“Tom Hiddleston & Chadwick Boseman attended the GQ event” links

GQ Men of the Year Awards

Chadwick Boseman, Chris Hemsworth & Tom Hiddleston all attended the GQ Man of the Year Awards last night in London. [LaineyGossip]
Kate Beckinsale wore a bad dress at the GQ event. [Go Fug Yourself]
Kanye West apologizes to Drake, huh. [Dlisted]
Cory Booker & Kamala Harris are trying. Please let them have a plan! [Pajiba]
Jeff Lewis & Jenni Pulos are parting ways for good now. [Reality Tea]
LOL, no one cared about American Woman, the TV show based on Kyle Richards’ life. I didn’t even know it existed. [Starcasm]
Never forget, Brett Kavanaugh is still a doughy misogynist. [Jezebel]
Here are all the people who have denied being Deplorable Anonymous. [Buzzfeed]
More celebrity sightings from the US Open. [Wonderwall]

GQ Men Of The Year Awards 2018

GQ Men Of The Year Awards

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38 Responses to ““Tom Hiddleston & Chadwick Boseman attended the GQ event” links”

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  1. Nikki says:

    Love TOM!!!

  2. so cool says:

    “tom hiddleston…a very very tender lover” 🙂 Jeff Goldblum is a king. My new favourite bromance.
    Both guys looks great last night. I start to really like THiddles longer hair and beard. He looks good. I

    • EnnuiAreTheChampions says:

      The hair has gotten a bit too long for my taste, and I go back and forth on the beard, but he still looked great. Glad to see him out and about!

  3. Case says:

    Absence truly must make the heart grow fonder because I get overly excited to see Tom these days. He looks so darn good.

  4. jessamine says:

    I’ll take one of each, please.

  5. jammypants says:

    What a sweetie. I love Jeff and Tom. Both adorable men.

  6. antipodean says:

    I don’t know why, but Jeff Goldblum just gives me Creepy AF vibes. He speaks very well, but there is just something not “right” about him.
    I am also in a permanent sweat about this Brett Kavawhatshisface. How can any sentient being want to place a prevaricating blatant liar on the highest court in the land? We really are living in Crazytown. I keep expecting an MC to pop up and say, “just kidding folks! The Emperor is not really wearing any clothes! Joke’s on you!”

    • Veronica S. says:

      He’s an oddball, but I’ve never really heard a bad thing about him. The worst he’s done is marry a significantly younger woman, but at least he chose one in her thirties with an established career and not some twenty-two year old baby.

  7. Lightpurple says:

    Thank you! I really needed these today. Kate Beckinsale’s ugly bathing suit aspiring to be a dress made me laugh and my Marvel men make me so happy. Tom put his glasses in his pocket. I can do the hair with the glasses or the hair with the beard but I can’t do the glasses and beard; it’s just too much covering up that face. Gingery, velvety goodness.

    Also, if you haven’t seen it, Tom is in the short film Leading Lady Parts with Lena Headey, Gemma Artherton, Felicity Jones, Emilia Clarke, and Gemma Chan. It’s on You Tube

    • Boston Green Eyes says:

      So what’s happening on the veranda, my dear?

      • Lightpurple says:

        We’re serving ratatouille because my neighbor gave me tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant. And we’re watching tennis. And drinking sangria

  8. Ninette says:

    Always happy to see Hiddles out and about 🙂 Now all I am hoping for is a new acting role and a new girlfriend for Tom.

    • Lightpurple says:

      I think there has been a girlfriend for a while. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gotten the puppy. He said before he wouldn’t get a dog unless he was in a relationship because he travels so much, it wouldn’t be fair to the dog unless somebody else was helping take care of it.

      • Heather says:

        That’s fairly specious reasoning. He hasn’t worked in a year and apparently has quit acting (or at least quit temporarily) so wouldn’t need a girlfriend to have a dog. He’s constantly spotted alone, going to the theatre alone, and bought a house in Hampshire alone. And some of his fans are just crazy and monitor him so closely (like hanging around his house closely) yet no one’s ever seen him with a girlfriend.

        He may date or be seeing someone casually but if he’s managed to keep a serious relationship completely hidden that’s some CIA level secrecy.

      • MI6 says:

        He never said that – what he said was he wouldn’t get a dog because it wasn’t fair as he was not home enough to care for it. Some people do make decisions in their lives not predicated on relationship status.

      • Meganbot2000 says:

        Yeah, he didn’t say a word about being in a relationship. He said he wouldn’t get a dog, period, because he travelled too much. That was when he was a super-ambitious workaholic major movie star spending barely a handful of days each year at home.

        He has not worked in nearly a year, become a total homebody who rarely travels, and has clearly made major life changes. A dog fits in with that very well.

  9. Veronica S. says:

    Truly loving the inane hypocrisy of Kavanaugh arguing against abortion while supporting the right of medical providers to supersede the rights of patients and commit them to unwanted surgery. Lean a little harder into that white supremacists mindset there, buddy.

    • jammypants says:

      I had to google this and I could not find this claim anywhere. But I did find this https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/kavanaugh-disabilities-elective-surgeries/

      • Veronica S. says:

        Reread what you just linked me. He’s against abortion ethically and ruled in a case suggesting that people can be considered incompetent toward their care should have their consideration overlooked. In other words, he supports the idea as a whole that the state can determine care. That is a dangerous tightrope to walk when you’re discussing people’s medical autonomy. He’s a hypocrite that protects ~freedom~ and ~innocent lives~ while stepping all over people’s individual rights.

  10. spidee!!! says:

    Chris won’t like that headline. 😆

    Tom at GQ after Akner’s hatchet job last year?

    • jammypants says:

      To be fair I couldn’t roll my eyes harder at Hemsworth’s GQ cover headliner “feminist”. Then the editorial didn’t talk about his feminism. It’s pure PR. And what exactly has he done for feminism other than played an over glorified secretary role you know?

    • JG says:

      I have nothing against Chris Hemsworth, and I think he makes a good Thor, but my favorite thing about him is that he’s friends with Taika.

  11. SJhere says:

    Mmm, THiddles is looking very good!
    Why can’t he find a better role to really shine in?
    Honestly, I like Tom and find him talented but not even for him am I gonna pay $20 cash to watch another Hank Williams bio pic. Only lovers left alive? Don’t care at all. Kong Island? Nope, not interested.
    He’s good as Loki, he was very good in several different Masterpiece Theater series I’ve seen.
    His choices in films are nothing I’m interested in seeing.
    IMO, Cumberbatch has his people finding him roles that are best suited to his talents.
    Why can’t Tom find better roles?
    Hemsworth looks very leading man in these pics too! Can he do other roles besides Thor?
    I can’t bring myself to even try to watch the female Ghostbusters remake but heard he was funny in that. (Melissa McCarthy is NOT funny to me.)

    • virginfangirl says:

      Only Lovers Left Alive – I really liked that movie.

    • Marshland says:

      “Hemsworth looks very leading man in these pics too! Can he do other roles besides Thor?”

      He’s tried; they bombed. That car racing one (he just wasn’t quite right) and the whale one. I like Hems and I think he really tries but he was born with a wooden face.

      • Hallie says:

        He was the lead in the Huntsman movies, and though they were not big box-office hits in the level of his Marvel movies, they were not exactly box-office bombs either. But yeah, his acting range is quite limited. Inspite of his good looks, it is kind of difficult to imagine him in a romantic role. I mean, in the Thor movies, his character seemed to have more chemistry with Loki (Tom Hiddleston) than with Natalie Portman. He seems to have natural comedic timing though (he was quite funny in the Ghostbusters remake and that Vacations movie).

      • Marshland says:

        I agree and great point about Loki and Thor having more chemistry than Jane and Thor (Natalie looked TINY next to Hems). He is great as Thor but that’s about it (but happy to be proven wrong). I think he studies acting and is quite serious about building a good career (Here he is reviewing Matthias Schoenaerts, a very good actor: https://variety.com/2012/film/awards/chris-hemsworth-on-matthias-schoenaerts-in-rust-and-bone-1118062442/). I think the problem is his face is a very wooden.

    • maxine ducamp says:

      To be fair, Tom was great in the I Saw the Light. I saw a preview with about 100 people and Tom and the director were there for the Q&A after the movie. There was a guy behind me, there with his girlfriend who was a big TH fan but he wasn’t (didn’t hate him, just wasn’t fussed about him). This was when the movie was released in March, after the bad reviews at TIFF the previous fall, and the guy jokingly said to his girlfriend that he was going to ask TH how it felt to be in a movie that bombed. After the movie, he was singing a different tun, stating how great TH was in the movie,

      Long story short, ISTL was by no means a perfect movie, but I feel like the critics saw an entirely different movie and it deserved better reviews, not stellar reviews, but certainly better than it received. I’ll always feel bad for him, the director, and everyone in else in the movie (the other actors were good as well, esp. Elizabeth Olsen and Wren Schmidt) because that movie was obviously a labor of love for those involved.

      • Dara says:

        Sometimes I think the reviews are harsher when critics anticipate a film could be really special and just doesn’t turn out that way. It’s a major let-down.

        My main complaint with ISTL was that the end product didn’t feel like a cohesive story, it played like a collection of unrelated scenes the director edited together for no particular reason. Quite a lot of them did nothing to move the story along, illuminate the characters, or prompt the audience to really feel anything. Unless you were (very) familiar with Hank’s music and private life, you didn’t know why anything the director included mattered. But yes, Tom and the ladies were all very good.

  12. lily says:

    Tom looks so good in that suit.

  13. trh says:

    Kate Beckinsale elevates anything she wears, so what would otherwise be disastrous and risible, on her is merely gauche. (Ms. Beckinsale could wear Saran Wrap and people would merely cluck and say “oh how slightly inappropriate”). But if tribunals were convened to judge sartorial atrocities and crimes against fashion, the designer of that thing would be on a jet to the Hague.

    • Karen says:

      Well I don’t know. I actually think she makes clothes look tacky in many cases, because of her obvious and almost painful looking fillers, restylane pout, pageant hairstyle and boob job.

      She’s a beautiful woman, no doubt, but I always get that plastic vibe from her. She could have gone down the growing-older-gracefully-route, like other British actresses do (Rachel Weisz, Helena Bonham Carter, Kristin Scott Thomas), and she would have been truly stunning IMO.

      • Heather says:

        I remember how fresh and beautiful she was in Emma and it makes me sad, now she just looks like a Hollywood fembot.