Sophie Turner explains why she was weeping in the street: ‘Periods are a bitch’

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner seen out with family and friends in Manhattan

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas have been spending a lot of time in New York this summer. They were spotted in Manhattan a few days ago, on August 15th, which happened to be Joe’s 29th birthday. In most of the paparazzi photos from that day, Sophie and Joe just look normal – like they’re pissed off at the paparazzi, for sure, but just going about their day. At one point, Sophie did look like she broke down in tears though:

Part of me wonders if this is some kind of new celebrity trend, quite honestly. Like, all the hip kids like Sophie Turner and Justin Bieber are trying the new trend of “street crying.” Again, I’m all for crying. Men and women, boys and girls should all be taught to let it out, to have a good cry, rather than keeping it bottled up where it can fester. But here’s Sophie’s explanation for it:

Oh. Now it makes even more sense. Periods ARE a bitch. And yes, I’ve wept for no real reason when my PMS has been raging too. I managed to avoid tears during my last period – I just ate too much chocolate – but two periods ago, I spent about an hour crying over literally nothing. I was just sitting in a chair, weeping as I watched tennis. Ah, menstruation. It never gets any easier.

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner seen out with family and friends in Manhattan

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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77 Responses to “Sophie Turner explains why she was weeping in the street: ‘Periods are a bitch’”

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  1. Celebitchy says:

    I was eating ice cream in the morning and crying this week and I told myself it was because someone tried to break into my house the day before. Then I got my period and was like “ok, I get it.”

    • winosaurusrex says:

      MY husband is out of town for two weeks. i was up till 2:30am the first night crying my eyes out because i was absolutely convinced he was never coming home, ever again….i woke up in the morning to my period. yup. that explains EVERYTHING.

      • winosauursrex says:

        MY IUD is the best! I didn’t have period for almost a year, not i get them and they are lighter, and the cramping is much better, and I don’t get migraines every time now either. But the emotions? Those are still a pain.

        As far as insertion I had to doctor shop to find one who would do the insertion since I have not had kids. It took 3 tries for me, and it hurt, I was super crampy for about 36 hours and then I was fine. And it wasn’t constant cramping either, I’d be just fine then have a major cramp that would bring me to my knees for like the first 8 hours, and it got better after that.

      • xena says:

        I can so relate to this – and the horrible thing is, being rational doesn’t help either sometimes. One of the rules in my household is to never ever make any serious life effecting decisions in such a moment because I just can’t trust my brain anymore in such cases.

    • TheHufflepuffLizLemon says:

      I have switched to an IUD and OMG-my periods are soooo much better. I had awful, hormonal, sobbing episodes AND horrific bleeding (I’ll spare y’all the details, but I didn’t leave my house for a few days every month), and the IUD has changed my life. I’m so much happier-and they are so much lighter. Supposedly they may leave altogether, but even if they don’t, what I have now is so much better than what I had from 12-37. 25 years is enough of that hell. I know not everyone can have them, but if you’re looking for a longer BC solution-it’s a dream come true.

      • Algernon says:

        Question about your IUD, feel free not to answer but I’ve been wanting one and my doc keeps talking me down. Did you experience cramping when it was first inserted, and do you have worse cramping now you have it? Also, is yours a hormonal IUD?

      • HelloSunshine says:

        Algernon- the cramping is pretty intense when you get it in but subsides. I was told to take ibuprofen half an hour before insertion. I had mine removed because it was awful for me and the removal takes less than a minute and doesn’t hurt at all!

      • TheHufflepuffLizLemon says:

        I had some cramping when it was inserted and for 48 hours afterwards-it felt like intense period cramping. I took advil, rested like crazy, and it subsided within 48 hours. I have Mirena, which is a progesterone IUD.

        Here is what I will say about it that I haven’t covered up above:
        1) I have a ton of friends who have them. I have one friend who had a terrible experience and had hers removed, but everyone else adores them-periods are gone, and they are much, much happier.
        2) I found out during the process that my progesterone is non-existent, which is probably a contributing factor to fertility issues, terrible periods, and a host of other issues.
        3) (TMI, sex related) My husband swears he can feel the tips of the strings.
        ETA 4) You will most likely spot and bleed irregularly for the first few months. Invest in black underwear and pants 🙂

      • elle says:

        @Algernon, I have the copper one. Love it. Insertion was mildly painful, like a heavy cramp, but that was the only discomfort to me.

    • ninjacat says:

      I had to get my IUD surgically removed as it adhered to my uterus during the 5 yr timeframe. So…hope this doesn’t happen to you! There are apparently lots of issues with them in this respect.

      • Charissa Dawn Sherwood says:

        I had the copper one for five years. While I did get a bit heavier bleeding, it was a decent trade off as I was full time nursing when I had it inserted. Also, I seem to be cursed in that birth control pills exacerbate my mood swings, and having depression and ADHD on top of that was an awful combination. With having a baby and toddler around, my hsuband and I had to find adult time in between naps and tantrums and the like. Not having to worry about other forms of birth control and being able to seize the moment was nice

      • Squirrels4eva says:

        Mine was a long time ago(12 years), but it caused so many infections that the scar tissue caused by it forced me to have surgery to remove the IUD, one fallopian tube and an ovary within 2 years. It left scarring in and on my uterus. 6 years later i had to have an ablation that ultimately failed because of the scar tissue, and this year i had a hysterectomy. I’m 38. I still have scar tissue. No endometriosis, it was all from the problems with the iud. I LOVE birth control but IUD’s make me twitch.

  2. Embee says:

    Every. Freaking. Month. I feel like I am going to lose it all–my company, child, car, etc–then a day or two later I’m like, “damn. again?”

  3. OriginalLala says:

    I will just start crying hard for no reason when I PMS, the first times it happened my poor hubby (then BF) didn’t know how to handle it and was really scared something was very wrong with me. 10 years later he can basically sense when I start PMSing and he buys me wine, dark chocolate and bath bombs for the week. It’s made the worst week of the month much more bear-able!

  4. Beth says:

    I used to cry during my period every month. Endometriosis is a painful bitch

    • Mel M says:

      I was JUST at the OB yesterday because my endo has come back with a vengeance. When I started having my kids it went away for the most part but this is the longest I haven’t been pregnant or nursing in seven years so yeah, my uterus is like “Hope you didn’t forget about this!!!!!”

    • delphi says:

      Girls, I feel ya. Adenomyosis and Endometriosis, I’ve got both. So I went on birth control (Lybrel has saved my sanity for almost 2 years now), and am just biding time until my elective hysterectomy in November. It was a miracle of sorts that now, at age 37, I FINALLY have a gyno who didn’t come back at me with “oh, you’ll want children someday” when I requested the elective surgery. If I want kids, I can adopt. Lort.

    • HeyThere! says:

      Beth, I have a few friends who get endo and it’s hell on Earth for them. I have never dealt with it but I can’t wven imagine. I do get, about once a year to year and a half, cluster migraines. Talk about my own personal hell. It doesn’t matter what I have planned or RSVPed to, I’m practically praying for death to take me away when I’m in the thick of it. My migraines usually last for 20-30 hours, and cluster mingraines can be nonstop, with little relief for 5-14 days. I can’t eat, drive, sleep, care for my kids, work, I start’s as if my body is rejecting my soul. I can’t even explain it. I have been chewed out by professors, friends and even family who think I’m just bailing on something with an excuse. They say “I get headaches too and I can still go to the wedding shower” and to that I say you clearly have no idea what a migraine feels like if you are saying this to me. UGH. Sorry I’m rambling but invisible Illness is so very real and we need to start being a lot more understanding to people who have invisible illness!

      • NicoleinSavannah,GA says:

        Anyone been given that new pill for endo? I am about to start it. I suppose I’ll be a guinea pig. I was on Lupron for a while and it leaving my body is a nightmare.
        Thank you. People expect us to be in wheelchairs otherwise we aren’t sick, don’t ya know?! I had a hysterectomy last year and it is still a nightmare just with more UTI’s.

  5. Maria says:

    Wait until menopause ladies!😂

    • LadyT says:

      My sister, who is an absolute rock, had the urge to mow people down with her grocery cart, so strongly it scared her. I on the other hand had exactly one hot flash, not a single other symptom and done. Over.

      • Swack says:

        @LadyT – I went through menopause the same way and was truly grateful for it. Also with my periods no big change in my life (thank the Lord). They were easy with no cramps or pain of any sort. I can always tell when my one granddaughter is about to have hers – the bitchiness is real!

      • Agirlandherdog says:

        I never hormonal cry. However, when I’m PMSing, I WILL run people over with my grocery cart. I completely hulk out. I usually have the same epiphany CB described. I’m just filled with this complete and utter rage that blocks out everything else, so I don’t even realize what’s causing it. Then I’m like, oh, yeah, that makes sense.

        So maybe since I’m so ragey now, menopause won’t be so bad?? Finger crossed.

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        I think I hate you Lady and Swack lol! My periods were painful and emotionally awful, yes, and I started getting migraines with them in my 20s, but menopause is like periods on steroids. And not once a month…all the time. Hot flashes started early about four years ago and have gotten ridiculous over time. And if I’m not left alone, I swear I’m going eat my family for dinner lol! Messing with a woman who feels like she lives in a volcano is dangerous. My moods are bipolar, and while I realize it’s not really me, it feels like it’s really me, and the ramped up migraines keep me from doing anything. 😣 I actually have an appointment today for help. Hormones are out though because I lost mom to breast cancer which was most likely derived from hormones. Ugh.

      • LadyT says:

        My daughter has the extreme mood swings along with a pattern of intrusive, devastating thoughts that she can’t keep at bay during PMS. I taught her to basically chant “Hormones lie, hormones lie…” to power through it. She says it helps.

      • Rosalee says:

        It was a relief when menopause hit. It’s been 7 years of freedom..the hot flashes and mood swings lasted about six months.

    • Phat girl says:

      No doubt Maria!
      I’m just starting with the hot flashes and what I call car crying. When i start to get that emotional overwhelm coming on I just wait until I’m driving and let it go! I’m surprised no one has called the police to report that poor woman who must be having a nervous breakdown in the car at the red light because sometimes I will smile and nod at the person in the next car over who can’t help but stare and wonder what’s wrong with me.

    • Laura says:

      Mara….what I was thinking, then there’s menopause ugh. It’s a cakewalk just like menstruation lol.
      Everyone’s experience is different tho, some people just sail thru, others not so much. You dont realize what all that estrogen did for you till its gone🤤

    • Jane says:

      My men. hot flashes are just killing me. On top of that I’m sweating profusely. My friend told me to take Evening Primrose. I have it on order. God, I hope it works.

    • Nancy says:

      Thanks Maria, something to look forward too. I was going to call her a spoiled brat and say if she’s crying over PMS, wait till she has a baby! I knew that would get the ire of too many so I swallowed it until I saw the menopause comment. There are ways to deal with PMS if you do your homework. I did. My husband didn’t like the bitch who lived with him a couple days of the month and I didn’t care for myself either.

    • Michelle says:

      Preach Maria! You will laugh, cry, cuss someone out, and coo over a kitten all in five minutes time. I can be freezing one minute and then sweating the next. I’ve gone four months with no period, and then BAM! one comes and lasts ten days. At least that is what I’m dealing with. I know everyone is different. I just dropped my last child off at college today and I am not emotional yet ( it hasn’t hit me that she’s gone). My husband is afraid.

  6. Lara says:

    What I don’t understand is why it shocks me every month that I will start to cry for no reason, want all the carbs and then when I get my period its the light bulb moment. Surely I would have realised by now!

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      I remember that! And I remember saying that every stinking month. So weird we can press a reset button at the end of a cycle and be caught unawares, again, in two-and-a-half weeks.

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      Yeah, I’m watching what I eat right now, and every month, it’s like, “Damn, why am I blasting straight through my calorie limit these days. I have no self-control, I have no discipline, I have…cramps? Oh, right. This again.”

      You’d think at some point your own period would stop being an enormous gotcha.

  7. savu says:

    It’s sappy commercials (that I’ve seen before) that usually get me. All of a sudden I’m bawling. And I can’t stop! Sometimes I’m even aware of how ridiculous it is, but there’s just nothing I can do about it.

  8. Sansa says:

    Obviously from my name you realize I love her and she is a wonderful role model for young teen age girls. Its ok to cry. I am hoping Sophie is cast as Diana in ‘The Crown’ it’s my dream casting pick. Then she can act this all out again dressed as Diana!

  9. Case says:

    I’m not a crier most of the time, and yet I still haven’t gotten wise to the fact that if I’m violently sobbing over a commercial or freaking out over something minuscule, my period is probably a’coming. Lol. I feel for her and 100% believer her.

  10. Lala11_7 says:

    I ALWAYS felt as if I were in an “Alien” movie and the creature was trying to BURST out of my uterus…add that to ALL the other wonderful symptoms you get…yeah, I OVERSTAND why she was bawling!!!

    It’s UNRELENTING!!! I see in Italy, they’re going to start letting women get paid leave to deal with their period …and I remember almost getting WRITTEN UP at my job for absences regarding that back in the day…the ONLY thing that saved me is that my period was like CLOCKWORK every month…and I had them pull out a calendar and take a look…one day, the same date…EVERY MONTH!!!

    • Amelie says:

      Omg me too! Before I went on birth control, I had the WORST cramps. They were only on the first two days of my period and only lasted a few hours–maybe 2-3. But those few hours were enough to physically incapacitate me and bring me to a fetal position, moaning in a darkened room. If I took Advil when I noticed the warning signs, usually I’d be okay. It wouldn’t completely take all the pain away–just dull it enough that I could function like a normal human being. Since birth control, the cramps are pretty much non-existent. I get occasional minor twinges now and then but nothing like the gut wrenching stuff I used to deal with where it felt like some kind of thing was trying to claw its way out of me. I’d get light headed, dizzy, and nauseous (never actually threw up though I know some women do) and was just a puddle of mush. Happened a few times in public places–those were always fun.

  11. HelloSunshine says:

    Yep yep! It takes basically nothing to make me cry on my period. And now I’m that pregnant, it’s even worse. See a cute dog? Cry! Ran out of Rocky Road? Get those tears ready! A baby bunny is in the yard? Oh girl, it’s time to be emotionally devastated 😂

  12. Jenns says:

    Yesterday I was in the grocery store and couldn’t figure out what I wanted to eat. I kept walking in circles and almost broke down because I felt so confused. I ended up just buying two different type of dinner rolls.

    I got my period this morning.

    • C says:

      Sounds like my pregnancy lol

    • Lauren says:

      @ Jenna

      My dear, this EXACTLY. I was crying tears of laughter over your comment.
      Last week, my sweet boyfriend accompanied me to our local co-op, and after about 10 minutes of watching me wandering, aimless and apparently heartbroken, he asked me quietly if I was having a bad period. I looked at him sideways, and he said, “ well, you’re dragging your bags on the ground and I noticed you were teary looking at ice cream.” Lord have mercy. It’s so true.

    • Spicecake38 says:

      I’m sorry I missed this post yesterday,bc I really relate to what everyone is saying.I had to comment here because I’ve had the grocery store experience during PMS -walking through the aisles with an empty cart,no food at home,and a hungry family waiting for me to cook.Once (at least)I just walked out overwhelmed and went through Wendy’s instead,told my family to deal with it,yell,cry,and then…period starts and my brain is reset to normal in a couple days .Now after breast cancer and reconstruction it’s super weird bc my breasts obviously have zero feeling,and my usual main PMS symptom was breast soreness,so I have mental distress,anxiety,and odd shoots of phantom pain where my nipples were.I feel like a freak some of these days.

  13. Rebecca says:

    Painful periods run in my family. My periods used to feel like the beginning stages of labor. My sister experienced the same. My poor daughter has the same pain now. The pain combined with the hormones was too much sometimes. I used to cry every once in awhile because of it. I feel for her.

  14. Veronica S. says:

    When I was younger and not on BC, my periods were so bad I’d literally be folded over in pain dry-heaving. I couldn’t use tampons, either, because I bled so heavily I could go through 2-3 in one hour on a heavy day. It was only when I got older that my doctor was like…”You thought this was normal?” So, yeah, I get it. While I’m not thrilled with how men take these kind of conversations and run with them to suggest women are emotional and irrational, a little more honest dialogue about what women deal with while still maintaining daily functioning would be nice.

    • InquisitiveNewt says:

      My patronising old family doctor used to tell me, when I went to complain to him about period pains so horrific that I used to bang my head against a wall to have a different kind of pain, that it “will all stop once you have a baby”. Great reason for procreation, right? He dismissed endometriosis for years – the fact that my waist increased by 10 inches every month at that time was apparent ‘normal’ – and the monthly thoughts of doom, death and mountains of crisps. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I now take the pill without a break (it isn’t a real bleed anyway, so pointless) and feel completely liberated.

  15. Nicegirl says:

    I think it is great that this topic is becoming talked about so much more in the mainstream. And periods suck, and they never do get better!!! Now I’m in the like, before menopause stage and it also sucks hard. Love that these two popular celebrities are not ‘grossed out’ like back in the day. Very cool.

  16. Tallia says:

    Preach. 3 days before I get Mother Nature’s gift I have to remind myself not to make any important decisions. During those three days I am a lunatic, I cry over the smallest thing, imagine that people have slighted me… “what do you mean you like my shorts? are you trying to say I look fat???”

  17. Jane says:

    Glad she addresses the photos head on.

    Women make up 50% of the population but menstruation is not commonly discussed.

    I get bad periods but I now that advil,prenatal and iron pills and use a diva cup to manage.

  18. C says:

    He has really thick thighs.

    • amilou says:

      Haha. It reminds me of a John Mulaney joke. Not that Joe Jonas has a high waist, but looking at him made me feel like one of the mean 8th graders in this joke —–meanest-people-in-the-world

    • me says:

      He seems to have put on weight. A lot of people put on weight when they are in a happy relationship…so I guess good for him?!

    • Nancy says:

      I’m so glad you said that. I looked and thought that men aren’t usually built that way. Maybe the look doesn’t bother him. If it does, I’d suggest jeans that actually move with his body, damn those are tight, and a longer shirt. I should have put a shaming alert first, since people get touchy, but dude has some thick thighs on him for realz! Sansa doesn’t care at all, didn’t even notice, she’s too into herself. Sorry, least fav character on GoT!

      • Spicecake38 says:

        Yeah ,I had to do a double take,it’s unusual to see a man built that way.That or the jeans make him look to be built in a pear shape way that you don’t often see with guys.I look awful in skinny jeans,bc I have slim thighs but thicker calves-so no judgement to him,just buy better cut jeans 😉

    • Cas says:

      Omg I’m trying not to be too mean but he looks awful

    • MerrymerrymonthofMay says:

      He needs to NOT skip leg day at the gym!!!

  19. LORENA says:

    Off topic but his pants are SO tight lol

  20. Marianne says:

    Listen, I have cried out in public before too. The only difference is I dont have people following me around taking pictures of every move for the whole world to scrutinize.

  21. Malachite says:

    Bleeding time always surprises me. Partly because my periods were very irregular for most of my life due to PCOS and partly because I live in a fantasy world in my brain where sea-cats populate the ocean 😉

    Found out I have the MTHFR gene mutation, got on prescription L-methylfolate and L-ferrous sulfate (sp?) (iron). Cycle is quite regular now but the PMS can still be hell. Last month I thought the world was ending because I was out of fancy chocolate. I also cried because my cats are so cute and it is too much for me to handle and also WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE, OMG I NEED CHOCOLATE!

  22. me says:

    Why did women get the short end of the stick? Something so natural shouldn’t be so awful. PMS, period, some women get post-menstrual syndrome too, then pregnancy, childbirth, and then menopause. For those of us who don’t want kids, alllll of that for nothing ! Those that do have kids, well I guess it was worth it for you ! It’s funny because in health education they never taught us all the symptoms of PMS. I just thought it was cramps, bloating, and crying. Nope. Your gums can bleed and hurt, you can get joint pain, sinus problems, eye issues, digestive problems, anxiety, and the list goes on. It’s insane what we women have to go through.

  23. Addison says:

    PMS. Just the worst.

    But on another note those pants look awful on him.

  24. Jess says:

    Awe, I feel her pain. I get batshit crazy a few days before, like scary sensitive then mean as hell.

  25. Rainbow says:

    I get really emotional when I’m PMS-ing. But most of time I have had such painful cramps I actually can’t get up and do anything. Last month it was so bad I had nausea and vomiting, then passed out from the pain. Awful.

  26. fallopianmonster says:

    My period itself has never been bad, very light, short and minimal cramping.

    The PMS, though? Holy shit. Lots of mood swings, and now that I’m in perimenopause (something few talk about because most only care about the beginning and end), it’s a little worse. I have weird bloating, insomnia inconsistently, night sweats from time to time…

    I can’t tolerate synthetic hormones, so birth control is a big no for me, and if you can’t tolerate them, either – beware the Mirena! Oh – and insertion was nothing for me, didn’t really feel it more than I felt a pap smear. Went back to work like nothing happened. But. That thing almost made me have a breakdown. I was crying ON VACATION and would’ve yanked that fucker out if I could’ve! I made an appointment while on vacation in another country to have it removed, and it took my body a while to readjust. I felt like a weight or a dark cloud had been removed from my life.

    Dong quai and black cohosh tea, calcium/mg supplements and B-complex have helped me, but as you age, the symptoms can be really inconsistent and hard to get on top of. Hang in there, ladies…

  27. LT says:

    Lo loestrin Fe – haven’t had a period in years.

  28. Justwastingtimr says:

    Blessed and lucky to have regular periods and relatively mild hormonal swings (but with bad cramps so I didn’t get off scott free) so I was surprised when my hormones went haywire (ie me =bat shit crazy) while pregnant .

    I really wonder how much men would talk and whine about this stuff, if it happened to them.

    • Spicecake38 says:

      Men would have a law where they could have 7-10 days off of work,piss and moan,do nothing,and tell women that we don’t know what they’re going through.

  29. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    And they’re really a bitch if you have endometriosis. So painful! I finally had a hysterectomy.

  30. JayneEryeApparent says:

    I remember I met my friends’ dad for the first time and ended up crying on his shoulder for God knows what reason. He had 4 daughter’s, so he didn’t bat an eye. PMS is horrible, and menopause isn’t any better, lol.

  31. nikki says:

    She gets a pass from me. Been there.