Kellyanne Conway & her husband are not half as cute as they think they are

United States Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin talks to reporters at the White House

It’s been a while since I’ve even bothered to pay attention to Kellyanne Conway, but I was sucked into it by Twitter and everyone talking about this Washington Post profile of Kellyanne and her husband George Conway. George Conway used to be a big Republican operative, very well respected in GOP circles, and he was the one who introduced his wife to Donald Trump. It was an introduction he still regrets. While George supported Trump during the election, it all went downhill for him pretty quickly as, like all sentient beings, he began to understand that Trump is a lunatic who will kill us all. Meanwhile, his wife still works for Trump every day and she gets paid to lie and say crazy, outlandish things on Trump’s behalf.

The WaPo article is a portrait of a marriage, but let’s face it, it’s also a portrait of two people “performing” their political grievances for an audience, and it’s a portrait of just how Kellyanne tries to work over journalists, because she’s been doing that this whole time. Here’s the section of the article which is getting a lot of notice – it’s Kellyanne in conversation with the WaPo journalist, Ben Terris:

Me: You told me you found [George’s tweets] disrespectful.

Kellyanne: It is disrespectful, it’s a violation of basic decency, certainly, if not marital vows . . . as “a person familiar with their relationship.”

Me: No, we’re on the record here. You can’t say after the fact “as someone familiar.”

Kellyanne: I told you everything about his tweets was off the record.

Me: No, that’s not true. That never happened.

Kellyanne: Well, people do see it this way. People do see it that way, I don’t say I do, but people see it that way.

Me: But I’m saying we never discussed everything about his tweets being off the record. There are certain things you said that I put off the record.

Kellyanne: Fine. I’ve never actually said what I think about it and I won’t say what I think about it, which tells you what I think about it.

[From WaPo]

Every damn day, I’m reminded of that infamous quote widely believed to be said by Karl Rove, to a journalist: “You’re in what we call the reality-based community…that’s not the way the world really works anymore.” Kellyanne Conway sees your reality-based community and she will spin you so hard, you’ll swear you were on acid-trip on a rollercoaster. Now we know that every time an unnamed source goes be a “person familiar to Kellyanne/Trump/the administration,” it’s just Kellyanne doing her thing.

As for the Conways’ marriage… I couldn’t care less. I just don’t care what is real and what’s performative and whether they think their bickering is cute. They’re both awful people and utter famewhores.

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48 Responses to “Kellyanne Conway & her husband are not half as cute as they think they are”

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  1. Naomi11 says:

    She’s very hard looking. Been around the block a few too many times. 😉
    Def not ‘cute’

    • Mariposa says:

      How old is she? I just kept staring at the top photo and can’t work it out. She looks like she is mid-fifties, but I’m thinking she can’t be!

      Imagine the “non reality based” conversations she and Trump have together.

      • Naomi11 says:

        LOL! It’s too scary to imagine. I say she’s probably pushing 60’s, and not in a good way.

      • Tate says:

        I just looked it up. She is 51. She looks mid 60’s. Huckabee is 36 and looks 50. This is what happens when you sell your soul daily.

      • Kitten says:

        Sandra Bullock is 54. J Lo is 49.

        Just saying.

      • Persistent says:

        I hate that I’m saying this, but it’s not even just her face. Look at her legs in that photo. Why has she aged so…aggressively? Hard living? Dorian Gray anyone?

      • Christin says:

        Sun, alcohol, smoking, genetics…Each (or all) can cause such premature aging.

      • lara says:

        My 63 year old coworker looks a lot younger. Without surgical help.

      • Kris says:

        I can’t read the article, I’m so distracted by the way her face looks. This is what they mean when they say a face looks melted, right?

      • launicaangelina says:

        Angela Bassett turned 60 years old today. She’s stunning! I try not to be critical of ones looks, but I can’t help but feel that her outside depicts the ugliness of her mind and heart.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        as someone pointed out yesterday, Suckabee and Beyoncé are the same age.

        you get the face you deserve.

  2. Alix says:

    Another wacko desiccated blonde, a la Ann Coulter.

  3. Chocolate Princess says:

    Kellyann Conway is an UGLY woman. Physically and emotionally.

  4. lovesot says:

    time to divorce her, dude.

    • oh-dear says:

      He’s not a lot better.
      He is responsible for Paula Jones and inviting the women who have excused Bill Clinton of sexual assault to the front seat of the Trump/Hillary debate. He drove the Clinton impeachment hard back in the day.
      That being said, I LOVE George on Twitter, but as many followers have said, they seem to be playing both sides of the political coin, these two.

  5. minx says:

    She’s an automaton, wind her up and she spews a lot of wordy nonsense. It’s just a paycheck to her, I dont event thiink she believes half the stuff she says. She does her thing, goes home and sleeps well.

    • Kitten says:

      ITA completely, minx. She’s playing a part.

      I know the term “sociopathic” is overused, but it’s unbelievable to me the way these people are able to compartmentalize. Scary, TBH.

      No wonder she resembles a corpse–the woman is completely emotionally detached.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes. During the rare times I stop to hear her speak I always get the sense that she’s just a professional contrarian and just relishing the challenge of spinning everything and anything, calling it a win and then calling it a day. I know you could say this about a lot of Trump operatives but I don’t know why anyone gives her a platform anymore.

      • Q T Hush says:

        To Esmom
        I totally agree that it’s time to ignore the Kellyannes of trump world. In fact let’s ignore trump world and start to focus on all the harm he’s doing. How much money he’s really stealing and spending from the American population. Why are the press so enamoured of these total whack jobs who can’t give a straight answer to any question. Showtimes over for the fools in the WH. Time to check back into reality. VOTE

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Precisely. The only solace is that hopefully, at the end of all this, her reality of not being reality-based and manufactured word salad distractions, will come to haunt her because the reality is…it can’t be erased. She’ll be eating her reality-based salad until the day she expires.

  6. Beth says:

    Meth Barbie looks horrible! When she’s on TV, I change the channel. I can’t stand how she never answers questions, she just pivots the subject. Trump has such a sensitive ego, that I’d think he would fire anyone related to someone criticizing him

  7. Elkie says:

    As the one person in the service industry that a woman is likely to spend the most amount of continuous time with, and relax and be their natural selves in the company of, you can tell just about everything you need to know about their character from how much their colourist hates them.

    See also Ann C, the interchangeable Fox blondes, Tomi Lahbotomy, etc…

    It’s also hilarious how KAC thinks she’s living every feminists best life when she’s essentially been reduced down to a beck and call girl for a narcissistic, tantruming toddler and has poorer job security than a trophy wife…

    • Miss Grace Jones says:

      Speaking of Ann and Tomi, someone posted that they along with Kellyanne look like the three stages of crystal meth use and I haven’t cackled like that in a long time.

  8. TheHufflepuffLizLemon says:

    Part of my job is to position facts and spin numbers to look the absolute best possible-but they’re still facts and numbers and data. A straight, knowledgeable question should still get a factual answer. These people just straight up lie or refuse to acknowledge the questions. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me.

    • Mumzy says:

      Well said!

      The dance for an actual answer .. not just words, is absolutely maddening. In business, as a taciturn person, when I do pipe up with a question and only get a word dance rather than a straightforward answer in return, I know I’m dealing with either a fool or a liar. Clear communication should not be difficult for professional communicators and if it is….there’s a problem.

  9. Iknow says:

    She has been outed as big leaker. I’m sure she has tapes as well.

  10. Tw says:

    She’s an ugly person inside and out.

  11. Indiana Joanna says:

    They are a bizarre team. I haven’t listened to her since just after the election so don’t know what she’s up to these days. Her husband, well, he seems to be enjoying some fame mileage out of drump even though he crticizes him. Probably their plan.

    • Christin says:

      Everything is deflection. He may be tweeting just to keep their options more open after this circus ends.

      If this were real, I would think her boss would be slapping back at her husband.

      • KNy says:

        That’s exactly what I think. I think they both loathe trump – Kellyanne’s description of trump when she was working for Ted Cruz could have been written by me – but they want to squeeze as much money and power from this administration as they possibly can. George’s anti-trump tweeting keeps them in the realm of sanity, so when this is all over (and they know it will be over – even if trump makes it to another term, which I don’t think he will, he can’t be president forever and there’s no one who could take his place and be that blatant of an asshole and still command the base like the does) they can point to George as the man to clean it up. And Kellyanne may be gross looking, but I would like to point out that her husband is pretty damn ugly himself. He looks like a thumb with a face painted on it. Their kids are shockingly cute.

  12. Who ARE These People? says:

    George Conway isn’t just a typical Republican, by the way. He represented Paula Jones, working with Matt Drudge and Ann Coulter in pressing that (losing) lawsuit against Bill Clinton. Before Conway, he dated Laura Ingraham. He defended Big Tobacco – and made a lot of money doing it. He’s no innocent and they’re not Carrville-Matalin (if I got the names right).

  13. adastraperaspera says:

    I feel sorry for the historians who will have to slog through her thousands of nonsense statements in order to put together a portrait of a propagandist who brazenly fought alongside a hostile foreign power to attack western liberal democracy and the rule of law. Also, Kellyanne’s grandfather was Jimmy “The Brute” DiNatale, so it seems that reporters leaving the fact she’s from a mob family out of the story is suspect. The mob has everything to do with what she’s up to with Trump.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Jimmy “The Brute,” eh? Fascinating. Gotta go look this up!

    • AMA1977 says:

      Side note, but I just want to say that her Italian genes are not doing her any favors in the aging department, which I find surprising. My Italian family members (my mom’s side) all have much less sagging, wrinkling and overall have much healthier-looking skin than KAC. My mom is almost 20 years older and doesn’t look it. I guess the combination of smoking, being an evil liar, and trying to stay skinny have wreaked havoc. Probably mostly the lying. 😉

      Also, I’m usually not one to comment on looks (especially when there is so much else to comment on!) but the fact that she acts coquettish and girlish with her saggy face and lying mouth is just particularly galling.

      • Kitten says:

        “the fact that she acts coquettish and girlish with her saggy face and lying mouth is just particularly galling.”

        YES. Such a disconnect there. Speaks to a general lack of self-awareness or maybe just arrogance. Or both.

  14. Jennifer says:

    I know that this is no laughing matter, but I had a pretty good chuckle about her trying to attribute her quote as “a person familiar” with their marriage on the record.

  15. Mona says:

    I racked my brain since day one to say something nice about her, here it is: when Helloween comes around, she doesn’t need to dress up or buy a mask to win every competition out there for scariest costume.
    Some people love Christmas so much that they never take down the decoration. Maybe she loves Helloween so much she never gets out of her scarry as hell mask and costume

  16. Jane says:

    That entity is bat-$*** crazy.

  17. Layla says:

    She looks like a non-smoking ad.

    • antipodean says:

      This, @Layla. Seeing that first picture of her I thought, beef jerky in a dress. Then I thought, that is very judgemental and uncharitable of me. Then I thought, no, you were right the first time. What is it they say about a picture being worth a thousand words, and, the camera doesn’t lie? This administration seems to be a breeding ground for cucaracha life forms.

  18. Nicegirl says:

    I love the phrasing ‘not as cute as they think they are’, what was the other one, I’m getting it wrong, Kaiser I think you used it in another post recently, it was fabulous, like, “half cute” or not? Somebody remind me?? Anyhow I love these phrases, and as for the Conway’s, ITA.

  19. Puravidacostarica says:


  20. JRenee says:

    She and her husband deserve each other…

  21. Shasha says:

    Never saw a woman who looked more like Bevis from Bevis and Butthead

  22. ettig says:

    A lot of thin woman have legs like that. Starts with 45 (when you’re thin)