Pity poor Brad Pitt, he was having such a hard time convincing people that he was a good guy for nearly two years, when he was barely allowed to see his children. Now that a judge has laid out a schedule for Brad to spend limited (and mostly supervised) time with the kids, he and his team can’t shut up about it. They’ve been running to People Magazine and Us Weekly to bash Angelina and play up Brad’s Virtuous, Misunderstood Daddy act. Us Weekly’s current cover story is all about how Brad was “done being Mr. Nice Guy” to mean ol’ Angelina, the same woman who literally fled the plane in 2016 with the kids and immediately filed for divorce because of what Brad did on the plane.
Brad’s team has also been throwing quotes to People Magazine with some regularity in the past two weeks – or two years, depending on who you ask. “Sources” continue to push the narrative that Brad “has been missing his kids like crazy” and that Mean Angelina was so “strange and disorganized” with the schedule (suuure, that’s why he never saw the kids) and that Brad “has flaws like most people, but so does Angie. Brad must be so relieved that the court is now helping him.” Yes, won’t someone protect all of the wealthy white alcoholic men who have to insist that they never punched their sons in the face? Where’s their parade?!? Anyway, here’s the latest People article:
Brad Pitt is in a good place these days despite his custody battle with ex Angelina Jolie. A source tells PEOPLE says that Pitt, 54, has spent time with his friends recently and is in great spirits.
“He seems like a better version of the old happy Brad,” the insider says. “He looks like he has aged in reverse. You can tell he is taking better care of himself. He also seems very positive about the future.”
Pitt has been filming writer and director Quentin Tarantino’s new film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, alongside Leonardo DiCaprio, Al Pacino, Margot Robbie and Dakota Fanning.
“Brad filmed a few scenes earlier this week in L.A. and the set vibe has been amazing,” a source familiar with the set tells PEOPLE. “Everyone is excited to work with him and Quentin. Of course Quentin is demanding to work with, but also fun. Brad has been great. Some of the set worked with him before, so Brad made sure to say hello to familiar faces. He is very professional and friendly. Everyone calls him Brad. It’s been clear that he just wants to shoot the best movie possible. He has been all about work and seems very happy about filming.”
I love how the narrative is that Brad Pitt has his act together now… because he’s working on Quentin Tarantino’s movie about the Manson Family killings. And once again, where’s Brad’s parade for… you know, saying hello to people he has worked with before?!?
As for Brad being hard at work… Rotten Tomatoes compiled the photos of all of the cast members together, and well, #TarantinoSoWhite and #WhereTheWomenAtBruh.
The incredible cast of Quentin Tarantino's 'Once Upon A Time In Hollywood' pic.twitter.com/TKgSeusMEi
— Rotten Tomatoes (@RottenTomatoes) June 19, 2018
This sh-t is whiter than a Taylor Swift concert. And how did Tarantino manage to only cast three women in a movie about the Manson murders? I get that it’s not a documentary, but many of the killers and cult members in the Manson family were women, and at least three of the victims were women. Hold the phone, are you saying that Quentin Tarantino is – GASP – making a violent film about the murder of pregnant Sharon Tate ALL ABOUT THE MEN AROUND HER? I’m shook.
Photos courtesy of PCN, Backgrid.
What did Brad do on the plane?
There was an argument
Supposedly hit one of the boys when he was drinking I think I heard some time ago.
I highly doubt he actually punched his son in the face, he would have been charged for sure, no matter who he is. My guess is he either took a swing and missed, or shoved him hard and Maddox fell into something or another one of the children. He wasn’t charged but obviously it was enough to scare the kids and enough for Angie to leave him
Not according to the FFA report
According to his people…he did not hit his son… in the face… (all bets are off the rest of his son’s body). he also “did not get black out drunk”.. but heavily drinking with 6 kids on a plane..
He also then stole a refueling vehicle and tried to abscond on it whilst not black out drunk….
“wazzz da problem????” says Barney from the Simpsons. I don’t know Barney.. Some broads are just so uptight!
People who work at that airport have already debunked the fuel truck story. It didn’t happen.
Kbb, as an ex Brangelina fan I can say for sure that an airport worker tweeted that Brad Pitt fell down a flight of stairs on that day. That tweet was deleted and later denied.
The fans knew there was an incident before the press did because of tweets but now it’s all covered up.
Never got the Tarantino thing. All that violence porn. Ugh.
He was interesting for a while. But now, this is just sad. It’s like he had one or two stories to tell and that was it.
Brad has plastic surgeries, just like Cruise.
So true. Reservoir Dogs seemed so cutting edge at the time, and Pulp Fiction was even better. But everything else since then, it’s like the same violent plots hashed and rehashed. Someone dragged me to see Hateful Eight (I think it was called?) and I was just so repulsed by every second of that film. I felt gross for having watched it. No meaningful content, just an orgy of violence and rape and gore.
I have never seen any of them. I turn off any movie that glorifies violence. That is not art, or entertainment.
Thank you.
I don’t know the term for it in film but he’s doing the film equivalent of metafiction (literary term). He’s usually parodying, paying tribute to, and/or making pastiche out of certain genres, or reinventing them. He doesn’t celebrate violence (and he doesn’t think violence in films encourages violence in real life) but celebrates film for film’s sake (how successfully he does that is the question for viewers). He’s a film nerd.
You know this is starting to feel like when things are so not alright that people work extra hard to convince you it’s all right. He’s fine…great actually…fantastic…he’s great…did you hear me I said he’s great…GREAT…did you get it that time….sooooo great!!!!!
Ummmm, really.
That cast photo. Soooo, I’m assuming we are just going to ignore that Manson was a virulent racist who murdered with the goal of starting a race war and then ruling over inferior Black people? Tarantino is trash.
Oh and Sharon Tate’s murder is going to be soooo hard on the men you guys! The men are going to be so hurt by it. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 F**k off Quentin, you can’t pay me to see this movie.
This movie is just another opportunity for Tarantino’s to use the N-word every 5 seconds then call it art. Dude is seriously sick! Will never watch any of his movies ever again.
Also Brad, have some respect for the woman who is raising your six kids!
@Mia4: I am so over Pitt. Can he and his PR team just go away? And I agree. When you have to keep telling people how happy you are, how you have done nothing wrong, how bad mean ole Angie is. . . something is definitely not right with him. Now that he’s so happy to be in his kids’ life (even with supervised visitation), let’s see how long he keeps it up. After all, we wouldn’t want this to interfere with his screen career.
“A virulent racist who murdered with the goal of starting a race war”
Well exactly which is reflected in the casting, I don’t think it’s going to be sympathetic…..
And as someone said on Twitter, I’m sure he will find a way to get the n-word in his script 87 times.
Is this a going to be “Mansplaining Manson Family Murders”?
Poor misunderstood men forced by bad wimmin to kill other wimmin?
Most of Manson’s victims were men. Of the Tate-LaBianca murders, 3 women and 4 men were killed. There were at least 5 other people killed by his followers, all men.
Honestly can’t remember the last time I thought he was hot. Meet Joe Black maybe?
Legends of the Fall Pitt! Swoon.
I agree that’s the peak Hot Pitt. Honourable mentions to Fight Club Pitt and Mr & Mrs Smith Pitt.
Ocean’s Eleven.
I thought he looked good in all the Ocean’s movies. His hair was a little too short in M & MS but he and Angie were HOT.
Yes. Thank God for plastic surgery cause he’s had work done, even if he doesn’t admit it. He’s aging and not very well. But that’s a part of life. Only thing is, he’s still reading those press clippings where every one (and yes, there are a great many people out there) keeps saying he’s “fine”. LOL!
I’m with you. Pitt is looking really rough these days.
A fresh cut and color does wonders for him, but “aging in reverse” is quite a stretch!
Oh well, not only Tarantinosowhite but also the good old boys who love to strangle women (and otherwise hurt people) club. Amazing cast, indeed. And Brad fits right in.
Brad is leaking like a sieve, I would not be surprised if he did leaked those stories about the MIT professor to get a reaction from Angie.
No good deed goes unpunished, buying a house five minutes from his so he could spend time with the kids, but he was too busy going to concerts and Art shows.
Yet when they go to England he is trying to make a fuss about seeing the children, dude it almost two years and you’re still getting supervised visit, why?
Isn’t it interesting how for years people were saying it’s Angie fighting Aniston’s PR tabloid stories by releasing her own? Yet since the separation most of the tabloid stories have been written regrading Brad and what a great guy he is.
Furthermore the stories seem very similar to survival stories written about brave women who finally got out of a longterm abusive marriage. He’s being feminized and presented as a victim. Does he have no shame?
@ Original T.C.: No, he has no shame. Has to keep that PR train rolling.
TarantinoSoWhite ? Are we all looking at the same picture of Michael Madsen ?!
Are…you suggesting that Michael Madsen isn’t white? He looks like a boiled ham, yeah, but he’s still white.
It was a joke…
“Aged in reverse,” hilarious.
Guess that’s what happens when you quit drinking and probably smoking too. None of which has anything to do with his soon to be ex.
What is he, 54? He looks pretty good for that age, mostly because he’s still got a lot of hair and is trimmer now. I wonder what he would look like if he never smoked or drank.
He still smoke, he was paps weeks ego smoking.
Please. Look at Tarantino’s filmography again and leave that #tarantinosowhite stuff elsewhere. He thinks Pam Grier is so amazing he wrote a whole movie around her! How can you come after this specific director for casting a movie about a white serial killer in the seventies with white followers and white victims?
This was my point completely. Pushing diversity in film is a valid point, but there are much better targets than Tarantino.
Wasn’t Charles Manson a horrible racist? It makes sense for the cast to be whiter than white. That said, who needs this movie? No doubt Tarantino’s love affair with misogyny and blood will only serve to glorify an event so horrifying and despicable— An ultra violent event that, for once, isn’t even made up from his sick AF mind – it really happened. May his film tank in hell.
Yep. Can’t imagine a movie I would want to see least then this horrible idea of Tarantino making a movie about the Manson murders. I lived through it as a teenager (Labianca’s lived a mile from my house) and the thought of Tarantino diving into it all again and his fascination with violence makes me sick.
I’ll wait for the reviews. I was 12, living about an hour away, in Riverside. So not so close as you, Anne C, which I can’t imagine. I never forgot the “Manson Girls”–scared me more than Manson himself. It will probably not be a movie I want to see. I do feel there’s some unfinished business for a lot of us, though, which might be worked through by a thoughtful film. The Manson killings were part of the loss of America’s perceived innocence in the late 60s, with the Viet Nam war, and the assassinations of Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy.
don’t get me wrong, I LOVED “Jackie Brown”, but the story came from an Elmore Leonard book, Rum Punch. Yes, QT wrote the screenplay, but it’s not his story.
Then you might also know that in the book the character is white, and Tarantino changed that to cast Grier.
yes, I know that. she was also “Jackie Burke” and not “Brown”. and Fonda’s character was physically different. and the location was different.
I was addressing the “wrote a whole movie”.
my only point was that the story itself was not his.
Agree. And I like a lot of those actors, so I plan to see the film.
People have been raking in money using the Manson murders for decades. Tarantino ain’t the first.
“Brad filmed a few scenes earlier this week “Some of the set worked with him before, so Brad made sure to say hello to familiar faces. He is very professional and friendly. Everyone calls him Brad.”
Well he surely deserves a recognition for greeting people properly. And they call him Brad as opposed to what??
that “Everyone calls him Brad” line cracked me up.
I guess that they mean he’s just SO cool with everyone on set, even the “little people”…he’s just SO friendly and approachable and NOT AT ALL an alcoholic abuser.
I think as opposed to calling him William/Bill? His actual first name? Kind of like how Ashton Kutcher goes by Chris (first name Christopher) with co-workers but keeps it “Ashton,” his middle name, with the public/media.
But like, in reverse?
didn’t know that about Ashton Kutcher…interesting.
You know, he’s so cool and friendly that he doesn’t insist on his coworkers calling him “Mr. Pitt.”
@ crogirl: May be William: I had to LOL at this! Go girl.
When someone tries so hard to convinces us how ”Happy,great,better than ever,healthy”etc hes been its usually inauthentic..God, reading that was lil nauseating..i mean ”He looks like hes aged in reverse”BARF……so self congratulatory!
Self congratulatory, and untrue. Brad’s a good looking guy, always will be, but he does not look younger than his age, quite the opposite.
Whiter than a Taylor Swift concert! BWAHAHA.
I’m definitely more excited to see AJ’s movie. I might watch this movie when it comes on netflix…maybe, if nothing else looks good.
Me too – AJs confirmed movies like Maleficent 2, animated one, Jim Thorpe and she is still attached to “Shoot like a girl” according to the writer.
Such a versatile actress and continues to prove that she is not done in Hollywood. I even read that Danny Boyle really wants her as Bond Villian in the new movie.
I would love to see Angelina as a Bond villain! I hope that’s true.
She’s too old for Shoot Like a Girl, I really hope she isn’t cast. MJ retired at like 33. Angelina would be at least 44 by the time they started shooting.
When young women are cast as women older than them, I have no problem when older women are cast as younger than them.
Angelina just needs to gain some weight on her face and she will look 10 years younger. Plus Angelina is a certified pilot and that will be an asset for this role.
Now if Katherine Bigelow directs it then wow – what a movie it will be.
I agree she’d look younger with some weight on her face, but she has always had a mature look compared to her real age. I don’t know how much weight will really help. She looked like she was in her 30s all throughout her 20s, I don’t know that weight would be enough to take her back there. But I think how she dresses also ages her a lot, so maybe with the right wardrobe she could pull it off.
MAMS era Angelina would have been perfect for it though.
I would love if this Tarantino movie was a flop LOL. It’s what Tarantino deserves.
Noted woman-strangler Quentin Tarantino cast noted woman-strangler Emile Hirsch. Birds of a feather and all that.
Good for him
Congratulations Brad! You’re a great, patient ,father , enjoy your wonderful family
He’s so stupid.
Classic parental alienation!
It was his choice to spend all those months away from his family.
Would you say that to any other mother whose husband was an alcoholic and was abusive to their children, or is it just because its Angelina?
Deliberate parental alienation should be a crime.
Maybe abandoning your six children in California on Father’s Day to party in Europe should be a crime too.
So should his acting. Apart from the Pikey in Snatch. Everything else has been criminal.
Troy? He had one face – squinting into the sunlight = I’m thinking really intensely about stuff. Two hours of Brad squinting. Horrific.
http://s378.photobucket.com/user/elenaela/media/phpxXLCFaPM.jpg.html” target=”_blank”><img src="http://i378.photobucket.com/albums/oo223/elenaela/phpxXLCFaPM.jpg" border="0" alt="brad pitt photo phpxXLCFaPM.jpg
Keep digging that hole Brad because one day the truth will come out and your media power won’t be able to keep hiding it.
Instead of being so selfish, maybe you should start think about your 6 children and their happiness.
The media can only protect you for so long. We all know what happened to Tom, Depp and Sheen.
No, Brad is not aging in reverse. Not even close.
+1 He’s gotten trim and fit again, but I don’t find him the least bit attractive. And he hardly looks youthful for his age.
He is looking better, can’t argue with that.
Poor Brad. He’s got the looks, the money, he’s white. Why won’t anyone give him a break???
(that was sarcasm, btw)
I saw that cast picture floating around. I didn’t even notice the lack of POC b/c Manson was white supremacist so duh, but the lack of white women was jarring especially since the victim and the actual murderers were women at least for the Tate murder.
“Quentin is demanding to work for, but also fun” unless you’re one of the few women in the cast, which probably means you’re going to get strangled by him or physically hurt at some point…
Brad’s PR game is ridiculous. He should be embarrassed.
I used to be in love with this man!
I find him so very unattractive now. He’s what is meant by the statement, “Pretty on the outside only”.
Can we just cancel this movie already?
It’s gotten to the point where I can’t stand him anymore. The bloom is definitely off the rose
He looks great
Yes, he does.
He looks like Joey Tribianni “smelling a fart.”
That’s all I see, too.
He had a good time with his kids in London and that’s why he was so euphoric and happy. This mood was then transferred to the shooting and the team there. I’m happy for him.
Huh? He doesn’t have good times with his kids that’s why he prefers to spend as much time away from them as he can
I’m cancelling anyone who hires Emile Hirsch (Tarantino, I’m looking at you). This guy physically assaulted a woman in front of other people and pretty much got a slap on the wrist. Unbelievable……
That’s s great lineup. Tarantino is surely upto something magical.
Brad Pitt AND Margot Robbie in the same movie? Tabloids will have field day with this.
Ugh, I hope not. She’s 27 and married. I doubt she has any interest in Brad Pitt.
Good for him. We all know he’s so lonely and needs a new lady love. Maybe they can get together and have more babies. Not!
Yawn. I’m sure his team will use her for that purpose but as I said yawn. He’s an old ass fool
I actually think a Charlize Theron hookup rumor is next because they worked together on a commercial for a watch. The only reason I’d say it’s just a rumor and not true is because he is deeply in love with Sean Penn aka the dude CT ghosted 🙄
I’m thrilled that he’s showing himself for the desperate person he is. As a fan of AJ’s I noticed it early on in their relationship. He uses the media and throws the people he supposedly loves under the bus to save his image .
Why does anyone still care what Brad Pitt does? He is nearing his mid sixties. That old HW hunk thing is lame and old. I personally think he took a big hit with CPS thing. Some people thought that was a huge turn off no matter how his legal team and crisis team tried to spin in and make Angelina out to be the bad one. That changed when he admitted to his struggles with alcohol and lied about his drug abuse and hitting his son.
No one would enforce that type of monitoring if he did nothing but push a child on a freaking plane. The public is sick of his weekly leaks about him.
Give yourself a cigar come with me. Spot on. Could not have said it better myself.
Mid-sixties??? He looks damn fine for mid-sixties. (He’s 54, btw)
What, he skipped a decade?
Someone on another site brought up the q score. I’m kind of aware of that but there might be something else that publicists see that we don’t – something that measures the publics interest ? maybe that’s why he is so desperate. He’s really trying hard to get the public on his side and to those of us who pay attention to tabloids it’s bizarre but maybe there’s more to it
I have always thought this situation reeked of parental alienation.
If it was anyone but Angelina and the father was an alcoholic and got abusive with his children, you wouldn’t think so.
He is still so stunning.
“Brad has been great. Some of the set worked with him before, so Brad made sure to say hello to familiar faces. He is very professional and friendly. Everyone calls him Brad. It’s been clear that he just wants to shoot the best movie possible. ”
Are you kidding me, THIS is something to brag about?! It’s like the BARE minimum, saying hello to people he’s met before, being focused on DOING HIS JOB well and WTF, what else are people supposed to call him but his name?!
I just can’t anymore. I’ve loved Pitt since I was pre-teen and Thelma and Louise came out, but what he did to Maddox/the kids and now this blame game/Angelina’s the monster crap has completely destroyed my love for him.
I forget where I heard it, but someone once explained Tarantino’s film-making process as: “Tarantino takes a genre he likes (ie. grindhouse, war, western, blaxploitation, mafia, samurai) and makes a movie that other fans of those genres hate.” For example, all of my history buff friends were completely repulsed by his WWII movie.
I like murder mysteries and crime procedurals so I will hate this film.
I still like James Marsden though. Even if most of his roles are being “dumped for another guy” or “pointlessly killed off”.
What do you mean the cast is not diverse, there’s clearly three skinny white blonde women representing the full spectrum of “young”, “less young”, and “older but still passably young looking”.
I’m not paying to see leonardo dipervio.
I’m not paying to support men who aren’t interested in women closer to their age and instead would prefer to date teenagers. If it were legal they would date younger. I’m sick of this because it leaks into my life. I see men in australia trying to emulate the american hollywood dream and it’s disgusting. Its no longer good enough to be a beautiful woman anymore. You need to be a teenager/21 year old. I see mail order brides and prostitution everywhere in australia with old men/young girls (18-28). I won’t support it as a young woman. I don’t want my future to be so bleak that being pretty isn’t enough. You must also be the closest thing to a child.
This is my protest. Eff off Leo and eff off men who admire him. That goes for any of the other middle aged men cast in this movie that date girls barely out of highschool/college.
What’s worse is Leo would rather be seen as a womanizer…than the truth. Stand for something Leo. Your partner deserves it.
This will be worth the wait love Brad and Leonardo both
I would need to be paid $250 to sit thru this movie.
Zero interest in cast, subject matter, director.
Big budget Hollywood cast is not enough to waste my time on.
Brad needs to realize his glory days are behind him. He is aging out of his movie acting days, IMO.
He is going to need a Plan B to maintain his A list status.
He has no franchise films to coast thru, the Oceans movies are already being remade with the all female cast. He’s getting too old to be the romantic hot leading man, can’t really do a comedy on his own. He’s OK as a bit part in an ensemble cast but, he can’t “open” a blockbuster film on his own anymore.
Mid 50’s, messed up his family life, wasted years being a drunk/druggie/anger management.
His talent is not Paul Newman level, don’t see him maturing into character parts like Newman did. Burt Reynolds could give him advice re: dealing with your Superstar Film career decline.
No sympathy for BP from me.
I am excited to see this movie and I am by no means a Tarantino fan. I just think this movie will be a great one, great story and all.
Great cast!
i have this feeling Quentin will change the storyline into something unexpected… He´s not filming a biopic thats´s for sure
Anyone else find it strange of how desperate he is for public acceptance about him being a good dad?
Angie gave him free publicity when he was with because she was his mouthpiece.
By the way who gets on a bike and hangs outside a hotel if he doesn’t want to seen?
And today he is on a commercial flight FC heading to London so people can see him.
This dude is insane.
Dang! Brad Pitt looks handsome here. I usually don’t see the big deal about him, but for his age, wow – much better than the younger Leo.
Oh Brad. Go away.
It ain’t brain surgery–he has a more likable public persona than she does. No one out here actually knows these people, so that’s all it is.
he looks very good! Sexy silver. He hasn´t looked that hot for ages!
He looks desperate.
Wonder if Lukas will get a cameo.
He looks no different at all to me.
He looks way better than in those last years with Angie here they were both botoxed to the hilt