings, Kaia and Presley Gerber, Justin Bieber, Tyga, Travis Scott, and yes, Hailey Baldwin.
Kylie Jenner brought out a hot pink wig and ‘grammed it with the Mean Girls quote: “I’m not a regular mom I’m a cool mom.” Kourtney was there with her young boyfriend Younes Bendjima. Nicki Minaj was weirdly partying with the Kardashian-Jenner clan. Justin Bieber was dancing by himself. Kaia Gerber (a child) was trying to be low-key. I mean, I guess it’s notable that Kylie and Kourtney both left their kids at home so they could party at Coachella? It’s notable… but not shocking. I mean, where else did you think Kylie was going to be?
my brother just sent me this video of justin bieber dancing at coachella i’m so jealous i wish i was there pic.twitter.com/7agsIQmjJd
— yali🍷 (@girlskiwi) April 13, 2018
Photos courtesy of Instagram.
What does it say about the world we live in when a baby named Stormi isn’t the most famous Stormy?
I’m surprised she called the baby Stormi in the current climate.
Kylie: The… current climate? Yeah, I know the weather is fine, but I can still call my baby Stormi, right?
idefatigable, you think Kylie watches the news or reads it?
Maybe not. But someone might’ve mentioned it to her when she was bouncing baby names off people.
@Ankhel: 😅
I legit had to do a double take and click on the article “Stormy Daniels and Kylie?????”. Poor kid, being given a pornstar’s name. No one in her entire family stepped in to intervene on that poor innocent baby’s behalf?
@original TC:
But it is spelled differently, duh.
@ Original T.C.
We are talking about the Kardashians. What kind of intervention would that be? Hold on…
Somewhere in Calabasas, earlier this year:
Kris: Sweetie, you can’t possibly call your baby… eh…
Everyone, nasally: Anne?!!
Kris, tearfully: You’ll ruin her. No one will want to see her sexy pics or hire her to attend nightclubs!
Kim: Kanye likes ‘Stormi’.
Ankhel, brilliant.
Ankhel you made me lol for real
Lovely. An unwed mother (no shame) from a trash family (shame) . She’s a disgusting plastic phony.
there’s no shame in being an unmarried mother. Not can can help who her family is .
I don’t like her much but these aren’t things to criticize.
Yeah, sorry, edtrix, your comments don’t reflect well on you. Sexist and classist. Kardashians demonstrate all kinds of judgment issues, your comments do, too.
if you say there’s “no shame” in being an unwed mother, why even point it out?
I was an unwed mother, and part of my family is arguably trashy (the part I barely speak to). Not cool. I feel zero shame. I’m not going to marry someone just because I had an accidental pregnancy – and I’m glad I didn’t because he turned out to be a pretty awful human being. And I had zero control over who I was born related to; if there’s “no shame” in being an unwed mother (thanks, BTW, for your permission), why even bring it up?
wth? if there were no shame you wouldn’t mention it. It’s clearly a negative to you since you put it along side being trash.
Honestly, I think Kylie is so full of herself that she just assumed that her baby would steal the show and no one would remember who “Stormi” is once she named her baby. That or she never read the news.
and the headline STILL spells it wrong, hours later.
I don’t know, but spelled like that, it looks like a disease. That family is trash, and Kylie looks 45.
I think the Kardashian’s were paid to be there to sponsor brands or something? The others yeah couldn’t care less not jealous of anything other than them being able to breathe the same air as Beyonce and see that performance.
On Kylie with her media silence during pregnancy I was really hoping she would break out as a genuine girl considerate to her child and seeking some normalcy. Lately she seems to go between using the baby as an accessory (see her Fendi post recently) and being the same vapid young party animal as before. Sigh.
They have been paid to appear before so it’s not a stretch to assume this year is no different.
Loads of incentives are given out to those who manage these names. If there’s no outright cash in hand theres thousands in gifts and accommodations to show up.
This family irks me. That said this is work for them. Its brand promotion and paid appearances. 1 hand it is partying. Other hand it’s a working mom.
I’m sure lots will shame them because of the K name, but down to the bone that’s what this is. Work.
Her media silence had nothing to do with what her social media and PR said it was about. She had that baby last year and clearly had her butt enhanced, yet again. She did not want to be seen until she got a good deal of the weight off. Considering her parenting style, AND her nonstop exposure since the fake birth date, her claim that she stayed in so she could ” enjoy her perfect pregnancy in privacy ” is utter BS.
I’d expect nothing less from a Kardashian, complete BS, lol. And Stormi? Total stripper name, sorry. (even without the current scandal involving Cheeto)
Of course it was BS. She didn’t want to appear with extra weight and without her plumped lips. The minute that baby was out she was back to “normal.”
Goodness that Ass and those Boobs.
Odd when a pink wig is the most natural part of somebody..
And the only part that isn’t infused with plastic and fillers. Hard to believe she’s only 20 and did all that to herself. SMH…so tragic, but given that family, what else was to be expected.
Hahaha that nude vinyl sucks too!
Build-a-bodies everywhere. Dear lord …
LOL! Good one!
Kylie’s butt looks like a bath toy in that photo, and her hair is pure troll doll. Perhaps she IS changing for her daughter? Aww.
Sad blow up doll.
Remember when people were trying to argue that they were real, lol?
And who were those people, lol? She vehemently denied jaw surgery but the chin reduction is very obvious. Does that count as jaw surgery? She’s had nearly as much done as Michael Jackson did … if not more. And what’s with a brow lift at 19? I’d bet she had her freckles bleached too, if they’re just not hidden under the troweled-on makeup. *chuckles*
“I’m not a regular mom I’m a cool mom.”
I imagine being a parent means keeping a sense of humor about you, but I can’t help but think this quote is less about her thinking it is funny and more about telling her IG followers not to worry, that she’s still sexy, she’s still gonna do “wild” things like wear pink wigs and go to Coachella!!
The difference between her and Kourtney is that Kourtney’s kids are older and Kylie’s is a newborn. I don’t begrudge a new parent needing to get out and have fun at all, but the whole sexy pose, showing off the trademark Kardashian Pinocchio ass, stupid quote thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s so painfully obvious.
I feel like her kid is a toy doll to her.
True, but no one and I mean NO ONE has a sense of humor when you’ve got a newborn. You’re sleep deprived, anxious, worrying about doing something wrong, some tiny thing that could be catastrophic. Or maybe that was just me. It’s years later when they’re potty trained and starting to get a little sassy that the sense of humor kicks in, so that kids actually survive to adulthood. 😉
Unless you are sleeping through the night, every night, because night staff is doing all of the difficult work. She doesn’t cook, shop for diapers and onesies, do her own laundry/cleaning, or any of the things everyone else must squeeze into every day while caring for a newborn. Stormi is a convenient child- hands on when you feel like it, hands off when you don’t.
This poor child won’t be in any better spot emotionally than the rest of the K Klan.
Yeah, I don’t think Kylie is sleep deprived because of the baby.
Yeah, I get that the kid is still being care of by nannies but it looks bad to go out partying this soon. She’s already been out on a boat with friends drinking since storm’s birth. She just shows that she’s not a dedicated, serious parent. Why not just use birth control? Be an adult and use birth control.
Because K babies are marketable accessories.
That statement of hers ushers in worry.
Some subject matter to play with her Snapchat filters, “My pretty girl”, remember when she completely enhanced her features and put that out there? Yep, her new “toy.”
@ Snowflake, because money, that’s why! Poor infant was only for show ratings and money. Yes, more money, just exactly what they need.
That’s only the only problematic element of this story to me, honestly. There’s a lot of internalized misogyny (and classism) in that statement. Mother is a facet of a woman’s personality, not the whole. Whether she’s cool or not has nothing to do with that and more to do with the resources available to her.
So cool to constantly leave your baby at home to vacation. The baby is legit two months old and she’s been left at home several times already.
Those kids don’t have a chance to be relatively normal. Luckily she has nannies to play Mom
I guess you don’t need maternity leave when nannies are helping your baby figure out nights vs. days and getting up with your baby several times a night.
I dislike that people focus on Kylie Jenner being away from her infant and never mention the dad Travis Scott. Sexist much?!? Also, it is possible the kid is with nannies nearby – may not be back in LA. And also, LA not super far from Coachella. So… what’s the big deal that the parents are there for a few nights or whatever? The kids have family and nannies who can take care of them when they’re out.
Maybe because she set the narrative about Travis after the birth… saying something to the effect of she had no plan to rush into anything with him, and she keeps the news of herself and baby completely separate from him. I don’t follow her doings, but as far as news of her goes from other media via this site, there are no happy nuclear family posts- it’s clear that she first rolled out they were enjoying parenthood ( not coupledom), then it was all Kylie & baby, now it’s just all Kylie.
She has weaned her fans off the whole pregnancy/birth episode, and back on Kylie- in other words, it’s business as usual.
A few nights…multiple times in two months. And I didn’t mention him because this story is about kylie AND the Ks love the narrative that the guys are terrible and they are wonderful for raising these kids alone.
Listen, I think this family has lots of judgment issues, but I’m not down with all the assumptions and mom-shaming. We don’t know if she was even “away” from her baby overnight any of these times. If she was, we don’t know if she was with her DAD or other family. I see nothing wrong with the it takes a village style of parenting, and surely even the kind being with her dad and not her mom. This baby needs mom and mom only style of parenting is a cultural specific and misogynist parenting style/judgement. The end.
Just because Kylie doesn’t want to be with the father doesn’t absolve him of the responsibility he holds as father. He’s still responsible for his children, media narrative or no.
Yay! We have finally reached the mom shaming portion of this narrative. Wondered how long it was going to take.
Yeah, i mean Kylie is problematic af, but she’s got access to great childcare. I’d rather have her be at coachella sans stormi than with. This is basically her job.
I get your argument that this is her job. But she didn’t do a single live appearance when pregnant. She makes millions off her makeup line. She has shown the ability to pick and choose when to work, and has major financial stability to support it. At the end of the day, she wanted to go.
So what? She wanted to work, now that she finished a year long hiatus, instead of stay at home wtih her kid this weekend? Is it your call to say she should want something else?
Don’t ever make me defend a Kardashian-Jenner again, please, my head hurts. But I hate mom shaming a lot more than I hate this family.
Except she pointed out the mom part? She thinks she’s being a cool mom to go party; we can disagree.
Don’t worry. Coming from that family would make her incapable of feeling shame.
i mean – coachella is like a 20 min flight from where kylie lives. she probably only spent one night away or had the baby at a hotel. was she supposed to bring a 2 month old into palm desert to roast all day? she probably made multiple millions of dollars to instagram her weekend. its her job that she only had to do one weekend of the whole month.
Yup. Should’ve spent the entire time locked to her baby.
What about Travis btw? He getting shit for not being with the baby 24/7?
Oh wait. No. That’s the moms job. Baby incubator to baby monitor. Forget having a life. That’s for dads only.
Exactly. So many women on this page who probably think of themselves as feminists making these comments. It is not MOM’s job alone. It is a PARENTING thing and the kid has a dad. Further, the kid has a big family. It takes a village and all that. People need to stop. Including, sorry, the celebitchy team that chose that sexist mom-shaming headline. Ugh.
@shockedandappalled @deets SERIOUSLY! it’s like any feminist beliefs people have seem to go out the window when considering the kardashians/jenners. it’s absurd.
Good grief. She can leave her babies and go to vegas 6 days a week if she wants. I’m no super mom, but i find it counter-instinctual to leave the child for days at a time so young. But again, there’s no proof of that. Coachella is two hours away and her daughter could be in the hotel. What I do know is that she lied a lot about the birth and I don’t believe she is or was ever with Travis Scott and now she has the liar bum. It’s also her prerogative to live a fake life that is all lies like her lying mother taught her as it is mine to fervently dislike her.
Exactly!!! No mention of the dad, Travis Scott, who was also there. And since when is being away from baby for a day or two a big deal anyhow? Also, how do we even know the baby isn’t in some luxury hotel nearby with nannies or other family? A lot of unfair assumptions flying around.
Technically, she’s going back to work. This is the sort of thing she does for money. I highly doubt she’s there on her own dime or on her own time. Her job just doesn’t look like work to most people.
yes this. it’s almost as if moms can have a life and identity outside of being a mom.
Kylie looks like she’s 38 with that aggressive contouring and those stenciled eyebrows. Damn.
It occurred to me from that pic that there’s almost 20 years between Kourtney and Kylie but they could be the same age. Good for Kourtney I guess.
Well Stormi better get used to nannies watching her
It was just a weekend….. she’s still young. It’s ok to have a balance. My close friend went to Vegas 2-3 months after having her first child. I think she needed it to find herself again & She’s not a bad mother….
Kylie doesn’t work so she “likely” spends more time with Stormi than working moms
‘Find herself again?’
No words
Don’t judge….. people lose themselves in being a mother. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but just because you’re a parent doesn’t mean you can’t do things for yourself.
Some people need that. I’m not going to slam people who do. Just because you’ve had a baby doesn’t mean something has snapped and you’re automatically going to ONLY be a certain way. I think if having a little time away can be beneficial to a lot of people – you’ve been living your life solely for that baby while pregnant, and then spending all of your waking time (and interrupted sleeping time) caring for the babies every need.
And some people are amazing at that right out of the gate. But not everyone IS. And some people are juggling relationship issues on top of that as well – and maybe a bit of a reset is what they need. As long as their kid is being cared for, and is loved, that’s the main thing. I’m not going to shade someone who takes a trip just because they’re a new parent.
Women don’t stop being women after having a child. ‘Mother’ will become another facet of a woman’s identity, it doesn’t supplant a woman’s pre-baby identity the moment she falls pregnant or gives birth. You don’t stop being a complex person, a human being with wants and needs the moment you become a mother. I do not condone this idea that from the moment of their child’s birth, a person is a ‘mother’ before she’s a ‘person’.
A child’s welfare is paramount, of course, but that can only be achieved if its mother is happy and healthy. And sometimes you need a trip to Vegas to maintain sanity whilst doing a job that is, I’m sure, gratifying but also difficult to many parents, if not most. Don’t knock a woman for not wanting to be solely ‘mother’.
Hahahahaha. Clearly never had a baby before if you don’t get that statement.
Sorry, but that’s ridiculous. I can understand a night out but Coachella, trip to Vegas? No. Just shows you don’t have the mom mindset. Part of being a parent is growing up, if you’re not ready to do that, don’t have a kid.
Snowflake… what’s a mom mindset?
Keep in mind most people go to Vegas for a max of 5 days. Not 2 weeks
If parents of young children were forbidden from going to Vegas, the whole town would shut down.
I needed a weekend away from my dog after we got him through the first couple months. I love him to death but frankly I was exhausted. So many needs all the time and not a moment to myself anymore. As someone who requires alone time (truly alone) to function, the constant demands on my attention, and of course everything else in my life that still needed to be taken care of, was overwhelming. And that was a dog, not a newborn.
So no judgement.
But you didn’t have a crew of nannies. You were actually taking care of the dog. What does Kylie need a break from? She doesn’t take care of that kid. You guys are treating her like a normal mom who is exhausted from child rearing and needs a break. Between the nannies and Kris, Kylie doesn’t do shit
Something they used to tell us when I was in high school was, ‘if you think you want a baby, get a puppy first.’
Snowflake, I was actually commiserating with Miss Kittles’ friend going for a trip after having her baby. I have no idea what Kylie does nor do I care. She’s rich and has tons of help. Besides, this trip was likely a paid gig for her, so it’s more like working than taking a break. I don’t like her family nor how they earn their living, but it is what it is.
Lady D, yes! I’ve never really wanted a baby but after this I definitely don’t. My husband wants to get a puppy and I’m kinda dying. The young half trained half housebroken rescue dog was exhausting enough for me. He’s a rockstar now but those first few months were a lot of work. It’s a commitment for sure.
I dont see any problem with Kourtney being there…. she isn’t allowed to do anything without her kids??? Same kinda goes for Kylie – yeah the baby is young but has a dad (and nannies!!!).. doesn’t need to be with mum 24/7. This is technically Kylie’s “job” so she’s back at work.
Apparently, only moms need to be tethered to their children. How many people are asking where dad is or if he’s spending much time with the baby. But if mom leaves the baby’s side, then it’s the end of the world.
I can’t be bothered by a mom leaving her kid(s) for a weekend because God knows I have to leave mine more than I’d like to, in order to take care of them.
Famewhoring is hardly a job.
Kylie is selling she’s still fun and hip even with her accessory I mean baby.
She makes millions of dollars a year as a famewhore. That sure sounds like a job to me. Regardless of whether or not you find it acceptable, it is in fact, her job.
And she is no doubt repping certain brands, going to certain VIP tents to be seen sipping this or eating that. It is a ‘job’! And it works! This type of advertising is SURGING. She is probably wearing some lipstick or false eyelashes from a brand that will sell out in 12 seconds once she announces their name. It is a job. This is the world we live in.
Wait, is Hailey Baldwin dating Shawn Mendes? I didn’t know who he was until I saw his Hot Ones interview and saw how sweet and adorable he is.
Considering its her job
Promoting brands and partying
R we shaming her for working now?
I can only speak for myself but yes I am shaming her for having a kid at 20 and having famewhoring as a job.
You sound like a great person…
Lol. You are entitled to your very popular opinion. In the case of the Kardashajenners, it’s their job to be disliked. It’s made them millions.
Kewest- why the hatred? She’s not living her life the way you want or approve of, I get that. But also, none of us actually know these people so the level of fury you have is kind of weird.
Yes I am.
Shaming? No. I just think it’s sad. Really sad. Not saying she can’t take time away but she’s been taking every opportunity to get away from a two month old. How many mothers would kill to have that time with their baby and not have to worry about cooking, cleaning, bills, any of it? To just be a mommy to your newborn and have no other worries? So sad that those advantages go to those who don’t appreciate them.
I’m not shaming her for getting away and having round the clock nannies; I’m sad that’s what she wants.
That is the basic problem
She is too young to have a child of her own
She is barely a child herself and her maturity level is also not that much. Yes there are women who have kids at her age and cope wonderfully but clearly she could not.
This is sad for her and her kid
Too late do people realise, there is no going back once you have a kid.
And one should have them only when they are ready
It really is sad.
I agree. It is NOT “shaming” (which is a term that needs to disappear with “hater” ). This girl is always out. Left the baby for a week in Miami at 1 month old, now she is Coachella for the weekend? She is too immature to have a child. She doesn’t need to give up her whole life, but jeez – this is ludicrous.
I am glad that baby has nannies. Hopefully Kylie won’t pull a Mariah and change nannies every few months so the kid doesn’t get attached. (By the way, that IS true – Mariah even said it!)
thank you for this. I don’t think it’s “shaming” either, just that yes, it IS sad.
this young mother has so many resources so as not to worry about having to leave her baby and go back to her 9-5 right away to make sure she can provide, and all she seems to want to do is get away from her baby so she can get back to partying. unless, of course, her new accessory allows her to show of another accessory, like a Fendi baby carriage. (which is a whole ‘nother WTF.)
yes, her life etc…but now she has another life to care about, one that comes (or SHOULD come) before her. I know, the baby is not just home lying on the floor, unattended, while she’s out…it IS being cared for, but I (like others) find it sad that she doesn’t seem to want to BE with her baby.
I am a great person. Thanks for asking.
I had a nanny when I was a kid and my parents also had a housekeeper. My mom went back to her job when I was 2 months old, not because she had to but because she wanted to. My dad was an older parent and actually had a lot of flexibility in his schedule and would come home in the middle of the day to spend time with me. My uncle stayed with us for most of my first year and would get up to do the night feedings. Moms spending time away from their kids doesn’t default bother me.
I AM a Nanny, have been for 20 years. I will say, the kids DO realize when the parents aren’t around. They are affected. And there is a difference between going out a few times a year to get a break, and having your entire life be a break from your kids.
by all means tell a person who experienced having a nanny how it impacted her development. i’m sure she will be enlightened having not realized before now that she should hate her parents.
But I wasn’t and neither were my siblings. Or would you discount my experience and the experiences of my cousins and my parents and their siblings etc.?
I was relieved my mother wasn’t a SAH mom because I knew from an early age I didn’t want to be and was glad to see her example.
Not everyone using a nanny is a good parent. Having a nanny doesn’t make you a bad parent with a negative effect on the kids.
We don’t know what Kylie’s story is. Ten years from now when we have more than speculation for the decisions she’s making, maybe then we can go forward with our pitchforks. In general, I’m getting really tired of policing the behavior of young women. Not everyone has to follow one route to be a good parent. If we’re all assuming she’s having a hard time adjusting to how stressful it is, do we think she should confine herself to within ten feet of her child and tough it out? Is that what’s good for the baby?
@Lizzie. Right? I think I need to make a phonecall.
It’s great you understand Nathalie’s experience better than she herself does, psl. Very insightful of you.
My point is the people who have nannies 24/7. Not the ones who actually do still spend time with their kids.
RELAX people, so quick to jump the gun!
Kaiser, please remove my previous comment. I can’t delete it for some reason, and my point is not being seen.
WILL YOU ALL PLEASE RELAX AND SLOW DOWN! I am NOT telling anyone how THEY should feel.
JFC you people call OTHERS judgmental??????
Myself and my 4 sibs were raised by a nanny with highly absent parents. It had a horrible effect on several of us that was life long. The latest statistics show that present parents are the most effective parents, opinions aside. It’s hard to work full-time and be a present parent, but myself and my sisters all managed it. It didn’t include taking time away from our kids during their waking hours. They were always with us. Never had a sitter but did have daycare in home. Although their father being an actor was often home. Once in a while when my mom or a sib were available, we’d have an adult evening out while they slept. Other than that we had family to hang out with and most of our friends had kids so our parties were during the day with plenty of fun for the kids with adults enjoying their company and that of each other’s.
I think a lot of people forget that America doesn’t have paid maternity leave laws. For your mother, it was a choice to back after two months, and a well supported one. For plenty of poor and working class American women, there’s no choice involved. Just financial necessity.
After my parents divorced, I grew up in a single parent home with my mother and two other siblings. My mother was too busy to spend a lot of time with us. Do I look back as an adult and see where we missed out on a lot? Of course. Do I resent my mother or love her less because we sometimes had “strangers” watching us? Of course not. Kids are flexible. They adjust to the situations given them, especially if they are well loved and cared for in the meanwhile. My mother did what she had to, and that’s the definition of what a parent should be.
Oh absolutely. It should always be a choice and paid maternity and paid paternity leave should be the standard. At the very least, women need time to heal and it’s shameful that we don’t have mandatory paid maternity leave in this country.
Feeling loved and cared about is the goal and everything else is people doing the best they can with what they have. There isn’t a “correct” way to do things as long as kids know that they are loved.
My mom passed away when I was in college and my high school and college years were planned around her medical needs so I could spend time with her. I know ideally that’s not what she wanted for me but that’s where I felt loved and that was the most important thing for me.
I think that’s one of the biggest problems I have with the absentee parent argument. Sure, in some cases it’s because the parents aren’t actually interested in parenting, but for a lot of poor, working class, and even most middle class families? Disabled parents? Kids with parents that have to travel to find decent work? It’s just a fact of life. If they want to provide well for their kids, they work. I can understand that Kylie doesn’t fit those parameters, but people really need to think about the implications of the criticisms aimed at her for people who don’t have her resources. If their kids turn out all right, hers will do just fine.
I was put in daycare because my mom HAD to go back to work. I don’t remember but she took the max maternity leave her work allowed and it still wasn’t very much. Both my parents worked long hours and thus I was cared for by others for a good chunk of the day. It was fine. Do I wish it wasn’t like that? Sometimes, but I think there was a benefit too. Both my parents got to live their adult lives and were overjoyed to see me at the end of the day, instead of frazzled and insane from nothing but babybabybaby all the time. That’s worth something too. Weekends were very precious to us.
I never had a nanny but was in daycare from the time I was three months old because my parents both had to work and mat leave wasn’t then what it is now. I do not for a second feel like I was raised by someone else or that I didn’t spend enough time with my parents. Most of my memories are with my parents and then as a I got older, playing with my daycare friends as well. I feel that I am extremely independent and well grounded. Maybe as a result of this or just the way I was. I don’t think there is anything wrong with children being left with nannies or in daycare so a parent can work. That being said, I’m sure Kylie is working. In her own way she is working. Can’t stand the family but I’m defending her here.
Natalie S- sounds as though you were in a really good situation, because you also had family (dad, uncle in addition to mom) as caregivers. The advantage of family over nannies is that family has a lifelong connection with the child. But it’s not damaging to the child to also have good unrelated caregivers, as far as we can tell. Daycare has some advantages because it’s easy socializing for older children, but I find it hard to believe that a young infant gets much out of it.
But when the parents work outside jobs, they need to take measures to spend enough time with babies and children. Babies especially don’t have the memory to deal with intermittent relationships, they bond to people who are there with them. They have to be completely reintroduced to a parent who has been away for months. This makes it hazardous to outsource all the routine care of an infant. That time doing the routine care is really important. I know parents who try to shift the baby’s sleep schedule so they can have more awake time with the little sprout when they are off work.
I love Kylie. And in truth, that young girl had got her stuff pretty figured out. She had her baby on her terms and is raising her on her terms too. Case in point: she’s still dating her baby daddy but they don’t live together or plan to marry. Totally ahead of the game, totally cool. And yes, having money helps to make these decisions but not very many super rich celebs make smart decisions (ahem, Khloe). My only beef w her and her sisters is that they reshape their bodies to ridiculous proportions. It looks fake, painful and weird. Kourtney’s little frame looks healthy and strong. The other three look like freaks and are screwing w their health injecting all that stuff into their bodies.
More proof Kendall is totally forgettable.
*shrugs* Honestly, this is nothing new – it’s not like most rich people actually raise their children as is. Even then, as long as the baby is properly cared for in her absence, it’s not going to suffer for mom giving herself breathing space for 2-3 days.
How come no one is shaming Travis Scott (the father)? He was there too
Because part of the point is women policing other women.
Aaaah yes right! Nvm
He is? Great Dad. Leaving their 2 month old to go party. There’s no article saying he was there, in didn’t know. Poor kid.
I don’t believe he IS the father. He’s paid to be with her and act the part. They are not a couple.
Whether you believe the child’s paternity or not is beside my point. It’s also very tacky to do so btw
Kylie wearing that brownish (what is it? Pleather?) outfit is the definition of looking like a Leberwurst.
Its just her desperate attempt to look like kim, as her sister used to wear the same horrible skin colored latex body gloves. Ugh.
Kylie used to be pretty, it’s makes me sad to see what she did to herself.
How is she not hot (temperature wise) in that outfit. I would sweating horribly.
For a young internet “influencer” (sigh)…Coachella is one of the biggest events from a money making stance…so she’s gonna be there…and she should…
This liquid vinyl look is no no no.
So we’re not going to talk about what really matters? That her wig and her friend’s wig aren’t set properly.
She purchased a new nose. That is all.
She sure did, unless it is photoshopped. For sure she further enhanced her behind while hidden away. Gave birth in November, had surgery in January. Came out of hiding in February.
Nothing the Kartrashians do surprises me anymore. I would be a little shocked if they weren’t at Coachella. Talk about a mom that shouldn’t be there, Google Brooke Burke at Coachella 2018. She’s 46 and looks a little thirsty in that get up.
Yes Brooke Burke’s outfit was a little surprising!! Yikes. The picture of the loan and the other girls is scary!! That’s a hard looking bunch.
Did she get another nose???
Think this proves she gave birth longer ago than she says. A shame she isn’t breastfeeding.
Can we please talk about the fact Kanye is back on Twitter (now that he has a new album to promote). He’s saying he’s going to get a neck tattoo that says “Saint West”. I’m sure his daughters will feel great about that.
Also, we weren’t lying when we said Kylie will be Kim 2.0. She’s got Kim’s boobs and butt now.
Yep, blow up doll to the max!!!
I can’t stamd when people think a new Mom has to have her infant chained to her chest. Why doesn’t anyone ask why the dad isn’t with the baby 24/7? Would I do what she did? No, but that’s just me. It’s not like her baby’s is left in a pack n play to die while she parties….which is exactly what happened last year in my area. Now THAT is horrible and yes the mom is awaiting trial to rot in a prison forever. As she should!
Agree. Can’t win. I have a newborn specialist and I run a childcare network in an affluent area. Parent’s are allowed to do things without their kids. I see nothing wrong with Kylie hiring some professional and going away for a weekend. It’s ridiculous this is how you’re deciding to tear down another woman! And as for the comments are her not breastfeeding..she could be freezing supply or maybe she is using formula. Who cares?
Agree. Can’t win. I have a newborn specialist and I run a childcare network in an affluent area. Parent’s are allowed to do things without their kids. I see nothing wrong with Kylie hiring some professional and going away for a weekend. It’s ridiculous this is how you’re deciding to tear down another woman! And as for the comments are her not breastfeeding..she could be freezing supply or maybe she is using formula. Who cares?
She loves every second of us talking about her. That’s what famef**kers enjoy. If we weren’t talking about her, she would be miserable. It doesn’t matter what we are saying good or bad, just as long as we are still mentioning her.
It’s such a privileged point of view as well. When my sister had her child, she had about 2 weeks of recovery before having to go back to a full time job while I (on a college break) or the grandparents babysit. On occasion, when we would travel to relatives for holidays, the baby would come w/ us if she couldn’t get those days off because that was the only way it could work logistically. Maternity leave isn’t a guarantee for many working mothers and a night or a weekend off is (needed) blessing in many cases.
I’m not trying to mom shame her but I agree with the posters here saying this is sad. Yes mothers are allowed to have time to themselves but at the end of the day parenthood does involve sacrifice and selflessness and boredom and if you aren’t prepared for that then don’t be a parent. It’s not like she’s a single mother who has to work a crappy nursing shift or go be a cashier at Wal-Mart to put food on her kid’s plate. Let’s be honest she would rather party then bond with her kid.
One of the basic fundamentals of a healthy childhood and proper development is a secure attachment to a caregiver and that usually means mom. I wonder how secure and healthy an attachment a child can form to a series of paid nannies and household staff.
I’m legitimately not trying to shame as I don’t like to judge other parents. God knows I am not perfect but I honestly worry for Storm’s mental health as she grows up. Some of the most emotionally damaged people I have met have come from wealthy families where parents had the resources to travel the world and attend endless parties and events while the children were at home with the maid.
Everything you’ve said is correct.
Honestly, it bothers me to see the “shaming” brigade out anytime anything a woman does is criticized. Sure, we can argue over whether the criticism is warranted, but “shaming” has become like the new “hating” – overused and overplayed.
The fact is that babies, upon birth, are not bonded to anybody but their mothers. I found it amazing when my kids were born because they came into the world already knowing me – my heartbeat, my voice, etc. They did not know my husband. And watching my husband bond with them and build relationships with his kids has been one of the joys of my life, but that doesn’t change the truth that they did not know him at birth. Their whole world was me. And working in mental health, I have sadly seen people, adults even – with attachment disorders formed from birth up, who struggle in their lives because of parents and caregivers who abdicated their responsibilities to be present. The idea of causing such a condition in my own children terrifies me.
I don’t begrudge any mother a break when she needs it but uh, I’d have to question what Kylie is taking a break from, since we know she has rotating nannies. She is still the center of the world to her daughter at this early stage, so yeah, I do find it kind of sad that she feels comfortable leaving her for an extensive period of time. Maybe she doesn’t know how dependent her daughter still is on her. And sure, we can criticize Travis as well, but the fact remains that a two month old is not pining for him in the same way she wants her mom. Again, it is sad.
She’s not taking “a break” though. Coachella IS her work. It is part of her career and her brand to be at Coachella, her presence there was likely contracted and she’s earning a sum for it. This isn’t a break.
I’d be interested to know what studies and figures you have that back up your assertion that “children are not bonded to anybody but their mothers.” Speaking to behavioural psychologists, as well as my own understanding, the fact is that they don’t “know” their mother either. Attachment disorders are formed–and alleviated–when babies bond with adults, any adults, who are part of their social group, in a healthy way that aids their development, not necessarily the mother. Prioritizing a single attachment, and romanticizing it as society often does (often as a means of offloading the labour of caring for children on women) is what is unhealthy. Setting expectations for the “kind” of attachment that is “correct” at the expense of others is what sets up individuals for emotional fallout when those relationships don’t meet expectations.
All this is a very long-winded way of saying this: there is plenty to criticize Kylie Jenner for. The values she will likely instill in her daughter, if Kris Jenner’s priorities are anything to go by, will be bad. But let’s not make assumptions about babies and toddlers based on adult projections and perceptions of what we think is important. Essentializing these things is what sets up strict binaries in society that serve nobody.
I’m not surprised. She may be an unwed mother, by her choice…. but that’s just what fame F**kers do.
I’m not gonna judge her. You can be a mom and also be young at the same time, especially with a lot of support (and, for her, money). I had my first at 19, he was born late April and of course in May I had a lot of friends graduating HS. My husband (at the time, and baby daddy) took a taxi and went out to live it up with our younger, graduating friends. We had a ball (I got kind of pukey because after not drinking for 9 months or even that much before), my tolerance was at an all-time lol LOL but we had our fun. Our kid is in college now with a mom and dad who raised him and we all love each other. You don’t stop being a person when you have a baby. As long as she keeps it in moderation, I can’t worry about this.
Jesus, Kylie looks 20 years older than she is, girl you’re going to regret messing with yourself so young.
True..Khloe called her baby True Thompson
at least THAT thompson will likely be true to her!
I don’t feel much for this woman either way, but I’m pretty sure this is a quote from “Mean Girls”.
Ugh. Khloe named her daughter True? So so tragic.
Idgaf. She’s displaying crappy parenting .Point. Blank. If it were a regular person partying all the time they would be considered an unfit mother. I know a few and the poor kids are like 5 or so and can barely put together a sentence. Give me a break. This is a selfish, trashy family who only care about themselves.
on the last picture i just thing How the camel toe was stole her entire look so she decide to cut the picturé. The pink wig … on her ? just no.
Is she a good parent? Prob not but I will NOT shame a young mom for trying to find her ‘normal’.