Kellyanne Conway says she’s the victim of sexual assault, then defends Kavanaugh

Kellyanne Conway is interviewed by Fox News

Much like Kanye West, Kellyanne Conway has been canceled for a long, long time. I truly don’t even know why cable news shows have her on at this point, but it’s still happening. Conway blanketed the airwaves during last week’s messy and awful situation with Brett Kavanaugh, where she repeatedly defended him using nonsensical arguments. On Jake Tapper’s Sunday show on CNN, State of the Union, Conway had a big interview segment again. During the course of the interview, she told Tapper: “I feel very empathetic for victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment and rape. I’m a victim of sexual assault … But you have to be responsible for your own conduct.” I wish I could tell where in this video she says that so you could skip ahead, but I watched it for two minutes and I was done with her, so see if you can find it:

After Conway says that she’s a victim of sexual assault, she apparently says that she doesn’t believe that Kavanaugh should be a target of the #MeToo movement because “I’ve just had it with it all being the same.” I genuinely don’t understand that argument logically – I get that not all assaults, not all instances of harassment are the same, but no one is arguing that Brett Kavanaugh is the absolute worst in the history of assault. It’s not a comparison – we believe Dr. Ford and Debbie Ramirez, and we think he’s a sexual assailant, full-stop.

Conway also said, “I want those women who were sexually assaulted the other day who were confronting Jeff Flake, God bless them, but go blame the perpetrator… That’s who’s responsible for our sexual assaults, the people who commit them.” Yeah, I get that – by all means, go to the police, demand that your case be prosecuted. Tell your story and hope that your attacker will have to face some kind of justice. But isn’t that what Dr. Ford is doing? Justice for Dr. Ford is simply that her attempted rapist doesn’t sit on the Supreme Court.

Tapper was sympathetic towards her for her admission about being a victim, but then asked how, as a survivor, she could work for a man who brags about grabbing woman “by the p-ssy,” and who has been accused by dozens of women of sexual assault and harassment. Kellyanne told him not to conflate her situation with Trump’s victims and “I work for President Trump because he’s so good to the women who work for him.” LMAO.

KellyAnne Conway does an interview with Fox News from the White House

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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32 Responses to “Kellyanne Conway says she’s the victim of sexual assault, then defends Kavanaugh”

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  1. Esmom says:

    So twisted. Taking the blame for your own assault to own the libs.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Esmom- so true. Read someone yesterday saying they hoped BK reversed Roe v Wade “just to spite those libtards.” It’s a mental illness.

      • Esmom says:

        People are not thinking through any policy, somehow they’ve been convinced that “winning” is the only thing that matters. Even if winning really means they’ll be the ultimate losers. It’s insane.

    • Millenial says:

      It’s terrible. Essentially using your own assault to defend an attempted rapist. Gross gross gross.

    • otaku fairy... says:

      Exactly. We need to be able to believe a victim without having to stay silent about or tolerate situations where a victim uses her situation to actively support misogyny. She’s one example of this, Chrissie Hynde was another.

    • Rice says:

      Except when the perpetrator is brown or an immigrant, right Kellyanne? That’s either circular logic or no logic.

  2. Rapunzel says:

    Go to cops,, say the people who are warning everyone that “your men aren’t safe cause any woman can lie about them,” thereby assuring no cops will listen to the women that come forward. Source: My FB feed. So tired of the misogyny.

    • Betsy says:

      I’m long off the right wing pushing Facebook platform, but it’s just sad that people are like that. Misogyny is nauseating.

  3. Beth says:

    She’ll twist and spin anything to defend Trump and his administration. Anytime I see her on a show, I immediately change the channel

    • boredblond says:

      Which makes me wonder if her story isn’t just one more lie..why wasn’t she asked if she reported it? How it was burned in her memory but probably long forgotten by the guy? Her ‘take responsibility for her actions’ smacks of the old blame the victim for what she was wearing/drinking/saying..

      • Miss M says:

        Another one (forgot her name) said she was assaulted too on CNN. My support goes out to all victims of sexual assault.
        However, if I were a reporter my follow-up question would be: did you report it? Just to see what they had to say. Jake Tapper lost a great opportunity.

      • Lady2Lazy says:

        I thought exactly the same thing. If this was true, why was she so flippant about it? To me, she blasically tell survivors that what happened to them was their fault. How twisted can you be? This is why women don’t report it, they become vilified, as Dr. Ford did, for coming forward. It’s time to stop blaming the victim and blaming the perpetrator.
        And the fact that Kavanaugh went on about how this has ruined his life was a true case of him placing bimself as the true victim here.

  4. grabbyhands says:

    I want to feel sorry for her that somewhere she got the idea that her assault was her fault, but everything she said after that ruins it. Not to mention her argument makes zero sense.

    It’s just a word salad set up to bolster the sexist GOP party line that rape and sexual assault is okay because women don’t really count and if it happens to a woman, then it is because of something she did.

  5. Daisyfly says:

    Did you see what she did there? Trump is really really good to her so it doesn’t matter star he does/did to anyone else.

    Typical for her party.

    Vote blue.

  6. Stepher says:

    Why does nobody bring up Trump’s rape allegations? Remember the one where he supposedly raped a 13 year old in the early 90s and that just mysteriously went away as soon as he became president? Him raping Ivana? Crickets…

  7. Lightpurple says:

    I just can’t with this woman.

  8. Elkie says:

    Sorry Kellyanne, but I’m going to need photographs, CCTV footage, multiple witnesses, a polygraph test, DNA evidence, satellite imagery, and personal testimony only achievable with an eidetic memory before I believe you.

    Or for the perpetrator to be a Democratic Party member.

    Isn’t that the GOP standard now?

    (She has my sympathy, but it also makes her lying for Trump all the more revolting).

    • Snappyfish says:

      I agree with you. I don’t believe anything she says about anything. Mainly because I don’t believe a survivor would EVER suggest another survivor would mistake who had assaulted them.

      She is abhorrently vile

  9. Becks1 says:

    I am sorry for what she has gone through and what was done to her.

    I still don’t like her though and hate her support for Trump.

    • Veronica S. says:

      I don’t. Not if she’s using it as a platform to undermine the experiences of other victims.

  10. Veronica S. says:

    Kelly, Kelly, Kelly. You can suck their d*cks all you want. They’re never going to let you have the power. You’d think you would know that by your age.

  11. Noodles says:

    She sounds like someone who hasn’t come to terms with her own assault. To say that we have to take responsibility for our own actions… like what? Getting drunk, wearing a skirt that’s too short, looking at a guy? Truth is that most women do feel like it’s their fault, even if they know that logically it isn’t so her words don’t surprise me. It’s messed up and she’s messed up too.

  12. me46 says:

    It’s awful seeing women stand up for Kavanaugh on FB and dismissing rape/sexual assault as normal male behavior.

    • otaku fairy... says:

      They’re playing out their version of the ‘desensitized good girl’ role, just like KellyAnne Conway here. It’s what’s expected of women: Normalize psychologically, verbally, economically, politically, emotionally, physically, or sexually abusive behaviors from men, and portray other women/girls who stand up to it as ‘Not Taking Responsibility For Their Choices’, being hysterical, irrational, oversensitive drama queens and snowflakes, lying whores, or some other fuckery.

    • Veronica S. says:

      They think if they play to the boy’s club, they’ll be let in. They won’t be. I have no sympathy for them anymore.

  13. Janet says:

    Wonder how much extra she got paid to not jump ship. She is such a foolish, horrible person.

  14. Annabel says:

    I believe her. I remember her making noises back when #MeToo started about having her own #MeToo story, but no one caring about it because of “her politics.” It shouldn’t be surprising to any of us that a person can be a) a victim and b) a genuinely horrible person.

  15. OriginalLala says:

    Here in Canada, there was an article in the National Post (*barf* right wing newspaper) and the writer, a right wing female journo, wrote that she could not get over the fact that women like Dr Ford are traumatized by sexual assault because she was assaulted as a teen and it didn’t have any effect on her – and her conclusion was that she was obviously made of “tougher” stuff than “other women” and that we all needed to just get over it and toughen up.

    I saw red and wanted to punch her so badly in her smug face!

  16. Meg says:

    i’m so tired of people’s response to assault, rape, harassment, etc. to tell the victims what to do-but say NOTHING about the abusers. teach your sons not to rape, harass, assault, etc. that is the cause of rapes, harassments assault, ABUSERS
    obviously this lunatic has other issues but whoppi Goldberg on the view screams about what victims should do-do you have that much emotion and criticism for the abusers? why do people find it so hard to hold abusers accountable for their actions when they’re men?

  17. historybuff says:

    I think a lot of the difference between how people cope long term with sexual assault is how well they’re treated immediately afterwards. My parents believed me. They didn’t encourage legal action or therapy, but they believed me and they let me process it at my own speed. I never had any feeling of misplaced guilt — that it was somehow my fault — that I suspect Dr. Ford and many other women were encouraged to feel.

    We can, as a society, help victims disassociate themselves from blame and provide them with the encouragement they need and deserve to rebuild their lives into something stronger whether they choose to prosecute or not.

    ETA: meant to reply to OriginalLala

  18. notasugarhere says:

    Read House of Trump House of Putin to see how deep KellyAnne is with the mafia, Russians, and the external powers behind Drumpf.

  19. Valerie says:

    You know why she did this, don’t you? So that now, when no one believes her, she can play the credulity card and whine that everyone dismissed her but believed Christine. She’ll find some way to turn back onto left-wingers. It’s a way of pitting people against each other again and to deflect from the real issue, just like her boss does.