“Oh, no… don’t cancel Bill Maher’s show, what will we ever do? LOL” links

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Conservatives are arguing that Bill Maher should be canceled too, and liberals are like, “that’s cool, man, he’s not one of us.” [Pajiba]
Melania Trump isn’t a ghost, she’s planning a picnic. [Jezebel]
The Dior Cruise show was a friggin’ mess. [Go Fug Yourself]
Here’s more on superheroine Serena Williams in Paris. [LaineyGossip]
If I worked at Sesame Street, I would be mad about this too. [Dlisted]
Dr. Luke is suing Kesha. He needs to stop. [Wonderwall]
Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens has resigned. [Buzzfeed]
Bethenny Frankel, angry & unhappy? LOL. [Reality Tea]
Gus Kenworthy’s rescue puppy has passed away. [OMG Blog]
The Annihilation director doesn’t want to make a sequel. [Looper]

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50 Responses to ““Oh, no… don’t cancel Bill Maher’s show, what will we ever do? LOL” links”

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  1. KatieKins says:

    I watched an episode of Bill Maher once for like 30 minutes and he managed to pack like three ridiculously sexist jokes into that short period of time. I don’t think we’d be losing much.

  2. minx says:

    Dying laughing at the Jezebel article…Trump told reporters Melania was doing fine and pointed towards the second floor, saying “She’s there, she’s looking at us.” And of course no one could see her…So he’s hallucinating on top of everything else. Isn’t it pretty well established that she’s in NYC?

    • Esmom says:

      I read about that last week, or maybe it was earlier this week, I can’t keep track anymore…and yeah, the visual of all the media turning and looking where he was pointing was comical. He just can’t help himself with the incessant lies, can he?

      • Kitten says:

        LOL I think they might have talked about in on Pod Save? I heard it somewhere too and couldn’t believe it. Yet somehow I can believe it..

        He’s like grandpa Simpson. Without the endearing charm.

    • Larelyn says:

      Naw, he’s pointing to the security cameras because he’s on TV 24/7. She’s watching security footage from the bigliest flat screen you have ever seen!

  3. Marty says:

    Take him, please!

  4. Ann says:

    Despite Bill Maher’s various issues Real Time is still a very good show and I will be disappointed if it gets cancelled. I hope it goes on with a new host when Bill decides to retire, but I’m not here for it being cancelled. I look forward to RT every week when a season is going.

    • Carrie1 says:

      I don’t watch him anymore and have bemoaned him introducing us to Anne Coulter. Ugh she’s a horrid person.

      BUT he had Kathy Griffin on first, after all she went through with Trump, and he’s valuable. I think he is not someone to fire.

      ETA: never mind. I’ve learned more below.

  5. Kitten says:

    LMAO the Tweets on this topic yesterday were freaking hilarious. But seriously, take his ass far, far away.

    • Esmom says:

      The tweets have been priceless but as I said earlier it still irks me that the right thinks they “owned the libs” when it’s not an apples to apples comparison at all just because both scenarios involve primates. But good riddance to him for sure.

      • Kitten says:

        It is not even remotely comparable and it terrifies me that this even has to be explained to people. I’m not sure if they’re just playing dumb or they really don’t know what racism is.

      • noway says:

        I know I can’t believe they are trying to equate the two unless we are now equating having a bad orange tan with a race that we enslaved and dehumanized for many years. Plus the other big difference HBO isn’t ABC. Bill Maher was already fired from ABC a while ago for his crazy 9/11 remark, at least they have some consistency. On top of that even if it was an equal remark, who said life was fair. If it was either Donald Trump wouldn’t be President or Billy Bush would have his job back. Billy and Donald were in that conversation together where Billy just laughed and said a few encouraging remarks, but Trump said it and laughed, and Billy got fired but Trump became President. Where’s the fair in that.

        I don’t care if Bill Maher gets fired. I do like the show, but he probably would deserve it. Not for the orangutan joke, but for the house N-word “joke” he said before. I’m all for free speech, but you don’t have to make tons of money off of free speech. Still HBO is not ABC so I doubt it will happen. I was surprised ABC acted so quickly. My favorite comment was firing Bill Maher as payback is like when the Grandparents goes out and buys a Nickelback record for their grandkids cause they heard it was in.

  6. BlueSky says:

    Cancel Bill Maher? Oh please no…🙄🙄

  7. Lady Rain says:

    Bill Maher’s constant slams against Muslims on his show is pretty disturbing and on par with Roseanne’s gross anti-Muslim rants. In the event he’s cancelled, I surely won’t miss him. Besides, we’ll still have John Oliver.

    • Asiyah says:

      Not to mention that he’s very misogynistic and treats black women like dirt. I don’t see much of a difference between him and Trump’s fanbase when it comes to racism, misogyny, and xenophobia, except he’s “smarter.”

      • Carrie1 says:

        Ohhhh no. I didn’t know any of this. I don’t watch anymore. What has happened to him? This is horrible

      • Veronica says:

        But if you call yourself an enlightened atheist, you can’t possibly be one of those ignorant sheep using religion to justify their prejudice and bigotry!

    • HyacinthBucket says:

      That‘s the spirit!

    • BorderMollie says:

      The problem isn’t that he criticises Islam for me, but that he does it with a justification of imperialism in mind. His is the updated liberal version of ‘enlightenment’ that’s really just a shelter for seizing someone else’s land and material resources.

  8. ariel says:

    These people are comparing Roseanne’s racist tweet, wherein she called an African American woman an ape- to Bill Maher’s running joke about trump’s mom or dad being an orangutan.
    They are not the same or even similar.
    It is not racist to call a white person an ape.
    Because racists use the animal, specifically the ape, reference to insinuate that all black people are less than human, less than them, less than white people.
    White people, they think are from God’s creation, and black people are no more than animals. it is disgusting, and of course, completely devoid of scientific facts.

    I enjoy Bill Maher, though, yes, he is sexist, and tone deaf racially, and grossly transphobic.
    But his comparison is just another false equivalency from the racist right.
    And I can’t take their shit.
    Do they completely miss the point? Probably not. They just enjoy their dog whistles and their screaming.
    May god have mercy on their souls. And on us all.

    • mags says:

      You just contradicted yourself.

      He is no different from Rosanne and should be cancelled.

      Same thing with Joy Reid and her homophobic comments.

      • ariel says:

        I don’t understand how Maher’s orangutan joke and Roseanne’s ape comment are the same. You will have to enlighten me.

      • Brickyardute says:

        Asking, not attacking. Weren’t Joy Reid’s comments written awhile ago and she has since apologized saying she was ignorant and has since learned and changed her views?

        I ask because while I am clear there are lines you cannot cross (hello Roseanne) I also think we have to leave space for learning and growing and we cannot cancel everyone for mistakes. I have Trump supporters in my family and while I find him abhorrent I know they are compassionate, intelligent people and I am constantly leaving a path for them to come back to reality.

        I am not saying you are wrong, everyone has their line based on their understanding and experiences and you do not have to justify yours to me or anyone. And trust, I have my own issues where I come out with swords drawn.

        But I guess I am hoping both sides can look to create a dialogue space where if someone has made an error they can be educated without the fear of being “canceled”. I think that pushes people more to the far right and left.

        Back to my original question about Joy Reid (and sorry about the long winded explanation). Can you help me understand what I have missed with her? Thanks fellow Celebitch.

      • Wisca says:

        Because Joy Reid apologized for her insensitive comments–which are very much like the early CB post that used the word “tranny”–and because she is brilliant and genuine–JR will NEVER be canceled, mag(A)s. In other words, people continue to learn about issues, and if they are sincere and currently fighting for justice, they will be embraced.

      • Brickyardute says:

        At WISCA- this is where I was at. I used to say things like Tranny and other words that the me today is incredibly ashamed at. But should early mistakes take away from the advocacy work I do today on behalf of the LGBTQ community? Most of the advocates at my local pride center cop to using language that is hurtful during their presentations as a teaching point.
        Words have power, but so does a genuine apology and granting forgiveness. How are we ever going to bring back over our Obama/Trump voters if we crucify then?

    • Christina S. says:

      I don’t think calling anyone, black or white, an ape of any sort is appropriate.

      • ariel says:

        Christine S.- when you say that you wash away the history of racism that the ape comment brings with it. Racists use the “ape” comparison to dehumanize all African-Americans. To say, in code, these people are less than human, and we are better than they are. To say that those people do not deserve compassion, equality, decency, that they are animals.

        I do not think that historic and dog whistle racism is similar to Maher’s joke about trump- who he was mocking b/c trump is a dumbass. There is no racism in that comment, either specifically to trump, or to any white person.

        To state they are the same (and I am making a slight jump, as you don’t state they are the same, just that they are both inappropriate), I think is disrespectful to African Americans. Racism is very real, and heinous, and deserves to be called out as a singular evil in our everyday lives.

      • Nic919 says:

        Maher was also calling Dump an orangutan because he was pointing out just how ridiculous the whole birther movement was acting. And the head of that movement was the orange one himself.

  9. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    Funnily enough Bill Maher was fired from ABC for doing something similar 20 years ago, and he still has not gotten over it. I may watch this weekend’s show to see if he says something.

    While I don’t care if Bill Maher is fired, we need to put his joke against Dump in context, which so many wingnuts seemed to have missed. His joke was in response to the birther bs that Dump, Melanie and others had been throwing at Obama for months at that point. Dump challenged the WH to prove that Obama was not born in Kenya- even though the fact that Obama was president and living in the WH proved that he was. In response, Maher challenged Dump to prove that he did not descend from an orangutan. Dump ended up suing Maher and then withdrawing the suit later on. That is another thing that should be fixed” people who abuse the legal system to get back at their rivals. He has been doing shit like this for decades.

    RB’s attack against VJ was unprovoked racist nonsense.

  10. Liz says:

    Roseanne – cancelled. Bill Maher, too? My birthday isn’t until July, but I’ll happily take an early present! Thank you!!

  11. Lala says:

    Keep Bill Maher’s talent booker…production staff/camera crew/writers….keep the set/stage/format…replace Bill Maher…with air…


  12. Nancy says:

    Does Bill use Ambien as well? While he isn’t perfect by any means, he’s on our side. Is this supposed to be an eye for eye sort of thing. The insane racist Roseanne is gone so we’re going after one of yours. Rieffendiculous…..she goes, he stays

    • Lala says:

      Bill Maher is NOT on our side…well, he’s not on MY side anyway…not by a LONG shot! Anyone that spreads hate the way he does…our side don’t need that or him…

  13. The Original G says:

    I’m sorry. Conservatives want to own Rosanne? I can’t imagine any real conservative getting with this. We’ve got find a new word. Let’s just go with deplorable in the meanwhile.

  14. me says:

    Can we talk about how Caitlyn Jenner isn’t going to Brody’s wedding? There’s a lot of juicy stuff there.

    • minx says:

      I just read that Caitlyn has “work”commitments? What an inconsiderate jerk.

  15. Nanea says:

    Getting rid of Bill Maher, antivaxxer?
    Why not, great idea!

    (in addition to all the other strikes against him, e.g. misogynistic, anti-islam)

  16. Leigh says:

    The Twitter comments about #CancelBillMaher are a thing of beauty! Bless you Twitter!

  17. jferber says:

    I don’t know if this has been said yet, but Bill Maher dates primarily (only?) black women because he finds them more “real.” One ex-girlfriend said he treated her very well and she hopes one day to marry him. I actually don’t have a problem with him and I believe his heart is in the right place.

  18. Aang says:

    They also want the View cancelled. I watch Maher every week. He is smart and funny and yes, sometimes a jerk. I always learn something from his guests. And I’d rather the socially and economically liberal libertarians feel welcomed by the left, even with their imperfections. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

  19. jferber says:

    Aang, I just came on to use the same quotation you did, but you beat me to it. Absolutely right.

  20. Helen Smith says:

    I would say the Alt Right is upset. As for the boycotts they’re picking up the far left’s tactics.

  21. Laura says:

    Sometimes I wish humanity itself could be cancelled because it’s not the other members of the animal kingdom that are ruining this planet with hateful words, actions and endless greed.

    It won’t matter who/which show is cancelled because there will always be a never ending parade of racists, misogynists, xenophobes, and general jerk-offs 🙁

    I wish I could be more optimistic that these cancellations will change anything but I don’t think they will…which doesn’t mean I don’t think these cancellations should take place but I don’t believe much will be altered in the area of erradicating the nasties from the headlines.

  22. Harryg says:

    Maher’s show is really good. He’s right to criticize Islam – he criticizes every religion! Islam should be challenged, it has some really idiotic things going on, (and I’m glad Denmark just banned the full veil).
    The orangutan joke and Roseanne’s horrid tweet are not the same thing at all.

  23. johnnyreal says:

    Rule nr1 for intellectuals/democrats: NEVER ATTACK YOUR FRIENDS! Dixie chicks, Kathy Griffin, Joy Reid, Bill Maher are on OUR TEAM! We should have supported them all from beginning to end. Focus on the traitor scammer cheater and get him into jail. Please. Focus.