Karl Lagerfeld receives texts & photos from his cat, Choupette, throughout the day

Karl Lagerfeld attends the Christmas Lights Launch on The Champs-Élysées

One of the biggest reasons why I’ve always enjoyed Karl Lagerfeld’s interviews is because he’s from a generation that knew that “less is more,” especially when speaking. Lagerfeld doesn’t go on and on about himself, or anything, really. He is the master of the pithy quote or the four-word insult. So while I think Lagerfeld is an unpleasant and grumpy dude in general, I always enjoy his interviews. He sat down with The Cut to talk about his latest collections, fashion in general, and the great love of his life, his fluffy kitty Choupette Lagerfeld. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

He knew he would be famous: “I was 6 years old. I was sitting on my mother’s desk in the country estate, in the big house — on her desk, where I was not supposed to sit and sketch — and I said to myself: You will become very famous.”

Texts from Choupette: [There was] one moment in the interview where he took off his sunglasses was when he picked up his phone, which has the initials KL embossed on the case, to show me texted photo updates of — he says “from” — Choupette. On the sofa, on the bed, lounging around looking, yes, very much like the child-princess surrounded by servants in Velázquez’s Las Meninas, to which he’s often compared her.

He will eat some meat: “I don’t eat chicken birds…I only eat what doesn’t look anymore like what it was when it was alive. I can only eat hamburgers. I am not inclined to steakhouses.”

How he stays informed: “Today the world comes to you. I read every magazine and everything. There are very few people as informed as I am… I think it’s great [to read on a smart phone], but I have assistants who inform me [about] what I have not seen. Personally, I have no time. I don’t do internet, I don’t do Facebook. I have to sketch, I have to play with Choupette, I have to sleep. The day is too short for that.

His thoughts on Germany: “I’m very drawn to Germany, but to a Germany that doesn’t exist any longer, [that] died in 1933. If they became Nazis again in Germany, I’d throw my passport out of the window … My mother said Germany without Jewish people is like a dish with no salt.

His mother’s advice: “I was a very bad driver. I had two accidents that were my fault — where I fell asleep — and it’s a miracle that I’m still alive, but I never touched a wheel again. You know, as a child I was told by my mother, you must learn nothing. You always have to depend on people, because then you have to make an effort to have the money that they will do it for you. I don’t know how to cook, I don’t know how to make a bed. I only know sketching and talking and making collections.

His love for “My Choupette.” It was more than a surprise, because my best friend, Sandy Brant, had a cat, and I thought it was too much, the fuss about the cat. Then a friend of mine came with Choupette and said, to one of my mates, not even to me, “I’m leaving for two weeks, can you keep the cat?” When he came back, I told him that the cat was not returning to his house, and I kept it, this kind of genius creature….Yes, of course [she’s coming to New York]. She is always on the knees of the pilots. She loves private jets. She adores them. You know, the problem with private jets is that even if you have a big one, if you have many people [aboard], then it is a nightmare. More than three or four, forget about it. I remember I came back from Moscow and brought all my assistants. It was the worst flight, because they asked for drinks and this and that. I like to sleep in planes. Or I close my eyes and clean my brain.

[From The Cut]

At one point, Lagerfeld insists that he is “working class,” which… I think he means he grew up working class, because if he still considers himself working class now… good lord. Mostly, I just think he’s softened so much because of Choupette. She is his daughter, and the most important “person” in his life. “I am not inclined to steakhouses” should be on a t-shirt. As should “I don’t know how to cook, I don’t know how to make a bed. I only know sketching and talking and making collections.” The thing is, I doubt that Lagerfeld is truly that helpless in normal, everyday situations.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.

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33 Responses to “Karl Lagerfeld receives texts & photos from his cat, Choupette, throughout the day”

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  1. Cayyuutee says:

    Oh he old Old.

  2. Tiny Martian says:

    Lol, he’s a crazy old codger.

    Plus: every 6 year old thinks they will be famous one day, that is what’s so charming about 6 year olds!

  3. Electric Tuba says:

    He’s a terrible person and his idiocy and cruelty are not only annoying, they are the embodiment of what is wrong with the entire industry. He deserves to be cancelled

  4. drea says:

    I’d like to cancel the word cancelled.

  5. Lala11_7 says:

    He knew he would be famous: “I was 6 years old. I was sitting on my mother’s desk in the country estate, in the big house — on her desk, where I was not supposed to sit and sketch — and I said to myself: You will become very famous.”
    You know…you either gotta love him…or despise him…

    There IS NO IN-BETWEEN!!!!

  6. Va Va Kaboom says:

    I’m having trouble reconciling “working class” with sketching at his mother’s desk “at the country estate” and “in the big house” at 6…

    • Ashley says:

      That part struck me as odd too. My fam was solidly middle class, and we definitely didn’t have a country estate or even a city estate for that matter.

    • Wasabi says:

      German size of a “country estate” is not the same as North American. Think more of a a garden shed, it’s probably more accurate.


      • Bumble says:

        This is absolutely true. We have family
        In Berlin- their country house is the size of a small studio apartment in nyc. But they have one! They Berlin apartment, on the other hand… crazy beautiful

    • Nina says:

      Working class? Haha, that’s a funny one. His family was very well off, one might even say upper class. It’s even in his Wikipedia article. He likes to portrait himself this way but he comes from wealth with a lot of opportunities. His mother moved with him to Paris where he went to a prestigious private school. He still worked hard to get where he is now and that from a very young age, I’ll give him that. @Wasabi He for sure wasn’t sitting in a garden shed. 😉

  7. anniefannie says:

    Can you imagine how dumbfounded the cat owner must have been when he returned from his trip only to be told Lagerfeld was keeping the cat?!? He’s a dying breed and that’s probably a good thing, but he gives good gossip….

    • karen says:

      yeah, i had not realized they had not even left the cat with him, but with a mutual friend. wtf. its cute that he loves her, clearly, but….id be pissed if my kitten was stolen =\

  8. Kitten says:

    LOL he is insufferable but I like that “playing with Choupette” is one of his daily responsibilities. I really do picture Choupette surrounded by servants who are doting all over her ROFL.
    Karl doesn’t get that cats don’t need all that shit. Choupette would be happy with a cardboard box to lay in and a beanie baby on a string to play with.

    • Sadezilla says:

      I will be personally offended if Choupette doesn’t have a cardboard box! All cats need boxes!

      • Wasabi says:

        1. Agreed! The sole purpose of a box should be to be given to a cat.

        2. If I were a filthy rich insufferable old dude I’d want constant updates on my cat, as well. Hell, I want it now but there are no assistants in my life and my cat is too lazy to take a selfie herself 😅🙀

      • Kitten says:

        Exactly! When we get a package at home we promptly remove its contents and give the box to the cats to play in. At first there’s always a fight but then they inevitable work out a kind of time-share program. Still, best is when we have two boxes-one for each kitteh.

        And yes, if I were rich I would LOVE getting kitty updates 🙂
        I’m hoping my BF will get me one of those treat-throwing kitty cams for my bday 😀

    • Veronica S. says:

      I KNOW. It makes me laugh so hard. But sort of tinged with that baffled and mildly outraged way that makes me understand how the guillotine became so popular in France. (HIS CAT. HAS AN IPAD. HIS. CAT.)

  9. Lightpurple says:

    Choupette rules. More Choupette. Less Karl but more Choupette.

  10. Sadezilla says:

    I want “I don’t eat chicken birds” on a t-shirt! Unkle Karl is not a nice person, but Kaiser is right, he does give a good interview. I still say “she struggles.”

  11. Fluffy Princess says:

    I have a major soft spot for Choupette! And while I think Karl L is odious in many ways, I love his love for his furbaby. She has softened him a teensy weensy bit.

    I think I love Choupette, because I have a “Fluffy Princess” who’s name is Nylah, and she and Choupetter could be “cousins” because of they look quite similar. <3 <3

  12. derpshooter says:

    I wonder what kind of presents Choupette gives to Karl for his birthday, Christmas, etc. Is she a good gift giver? Does he always say “oh, Choupette, it is too much!” because she went overboard, but secretly he adores her for it?

  13. OriginalLala says:

    I love Choupette but strongly dislike him…but more Choupette please!

  14. Tania says:

    My husband sends me pictures throughout the day of our cats sleeping in the sun or licking their cat parts in very awkward poses and showing off how proud they are to be so flexible.

  15. Amelie says:

    Lol I remember him saying he had basically taken the cat from a friend who had left it in his care and he just did not want to give her back. That’s not the first time he’s said this so that’s not new.

    But really, he doesn’t even know how to cook? I have to be honest I had no interest in learning when I was younger and I didn’t until I had to learn myself in my early twenties. To this day I don’t super love it but I can get it done. It’s one thing to tell me you can’t drive but to not know how to cook…

  16. Kaia says:

    “If they became Nazis again in Germany, I’d throw my passport out of the window … My mother said Germany without Jewish people is like a dish with no salt.”

    I really like that he said that at a time like this. It’s very sweet. <3

  17. s says:

    I wonder if Santa and the Easter Bunny IM him as well….