Does Brad Pitt even need lawyers when TMZ is doing all of the heavy lifting in their campaign against Angelina Jolie? Yesterday, TMZ threw a party when Brad’s lawyer “slapped back” at Angelina’s court filing. They painted her as a nasty woman, a liar, a devious bitch, etc. Buried within TMZ’s report was the fact that the bulk of the money Brad says is “child support” is actually a loan. Since then, Angelina’s lawyer slapped back with a detailed and savage statement to People Magazine. TMZ hasn’t said one word about Angelina’s lawyer’s statement, which speaks volumes. Instead, TMZ is running yet another “pity poor Brad” article:
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are at war in their divorce case, but the more immediate struggle is the co-parenting situation that even has a judge issuing a warning to cool it … or else. We’re told Brad has been spending the bulk of his Summer in England — where Angelina and the kids live — so he can see his 6 children. The judge in the divorce case set out a schedule for Brad to visit with his children in London beginning in mid-June for 10 hours a day. The visitation increased last month to 4 consecutive days at a time.
Our sources say Brad and Angelina never interact with each other, and the handoffs are always through nannies and assistants. It’s clear there have been issues over Brad interacting with the kids. The judge in the divorce case already issued an order saying Angelina tried to restrict Brad’s access that the judge believed was “harmful” to the children. The judge even said Brad had a right to call and text the kids whenever he wanted, and Angelina could not monitor the contacts. From what we’re told, things are getting worse, not better, between the two.
There’s no new information here. The whole point of this piece is too remind everyone that Angelina Jolie is a Difficult Bitch Who Refuses To Speak To Brad. The only somewhat new information is that according to TMZ, Brad has spent much of the summer in England. I thought he was filming Once Upon a Time In Hollywood in LA this summer? I thought that Brad was throwing massive hissy fits about how the kids would need to travel to see him? You’re telling me that Angelina still has primary custody of the kids and his every interaction with them is still being heavily monitored by the court system? Oh, right. As for Angelina and Brad barely having any interaction… yeah, we knew that too.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
So he actually had to go to London to see the kids? Given his previous hissy fit, you would think the FBI was about to barge Jolie’s door open and go get the kids in England to bring them to their poor dad any day now… Team Pitt’s antics are irritating, to say the least.
They cannot seem to grasp that it’s not attractive for a grown man to insist on being the center of a family when children are involved. It’s like, what about the kids? Why can’t he switch his schedule for them given that he’s one person and they are six? This is not a good look.
I have read every word of the leaked document, and nowhere does it say Angie tried to keep the children away from their father. It does say the children want nothing to do with their father, and Angie and the therapists were to try and convince them Brad wasn’t dangerous. (wonder why the kids thought their father was so scary).
Also, the document does not give Brad the right to ‘call” the children whenever he pleased, he is going to be able to text them, not call them. Also, the document says TWO monitors are to be with Brad and the children at ALL times. So, basically Pitt still cannot be alone with the children, even when at his house.
Meh, both are dragging this to no end. Team kids.
Jesus, Brad, put the phone down! You’re morphing into Thomas Markle and that is never a good look.
Dude woman up, take care of your children and stop running to TMZ! I’ve loss so much respect in him, I hate irresponsible warny people. You are not a victim in this story and your children will one day read all of this.
1000% His actions caused this situation. Suck it up, be a father and stop trying to throw your children’s mother under the bus. You are forever connected, so be an adult.
Entertainment Tonight sources from brad just lied. Lol
They will really continue their narratives and strongly blinding themselves from the facts that angie is giving. Not one statement of angie has been written from this shitty site. Guilty.
Lol TMZ is so full of it just to get clicks. So they basically just gave a summary of the last order for the summer agreement in defense of their man Pitt and to of course paint Jolie in a bad light. It proves we are definitely living in a man’s world. SMDH
I was never a huge fan of this couple but as the child of divorced parents who still refuse to be in the same room together, this is sad. Its terrible for the kids, its a huge weight on you when your parents don;t get alone and you’re always having to choose. Someone should be the bigger person for the sake of their children. They still had good times together and were obviously at one point in love. Just sad all around
This X 1 million. My parents divorced 30 years ago and did not like being in the same room, speaking, etc. but they did because it was best for their children. The children are being harmed by their refusal to be adults.
Don’t get along***
I’m sorry you had to go through that Lorena.
That’s very much what I keep saying – at some point they need to figure out how to be civil and work together to parent these kids. I believe he’s 100% responsible for the split, but both need to try to move beyond all that and compromise to move things forward.
So what, why should she speak to him? Their marriage is over. Unlike most of us, she is lucky enough to have nannies and handlers so she doesn’t have to be there holding her breath for a tense exchange in a Mickey Ds parking lot.
She should speak to him because he is their father and will always be. Unless he abused them, then all bets are off.
Silverpoodle, are you forgetting why they divorced in the first place? Cps and the fbi were called on them because of whatever he did on a plane. So yeah he is abusive.
I remember when Angelina broke up with BBT,she said they didn’t speak for 3years.This divorce has been particularly tumultuous with how they even broke up,The kids being involved not to mention the press leakes,yea don’t see them speaking for a while,if at all.
@Adorable, It was only one year Angie would not speak to BBT, after that they were fine.
I think he’s the one with money issues because his team leaks every time he’s shopping for art or whatever. Remember that story where he spent millions on a coffee table? You never hear about aj spending crazy amounts. People mag is saying this is unusual because Angelina’s funds are going to be made public soon because she’s asking for support. Then we’ll see for sure.
I just refuse to believe that a person that made a boat load of $ on salt and maleficent needs a loan. No way. She got paid for the toys that Disney made for maleficent too as well as back end deal. Maleficent made something like 700 + million and salt made crazy amount of money too
My husband does the exchanges, I rarely go and never go alone because their father is abusive. Honestly reading these updates is like looking at a carnival fun house mirror of my own custody issues with my ex and all the actions she has taken are those of an abused woman.
As facts come to light,it’s apparent that Brads Ego took a knock at being left by Jolie.Slowly but surely(even his fans who refuse to believe butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth)are seeing this guy has issues,I mean all these leakes weren’t necessary,in an effort to make her look bad.
Every time I see these dorky stills from this new movie he’s in I think Aah, there’s the real Brad
He is such a manchild. Be a real man and stop showing bad behavior toward your family. Worry more about your children happiness then you Image
He is almost 55 years old and still acts like a manchild.
She is supreme Bitch . Good lord I despise Her .
I love & laugh that you feature the same unflattering foto in every single Brad Pitt column, the one where he looks like a total lunkhead trying very hard to grasp a basic concept, like say up and down, or past and future. The anti-sex god.
My ex husband as a manipulative manchild whose feelings remain hurt that we aren’t together.
I don’t speak to him directly and I’m not sorry.
Our daughter knows we both love her.
It’s better for her if she doesn’t see me rage spiral every time he implies I’m a shit parent.
I do not understand why this man would rather go after his ex in the media than put all that energy into repairing his relationship with his kids. This is so illogical to me. Kids love their parents, both of them. The worst thing to do to kids is attack the other parent, and publicly no less. Why is it so important to him that he be looked at as the one who ended the relationship? We all know she left him, he can stop now. It’s jist so petty and sad.
And before anyone comes at me about parental alienation, there is no evidence that’s happening, but there is evidence that Brad is attacking AJ right here in front of us. All I’ve seen are leaks attacking AJ, which has always been the case for years. She’s always the one who takes the hits. She has no history of hitting back or of attacking her exes, unlike Brad (Jen Aniston anyone?)