Ariana Grande: ‘I’m going to be friendly because that’s the life I signed up for’

I remember all the diva stories about Ariana Grande, how she would pose to only show her “good” side, how she insisted on being carried places and how she was caught on camera licking donuts. She was entitled after her music career blew up following her early fame on the Disney channel. Being catered to and flattered was all she knew. Then the Manchester bombing happened and it changed her entire outlook and perspective. She witnessed horror and surely has PTSD from that. Ariana became humbler, she truly appreciated her fans, and she opened up about her mental health issues. This summer she told Vogue UK that she had anxiety but that she never talked about it because it felt selfish when her fans had lost their lives. In a new BBC special she elaborated about that and talked about her philosophy of being friendly to fans as well.

Speaking to host Davina McCall, Ariana revealed that she feels “guilty” about her anxiety because she regards herself as the “luckiest, most blessed girl in the world.”

She said: “I almost feel guilty that I have it because it’s just in your head and it’s just so crazy how powerful it is. You have ups and downs and sometimes you’ll go weeks at a time where you will be crushing it and there will be no anxiety…and then something will happen that can trigger it and then you have a couple of down days, you know.”

She went on to say that she’s found “reaching out to loved ones” for support has helped her deal with her anxiety.

Ariana said: “The most important thing is to remember that … everybody has this. Talk to your love ones, reach out to people, especially your friends online. Reach out to each other.”

She also revealed that she generally tries to “preserve” herself by “not going out” when her work schedule is busy, but will always make time for her fans when she is visible.

Ariana said: “I’m going to be friendly because that’s the life that I have signed up for, and I have to be OK with it.”

And she concluded by revealing that she refuses to hold herself to “perfect” standards when it comes to being a role model.

She said: “If I’m going to be a role model the last thing I should be is perfect, because that’s not realistic. That’s not a realistic goal for anybody to have. So, I think so long as I am honest and genuine and share with my fans my truest self then that’s the best I can do, because that’s allowing them to do the same thing.”

[From Buzzfeed]

I don’t agree that everyone has anxiety, if that’s what she means here. Some people don’t know what it’s like. I didn’t understand anxiety when I was young as I didn’t experience until later in life. I do think of this quote a lot though, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” My mom told me to imagine that the person who cut me off driving for instance is rushing to the dentist because they have a toothache. Having empathy also helps you just be a gentler person, which explains Ariana’s friendliness and vulnerability with fans. I just wish it wasn’t so hard earned for her. She’s gone through so much, especially with the death of her ex this year.

How pretty does she look with white blonde hair? She’s a chameleon, but this is from last year. I’m pretty sure she’s brunette still

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17 Responses to “Ariana Grande: ‘I’m going to be friendly because that’s the life I signed up for’”

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  1. Erinn says:

    I don’t know. I think anyone and everyone can feel anxious. The same way anyone can feel depressed. It doesn’t mean it’s actual clinical anxiety or depression – but I think anyone can feel a blip of that from time to time.

    Ariana’s grown on me. She seems to understand that she’s in a very privileged position – and tries to make the most of it. I do feel bad that she doesn’t feel like she can properly ‘feel’ a certain way because of her privilege though. No matter how good someone has it – there can always be parts of their lives where their problems build up and really start to affect them. I hope she genuinely gets the rest and ‘reset’ that she needs.

    • jay says:

      The expectation that you can be 100% productive 100% of the time is ruining the world. It’s not clinical or pathological to experience situational anxiety every few weeks that interrupts your progress. She’s not wrong that “everyone” experiences this…but what she’s describing is the human condition. Literally just…being alive. I think somewhere along the line we forgot that life has ups and downs. We shouldn’t be using mental health language to describe every damn thing we think and feel.

  2. Lolly says:

    She was actually on nickelodeon, not disney. I do have a soft spot for her, and I wish her well.

  3. Lala11_7 says:

    You know…I’ve grown QUITE FOND OF HER….like she was my Gawddaughter or something….

  4. skipper says:

    I have severe anxiety but my husband doesn’t. It’s hard for him to understand sometimes because he can’t relate but he is so patient with me when mine happens which is very frequent.

  5. Div says:

    Ariana’s really grown on me; she seems like a good person. The tabloids used to be overly harsh on her, even if she used to indulge in some quasi diva behavior. Also, the carrying thing that people slammed her for was blown way out of proportion back in the day. She’s absolutely tiny, so probably quite easy to carry, and if she and her bodyguard and manager were cool with it, I don’t think it’s a big deal if they used to carry her on occasion if she was in pain and utterly exhausted after a long shoot for a music video or a particularly exhausting concert (she used to dance in like five inch heels for hours on end). I think she was only photographed doing it once or twice, anyway.

    I very mildly disagree on celebrities being friendly to fans in whatever situation, although I think being polite and civil is always warranted. I remember JLaw was mildly dragged, but I think she had a valid point in not posing for photographs with fans who interrupt her dinner when she is out with friends and family.

  6. Naddie says:

    I came from not standing to see her face to enjoying every time she opens her mouth. It’s almost as if she was someone else.

  7. Carrie says:

    She’s had some really difficult traumatic experiences. It’s good to see and read her and know she’s doing well or at least is focused on that and in a healthy way.

    She has made mistakes but she’s sincere and trying. That’s much more than many others do or have done in the past. In a way I see her as a version of Celine Dion as a young artist. She’ll be ok.

  8. Velvet Elvis says:

    The pics of her with the blonde hair…I’m getting a Kylie Jenner vibe. Is she messing with her lips/face??

  9. Case says:

    “I’m going to be friendly because that’s the life that I have signed up for, and I have to be OK with it.”

    I really like this, and her. As others have said, she has grown on me so much. She has been through some very serious matters in the public eye and has handled herself so gracefully. As someone with anxiety (and who knows younger girls who look up to her who also have anxiety), I really appreciate that she’s so open with her struggles. She doesn’t need to be, but in doing so she’s helping a lot of people.

    I think far too many celebrities forget that without their fans, they wouldn’t have a job. Celebrities shouldn’t need to be “on” constantly but at the same time, I think they should certainly try to be kind to fans as often as possible. It seems like Ariana really takes this seriously, and that’s sweet.

  10. Brian B says:

    She’s still a bitch.

  11. Jess says:

    My husband’s cousin was best friends with Mac Miller and he said that Ariana is just a really sweet girl and she really loved Malcolm and his whole family. When people insinuate that she was responsible for his death and other nonsense it makes me so angry, because this girl has been through so much this last year and she’s just trying to hold it all together. I think people forget sometimes that celebrities are just normal people, with problems just like the rest of us. I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Ariana.

  12. Dee Kay says:

    I remember a long time ago that Michael J. Fox said in an interview that whenever fans approached him, and he wasn’t in the mood to chat (this was way before he got Parkinson’s), he would tell himself, “This person bought me my sofa. In other words, he would think of the fans as, in a real way, contributing to and improving his life. That gave him the little bit of energy he would need to shake yet another stranger’s hands. I think this is what Grande is saying here. However, I’m sure it’s a struggle and I feel badly for celebs who can’t really go out in public without having to be “on.” I myself don’t approach celebs often unless I’m personally introduced to them or at a small-ish party or something where I encounter one (which doesn’t happen often but has happened a few times), because I feel bad that they have to do this endless meet-and-greet. I have even avoided celebs in VIP rooms/green rooms etc. because I would rather give them a few moments to themselves than foist myself upon them.

    • Jay says:

      I like that story – it’s a nice way to look at it. I personally really don’t have much interest in meeting celebrities and exchanging “I love your ” and “thank you so much”. I can understand wanting to ask lots of questions of them on something you’re interested in, but that always seems like it should be in a specific place (conventions, concerts, talk shows, even amas), not just at a random run-in.
      While I somewhat admire kindness to fans, I’m also strongly against paparazzi, and I think too many celebrities get hounded and harassed by paparazzi and are expected to just take enormous abuse. I believe there would be hundreds of immoral paps aiming to take advantage of this kind of attitude and tolerance, as well as less well meaning fans which… makes me extremely uncomfortable and pretty against this. It’s demanding access to the person because they’re a celebrity. Cannot help but remember horror stories. I think it was Jennifer Garner who had a story about a stalker hiding themselves among paparazzi harassing her.
      Honestly, there are a lot of people who did not contribute in any way to their success who demand attention. I bet there a ton of pirates who feel more entitled than anyone, or people who have actively harmed their careers with gossip and/or demeaning reviews (specifically thinking Star Wars fandom here). I tend to think most “attacks” or rude behaviour to press or fans is probably provoked, and just being cold or frosty isn’t really an issue in my eyes.
      That said, cheering for Grande. Hope she continues to shine.

  13. Lambe says:

    My experience is very different from Ariana’s. My anxiety is chronic, ongoing, and every day. It impacts my life every time I leave the house, and keeps me home a lot.

    I sort of wish I only had a couple of down days every so often. 🙁