Kendall Jenner’s Doberman apparently did not bite the child, he only growled

CFDA Fashion Awards 2018 in New York

I actually debated whether I was giving Kendall Jenner too much benefit of the doubt when I covered the story about Kendall’s Doberman possibly nipping at a little girl at a restaurant in LA. Apparently, this is some kind of hot-button debate about the responsibility of dog owners versus the responsibility of parents. There will always be mistakes on both sides, and I could only speak as a former dog owner, and as someone who thinks it’s irresponsible parenting to not give your children the basics about how to approach strange animals. That being said, it’s absolutely irresponsible dog ownership to simply flee the situation if and when your dog gets involved in some kind of incident, which is what Kendall was accused of by TMZ’s sources. Apparently, there was a little more to the story though:

An incident involving Kendall Jenner‘s dog prompted a call to police over the weekend. An officer of public information with the Los Angeles Police Department confirms to PEOPLE that cops were called on Sunday over an alleged dog bite at the Beverly Glen Deli. According to the officer, it was determined to be a civil matter and police are not involved.

A source tells PEOPLE Jenner’s dog was “startled” but never made contact with the child and “did not bite anyone.”

“The police and emergency services did not come to the scene,” the source says. “Kendall didn’t leave until she knew the dog didn’t bite the little girl.”

[From People]

E! News also had a story where an eyewitness said “the dog didn’t actually bite the girl, he just scared her, causing her to cry. The eyewitness shares that the dog made a growling sound as the girl approached and lunged toward her, but didn’t actually bite her.” Kendall and her boyfriend Ben Simmons were sitting outside of the Beverly Glen Deli when the girl approached the dog. An insider also told E! News that the little girl’s mother ran inside to call 911 and the mom was described as “somewhat hysterical” as she told the operator “Kendall Jenner’s dog bit my daughter.” A lunging dog who doesn’t make physical contact with a child is not the same as nipping at a kid. It sounds like both the dog and the kid were quite scared of each other, honestly, and the whole thing became a massive incident because it involved Kendall Jenner.

Someone tweeted at Kendall: “Add this to the growing list of reasons why @KendallJenner is a disturbingly despicable, entitled, unsympathetic, sadistic, uncharitable and self-absorbed human being who doesn’t deserve to be idolized. (Yes, I went there.).” That tweet was deleted, but not before both Kendall and Kim Kardashian responded:

she’ll get yuh

A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on

Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.

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96 Responses to “Kendall Jenner’s Doberman apparently did not bite the child, he only growled”

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  1. HelloSunshine says:

    A full grown dog the size of a Doberman lunging at a small child is still a huge issue imo. It’s better than a bite obviously but I hope KJ does a better job of keeping her dog out is stressful situations. And if the kid was directly bugging the dog, shame on the parents. We still don’t know if the kid was actually doing something to the dog but I assume not or the Jenner source would’ve leaked it

    • LORENA says:

      I have a yorkie and even my dog is defensive if someone lunges at him. I hate when people come up at touch my dog without asking first. People should not run up to strange dogs PERIOD! I work in a place where customer bring their dogs all the time, never had an incident because you should them your hand first and let them sniff you if they seem friendly

      • HelloSunshine says:

        I keep seeing comments that say the kid shouldn’t have approached the dog but I have yet to see where it says that the kid approached the dog and wasn’t just running by it or something. Am I missing that somewhere? That the child went up to the dog??

      • Chaine says:

        They were in the outdoor seating of a restaurant… probably a crowded situation with lots of people moving chairs backwards and other people squeezing around them. Not the situation into which one should bring a large dog. Especially a large dog that Kendall herself claims will “rip your face off.”

      • Char says:

        @Lorena I have a very sweet cat who loves to play and she gets scared when there’s someone new she doesn’t know. A few months ago a child came to my house and tried contact repeatedly, even while I said the cat was scared and didn’t wanted to play. The result was the cat hissed, he cried, mom said the cat should be locked. Maybe Kendall shouldn’t take a big dog out, maybe the kid was at fault, maybe not. If she wasn’t famous, it wouldn’t be a problem,

      • Erinn says:

        It’s just below the block quote section.
        “E! News also had a story where an eyewitness said “the dog didn’t actually bite the girl, he just scared her, causing her to cry. The eyewitness shares that the dog made a growling sound as the girl approached and lunged toward her, but didn’t actually bite her.””

      • pottymouth pup says:

        @Erinn if the girl was walking to her table and the dog was on the way, she would have been described as approaching the dog so it’s fully possible the child was not walking to try to greet the dog. It was a small, crowded outdoor space – not the ideal location to bring a dog that isn’t exceedingly well trained & well socialized.

      • jwoolman says:

        Char – Senior Cat actually runs in through the cat door when delivery people/postal carriers/persistent kids come along, gets up on a chair to look out the door, and hisses and growls at them from her safe perch…. So brave.

        My cats hiss at each other to say “back off” or “you’re in my spot”. Heck, I even hissed at Junior Cat when she wouldn’t leave my feet alone in bed. (Helps to be bilingual.)

        Anyway – a cat will indeed hiss if it feels threatened or annoyed and it doesn’t mean they are about to attack. They much prefer to run away. The mother of that child knew nothing about cats and should have stopped her kid from pestering your cat. I don’t know what goes through some people’s minds sometimes. You can only hope they don’t have a pet at home, since the parent seems uninterested in preventing abuse.

    • annabanana says:

      As both a dog owner and a mom, I think children should he taught how to behave around other people’s animals. Unless the dog jumped and attacked someone who is not bothering the dog then it’s the persons fault.

      • Coco says:

        As a mom, I’m teaching my child to ask to approach a dog first. As a dog owner, I make sure not to bring my dog into situations that will stress him out or put him on the defensive. Outdoor seating at a busy, crowded brunch spot? I leave my dog at home. Kendall has repeatedly posted pics of her dog with captions she is aggressive, will get you, bite your face off, etc. Why would she put her dog in a situation like that? As a dog owner, you’re supposed to protect your pet!

      • Bubble bee says:

        If your dog bites someone because they approached it then the fault is with you. Guaranteed your dog would be put down if it was in a public space and attacked because you brought an untrained/unsocialized animal into a space meant for people where it was approached by a person. The sam way you can’t get away with attacking someone because they approach you neither can your dog. I’m not sure why this seems to be a difficult concept.

      • maggi says:

        I remember sitting in my van on a ferry with my large nervous Rottie rescue sitting on my lap when a woman walking by reached in through the window to pet my dog. Maxie was a beautiful creature and I can understand a passing stranger wanting to connect but the dog went into protection mode and scared the hell out of the woman and me. No actual damage done and I found myself apologizing profusely (Canadian, can’t help it) but I should have put her on blast.

      • Kathy says:

        Bubble bee, because at the end of the day humans, even children, are smarter than dogs. You can have a perfectly behaved animal that has been trained to within an inch of its life, but if a stranger approaches it in the wrong way ONE time, it could easily react instinctively. On the other hand, if you can teach a kid to poop on a toilet you can get it to understand it should never approach a dog it doesn’t know.

        I’m making assumptions, but based on how dogs and kids behave I think it is a lot more likely the child was the one running around and the dog was sitting or standing by its owner. If I am right, then it was on the mom to watch her kid and not let it go near the dog. (If the dog was wandering around the patio then that is different, but I find it very unlikely.)

        Now, Kendall was stupid for taking a freaking DOBERMAN out in public. I wouldn’t take my impeccably trained, never come close to biting someone, been basically beaten up by children and the worst he ever did was lick them CHIHUAHUA to a restaurant just in case he got stressed out and something like this happened. But we have no way of knowing her dog is untrained/unsocialized.

      • teatimeiscoming says:

        I’m going to politely disagree with you about your statement that a Doberman doesn’t belong in public. No dog breed is inherently dangerous. A socialized dog, regardless of breed, can go out and be among people in various settings, depending on the temperment of the dog. Some dogs do just fine in crowded places.

      • Kathy says:


        No, you are absolutely right and I should have been clearer. It’s not that I think the dog breed makes it more likely the dog will react badly, it’s how people think about different breeds. I once lived with a 100 lb. pit bull that was one of the sweetest, most well-behaved dogs I have ever met, but other people didn’t know that and would cross the street to avoid us when we walked him. People (the mother, in this case) are much more likely to overreact or ascribe aggression where there wasn’t any, if it is a certain kind of dog. Whereas, say, a terrier could nip a kid and it wouldn’t be seen as as big a deal. A Doberman is going to scare some people just by sitting there and you have to be aware of that.

    • Bubble bee says:

      A lot of dog owners seem to feel entitled to bringing their dogs into public places where they probably shouldn’t be. It’s one thing if your dog is well trained and well socialized to bring it into public spaces, but it’s another to bring your jumpy/nervous/aggressive dog into a place meant for people. Sometimes you need to leave your dog at home.

      • msmlnp says:

        Exactly bubble bee. This is not a service animal. The dog has no “right” to be there. Leave the dog at home. I am the biggest dog lover, and have two rescues. One startles easily and I wouldn’t bring him out in public like that. I also have 3 boys and have taught them to approach other animals, but kids are kids and dogs are dogs…sometimes things happen.

        and Who care who’s “fault” it is anyways? I couldn’t live with myself if I wasn’t being real about my dogs limits and he ended up hurting someone or another dog.

      • tealily says:

        I agree with this. I have a very anxious dog who will sometimes bark or lunge if approached. I do not bring him out to restaurants. We train with treats on our walks to keep him calm around other dogs and people, and he’s gotten a lot better, but I know his temperament and I wouldn’t put him in that position.

        Even then, there was a time he almost bit a kid — the child of someone working for my neighbor. He was in my driveway playing and asked if he could pet my dog. I said, no he’s scared. The kid reached out anyway and my dog lunged and barked. The boy started crying and I felt so, so bad, but what else could I do? I apologized profusely to the father, who is thankfully a friend, but I still feel awful about it. I don’t know what I would have done if he’d bit him.

      • me says:

        I visit this one park often. There are signs EVERYWHERE that say you must keep your dog on a leash. I can’t tell you how many dog owners I have seen let their dogs run wild around the park. It makes me so angry. Not everyone likes dogs. I don’t want to have to worry while at the park that a dog is going to come up to me and jump on me (I had this happen before on my own damn driveway because neighbors think it’s ok to let their big scary dog run wild). I saw this one couple recently at the park with THREE bull dog type dogs and NONE were on leashes ! Some dog owners are responsible and some are not.

      • Elizabeth says:

        If dogs are legally allowed to be there the dog has just as much right to be there as the child does.

    • TandemBikeEscapee says:

      Gotta love these celebs who have “accessory dogs” and then act flabberflustered when a sentient being does’nt behave as passive as a necklace.

  2. Glee says:

    Any way you look at it, the Kardashian/Jenners are awful human beings who shouldn’t own pets let alone have children. Why the hell did Kendall have a massive Doberman not to lunch with her?! It’s not a handbag dog. And of course Kim clapped back on Twitter along with her! This family disgust me, even more so after the premier of their latest KUWTK season; the way Kim spoke to Kourtney was disgusting and from the clip I saw online I couldn’t believe Kris Jenner was just sat their letting it happen! Disgusting humans all round.

    • Becks1 says:

      I hate their defense of “you don’t know us!!!!”

      you cant have it both ways. You cant make your living by basically selling your lives (or some version of your lives) and then when you face criticism be all “you don’t know anything about us!”

      • smcollins says:

        Exactly @Becks1. Responses like that only reinforce what total, manufactured b.s. their “reality” show really is. Nothing about that family is honest & genuine, it’s unbelievable how long they’ve managed to remain in the spotlight given how full of lies they are.

      • minx says:

        We know enough.

  3. Snowflake says:

    Now i kinda feel sorry for Kendall. All this negative press and the dog didn’t even bite the girl. But again, dogs don’t belong in public places, unless its a service dog. I’m leery around dogs I don’t know and I am great with dogs. I don’t take my cat out to eat, she can stay at home, why can’t your dog? It’s a big pet peeve of mine.

    • Georgia says:

      I have dogs and children and am firmly on the side of people shouldn’t have to worry about triggering aggressive dog behavior out in public places that are not specifically designed for dogs – like a dog park.

      • minime says:

        yes!!! I can’t even with the comments here of people that have both dogs and children and think that children should be born knowing better but it’s OK for a dog owner to carry a potentially dangerous dog around (just because of the damage he could do), who might react in an aggressive way. Sorry, but this is the problem with some dog owners. If you don’t know/can’t control your dog don’t take it anywhere where a startling situation can occur. I totally agree that people shouldn’t just pet animals without asking the owners but a child’s behaviour is many times unexpected. If the dog was startled it could have been startled simply by the child running next to him. I had a dog and have no children and I simply can’t understand the egoism.

      • Clare says:

        My dog is not and never has been aggressive – but he is 40kg and can easily knock over a kid trying to play with him. Should I keep my dog at home at all times because some parents think it’s ok for their kids to run up to and initiate play with an animal they don’t know? That’s crazy – it’s my job to keep my dog under control and supervision, and it’s the parent’s job to ensure their kid doesn’t get in his personal space – especially when the dog owner has said as much.

        The number of times I’ve told kids to be gentle, or wait till he’s ready, or he’s not allowed of the leash today (to avoid rough play almost always initiated by the kids) and the parents have responded ‘oh they’ll be fine they love dogs’ or ‘their grandma has a dog’ or some variation thereof…I mean, come on.

      • Becks1 says:

        Well, you dont have to stay home all the time, but don’t take your dog to restaurants maybe? I have a 100 pound golden retriever. Laziest, most easygoing dog ever, and when he was smaller we would take him and sit outside with him. Once he started getting big though, we stopped, just because no matter how well behaved your dog is, a dog like a golden retriever or a Doberman is a BIG dog and will take up a lot of space at an outdoor restaurant and is hard for people to completely avoid them.

        I hear you about kids just approaching your dog – it happens to us with our golden even just out on walks. And its annoying. but this wasn’t out on a walk or at the dog park or whatever. She had the dog at a restaurant.

      • Beth says:

        @Clare, your dog might not be aggressive, but there could always be a first time. When someone’s dog bites another person or animal, the dog owner always says “my dog is sweet and gentle, ” or “he’s always around children and behaves perfectly. ” I’ve had dogs my entire life, and know that it sometimes just a natural reaction that the animal will bite, bark, lunge if it gets nervous, so bringing some kinds of dogs into crowded, noisy, places where it could be touched by accident or on purpose isn’t the best idea.

      • annabanana says:

        Not children to be born knowing how to behave around animals but parents teaching children how to properly behave. If the restaurant allowed the dog in its premises then its probably a pet friendly restaurant

      • Clare says:

        @Beth you are 100% right – as lovely and gentle as he may be he is at the end of the day an animal – a pretty strong one at that. This is why I don’t like strange children approaching him without permission and guidance – and why it frustrates me when parents respond with ‘oh they’re fine with dogs’ etc, when I tell them to back off! There have have been situations where short of personally touching the child (which, no thanks to touching someone else’s kid) I haven’t been able to keep the child physically away from the pup!

        Specifically we have a neighbour who insists her 4 little girls should be allowed to play with our dog – despite me saying, repeatedly that he is huge and they are tiny and someone will get hurt. They shriek and run and taunt and I’m supposed to just let it happen because they’re ‘good with dogs’. Anyway we aren’t able to take him out when they are out and about because I can’t have the same conversation with her every day!

      • Lucky says:

        I have both dogs and children. I have drilled into my kids how to properly behave around dogs (the ones they know and the ones they don’t) BUT I did that for my children, to help them stay safe. I still assume that every person/child I come in contact with will have poor animal manners – I do that for my dogs. In the end it won’t matter if a child shouldn’t have grabbed my dog, if my dog bites them it is my dog who will be put down (and a child who is harmed.)
        One a bright note, I was at the dog park with my puppy (75 pounds and quite nervous around people, especially small kids as we have none in our family or around us) and I was walking her. A small girl (maybe 4) and her mother came to the park and the child made a beeline to us. I was about to pick up my giant dog because I was so unsure of what was about to happen, but then the child stopped and said, “may I pet your dog?” I explained that she was scared and that she had never seen a small human before and she said, “okay. Thank you. I hope she feels better now.” And walked off. It was a pleasant surprise and made me happy for both that little girl and my puppy. 🙂

    • Beth says:

      I totally agree. I’m fine with service dogs being around, because they’re trained and necessary for some people, but when people bring their pets to places like restaurants, that’s too much. The only time I saw a regular dog at a restaurant, the owners weren’t paying attention, and it took a crap right next to us. Gross. I’m a dog lover, but I know that animals can sometimes be unpredictable, so my dog and cat stay home when I go to the restaurant or shopping. Not everyone is comfortable around them, or some are allergic to dogs, and that’s not fair that they need to put up with people bringing pets to places that were usually just where humans were

    • Honey bear says:

      Wow. Someone calling 911 for breaking the rules. Why isn’t the mom a meme? Oh yeah… cuz it’s literally the SAME scenario. Yet, the woman was justified because???? Oh that’s right. It’s only NOT okay to call the police on black people when they break the rules. Can’t roll my eyes any harder.

    • Enormous Coat says:

      I love dogs and I also respect them. Having to bring your dog everywhere with you seems like it’s more about the human than the dog. My girl loved me but wasn’t very interested in others. She also got nervous in settings where there was lots of movement. So she stayed at home on the loveseat and was perfectly happy. We worked on socialization separately, but there were just some situations where it was better and safer for her to be at home.

  4. Clare says:

    Everyone involved in this story seems like an asshole.

    Jenner for spinning this narrative around her Dog with her stupid Instagram captions.

    The mother who apparently was creating a scene that was not necessary because a Jenner was involved.

    Shame on them both. The only innocents here are the dog and the kid. Both their parents need to do better.

    • Becks1 says:

      Very well said. Assholes all around.

    • ellie says:

      Not trying to defend anyone here, but those insta pics of Kendall’s dog are old! Kendall posted them months ago, so they have nothing to do with this incident. I think the writers just used the pics to show what the dog looks like

      • Erinn says:

        Not only that but how many people with tiny dogs will joke around “watch out, they’re ferocious!” when they bark like mad.

  5. Mellie says:

    A lunging, growling dog is a problem period…why anyone would place any bit of blame on a 3 year old is beyond me. If a dog lunged/growled at my kid, I would be mad too. I should be able to take my child to eat brunch without worrying about a dog snapping at him/her.

    • Ye says:

      I dont think anyone is blaming the child….

      • Squirrelgirl says:

        Yeah I haven’t seen one person blame the child. Just the parenting and that kids should be taught not to approach dogs they don’t know.

    • Mellie says:

      ok, sorry, my bad….I guess they are blaming the parent. I’m not on that team either, unless the kid is really acting insane around the animal. If a dog is lunging at someone and growling, it probably doesn’t belong in a restaurant.

    • Sarah B says:

      On the contrary, I think a growling dog is a good dog. A growling dog communicates its unease and boundaries. A growling dog gives warning. A growling dog should be listened to.

      • Mellie says:

        A growling dog has no business at a restaurant. If I’m alone at home with my dog and it’s growling, someone unfamiliar is in the yard, ok, great, but in a public place such as a crowded restaurant, there are too many factors, too many things that can go wrong.

    • Brandy Alexander says:

      I’m with you. I’m leery of any and all dogs. I’m so sick of everyone bringing dogs to restaurants & grocery stores. Aside from the fact that it seems so unhygienic to me, why should I have to worry about a dog being startled and biting/snapping at me as I walk to my table/down a grocery aisle? Both of which have happened to me because everyone certifies their neurotic rescue dogs as therapy dogs so they can be “special”.

      • sommolierlady says:

        I volunteer at a shelter and I love my dogs HOWEVER I completely agree with you.
        People are ruining the reputation of real rescue dogs and completely ignoring store and restaurant rules to not bring them in. It pisses me off how entitled people are.

      • AMA1977 says:

        LMAO. My neurotic rescue dog (she’s actually not super-neurotic, but she sometimes gets anxious in unfamiliar places and is not predictable enough for me to subject the general public to her antics!) stays at home and sleeps on the couch, content as can be. She is friendly, she loves kids (we have two and lots of neighborhood kiddos) and she is a sweet girl, but I firmly believe that she is happiest and healthiest at home. I agree with the poster above who said that all (or most) of the dog-toting that seems so prevalent these days is sort-of self-focused and much more for the benefit of the owners than the dogs.

        Also, not sure if she’s actually a rescue dog; we adopted her from our city shelter and don’t know what her previous circumstances were. But she lives the life of Reilly now, and we are so glad we get to spoil her!

  6. Eleonor says:

    I think the truth is in the middle.
    The dog didn’t bite, otherwise we would be here talking about a lawsuit. Probably he scared the little girl and everything is amplified because it’s Kendall Jenner .

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Yeah both dog and child were scared and reacted, he by growling and she by crying – the mother was clearly creating a scene thinking to make a buck out of it. However I would question the training of the dog and Kendall should have interfered on behalf of the dog if she knew the dog didn’t like being approached by children.

      • Clare says:

        Digital – spot on, Jenner being careless and the mum trying to make a scene – honestly I feel bad for the poor dog and the child.

        Also agree that jenner should have interfered if her dog was worried by the child. The number of kids that run up to my big dog, unsupervised and out of control, is crazy. I’ve learned I just have to be ‘on’ 100% of the time and get beween them before they get to him. Some parents *really* don’t like their child being told ‘no’, but my main responsibility is to my pup and keeping him safe and out of trouble. I don’t worry he will bite, but he’s a big dummy and would easily knock over a medium sides child – cue crying and the dog being blamed for a kid trying to play with a dog they don’t know, without permission.

      • Eleonor says:

        @Clare: I feel you.
        Even if I have a cat, any time some friends come to visit me with their children I am pretty clear: I have a cat, she is not a toy (actually she is THE QUEEN of ff everything LOL) and when she is pissed by someone or something she goes away, usually, but please do not let your children follow the kitty to pet her because if she goes away it means she’s had enough, and they are entering in the ANGRY CAT territory.

  7. Crumbs says:

    Wait I thought TMZ confirmed with the cops that they were in fact called and did arrive (after KJ left). The grandfather of the girl is a well known lawyer in LA and knows the Kardashians. He says the bite didn’t break skin and they they weren’t even thinking of suing. Even the staff said that the dog bit the girl but not hard enough to break the skin. I’m not going to trust E! considering they house that family. The story wouldn’t have been a big deal if Kendall just stayed.

    • Obvious is Obvious says:

      That’s correct. Of course E! News would come out with their own version of what happened, to save their cash cows. I don’t believe them.

      The Kardashian/Jenner’s are arguably some of the biggest liars out there, and I wouldn’t believe a word they say, either.

  8. Lua says:

    Approach someone’s dog without consent is poor parenting. She should keep something over her puppy’s mouth on future outings to protect her from these situations, but this is on the parents.

    • Veronica S. says:

      She may have been approaching with the intent to ask if she could pet him. We don’t know. Either way, if your animal lunges before contact is even made, it’s unwise to be out in public. Our dog has gotten increasingly territorial and anxious with age, so we keep him away from busy social situations.

    • Betsy says:

      Lol. You have no idea what happened.

  9. TheHufflepuffLizLemon says:

    I grew up with Dobermans-they’re not more aggressive than any other dog, but they are very powerful and can do damage when they bite. For that reason, it’s incredibly important to ensure they’re very well socialized and trained and that you know your dog well if you’re planning to have them in situations like this. Even if the dog didn’t bite, a Doberman lunging would scare any parent. (A kid approaching a Doberman without owner consent and supervision is another issue all together.)

    My parents currently have two Dobermans, one American and one imported from the Czech Republic. One is much more anxious and fearful and likely to nip, even with all the training and socializing, so she hangs at the house mostly, or in small groups where she can relax. The other one is a giant puppy who likes to galumph around and is still in training, but is very obedient and can work off leash and hang loose with people. Temperament and training matter.

    • Dani says:

      Your family’s dobies sound adorable. All the dobies I’ve met are either anxious scaredy-cats or big goof balls.

      • TheHufflepuffLizLemon says:

        Thank you, they really, really are, and my parents are responsible and experienced dog owners. IMO, if you have a dog, you have a social contract to ensure that dog is suited to all situations where you bring him or her, as well as getting plenty of exercise, healthy food, attention, vet and dental care, etc, etc.

  10. Patricia says:

    Anxiety does not make you the rudest person around. Kendall is seriously the worst. In the latest season if you watch the episode where they meet with PR professionals ( and where Kendall rudely walks out of a professional meeting because Kylie is texting her about some inane party plans) and the one where Kris gets earlobe surgery you will see how awful she is.
    The way she doesn’t even look up and acknowledge her own mother… she acts like a 14 year old who is having a particularly bad day… like lady you’re an adult now!

    She’s awful. I’m sorry that Kim would equate anxiety with Kendall’s awful behavior. I have an anxiety disorder that has been crippling at times and it doesn’t make me treat people like crap. Nope.

  11. Veronica S. says:

    Ah, that does change the story. The mother sounds like a piece of work.

    Still – lunging and growling at a little girl approaching? She didn’t even touch him? Not an animal I’d have out at brunch, that’s for certain.

  12. Susan says:

    As an owner of a large dog, we have to be a little more attentive to our dogs when out in public and around people simply because so many are scared of them. However, I do agree with the premise of parents teaching children how to approach an unknown dog. I’m not defending Kendall by any means but we have to remember Dobermans are used as guard dogs and have a very protective streak so extra procaution needs to be taken by both the owner and anyone approaching the dog. Sad situation for all parties involved and I hope people learn from it instead of thinking of ways to sue someone with a large dog.

  13. Natalia says:

    Team Kendall.

  14. Ye says:

    The parent who ran to call 911 sounds like she was thinking JACKPOT. Seems like the dog and child were both startled, and I’ll give the dog and Kendall the benefit of the doubt- if the child rushed towards the dog I can see why they scared eachother.

    But I hope she gives the dog some retraning, make sure it doesn’t growl at kids again.

    • Crumbs says:

      How? The grandfather of the girl is a family friend of the Kardashians. They already said they weren’t suing, and he’s a well known lawyer in LA. He’s just mad Kendull left before the cops got there, because ya know that’s the responsible thing to do.

      • Brunswickstoval says:

        Who the heck calls the cops when a kid gets scared by a dog? It didn’t bite her. Seriously is that what the police are doing in America?

    • Beth says:

      Maybe she panicked and overreacted by calling 911

  15. Obvious is Obvious says:

    I see the Kardashian’s sweepers are here hard at work. We see you!

    1) E! News is not a good source when it comes to the Kardashians. As their cash cow, of course they’re going to be defending them.

    2) don’t take your animals with you if you’re eating at a restaurant, period, but especially if you’re not paying attention. Keep the dog at home. It’s not a fashion accessory.

    3) Kendall is well known as being difficult and not nice. Kim blaming that on her anxiety is offensive to those with anxiety. My anxiety doesn’t turn me in to a horrible person who runs away from a situation where my negligence has caused someone harm.

    4) these people are idiots and I can’t wait for the day they are no longer relevant.

  16. Honey bear says:

    Sounds more like someone trying to cash in. Calling 911 over a growling dog?!? What a waste of emergency resources. Why aren’t you up in arms about this? Cuz Jenner is white? If Jenner was black, you’d scream racism. Smh.

    • jwoolman says:

      Honey Bear – you seem unusually concerned about Kendall’s whiteness and someone calling the police about an incident involving her dog and a toddler, and seem to assume that our discussion is not consistent with concerns about people who have police called while they are picnicking or entering their own house or sitting somewhere while black….

      There was a real incident involving Kendall and her dog. She wasn’t getting arrested for sitting in a restaurant while white. She wasn’t shot at by police while talking on her cell phone. She didn’t have any problem with police ultimately at all and her race was not a negative factor. The police were not called because she was white, they were called because of an interaction between her dog and a toddler.

      This has nothing to do with the incidents involving black Americans doing perfectly legal things and ending up arrested or dead because some white person got worried about their being black.

  17. Squirrelgirl says:

    So.. I live in Colorado and many, many restaurants allow pets on their outside patios. In my “world” it’s culturally acceptable and I haven’t seen people scoff at it. I have a French bulldog and bring her to places sometimes, but only if it’s not a weekend and I know it’s a place that won’t be crowded. My dog is as gentle as they come and wouldn’t hurt a fly, but I always keep her close and make sure to watch her. But the amount of kids that just come up and start hugging my dog and the parents just laugh and encourage it is astounding. There are kids who come up and ask “may I please pet your dog?” Which is how I was taught growing up. Not every dog is welcoming to a child and/or adult coming up to their face!

    That being said, if my dog has ever growled or shown any aggression ever (even aggression when it’s scared which is what it sounds like here) I would never bring my dog to a public setting like this. I doubt this is the first time the dog has been caught off guard and growled.

  18. serena says:

    I guess the child’s mother just wanted attention since she just yelled ‘Kendall Jenner’ and didn’t even actually see the child was unarmed.

  19. Aud says:

    I’m surprised by all of the negativity here around the issue of bringing dogs to restaurants. Dog friendly patios at restaurants and breweries are becoming more and more of a “thing” now. I have two large dogs, and love taking them with us when we go to a dog friendly location. Our dogs are large, but they sit between our chairs and don’t take up space in common areas. Sure, some dogs are annoying, but the same can be said for some kids, right? I’m continually annoyed by children who are allowed to run around the patio like it’s a large playpen. And, yes, approach our dogs without permission. I am careful to make sure my dogs are well behaved and well socialized — the later being part of the reason we take them with us so many places. Socialization is important for dogs.

    Shrug. To each their own. I’ll continue to bring my well behaved large dogs with me to establishments that welcome them.

    • Clare says:


      If an establishment allows dogs I don’t see why I wouldn’t take mine with me. In fact there are parts of this country where you’d be hard pressed to find places that ban dogs (like the lake district) because it’s so ‘normal’ to bring them along for walks and then stop for a drink/meal.

      Our dog mostly just sleeps under the table when he goes with us to the pub – until he is tempted out with sausages by the servers in exchange for a cuddle.

      As long as your dog is well behaved and welcomes by the establishment then I don’t see a problem – there are plenty of places for people who don’t want to be around pets, to go. Shrug.

      This is obvs assuming the pet in question is well behaved and not a pain in the arse.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Here in the UK pubs are generally welcome of dogs and in that setting i have seen better behaved animals than humans (children and adults), even on public transport they are better behaved than the little darlings. I’d rather dine in an establishment with dogs over children.

    • Veronica S. says:

      I’m neutral on the issue. If the area is well segregated and the dog has plenty of space – and the restaurant is open about pets being allowed – I don’t see the problem. It’s when the space is tight and heavily packed that I’m iffy about it. At the end of the day, they’re just animals, and they can get nervous, too. Restaurants need to make sure they keep that in mind when designing the pet-friendly areas.

  20. Puffs says:

    I have to be with Team Kendall on this one and I don’t even like her. I have kids and no dogs. But a child of 3 should not be allowed to run loose the bother other people’s pets and other people. Plus I wonder from the mom’s response I would bet she urged her child to approach Kendall and her dog.

    I hate it when I see kids running loose in restaurants and their parents just let them bother other people and their pets. You may think your kid is cute but the rest of us think they are brats and need to be socialized if you take them out.

    Dogs have to be trained and socialized and so does your special snowflake child.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Where does it say the girl was running around unsupervised? All it says is that she approached, and the dog lunged and growled. For all we know, she was walking up calmly to request permission to touch it, and the mother was nearby. In fact, it sounds like she wasn’t very far at all to react so quickly.

  21. Kellyrae says:

    It’s a powerful large breed dog that a. Is not an accessory and b. Shouldn’t be on a busy Beverly hills patio ‘lunching. ‘ Hopefully Kendall learned a few things from this incident. I’m happy the kid is ok!

  22. Lynne says:

    The child’s grandfather who personally knows the kardashians said the dog bit the girl and that she went to the doctor.
    Who is the source on the kardashian side? E who produces their shows?

    • Lynne says:

      And the grandfather said publically that they are not suing. I don’t believe Kendal’s source. She can speak for herself, tell what happened exactly from her side.

    • Bflogirl says:

      That was my thought – of course she (Kendall) is going to come out and say that her dog never bit the little girl! And no explanation as to why she took off fast… other than the obvious which is the dog did get the little boo. Poor kiddo, something like that happening (a snip or a growl) can make her afraid of dogs for the rest of her life. And that is the saddest part to me because pets add so much to life happiness!

      • Lynne says:

        Absolutely. The dog shouldn’t have been there in my opinion. Crowded eating place and now people attacking the child…a 3yr old ffs for being at a restaurant eating.

    • jwoolman says:

      The original story said the staff offered ice, making it sound like a bruise or something that actually hurt. When a cat nips me but doesn’t make me bleed, I generally do get a bruise. That’s consistent with the grandfather’s story. The “the dog only growled” story sounds like damage control later. I don’t know if a nip that doesn’t break the skin has to be reported as a strike against the dog legally, but I would imagine they are hoping to avoid that.

      That kind of a nip from a cat is a warning shot if you keep doing something the cat really doesn’t want you to do. Maybe they do the same with kittens, at least I never found any blood on kittens from their senior mentors no matter how annoying they get. Very young kittens don’t get any disciplinary contact usually, just a paw swiped over their head. But as they get older, the rules may change. Anyway, the dog may have realized he was dealing with a child and was treating her like a puppy.

  23. BANANIE says:

    I think dog owners who bring their dogs out in public spaces like this should definitely make sure their dogs are well-trained. But I don’t get why people have pet peeves (pardon the pun) about people who bring their dogs out to restaurants and bars that clearly allow – and sometimes even welcome – dogs. I wouldn’t condone someone bringing a dog to a restaurant with a different policy. But if you don’t want a dog there at a restaurant that allows dogs, that’s your prerogative, but the dog owner and their pet have just as much right to be there as you.

  24. Natalia says:

    I did say above that I am team Kendall and I still am but I believe that she should probably have kept a closer watch and also muzzled her dog at the restaurant. People get freaked out by Dobermans and even though it’s changing and Dobermans are more like pets now as well as guard dogs, they’re still a powerful breed.

    Both the dog owner and the parents are equally responsible to ensure that little children are safe around dogs no matter what breed.

  25. babypeanut says:

    Not a Kardashian fan, but I like Kendall’s twitter response.

  26. Naomi11 says:

    The K klan has all sold their souls to the devil. They are the lowest of low. All self righteous twits!

  27. S says:

    Were animals allowed on the restaurant patio generally, or only because this was Kendall Jenner? If this was a place where pets were generally allowed, then it’s not a problem for Jenner to have hers there as well, and there’s more impetus on the mother to either request a table indoors, or otherwise remove the toddler from the situation if she didn’t feel comfortable. If Jenner brought the dog because she’s a celeb and feels the rules don’t apply to her, that’s another matter entirely.

  28. coffeeisgood says:

    People need to teach younger kids to ask before ever reaching to pet any sort of dog. It goes both ways though and pet owners need to be aware and cautious when taking out their dogs in public places, it would be awful to face the possibility of putting your pet down if it bit a child.

  29. Mar says:

    What on. Earth is going on with her face?
    Why Kendall why???

  30. Berry says:

    Kendall has had a lot of pets. How many dogs does she own?