“Chloe Dykstra went to a dark place after she told her story of victimization” links

FOX Winter TCA 2016 Party

Chloe Dykstra talks about how awful people made her life hell after she told her story of emotional abuse. [Jezebel]
Blake Lively continues to be an absolute dumbass. [LaineyGossip]
Noah Cyrus is selling a bottle of her tears for $12,000. Oh, child. [Dlisted]
What are you wearing, Anna Kendrick? [Go Fug Yourself]
Debate on if Gandalf is hot. [Pajiba]
Tony Hawk doesn’t get recognized and he tweets about it. [Buzzfeed]
Here’s Cher’s video for “SOS.” [OMG Blog]
Of course unicorns exist, Amal Clooney is still around. [Starcasm]
Bella Hadid is working Milan Fashion Week. [Wonderwall]

Premiere of 'Warcraft' - Arrivals

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29 Responses to ““Chloe Dykstra went to a dark place after she told her story of victimization” links”

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  1. Kate says:

    Very confused about the Blake thing. She thinks it’s a double standard that someone commented that she’s worn a lot of suits on this promo tour? “Would you note a man wearing lots of suits during a promo tour?” – yes, probably if that man wore like 4 different high fashion suits a day in front of paps. Also, people take note (and she even jokes about it herself on her IG) when she changes her outfits a lot regardless of whether they are dresses or suits so I’m really not seeing any double standard here. Wonder why she’s so defensive about it. She looks great!

    • Veronica S. says:

      It’s a stupid comment regardless because you wouldn’t question it on a man because men have more limited “socially acceptable” fashion choices and suits ARE their high fashion choices. If a guy walked around wearing dresses or kilts, we’d certainly be talking about it.

      • Pamela says:

        Exactly. And a suit on a woman on the red carpet tends to stand out a bit…but suits over an over? Yes, that will be noticed.

        Sofia Vergara wears lots of dresses in a specific style and the writers here notice that too.

    • Mel M says:

      Because exactly what they said:
      “She doesn’t know what she’s reacting to. Just that she’s supposed to/allowed to be indignant and ‘important’”.

      I love RR and think he’s hilarious and especially love his tweets about parenting but I just wonder if he is really this dim as well. What are their conversations like at home? When I read this stuff about Blake I just wonder.

      • Lee says:

        I do get your point, I often wonder the same.
        She has chosen on purpose to wear suits to pimp her movie, bc her character wears suits. She has also spoken about it and said she was inspired by Paul Feig. Then she acts so rude to a blogger who’s alwats praised her fashion choices? She needs to grow up. She’s not Lauren Bacall, she’s mostly famous for fashion, so what’s her problem? Not surprised though, last year she flipped when a journalist asked her what she was wearing at some event, so…

      • Erinn says:

        I mean, does EVERYONE go home and have deep conversations with their spouse every day? I mean – of course I’ve had plenty of deep conversations with my husband. But at the end of the day, we’re more likely than not to be discussing our separate days and any upcoming plans we have. They have kids, so I’m sure they spend a good deal talking about things they’ve done, or activities that they’re going to.

        I don’t know. I see this a lot on this site as a whole (not directly referencing your post) – where people say something to the degree of “ugh, what do they even talk about?” as if one part of the relationship is just not worthy of the other part, and it always strikes me as so strange. I presume that if a couple are together that they at least share SOME interests, some friends, some family. Someone in our extended friend group had a girlfriend who asked one of my best friends husband if his wife watched anime or played lots of video games. He said “Well, no. She’ll play mario kart with me a bit, and games like that, but never on her own” and the eye roll and absolute disgust from this person who then said “What do you even have in common then?”. As if my guy friend was just a one dimensional creature with only two interests and that he couldn’t possibly be compatible with his wife.

        I think like with any run of the mill couple it’s a lot of talking about your days, reminiscing on childhood or early years as a couple, discussing how you’re feeling, what’s bothering you, what you’re looking forward to, a funny story, etc etc. Maybe they talk about deeper stuff, maybe they don’t. Maybe she isn’t a genius on a lot of topics, but maybe she’s happy to hear his view points. Maybe they talk about whatever movie they’ve watched. I mean – even very dumb people will talk about world events that affect them on a somewhat personal level.

      • KLO says:

        I am sorry but my reading of R.R. is that he is a run of the mill dick.

        Blake is a lot younger and he has power over her. I generally don`t like all the “jokes” they post on social media, they seem mean and weird to me. I would be uncomfortable if my SO was like that.

    • Kerfuffle says:

      Blake has gotten it into her head that she is ‘above’ the fashion talk, and yet constantly reaps the benefit of it. She’s not consciously an a-hole, but she’s someone who is the recipient of an enormous amount of privilege and wants to pretend that it doesn’t exist, as though she’s some sort of self-made thespian. No thanks.

      • KLO says:

        @Kerfuffle hmm probably. I agree

        I don`t hate her acting though, i have liked her in everything I have seen. But it might be true that she gets the majority of her work because she has a “look”.

        I generally like her and think she should work on her self esteem.
        She has probably been bullied in the past and thinks everyone is out to get her when it is probably the opposite.

      • Kerfuffle says:

        You’re making an assumption based on the fact that women are supposed to be insecure, but is there ANY shred of evidence to suggest that Blake is nothing short of incredibly confident? Not to mention, taking your own supposition as fact.

      • KLO says:

        @Kerfuffle, yes there is evidence. (for example look at her latest Tonight show appearance where she talks about “tits” and “tweets” and how she realized that she had assumed a photographer had insulted her but in fact she heard him wrong.)

        We are both assuming things. You are just ruffled by the fact that I dared to claim somewhat the opposite of what you said.

        But you know, ppl don`t always feel the same anyway. Plus, extreme confidence often goes hand in hand with extreme insecurity.
        Anything else?

    • TandemBikeEscapee says:

      Me thinks antebellum Lively is trying to sound a bit au courant w/ some femininst-ish retorts- but, ah, it’s a miss, as per usual.

  2. lolamd says:

    I don’t understand why Blake Lively was upset about the number of suits she has been wearing?

  3. Kerfuffle says:

    So Blake makes a conscious decision to wear suits to promote her movie, and she’s mad that someone referenced the fact that she’s worn a large variety of suits to promote the movie?

    For someone that wants to be a fashion darling, she consistently minimizes it’s value in her career. Sheesh.

    • Anners says:

      This! ^^ it’s like she’s trying to be a fashionista and also a feminist, but hasn’t worked out yet how to be those two things simultaneously and without contradicting the other. Sigh. She is hella annoying.

    • minx says:

      She owes everything to rhinoplasty, a boob job and veneers.

  4. KidV says:

    Cher’s album drops on my birthday. Happy birthday to me!!!

  5. Riemc526 says:

    Regarding Chloe Dykstra being harassed and her ex barely suffering any consequences, that’s yet another reason why women don’t always come forward when something happens to them and also why they’re reluctant years after the fact. I hope she’s okay.

    • lucy2 says:

      So many “why didn’t she come forward earlier” questions, every time a story like this comes out, and then those same people ignore the fact that most of the women who do speak up are harassed, threatened, insulted, and ripped apart.
      I hope Chloe is OK too. I’m sure there was a ton of abuse, but I hope she knows there was a lot of support too.

  6. Bella Bella says:

    Can we talk about that Cher video?? Did you notice Rumer Willis amongst those women?? What was she doing there?? Did it all look like a Benetton ad circa 1980s?? That was the weirdest music video I have seen in a very long time and none of it made sense. Poor lonely black teenager is embraced by a panoply of models?!

    • Anners says:

      It was really odd – wondered if they were trying to make a statement about embracing women? Dunno – seemed like a lot of intergenerational models embracing the younger ones? But then the baby? No idea. But good call on the Benetton add!

      • Talia says:

        Habe a look at old Abba videos. Same look. They channeled the Abba aesthetics.

      • jwoolman says:

        I thought it was an interesting way to do a music video, focusing on the song and the story (vague though it might be) rather than the singer. Also struck me as ABBA-like somehow.

        Cher has such a distinctive voice.

  7. lolamd says:

    Can we talk about the NY Times reporting that Rosenstein allegedly want to secretly record Trump? I am not sure if I am mad at the NY Times for reporting this as this will make Rosenstein a bigger target for Trump.

    • jessamine says:

      I am mad! WTF with the NYT’s short-sighted editorial decisions.

    • TandemBikeEscapee says:

      As liberals we’ve benefitted from these editorials, now it’s the GOP’s turn to “get one in”. Yes it’s maddening, but since the Pandora’s box of media based “undisclosed sources” has opened, I guess we have to “Take it”. Me thinks the last OpEd was planted to pave the way for THIS. Now the current editorial can be a basis for the firing of Rosenstein who protects Mueller. Putin is strategic.

    • jwoolman says:

      The NYT may have been played. Trump’s friends Hannity and Pirro at Fox News might have had this as Plan B when they failed to get Trump to declassify all the FBI stuff (Rosenstein apparently is a Trump Whisperer, President Tweeter backed off after he visited the White House).

      The NYT’s source was not direct, did not actually hear Rosenstein say anything. But a source has recently surfaced who really was in the room at the time and who says it was quite obvious that Rosenstein was being very sarcastic and not seriously proposing such a thing. This was just after Comey was fired, and Rosenstein was played himself by Trump and Sessions in that situation and was not happy about it. I imagine there was quite a scent of dripping sarcasm in the air …. The FBI in general was not happy with Trump firing Comey and initially lying about why and about the way most agents felt about him and then trying to put the blame on Rosenstein (until Tweeter accidentally confessed in a televised interview that it was about the Russia investigation, which he wanted stopped).

  8. Lucy says:

    I was expecting Tony to be all salty about people not recognizing him, but he’s actually very funny!!