Texas GOP thoughtfully reminds everyone that Beto O’Rourke was hot in the ’90s

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I’ll admit it: I haven’t been following the Texas Senate race that closely. I basically only read the headlines. Zodiac Killer Ted Cruz is the incumbent Republican senator, and Democrat Beto O’Rourke is the challenger. I do know that O’Rourke was been running a smart campaign and he’s winning over the key demographics in Texas: women, Hispanics, progressives, young people. In polling this week, O’Rourke is only one point behind Ted Cruz! So, obviously, the Texas GOP establishment is scared witless. And because they’re so out-of-touch, they tried to slam Beto O’Rourke by… posting a photo of him in the ‘90s, when he looked hot as hell.

I would have had such a crush on Beto in college, OMG. HE IS SO HOT. Also smoking hot? His mug shot from the ‘90s, which the Texas GOP also posted:

*stares at dreamy mugshot*

I’m sorry, what was the point of this? Is the Texas GOP just trying to remind us that Beto was really hot and really cool, and that he’s still pretty attractive and pretty cool? In addition to being the Zodiac Killer, Ted Cruz also found time to be a mime.

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148 Responses to “Texas GOP thoughtfully reminds everyone that Beto O’Rourke was hot in the ’90s”

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  1. Darla says:

    Wonkette wrote an hilarious piece about this yesterday. I was cracking up.

  2. Muffy says:

    Beto is every teen girl’s fantasy from 1994, and I’m here for it.

    • delphi says:

      Same. He’s my political crush fo-sho.

      He’s also not above a good mea culpa. I love the fact that when he was called out for possibly violating the STOCK Act, he self-reported to the Congressional Ethics Office, and promptly sold off the offending shares he’d purchased along with any money he’d made to Treasury. (The office found out he wasn’t in violation of anything, just FYI). Holy hell, he’s ethical. Who’d have thought a politician could still do that?

      Texas folks, PLEASE ELECT THIS MAN!!!!

    • Diana says:

      Yes… I can practically feel myself climbing out the window of my parents house and running down the street to meet up with this hotness… Like damn! 😍

      • Lilly says:

        Ha ha. Thanks you made me laugh so hard.

      • FrontRowblinde says:

        Remembering the hot moody college bfs- inspired by the Cure? Indy film cinema noir Sigh…even more soulful when They grow up to unseat the exablishment! More soulful sighing…

    • Lightpurple says:

      Beto 2018 is doing quite a bit for my grown up adult fantasies.

    • Esmom says:

      Me, too. Yesterday’s twitter kerfuffle about this gave me life. He was and still is super hot to me. And his campaign should be an example to all Dems.

    • Sadezilla says:

      Yep, I’d hit it, sweaty shirt and all!

  3. manda says:

    Omg I wish I lived in Texas just so I could vote for him! (I wanted to live in Texas when Wendy Davis was running too. I LOOOOOOVE HER!!!! Texas democrats are badass!! Just watched Charlie Wilson’s War again last night)

    • Muffy says:

      Vote blue, no matter where you are. Go check that you are still registered and show up on Election Day. Even if you live in a safe blue district we can’t take the chance. And, there’s probably a race near you that needs help. Volunteer and give!

      • manda says:

        oh no worries on any of those points. I’ve actually worked at the polls before. I live in a blue state, but I’ve donated to other candidates. I donated to beto months ago. It’s crazy to me that I could have such physical reactions of hate to ted cruz, mitch mcconnell. I just don’t understand how anyone votes for those guys

      • delphi says:

        @manda I’m in Kentucky, and sheer willful ignorance with a healthy dose of voter apathy is how Mitch McConnell gets reelected. That, and the Dems candidates are just…well, they’ve just been absolutely AWFUL people. Terrible. (His current opponent, Matt Jones, is top of the “terrible” list.) The KDP has run itself into the ground by becoming essentially the KYGOP…just with Jettas and Prius in the parking lot instead of gas-guzzling SUVs. They are literally interchangeable at this point. Oy. But those of us who want change are actively working for it. But it’s a long, hard struggle.

        Edited to add: My local US House race is giving me hope. Amy McGrath is the Dem candidate against incumbent asswipe Andy Barr…check her out. I have a good feeling about November for the first time in ages:


      • stripes says:

        @Delphi – I’m also in the 6th District in Kentucky. CANNOT WAIT TO VOTE FOR AMY McGRATH! My husband and were stopped in traffic next to her about a month ago in our hometown and we lost our minds. Co-sign your KDP comments. They’ve made a few positive leadership changes but the old guard needs to go home!

    • Juls says:

      Donate! You can donate money to o’Rourke and Gillum in Florida. Even if its just $10 every payday, every dollar counts. You don’t have to live/vote in these places to make a difference. Cheers!

    • zinjojo says:

      You can donate! He takes no money from PACs, his funding is all small donors — I live in CA but am a TX native and have been supporting his campaign for months! Just yesterday the campaign reached out to me to ask if I can volunteer — even remote, there are ways to participate other than donating. He’s not only hot, he’s intelligent and incredibly well spoken.

      • a reader says:

        Thank you so much for supporting him from afar, zinjojo! Every little bit counts in this people powered campaign.

    • Katy says:

      I live in Texas and I am so excited about Beto!!! My husband and I have sent money to support him and we will be there early to vote for not only O’Rourke but for all democrats on the ticket.

    • tealily says:

      I don’t live in Texas but I just chipped in $20 to his campaign! Damn, that Texas GOP tweet backfired! I hope the money’s rolling in today.

    • Giddy says:

      Texan here, and I have donated to Beto, have his signs in my yard, and his bumper sticker on my car. I’m so excited about having a wonderful candidate running against the mutant lizard/weasel combination known as Ted Cruz.

  4. Carol says:

    The Texas GOP has got to be packed with IDIOTS.

    • Lala11_7 says:

      It’s…the GOP…so…yea…

    • Veronica S. says:

      Considering that Texas is gerrymandered to shit, they could afford to be, which is what’s making watching them scramble so much funnier.

      • Katy says:

        That gerrymandering pisses me off to no end!! The GOP totally took over my wonderful state and now Texans look like a bunch of idiots!! I can’t stand them…

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Have you heard what the Federal government is doing to Hispanic Americans born in Texas? They are denying their passport applications/renewals and throwing them into detention centers and setting them up for deportation. The gov’t is saying that some midwives falsified some birth certificates in the past, so they are arbitrarily trying to revoke citizenship of American citizens.

      Some of these people left the US with valid passports, only to be told they can’t get back into the country. The Washington Post talked with a man who this happened to, and he is a US Veteran.

      This is completely horrifying and needs more attention.


      • Dara says:

        Horrifying. If the federal government can revoke citizenship based on supposed irregularities in birth documents, no one is safe.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Reminds me more and more of Nazi Germany.

      • Veronica S. says:

        This apparently started under Bush and hadn’t petered out until 2010. The Trump administration is just ramping it back up and making even more ridiculous demands.

  5. Lucy2 says:

    That mime photo is going to haunt my dreams.
    This whole thing smacks of desperation, and I couldn’t be happier. Cruz is the worst, and I really, really hope he gets voted out of office, and I’m enjoying how scared he must be about that.
    Beto has been traveling nonstop and getting out there and meeting so many people. I hope it pays off for him.

  6. Jegede says:

    He looks like one of Robert Kennedy’s kids.

    • Christin says:

      I saw a Kennedy resemblance, too.

    • a reader says:

      He legit looks just like RFK in person, only slightly slimmer. And if you’ve seen the anthem video he absolutely gives off RFK vibes. This is our guy, i LOVE HIM and want him to win SO BADLY.

  7. Doodle says:

    I’m a Canadian living in Texas so I can’t vote. But I loooove Beto. I’m in austin and the Beto love is real.

    • Christin says:

      I don’t understand how being in a 1990s band is a bad thing. Seems like something that would backfire, especially in music/art-centered places like Austin?

      • Esmom says:

        Yeah, it was just a stupid narrative for the GOP to try to push. Clueless.

      • Chaine says:

        My impression of Texas is millions of elderly white guys in cowboy hats driving pickup trucks around their cow ranches, so I could totally see that demographic getting riled up to defeat a “young whippernapper” that played “that rock and roll, the devils music” but of course to reach that demographic their party seems to have presumed that all those old guys are on Twitter which I doubt.

      • KB says:

        @Chaine “my impression of Texas is millions of…”

        You had the millions part right. Old white guys? Maybe. But also, millions of Hispanics, millions of African Americans, millions of young people, and over a million Asian Americans. We’re gerrymandered to shit down here, but it’s an incredibly diverse state with some of the largest, most diverse cities in the US.

        Also, Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, you think it’s all just a bunch of “cow ranches?” Lol As a native Texan, I’ll always be touchy about the cowboy stuff, I guess. It’s like no matter how separate it is from reality, we’ll always just be some 1970s western in some people’s minds.

    • escondista says:

      Cosign in Austin. Beto signs everywhere…but I feel like it’s expected here. Can we get Beto signs everywhere in rural east and west Texas? doubtful…but we sure can try!

      • funfactor says:

        I live in Austin and am thrilled by how many Beto yard signs I’ve seen! The only Ted Cruz sign I saw was in Georgetown (Sun City AKA The Necropolis).

      • macky says:

        Alpine representing and if you know West TX you know how hard we are working :)! More BETO signs than any other here in town and we are working HARD. Cruz, we are coming for you!!! Solidarity to Central Tejas 😉

      • FLORC says:

        I had no idea who Beto was until today. I’m in Kaine and say a Beto sign in my college town. Betting a student from Texas did it.
        Getting the background on this I kind of love it!

  8. OriginalLala says:

    Ted Cruz is just one of those people who definitely owns an island where he hunts people.

    • Elkie says:

      …with tranquilliser darts.

      Then they wake up the centre segment of a human centipede and both ends are clones of Ted Cruz.

  9. Tash says:

    I died yesterday when I read one tweet re: this –
    @AntonHand – It must really sting that while Ted was shedding his skin for the 6th time and distending his jaw to eat large rabbits, his opponent was out busy doing cool human things.

  10. Franny Days says:

    Just moved to Texas and registered to vote. Beto has my vote. So ready for creepy Ted to be out!

  11. Snowflake says:

    Cant stand ted cruz

  12. Sofia says:

    I’m a volunteer on his campaign, and he’s the real deal. He’ll “only” be representing Texas, but remember that the Senate votes to confirm future Supreme Court justices, so this is a race that matters to everyone. A lot of the Cruz supporters argue that he’s young and inexperienced, but he’s only two years younger than Cruz and has spent six years in the House, just as Cruz has spent six years in the Senate.

    • Abby says:

      Two years younger than Cruz???

      I live in Texas and in addition to the Democrats, all the disillusioned anti-trump Republicans I know are for Beto. I’ve been really impressed with him. I hope he wins, and I hope he goes far in politics.

    • a reader says:

      Thank you for putting your boots on the ground Sophia! I’m also volunteering for him. *solidarity fist* Let’s do this!!

    • lucy2 says:

      He’s only 2 years younger than Cruz??? Wow, apparently hate, bigotry, and creepiness can really age a guy.

  13. Persistent says:

    Hot in the 1990s??? HES HOT IN 2018 BABY!!!!

  14. hnmmom says:

    Texan here, spent the last 14 months volunteering for Beto. I’ve met him in person a few times, heard him speak a lot. He’s the real deal. I try to block walk at least once a week for him and every.single.time I meet at least one self-proclaimed die-hard Republican who says “Oh, I hate Ted Cruz”.

    Meanwhile, as others have pointed out, does the TX GOP not see how having the incumbent begging to debate the upstart makes them look desperate? They are FREAKING OUT and it shows. And Cruz is so afraid of Beto that the debate dates his campaign proposed were all Friday nights during high school football season, which is a gigantic no-no here. Cruz doesn’t want an audience, he already knows he’s going to look bad.

    • a reader says:

      Hi five fellow Texan! It is GLORIOUS to see how scared Cruz is. He knows he’s in trouble.

    • Caitrin says:

      …which is deeply ironic, since Cruz was a collegiate debater.

      Beto O’Rourke’s campaign gives me such hope. He’s a uniter. He’s thoughtful. He’s not bought and paid for by Super PAC’s and special interest groups. He’s willing to engage with his constituents, and not just at $500/plate fundraising dinners.

      We need more Betos. And we need more campaigns like his, where candidates visit every corner of their district or state to really listen.

    • AnneC says:

      Californian here who has donated to Beto. We’re going to a wedding in Dallas next week (they’re getting married on the field at Texas ranger stadium!) and I need some Beto buttons for at least the rehearsal dinner. Our niece, the bride, and her family are very liberal, rest of my husband’s family not so much. Should be interesting.

  15. Lightpurple says:

    Yesterday, I saw someone refer to the mug shot as: “viciously sexy.” It works.

  16. Adrien says:

    These old photos diggings remind me of the MadTv news photo sketch with Stephnie Weir.

  17. LBR says:

    Ted Cruz couldn’t get that hot if he was standing in the middle of a fire.

    • Christin says:

      He wouldn’t look hot, but he would look at home. Especially if he had horns and a pitchfork in said fire.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      Speaking of fire, commentators here are on fire today and I am loving it! I needed these laughs, ladies (and gents). Thanks!

  18. A reader says:

    YESSSSSS that’s my future senator! As others have said Beto is the real deal. I’ve also met him several times and am volunteering. Something big is happening in texas yall….

    • OriginalLala says:

      the fact that I have heard this also from several of my american friends, fills me with hope!!

      • a reader says:

        Same. I’ve been volunteering or working for Democratic candidates in Texas for 20 years and have suffered so many losses that the expectation of losing is now embedded in my DNA.

        I have never seen the level of excitement that is associated with this campaign. I have always been very… cynical about Beto’s chances. But something is happening. Something is changing. Over the past 2 weeks in particular I’ve noticed that my cynicism is being replaced by a very unfamiliar feeling…. hope. Hope that Texans will do the right thing. Hope that never Trump Republicans and thoughtful independents will join us in electing this man. Hope that young people will get out to the polls in huge numbers. Hope that we may finally rid ourselves of that useless blob of grandstanding room temperature mayonnaise that is Rafael Cruz.

        Thank you SO MUCH for supporting us from afar. I am pouring all my energy into helping Beto get across the finish line and I know thousands of volunteers in Texas are doing the same thing.

  19. I’ve been following Beto for months and he’s just amazing. He works like crazy, doesn’t take PAC money, made a road trip video with fellow Texan Congressman Will Hurd that won a “Civility in Political Discourse” award. His response to a question about NFL players taking a knee was superb to the point even James LeBron took notice. So did NYT’s Charles Blow.

    Cruz is desperate to appear as youthful and nimble. He released a pitiful video of himself trying and failing to throw a basketball through a hoop. It was awful. He tells jokes hoping to look like he’s a fun guy too, but are dumb beyond belief. Frustrated with his lack of fun guy recognition traction, he released the “damning” photos. Hahahaha.

    Cruz is 47, Beto is 45. Cruz is vampire Grandpa Munster. Beto is well, gorgeous.

  20. E says:

    He voted against relief for Hurricane Harvey victims. He is shady.

    • zinjojo says:

      Take the time to learn the facts — he voted against it because he thought it short changed the efforts and provided less tax relief than bills for Katrina. But go ahead and swallow the line that the Zodiac Killer Cruz puts out.

      • Beth says:

        This is what leads to problems. When people just read headlines, and don’t take a little extra time to actually read and learn facts, they jump to conclusions that lead to the bad guys being elected

    • LT says:


      Bless your heart

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Beto voted against the *first* iteration of that bill because it did not include all affected areas of the US and her territories. Once it was revised to include Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands he voted yes.

  21. Jennifer says:

    I live in a rural farming town in Texas, and there are Beto signs everywhere!! I have yet to see a single yard sign for Ted Cruz. There are yard signs for Beto on every street, I’m so hopeful for the midterms!

    • a reader says:

      I love hearing this! I don’t know anyone who likes Ted Cruz and I know a LOT of Republicans.

      We need the rural counties to show up for Beto…. that will help put him over the top.

    • dubblk says:

      This makes me so happy to hear!!! Dallas is COVERED with Beto signs (including my yard, which has two!) so it gives me hope, but at the same time, I’ve lived in a bubble before so it scares me to think this could be another bubble situation. I feel so much better knowing that rural farming towns are equally excited about Beto! YAY!!!! I actually saw a Ted Cruz sign a couple weeks ago (the only one I’ve seen) and I laughed out loud. It was so weird and lonely, surrounded by all the Beto ones.

    • Jerusha says:

      That’s encouraging! Last Fall I reported that there were Doug Jones signs all over Mobile and almost no Kiddie Diddler Moore signs. And we won!!👍🏻👍🏻Go Beto!

  22. KNy says:

    I think he’s so much more handsome now. Like, he grew into himself. And watching him talk about athletes kneeling…*swoon*

  23. Dana marie says:

    Beto for Senate!! Thanks y’all for supporting an El Pasoan!

  24. launicaangelina says:

    I live in a conservative Texas city and Beto signs are everywhere I turn! I’m so excited about Beto’s campaign and look forward to voting for him this fall.

  25. a reader says:

    That’s my future Senator!! I can testify – having met him a few times and being an active volunteer – that he is the REAL DEAL. I firmly believe that if we can push him over the finish line that he will be our first great GenX politician… FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for the opportunity for my generation to step up and lead and this guy is IT. He’s thoughtful, compassionate, a true uniter (I have met sooooo many Republicans at his events and they feel welcomed and included in this movement), and he is running a fantastic campaign. And let me say he gives me serious RFK vibes….

    I would highly recommend, if you have not seen it, you all go watch this viral video of him speaking about the NFL anthem issue. THIS is the kind of guy he is.


    • Dara says:

      Yes, everyone should watch that video. It was the perfect answer to a very emotional and complicated issue. I’ve been trying to explain to my family for years why I feel so strongly about this, but it never came out quite right. Now I know exactly what to say.

    • Sandy Eggo says:

      Same!! I live in a notoriously conservative area of Texas not far from Austin. Beto had a rally at a small city here this week and drew ~1500 people. He is really building momentum here lately… even Republicans are getting behind him. He is the real deal: genuine, smart, engaged, and articulate. And super dreamy (and TALL) in person!!! Beto does not take one dime of PAC money and he still manages to outraise creepy Cruz.

      I’ve come to learn there are way more Democrats in Texas than people realize. One problem is many just don’t vote b/c it seems pointless. I’m trying to not get my hopes up too much, but I think Beto has a very good chance.

    • mx says:

      YES to the first GenX political leader!!!! I’ve been waiting for the generational power shift, too – READY FOR IT.

      • Nic919 says:

        I am not American, but I get the sense that this guy could be president. He has charisma reminiscent of Barack Obama. After the idiot toddler child currently desecrating the office, I am hoping American voters vote for someone who provides hope. That is if people are still allowed to vote.

  26. PunkyMomma says:

    Beto is the real deal. My dried-up ovaries started dropping eggs at the sight of band-boy Beto. He’s getting a donation from my wallet.

    Cruz, OTHO, in mime face, would scare the sh*t out of Pennywise.

  27. LT says:

    I live in Houston and it’s crazy how many Beto yard signs there are.

    I have met Beto (I actually have a picture with him and his lovely wife) and I will say he’s even better looking in person. He’s very, very tall.

    • a reader says:

      The only time I’ve felt shorter is the one time I met Dirk Nowitzki! LOL

      Beto is more than a foot taller than I am…. LOL

  28. adastraperaspera says:

    Great example of how a campaign can make mistakes if they don’t understand the use of social media. I hope this helps motivate young voters to register! Go Beto!!

  29. IlsaLund says:

    It would be wonderful if Beto could unseat Zodiac Cruz. Could someone answer a question? I read a comment recently that Ted Cruz is such an expert debater that Beto has no chance once they debate. That Cruz will handily win the debate and that will put out the Beto fire. I’ve never watched anything Cruz related and don’t know his debating skills, so what are your thoughts?

    • Christin says:

      I don’t know about their debating skills, but HRC seemingly prepared for and won every debate in 2016 and look what happened.

      Someone else posted that Zodiac’s team wants a debate on a Friday night, which even I have heard is completely devoted to high school football in Texas towns. So maybe they want no live viewers and then will chop up the video as they like?

      • a reader says:

        Christin that’s pretty much it. Cruz is scared sh*tless of Beto. Beto’s been trying to negotiate to get debates in good time frames when folks will watch. Cruz tried pushing for one tomorrow night, ON FRIDAY NIGHT when Texas high school football season kicks off – so that less eyes would be on the debates. Beto told him to kick rocks and I support that.

        Cruz’s debate skills are overrated. This myth about him being good at debating comes from his time spent as a debater in college where by all accounts he was very competent. However, he’s never debated anyone like Beto. I do not believe for one second that Cruz will win the debates. He is so clearly running scared!

    • whatWHAT? says:

      eh, he was on his college’s debate team, but that’s all I know about his skills.

      the fact that he wants ALL of the debates to be on Friday nights should tell you that he’s not really excited about his potential performance. Friday nights in Texas are ALL ABOUT high school football – think “Friday Night Lights” – so nobody will be watching any debates.

      which is what Cruz wants. telling.

    • Chaine says:

      Lol this reminds me of the video from the presidential campaign where Cruz tried to hug and kiss one of his children and she screamed “oww” and pushed away from him.

      • Esmom says:

        I know, I remember that, too. And also the one where he inadvertently smacked his wife in the face as he was trying to reach around her or something.

  30. Ninks says:

    I said yesterday my political crush was Andrew Gillum, but yeah, this guy does it for me too.

  31. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Beto is the only politician I have donated to recently. And I live in Illinois! Turning Texas Blue would be a MAJOR thing and Beto is actually a candidate I can get behind. I listened to his interview on Pod Save America and he was so inspiring. Im praying that we can pull it off in Texas as well as Florida. I will be donating to Andrew Gillum as well!

  32. Ennie says:

    I’m in another country, but Beto has my vote!

  33. Lindy says:

    We’re in Texas and have been at several Beto events. A friend of mine is a Beto ambassador who does a ton of grassroots organizing and has spent time with him on the campaign trail. He really is just as advertised. Ethical, engaged with the issues that matter to everyday people, totally committed… I loathe Cruz and Cornyn, and while I don’t think realistically that Beto will pull it off this time (just too many factors weighing against his win), he’s singlehandedly reinvigorated the Left in Texas and he’s laying the groundwork for a stronger future (if we can survive the reign of the orange fuhrer).

    • Ana says:

      This is sad to know that even with Beto’s hardwork Texas will still go for Ted Cruz, the Canadian.

      • Lindy says:

        Oh, I TOTALLY hope I’m wrong, and the margins are within major upset territory so I definitely think it’s in the realm of possibility. I’m a data junkie, though, and unless turnout is beyond even a basic wave and ends up a complete tsunami, I don’t know how Beto’s gonna get the numbers. In the primary, where Dem turnout was much higher than normal for a midterm year primary, the GOP voters *still* got higher turnout.

        That said, Beto’s been busting his a$$ since the primary, and his name-recognition has gone up nationally and across TX since then, so that may really help things along. Plus–tragically–the caged children and vile ICE stories that come out daily here may in fact motivate Latinx voters to come vote in greater numbers. (I do some community organizing volunteer work here around getting out the vote, so I’m paying a lot of attention to those projections). The really awful thing is that the fear and anxiety of showing up to a polling place for many Latinx voters (regardless of immigration status) may make it hard to turn out the vote. It’s a legit fear and I hate hate hate what Drumpf has done to create terror.

      • Chickadee says:

        Another Texan here and proud Beto supporter (3 yard signs!). While I’m super hopeful and optimistic about his chances (latest poll has Cruz with only a 1 pt lead!), I think even if he doesn’t win the senate race — he may carry a lot of Texas Dems to victory in their house races. There is so much enthusiasm about him all over Texas that I think it will really drive turnout and many of the Texas “swing” districts (seats traditionally held by Rs but in districts that Hillary carried) will end up going blue. Even though Texas is generally thought of as solid red, it’s really not. Trump won Ohio (a state that is always thought to be in play) by 8 points. He won Texas by 9. The blue wave is coming — it’s just a matter of when. Fingers crossed it’s this year.
        Also, anyone else on board with a “Honk for Beto” campaign?

      • Arpeggi says:

        Please don’t insult Canada, we’re not responsible for Ted Cruz! But remember that Texas once had Ann Richards for governor and that woman was pretty bad a$$! There is hope!!

      • OriginalLala says:

        As a Canadian, we do not want to be associated with Ted Cruz!1 😉

        also as a Canadian – please make the blue wave happen. We need it it, Trump’s alt right crap is affecting us alot too.

      • Ana says:

        My apologies for saying that Ted is a Canadian. Didn’t mean that as an insult. I meant is as him supposedly not being a US citizen. My bad!

    • phlyfiremama says:

      Linda, I agree with everything you said except him not being able to win. He is within ONE PERCENTAGE POINT in the polls~he has EVERY chance to win, and win big!! I haven’t seen so many Texans mobilized in forever, and I worked on trying to get Wendy Davis elected as Texas Governor instead of that slimeball Abbott. Beto is GOING to win this~

      • Lindy says:

        In my TX fantasy land, Beto will defeat Cruz this year, and then in 2020 when Cornyn is up for reelection, Wendy Davis will win his seat. And we’ll have Beto and Wendy as our senators. That would be the best ever!

      • phlyfiremama says:

        Lindy, be still my beating heart!!! That is a GREAT fantasy to have~imagine Wendy & Beto BOTH repping Texas!!! A girl can dream~and a girl can also continue to work with the campaigns, and help move our country FORWARD into a sustainable and progressive future where we ALL have opportunity and chances to contribute what we can to a society that shares its resources and wealth fairly and equitably right back to us. We HAVE the resources, it’s how we choose to allocate them.

      • Sandy Eggo says:

        Lindy, I like your fantasy land idea! Beto and Wendy! Cornyn is so awful, although not as creepy as Cruz. My state senator is one of the absolute WORST misogynistic creeps in the TX state lege, and that’s saying a lot. He is up for reelection this year, and his Dem opponent is a woman. I am doubtful she can beat him, but we’ll see.

  34. Kim says:

    Ok, I’m going to donate to his campaign in honor of his younger hotness.

    Is anyone else with me??!

    + And I dislink Teddy intensely *

    • Memurs says:

      I live in New Jersey and I donated to him yesterday. I’ve only driven through Texas before, but I am INVESTED in Beto ousting Ted Cruz now. The fact that Cruz is so unlikable even amongst Republicans really gives me hope.

  35. tealily says:

    Oh holy cow, that’s him on the left?? I just assumed he was the guy in the middle.

    • Somegirl says:

      That’s what’s I’m trying to figure out! He’s the one on the left?!?! He was HOT. I mean, he’s good looking now, but man oh man, my teen self would have totally fallen for the one on the left…

  36. Parigo says:

    Beto has that X factor for a politician that makes him so charismatic and relatable. I watched that viral video of his response to the NFL protest at least 3 times and literally cried.

    Meanwhile Cruz always reminds me of the lizard alien people from the TV movie V.

    • tealily says:

      I hadn’t seen that video and just looked it up. Wow, this guy gets it. I wish I could be as articulate as he is on the subject.

    • Chaine says:

      You are so right, he has that “it” that superstar pols have

    • Abby says:

      yes, totally agree. He has the special spark I haven’t seen in a long time. Almost reminds me of Obama.

  37. Fluffy Princess says:

    High-fives all around to you Texans! Seriously, people–you have all worked so hard and its so cool that there is so much enthusiasm for him!

    I think that Mime picture needs to be on everything! HOW CREEPY IS THAT? OMG!!! That picture is why the Zodiac killer thing went so far, because NO ONE would be surprised if he turned out to be a serial killer. NO ONE. NOOOO OOOOONE.

    Go Beto! Go Texans–you are rocking it! (like Beto used to!)

  38. phlyfiremama says:

    I’m from Texas~I will most definitely be voting for Beto, and EVERY SINGLE person I am friends with is also supporting & voting for him. He has a REAL chance to kick cruz to the curb (and good riddance to bad rubbish!), and winning the Senate seat will pretty much fast forward him to a Presidential candidacy~just like what happened with Obama. So, this is an IMPORTANT race y’all need to pay attention to!! Talk to your friends and family that live in Texas~you can even help him campaign. #betofortexas #betoforthepeople

  39. phlyfiremama says:

    Also, if yard signs are any indication: Beto has SO MANY yard signs that have popped up around the Houston area! Literally I have seen ONE cruz sign in my neighborhood, and Beto signs all over the place. THIS ONE SENATE RACE tips the Senate~

    • tealily says:

      This is awesome to hear! I always feel like yard signs are a good indicator of what’s really going on. When I drove across Michigan before the 2016 election and saw a million Trump signs and not one Hillary, I knew we were in trouble. *Fingers crossed*

    • Juls says:

      Keep an eye on Tennessee too. We are going to send Bredesen to the Senate! Imagine if both Texas and Tennessee send Democrats to the Senate come November. Trump ‘s head will explode from rage!

  40. Amy says:

    I just moved back to TX and couldn’t get to the DMV fast enough so I can vote for Beto in November!

  41. feejoy26 says:

    Another Texan here and I just want to co-sign what everyone else is saying. I’ve met him (he’s so tall!) and seen him speak and he is the real deal! I am so excited to vote for him. He’s the only politician whose campaign I’ve ever donated to. I also have co-workers who have never voted before who are going to vote for Beto.

    All that being said, I am trying to not to be too hopeful because it will CRUSH me if Cruz is re-elected in November. It just feels like politically we aren’t allowed to have nice things, and Beto is a great thing, so of course something is going to happen to block him going to the Senate. The past 18 months of antics have turned me into a real pessimist, but I’m trying to have faith that midterms will be the turning point this country desperately needs.

  42. Liz version 700 says:

    That picture of Ted Cruz in his mime outfit will feature in my nightmares tonight …shudder

  43. Tanya says:

    Wish I could vote for him (I live in California). But, I tweet related items for him often. Yeah, he’s hot then and now. Totally would have fallen for him back in the early 90s.

  44. Joanna says:

    Cruz started his idiot attack saying Beto had refused his invitation to a debate. Beto challenged Cruz to debates months ago. Cruz ignored him. When Beto’s poll numbers went way up, suddenly Cruz was willing to debate but only if he could dictate all the terms. Among them, both candidates had to debate sitting down. Why? Because Beto is 6’5″ and Cruz is 5’9″.

  45. Sparkles says:

    He’s sooo dreamy and articulate and just , sighhhhhhhh… 😍 I’m in Texas and went to one of his town halls a week ago. I begged my toddler to take a picture with Beto but he wasn’t having it, blah.

    Beto will be on Ellen on September 5th. Don’t forget to spread the word! He needs the name recognition. I’ve encountered a ton of people who don’t know who he is and it makes me so sad! Please spread the word!

  46. KB says:

    I don’t think he’s hot at all, so these comments are hilarious to me, but I will be voting for him on October 22nd when early voting starts in Texas. Counting down the days…I think I might explode out of pure happiness if that ghoul Ted Cruz is voted out.

  47. JANAK says:

    Beto reminds me of Barack Obama in 2004; when I saw Obama give his speech at the 2004 Democratic convention, I knew he was going to be President someday. I felt the same way when I saw Beto’s response to the question on the NFL players kneeling during the anthem, this guy is going to be President someday.