Kim Kardashian defends Kylie Jenner: ‘She is ‘self-made’ – we are all self-made’

kylie forbes

Kylie Jenner made the cover of the most recent issue of Forbes. Forbes claimed that Kylie’s lip-kit and makeup empire (Kylie Cosmetics) is on the verge of becoming a billion-dollar company, with a huge chunk of the profits going into Kylie’s pockets because she has such low overhead and barely any advertising budget. Forbes claimed that Kylie was a “self-made” almost-billionaire, which… caused some people to be like “ugh, no.” For whatever record, I think Forbes was describing her company and fortune as “self-made” because she literally started it as a small pet project when she was living at home with her mom. She didn’t inherit the company, thus it’s “self-made”. But she did inherit fame, a public profile and a sh-t ton of privilege. Anyway, the cover and the idea of Kylie being a “self-made” billionaire caused a lot of conversation and many thinkpieces were written. Kylie’s big sister doesn’t get why it’s a big deal though. Kim chatted with Refinery29 about the controversy:

Kim on Kylie being “self-made”: “I really didn’t get it, because she is ‘self-made’ — we are all ‘self-made.’ What, because we came from a family that has had success? To me, that doesn’t really make sense… I know so many people like that [who] haven’t turned out to be as successful as Kylie. If anything, I’ve seen the complete opposite.”

Kim is proud of Kylie: Kim added that she was proud of her sister for “[taking] an insecurity of hers and [figuring] out how to make a really successful business off of it,” referring to Kylie’s lips, which she famously started injecting when she was 17.

The whole family is on the grind: “Me, Kylie, not one [of the siblings] has ever depended on our parents for anything besides advice. That’s how I lived my life with my dad [Robert Kardashian]. He never gave me anything. We might have the opportunity, but I’ve seen it go the complete opposite way. Nobody works harder than my sisters and my mom.”

The idea of having a “family business”: “I’ve built something, and you hope one of your kids will want to be in the family business and work with you. Kanye probably feels the same way. He wants one of our kids to work at Yeezy and take over [it]. Luckily, we have a lot of kids.”

[From Refinery29]

Again, I feel like Kim is being too cute by half. I don’t understand why it would be so hard for Kim or Kylie to say “of course we were already in an extremely privileged position when we started out, and of course our companies and businesses are built on the ‘Kardashian name’ and the fame built within that.” Admitting that wouldn’t negate the fact that they have built successful businesses, with the help of Kris Jenner. I would love to see the girls give Kris more credit too, because she’s the one who has been grinding for DECADES to make her family famous and get them in these positions.

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Cover courtesy of Forbes, additional photos courtesy of Getty.

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84 Responses to “Kim Kardashian defends Kylie Jenner: ‘She is ‘self-made’ – we are all self-made’”

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  1. Beth says:

    If Kylie came from an unknown family and became successful, I would consider that ‘self-made,’ but the real reason she so easily successful with this is because she is famous for being on a reality show for half of her life and has millions of people around the world following everything she does

    • STRIPE says:

      My favorite saying to describe this kind of person is : “born on third base and think they hit a triple”

      To continue the metaphor, they may get to home base and that absolutely takes work, but let’s not pretend they didn’t have a head start. The rest of us will have to round 3 more bases than they did to get to their level.

    • Snazzy says:

      exactly this

  2. anon says:

    Yeah, she’s not. Neeeeeeext.

  3. Runcmc says:

    Note she said her SISTERS work hard. Not her brother. He tried to start a company too and we all saw how that went. That’s the standard they are probably judging on and that’s probably partly what she means when she says she “sees it going the complete opposite way” more often.

    I’d say poor Rob but he actually seems like a bad person so 🤷🏽‍♀️

    • Zip says:

      I noticed that, too. Rob failed even though he was supported by Kris. To be fair, the family has never been really nice to him and overpriced, ugly socks are not really something to make a fortune with.

      • me says:

        Also, nude pics of Rob weren’t in demand. If Rob was a girl in that family, he would have been much more successful. This family sells sex first remember.

  4. HK9 says:

    Bullsh-t. Their mother did the work and they do what they’re told. That’s not self-made. They do work, but so does everyone else so they’re not special in that regard.

  5. Shambles says:

    None of us who are white or white passing and/or have trust funds are self-made. We don’t get to say “Started from the bottom now we here” when we started so far above everyone else. That’s how privilege works.

    • elimaeby says:

      SO MUCH THIS. I’m a white-passing woman from a wealthy family and I KNOW how lucky I am. My Nan (a tough-as-nails black woman) reminded me all the time that my blue eyes and light hair were a huge VIP pass in life. I’ve tried to never take it for granted. I am fortunate enough to live in the safest neighborhood in one of the biggest cities on Earth and work for a Fortune 500 company. If I were “more black”, I’m not sure I could say the same.

    • Jadedone says:

      Sorry are you saying a white person who started a company from nothing is not self made bc thet are white? The bill Gates, the Elon Musks etc? Maybe im misunderstanding

      • Alyse says:

        That’s such bull. You going to say men also can’t say they are self made because they have privilege, or people from Western, democratic nations?

      • JAC says:

        Yeah. I don’t think anyone is self made. We are all the products of our environments. Education, healthcare, family – they all play a huge part.

      • AnotherB says:

        Wow. Just wow.

      • Alyse says:

        Sorry my reply above wasn’t to you but I can’t edit it now.

    • I rarely comment but... says:

      I don’t believe she is self made by a long shot but

      • I rarely comment but... says:

        I don’t believe she is self made by a long shot. But, the grossest thing to me in this whole debacle are the regular, everyday folks who started a gofundme to help her reach a billion. If you have money to spare why not donate it to people in need?? What is wrong with people? I haven’t heard about it in a few days so I hope somebody pulled the plug on it but the fact that it was ever a thing is disgusting.

    • Clementine says:

      Coming from a bi-racial east coast girl….wow…are you serious? I know some dirt poor white people living in the mountains of Tennessee and West Virginia who may seriously disagree with you, and rightfully so. Does being white help? Hells yes. Does it prevent you from being self-made? Nope.

    • Shambles says:

      Yes, y’all. I am saying exactly what I’m saying. No one with privilege is self-made. That’s how it works. Privilege always takes something away from someone else, and acknowledging privilege always means giving something up. In this case, it means giving up the idea that many of us would be where we are without our whiteness. It doesn’t mean we don’t face hardships and overcome adversity. It doesn’t mean we can’t be impressive. It means we have to acknowledge the huge role that privilege plays in a world that was literally built to benefit white people. And yes, same for men. They start a long way above everyone else. They can still struggle and overcome adversity and be impressive. But they’re not self-made. Privilege helped make them. In this day and age, with the huge disparities in income equality, being self-made is essentially a myth. It still happens. But it’s people like Donald Trump who say they’re self-made. *shrugs*

    • Anon says:

      Being white passing =/= having a trust fund!!

      I’m light skinned mixed race and came to Western Europe as a refugee when my home land was destroyed by war. I was living on the streets for many months (escaped nearly being sex trafficked). I did not begin formal education till the age of 24. I progressed to a PhD and to a successful career.

      Yes being able to pass as white has helped me but I am 100% self made. To claim that a homeless sex trafficked refugee can’t be self made because of the colour of their skin is very racist imo.

    • Anika says:

      Shambles: Usually I agree w you but I really deeply disagree w you here!!! You are actually saying that no one w white skin is self made?!? Sorry, but I’m white and came from an ultra poor family, was the first person in it to go to college, working 3 jobs to do so. I also suffer from bipolar illness, so that was another odd against me, besides the fact I could hardly afford to remain in school AND pay living expenses AND eat…9 years later, I’m a psychologist w a PhD and making enough money to have bought a house for myself AND for my family–who had always lived in a trailer park, where I too grew up…Your stated beliefs about how NO white person can be self made is not only patently false, it’s offensive, and frankly, bizarre and ludicrous, as well.

  6. Amygdala says:

    Minus the surgically souped up bits.

  7. Tiffany says:

    So, I just read about a group of idiots, I’m sorry fans of Kylie’s that are starting a GoFundMe to earn 100 million for her so she can become a billionaire.

    Do with that what you will.

  8. Jane says:

    This whole thing totally repulses me.

  9. Tiffany27 says:

    When you say “you had help” privileged people hear “you didn’t work hard.” No one is saying Kylie didn’t work hard. I believe she did, they all do BUT pretending like having money beforehand and having fame beforehand didn’t help significantly is like asking poor people why they’re not rich yet.

    • Veronica S. says:

      I’ll be the bitch here – I don’t think she worked hard.

      I think she had wealth, privileges, and connections that gave the business a huge boost. I think she has a massive PR and business administration team that handles the majority of the inner workings of her empire. She’s not making the product and overseeing the manufacturing process – somebody in a lab/factory is. She’s not handling the budget – a financial team is. She’s not running the website – a development team is.

      What does she do? She shows up in public and gets photographed. She runs an Instagram. She creates a narrative of desirability and puts a face on the product to justify the product tag. Does this require some level of dedication? Sure. Do I actually think she legitimately works “hard” in the sense of how most people think of it? lol no.

      And all of this boils down the fact that the entire “work hard” ideology is a load of crap anyway. Plenty of poor and middle class people are out there working their butts off. There’s no promise that their investments will ever pay off. A lot of it is access and networking, and a fair bit of it is luck. Period. End of story. No amount of work is going to change the variability of those chances.

      • Zip says:

        I totally agree.

      • Queenb says:

        “I don’t think she worked hard.”

        Even if: How hard would you need to work to justify a billion $? No human can work that much.

      • me says:

        Not to mention her company started with one big fat lie. She said her “big lips” were due to lip liner. This LIE helped her sell all those lip kits.

      • Beth says:

        +100 exactly.

      • Slowsnow says:

        The Kardashians navigate the American right wing narrative of “hard work” [earning you a place in society, enough money to pay for healthcare and insurance. Etc.].
        That is such a twisted argument: a luxury sex worker will make more with two clients than a nurse will make in a month. Who works harder?
        She doesn’t do anything other than hiring people who know stuff and getting herself professionally made up and photographed.
        Give me a huge break.
        This family makes me so mad. Why don’t they own the fact that they exploit people’s credibility and commitment to a certain image and that’s it?

      • josephine says:

        I totally agree. The hardest thing she did was sacrifice her body to all of the medical procedures. That probably sucks. And I do think it will be hard to wake up one day and realize that you’ve done nothing in your life of worth, that you never actually got the chance to be someone of your own making. I’m not sure any of those people will ever develop enough emotionally or intellectually to actually come to that realization, but I think they will have nothing of real worth as they age.

      • Mel says:

        Uhm, the makeup company existed and she put her name on the products. It’s a business deal between her and the company. Do you really think she’s out there brainstorming, testing, getting products approved or making any real business decisions??? Oh Please, she has the name , social media following and she shows up for PR. I would bet money that if she was asked any REAL questions about her company, you’d get the blankest stare ever.

  10. grabbyhands says:

    Jaysus, STOP. The willful ignorance is infuriating. THIS is everyone’s woke queen?

    NONE of them are self-made. All of them were born into a life of wealth and privilege and if PMK hadn’t figured a way to turn Kim’s pee tape into publicity, no one would even know the Kardashian name and the world would be a better place for it. None of them have had to actually WORK for anything they have. Having your every move filmed and photographed when you obviously thrive on the attention isn’t working.

    And this – Kim added that she was proud of her sister for “[taking] an insecurity of hers and [figuring] out how to make a really successful business off of it,” . First, she didn’t figure out anything – she has really good business advisers who did. Plus, she didn’t make money off HER insecurity, she’s making money off other people’s insecurities while lying about what she did to her own lips for a really long time. Plus, it seems gross to be proud when no one in that family seemed to be willing to help a 17 year old child deal with those insecurities and instead encouraged her to start messing with her body before it had even finished growing.

    The only one who really deserves any kind of credit in the business aspect is their mother. All of this empire came from her hustle. It’s too bad she pimped out all of her children (who are already starting with their own kids) in order to build it.

  11. Queenb says:

    No person in the world has ever been self made. You always rely on the work of others. Even if you build an app in your room without any direct co workers or investors you are still using other peoples work and you rely on the internet, electricity and food and the like. Your education, the streets you use etc. All of that is something others made and maintain.
    How does she sell her product? By delivering it herself? If she does, does she use public roads? Where did she learn about make up? Does she producer everything herself? Harvest the ingredients? Etc

    Kylie is by far the worst example of this but I am glad they called her self made because it could help kill that awful term. Just like “Pulling your up by the bootstraps”

    • Veronica S. says:

      The ultra-rich consider themselves “self-made” because they don’t actually think any of the peasants working for them are actually human.

  12. Veronica S. says:

    Self-made literally means from the bottom up using your own skills and products. NOT paying a distributor to create a small collection that then took off because of your family’s fame and wealth.

    This wouldn’t make me so angry, but it’s part and partial to the entire faux American narrative of the bootstrapped billionaire who pulled his/herself up from nothing to become ungodly rich. It’s a load of sh*t. None of them got there without money, connections, education, privilege, or luck. Period, end of story. Nobody living in a Detroit ghetto is going to grow up to become Jeff Bezos. It’s the same narrative they use to create legislation that denies poor people basic rights because ~if other people did it, why can’t they?~ It creates an entirely false impression of what the average American is up against, and I’m tired of it. You got rich because you started rich. That’s the story for the vast majority of people who are rich. F*cking own it, already. There is nothing cute about imagined struggles that you can take on and off like a hat when so many others are legitimately suffering.

    • whatWHAT? says:


      say it again for the people in the back!!!

    • Chrissy says:


    • Slowsnow says:

      I replied to your first comment above along the same lines but you said it better than I did!!!

    • Mo Cheeks says:

      Yes Veronica! Preach

      I actually know a billionaire. He definitely got his first money through a good idea, luck and timing. And then with that money he bought and sold things to make a million… then a billion.

      He straight up told me- “you have to have money to make money. So whatever you have to do to get it – get money.”

      • Veronica S. says:

        You know, I don’t want to come across as one of those people that necessarily thinks all rich people are by nature complete bastards because my profession is certainly putting me on track to be upper class, but realistically? We’ve seen that most people who are billionaires got to where they are by stepping on other people. Jeff Bezos business practices literally harm people. Elon Musk has nearly gotten workers killed in his facilities. Steve Jobs ran Apple when the Foxconn controversy was revealed. That kind of wealth only gets generated because somebody down the line is getting the shit exploited out of them or they’re buying off the government to cut taxes even when the national debt is in the the trillions. At this point, one can make a pretty good argument that most don’t become billionaires by being good people, which beggars the question of why our media continues to extol it.

    • Jadedone says:

      Perfectly said

    • Veronica, yes! Your comments on this subject are so right on. Most people work their butts off, and work much harder than any Kardiashian, and will never see their kind of money.

      It’s so unfair to so many to try and have this narrative that rich people just worked harder. It’s not enough that they were born on third base, but they just must be praised for working so hard as well? The fact is they started with more, and it’s very difficult, nearly impossible, to make something out of nothing. And nothing is what most people start with.

  13. Lisa says:

    Yeah, so is Trump. /s.

  14. SM says:

    “Nobody works harder than my sisters and my mom.” – hey, Kimey, why don’t you get off yoir cloud of delussion and go for example to the hospitl and talk to some of the surgeons, or ER doctoes about hard work. Why don’t you try thinking about fire fighters or even just scientists, who actually do change the world. Talk about you work of poating selfies and promoting your self for a living. And most of these people never will earn as half as much as Kardashian klan.

  15. BearcatLawyer says:

    Sorry, but Forbes is being quite misleading here. Since Kylie’s company is privately held, no one has any idea what her sales figures really are. Selling $350 million of cosmetics in a single year, if true, might make her company VALUE worth close to $1 billion, but sales do not equal actual cash. Plus no one knows how much actual profit Kylie’s company earns because we have no idea what her production and packaging costs actually are. My guess is Kylie’s earnings from her business are mere millions each year. The only way she will ever become a true billionaire is if she manages to sell all or part of her shares in her company for over $1 billion.

    Frankly, it sounds to me like Forbes wanted to ride the social media superstar bandwagon and found a link, however tenuous, in Kylie. But calling her self-made was a huge error in judgment as well.

    • Patty says:

      Thank You! I can’t believe people are buying this Kylie Jenner is almost a billionaire bullshit. It’s not true. And no Kim, she’s not self made. She didn’t even come up with the concept for her product, someone else did the legwork and created it and just smacked her name on it. I find everything about the Kardashian Jenner klan disingenuous and repulsive.

      Also, let me just say, this country is doomed. The fact that someone thought it was cool to start a GoFundMe to help an already wealthy and privileged person become wealthier and more privileged is just so gross and disgusting. And don’t get me started on the fact that people have actually donated money; there is something seriously wrong in this country.

      • noway says:

        Both of the above comments are spot on!!!! In addition, even though there is all this I want Stormi to run this one day crap and Kim’s crap about her kid’s running Yeezy, the main reason to publicize the details of a private company is to sell it. It makes sense too. Sell while your fame shelf life is still alive. After some very public sales of celebrities companies it makes sense to strike while it’s hot. I mean look at Kim. She doesn’t have the same pull she had a few years ago. Kylie’s fame will flatten too, everyone’s does. Kris is pretty good at this, and getting Forbes in on it is just amazing. As far as the gofundme page, well there is always a portion of people who are just flat out crazy. You will be happy to know only $1800 dollars has been donated so far. Still who are these idiots?

    • STRIPE says:

      I see what you’re saying – net worth does not equal cash on hand. But my understanding is that net worth is how all other billionaires are valued. Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg etc are worth billions because of the stock they own, not necessarily cash in the bank

      That being said, I totally agree, as Kylie’s company is privately held, it’s harder to know the financials.

      • noway says:

        Yes a lot of billionaires are based on what their companies are worth, but all of the above you mentioned are publicly traded companies. If you own a million shares of Amazon at $1800 a share you do have value to record, while Kylie doesn’t have that. Also, the publicly traded companies have accounting practices they must follow to be publicly traded and these companies also publish them for stockholders so the financials are out there. Now the main problem I have with this Forbes evaluation is they tout her low overhead, which is good, and they publish a lot of the figures about what things cost, but they leave out how much she pays the people who manufacture and ship. It’s frankly just odd to evaluate a company without even a profit margin figure or something. Forbes really wanted the publicity and they got it.

      • STRIPE says:

        NOWAY – It just seemed like BEARCATLAWYER was taking issue with Forbes valuing Kylie’s personal worth on her company. I was just pointing out that is how everyone’s net worth is calculated. She may not own stock, but she owns 100% of the company. In that way, her ownership is similar to owning stock.

        We’re in agreement that it’s harder to value a private company. So while the conclusion ($900mm) may be wrong, I don’t take issue with them connecting her net worth to her company if that is how they calculate everyone’s.

    • Swackd says:

      This: “Frankly, it sounds to me like Forbes wanted to ride the social media superstar bandwagon”

  16. whatWHAT? says:

    “Nobody works harder than my sisters and my mom.”

    JUST NO. there are plenty of people who work harder than ALL OF YOU PUT TOGETHER. your f*cking nanny works harder than Kylie does, so just SHUT THE F UP.

    • me says:

      Exactly. What does Kim do on a daily basis? No reason to even wake up early…she has nannies, chefs, maids, assistants to do everything. Even when they had the DASH store (which they bought with inheritance money from their dad), her sisters admitted Kim rarely even bothered to go to the store ! She’s so full of it. Maybe in her small circle of friends she believes her family is the “hardest working” but compared to the general public? Not even close.

    • AnotherB says:

      Maybe no one hustles harder than them. But no, what they do is not really work.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        sorry, I don’t agree with that, either.

        the man/woman who has three jobs (or more, because THEY HAVE TO) is hustling.

        these tricks just slap their name on something and take in the profits. that’s not “hustling”, that’s “trumping”.

      • Don’t forget the ideas they steal from small business owners, and then slap their name on, What. I give them full credit for their thievery.

  17. kate says:

    Truly one of the great exemple of white mediocrity being touted as excellence. One daughter selling her sex life and the other one selling lies to teenagers about her paid-for-repulsive-looking lips. Good job, Kris and Cait, good job.

  18. Anilehcim says:

    They really keep trying to push this BS narrative about how hard they had it growing up and I can’t imagine who they actually think they’re fooling.

    Kris Jenner has an interview with Harvey Levin coming up on some new show he has and I read an excerpt where she apparently carries on about how poor she was after Robert Kardashian filed for divorce and cut off her credit cards.

    Kim Kardashian is constantly talking about how she had to work for everything she had growing up, but I think most of us have seen the video Kanye made for her birthday that showed her being gifted a brand new BMW for her first car at 16 freaking years old. Are we supposed to pretend that’s the average gift for the average 16 year old? She brags about having to work for designer things… but she leaves out the part where she worked for her dad and he probably paid her a lot more than he would’ve paid some other kid her age.

    They keep trying to act like the family’s connections had nothing to do with Kendall becoming the top model in the world.

    And now they’re trying to act like Kylie is “self made” because she took the $250,000 she had lying around at her disposal and decided to take someone’s advice and endorse a makeup line by adding her name to it and approving the colors.

    I keep seeing that Kim has plans to become a politician… but the last thing we need is another out of touch moron who doesn’t understand the plight of the average American. Their insistence that they know what it is to struggle or work hard for things in life just shows that they’re clueless. Admit your privilege. Why does it mean so much to them to lie and try to pretend that they’re not that wealthy or that they’ve had an extremely fortunate life from the beginning?? It’s very strange to me.

    • ME says:

      We’ve all seen the home videos of their luxurious vacations as kids too. I believe Rob was mad at Kim once and let it be known she did nothing at her dad’s business other than show up and surf the net all day. I’m sure he paid her more than his actual salaried employees. They also got a huge inheritance when their father died. Kim is full of sh*t. None of them are self-made. I truly believe the only one in that family that “works hard” is their mother. Kim got married at 19 and was a house wife and step-mother who dropped out of community college. Hard worker? Yeah ok.

  19. HeyThere! says:

    They are too privileged to see there privilege. This is very common. Same when I try to explain to my husband his male/white privilege. I have a lot of things I could say but I don’t want to spew negativity. Lol. I guess, technically she’s self made, since she created and owns the business……but it comes from a place of extreme privilege. Just wish they would quit acting like they lived in a cargo van down by the river growing up.

  20. JennyJazzhands says:

    Puh-lease! I wake up at 5am and walk to work (sold my car to start my dance company) work 8 hours at a job that pays my bills and covers business expenses, then walk to my studio and teach my dance classes. Then, walk home to walk my dog, work on my choreography and paperwork for the next day and get to bed around 12am (or 2am if I performed that night). Just to wake up in 5 hours and do it again. I work 7 days a week.
    I think if kim had to be me for a week she’d fall apart.

  21. Justmyopinion says:

    Where to start…
    1. Kim was born into privilege. Her father never gave her anything? I guess she didn’t grow up in a nice house, go to a nice school, and was wondering how she was going to afford school shoes. Girl, BYE.
    2. Self-made? She was the daughter of a famous lawyer, who agreed to be pissed on in a video. I don’t see the other females trying the same thing, but being from regular families, get the same results.
    3. When will people stop giving these fools attention? Stop buying kylie’s ridiculous lip crap, stop buying their sad merchandise…these people should NOT be famous, let alone rich off of all this.

    • Lyla says:

      I have a cousin like that. Her grandma recently passed away and left her millions. But she was always well off. She once told that she never asked a thing from her parents. I was like, girl, you went to private school, took exotic vacays, drive a nice car, etc. She said that to me because she thought I was mooching off my parents. I’ve always upfront about the advantages that my parents gave me in life. I come from a loving home and am close to my extended family on both sides, I’ve lived in nice homes, spent summers abroad, took nice vacations. I didn’t go to a private school, but my public schools were always highly ranked, my parents paid for college so I didn’t have to take out any loans, they gave me my first three cars (Mercedes, BMW, Mercedes), they paid my rent in college, I currently live in a house they bought for my sister and me. I don’t know why people can’t acknowledge that they’ve been given advantages in life.

      • me says:

        Holy cow you are so fortunate to have such giving parents. I like the fact that you acknowledge just how lucky you are !

      • Amelie says:

        This right here. My parents have also been extremely generous. Sent me to one of the best international bilingual schools in the USA so I could speak French, summer vacations in France every summer to see family (and a lot of sight seeing around France), paid for my college AND my master’s (so no student loans) and they also paid my rent during my MA in Spain because I was not making any money. They let me live at home for 2 years rent free after Spain since I was too broke to live anywhere. I pay rent and my own bills now but they like to financially help out with generous checks around Christmas time. They never did get me a car but I’m alright with that. I hate to drive anyways. But I’ve always acknowledged how lucky and fortunate I am to be blessed with parents who can help me out the way they have. I know that this is not the norm.

  22. Clementine says:

    Actually they are all Botox-made

  23. Happy21 says:

    Kris Jenner is the one who deserves ALL the credit. She sold all of her kids to the highest bidder to get them onto TV, into magazines, etc. She wanted SO bad to be famous for years and years and eons and eons. Robert Kardashian was a successful, well known lawyer, Kris Jenner bumped elbows with Hollywood elite while she was married to him. Eventually she married a very well known Olympic athlete who helped her produce more spawn. THIS WOMAN has always wanted her family to be royalty. None of these children are self made, they were all born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Maybe they ‘worked’ once their mother got the ball rolling but they are far from self-made.
    Remember this video that Kris had made for her 30th birthday. Yeah, bitch wanted fame.

  24. hogtowngooner says:

    If there is a just and loving God, Stormi, North and True will grow up wanting to be nuns so Kris can’t add a generation of nitwits to this self-absorbed, emotionally stunted pack of hyenas.

    • entine says:

      plot twist, nuns with masters degrees and doctorates (my aunt is a missionary nun who holds a masters degree in sociology and speaks 3 international languages and manages nahuatl and otomi (native languages from my country).

  25. Whattajabroni says:

    You are not self made when you were born into a famous family. Her dad was an Olympic Athlete and the Kardashians had a rich, famous celebrity lawyer for a father. Someone self made would be Rihanna. Someone with non famous connections who worked hard to achieve her success.

    • Lex says:

      Ehhh even still… having other talented people write all your songs isn’t super “self made”… lucky perhaps!

  26. Amelie says:

    They all profit off the fact their father was a prominent lawyer, well-publicized during the OJ Simpson trial. They also profit off Kim’s sex tape. I had no idea who she was until this sex tape business came about (also I vaguely remember she dated Nick Lachey for a nanosecond and he even said so himself that he thinks she used him to get famous).

    Then Kris, who should get all the credit, negotiated a deal for their reality TV and for better or for worse they became part of the zeitgeist and capitalized off the Kardashian name. It’s the reason Kylie has her cosmetics company, it’s the reason Khloe has her clothing line (Good American?), it’s the reason Kendall became a top model, and the reason Kim became famous for… being Kim. Rob doesn’t have his own company but if he was smart and motivated he could have some kind of successful company/scheme. All the sisters have apps (or they did). They didn’t have to struggle to get where they were. It was pretty much all handed to them.

    • Fleur says:

      Kris SHOULD get all the credit, and it should be Kris’s face on the cover of Fortune and time. Ageist press would prefer to promote the daughters, when Kris is the Vito Corleone of the whole family.

      And I’ll say it: As pretty as Kylie looks in pictures, all the plastic surgery makes her face look strange and surreal on video when it moves. No plastic surgery around can yet mimic the movement of muscle and bone when the reconstruction work is that extensive. Honestly, I feel so sorry for Kylie, and for Kim too, whose face now has the same surreal element when it moves. I’m in my 30s, and while my face isn’t exactly the same as it was ten years ago, I love what it’s become with age and maturity. I think I look better than I did ten years ago, and that’s God’s work, not a surgeon’s. Kylie was way too young for all the work she had done. There comes an age where you finally do stop picking at all your little flaws and start seeing them as things that make you special. I’m sorry she missed out on that transition with the loss of her old face.

  27. Helen Smith says:

    Born on third base think they hit a home run. That is any of these super privileged celebrity children in relation to their careers in the public eye like Kylie. Nope, not self made.

  28. Peggy says:

    Kim K is morphing into budget Naomi Campbell face…..