Donald Trump’s favorite thing in the world is being nasty to female journalists

President Trump remarks on the United States Mexico Canada Agreement

I’m always grateful when I have other stuff going on (watching tennis, going to the gym) during a particularly awful political moment. It gives me an excuse to ignore this orange monster and his demonic minions. I happily ignored it until I couldn’t – apparently, Trump was especially awful during yesterday’s Rose Garden press conference? How can you tell if he’s particularly unhinged? I like New York Magazine’s theory that Donald Trump was especially misogynistic during the presser because he’s tired of Brett Kavanaugh stealing his woman-hating thunder. I expect Trump will assault a woman ON CAMERA at any moment, just so Kavanaugh won’t get all of the attention. This is what he did to ABC News’ Cecilia Vega:

“She’s shocked that I picked her.” Then Vega says, “I’m not. Thank you, Mr. President.” And Trump misheard her and replied: “That’s okay. I know you’re not thinking. You never do.” This is gross, and just another example of how Trump oh-so-casually disrespects women in general and female journalists in particular. Then again, he disrespects ALL journalists. And at last week’s press conference, they all chuckled as he tried to rip apart the Fourth Estate with his grubby little baby carrot fingers. Oh, and he apparently told one female journalist, Kaitlyn Collins, that “it’s not nice” for her to ask about… Brett Kavanaugh.

She’s a badass and he’s an a–hole. Let’s see, what else happened in this presser? Jared Kushner looked bored, Steve Mnuchin did a Grinch smile (shudder), and Trump threw a little shade at Brett Kavanaugh, saying: “I was surprised by how vocal he was about the fact that he likes beer…I really do believe that he was very strong on the fact that he drank a lot…. He did have difficulty as a young man with drink.” Here’s that clip:

He also made it sound like Kavanaugh openly talked about being an alcoholic, which… on that one point, I can actually understand why Trump was confused, because Kavanaugh totally sounded like an alcoholic or a “dry drunk.” Trump also threatened an unnamed Democratic senator with some kind of blackmail, claiming that he knew something awful about the senator. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

President Trump remarks on the United States Mexico Canada Agreement

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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45 Responses to “Donald Trump’s favorite thing in the world is being nasty to female journalists”

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  1. ByTheSea says:

    And being nasty to women, and people of color, and people with disabilities, and …

    • Swack says:

      . . . water is wet.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Don’t forget POWs and Gold Star families!

    • notasugarhere says:

      And same-sex partners of diplomats who will be thrown out of the US if they aren’t married by the end of the year. And if the marriage isn’t legal in their home country, too bad, they’re thrown out anyway.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        This is such a horrific development. I wish it was getting more attention. I hope Bernie Bros and Susan Sarandon are thinking of these endangered families and reconsidering their stance that Clinton was just as bad as Trump.

  2. Rapunzel says:

    And just two days ago he was saying he “fell in love” with Kim Jong Un. There is apparently no bottom to his deplorableness. I’m so sick of this nonsense. I swear if it wasn’t for my job I would up and move to another country. At least I live in California.

    • ByTheSea says:

      You’re lucky; California’s doing God’s work by punching back at this idiot and his policies that are destroying the environment and the country.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      And i would DEFINITELY move from Texas to Colorado and be Rocky Mountain high 24/7.

    • boredblond says:

      And yet trump #1 flunky nunez is from Cal..there is no safe place.

    • Pinetree13 says:

      I feel like America needs to be further exposed to the acts of that scum bag dictator so they understand how vile it is praise him. Children born in prison have been beaten, starved and forced to watch their parents execution…all for the crime of having been born to parents that were incarcerated. And that’s not even touching on the asanine things that can get you arrested to begin with…

    • Catarina says:

      I live in California, too. It’s a state in which it is legal TO NOT REVEAL to ones’ sexual partners whether you are HIV Positive. Real protection for Californian and other U.S. citizens here, right? WRONG. And there are at least half a dozen other rules in my native state which are so unjust and/or senseless, and hypocritical, it is despicable. Sure, I loathe Trump, he’s cruel, soulless, racist, and evil, but California’s politics make it FAR from a Utopia, itself. It is FAR from a “safe state.” And w/ our next governor, it is predicted to get (somehow) even worse. If I did not have to take care of my elderly parents, who cannot be moved, I would leave this ruined state in a heartbeat.

      • Morgan Calderon says:

        Excuse me but what law/municipality/court case are you talking about when referring to rules protecting people with HIV when they don’t reveal their diagnoses to their sex partner? Also, what if the person is a sex slave? Or what if the infected person is minor? Maybe the issue is more complicated than you think.

        CA is not a utopia, nobody besides you said it was. But I have lived in Arizona, Washington, and Illinois and CA is a much better place to live (Chicago is the best city, dang the weather though). We value education and the environment, and our citizens. Try being poor in Arizona, they’ll leave you dying in the desert and not even notice.

        Leave if you want to, bring your parents. We need more room for actual Californians.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        You are factually incorrect.
        In California it is a misdemeanor to knowingly expose sexual partners to HIV/AIDS and it carries a 6 month prison term. You need to get better resources.

  3. Maya says:

    The president of the United States threatens a senator live on TV and the Republicans do nothing…

    I hope they all see hell on earth for the things they have done and are doing. They are worse than Hitler in my opinion.

    • Darla says:

      I know it’s amazing. I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if he’s blackmailing people. People forget this but it came out that trump listened in on phone lines when famous people stayed at his hotels.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Do people know which Senator he’s referring to?

      • Darla says:

        I don’t think average people do, but the Senators may.

      • Lincelagata says:

        I think he’s talking about Cory Booker. There are a lot of rumors that he’s gay and I think Trump wants to keep that in his back pocket while Booker suddenly announces he’s dating a woman…

    • Jan90067 says:

      Maya, that’s a VERY insensitive comment to make. Did you have most of your family incinerated by a madman? I did. While Dump and his Complicit Crew are beyond deplorable, it hardly compares to the mass genocide of the Holocaust. Please think about that.

      • Wood Dragon says:

        I suspect that the people at the Holocaust Museum are watching Trump’s ever so gradual, ever so determined March in that direction. Concentration camps are here. They may not start killing people, but this practice has led to the death of at least one child already.

  4. Indiana Joanna says:

    drump is a cancer. His hatred of women is characteristic of all his administration. I think his vile supporters when crying “Lock her up” should be arrested. This has reached a level that is so evil (yes that means you too you creepy yellow toothed Kavanaugh) that it will end badly. It still shocks and sickens me.

  5. Miss M says:

    Kaitlyn Collins Is from CNN. That’s probably why he got even more upset she asked that question. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

  6. tmbg says:

    He made sure the official transcript of what he said was altered though. I saw on the news that it reads “of course you’re not thanking.” Pathetic.

    • Swack says:

      Just like when Faux News left out the laughter at the UNGA last week. If it doesn’t praise him or makes him sound bad it doesn’t get reported correctly. And he constantly cries “Fake News”. SMDH.

    • Nancy says:

      Cecilia Vega was on GMA earlier this morning. They played the tape where he obviously said “you’re not thinking, you never do.” The WH’s official transcript says “not thanking.” WTF. He magically makes the truth disappear. You know they will be questioned and will either not answer or insist he said thanking. I could not believe this. Cecilia is awesome and handled this so professionally unlike the madman she was questioning. BTW, thanking makes no sense in the context of this question or answer. It is mother effing unbelievable.

    • Esmom says:

      “Thanking” doesn’t even make sense (not that he’s known for coherence) and if you stretch to convince yourself that’s what he said it’s not much better than “thinking.”

      • Nancy says:

        That’s what I said above as well @Esmom. I guess truth truly doesn’t matter to them. Anyone who watched the news last night, heard this replayed over and over, especially our friends as CNN!! To blatantly say it isn’t true is insulting to all of us. Can’t wait to hear Sarah Huckabee deny the questions which absolutely will be flying at her. I love Cecilia Vega. She is fearless and my favorite reporter at ABC.

    • Philomena says:

      You can obviously tell he said it because you can tell he immediately thinks , ‘Shit – maybe that one didn’t play well.’ Just look at the top photo – look at that cabal of smug assholes. He was feeling all big and he had his fellow assholes around and couldn’t help himself.

  7. paranormalgirl says:

    I try not to hate, but I hate this man. i hate what he is doing to the country I came to so many years ago. So glad I’m Bahamabound tonight.

  8. Beth says:

    He “falls in love ” with a dictator who has his own family members murdered and tortures NK citizens, but he won’t be polite or answer a question from women journalists.

    Steve Mnuchin always looks so dorky and unattractive

  9. Marjorie says:

    I saw some of it live and to me it sounded like Kavanaugh may have discussed his drinking in an interview with Trump. Bigly said much more about it than Kavanaugh actually said in the hearing. Bet he needed a few skis last night.

    • Christin says:

      I’d say he did need some ‘skis, since more news was dropping last night about alleged texts and PJ and his wingboy being interviewed.

      Not that any of this will end up stopping things, but he has to be sweating this week.

    • Esmom says:

      Part of me could actually see Trump pulling the rug out from under the GOP and deciding he no longer wants Kavanaugh. Partly just to f%^k with them and partly to distance himself from a “loser,” if that’s where he thinks the nomination is headed.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Trump does not like drunks, he’s talked about watching alcoholism kill his older brother as the reason why he has always been teetotal. If it comes out that Kav is still a hard drinker then I think Trump will dump him because yeah he’s a ‘loser’.

  10. grabbyhands says:

    As they cement their power, it will only get worse.

    The day is coming soon when they’re all just going to give up on the pretense altogether and just have blatant racist and sexist slurs in these press conferences.

  11. Lala11_7 says:

    This is NO LONGER POLITICAL…to be truthful..the MINUTE Ronald Wilson Reagan was elected…the fight STOP being political…

    This is not about Republican vs. Democrat

    This is about Fascism vs. Freedom

    It is as simple and as HORRIFYING…as that…

  12. Maria says:

    I’m getting the slight impression that Trump is trying to distance himself from Kavanaugh. Will he throw him under the bus? Possibly.

    • Esmom says:

      I just said the same thing above! I could see that.

      • Save Mueller says:

        He hates alcoholics; he excuses away any other bad behavior, but because of his personal grudge (dad or brother? I forget and don’t care enough to check) he might actually start hating Kavanagh enough to drop him.

  13. Christin says:

    He had another rally last night, and one of my co-workers has tickets (got them last week, as this event was quickly arranged to help a Senate candidate). She drove to the town where it was held (with tickets) and could not get inside. She said there were just too many people in attendance.

    People are commenting on local news stories that they stayed in line for hours, went through metal detectors and then were turned away (though having tickets days in advance).

    There were people who waited overnight to be first in line. WHY???

  14. GigiC says:

    Lmao his little passive aggressive comment s that get him and his supporters hard because they backtrack easily when called out. When he gets defensive like that, I imagine what it must have been like to be Ivanka being subjected to it growing up. He reminds me of Woody Allen.

  15. Cay says:

    Why are you all being so hard on him? Clearly you can see by the people surrounding him at the news conference that he believes in diversity, equality, and fairness for all races and genders. I mean, just look at all the African American women in his delegation.

  16. Case says:

    As a woman journalist with a disability, you can imagine (or perhaps can’t imagine) how much I loathe this cockroach.

  17. Valerie says:

    Honestly, at this point, I’m hoping he’ll just drop dead.