“Ivanka Trump was up to her neck in the Moscow Project” links

Trump Signs S. 756, “First Step Act” and H.R. 6964, “Juvenile Justice Reform Act”

Ivanka Trump was up to her neck in the Moscow Trump Tower project. Don Jr as well. How delicious. [Jezebel]
Here’s the trailer for John Wick Chapter 3. [Pajiba]
Rita Ora wore a weird Fendi ensemble (and got paid for it). [Go Fug Yourself]
Les Moonves is still the absolute worst. [Dlisted]
Rihanna is working on her own high-end fashion house?? [LaineyGossip]
John Oliver is simply the best – this story is amazing. [Towleroad]
An interesting update from the land of Countess LuAnn. [Reality Tea]
Serena William’s “granddaughter” QaiQai is in Australia too. [The Blemish]
How many seasons of Teen Mom OG do we need? [Starcasm]

Note from Celebitchy: Thank you so much for listening and commenting on the first episode of our new podcast, Gossip With Celebitchy! You can listen below and we’re now on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play Music, Pocket Casts, and Cast Box. Please let us know if you have another app you use. This was so much fun recording and we really appreciate all your support. You can leave us a voicemail with questions or comments at 434-218-3219 (Thanks Busyann for your nice message!), email us at info-at-celebitchy.com or leave a comment below. We plan to release the next episode on Monday.

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57 Responses to ““Ivanka Trump was up to her neck in the Moscow Project” links”

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  1. Lorelei says:

    Subscribed on iTunes!

    I am so tired of reading all of these stories about all of the criminal activities of every member of the Trump family but none of them ever facing any consequences whatsoever. I understand that it takes time to build a case, but this is ridiculous. I’m starting to tune it all out because there’s constant breaking news yet NEVER any ramifications. And I’m beginning to think there never will be.

    • Incredulous says:

      *grins* When it happens, it will happen quick and accelerate all the way through, it always does. Donnie Spangles will probably live long enough to see anything he considers his legacy dismantled (at best) or more likely torn to shreds and his name join the ranks of gerrymander, boycott, quisling, et cetera.

    • jan90067 says:


      OMG, it’s so cool to put a voice/name to you guys! Love listening to the podcast while doing my treadmill walk. You made it bearable for the first time lol 😊 Looking forward to the next one!

      I can not WAIT for the boom to drop on the whole Kremlin Komprised Krime Kabal (yes, I know they start with Cs lol I just like alliteration!). And I know it’s as petty AF, I cannot wait to see those bastards get indicted!!

    • msannethr0pe says:

      watergate took over 2 years. relax, its coming.

  2. PhillyGal says:

    And Eric is assumed to be the stupid Trump child. Maybe not the case! I hope Donald, Don Jr, and Ivanka all end up in jail when all this is over. And Rudy just put out a statement saying that Cohen is a liar and shouldn’t be believed. Is he serious? His client is the biggest liar of them all, with lots of TV speeches and stupid tweets to prove it.

    • Megan says:

      Hey Rudy – It doesn’t matter if you believe Cohen or not. Mueller has documentary evidence to prove the charge without a single word of testimony from Cohen.

    • jan90067 says:

      A friend and I were also planning to do a party when the indictments come down lol. Delicious IS an understatement!

      We haven’t heard much about Eric, but rest assured, he and his ambitious wife are in this just as deep. Just Google them (for ex: Laura was soliciting/negotiating pay for plays).

      • Christin says:

        His “foundation” is possibly worth a very thorough look, too.

      • Lightpurple says:

        The foundation is getting a very thorough look from the state of New York. Daddy won’t be able to pardon. And Lara is the lying scum who claimed that she read a transcript of Trump’s call to Myeshia Johnson and that he was just lovely to her, portraying a pregnant grieving widow as a liar while she was on her way to her husband’s funeral. There was no transcript for Lying Lara to see. Lara will also get caught up in any election campaign irregularities. She’s a wanna-be-Nagini and it won’t end well for her.

    • JANAK says:

      I’m not sure they’re as stupid as they are just entitled assholes. They’ve never had to answer to anyone in the past, they’ve screwed over vendors, construction companies, tenants, etc., and they only thing they’ve faced is bankruptcy, when Russia stepped in with millions to save them. I am starting to think the way this ends is Trump agrees to resign rather than be impeached and have two of his kids indicted.

  3. Lightpurple says:

    Nagini was not up to her elongated neck in the Russia mess; she was in over her empty head. About 20 feet over her empty head.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Ha! She was also up to her eyeballs in the China Affair. Wonder how much moolah they raked in or themselves on that one?

  4. Esmom says:

    I really enjoyed the first podcast and tried to post a review on Stitcher but I’m not sure if it ever posted. I checked a few times and it hadn’t. I’m definitely subscribing so I can add it to my regular rotation.

    As for Ivanka being in up to her (very long and giraffe like) neck, I’m not surprised. I just hope she and her equally feckless siblings face some consequences soon. Not to mention eternal shame and humiliation.

    A big snowstorm is supposed to be hitting Chicago later…it feels like a perfect time to KonMari my dresser drawers!

  5. s says:

    Eyeing the exits in that top photo…

  6. tw says:

    I’m throwing a party for the Don Jr and Ivanka perp walks. Delicious is an understatement! hahah.
    On a separate note, every time I see a photo of Ivanka I can hear one of my dad’s classics, “You can’t polish shit.” Girl has had a lot of work done and still looks extra trumpy.

  7. Steff says:

    What does she think her end game is going to be?

  8. BeanieBean says:

    ‘Synergy on a government level’; yeah, that’s our Ivanka alright.

  9. Lulu says:

    The whole family is nothing, but Crooks. ( minus the child – Barron )
    The Trump Mafia moved into the White House.
    Ivanka is no better than the rest of her despicable, disgrace of a family.
    I remember how so many women used to gush over this manufactured beauty/airhead on this site, when she was trying to sell herself as a ” WORKING WOMAN “, when she only ever lived off of her Orange Pervert Daddy’s stained name.
    I hope they all end up in handcuffs and orange jumpsuits.
    Drain the swamp indeed…

    • Lisa says:

      Tiffany Trump may be the one who comes out of this unscathed. She is fortunate to have Marla Maples for a nurturing mom.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Tiffany has taken a number of vacations to foreign lands, which, for some mysterious reason, our State Department has covered the expenses, including, for God only knows what reason, car rentals in Italy that were in the $100,000 range.

  10. Tiffany says:

    I thought that her money laundering was known for years. How can we forget the ‘vacation’ with Wendy and the Kiev trips. Hell, she posted photos of those trips on her damn social media.

  11. PitaBites says:

    On Oliver’s note, I bet the school is just going to throw them out if they even accept them.

  12. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    Of course she is. No one in that family is very bright (Barron excluded). I have such a hard time believing that this is our reality now. It smacks me in the face every morning but still. This nightmare has to end soon. Right?

  13. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    And I just read where 45 and his North Korean lover are going to meet again next month. Christ on roller skates.

  14. Nicegirl says:

    I’m thinking of thinking of planning my impeachment party. I’m still nervous 😟

  15. minx says:

    Nagini was very involved in all the overseas construction deals. She’s in deep.

    • Chrissy says:

      Remember the Azerbaijan tower built in the middle of nowhere without any roads or utilities servicing it? Money laundering will come to bite her in her Trumpian ass.

  16. Nicegirl says:

    I never saw the allure of Cats!, either but I’ve never told another soul. It felt blasphemous as a musical theatre lover. So happy to hear I’m not alone 🖖🏽

    Subscribed on iTunes. Cool 😎 you added something fun for Monday’s!

    My questions for an upcoming podcast, interested in your take, ?s rn are: To where will the Trumps flee? Will they stay in US or ??
    Do you think Ivanka will end up divorcing Jared, maybe after all is over to avoid the risk of testifying against her spouse? Or to avoid risks and cover her own ass, stay married to him until the going gets tougher?

    And who will Gaga try to emulate/pay homage to at Academy Awards (like she tried to w Judy Garland @ Globes). What old lady tint will be on her hair? Lol

    • Celebitchy says:

      Yes Cats is awful, thanks for agreeing! I’m really wondering how they’re going to do that movie as we mentioned. Ooh we can answer that question on the Trumps in the episode we record next Thursday, look forward.

      • LT says:

        Ha! My bonus daughter wants me to take her to see Cats and I’m trying to interest her in another – ANY other – show.

      • WineGrrl says:

        Agreed. It’s dreadful. I saw it decades ago in Philadelphia, then recently on PBS. In the years in between I’ve thought maybe I just wasn’t appreciating it, too young, whatever. In my mature wisdom (HA!)… it is still awful.

      • Lisa says:

        I’ve never seen CATS, but I love “Memory” by Barbra Streisand. It was my mum’s favourite song after my dad’s sudden death. They were the loves of each other’s lives.

      • Nicegirl says:

        Yay, can’t wait!🖖🏽👌🤘🏽👍🏽

  17. Kaye says:

    Can you please upload to Overcast? That’s the app I use to listen to all my podcasts. Thank you!

  18. Kukaimanini says:

    Another nothing burger.

    • LoveBug says:

      @ Kukaimanini :

      Yes, corruption lying and obstruction is very normal in the Trump’s Mafia world and in the Russian world. It’s just another nothing burger.
      As Trump said during his hate mongering run for president, he could shoot somebody in NYC and would not lose support with his deplorables and the unhinged people that clapped when he was mocking a disability of a journalist, because why would anybody not do that, instead of criticizing the journalists work, right???

  19. LISA TAYLOR says:

    Winter is coming!

  20. JRenee says:

    Every single day, it’s something else. Grifters will be grifting..

  21. Becky says:

    So excited for your podcast. I subscribed on Podcast Addict. I read you everyday on my feedly! Thanks for being great!

  22. Liz version 700 says:


  23. Ms. says:

    Please add your podcast to Google podcasts! That’s my default app for podcasts, it’s the best format.

  24. Chloe says:

    Subscribed on iTunes, yay!

  25. Sally J. FREEDMAN says:

    I have podbean..

  26. adastraperaspera says:

    Ivanka Trump also oversaw the corrupt Azerbaijan hotel project, which allegedly involved laundering money from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. (Sounds like fiction, but it isn’t.)

  27. Erika says:

    Companys give employees severance to make them shut up and go away. In the state of California severance is just a formality when letting people go and not at all required. Les Moores can get over himself. His case wont make it to court, and any good lawyer knows that.

  28. launicaangelina says:

    I subscribed on iTunes! I love putting voices to the names.

  29. Lucy2 says:

    Yay glad you are now on iTunes!

    Hey, Ivanka could soon be Behind Bars Barbie! Which orange jumpsuit will she wear for visitors day?