Kim Kardashian claims she’s down to 119 lbs & will thank you if you call her ‘anorexic’

Kim, Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian visit Paint & Sip Studio LA

Ever since Kim Kardashian gave birth to Saint West several years back, she’s been on a weight loss/fitness kick. If you ask me, her regimen involves a somewhat healthy, low-carb diet, a steady, cardio-heavy fitness routine and of course plastic surgery. I believe Kim gets liposuction quite regularly, and I’ve believed that for years. But it doesn’t even matter, because she’s also lied about her weight and her size for years. The only thing I’ll give Kim is that she’s a lot shorter than people think: she’s only 5’3” and she’s legitimately “small-boned” (tiny wrists and ankles). So in that sense, she’s probably a lot smaller than we think. But now she’s saying that she’s only 119 pounds. Do you believe her? Kim was on her Instagram Stories and she filmed Khloe and Kendall telling her that she looks super-thin and like she “doesn’t eat” (Kim responds with “OMG, thank you!”) and then says she’s 119 pounds “without hair extensions.” Turn down the volume if you watch this:

Skinny Kimmy Testimonials @kimkardashian #kimkardashian

A post shared by Kim Kardashian Snapchats 🍑 (@kimksnapchats) on

I mean… I don’t believe that she’s only 119 lbs, but at this point, it really doesn’t matter to me. What does matter is that it feels like Kim is promoting some really dumb sh-t to her impressionable young fans. The whole “thank you for saying I look anorexic!” thing is over. It was over a long time ago.

The Kardashian girls leaving Paint & Sip Studio in Los Angeles

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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115 Responses to “Kim Kardashian claims she’s down to 119 lbs & will thank you if you call her ‘anorexic’”

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  1. Morning Coffee says:

    She does not look remotely anorexic.

    • Char says:

      After the “slavery is a choice”, we are given “anorexia is a look”. What a great couple.

      • trumpwho says:

        Yes because removing another set of ribs will shave off some weight. Her face is looking really scary, so is khloe. I feel like this family is turning into a freak show. Jay-Z said he didn’t want any part of this circus. Jay-z see’s shit we have all been ignoring.

    • Swack says:

      I don’t think she does either. Weight range for a 5′ 3″ female is 107 lbs (BMI of 19) to 135 (BMI of 24) according to the NIH.

      • Ronaldinhio says:

        I was going to say the same thing. Her BMI is 21. She is a great healthy weight but she is not remotely anorexic or even very slim. She could lost another 14lb and still be in the healthy weight category.
        This is by the by. I am glad she is feeling well and doing her. The obsession with weight is odd and unhelpful for younger women

      • I’m not sure BMI would be an accurate indicator given the amount of implants and redistribution. Something nice, she looks healthy on the outside.

      • Clare says:

        Where are we getting her BMI from? I am 5’2 and at one point was around 105lb (NOT bragging, the weight was linked to health related issue unfortunately) and I don’t think I looked much smaller than how she does now (smaller boobs and less hair though lol). I guess I believe her on the weight front, but why the f do we even need to know? This conversation needs to just stop – weight is really not indicative of anything other than our obsession with a specific standard of beauty. Not health and certainly not happiness. I don’t want to sit here guessing how much someone weighs, and I hate that she keeps feeding into this narrative.

      • Swack says:

        @Clare, I got my info from the National Institute of Health. To me it’s a reliable source for the information. The only reason I put this up is because Kim brought up the fact that she likes to be told she looks anorexic and she is far from it. My daughter works with anorexics and being anorexic brings on multiple other health complications. She is being a poor role model for her daughters by concentrating so much on her weight and praising the fact that she likes to be called anorexic.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Well…she could lose fourteen pounds and still be in range for a *generalized* BMI scale. That doesn’t mean fourteen pounds of weight loss would actually be healthy for her specific body frame. I gained a lot of weight as a result of health issues and am working to get back down, but when I was very in shape, my doctor couldn’t use the BMI to accurately judge my weight because I had so much muscle tone on me. According to the charts, I was only ~ten pounds away from obese, which is not what anyone would think looking at me.

        This being said, be very careful not to confuse “looks anorexic” with actual anorexia. Not all of them are skin and bones. Those are are the really severe, dangerous cases.

      • ttu says:

        Also, she’s not 5’3”. She’s 5’2″.

    • R says:

      She isn’t. For her: anorexic = compliment about how slender she is. She doesn’t really see the term as a disease or using it as a compliment as being problematic. It might be to do with her age. I’m her age and girls would call each other anorexic as a compliment at high school. It was before the world got woke.

    • Jenny says:

      As someone who has suffered from anorexia on and off for the past 17 years please understand how your comments are extremely ignorant and hurtful.

      Many women – including myself – have starved ourselves (at one time I lived off of one V8 splash and a cup of raisin bran every day for months and sometimes I wouldn’t eat at all) and do not fit the idea of what anorexia “looks like”. I had heart palpatations, and dropped to 115lbs. On my 5’6 frame that was technically underweight, but due to my body type, from an outsiders perspective I still looked “healthy”, albeit quite slim.

      My guess is that Kim is under a huge amount of stress. For all of the shallow and culture vulture-y things she does, having a husband with a severe mental illness (bipolar disorder) cannot be easy. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is, in fact, starving herself as a way to cope with emotional stress.

      Whatever you think of Kim, please consider that there are many women who read this blog who have struggled with ED. We should all be a little more sensitive to that – including the poster. @Kaiser – anytime there is a potentially triggering article there should be a warning. You never know who’s severe ED is going to be kicked in to high gear from a post like this.


      • lamaga says:

        Thank you for your words, Jenny. Agree 100%. I lived on under 300 calories per day–if that–for a long time. I know the V8 (+ oatmeal sometimes for me) ‘diet’ well. For a lot of us who have been very ill, it comes off anywhere from callous to dangerous to hear and read how people think it’s ridiculous that a celebrity thinks she’s maybe slimmer or weighs less than she is/does. The speculation over how much she weights, why, what her standards are, etc. should really be more carefully considered and vetted.

      • InquisitiveNewt says:

        Completely agree, Jenny. This isn’t something anyone should ever be lighthearted or flippant about. And you’re right, it is extremely triggering. Hope you’re all right.

      • Jenny says:

        Thank you @Iamaga and @InquisitiveNewt. Very validating. Xoxo. Lots of love to you both and hope you are both in a good place as well. I am doing alright but will always have an ED and use it in times of stress to cope. I’ve been working on it for years but the thoughts never go away, even when I’m feeding my body in a healthy way.

        I get that this is a celebrity gossip rag, but the reason I follow it is because it speaks to higher issues – racism, rape culture, politics etc. The writers are typically pretty sensitive about these topics but for some reason it seems sensitivity toward ED has gotten overlooked. We shouldn’t be speculating on women’s weight and potential ED’s in a mocking way. We should only ever have care and concern, even if we don’t necessarily “like” the person.

        And as someone who has had, and likely always will have, struggles with anorexia, I can tell you that when people expressed concern over me possibly being anorexic in the past, I met their concern with laughter and “Why thank you! Hahaha!” as a way to deflect from the fact that yes, I was starving myself and struggling. So Kim’s flippant remarks may seem immature and potentially harmful for the younger girls that follow her, but that doesn’t mean we should throw her to the wolves and mock her for saying she’s 119lbs and talk about eating disorders like anyone who isn’t under 90lbs doesn’t deserve to be labeled as anorexic because that’s absolute harmful bullsh*t and can be soooo invalidating and triggering for anyone else watching these posts.

        Thanks again for the love!

      • InquisitiveNewt says:

        I do understand re: EDs being turned to as a measure of control when our lives are in chaos. Because we feel that our image is the only thing that we can control, be it over-exercising, starving, purging and the like. My year has been altogether atrocious, and for about a month I reacquainted myself with my old friend, Dulcolax; it took incredible strength of will and true emotional pain to force myself not to be that person, not to sabotage myself, to commit slow suicide. So I do agree, @kaiser and all the other entertaining and otherwise incisive writers on CB: eating disorders must be handled with so much care. Particularly in an era when everything is geared towards the infinite gaze of the judgmental, uncompromising and unforgiving social media users.

    • j says:

      does anyone else get “inauguration crowd size” vibes whenever she talks about her weight?

      • Osnat says:

        Brilliant … I wouldn’t have connected the dots, but you are spot on. I’m not buying the 119lbs at all though. Quick google search reveals Kim has been saying she is 115lbs, 120lbs and 125lbs since 2012, pictures all tell a very different story. Her height has also changed from 5ft to 5ft 2 and now 5ft 3? I think the number of surgeries she has had, have dramatically changed her body shape. I also see very little muscle tone, especially in her arms and back, where she still has quite a bit of back fat. I don’t see any calf muscles, but I do see little glutes so I think she has been working on her squats and lunges.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Please… her a$$, lips, and fake boobs weigh that much alone! This tw@t is not 119. HOW IS THIS FAMILY STILL A “THING”????

      • Dominique says:

        Totally agree.

      • noway says:

        I agree if they were real, but do fake plastic boobs, a$$, and lips weigh as much as the real thing? Also, she’s definitely shorter than 5’3″ someone said her My space page had her height as 5’1″ when she was 26, but I guess she grew 2 inches. Who knew?

    • Apalapa says:

      Anorexia can happen at any body size. See: Atypical anorexia. All the signs and symptoms of anorexia just not the super low BMI. Still extremely sick and deserving of help.

      PSA: Everyone needs to eat. The UN defines starvation for women as less as than 1500 calories a day. If you are not eating – no matter your body size, even if you are “fat” or “obese” “overweight” or bmi 24 or below – get help. It is the thoughts and behaviors that define an eating disorder- not body size.

      Thought and behaviors:

      In the 80s it was fear of fat, now it is fear of carbs, sugar, gluten, dairy
      Any type of cleansing
      Believing you have to earn or work off food
      Thinking you are hungry but trying to drink water or low calorie beverages to fight hunger
      Chewing and spitting
      Saying you have an allergy when you don’t
      Fear of boxed or processed foods
      Skipping meals or struggling to eat regularly
      Thinking you are too fat to eat, hating your body (all bodies are valuable)

      PSA: only 10% of anorexia sufferers will have super low BMIs. 90% of anorexia cases fall into “atypical anorexia” higher BMI or because of BMI receive a borderline “other eating disorder” diagnosis. But all need help. Weight doesn’t indicate how sick someone is.

      Find a doctor who believes in Health at every size – that there is a weight healthy for YOUR body. Find a dietitian. Find a therapist. You are worthy of help.

  2. OriginalLala says:

    I mean, this is someone who shills for diet lollipops.. as in, don’t eat if you are hungry, have a laxative lollipop instead. It’s all pretty gross frankly.

  3. Jane says:

    I wonder…what in the h*** would Kim do if she lost her looks?

  4. Beth says:

    Thank you?! I find it incredibly insulting when people assume I must have an eating disorder because I’m skinny. Get a clue, Kim. Honestly, the thought that she looks like she has an eating disorder didn’t even cross my mind. 119 isn’t underweight for a person of her height.
    Those boots are terrible. Why does she always wear them with gym clothes?

    • Diane says:

      Thank you! I am very small boned and have always been very slim. I’m her height and always been about 105 lbs.

  5. B n A fan says:

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!, No. Kim you don’t look anorexic, you look healthy.

  6. Adee says:

    Kim is a beauty at whatever size. She has lost A LOT of weight for sure!
    However, she needs to stop glamorizing an eating disorder.

  7. BendyWindy says:

    I actually believe this number? She’s very short. 119 on her would look about average sized, which she does.

    I’m 3-4 inches taller and at 124 actually did look and feel too thin. Those extra inches in height can make a big difference.

    • WingKingdom says:

      You’re right, height makes a huge difference. I’m 5’3” and 119 pounds, exactly like Kim, and I’d like to lose about 5 pounds. Taller friends think 119 is a low weight, but they don’t realize that I don’t have a lot of space to distribute it.

      • gf says:

        119 is not an “average size” in America. Some of this commentary is scary.

      • Nancy says:

        You can look at charts and graphs all over the Internet, and they basically all say the same thing. The average woman in America wears a size 16, jumping from what used to be average, size 14. In Kim’s world, this won’t happen. Khloe probably already reached a 12, but when you have sisters like she does, that changes. These are just statistics. Don’t know if it is age related, or where you live in the States, but the fact is Americans are getting bigger. We just don’t see it much on tv or the movies. Skinny sells.

      • Katie says:

        Thank you!!! 119 lbs is totally believable on her. Not even low for her height. It’s annoying when people freak out and claim someone’s lying about a low weight number on a short person. It’s possible and likely, get over it. I’m 5 foot and 119 on me is very overweight. I look curvy and healthy (not skinny) at 108.

    • Dazed and confused says:

      Exactly. I am 5’2″ and 119 is the weight where I feel that I look the best. I never had a doctor tell me I was getting too thin when I was in that weight range 115-120 ish.

      What this does remind me of was when I was working in film/television in the mid-late 90s. Calista Flockhart, Lara Flynn Boyle, et al were getting smaller and smaller. A lot of the women I knew were thrilled whenever someone said they were so skinny – even behind the camera. It was like every woman was having a contest to be the tiniest. Very unhealthy, but rewarded in film & television. My take away from this video was that clearly, nothing has changed in entertainment.

  8. AG-UK says:

    I’d love to see what she looks like without all that slap/make up on her face. She is pretty and from the waist up and thighs down she looks good but sorry that B U T T I just can’t fathom mine is big but holy moly just out of proportion.

    • jwoolman says:

      Her derrière is all from fat injection, that is not normal for her – just look at photos of her in her late teens/early twenties. That shape can actually be normal for some, depending on genetics, but not her.

      Can that be reversed if she comes to her senses? I know unfortunate breast implants can be. Her original proportions were fine. I don’t know whatever possessed her to distort her body like that. I hope her daughters don’t follow her example.

  9. Rando says:

    Glamorizing eating disorders is so socially irresponsible. Kim K needs to take a damn seat.

    • Sash says:

      Jameela Jamil was absolutely right saying the Kardashians are a danger to young girls.

      • InquisitiveNewt says:

        Jameela Jamil is absolutely awesome. I’m glad that she rebutted Kim’s monstrous ads and general behaviour. Now, SHE’S an excellent role model for young girls everywhere.

      • lucy2 says:

        Yes! I’m glad we have her countering this ridiculousness.

  10. Abby says:

    I really don’t think she’s 5’3”. She looks a lot shorter than that…

    Her comments are gross and ignorant. Per usual.

    • Snowflake says:

      Yeah, i thought Kourtney and her are close in height. One is just under 5 ft and the other is barely over 5 ft. I thought anyway

    • OriginalLala says:

      an acquaintance of mine met her once and said Kim was shorter and more petite than she expected. She said even in heels Kim was pretty short. My friend is barely 5’5 so it’s not like she is a giant herself. I can imagine that Kim is shorter than 5’3

    • Nancy says:

      She is so predictable. As soon as she hears people don’t believe her height/weight, she will go on Ellen and then it will be on their never ending tv “show” and have her height and weight confirmed. Just like with straightening Northwest’s hair twice a year, she always feels she has to justify herself. With her wide hips and huge butt, she will never appear skinny, although she is short. She’s exhausting, all of them are.

  11. Emily says:

    I believe this! I’m 5’3 and 119 is my high weight. If she’s small boned and doesn’t do weight training (cardio only) then it’s possible. However, how much does the butt weight? That’s really the determining factor.

    • Chaine says:

      I don’t believe it. I am her same height and and currently a fit 135, but I have nowhere near the enormous boobs and booty she has. She has got to be more in the 140s unless she is lying about her height.

  12. HK9 says:

    And this is why I will never have any respect for her.

  13. PodyPo says:

    Is there nothing she won’t say or wear for attention/outrage/shock value?

  14. Naomi11 says:

    I say she’s a lying sack of dog poop! Nothing that comes out of this pathetic chicks mouth can be believed. It’s all said and done for ratings. She’s fake AF!!!! The whole lot of them is fake AF!!

  15. MissKittles says:

    Her trainer is amazing. I follow her on social media. She’s super no nonsense & from Brooklyn. It almost makes me like Kim a little more knowing she choose someone who won’t put up with her crap. She certainly doesn’t train for an “unhealthy” look tho. Kim would look better if she took those fillers out of her ass.

  16. Iknow says:

    I believe Kim could be 119 pounds. However, maybe people would believe her if she stops wearing her husband’s unflattering design that makes her look at least 15lbs heavier.

    • j says:

      Agreed! The clothes are not flattering. I also think you can’t even see her “weight loss progress” (barf to this term in general) because fake boobs and butts don’t change with exercise. The enhancements will always make her look heavier than she is. I’m sure she looks in the mirror and knows they were a mistake.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Well, that, and her implants are big. When you get into the D/DD range and bigger, it’s always going to create a bit of a tenting effect on the top unless it’s a fitted shirt. There’s a reason why that loose, flowing look is generally favored by women with more modest proportions.

    • Cate says:

      Yes, between her unflattering clothing choices and all the implants making her body shape completely unnatural, it’s really impossible to evaluate from her physical appearance whether she is slim, healthy, overweight, underweight, etc. It’s like trying to tell whether or not your housecat is a normal looking cat when your frame of reference is a leopard or something…yes they’re kind of similar looking but not really comparable. Kim has had so much work done on herself that her body doesn’t really fit into any sort of “normal” human range anymore in terms of bust:waist:hip ratio. And then she adds the weird clothes on top of it.

  17. Laur says:

    What a warped sense of beauty she has if she thinks being called anorexic is a compliment. I used to get called that in primary school and it set me up for 15 years of trying to gain weight in unhealthy ways. This family are so tone deaf.

  18. R says:

    “I believe Kim gets liposuction quite regularly, and I’ve believed that for years.”

    Most likely true. Once you get repeated liposuction (not as a one off procedure but, rather, multiple traumatic sculpting procedures, especially if focused around a specific area) you have to pretty much continue to get it because you can get odd fat redistribution afterwards.

  19. Miss M says:

    I have the impression she had her butt reduced…

  20. Aang says:

    I wonder if she knows how much her implants weigh and then subtracts that to get her real weight.

  21. Bitsy says:

    119 for someome 5’3″ and curvy is pretty average actually. I’m 5’3″, curvy wth big hips and boobs. 119 is very very thin for me and at that weight I’m still a C cup and curvy. But when I’m at that weight no one thinks I look skinny….just really fit and tight. I haven’t been told I look skinny since 115 lbs in highschool. Everyone carries weight differently….

    • Cee says:

      yeah, the same happens to me. I have to weight 110 pounds for my face to look thin and then I get “you look gaunt!” comments.

      • I’ll never understand why people think it’s ok to tell another person what they think of that person’s body, or looks. Telling someone they look gaunt to their face is so rude IMO.

    • Osnat says:

      I’m 5ft10 and 53kgs, (116lbs) but I am an ultra marathon runner. I’d need to lose another 15 to 20 lbs to look anorexic. I am slender, but not bony. I look healthy and strong.

      • Veronica S. says:

        A lot of it is also frame. If you’re 5’10” and have small measurements (30/32 size rib cage), you’re going to carry less mass in general. I have a bigger rib cage (36), even when I’m thin, and I have wider hips, so of course I’m going to carry more weight. One hundred and sixteen pounds on me would look gaunt, with ribs and hip bones showing.

        Just look at the difference between Adrianna Lima and Josephine Skriver. Both of them are Victoria Secret models, who tend to be more one the muscular side. Neither of them look gaunt – but Lima is a 34 in the rib cage, and Skriver is a 30. It makes a dramatic difference in their appearance when you stand them next to each other.

  22. Lolo86lf says:

    I find it disturbing that anybody would have liposuction done regularly. Does Kim really do that?. She must have scar tissue from the incision point.

  23. HelloSunshine says:

    Brought to you by the same family that’s okay with “slavery was a choice” and “I just overline my lips. I wouldn’t start getting plastic surgery as a minor” 🙄

    Let’s be real, Kim’s butt implants alone put her closer to 135. And yes, I fully believe she’s under 5’3”. I know people that have seen her out and about in Beverly Hills and met her and she was shorter than them (they’re both ~5’5), even with her heels.

  24. elisabeth says:

    they all talk like a bunch of teenagers

    ‘Oh my God really?”


  25. minx says:

    Such a narcissist.

  26. Morrissey says:

    I think it sounded like Kim was being sarcastic? Granted, I’ve never watched their show, so this could just be how they sound all the time; it sounded to me like they were ragging on her a bit, so she was saying a sarcastic thank you.

    • Killjoy says:

      Yes, they were clearly all using humor here. Poking fun at their collective obsession with weight. Relatable, but…they need to be mindful of their audience, for whom weight obsession might not be a laughing matter.

  27. Cee says:

    She does NOT look anorexic. She might weigh that without the implants, though. I’m a bit taller than her, and small boned, but wide hips and hourglass figure, and I never look as slim as I weigh. I put her weight at 120-125 though

  28. aqdgsbh says:

    I’m pretty up on weight as an MMA fan, the only way she’s 119 is if she weighed herself on the moon.

  29. babco says:

    I call bs.
    She is only 1.5 inch (4 cm) shorter than me.
    At 119 lbs (53.5kg), I would be a size 00 or some other insane level of emaciation.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Weight distribution can be deceptive depending on a person’s build. When I was thin and very toned, people were shocked to find out that my numerical weight was only 7-8 pounds less than what was considered “obese” for my height. And the shorter you are, the bigger small weight gains can look.

      This being said, where Kardashians are concerned, I take everything they say with utter skepticism.

  30. me says:

    Is she wearing her wallet around her neck?

  31. Veronica S. says:

    What a gross asshole. While I’m not thrilled with our culture’s obsession with impossibly thin standards, I can get behind celebrating weight loss that’s done in a healthy way, for the right reasons, with an intent to maintain a healthier lifestyle over all instead of just temporary crashing into smaller waistlines.

    This family? Is just damaging to everyone watching them. I guarantee you eating disorders and orthorexia abound among them.

  32. InquisitiveNewt says:

    119 pounds of arse and ego, neither of which is unfortunately returnable.
    I was desperately anorexic for three years. 5’10 and 100 pounds. Every time I turned sideways and seemed to have disappeared a little more I exalted in it. Anorexia is a deadly disease, sick and warping. It makes you triumph in self-denial. For this creature to applaud it is the pinnacle (or nadir) of disgusting, repellent, inhuman behaviour. But she’ll never learn. God help her young ‘fans’.

    • Nancy says:

      You may have battled and come out victorious on an eating disorder, but you are quite a poet. Your writing style is unique, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you actually were a writer. I like the satire and droll wit. Obviously not just this post, all of the ones I’ve read.

      • InquisitiveNewt says:

        Thank you so much, Nancy: what an exceptionally warming message to read over my morning coffee! I am a writer, yes; currently working on my second novel. When I’m not glued to CB, that is – I find this site refreshing and its commentators straightforward, wry, and reassuringly potty-mouthed on occasion. Hope to bump into you on another thread!

  33. themummy says:

    I’m 5’3″ and 115 pounds. I legit think I look WAY smaller than she does (and I’m saying that only as comparison, not saying it is a good thing). I’m not exactly curvy like she is…I’m just kind of small and always have been. I wear size 1 or 3 pants. (I feel like I look better when I wear a 5, though, but that’s a whole other thing. I’m a type 1 diabetic and that is why I tend toward the skinny…I’m not TRYING to be thin or small and I don’t see it as some awesome thing…it just is what it is…sometimes it even bugs me. But 115 is 5 pounds more than I usually carry, so GO ME!! 🙂 ) I just don’t believe that that is where she is. I just don’t. She looks like she’s at a great, healthy weight, but the whole “the thinner, the better–even if I have to lie through my teeth about it!!” thing is ridiculous.

  34. M.A.F. says:

    It’s hard to tell with the amount of plastic she has going on in the butt area that throws off the proportions of her body.

    Did anyone see her on Kimmel last night? The hair and the top was throwing me off. She looked like a computer animated character.

  35. Killjoy says:

    Argh, longtime Kim apologist, but this is pretty bad. I have one friend who I make jokes like this with — and these women are somewhat joking — but I would never say something like this publicly. It’s triggering, and gallows-type humor at best. The only thing Kim could know about her audience in an Instagram Story is that it’s probably going to contain thousands of people who have suffered EDs, and this is just so disrespectful and harmful.

    Aaand because I can’t help myself from commenting on her body: whatever it is, she *looks* good. I’m going to agree that she eats pretty healthily and exercises, but with her implants and liposuction, her physique isn’t even a bit relatable. I couldn’t even begin to guess lbs, which is a hard thing to do anyway.

  36. Anilehcim says:

    These people are sick and anytime I read any articles or see any videos of them talking about appearances, I’m truly thankful that I wasn’t cursed with a family full of women like them. I know that these kind of thoughts really plague some people, primarily women, and it makes me sad and I hope that the body positivity movement really shuts people like this family down. They so badly want to be perfect, they’re incapable of accepting their bodies and faces for what they are.

    I have to be honest though–I feel for North and Chicago. Imagine if you grew up in a household where your mom, grandmother, and aunts LIVED in the mirror and went to their “cosmetic dermatologist” and/or plastic surgeon CONSTANTLY to have any and all flaws erased. That is a hell of a way to grow up and it’s an insane amount of pressure to place on yourself.

    I don’t even understand what Kim looks like at this point because I see paparazzi pictures, pics she takes of herself, and then I see pictures that fans take of her and she looks different every single time. I guess props to them if they’re really happy (doubtful!!!!) but I hate what they stand for.

  37. Mrs. Peel says:

    Who cares? She’ll never have to worry about money again – for a porn star, she’s done surprisingly well for herself.

    • Nancy says:

      I bet the majority of the tweens tuning in to see Kylie don’t even know her sister (who is old enough to be her mother) started the whole party off with a bang! I know Kim wants us to forget, but I never will. Neither will Ray J who got the short end of the deal….lol.

  38. Bridget says:

    Not a fan of this kind of conversation in the first place – it feels like we’re placing a numerical value on people.

    • Chris says:

      I don’t understand. Kim Kardashian herself put a numerical value on herself? She invited this discussion – which nobody would be having if KKW didn’t publicly broadcast her weight herself.

  39. Lo says:

    100 lbs for the first 5 feet, plus 5 lbs for every inch over. At 63 inches, that puts her at 115 ideally. So 119 is pretty much perfect, not anorexic.

  40. Chris says:

    Any other Moms freaked out that she thinks its ok to promote anorexia. She has little 2 daughters. This level of body dysmorphia is not right Kim. You need mental help. You are not nearly anorexic, but you are a very big danger to young girls with very real eating disorders

  41. Littlefishmom says:

    There is NO WAY she’s 119lbs. She is not fat, her body is beautiful but my friend is 116 and she is rail thin, no chest, no curves. There’s just no way with her chest and backside. There is just no way.

  42. Pam says:

    As an anorexic myself who took 8 ephedrine pills a day and sometimes more, this hurts me so bad. I was working at my moms house recently and a neighbor that’s a seasonal guest saw me and said you’ve gained weight but it looks good on you. Who says that? I’ve only eaten enough to survive since! Sent my mind right back to the hell I fought to get out of. Yes I was sexually abused as a child and as an adult. Fuck you Kardashian’s.

  43. philo says:

    I could believe it without the implants. Maybe she doesn’t count those.
    That’s a joke, but the more I think about, that sort of thinking would totally fit her.

  44. G says:

    this trash is what is wrong with america today.

  45. Blonde555 says:

    Doesn’t matter how skinny she gets or how banging her body gets, nothing can deflect attention from her disaster plastic surgery face.

    • Naomi11 says:

      You said a mouth full. I just posted that she looks like her face is going to melt off. I think she looks gross now. I don’t find anything attractive about her.

  46. Greyskize says:

    If you remove the mass weight of the fake ass implants, the fake tits, the fake lips with the fake weave she maybe barely tapping 119. Take the manmade shit out and she legit could represent the true BMI and other ideas for a 5’3 mother of three and 40.
    If your daughter is watching Kim and writing down notes on howto be a woman your problems rate hella lot bigger than sexbots.

  47. Naomi11 says:

    OMG! Personally, I think she’s one step away from looking like the cat lady (Jocelyn Wildenstein. )

    She used to look pretty before she messed with her face. I think she is now hideous looking, and any minute, it looks like her face is going to melt off. Gross!!!!

  48. why? says:

    But, but, Kim is so focused on getting people pardoned and stuff. Kim is taking lessons from the Dotard. Didn’t the Dotard say that he weighed 239 pounds? Now after spending time with the Dotard in the White House and talking to the Dotard on the phone while not wearing any clothes, Kim claims that she weighs 119 pounds? For someone who claims that she is interested in prison reform and pardons, she sure does spend a lot of time talking about her body. It’s like she is just using prison reform and pardons as a platform to get press for her body. If only Ray J hadn’t made that tape with Kim, then her and her sisters would still be working for his sister and stealing money from his mother.

  49. Pamela says:

    I am not an fan of this family. And I do think that it is dangerous for her to be sending out a message that looking anorexic is a good thing.

    All that said, is it ANY wonder that people are obsessed with their size in this world we live in?

    Most of the comments on this thread were openly saying “No way, she weighs more than 119”. Hey, I know, she is a big ol liar most of the time. (It has been so long since I have been anywhere NEAR 119 that I can’t say whether I believe her or not) But so many people here are talking mostly negatively about her body. And honestly, we are probably the NICEST group of commenters on the web!! There is that whole adage about “Never Read the Comments!” because in so many places, they are just awful. Here, even though we are called Celebitches, we are all still mostly civil, 99% of the time. The commentary here is very smart and usually pretty empathetic. And even here, we are picking apart her looks and saying she is heavier than she says….as if being 119 is some prize she doesn’t deserve to “claim”. I am not shaming those who did it, more pointing out “Damn, look how twisted we get about weight”

  50. ODW says:

    I’m not seeing the problem. If she thinks her weight is good, and is proud of being slim, why should anybody have an issue with that? The promotion of obesity is what has gotten us where we are in society as it is. Someone being proud of their (let’s be honest: healthy) weight is a good thing.

  51. Yes Doubtful says:

    She is the last person I’d call anorexic. Her face is looking more and more tragic lately… she looks so much older.