Duchess Meghan wore Oscar de la Renta for an awards ceremony back in Australia

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Okay, so I didn’t really pay much attention to the very detailed schedule for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s royal South Pacific tour. I did not realize that after several days in Fiji and Tonga, they were heading back to Australia. But they did – they hopped a flight from Tonga earlier today – Friday – and then flew back to Sydney, Australia for the Australian Geographic Society Awards. What an absolutely insane schedule for them – I realize that Meghan and Harry deserve a lot of credit for not doing a bare-bones tour that more closely resembled a taxpayer-funded holiday (cough), but I think they were WAY too ambitious with the schedule.

Anyway, here are some photos from their red-carpet-y appearance at the awards ceremony. Meghan wore an Oscar de la Renta cocktail dress that looks very much like something Sarah Jessica Parker would wear and has worn. It’s the ballerina look, with the full tulle skirt, and the fact that this would look at home on stage during a ballet recital. She repeated a pair of black Tabitha Simmons slingbacks too.

You know I love her, and I’m seriously not inviting every single Meg-hater to dunk on her, but she really needs to figure out her rouge/contour situation with her makeup. The Duchess of Cambridge had big issues with her makeup in the first years of duchessing too – Kate always went way too heavy on the eye makeup. For Meg, she’s going way too heavy on the rouge.

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143 Responses to “Duchess Meghan wore Oscar de la Renta for an awards ceremony back in Australia”

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  1. Maum says:


    I saw the pics and thought ‘cute dress but why is her face half orange’?
    Weird because she has gorgeous skin- she doesn’t even need blusher.

    • Rhys says:

      How hard can it be to hire someone who does her hair AND makeup?

    • Huh says:

      Amazing dress bad make up (as it has been for most of the tour)

    • minx says:

      I looked at the dress first and absolutely loved it—then saw her makeup, smh.

    • Ravensduaghter says:

      I’ve noticed all during this trip that she’s been wearing lots of blush-what’s the story?

      • Suze says:

        I wonder if she’s feeling sicker than she’s letting on, and is using heavier makeup to cover up any paleness or gray tinge to her skin. I felt like shit during my first trimester, you’d better believe I layered the makeup on when I had to go to events – and those were friends’ weddings, not red carpets!

    • Megan says:

      I think, like Kate, she is struggling to find the right balance between make-up for HD TV vs. make up for photos. Looking good on HD TV takes a lot of make up that simply does not photograph well.

      • Lulu says:

        This. I was in a semi-celeb wedding and bride hired an “artist” to do our faces. When i saw my make up i freaked out. It was cartoonish. The artist swore to me that i needed lots of color because the cameras make you look really really washed out. Like she darn near fought me on it. On camera i looked…..Like a clown. But the wrong people will have you thinking it’s alllll good.

      • Nic919 says:

        And she’s doing this while putting on makeup at different hotels with different lighting setups.

      • SpillDatT says:


        A good makeup artist would have properly lit mirror at their disposal so that it wouldn’t matter what the room lighting is. They have all sorts of mirrors which you can change the lighting on, to see what the make would like like in full sun, shade, night etc. She def. needs someone to help her with it.

      • PrincessK says:

        Oh please, do remember she is about four months pregnant, who cares if her make up is not 100%. Most of the time she has looked just fine. The schedule they have has been really punishing for any pregnant woman. If she added a make up artist AND dresser to the entourage they would be criticised, so maybe sh is having money doing her own makeup and good for her.

    • Anast says:

      I think it might be her trying to counteract some face puffyness/chubbiness/pregnancy and doing it poorly

      • Some chick says:

        None of us ever think we look as beautiful as we do.
        Yes, it’s too much blusher. Doing makeup (and even dressing) for flash photography is its own whole thing.
        But… pretend it’s your mom. She looks beautiful, right?

      • Newmoon says:

        She’s been overdoing the blusher from the start, though. It’s a choice she’s making.

    • BB says:

      It’s so, so bad. I looked back at photos of them when they were engaged and she’s not wearing any of that orange bronzer/blush or whatever it is. She looked GORGEOUS when they walked out and announced their engagement. She needs to do her makeup like that at all times. At some point she decided bronzer was a good idea and It. Is. Not.

      Maybe she feels like she needs to “up” her makeup game now that she’s a duchess or something, but just add in some lip color every once in awhile or something, don’t paint your face with orange glitter.

      I’ve said this before, but she’s doing her makeup exactly like her friend Jessica Mulroney wears hers. It’s like looking at celebrities from 2004.

      • Helen says:

        Jessica Mulroney had a tacky french manicure gel manicure on her trip to Australia.

        No way should that real housewife wannabe be taken seriously as a stylist!

  2. LaraK says:

    Love the dress.
    The makeup needs to stop. Frankly she needs a bit of primer, highlighter, mascara and gloss, and done! Everything else just overwhelms her features.

    Also can’t she just lure back one of the Suits makeup artists? They always made her look gorgeous.

    • Jan90067 says:

      If you could wipe the bronzer off, she would be *almost* perfect head to toe. This is a dress I would wear either the controlled ponytail she wore yesterday, or a ballerina bun with. Not loving the loose hair with this dress. But I do love the dress on her! This, and the blue shirtwaist dress she wore yesterday have been her BEST looks so far, IMO of course.

  3. cate says:

    I love this dress!!!! Totally agree re: the blush/bronzer situation.

    But honestly, this doesn’t seem any different from Will and Kate’s tours, tbh. Both couples had private time, both couples had fluff mixed in with serious stuff. All tours come across (to me) as taxpayer-funded holidays.

    • mint says:

      Because they are tax funded luxury holidays. Sorry but I do not consider anything they do as work. Waving and smiling? Hardly. Plus they have an entourage that caters to their needs. They have 2 or 3 events in a day but thats neither hard or long “working”. Even if they did work 8 hours a day- others do it day in and day out, then care for their family and household and deal with financial issues. Walking around in $1000+ dresses, hugging kids, and watching ceremonys is neither work nor ambitious. Its just parasiting your way through tax payers money. Sorry but these royals are just a big no

    • RoyalSparkle says:

      Totally Disagree!

      The HRH Sussexs are greatly different from whiny Willnot and waitie the flasher Cannot.
      No flashing by the Duchess and both HRH show great consideration of the countries culture people, both in regal attires -is warm and engaging with the government and people. This Royal Tour is not only about Regal wear – The Duchess has so many repeats in her wardrobe.

      At all time working very hard for HM POW, The Palace GB/ UK/CW. The Duke and Duchess Sussexs show genuine interest/substantive, engaged and thoughtfulness for the countries they visit. HRH Sussexs has done GB UK CW – HM POW BRF – the government and peoples a great JOB and Outstanding Tour.

    • Nic919 says:

      Will and Kate had full days booked off with no events whereas this tour has had no long breaks like that. They also have a minimum of four to five events per day. The anticipated total will be 76 engagements which is more than Will and Kate ever did on a tour. It is however closer to what Charles and Camilla do.

      We can say that these royal tours aren’t real work, but at the very least Harry and Meghan are doing the tours at the work level of the Prince of Wales and not the reduced capacity of Will and Kate. And the crowds following them are huge, with the Australian media saying they haven’t seen this since the Diana tours of the 80s.

    • Viola says:

      It’s not any different indeed. Most of the activities they all do are fluff in any case and,with few exceptions,all their engagements were in the morning,early afternoon. They have had plenty of free time. Didn’t they go to the private island to spend the night in one of their 5 stars resorts? These tours may be stressful but they are just expensive PR excersises.

      • PrincessK says:

        Yeah they went there to sleep, everybody needs to sleep. They have not had any time off.

      • Tracee says:

        Work?!! When you factor in the compensation the royals get this is hardly work. My vacations seem like work compared to this – handle my own baggage, security, etc.
        It’s an insult to those who really do work.

    • Tina says:

      No one would choose to spend their holidays meeting and greeting local dignitaries, smiling constantly, and making small talk with people you do not know. It’s work.

  4. Kittycat says:

    Less makeup of course. I would agree.

    But I love the dress.

  5. Reloaded says:

    Beautiful dress, she look amazing here. I really don’t see any problem with her make up. It’s suitable for a night look.

    • 90sgirl says:

      Meghan is NOT wearing bronzer. Why can’t people understand Meghan is half black and that is not bronzer! Meghan looks amazing, head to toe.
      She half African American that’s her natural skin color. I am about her complexion I don’t think it’s bronzer at all.

      She looks stunning.

      Also she has naturally tanned a bit since she has been there in the Sun. Even for a half hour in the Sun, Darker skin or people with melanin in their skin ,tans quite fast.

  6. Lumbina says:

    £10,000?? I realise she won’t have paid full price etc etc, but £10,000??

    • Becks1 says:

      I think that dress is worth the 10k, although it sounds ludicrous in general. But I think that dress looks infinitely better than Kate’s from this week, which apparently was also 10k.

      • Lumbina says:

        It’s not that I doubt haute couture dresses can come with this price tag, or that this dress isn’t stunning, but it seems totally inappropriate amount of money for the occasion and for a publicly funded wardrobe.

        I’m sure she could have found a beautiful dress for less than half that.

        If Kate’s dress cost that it’s also ridiculous, but at least that was a state occasion. This just feels off to me.

    • B n A fn says:

      The dress is beautiful, she looks flawless. If the dress is $$$$$, IMO it’s worth it. Also, it could be a loan. At times I feel sorry for MM, she is criticized everyday. She cannot win. I hope as time goes by the critics will cut her some slack. Btw, I’m not saying this site critiques her every move but some sites on the Internet is merciless. I can’t imagine all the hate coming from the father side of her family and the Internet relentless hate from trolls how can she stays so beautiful and sane.

    • Mae says:

      Where does it say it cost 10,000? A reporter tweeted last night that the dress can only be purchased through a personal shopper at the moment but that similar dresses in the line cost $4,200.

      • wha1ever says:

        There are similar style gowns on the Oscar de Renta website retailing for around about £10,000. So its not unreasonable to think that this one could cost a similar amount.

    • PrincessK says:

      Please don’t believe everything you read in DM. Someone said it could be worth in the region of £10k and then click bait DM goes and says in its headline that the dress is worth £10k and people believe it. 🙄

      • 90sgirl says:

        …and Daily Mail didn’t say a word about Kate’s dress costing $10,000 …the paper and many of the reporters are hypocrites

    • PodyPo says:

      AND if she did buy it and not borrow it, it’s beautiful but not repeatable. “Here comes Meghan in the Bird dress again…” Such flouting of wealth and privilege is IMO a bad look for one who purports to be a humanitarian.

  7. Surely Wolfbeak says:

    Put a bird on it! (I love it though.)

  8. IlsaLund says:

    I love this dress. It’s beautiful. How is it the Daily Fail always has the best pictures and why do they always lead off with how much Meghan’s clothes cost?

    • Swack says:

      Because they need to find something wrong no matter what. By disclosing the price they are baiting the haters to comment on how she’s wasting tax payers money. The dress is gorgeous and she looks gorgeous and the price is the only thing they can b!$th about.

    • wha1ever says:

      Its no different to what they did with Kate when she was on tour, especially her first few tours.

      • Annie. says:

        And I remember how every post here used to be titled with how much had Kate’s dresses costed

      • 90sgirl says:

        Kate wore a $10000 dress the other day and the Daily Mail didn’t say peep about the price, they didn’t even mention it. Daily Mail is racist and has an agenda to drum up Meghan hate, IMO
        I don’t even read their Markle stories at all!

    • Lunde says:

      The Daily Fail is obsessed with money – it’s a running joke. Nearly every article – even those about crimes always include how much the victim or criminals house cost.

    • PrincessK says:

      It is because of the great pictures that I keep going to DM everyday. The comments are abhorrent but Meghan does have a loyal band of supporters on there who stick up for her, along with me, through thick and thin. Many people who write comments on there are total nutcases, and I am not joking.

  9. BigGirl says:

    Too much on cheeks.. Hope this tour ends soon because I’m exhausted by their schedule. Her dad is getting pissed by lack of attention and wants to sue for access to kids.

    • Kittycat says:

      The royal twins.

      Stalker grandpa and aunt. Is it too much to ask that they leave Meghan alone?
      I’m a year younger than Meghan and I can’t imagine having to deal with them.

    • Swack says:

      And he’s contacted the Archbishop of Canterbury to help heal the rift between them.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Wait, are you guys serious??? If not, PLEASE don’t give the ANY ideas!!! They’re crazy enough to have google alerts set up with their names and read this stuff!! *shudder*

      • Peg says:

        It came from Radar/Mirror.
        In way I’m glad Thomas is doing this, so that sitting on fence, will make her jump over and be done with him.
        Thomas, Samantha and Jr. no difference.

      • Swack says:

        @Jan90067, Very Serious. I went back to check the story.

    • Chaine says:

      Her dad is so delusional it’s incredible. On what planet do grandparents have any right to sue for access to grandchildren? Much less him living Mexico and her being in the UK. Is he going to demand she put them on a plane to Rosarita so that they can spend a week each month hanging out with him at his favorite McDonald’s?

      • Lunde says:

        Luckily Britain does not have any formalised grandparent rights. Grandparents can apply for permission to sue in rare cases (which will cost ££££ in legal fees) but they must prove that they had a significant relationship with the child before the family breakdown.

        The fact these 2 are happily publicising their threats rather than keeping it private just shows that they are prepared to humiliate and stress Meghan even when she pregnant and have little regard for her or the baby.

  10. Chisey says:

    This dress is fantastic 😍

    • RoyalSparkle says:

      Totally agree – Regal and fabulous on The Duchess.

      Love also the simple aqua dress/shoe at Topou College – as well as most of the Official and other attire.

      • 90sgirl says:

        Absolutely. I saw the dress and thought WOW This is stunning, she looks stunning.
        I love her style.

    • JanetDR says:

      Yes! It is perfection. I love that length

  11. Beth says:

    Good grief! Why does this gorgeous woman ruin her natural beauty with all this horrible make up? Does she look in the mirror while applying it?

  12. L84Tea says:

    My first thought was that it’s very Sarah Jessica Parker/Carrie Bradshaw. I don’t dislike it, but I am starting to grow weary of her wearing black and white all the time. I would love to see her in some purples or tangerines.

  13. Pleaseletgo! says:

    The make up is fine! Others pictures showed its very nice make up. She is looking fab. Best dress ever: fresh, modern, elegant, stylish. Slowly she is upping her game. People who said her clothes do not fit often have no understanding about fashion. Love the hair too. You go girl!

  14. Belluga says:

    Stunning dress. Just gorgeous. And I love how it’s a subtle reference to the event with the birds.

    • PrincessK says:

      Yes, I noticed that too. Very nice touch Meghan. I am sure she and her stylist saw it and just could not miss out on picking this really lovely dress.

  15. maybe says:

    I love the Make up and the Dress. Gorgeous

  16. Iknow says:

    She looks absolutely stunning! This look, in my opinion, has been her best look ever. I can’t even imagine how people can find something to complain about.

  17. JadedBrit says:

    My G-d, that dress is stunning – ethereal, gorgeous. I think her best dress yet. And it certainly could be “recycled” over and over again…
    Love the makeup but wish she’d gone for the very sleek hairdo she sported during the garden party just after the wedding. That would’ve been the cherry on the parfait.

  18. Deedee says:

    She looks amazing head to toe. This is my tour favorite.

  19. Gigi La Moore says:

    A total winner.

  20. Melania says:

    OMG that dress is a dream. I’m speechless.

  21. Aerohead21 says:

    Theater make up?? Hahaha no but seriously, it’s to much and not blended well. It also seems a bit too dark? She usually comes off with a more natural look and that would be fine even for an evening event.

    Just adding…speculating really…pregnancy can do both good and bad things to the skin. My first pregnancy I looked like a total wreck and my skin was so broken out. With my second I glowed. My third, I was sick as a dog so even though I didn’t break out, you couldn’t miss the nasty on my face.

    So maybe she’s covering some blemishes?

  22. TheOriginalMia says:

    Wow! She looks amazing. That dress is gorgeous.

  23. Harla says:

    Meghan is a very stylish woman who has been in front of the camera for years so I find it really hard to believe that she’s really this heavy handed with her makeup, I put down to lighting/shadow issues instead. I’ve seen different photos of Meghan from the same event and in some photos she appears to be wearing a ton of blush/rouge and in others it’s barely noticeable.

    • 90sgirl says:

      Some need to moan about something.
      She looks FABULOUS I thought she looked stunning,M head to toe.

      The British reporters who were on tour, are saying MEGHAN and HARRY knocked this tour out of the park!
      They also said Meghan was amazing, she accomplished everything she needed to and what people wanted. She s quite popular.

  24. OriginalLala says:

    that dress is sooo neat! I would kill to own it! but her makeup, yikes!!

  25. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    I like this couple SO much, and am rooting for their happiness, but I am saddened by the environmental concerns sandwiched in *so* much fossil fuel plane exhaust. ☹️

  26. Nola says:

    I love this dress. Best look of the tour. The blue cape dress was a gorgeous color but it was so plain Jane when it came to the details of the design. This ballerina look is one of my favorites that she’s ever worn —with the fitted tuxedo outfit during their engagement as my No. 1.

  27. Avisitor says:

    Quick question; is it possible to focus on an article about Meghan without throwing shade on Kate every two lines? I guess not.

  28. Amelie says:

    What a beautiful dress! Apart from the bronzer situation which everybody else has mentioned, my only minor quibble is that she seems slightly overdressed compared to everyone else there wearing simple cocktail attire? I’m surprised she didn’t default to a simple black dress! But hopefully we see this dress again at some point, it’s so gorgeous.

  29. Natalie S says:

    The only thing I’d change is having the skirt extend to the floor. The dress is dramatic and beautiful enough. I think the added element of interest by showing her calves and ankles pushes it a little towards starlet rather than duchess. Meghan looks lovely in it.

  30. Becks1 says:

    This is absolutely gorgeous. I love it. It is a total ballerina look, but its stunning. Ballerina looks are fun sometimes! I think the makeup looks nice for a night event. I think she does go too heavy during the day, but for evening this looks fine IMO.

    (I wonder if she is used to applying makeup very heavy for the cameras, even on a red carpet, and isn’t adjusting for a more “everyday” appearance.)

  31. Mellie says:

    I LOVE that dress….that’s probably one of my favorite things she has wore, it’s expensive, but it is beautiful. Maybe the makeup looks worse due to the lighting or camera’s flashing?

    • LizB says:

      I think a lot of it is due to camera flash. I’ve seen pics like this at some events, and then others – at the same event – and her makeup looks totally different and not so harsh.

  32. Digital Unicorn says:

    Love the dress but agree on the makeup. Both she and Katie Keen desperately need a professional stylist and makeup artist on their staff perm.

    Not thrilled at the cost of the dress. Figures are 10k.

  33. Lesanne says:

    Her skin is probably suffering from pregnancy hormones and jet lag. With her natural coloring it may be difficult to find a base cover and she is using bronzer instead. I am tri-racial and it is horrible finding make up. My undertones are so different from my skin surface if that makes sense? Then if you get sun everything changes again.

  34. Susan says:

    Dress is beautiful but…….way overdressed for the occasion and the price is just wrong. People are starving to death not many miles for her new country. As well Harry giving a speech on the environment when flying and hurting the environment as well as hunting – hypocrite much

  35. Lexa says:

    Oof that blush and bronzer combo.

    This is such an interesting and fabulous dress! The one thing I’m surprised about is that she didn’t line the skirt a bit more because the white tulle is extremely sheer in certain lights.

  36. Henny says:

    Too much makeup, too much dress for the occasion, in my opinion. I wish she’d hire a non-Mulroney stylist. There have been a few hits, but much like Kate, there have been many misses. This tour has appeared sartorially sloppy. Meghan is going to need some time to grow into this role.

    • someone says:

      I agree. The dress suits her and she looks good, but she’s starting to act like the star of the show. She’s in supporting role of Harry, who represents the monarchy. Neither of them need to take up the oxygen in the room. Plus, the dress is overkill for this event.

    • norah says:

      then you havent been paying attention to the tour – i think she has dressed suitably for all the occasions but i suppose finding fault with what she wore is what you have already decided on

      • someone says:

        and you have already decided what I think:-) I do not agree with how the royalty is becoming like modern day celebrities and the focus is on the clothes the women wear. Common interview/work guidelines state that at work your clothes should not take away from the main event and should be understated. Surely both of the, Kate and meghan have more to offer than this incessant focus on their clothes and their makeup. It serves neither the royals nor their causes and reduces them to instagram celebrities.

  37. Jenna says:

    I think I know what her problem is re: blush/bronzer. I’m Indian and a little darker than her and if I just swipe blush /bronzer on it doesn’t look like much. It’s only when I’m out of the house that I can see that I look like brown Noddy.

    It is strange though, because she should know this. She’s been wearing makeup longer than I’ve been alive. Ah, well.

  38. meme says:

    I heard Meghan straightened her textured hair with Keratin treatments. Is this something she can continue while pregnant? I see some of her natural texture growing in at the roots, just curious!

  39. Flying fish says:

    Nice dress.
    The makeup is bad.

  40. Veronica S. says:

    Normally, I am not a fan of tulle, but I admit I like this dress – but mostly because the pattern is what makes it work. BIRDS YO. Bird print forever. And bird print that looks like a flock scattering! The gauzy look of the tulle enhances the idea of birds in flight in the clouds.

  41. artistsnow says:

    Pul LEAZE stop with the bronzer comments. It is HER SKIN COLOR!!!!
    Your comments are SO offensive.

    LOOK AT THE PHOTOS!!!!! Her cheeks are different colors depending on the light. SHe is BLACK you guys!!!!

    Stop with the makeup critiques. Just stop. You have NO IDEA how offensive these comments are to everyone of color.

    Meghan SWEATS, she glows, she gets hot, she gets cold, her SKIN CHANGES COLOR IN THE LIGHT. OMG. PLEASE stop asking her to change her skin color. It is really awful. awful.

    • Knitter says:

      @artistsnow, You’ve got to be kidding. Just look at a variety of pictures of Meghan and you’ll see that her cheeks don’t always look as discolored as in these photos. And describing Meghan as black is racist because it condones the “whiteness = purity” assumption underlying our classification of most people with any acknowledged African ancestry as “black”. You could more accurately have written “She is WHITE you guys!!!!”

    • Hotsauceinmybag says:

      I’m black and white and I think her makeup is terrible. I don’t think this has anything to do with her race, just the fact that her makeup is not good in many instances.

      I have multiple undertones and overtones in my skin (lots of yellows, browns and pinks) and with far less resources than Meghan I do manage to even everything out fairly easily (lots of trial and error with Sephora samples).

      I think you’re finding a racial issue where there is not issue (and I love to drag people for micro aggressions. This is not one of those instances).

    • Lady D says:

      …or stop mentioning it because 162 commenters have already mentioned it?

  42. Nikki says:

    Agree on everything you said, Kaiser. (Thanks for all your reporting of the tour!)

  43. raincoaster says:

    Oscar De La Renta has always had a good line in cocktail dresses. I love it.

  44. Pandy says:

    Love the dress! I wonder if she’s feeling punky and needs the extra rouge to give her some color?

  45. SpillDatT says:

    I like the dress a lot, but I think it makes her look bigger than she is from the waist down, even given that she is pregnant. Still it’s a nice change from the monochrome beige, and I can’t wait to see her wear it again, styled slightly differently, maybe with different shoes, as much as I like these pumps, I’m tired of seeing them all the time, day in an day out. It’s like Kate’s beige pumps all over again.

    And her blusher, bronzer situation is OTT, she def. needs to tone it down. It has nothing to do with her being black or biracial or anything related to race, it’s simply a case of over application. There are plenty of women of colour with a variety of skin tones, who also sweat etc., but don’t look like they have piled on a ton of bronzer on their cheeks in photos.

    Given the resources at her disposal, she could easily have someone do her makeup correctly. Or barring that, if she insists on doing her own, at least give her some honest feedback before she heads out for events.

  46. liriel says:

    yeah, it’s not her skin colour it’s the make up. totally wrong. in some outfits she looks totally pregnant in some totally not.
    I like the dress but I actually think that while she does look cute she is too petite, this dress would look lovely on someone taller.
    anyway, they did a fine tour. some great outfits, some ok. when I look at perspective I always thought I hate Kate’s outfits, now I see some were great. with Meghan it’s the same. it helps she’s pretty so she looks ok-ish even in a kind of ugly dress.
    I believe they tour must have been exhausting, I appreciate the amount of activities.
    Let’s be honest, this gala and other events were fluff and very validating to the duchess and fun.
    It’s a very summery (pom poms anyone) tour with LOTS of events but all of them very nice.
    So exhausting but glamorous or boho/fun.
    I think it was a perfect destination for them. You can still look good (not too humid/not too cold), not to participate in a very serious (and boring, sorry) events, have some fun. Good for them!
    Oh and sometimes Meghan looks better solo. Harry being so tall makes her (already petite) look even smaller. Sometimes it’s cute, sometimes not.

    • SpillDatT says:

      Agreed. The full skirt shortens her, and gives her a wide square look from the front. I think having the volume of the tulle taken out a bit would look better on her.

      Hopefully once she has had a healthy baby, they can tailor her outfits to her size as obviously right now it’s tricky for her to have anything fit correctly.

      • liriel says:

        I know the appeal of the tulle but I’ve noticed that in the majority of cases it’s perfect for editorial pictures. You can sit and do other poses and you look like a romantic ballerina, princess. In real life – it’s very tricky. Especially on petite people.
        On one hand you have almost every little girl’s dream come true on the other – the reality. (I’ve tried one for my friends’ wedding. I SO wanted the tulle skirt to work, it looks great as an item. on me.. not so much)

  47. Viola says:

    Agree about the makeup. It’s a nice dress,she looks great but she seems overdressed and it doesn’t photograph really well because of the see-through fabrics.
    The prize is crazy for this event. And it comes after wearing £5,000 worth clothes and accessories for two engagements in the same morning. I thought she was more aware of the optics,PR aspects of what she does.

    • Viola says:


    • liriel says:

      I say whatever, not that big deal but she loves high fashion and she doesn’t care what anyone think. She used only one “reasonably priced” (still not exactly very affordable) item and several designers, very little british. She loves the big labels. She’s nothing like her but she dresses like Melania Trump – recently Melania’s style is off but I’m first to admit she looked great for a while, wore only designer clothes. I expected Meghan to wear more British and affordable designers.
      PR wise it might not be too smart, when you add up the cost of such a trip it’s like wow! She wants to inspire, connect with people, it’s her goal yet she doesn’t even pretend to care at all about $ so I see some disconnect from her general message. Even if it’s for the show. Such trips are all PR ok so what you wear is a part of that.

    • Cranberry says:

      Omg. Thank you for mentioning the sheer, see-through fabric. I commented below on it too. It bugs the crap out of me. The dress would otherwise be very nice although I would agree with you that it’s maybe too glamorous for this event. It makes her seem a bit out of place. But what really kills everything is that you can literally make out her whole freaking leg all the way up to her freaking crotch almost! WTF! Very distracting and ruins the whole look at least from these pics.

  48. Fluffy Princess says:

    Ooh I like this dress! It’s very Duchess-y!

    It’s amazing to me how much the camera loves her! She literally does not have a bad angle!

  49. BBeauty says:

    That bronzer/highlighter situation is a nightmare. Her foundation doesn’t match her body and neck. Jeez. Hire a makeup artist PLEASE. I love the dress though.

    • liriel says:

      Yeah, help please. Not to mention she already has lovely face and she doesn’t need much contouring in the first place!

  50. AG-UK says:

    If the dress is couture then it is probably that expensive. Its better than a 9-5 that’s all I have. It’s not like she thought it would be different.

  51. Cranberry says:

    Big problem with the dress! Overall it’s pretty for that style, but the skirt is too see-through all the way up to her upper thigh. It’s not flattering. In fact it’s very distracting. If she at least had one more layer of sheer under lining it might have fixed it. Making the skirt still have a sheer affect but without actually being able to make out the clear shape and color of her legs (mostly right leg).

    To me this ruins anything good about the dress. I give Meghan a big zero on this dress since all I can look at is how I can see almost her entire leg and how inappropriate it seems for the occasion and the dress style to boot. Otherwise it would have been a sweet, demure, pretty dress.

    • Hotsauceinmybag says:

      If you look at the pictures on the Daily Fail you can see she’s wearing either a nude or biege liner underneath. It looks about thigh length.

      • Cranberry says:

        Regardless. In these photos the final “effect” is that you can still make out her entire leg almost up to crotch area. It’s not a good effect for this style of dress or for her position as a Royal rep. Even if someone like Sarah Jessica Parker were to wear this at a Hollywood event I would think it’s still not a good feature for the dress style, but for SJP to show a lot of leg guised in very sheer fabric on rc is more fitting for this kind of wardrobe fail than a royal outing in Fiji.

    • MeghanNotMarkle says:

      I think that was just a really unfortunate thing that nobody anticipated (the sheerness of the skirt). I’m sure it wasn’t tried on and viewed in the same lighting with cameras. It’s a pretty dress but just another misfortune that pit another tick in the Near Miss column.

  52. Leeta says:

    About the contouring:

    Those of us with similar coloring may find ourselves experiencing melasma during pregnancy. I did, having darker-toned patches show up on my cheeks and forehead. The combo of hormones and strong sun aren’t always kind.

    I imagine it’s possible her more enthusiastic application of blush and contour could be used to address the issue.

    I hope with that understanding, we can offer her more grace and consideration at this time.

  53. Littlefishmom says:

    Maybe she didn’t feel well and they overcompensated. That dress on her is flawless. She’s probably exhausted.

  54. Rosie says:

    She looks lovely but overdressed for the occasion. She often wears too much bronzer but maybe it looked different in the make up mirror than when photographed with a flash. Or maybe it’s because apparently she learnt from TV make up artists, and isn’t that approach heavier as the lights bleach the colour?? She is naturally beautiful so doesn’t need really heavy make up (imho).

    Sorry this is maybe off topic/ too long please ignore if so:
    I don’t mind the Royals spending money on high price items when they are classic or if it’s a huge occasion. It’s hard for M at the moment because she’s got to build up a wardrobe in a hurry whilst knowing her shape is probably going to fluctuate for a few years. The fashionista set will disagree but she needs to avoid fashion items (unless they are cheaper and perfect for her) and buy for her proportions. At the moment she doesn’t seem to understand them…it took me years too, we’re not all good at dressing ourselves. She needs a good British stylist (it would save them money in the long run) . She’s making mistakes all over the place with what she’s buying she’s got to learn or get better help. You might not like Kate’s style but she’s a canny shopper (it’s her super power) . Anyway in the scheme of things she always looks lovely, her face distracts from the clothes. She’s got a long long way to go before she’ll ever be as embarrassing as Fergie.

  55. Ann says:

    Too bad the taxpayers have to pay for their lifestyle in 2018. Sorry, but wearing a 10,000-20,000 dress when there are homeless people all over the place both in London and in America is pretty ridiculous.

  56. Claire says:

    The dress is wearing her. Plus it’s for someone younger imo. I love the dress just not on her. Doesn’t do her any favours and I agree with other posters. Overdressed!

  57. Mstak says:

    I actually really don’t like this dress but I feel like I’m the only one. She’s looked far better on many other occasions.

  58. Edward says:

    Please @celebitchy Report on some other celebrities for some change. I am getting tired and bored of these two. Her style is so depressing and nothing any of these royals do seems very relevant. Report again once the baby is born. Please more of Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez wedding, Mariah Careys Christmas madness, Heidi Klum, Justin Bieber, the fun stuff. Winter Season is depressing enough.

    • MerryGirl says:

      You do have the option not to click and comment on their threads. This category is for Royals, jeez.

    • MeghanNotMarkle says:

      Nobody is forcing you to read it and all celebrities are just frivolous fodder, including the royals. There are plenty of gossip sites in the blogosphere to choose from. Toodles!