Katherine Schwarzenegger & Chris Pratt’s wedding will be ‘religious,’ big surprise

Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger are smitten after a date night at R+D Kitchen

From what little I know of Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger, they’re both pretty religious. Katherine was raised Catholic, like all of the Kennedy clan, but faith-watchers have noticed that she seems to be experimenting with churches outside of Catholicism. Pratt’s religion is a bit up for grabs, I think? He seems to be more of an Evangelical, but like an Evangelical California-style. Which would basically be Unitarian in the South. There’s some talk of how Chris belongs to Hillsong, which is that cult-like church in LA with tons of celebrity faithful. Chris and Katherine have been pap’d on their way into church many a Sunday, so their faith is clearly something they share with each other. So, no surprise, Chris and Katherine are planning on a “religious wedding.”

Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger‘s shared spirituality will play a major role in their marriage. The couple, who announced their engagement on Monday, bonded over their Christian faith early on and a source tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue that it will be front and center at their wedding.

“They’re going to want a religious wedding,” says a source. “I know that Chris does, and I assume that she does, too. God is going to be a part of this marriage.”

Another insider close to Schwarzenegger, 29, adds the two likely won’t wait long before tying the knot.

“They are one of those rare couples that you root for from the beginning. It won’t be a long engagement — Katherine has already talked about having a summer 2019 wedding.”

Pratt, 39, loves that Schwarzenegger doesn’t shy away from discussing her beliefs openly, the first source tells PEOPLE.

“He’s constantly around other people who have no faith or are apologetic about it, but not her. She is willing to talk about it to anyone who will listen.”

[From People]

“He’s constantly around other people who have no faith or are apologetic about it, but not her…” Why do Christians always have to act so friggin’ martyred? There are literally tens of millions of Christians in this country and hundreds of millions of Christians in the world. But if you ever meet one of these Evangelical-types (like Pratt), they speak as if THEY are the most marginalized people in the world. Is it really so shocking that a Christian dude found a Christian lady to marry? No. It’s not. As for the religious summer wedding… called it. My prediction is a June wedding. And I bet the Shrivers/Kennedys will insist on a Catholic wedding, honestly.

Katherine Schwarzenegger and Iskra Lawrence hold a conference at Century City Mall

Photos courtesy of WENN, Backgrid.

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112 Responses to “Katherine Schwarzenegger & Chris Pratt’s wedding will be ‘religious,’ big surprise”

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  1. Megan says:

    This is his second marriage. Not sure they are going to go the Catholic route.

    • OSTONE says:

      This, he would need to get an annulment for his marriage to Anna in order to get married in the Catholic Church.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Was his first marriage a Catholic wedding?

      • YesImHere says:

        @Original T.C.

        His first wedding wasn’t Catholic. But that doesn’t matter. Any divorced person can’t marry in the Catholic church. There has to be an annulment or some sort of special dispensation. I believe the Church can give a special dispensation if the first marriage was just a sort of Justice of the Peace thing. Also, the Church requires Pre Cana classes, and typically that means AT LEAST a 6-month engagement.

      • Lightpurple says:

        It depends on whether the first marriage was in a church (or temple or performed by clergy) or not. If it was just a JOP situation, the Church doesn’t recognize it.

      • Millennial says:

        Lots of misinformation in this thread. At least in my church (US), divorced persons must get an annulment to have a Catholic wedding, even if it was a JOP situation. That would be the easiest annulment actually, since it wasn’t considered a covenant before God. For my wedding, we both had to have two people we’d known since aged 13 stating sign a document saying we had never been previously married.

        Also, you can have your wedding in a Catholic Church if one person is not Catholic. However, you the catholic person must agree to raise the children Catholic (read: baptize them Catholic) for it to be considered a “Catholic” wedding. A priest can witness the wedding,
        but if that agreement isn’t made, the wedding is considered non-sacramental. They also prefer in that case that you don’t do a full mass wedding (read: no communion).

        My guess is since they are Kennedy’s – mama Shriver may insist on a Catholic wedding with a full mass anyways.

      • YesImHere says:

        @Millenial is totally correct on all counts EXCEPT you don’t have to get an annulment for a JOP. You just need to get the local Bishop (or his rep) to sign off. You have to produce whatever records (marriage license, etc) you got from there (the courthouse records). What the Church is looking for is proof that there was no “sacramental union”. But the Church’s rep has to at least investigate (look at the paperwork from the JOP situation). So @Millenial is right, but just with the caveat that a courthouse marriage does not require a full annulment. I know this because my parents were both previously JOP married to other people before they JOP married each other, and THEN they converted to Catholicism and re-married each other in the Church.

    • YesImHere says:

      Right? A lot of people apparently don’t know this about Catholicism.

      • elimaeby says:

        This reminded me of my lifelong best friend’s dad and stepmom. When they got engaged, she (a Catholic) got a letter from her church saying that she was not welcome to marry there, as he was divorced. He was so offended on her behalf that he wrote back stating that they “would rather have joint, televised colonoscopies than be married in the Catholic church.”

        One of the most boss moves I’ve ever seen. I’m proud to call him my second dad.

      • YesImHere says:

        The Catholic Church takes the sacrament of matrimony very seriously. I admire that. Just because some (okay, A LOT) individual Catholics don’t take it seriously, the Church is not to blame.

    • Original T.C. says:

      It’s not about him, it’s about her Kennedy background. Kennedy = Catholic royalty in the US. In these mixed weddings, as long as you agree to “raise” (read baptize) the children Catholic you can get a priest to marry you. That’s what happened when a Catholic friend of mine married her Jewish husband.

      But who knows, maybe Chris can convince her to turn her back on a Kennedy tradition? Now *that* would be news.

      • Megan says:

        Robert Kennedy Jr and Cheryl Hines were married by a Unitarian minister.

      • Christin says:

        Bobby Jr had probably run out of any possible passes, since this is his third marriage. Then again, I don’t think his second divorce was finalized before Mary died.

      • Lightpurple says:

        No, you do NOT have to agree to raise the children Catholic. My mom is Catholic, my father was not. They had a huge wedding in a Catholic cathedral. He had to take a brief series of classes on the faith but he did not have to make any agreements on how we would be raised. Same with a friend and her husband. He had to take a few classes but made no agreement about the kids.

      • me46 says:

        I’m Catholic and my husband isn’t. We didn’t have to agree to raise our children as Catholic (we don’t have any). Our ceremony was in a Catholic Church but it wasn’t a full Mass.

      • Malificent says:

        I think agreeing to raise the kids Catholic was policy decades ago? Maybe it was changed as a part of Vatican II in the 60s?

        I know it was a requirement when my mom inquired about marrying my Protestant dad in the Church in 1956. My dad wasn’t willing to convert, but he was willing to have a Catholic ceremony. However, my mom didn’t take kindly to the requirement, which is why the Church lost on 5 more little Catholics.

      • Erinn says:

        We considered marrying in the catholic church. My husbands best friend/best man’s dad was going to do it. He heavily implied that he should ‘agree’ to raise any kids catholic, but kept stressing “but who am I to know if you’re lying”. My dad lied about it as well.

      • holly hobby says:

        I also recall Bobby Jr tried to have his marriage (to Mary? Not sure who since we’re talking about three marriages) “annulled.” That was a big brouhaha because if he had that marriage annulled does that mean the kids from that marriage are not his? I remember it was a big deal and a douche move.

    • Cee says:

      I’m not sure. His marriage to Anna wasn’t sanctioned by the CC, therefore it didn’t exist.

      • LizB says:

        Exactly. The misinformation on this thread is crazy.

        If you are not married in the Catholic Church, it officially does not exist. In the eye of the CC, Chris is not married, has never been married, so no issues for him and Katherine.

        If he was Catholic, it would be a whole other can of worms, though.

      • Annie says:

        As I have been in this exact situation and know several canon lawyers, I can say this is how it works: the Church will not recognize a “new” marriage if there was a former until that prior marriage is submitted for examination and annulled. You could say, sure, the Church will not recognize that marriage; i.e. they will annul it. I had the least possible valid marriage on the books and I still had to submit all the paperwork to receive an official annulment; the marriage had not been valid. As Chris Pratt and Anna Farris were likely both baptized, their marriage was valid, even if they were married by a JOTP (I have no idea if they were). Since Chris has a child from that prior marriage, it SHOULD be especially difficult to annul it, even if neither he nor Anna were Catholic. However, what’s on the books is not really what’s enforced right now, which leads to a lot of confusion and resentment. Most likely it will be annulled since they turn down very few people and there’s famous people involved; however, I doubt they would have a Catholic wedding. Not that they need to, it’s just that annulments take a lot of time and Cana classes take time; so much awful bureaucracy.

        I don’t care what they do and wish them much happiness, but just thought I’d clarify for anyone with misconceptions. No matter what, if you have a marriage on the books in whatever format, if you signed any sort of legal or church paperwork, you will need a formal annulment to be married in the Catholic Church.

      • Justwastingtime says:

        My husband (Baptised Lutheran – kind of atheistic) and I married in the Catholic Church with a full mass. The Jesuit priest took him aside in a separate room and asked him to agree to raise the children catholic. He thought it was funny that they made him promise, not me. As he pointed out, he wasn’t nervous that they were going to send him to hell for lying. Both of our kids did end up being raised catholic but definitely catholic light.

    • launicaangelina says:

      Divorced people can get married in a Catholic Church if their first marriage wasn’t in the Catholic Church. My mother-in-law was divorced when she met my father-in-law and they married in the church. I think it required her to get baptized and confirmed in the Catholic faith. No annulment did the first marriage required.

      • EOA says:

        Yes, the fact that he isn’t Catholic actually would make this easier. They would have to agree to raise the kids Catholic, though. (I think that they would still have to go through a tribunal annulment process, though).

        Even if she is experimenting with other churches, the pull of Catholicism is pretty strong for those raised in the Church. So it is still possible.

      • launicaangelina says:

        My husband and I married in the Catholic Church 4 years ago. No one had to sign as witness to verify we were never previously divorced. In my opinion, the church is bleeding members and local priests aren’t as strict as they may have been even a decade ago. Our priest wasn’t caught up in the small details. He was happy to officiate a couple making this sacrament. Although we were raised Catholics and were confirmed, our faith wasn’t what motivated us to marry in the church. My dad constructed the church and wanted to marry in the church dad built. We’re not religious anymore, I’m very disgusted with the abuse at the hands of the church.

    • Snappyfish says:

      Unless he was married in the Catholic Church the first time he CAN be married in it this time. She is a Kennedy & there is no way she isn’t having at least a Catholic blessing. Perfect example. Gwen Stefani & Gavin Rossdale (I know bad reference but I still adore her dress) had a service with CofA influences & then another in the Catholic Church. My husband was married before but not as a Catholic. He converted & we had a priest & his former minister do the honors. It was unnecessary & I didn’t care but he did it for my family (who also didn’t care but were extremely touched) it was quite silly as I am what the pope calls a cafeteria Catholic leaning toward agnostic. I do love some of the rituals but hate all of the judgmental which, sadly, is becoming the way of the whole

      • broodytrudy says:

        Hi snappyfish, just wanna plug the Episcopal church if you’re looking. Basically Catholic Lite with a progressive social movement. They’re fantastic!

      • Snappyfish says:

        @BroodyTrudy…thank you so much. I will. So
        kind of you to mention that

    • Anatha. A says:

      At least in my country you can only have a Catholic wedding if both partners are Catholic. Evangelicals are seen as worse than atheists by the Catholic church.

  2. Lightpurple says:

    Summer = Kennedy Compound in Hyannis, just like Maria & Arnold. If the family wins on a Catholic ceremony, either St. Francis Xavier in Hyannis or Our Lady of Victory in Centerville. Maria and Arnold used St. Francis Xavier. Caroline used the Centerville church, which I think is prettier. Other family members have had weddings on the Vineyard.

    • YesImHere says:

      I’m calling this: No Catholic wedding. Chris is divorced. Catholics can’t marry divorced persons in a Catholic ceremony. This is the main reason I don’t think Katherine is even a practicing Catholic.

      • Bryn says:

        I know several people who were divorced and remarried in the Catholic Church.

      • Cee says:

        He’s not a catholic divorce.

      • YesImHere says:


        Did they get annulments? Some kind of special dispensation?

      • EOA says:

        They actually can, as has been noted already.

        I am skeptical, however, that they’d get married on the Cape. The main house is no longer owned by the family but instead by the Kennedy Institute. Ethel Kennedy still lives in the other house but this isn’t her direct family. I forget who owns the third one.

      • Bryn says:

        @yesimhere. No, just divorce. I don’t know if all Catholic Churches are the same. My partner and I had our daughter baptized in the Catholic Church, even though he’s technically not Catholic and I hadn’t been to church since I was a young teen. We aren’t married either. We had to talk to the priest first and it was no big deal.

        My uncle was married in the church and divorced ten years later, he remarried last year to a different woman in the same church. There was no problem. They did an afternoon of counseling with the priest but that was it.

      • YesImHere says:


        Baptism is totally different. Literally anyone can get baptized as long as the intention in there.

        I was under the impression that Catholics had to get SOME kind of dispensation no matter what kind of marital background the divorced parter had. Even if it was just a standard Justice of the Peace sort of thing, the Bishop of the diocese the Catholic partner has to “sign on” on it. But honestly, I don’t see a Catholic wedding for these two in any case.

      • Bryn says:

        @yesimhere. Yes baptism is different but if you read the second part of my comment, my uncle was married in the Catholic Church, divorced years later and remarried again in the same church to a different Catholic woman. I don’t know all the exact details but I know that’s what happened. I’m not religious at all, and only did the baptism so my elderly grandmothers, and grandmothers in law would be happy, I really don’t know all that much about the rules or whatever.

      • Nic919 says:

        The church doesn’t recognize any marriage that isn’t in a Catholic Church so any previous non catholic marriage wouldn’t be an impediment. They may just do the ceremony in church and not the full mass if he hasn’t converted though. Several of my relatives have gone through that route.

      • Lightpurple says:

        If his first marriage was performed by a JOP, the Catholic Church doesn’t consider it a valid marriage and would have no problem with a ceremony. If it was performed by clergy of another faith, then an annulment would be necessary for a Catholic ceremony.

      • Maisie says:

        Nah, Pratt wasn’t married in a Catholic ceremony, so to hard core Catholics he was “living in sin” with Anna Faris, and essentially their kid is illegitimate. One of my friends converted to Catholicism because she was basically forced to by the groom’s wealthy family, who threatened to cut him out of the will if she didn’t. They got married in a big old Catholic mass. Five years later they were divorced. Two years after that he asked her to go through a Catholic annulment (his family had already fixed it in Rome) because he wanted to marry a nice young Catholic girl “for real.” My friend said “HELL NO – not going to say our marriage was a fraud and that our kid is illegitimate.” She had balls – his fam offered to pay her off, but she still refused. And this was in the mid-’90s, not the 1950s or anything.

      • Genessee says:

        Catholics cannot marry other divorced CATHOLICS.

        They can marry divorced Lutherans, Anglicans, Methodists, Jews, etc. who DID NOT have a Catholic wedding ceremony for their previous weddings.

        If Pratt married Anna in an evangelical Christian ceremony, all is fine, as the Catholic church does not recognize THAT wedding as valid, legitimate, or even existent…even if clergy from other religions performed it.

    • Emily says:

      I’m not Catholic, and I know very little about it, but there is no way they will tell a Kennedy “no way”. I don’t mean to be offensive, but come on.

      • EOA says:

        Even a Kennedy has to go through the Church process, as the former wife of Joe Kennedy II will tell you. She wrote a whole book about it. That being said, it’s likely that they’ll have the appropriate connections inside the Church to help shepherd them through the process quickly.

    • cannibell says:

      The Centerville Church is totally prettier. And they can have Four Seas ice cream at the reception.

  3. RBC says:

    Hmmm….I am getting the same vibes from this couple that I got when Arianna Grande/Pete Davidson got engaged. Just don’t see them getting married this year(or at all)

    • saba says:

      I get the opposite – I see them married and having babies within the year. It seems very planned ahead and calculated in a way that the Grande/Davidson thing felt chaotic. But I see what you mean with the whirlwind of it all.

  4. YesImHere says:

    I’m a Christian, and I agree 100% with @Kaiser. A lot of Christians do act like martyrs. Like they can’t find anyone who is like-minded. Like they are all alone in the Big Bad World. I guess it’s easy for me because I just like good people in general. So whether you’re a religious Christian, or a practicing Jewish person, or a meditating Buddhist, or even an atheist liberal who just loves the environment! It’s all good with me. I appreciate and support spirituality and connection with nature. I don’t need to be surrounded by people who are just like me. It’s certainly nice to be part of a Christian community, but I don’t need it to survive. I’m not suffering and I’m not a martyr.

    As for the wedding: I’m calling this right now — it won’t be a Catholic wedding. First, SHE CAN’T. He’s divorced. A Catholic can’t marry a divorced person in a Catholic, sacramental nuptial Mass. Second, I’m not sure she’s even a practicing Catholic. She may have abandoned it for something Evangelical. I don’t get the sense she’s a practicing Catholic. Just my sense. We shall see!

    • EOA says:

      You keep saying this but you are not in fact correct. Catholics CAN marry a divorced non-Catholic, though my understanding is that they have to go through something akin to the annulment process. And they’d have to agree to raise the kids Catholic.

      Also, there are literally thousands of people who don’t “seem” that religious who still want a Catholic ceremony because they still feel a cultural connection to Catholicism.

      Of course she may go in another direction but the reasons you are giving for them not choosing a Catholic ceremony aren’t very strong.

      • YesImHere says:


        I was clear that there has to be an annulment or some sort of dispensation. I’ve said it several times, so I honestly don’t know why you wrote, “you keep saying this” as if I’m giving false information. In fact, in another comment I said that even if the divorced partner was just married at the courthouse, the local Bishop of the Catholic partner still has to sign off (whatever the technical term is to allow the nuptial Mass to take place). They can’t just up and marry in the Catholic Church — then, related to that, I predicted they won’t have a Catholic wedding anyway. Maybe I’m wrong – it remains to be seen. Maybe they’re in pre-Cana right now as we speak.

      • BegoneOrangeCheeto says:

        You’re correct. My dad’s wife was divorced (and her first marriage was in the Catholic Church, I believe) and she had to go through an annulment before the Church would marry them. They had a Justice of the Peace ceremony to establish it civilly and then had the Bishop marry them a few months later when the annulment went through.

    • Himmiefan says:

      There’s a reason why so many Christians are leaving evangelicalism. I read several blogs where people comment on how disgusted they are with where the conservative church has gone.

      The real religious celebrities are the one who never talk about it and just quietly live out their faith.

  5. Mia4s says:

    This is starting to feel so calculated. An engagement announcement I get, but now sources are going to keep filling us in on every little detail? What’s with the publicity drive? Is she launching a lifestyle brand? Wait…is this promotion for the next LEGO movie? 😂

    • YesImHere says:

      I have too much time on my hands and I’m replying in this thread again! It really does feel like Chris is helping launch Katherine into something. Like they’re gearing themselves up to launch as some kind of Christian Hollywood power couple. It feels like the Christian version of Priyanka and the Jonas guy.

    • Original T.C. says:

      The media reacts to us the public and our clicks. Just look at how long the comments are for each bit of gossip about this wedding. It’s unfortunately us that are feeding the machine. Perhaps a lot of conservatives are also interested in an openly religious “desires” celebrity so that adds to the numbers. And she is a hyphen Kennedy!

      • Slinkie says:

        As a member of the media, I can confirm this. We got a lot of clicks (surprising amount) from their engagement, so now we’ll post any bit of story we can get. People like it, so we provide it.

    • Megan says:

      She has a lifestyle blog called Kathleen. I’m surprised they are not pushing it.

      • YesImHere says:

        @Megan It’s called “Katherine”, but you’re right. Thanks to your comment I looked it up out of curiosity. God help me. That’s 4 minutes of my life I’ll never get back. It’s absolutely dull, derivative, and shallow. And I’m saying this as someone who has absolutely nothing against Katherine. That blog offends me, as it is brazen proof of nepotism and entitlement.

    • Himmiefan says:

      Publicity and contract marriage.

  6. Toot says:

    Congrats to them, but I don’t understand their need to talk about their religion, it seems, constantly.

  7. Beets by Shrute says:

    All those evangelical type churches teach their followers that everyone who doesn’t openly believe—and encourage others to believe—is making the easy, lazy choice. It’s literally hardwired into them from the beginning that they if they are good Christians, the world will hate them and be out to get them because the world is swayed by Satan’s evil whims. It’s no surprise that people raised in those beliefs would think of themselves as some kind of martyr for Jesus. I find it disgusting and cult-like, myself.

  8. Notyouraveragehousewife says:

    I’m an atheist but I have no issue with religion as long as it is positive and loving to all people in every walk of life. Unfortunately, I feel this may not be the case for Chris and his ladylove. I would love to be a fly on the wall at his church and when he prays so I can see what his real intentions are. There is no war against Christianity. A lot of Christians have been brainwashed into believing that there is but that’s just not the case. I’ll leave it at that before I really start going off.

  9. PlayItAgain says:

    I give them five years. Tops.

    • Oc says:

      I give 10, 15 years. She is marrying a super hero actor who can be a little funny and seems dumb. The paralles with her mother marriage are there. Will he get their nanny pregnant as her father did? I bet he will get into politics, as his future FIL did.

  10. Notyouraveragehousewife says:

    Anyone else feel like Hillsong is the new Scientology? What religion is the Hillsong Church? Pentecostal? Baptist? What are their beliefs exactly?

    • Himmiefan says:

      Non-denominational, although, and I could be wrong, I think they’re trying to become a denomination. As a Christian, they make my BS meter ping.

    • broodytrudy says:

      The big red flag is that they latched on to Beibs when he was dealing with his rough stuff. They reportedly sucked a ton of money out of him and have used him to gain publicity. Obvs beibs seems to be doing a better, but I don’t trust them as far as i can throw them.

      • Algernon says:

        Another big red flag was their sex abuse scandal.


        Also they trend into prosperity gospel preaching, and there have been investigations into anti-LGBTQ activity in countries that have stricter equality laws (like their homeland Australia). Hillsongers dismiss the cult stuff as outsider suspicion, but I went to a megachurch for a while and the message was never about money, just an emphasis on giving what you can to help others, and there were tons and tons of volunteer opportunities so you never felt pressured to give money, though every year they did publish an annual report accounting for every penny they took in. It was very transparent. Hillsong hoovers up a lot of cash and no one really knows where it goes. That is a huge red flag.

      • broodytrudy says:

        Thanks, algernon. I had no idea. Ugh. Yuck.

  11. yiza says:

    She looks so much like anna kendrick in this header photo?
    Also, imagine if a Muslim or Jewish celebrity were to go on this much about their faith. I wish they’d just shut up about it.

    • ichsi says:

      There are some Jewish celebrities who talk about faith a lot but yeah, no one is nearly as obnoxious as American “Christians”. This whole hypocritical nonsense is exactly why I side-eye people who claim they’re religious.

    • saba says:

      There are lots of big Muslim celebs that do – maybe not western ones. Depends where you’re looking, I suppose – but he’s American and Christian and living in America so obviously you hear about him more than a celeb who is, say, non-Western and Muslim and living/working in the Ummah.

    • Alexandria says:

      I’ve thought that she looks like Anna Kendrick. Very girl next door look. Nothing wrong with that though. Pleasant looking.

  12. Casi says:

    They can have a Catholic wedding if his first marriage is annulled. If he and Anna are still friendly, her cooperation will make it go quickly, and there’s grounds for it, they could annul by June. She’s a Kennedy. Someone will be willing to fast-track it.

    Regardless of the denomination…if they are both religious why SHOULDN’T they have a religious (perhaps sacramental) wedding and marriage? People who are mocking them for it are likely the very reason they are defensive about it.

    If you are worked up because two people want to promise to live together in faith instead of something like make each other milkshakes (because THAT was the basis for an enduring union), then don’t go to the wedding.

    My daughter and her fiance are having a full Catholic Mass with wedding ceremony in October and while many of their friends are also Catholic or otherwise religious, she has been told by a few people that they will not attend a Catholic ceremony because of their personal beliefs. Her response is basically, thanks for letting me know, I respect your beliefs, but we’re gonna go ahead and do this anyway. I hope Chris and Katherine feel the same way and that both couples have many happy years together.

    • Yoko_ohno says:

      “If you are worked up because two people want to promise to live together in faith instead of something like make each other milkshakes (because THAT was the basis for an enduring union), then don’t go to the wedding.”

      Genuinely curious about what this means?

      • Kitten says:

        LOL yeah me too. Please explain.

      • Square_Bologna says:

        @Yoko_ohno, the milkshake reference was from the Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston vows, which included a promise by one of them always to make the other’s favorite banana milkshake. It was a light-hearted thing included in the vows, not the basis of the marriage, which might have failed even if it had been religious.

      • Cay says:

        My guess is that it has to do with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston who stated in their vows that they would make each other banana milkshakes.

    • LT says:

      I agree – if they want to have a religious ceremony, why shouldn’t they?

      That makes me sad that your daughter has friends who would legitimately boycott a wedding because it conflicts with THEIR beliefs. I would re-think my friendship of someone said that to me.

    • broodytrudy says:

      I’m not sure where my comment went, but the tldr of it is Christianity is Pratt’s brand, of course he’s going to constantly talk about it. He shills for hillsong and I’m amazed people have latched on to this. we know he’s been a Christian for a long ass time. This is the most bizarre thread I’ve ever seen.

  13. Gurl says:

    Super ridiculously easy to get an annulment in the Catholic Church.

    Got $2k?

    Ok. Great. Done.


    • Annika says:

      I know, right?
      It’s so ridiculous. 🙄
      My Catholic uncle had to pay for an annulment TWICE. The 1st priest accepted the $ but then decided he wouldn’t marry them.
      So they went to another priest and still had to pay!!

    • Millennial says:

      Yup!!! 🙂

    • ATLMathMom says:

      One of my friends is a divorced Catholic. Her ex wanted to re-marry in the Catholic church at one point and was bugging her to have their marriage annulled. She absolutely balked since it would render her children with this man as born out-of-wedlock. Not sure if the same applies here since his first marriage was not a Catholic marriage.

  14. PhillyGal says:

    I find that, in my life, the people who act the most like true “Christians” are those who are agnostic, atheist, or believers in God who don’t find it necessary to chain themselves to any particular religion.

    • Kitten says:

      To expound on what you say here, I think one of the main differences is that nonbelievers don’t have the *cover* provided by religion. We can’t say we believe in something that is objectively cruel because our religion teaches us that, we have to own each and every moral decision that we make–as an individual, not as part of a religious institution. And I am absolutely NOT saying that religions espouse only cruelty, merely that it’s easier for people to adopt a cruel and inhumane outlook under the guise of religion.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Recently, I have had such the urge to type “Christians” in quotes as you did. From my perspective, I’ve seen so many people do horrible things that are so inhumane, yet they use their religion as an excuse for it. Like Evangelical “Christians” who support Trump’s policies on family separation, etc.

      I’ve seen so many self proclaimed “Christians” treating other humans so horribly so regularly for most of my life, that I no longer associate them with the teachings of Christ. They claim him as a mascot but ignore the message.

  15. YesImHere says:

    This link here indicates that Katherine and several of her family members have been edging away from attending Catholic Mass over the years. They are all attending “nondenominational” churches, including Katherine, who attends with Chris. I said early on I had a strong sense she was not a practicing Catholic and that they won’t marry in the Church. I still stand by that. https://www.christianpost.com/news/actor-chris-pratt-takes-girlfriend-katherine-schwarzenegger-to-church.html

  16. Shazze says:

    I think they are an adorable couple, I wish them well!

  17. Lama Bean says:

    I fall asleep just seeing them in a photo. They look extremely boring. May they be eternally happy and boring.

  18. StrawberryBlonde says:

    FWIW I was raised Catholic. I am by no means an expert. I still go on occasion to see some friends and to sing but I don’t get much out of the spiritual aspect to be honest. That side of it is not important to me. I guess you could call me a cultural, kind of agnostic, bordering on atheist some days Catholic (or a conundrum in short).
    Anyway my husband was baptized Anglican but was never raised with any religion. He is an atheist.

    We had a wedding last year in the Catholic church as it meant something to my parents. It really depends on the priest on how it goes. It wasn’t a full mass because DH isn’t Catholic but that was ok with me – I did not want a full mass. I like this priest because he is very real and not dogmatic. He is pro LGBTQ rights and I guess could be considered quite liberal and progressive. We explained we did not want to have to promise to raise our children Catholic as my DH could not in good conscience promise that. So we just had to promise to raise them in the spirit of hope and love.

    • PhillyGal says:

      As a former Catholic, I think your priest would be in big trouble if his superiors knew he wasn’t following the Church laws to the letter. (I think it’s great that he isn’t, by the way.)

      • StrawberryBlonde says:

        Oh probably. But I think (hope) he is fairly immune. He is known as a bit of a renegade and I think some more conservative people in the local area don’t like him but unfortunately for them he is VERY popular with the lay people (and bishop) and is pretty well entrenched in the community as he does a lot of good work with the poor and those in need (soup kitchens, sponsoring refugees from Syria – he specifically made a point to say that he wants to sponsor anyone who needs help no matter their religion or sexual orientation etc).

        One of the best things he has ever said was “we worry too much about who is sleeping with who and not enough about why some people don’t have a bed to sleep in.”

  19. PhillyGal says:

    StrawberryBlonde – Your priest sounds a lot like what I envision Christ was like.

  20. HeyThere! says:

    How is this even a story? LOL Two outspoken religious people are having a religious wedding. Duh!

  21. Mina says:

    Normally I would agree with the martyrdom part but don’t forget that Chris Pratt was railroaded in Twitter just for telling Kevin Smith he was praying for him when he had his heart attack, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he feels that way (and most of the posts in this blog about him mention his religion so, again, seems like some have an issue with that).

  22. Boxy Lady says:

    I really hope they invite her half brother Joseph to the wedding.

  23. AnneC says:

    Lol about “California evangelicals” are like “southern Unitarians”. Also Unitarian’s are the best…

    I don’t really care about religion unless it’s a religion that’s busy telling everyone else how to live their lives and doesn’t accept other people’s faith. That’s the problem with evangelicals now. I mean they love trump, the serial adulter and assaulter, who’s on his third wife #Hypocrites

  24. goofpuff says:

    I super do not care about their wedding being religous. And I call BS on the whole dumb “she’s the one for me because she’s religious”. There are plenty of religious people around and tons of Christians. And they are unpretentious and sincere about their faith. They do good work in the community. They have zero need to go get in everyone’s face about it. He can go shove it.

    I am so tired of the Christian martyrdom and I’m Catholic. What the hell is there to be martyred about? Are you a monk? a Nun? Did you give up all your wealth and live the life of Christ? No? Then shut up and stop being so pretentious. Christians are the majority here in the US – we are in no way marginalized, in fact WE are the problems causing marginalization of other religions. So we need to shut our pie-hole.

  25. Marianne says:

    When exactly did Chris get so religious anyway? Was he always this way and because he wasn’t as famous it wasn’t so…”in your face”? Cause it just feels like suddenly out of nowhere in the past 2 years he’s been Jesus 24/7.

  26. sunshine gold says:

    The thing that irks about him complaining about being around non-believers – you’re in Hollywood in S. California. If an atheist goes to live and work in Alabama he should be prepared that it’ll be very religious and he could feel out of place. If you choose to live somewhere that doesn’t share in your style of religious worship then it’s on you to just accept and deal with it.