Stephen Miller’s uncle tries to shame him into feeling human-like emotions

Miller Briefs on the RAISE Act

There are only a handful of things that amuse me about White House senior advisor Stephen Miller. I still find it funny and shocking that he’s only 32 years old, the same age as Robert Pattinson, the Olsen twins, Lady Gaga and Megan Fox. I’m not joking. I also enjoy – uncomfortably enjoy – all of the “jokes” about Stephen Miller killing hobos on his days off. I think you have to laugh to avoid crying, so those are just a few brief moments of levity in this utter catastrophe. Miller is, weirdly enough, a Jewish man and a white nationalist. He plays footsie with the same Alt-Right movement which hates him. His policies are written for them, the white folks who want to see people of color punished for being people of color. He’s also the “architect” of Trump’s deplorable immigration policies, from turning away victims of terrorism and abuse to throwing children and babies in cages.

Well, Miller’s uncle David S. Glosser has written a great essay on why his nephew is a schmuck and a dumbass. You can read the full Politico piece here – the basic gist is that Miller’s family came to America because they were fleeing anti-Jewish terrorism at the turn of the 20th century.

Let me tell you a story about Stephen Miller and chain migration. It begins at the turn of the 20th century in a dirt-floor shack in the village of Antopol, a shtetl of subsistence farmers in what is now Belarus. Beset by violent anti-Jewish pogroms and forced childhood conscription in the Czar’s army, the patriarch of the shack, Wolf-Leib Glosser, fled a village where his forebears had lived for centuries and took his chances in America.

He set foot on Ellis Island on January 7, 1903, with $8 to his name. Though fluent in Polish, Russian, and Yiddish he understood no English. An elder son, Nathan, soon followed. By street corner peddling and sweat-shop toil Wolf-Leib and Nathan sent enough money home to pay off debts and buy the immediate family’s passage to America in 1906. That group included young Sam Glosser, who with his family settled in the western Pennsylvania city of Johnstown, a booming coal and steel town that was a magnet for other hard-working immigrants. The Glosser family quickly progressed from selling goods from a horse and wagon to owning a haberdashery in Johnstown run by Nathan and Wolf-Leib to a chain of supermarkets and discount department stores run by my grandfather, Sam, and the next generation of Glossers, including my dad, Izzy. It was big enough to be listed on the AMEX stock exchange and employed thousands of people over time. In the span of some 80 years and five decades, this family emerged from poverty in a hostile country to become a prosperous, educated clan of merchants, scholars, professionals, and, most important, American citizens.

What does this classically American tale have to do with Stephen Miller? Well, Izzy Glosser is his maternal grandfather, and Stephen’s mother, Miriam, is my sister. I have watched with dismay and increasing horror as my nephew, who is an educated man and well aware of his heritage, has become the architect of immigration policies that repudiate the very foundation of our family’s life in this country.

I shudder at the thought of what would have become of the Glossers had the same policies Stephen so coolly espouses— the travel ban, the radical decrease in refugees, the separation of children from their parents, and even talk of limiting citizenship for legal immigrants— been in effect when Wolf-Leib made his desperate bid for freedom. The Glossers came to the U.S. just a few years before the fear and prejudice of the “America First” nativists of the day closed U.S. borders to Jewish refugees. Had Wolf-Leib waited, his family would likely have been murdered by the Nazis along with all but seven of the 2,000 Jews who remained in Antopol. I would encourage Stephen to ask himself if the chanting, torch-bearing Nazis of Charlottesville, whose support his boss seems to court so cavalierly, do not envision a similar fate for him.

[From Politico]

It goes on from there and it’s a good (albeit depressing) read. I think Uncle David makes one mistake though: Stephen Miller cannot be shamed. Miller doesn’t feel shame, not about killing hobos and not about devastating the lives of thousands of immigrants. He is proud of his work on behalf of white nationalism and the neo-Nazi movement. He thinks stoking fear among uneducated and racist white folks is a great idea. Everything is going along according to his plans.

Miller Briefs on the RAISE Act

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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51 Responses to “Stephen Miller’s uncle tries to shame him into feeling human-like emotions”

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  1. tealily says:


    • Olenna says:

      IKR. What is it with this sorry excuse for a human? Self-hate, a psychosis, a Dr. Evil complex? Dude is all kinds of fucked up but, sitting tight with a racist, wannabe dictator, he is beyond the reach of anyone who could help him emotionally and mentally. Uncle needs to just let it go.

  2. Aud says:

    “Human-like.” LOL

  3. Mac says:

    Miller is one truly sick individual. I have no idea what made him so truly evil, but I think we need to find out so it never happens again.

    • Iknow says:

      As John Steinbeck said, like some people are born with a deformity of the soul. Incapable of feeling empathy or love. Miller is one of them.

      • Jaded says:

        I don’t think he even has a soul – those are the most soulless eyes I’ve ever seen. He is pure evil.

  4. RBC says:

    He is a very creepy and scary man. The news media might want to pay more attention to what he is doing behind the scenes.

    • holly hobby says:

      I read an article this morning that he has already infiltrated the Dept of State and other agencies via his minions. He set up people in mid-mgmt where they are not high profile to be detected by the press.

      He’s having his agenda pushed by these minions and he has Orange Nazi’s ear (he successfully barred loyalists from speaking to the Nazi). This a$$hole is the true puppet master and he needs to be kicked out.

  5. Ann says:

    Can he really be considered Jewish at this point? I’m really asking. It’s his heritage but is he actually living as a Jew? I’m not trying to get too deep on this, just wanting to know if he self-identifies as Jewish.

    • dlc says:

      Natzis of the past didn’t care if someone self identified as Jewish or not. I would think it is the same for the current crop.

      • Ann says:

        Fair point. Precious Ivanka converted so I guess it doesn’t matter. And I never hear them saying openly hateful stuff about other prominent conservative Jews, like Ben Shapiro. It’s probably there in the comments of various social media platforms but I don’t read that garbage so all I get is an outside view as a bewildered spectator, although I’m sadly getting used to all of this.

      • Veronica says:

        I would think Ivanka converted because Jared and she planned on having children. In Jewish culture, the ethnic denomination is often inherited from the maternal side. There are some cultural reasons for it, I’m sure, but a lot of it is pragmatism – you always know who somebody’s mother is. I won’t get into the uglier reasons why the latter logic became significant.

    • Iknow says:

      That’s a fair question. If Ivanka, who was not born into the Jewish faith, can convert and be considered Jewish. It’s fair to say that Stephen can stop practicing his Jewish faith and not be considered Jewish anymore. It’s the story as old as America. Plenty of people, who can assimilate into the white majority, stripped themselves of any ethnicity that threatened that. He’s a self-hating creep.

      • Ann says:

        Good point about the self-hating thing, I really didn’t consider that. He’s like a living Philip Roth character.

      • magnoliarose says:

        Judaism is an ethnic religion and culture. So while he can rebuke the religious aspect he is Jewish as an ethnic/cultural group. When I was agnostic I still identified as a Jewish woman.
        It isn’t the opposite of conversion.
        Ivanka is supposedly a convert but her children are culturally and religiously Jewish. They go to Hebrew school and the whole nine yards. She is in a separate category and to explain would take a long time and a lot of examples. There are so many scholarly articles about it and discussions and even arguments. I didn’t go to Yeshiva/Stern so I don’t feel equipped to go there.
        My convert parent is religiously Jewish but not ethnically even though they are sometimes the stereotypical convert that seems to know more than born Jews do. They were more hurt when I was veering toward atheism than anyone else was.

      • jwoolman says:

        Stephen Miller doesn’t hate himself. He thinks himself is just grand. He just hates people who are very much like his own ancestors.

    • MrsBanjo says:

      He’s ethnically Jewish. As such, he’s Jewish, regardless of his religious (non) observance. Just as there are atheist Jews. Unfortunately because of all of that we can’t kick the racist turd out.

      There’s a book I could write on my thoughts regarding Ivanka, I have so many.

    • Ann says:

      Thank you all for answering my question. I’ve loved Jewish culture for as long as I can remember but I never really understood that it was an ethnicity. I’ve even given that some consideration but always thought it sounded silly because to my knowledge Christians don’t really fall into an ethnic category. It’s a really complex thing to think about obviously, but y’all have given me a better perspective.

      • jwoolman says:

        Christians originally did fall into an ethnic category – Palestinian Jews. Anybody not already Jewish had to convert before they could be baptized. Jesus was a rabbi in a rather mystical branch of Judaism. His followers saw his teachings as part of Judaism. Which actually they were to a large extent. The Messiah had been prophesied and his followers decided Jesus was it.

        I think when Paul switched sides from persecutor to convert, that was the beginning of dropping the become-a-Jew-first requirement although in liturgical denominations you see many connections with Jewish practice. Then various ethnicities became Christians over the centuries, so Christian isn’t really an ethnic group now.

  6. Darla says:

    I didn’t know he was jewish. Jewish nazis are really difficult for me to get my mind around.

  7. OSTONE says:

    Self-hate is real. I wonder what happened to this turd to become what he is today.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Fun Rosh Hashonah dinner coming up for that family…

    • holly hobby says:

      Someone who went to school with him should be interviewed about this. We want to know why he’s the devil’s spawn. Are his folks going to say anything about this?

  8. Beth says:

    Stephen is so creepy, it gives me goosebumps. He looks like a dead eyed zombie. I can’t believe that heartless, soulless monster is so young

    • elimaeby says:

      I’m 31, and he makes me think of that quote from Chandler on Friends: “And you’re our age. OUR AGE!”

    • oh dear says:

      i agree. theres something creepy about this guy. he gives off delinquent vibes.. i wouldnt want to encounter him in an alley.. nor would i leave a child alone with him. he seems so broken inside.

  9. jammypants says:

    This humanoid is the same age as me 😶

  10. MellyMel says:

    He’s only a year older than me, so I also find it funny that he is 32!

  11. magnoliarose says:

    I don’t know where to begin with Stephen Miller. Although he is Jewish like me, I don’t own him and I am not embarrassed by him. Minorities are made to feel responsible for reprehensible people who fall under the same identifier and I refuse it totally and completely. My hate for him is because he is a loathsome piece of garbage.
    His family story reads like mine or any person whose ancestors fled from tyranny to make a better life. I feel like all the immigrants from the Middle East or Latin America should be given all the opportunities my grandparents and other relatives were given. I have no patience when people whose families were immigrants have the audacity to support draconian immigration policies. Basically, unless your ass is a Native American you need to sit on down and if it is a recent situation, then really sit your ass down for life and shut up. Sick of you.

    We minorities know people like him. They exist in every group. That one person who tokenizes themselves and then turns around and profits from abusing their group and other minorities without shame. They allow themselves to be held up as examples of “Even he/she knows and they are a (minority group) so even they agree with us.” Their sponsors get perverse glee out of watching them do their dirty work.

    Stephen will never feel shame. During the Holocaust, there were Jews just like him. We see you. Very clearly. Paskudnyak.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Well done, magnoliarose

    • Darla says:

      Great and thoughtful post magnolia

    • AnneC says:

      The disgusting thing about him is that he is ONLY successful and powerful because a portion of the country thought that Donald trump deserved to be president. So this unhinged incompetent sexist racist takes over the presidency and since no one with any integrity wants to work for him (the few that did have mainly fled) we get scum like this in the upper reaches of policy making for our country. I hope he disappears forever when this nightmare is done.

  12. Ramona Q. says:

    $8 in 1903 is equal to $229 in 2018. (

    • Betsy says:

      Thank you? That’s still not very much money to start a life in a new country on, then or now.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Enough for one or two nights in a cheap room…let alone food and transportation to find work. Only family and community assistance made successful emigration possible.

  13. Sara says:

    Stephen Miller is like if Vladmir Putin had the ability to clone just his evil and make his own mini me.

  14. jwoolman says:

    Stephen Miller was a weird dude back in high school and was speaking against people who were ethnically different way back then.

    I really get a sociopathic vibe from Miller , and I don’t throw that word around lightly. Something seems missing or dysfunctional in his brain, as is the case with Trump. The Donald has been described as a malignant narcissist with sociopathic tendencies/traits, which seems accurate to me. But Stephen Miller seems much further along the sociopathy scale to me than Donald Trump. Miller is also a lot smarter and much better educated than Trump, making him more dangerous.

    Everything goes back to our brains. We can have congenital damage or lack of development, but we also can become damaged/underdeveloped if during our first few years we don’t get certain kinds of support and attention from somebody. I imagine children born with congenital deficiencies can get a double whammy if their deficiencies make it really hard for a parent to give them that attention.

    Empathy, for example, seems to be localized in the amygdala. That area lights up (showing activity) in experiments showing normal people pictures of other people in distress but remains relatively inactive for people diagnosed with sociopathy. Children seem to start developing empathy around a certain age as toddlers. But some children never do.

    Both Trump and Miller completely lack empathy, among other useful human traits.

    • Apalapa says:

      Yes I think of empathy and kindness as forms of intelligence and I agree that Miller, Trump, and many in this administration are lacking brain development in these areas to a staggering degree.

  15. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    I feel mean saying this, but I think Stephen Miller exudes evil. Seriously. I get a serial killer vibe from him.

  16. Max says:

    Ivanka has no human emotions either. She is cold as ice. I see her in interviews trying her best to pretend to relate but she just cannot do it. On a lower scale that chick Meghan who used to be on Real Housewives of Orange County is just like that. They cannot feel empathy for anyone, it is beyond them.

    • Veronica says:

      There are some veeeeeeery interesting studies regarding psychological empathy and economic class. The general finding seems to be that the more money you have, the less likely you are to exhibit understanding and empathy for others. It’s almost like you can buy yourself out of repercussions for your behavior if you have enough money in a capitalist society or something.

      • jwoolman says:

        If the acquisition of money came later in life, it may simply be that sociopaths are attracted to certain kinds of endeavors that can make a pile of money if you are ruthless enough. Imagine if you were willing to do anything to get what you want and were restrained only by not wanting to spend your life in prison.

        If such a correlation was seen in congenitally rich people, might have something to do with being raised by employees, some of whom would be fine surrogate parents but others would not be. Also there might be a lot of changes in the parental surrogates, which can be very difficult for small children. Basically separation from parents or equivalents is bad news for humans in the early years.

      • magnoliarose says:

        They have done studies that people on the extremes of the economic curve can have unique psychologies related to their class and they can be the similar. Obviously, it is full of generalizations but it makes some sense.

  17. Cdnkitty says:

    This shade is praise-worthy:

    “Before Donald Trump had started his political ascent promulgating the false story that Barack Obama was a foreign-born Muslim, while my nephew, Stephen, was famously recovering from the hardships of his high school cafeteria in Santa Monica, Joseph was a child on his own in Sudan in fear of being deported back to Eritrea to face execution for desertion. ”

    As a Canadian I embrace our immigration policies – multiculturalism is something that makes us stronger and better* as a culture and society. I keep thinking of how desperate someone must be to get in that boat or walk 1000km just to find safety for themselves and their family – they are refugees and want to contribute, so let them.

    * and yes, we need to work on owning and repairing the cultural genocide we practised on our indigenous brothers and sisters and the ongoing devastating effects of colonialism.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      That was such an amazing passage, ” Stephen, was famously recovering from the hardships of his high school cafeteria in Santa Monica, Joseph was a child on his own in Sudan…”

  18. Green Is Good says:

    LEO better check Steve’s backyard for the bodies of dead prostitutes.

  19. Dr Mrs The Monarch says:

    The Nazis put out propaganda claiming that Jews were greedy, corrupt, war-mongering, rat-like aliens. Stephen Miller seems to have made himself into the Nazi ideal of what a Jewish person should be. I hope every Rabbi casts him out of the faith.

  20. StoryMummy says:

    This human garbage must really hate being of Jewish heritage! I hope there is a special
    Place in hell for people who sell out their own, just so they can get in good with their oppressors.

  21. surferrosa says:

    Hitler was an ethnic Austrian jew…on his maternal side. Just sayin’…