“We hope everyone has a happy & safe Independence Day” links


Happy 4th of July, peeps! Stay safe in the heat wave!

Hugh Grant is an international treasure. [LaineyGossip]
LOL, what is happening with restoration artists? [Dlisted]
Lewis Hamilton wears a kilt on the cover of British GQ. [OMG Blog]
John Malkovich is coming to The New Pope. [Looper]
Chadwick Boseman looked great for a great rally. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Some people are really scared of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. [Pajiba]
Justin Timberlake actually showed his wife’s face on Instagram! I’m shook. [JustJared]
Josh Groban blushed on Good Morning America. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Britney Spears might get another Vegas residency. [Wonderwall]



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43 Responses to ““We hope everyone has a happy & safe Independence Day” links”

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  1. Lightpurple says:

    Happy Independence Day!

    • Nancy says:

      Lightpurple….you’re such an awesome lady. You’re so intelligent and I love learning from your posts. Keep it up. I know if we knew each other IRL, you’d be my go to. Happy Fourth!!

    • LahdidahBaby says:

      Yes, a happy Independence Day, everyone! I wish for America a return to truth, honor, courage, and compassion for the “tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to be free” — because those are the virtues that actually DID make our country great, just as so many immigrant families and their descendants have over time added immeasurably to its greatness. We must try to remember who we always have been as a nation, and not let the age of Trump become who we are.

      Happy Fourth!

      • Jan90067 says:

        I’ll second this, Ladidababy! 🥂 TO A RETURN TO OUR AMERICA BT (before Trump)! To truth, honor, courage, and compassion!

        Have a happy (and safe!) 4th Everyone! 🎇🎆🇺🇸

      • LahdidahBaby says:

        Cheers, Jan90067!

  2. koko says:

    Happy Fourth of July!!!!

  3. Loopy says:

    I wonder if Taylor Swift will revive her July 4th spectacle.

  4. Kitten says:

    Not feeling super-pumped to celebrate this country this right now but I will enjoy being by the ocean with family for a couple days. Happy Fourth.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:


    • Save Mueller says:

      Me too. Feeling guilty about keeping the kids home from fireworks; if we do go, I will be tempted to wear some form of protest.

    • magnoliarose says:

      I feel the same. We will be in Mexico for a wedding. It is a happy occasion for friends we love but the irony and shame is not lost on either of us. Since the wedding party will be mostly made up of people from different countries I am sure the topic will be WTF is wrong with your country?! We will be far from the border but I know it will be on everyone’s mind.
      I can’t even pretend to be Canadian.

    • lucy2 says:

      Before a family cookout, I’ll be spending part of my day working on mailing campaign to get Democrats who sat out the last few midterms to VOTE this year. My district is finally in play, I hope we flip it. Feels like a good thing to help with on Independence Day.

  5. Tania says:

    To all my fellow Indigenous People: those that celebrated 151 years of resistance in Canada on Sunday, and 242 years of resistance, perseverance and evidence that we have been here a lot longer than arbitrary founding days!

    Stay safe out there everyone, and I hope you spend the day doing something you love.

  6. HelloSunshine says:

    My friend and I decided we’re going to celebrate the fourth by cooking and eating non American food since this version of America is a little scary lol petty? Maybe but we don’t care. Everyone be safe!

    • Cran says:

      We have a small flag in our yard. I have reseated it several times but the wind keeps blowing it so the flag is backwards with the stars on the right. Metaphor? Irony? A sign that our country is backasswards?

      When inanimate objects start sending common sense messages…

  7. Jan90067 says:

    Happy 4th Everyone! Stay safe, and remember, THIS is what we are resisting for: our country, FREE of dictators and despots!

  8. Sparkly says:

    Well said!

  9. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    A meme on Facebook said it best, I think. “Celebrating the 4th of July this year feels like throwing a birthday party for someone who’s been kidnapped.”

    We’ll be eating tacos and drinking Negra Modelo.

  10. minx says:

    Thank you all for being a safe haven in these dreary, infuriating times.

  11. adastraperaspera says:

    “What the people want is simple — they want an America as good as its promise.”

    ~Barbara Jordan

  12. paranormalgirl says:

    Bahama bound after my last patient.

    • Nancy says:

      We went to the Bahamas on our honeymoon. I was 20, he was 22. Nineteen years later, we’re still making babies (deuces this time) like me. Must be something in the water or the pretty pink drinks with the umbrellas. I got my hair braided. If I did it now, I’d have rocks thrown at me. Anyway, have fun everyone. Happy Fourth, wear black armbands, go to Walmart and get anti trump tees before they take them away. LOL…..cheers to the U S of A!!!! It still belongs to WE the PEOPLE.

      • funfactor says:

        Walmart carries anti-trump tee shirts?? Last year I parked at the local Walmart and got my headlight bashed in. I guess the trumpdumps didn’t like my progressive bumper stickers. Now I’m afraid to shop there. I considered wearing black tomorrow, but it’s over 100 in Austin. The black arm band is a better idea! Be safe, everyone!

      • Nancy says:

        It was on their website. Impeach 45 and Impeach the Peach. Pretty sure they’re both gone.

  13. Tiffany :) says:

    I’ll be spending time off getting to know my new foster dog. I know the 4th can be a very hard time for pets (especially dogs and cats), so please make sure your furry friends are safe and sound before the fireworks start!

    When I was a kid I knew a dog (family friend) that would jump through doors to escape the sound. In 3 years he went through 2 screens and one pane of glass. Fireworks are so terrifying to pets! (And yes, the family friends who owned him should have prepared better!)

  14. Babs says:

    So excited for the new Pope! I loved the young Pope.

    • Dee Kay says:

      I loved The Young Pope too. Sorrentino is a genius and Law gave his career best performance.

  15. Erinn says:

    We just had Canada Day on the 1st. I had gotten the dog to bed juuuust before the neighbors started with the fireworks. She haaates them. She just barks and barks and barks. She doesn’t shake really, but it bothers her. Then they died down and I just start to drift asleep and round two started. I like our neighbors. But they’re “holiday people” and I am 100% not. And neither is the pup. The second round she kind of seemed to get bored of barking at though, so at least there was that.

    • kellybean says:

      I am sensitive to noise and hate fireworks too but I am an adult and can deal with it. Ever since I had a cat that hated them and now a dog that hates them, they piss me off. My poor dog shakes and I try to comfort her but she doesn’t understand and I feel awful. We just got another dog, a rescue, about 2 weeks ago and this weekend when the fireworks were going off, my dog seemed calmer. She hardly noticed the fireworks. I guess the new dog is like a therapy dog for my older dog.

  16. Angela82 says:

    Happy belated Canada Day fellow Canadian. 🙂

    I celebrate both independence days but this year I was a little bit more proud to be Canadian.

  17. Eric says:

    Happy NY Daily News cover!


  18. Aubrey says:

    Happy 4th!

  19. Justwastingtime says:

    We have had a great year in my immediate family of four in so many ways.. married 22 years, both kids doing really well, best year ever professionally for me… and a new puppy to boot.

    But between both my aged parents dealing with serious health issues and the train wreck that is our country’s current political process it’s really hard to be joyful today…

    Grateful for this safe community.. thank you and happy fourth to those who celebrate.

  20. Dee Kay says:

    I am totally numb this 4th of July. I am an immigrant and a hardcore patriot of the USA and usually can set aside my criticisms of the country for a day to celebrate the wonderful, beautiful idea of this nation. But not today. However, I have learned since Nov 2016 that the US has never been 100% or even 70% okay. We need to accept the current moment as the result of all that came before it. And we need to help this land become your land and my land, a land that we can be proud to live in. Peace, safety, rest, health, love, and sanity to everyone here.

  21. Betsy says:

    Happy Fourth!

    Happy Resistance to the indigenous.

    I wish a quiet Fourth to those for whom the errant bangs of personal fireworks trigger PTSD events.

    I wish a safe day of drunk and stupid for those who need to check out.

    I wish a renewed commitment to activism for the patriots among us.

    I wish Bob Mueller a wind at his back and strength for us all.