Thomas Markle confirms that he found out about Meghan’s pregnancy on the radio

Lionel Richie Hand And Footprint Ceremony

Thomas Markle actually waited about five days before he sold out his daughter again, following the news of her pregnancy. He issued one short public statement the day after Meghan’s pregnancy announcement, but all of us knew that would not be the end of it. And it wasn’t. He sold some old family photos of Meghan as a baby to the Daily Mail and he gave them an exclusive interview too, because of course he did. You can see the photos here. Some highlights from the interview:

When he heard the pregnancy news: The announcement, he says, was ‘overwhelming and joyful… I was sitting in line waiting to cross the border when I heard the baby announcement on the car radio. The first thing I thought about was holding Meghan in my arms as a newborn 37 years ago. I thought, “My baby is having a baby.” It was a very proud moment. I was filled with love, joy and happiness for both my beautiful daughter and my son-in-law. A new baby is a blessing and I look forward to seeing a little Meghan or a little Harry.’

On Meghan’s birth: ‘It was in the middle of the night when Meghan was born by caesarean section. Doria [Meghan’s mother] was sleeping [anaesthetised] and so I was the first person in the world to hold Meghan. When they handed her to me and I held her in my arms for the first time it was love at first sight. She was the most beautiful baby. Meghan winked at me and I fell in love and have never stopped loving her from that day forward.’

How he wasn’t included in the palace statement confirming the pregnancy: ‘I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me. Me not getting a call is most likely a misunderstanding about my two back-to-back heart attacks and me missing the wedding. There has been so much misinformation and lies that perhaps made them mistrust me.’

He thinks Meghan will be a great mom: ‘I wasn’t surprised by the baby announcement. Meghan loves children and she and Harry have been talking about wanting a family from the start. I’m delighted for them both. She’s always been wonderful with children and most of her friends have families so she’s used to being around kids. She will make a fantastic mother.’

[From The Daily Mail]

After reading the DM piece, I was more disgusted with the Daily Mail than Thomas Markle. The DM used words like “unnecessarily cruel and unkind” when describing Thomas’s absence from the formal pregnancy announcement, as if Meghan is “unnecessarily cruel and unkind” for drawing boundaries and cutting off a toxic and emotionally abusive parent. You know what was unnecessarily cruel and unkind? When Thomas Markle actively tried to ruin her wedding when all she did was invite him. Also cruel and unkind? Every time he’s sold her out and participated in these coached interviews with British outlets.

As for the rest of it… well, at least we know for sure that Meghan didn’t call her dad and Doria didn’t call him either. He heard the news on the radio.

Johnny Depp arriving at the Hotel Eden

Photos courtesy of ITV and The Sun.

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65 Responses to “Thomas Markle confirms that he found out about Meghan’s pregnancy on the radio”

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  1. Melania says:

    I’m happy that Meghan and Doria didn’t call him. He’s a toxic and abusive man and it’s what he derserves.

    • SilverUnicorn says:

      Abusive and narcissistic people don’t stop in front of anything. And they get extremely ragey if the ‘no contact’ rule is enforced by the other side.

      Having said that, what would you expect from the Daily Mail, it is a racist far right British paper with expected deportations of foreigners on its front cover Every. Single. Day.

      • Lilly says:

        So true. I’m going through that with some close family. It’s so horrible, the “ragey” as though that’s going to encourage me to talk with them. The person even tried to leave me a message saying my mom might die and I should be in touch. I wish I couldn’t relate to this and my mom was in touch, as she usually is, before I had a chance to react.

        As for the DM, agreed @SilverUnicorn, such toxic place too. I imagine the comment section’s ancestors were in the crowds at hangings etc.

    • My son is soon turning 18 and I can finally go NC with my abusive ex and it’s like I’m getting over a very long debilitating illness. I found myself singing in the car for the first time in 10 years. People who have never been the victim of true narcissist have no idea what a poison it is to EVERYONE and how it erodes your self-esteem and peace of mind. I’m so proud of them for cutting off this toxic man.

  2. Apples says:

    I still don’t understand what was his problem when he declined her invitation to the wedding and made such unnecessary mess of things. Were they estranged for many years prior? He could’ve been in London now, decorating the nursery.

    • dietcokehead says:

      The allure of quick, easy money won out over decency and the desire to protect his daughter.

    • Lala11_7 says:

      From what I was reading…Meghan and her Father have ALWAYS had a problematic relationship…so this ain’t new territory…it’s just on a world wide stage now…oh and he can’t GET to her any more…

      And also…folks like Thomas Markle are FULL OF SELF-LOATHING…that’s the fuel that powers their putrid fire…so there was NO WAY IN THE WORLD he was going to get in front of BILLIONS OF FOLKS and showcase himself even for his daughter…That would take the kind of courage that he has yet to exhibit…

      • ClaraBelle says:

        I think he would LOVE to “showcase” himself and courage has nothing to do with it, as that is just what a narcissist does when given a stage. He’s not self-loathing, only bitter because he thinks he SHOULD have the stage.

        Narcissists are too messed up to realize that they have reason to hate themselves.

      • Piper says:

        Totally agree @piper. TM was reclusive when he was first introduced. Respected, Retired far away from everyone. I thought he’d never go that wedding until he showed up in sunny pics holding books of London which was out of character for a quiet retired dad.

        In comes the sister, her story doesn’t match his…someone retired in a resort by themselves in Mexico cares about pap pics of themselves in sloppy clothes and his image? Why would he care? It doesn’t impact his life? No. Plus he was given the same assistance and info that Doria was given. Yet, she made effort to come to London long before the wedding but Thomas sat around in Mexico a week til the wedding worrying about his image? This isn’t true. He was never going to leave his home and Meghan prob thought that but when he never left, then sold her out it just confirmed her suspicions… he was never going to leave. The line about fixing his image was a lie. Even if he was papped in suits daily, he’d still be a retired guy living in Mexico on his own. Also, anyone else bothered how Samantha refers to “my dad and I” like they’re married vs only a half sibling. Esp one who wasn’t even close to Meghan. “My father and I should have been invited, my father and I deserve recognition for Meghan’s success and welcoming into the palace.” Someone buy Samantha a tourist pass bc let’s face it, that’s all she wants. Give her dad the check for tuition Meghan clearly thinks he’s owed.

    • jessamine says:

      Executive functioning and strategy are not his best features.

    • ByTheSea says:

      He thought he could make some quick money off her with the staged photos and no one would be the wiser. When he got found out, he got embarrassed and didn’t want to show his face, so he faked a health issue (come on, he was never hospitalized, as there were pictures of him before and after his alleged “heart attack” eating fast food and being out and about). Now one “heart attack” wasn’t enough, he’s now saying he had back-to-back heart attacks. Sure Jan.

      • IlsaLund says:

        That’s what I thought. It was only one heart attack and now it’s back to back heart attacks? And he must still be coordinating with Scammy, because I recall her saying something about back to back heart attacks. And isn’t the Daily Fail the magazine that outed him about the staged fake photos and yet he’s still selling baby photos and interviews to them? Yeah, if it’s not about the money, then I have a bridge to sell…lol

      • Rhys says:

        Thomas is such an odd bird. Or is he just dumb?He was going to be father-in-law of the UK Prince. I’m sure he must have realized he would’ve been assisted financially. Look at Doria, who is moving to London! I’m pretty sure all of her needs are mostly taken care off and although she doesn’t seem like someone who wants charity, her daughter obviously will be providing for her.

      • ByTheSea says:

        @Rhys, most definitely shortsighted. Couldn’t see the forest (long term care, access to royalty, etc.) for the trees (immediate cash).

    • Anna nuttall says:

      He didn’t just turn down the wedding – but also any help from Kensington Palace. So it his own fault.

    • Natalie S says:

      There’s a story that he wanted to give a speech at the church ceremony. When he was outed for staging pap shots, the speech, which was never guaranteed, was now completely off the table. Soon after that, he started his antics with TMZ.

      It’s narcissistic jealousy. Either way he was going to make the wedding about him.

      • Anna nuttall says:

        I also heard he started to make other demands as well such as having a seat for a guest; take a guess on who the guest would be.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        There were rumours that he wanted to bring an ‘entourage’ and was expecting the RF to pick up the tab, on top of the demand to make a speech at the church ceremony. He also wanted to be the one in the drive from the hotel to Windsor with her, even thou she wanted Doria. He basically wanted to make it about himself and be the centre of attention, with is ex-wife being shoved to the side to suit him and his ego.

      • Catrìona says:

        Thank you, Natalie S. You got it. I am convinced that it was Meghan’s rejection of that speech her father wrote that drove Thomas Sr over the edge.

        As you say: ‘It’s narcissistic jealousy. Either way he was going to make the wedding about him.’

        Her father convinced himself that Meghan would allow him to read his charming, brilliant speech at the wedding ceremony. Thomas told The Mail On Sunday: “I thought it was a cute story. Like any father I wanted to say a few words. I was going to thank the Royal Family for welcoming my beautiful daughter into their family. But it was a speech I was never going to be allowed to give. That hurt.’ Thomas wanted to describe Meghan saying: ‘Daddy, I’ve met a man… Daddy, he’s English… Daddy, he’s a prince.’ He thought that was cute.

        I have NEVER heard of a wedding ceremony where the father-of-the-bride gives a speech. Those speeches are given at the reception, but never at the wedding ceremony. Not that I’ve ever seen.

        We all know that the plans were for Thomas to walk his daughter down the aisle. I’m pretty sure that the narcissistic Markle believed that he was above simply performing the traditional father’s role. From his comments he has made it clear that he saw this wedding as being about himself as much as it was about the couple being married. Walking a daughter down the aisle isn’t memorable. He knew that with all eyes on the bride he wouldn’t be remembered. However, giving a speech that will be shown across the world with all eyes on him is another matter altogether. I’m pretty sure that Thomas was convinced that by giving this speech he would charm the entire world, immediately elevating himself in status, celebrity, and even wealth.

        Sadly, I have had to deal with family narcissists all my life.

        Refuse to play the role a narcissist assigns to you, or get in the way of a narcissist’s goals, and the individual will experience ‘narcissistic injury’. In response, he/she will take revenge, doing everything he can to destroy your reputation and your life. He will continue the attack until you either give in to his demands, or become unable to fulfil them.

        Thomas’ heart attacks and supposed ‘major heart surgery’ to insert stents were clearly faked. (Ask anyone who has been through the stent insertion procedure, or took care of someone who did if they were up and about within a day stuffing their faces with fatty junk food.) Thomas’s health drama was a little act – first he’s coming, then he’s not, then he is, then he’s not – an act timed to take the attention away from the wedding whilst blackening his daughter’s reputation before the entire world. The narcissist’s ploy of setting up a ‘Pity Party’ makes a huge impression on the uninitiated.

        Another narcissist ploy is to play the ‘Family Values’ card, knowing that no matter what he has done to you, others will witter away ‘bu… but… he’s your FATHER.’ Or ‘but she’s your SISTER.’ Many people will make excuses for the abuser, blubbering on as to how he REALLY doesn’t mean it. Others will ignore the damage the narcissist has done and criticise you for your lack of Christian forgiveness. (Just read the comments on the DM.)

        Worst of all, as we have seen from the Meghan and Harry debacle, even with proof of the lying and abuse, many people will refuse to believe it happened.

        The only thing Meghan can do is cut him out of her life. In the end it’s what we all do. Been there.

      • TuxCat5 says:

        Catriona, I wish I could “upvote” your message infinity-plus-one times. You must be exhausted after having written it!

        “Been there”–indeed. Been there, done that, got the scars. No t-shirt for us.

    • Catrìona says:

      It is difficult to understand unless you have experience with this kind of person.

      Control of the dynamic is more important to people like Markle than anything else. Everything has to be on HIS terms. As is typical, Markle wants the recognition, the money, adulation, and access to Meghan, Harry, and the RF, but he doesn’t want the responsibility that would come with the position.

      In mid-August Thomas Markle claimed in an interview with The Sun that the royal family are ‘cult-like’ due to their secrecy.

      He was quoted as saying: ‘They are either like Scientologists or the Stepford family. If they hear anybody say anything they just lock the doors. They need to speak up! They are cult-like – like Scientology – because they are secretive. They close the door, pull the shades down and put their fingers in their ears so they don’t have to hear. Maybe they have a secret handshake too! You cannot ask a question of them, as they won’t answer.’

      The RF have their own reasons for maintaining their secrecy. It’s not up to a foreigner, much less a slob like Thomas Markle, to tell other people how to live their lives. I suspect that in his fantasy world he saw himself and Meghan as modernisers, the agents through which the RF would tear down the walls and open themselves to the world. Y’know… like in Hollywood, like celebrities. Then Markle could blab to the tabloids and make himself the centre of attention any time he needed a narcissistic fix, because blabbing and disclosing anything he wanted about the RF would be normal. It’s all part of his delusional charade.

      IOW, he had no interest in being a part of the RF if he is required to follow the rules of that family and institution. I also suspect that he is one of those men whose response to direction is to snarl: ‘No one’s gonna tell me what to do.’

  3. dietcokehead says:

    “Probably a misunderstanding…”
    Uh no, I think they understood you perfectly well when you were calling your daughter a phony and stepford and sold her out many times leading up to the wedding and ever since. Meghan and Harry have this guy’s number and I hope they don’t back down.

    • Christin says:

      I also enjoyed the part about how he doesn’t want sympathy, then says there may have been misunderstanding regarding his two heart attacks.

      Actions (or inactions) have consequences, but some people refuse to acknowledge their part of a problem.

  4. jessamine says:

    While I could sort of see Meghan asking Doria/Doria volunteering to give Thomas a back channel head’s up at the last minute before the formal announcement as an attempt to mollify him and maybe mitigate his worst impulses (my mother has done this for me on occasion), I am incredibly happy that they didn’t. Truly. Anything above ZERO ACCESS is tantamount to negotiating with terrorists.

  5. Spittair says:

    Keep flapping those gums and you’ll hear about the birth on the radio too.

  6. BlueSky says:

    Um, no you constantly selling her out, being critical of her mom, and being an emotional abusive a-hole is why they mistrust you.

    Don’t fret Thomas, you have other grandchildren you already ignore.

  7. RBC says:

    Interesting how in all the trauma Tom Sr has caused Meghan in the past few months, he has always been restrained in speaking badly about Doria. Even Meghan’s troll siblings have not really gone after Doria. With the exception of what I have read here they have steered clear of really going after Meghan’s mother. Makes me wonder if Doria has some interesting information about Thomas but is keeping quiet so as not to embrass her daughter?
    Thomas and his children are not to be trusted and Meghan is wise to avoid them

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Thomas Jr has outed Daddy as a coke user back when he was ‘raising’ Meghan, he also told about how his dad used to regal him of his sexcapades while on visits to Thailand/Phillipines where apparently $50 can get you 2 women for the weekend who can do things to you that will make you a changed man. Google Thomas Jr and the articles will come up and on my work computer and don’t want them in the browser history.

      Am sure sleeping around with hookers is what caused the divorce and Daddy doesn’t want Doria/Meghan spilling the tea.

    • Peg says:

      Not true
      Thomas said Meghan is Willful like her mother, and Doria told Meghan if they can’t do anything for you, don’t waste time on them.
      Samantha is always braying about Doria, she did an interview with Oprah, she’s stopping Meghan from including her father, Doria is domineering and the list goes on.
      Jr. was low key about Doria, now he ratcheting it up now, about thomas and Doria quarreling after thomas got back from the Philippines trip.

      • Catrìona says:

        Why would you believe anything this man says? He is a liar who even contradicts statements he made weeks and months earlier.

  8. Northernlala says:

    Ugh! He makes sure to tell us that HE was the first person, in the world, to hold her.
    And sells her baby pictures. 🙄
    Prove your love -just shut up and go back under your rock.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      The way he talks about her creeps me out – he talks like he owns her. He really doesn’t like the fact that she has a husband now as he is soo desperate to tell everyone that he is the only man worth something in her life.

    • Mego says:

      That really creeped me out. My MIL is like that and a narcissist so it’s typical behaviour.

    • Catrìona says:

      Newly-born infants are given to their mothers, NOT thier fathers.

  9. hkk says:

    Get her name out of your mouth, Tom! He is infuriating. Stop saying yes to interviews. Stop. I seriously question his cognitive abilities.

  10. Mego says:

    I’m relieved that Doria isn’t in contact with him. He needs to remain in the outer darkness where he has been cast. The Markles with never see Meghan’s children.

  11. minx says:

    What a loser.

  12. Kittycat says:

    I guess his health is ok.

    Otherwise he wouldn’t be able to give these interviews.

    The best policy from Meghan is to cut him and his side of the family off.

  13. Chatty Cath says:

    So the first thing he does is contact the British tabloids. Just couldn’t make it up. Sheesh.

  14. Becks1 says:

    Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if the original rumor was true – that Doria called him and told him – and this story is now a lie. IF you are at all on his side and want Meghan to contact him, this story makes him seem more pathetic and makes Meghan seem colder – couldn’t even give her dear old dad a heads up!

    I think his miscalculation is that every time he does one of these interviews, more people turn against him and less and less people feel sympathy for him if he did find out on the radio.

    Basically I just don’t trust anything he says and assume that everything he says is designed to make him look good and Meghan look bad, so who knows what the truth actually is.

  15. Christin says:

    More evidence that it is difficult to shame the shameless.

  16. Digital Unicorn says:

    He’s proven time and time again that he’s a liar – regardless of how he found out he was always going to twist it to his advantage to make himself out to be the poor victim.

    The only people being ‘unnecessarily cruel and unkind’ are the white Markles. I think he’s completely on board with selling her out as he knows that whatever relationship he had before with her is now well truly over – he’s burned it to ashes and then some. He can never ever be trusted.

    As for the money – they state he wasn’t paid for the interview but only for the photo’s. He can make more money on them – if he keeps copyright he will get paid every time someone wants to print them

  17. Nikki says:

    They are right to leave him out.

  18. KidV says:

    Now we know how adorable Meghan was as a baby. So Cute!

  19. Vanessa says:

    Thomas has shown everyone who he is all along he is a self centered ego drive man who own cares about how he is perceived by the public. He has no problem giving interview to the racist daily mail the same newspaper that on daily basis encourage the racist abuse against meghan. What loving father talks to a newspaper that says the most nasty things about his daughter and ex wife. I think him and Samantha are both involved I think Thomas a unhealthy obsession with meghan he talks about her as if she his property its not normal I believe that meghan and harry we’re not that upset about the photos. I think the later interviews trashing the royal family and doria is what did him in for good. I don’t believe he should have anything to do with meghan and harry baby he has a creepy unhealthy obsession with meghan I’m sure that going go to transfer to her child. The man is unhinged the length the British press will go to insult harassed abuse meghan is ridiculously if she was fully white there no wait in hell they would have continued this level of abuse they would have moved on from her family already. The fact that meghan is pregnant and they still feel the need to attack her is shameful and disgusting she can’t even get a break from the vicious cycle of abused. The daily mail and the readers are really that upset that harry didn’t married a white woman this campaign of hate toward meghan is disgusting and before people starting saying kate gets hate too I know that Meghan gets hate because the color of her skin when racial code language being used to attack a minority its a whole different type of hate. People need to realize that instead of saying but they get hate she has been target because she biracial

  20. aquarius64 says:

    Congrats Evil Papa Smurf. You have made sure you are not going to be in the official christening pictures because you won’t be invited along with your demon spawn from the first marriage. Watch BP to give the order to drop receipts that prove they are not fit to raise house plants.

    • Izzy says:

      “Watch BP to give the order to drop receipts that prove they are not fit to raise house plants.”

      Please, oh please, let this happen. BP, KP, if you are reading online coverage and see this, BRING. IT. ON. We are ready for it, and it’s past time you owned these garbage hucksters and served them a dish of their own just desserts.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      I think they have already started dropping, via Thomas Jr. See my post upthread but Jr has been telling the tabloids that Daddy Dearest was a cokehead and liked to holiday to the Philippines/Thailand where he could ‘get a couple of women for $50 for the weekend who’d do things to you that would make you a changed man’ when he was still married to Doria.

      There are reasons why Scammy and Jr kept this man far away from their children and why they themselves were estranged from him for many years. Its only a matter of time before his first wife starts talking about their marriage.

  21. Hmm says:

    What a dum dum, how gullible does he think people are? There is No misunderstanding and no heart attacks. He started the schism when he took photos with the paparazzi and when he was found out he subsequently trashed his daughter and her new husband at every opportunity. It’s not sad that he’s no longer involved in his daughter’s life, what’s sad is that he is who he is; a vile, self absorbed creature.

  22. JadedBrit says:

    Ugh. He reminds me of my narcissist/sadist ex. A bewildering kaleidoscope of so-called affection/contempt/hatred/humility/vengefulness/charm/contempt/indifference. And I know I’m not the only one on CB to have suffered at the hands of such an abuser.
    What narcissists really, REALLY hate is to be ignored.
    It drives them insane. They simply cannot cope. They’ve arranged their human chess pieces on the board for maximum manipulation/self-satisfaction and one decides to step off. It imbalances the game. It means that the rules have changed. Pa Narc Markle has always seen Meghan as a possession. “His” property whom he created, formed as it were from raw clay into the Royal she is today. It’s beyond possessiveness; it’s pathological. Given that he sees her as his creation and thus his mouthpiece, he simply cannot permit her to escape from his clutches. Any success or joy she has MUST be as a result of him, the creator, and therefore she must NOT celebrate without him. Hence ruining her wedding. Hence dropping the lovebomb piece right in the middle of an exceptionally successful first tour. Hence he and Sammy trying to emotionally blackmail her during her first joyous and much wanted pregnancy.
    I wonder if this is another reason why Harry is so solicitous and careful with her: he knows how profoundly damaging and harmful such toxic behaviour can be to her mental health.

  23. Anastasia says:

    Wait, now he had TWO “back-to-back” heart attacks? I thought he had one. Maybe.

  24. Vanessa says:

    Notice how he said he was the one to hold meghan first and that Doria was passed out he wants to everyone to know that he was the very first person to hold meghan. It bother him that doria and meghan have a connection that why he goes out of his way to dismiss doria parenting him and Samantha go around bad mouth doria telling lies about her as a mother. If meghan was anything like Thomas she would be more like her half siblings its pissed Thomas off to know that meghan has quality that he and his another children don’t possession. Him trying to take ownership of everything meghan has becomes is so people can look at him in a better light it’s also been about perceived verses reality his two other children have become bitter hateful individual who think their entitled to a seat at the royal table because they share a father with meghan. I think that Thomas is used to get his away with meghan I think that thomas thought that if he acts out meghan will let him get his way again he wants to be the center of meghan world he wants her to put him above everyone else. And it’s not happening so he throwing tantrum to get her attention noticed how he only talks when meghan and harry are in the press he wants to be part of every major event they do so he would be forever connected to meghan you can’t search the Duchess without articles poping up about Thomas though about her pregnancy. He might not be in contact with her but he won’t let anyone forget that his her father and he matters

  25. Leyton says:

    “Misunderstanding about two heart attacks”??

    No, Thomas, it was about you selling your daughter out, emotional abusing her and telling her she would be nothing without you. You also sat back and watched your own spawns trash her in the media and you never once tried to stop them. You still don’t try to stop them.

    His lack of self awareness and inability to apologize is why Meghan will probably never allow him in her childs life. He can’t be trusted. He’s shown he is willing to sell out his daughter, there is no reason to believe he wouldn’t do the same to her child. A Royal Baby is a HUGE payday.

  26. Mego says:

    Did anyone Notive the click bait article promising to reveal the contents of the note Sam left at the gate of Kensington Gardens? I didn’t care so didn’t click lol!

    • Peg says:

      They gave her back the letter at Kensington Gardens, so she released it to the Mirror or the Sun. Did the dailymail stop paying her for her fantasties?
      Same ole, same ole, Meg get in touch with daddy dearest, you don’t realize how sick he is, and Meg is a caring person.
      ends with you don’t have to reply, , you can’t make this sh** up.
      I think TMZ realied they were conned by Thomas, so they’re not buying what he is selling anymore, it’s Harvey Levin got duped by thomas.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      I don’t know why people think that the Palace took Scammy’s note – she wasn’t even at the gate of the Palace, but at the security entrance of the street next door. The policeman she was papped talking to was part of the diplomatic corps as that street has several embassies and ambassadorial residences – its also a private street hence the security precautions. For the record if she had wheeled upto KP gates she would have been turned away with police refusing to take her ‘letter’ (aka ransom note).

      She setup the pap shots to troll everyone to make some money – she played on most people’s ignorance of the geography of that area of London (I know that area well). She’s just a big a liar as Daddy.

  27. virginfangirl says:

    What a mess. He will likely never see his grandchild in the flesh. Meghan will always have the stress and heartache of having a dad too toxic to be involved in her life.