“Jordan Peele’s ‘Twilight Zone’ reboot looks completely fantastic” links

The trailer for Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone reboot is here, and I don’t think I’ve been this excited for a TV show in a long time. [Towleroad]
Woody Allen’s American distribution/financing deal is in shambles, so his next movie will be financed by a Spanish company. [Dlisted]
Prince Harry was in uniform again this week, which is probably why Duchess Meghan rushed home from New York. [LaineyGossip]
Victoria Beckham’s collection looks so ‘80s. [Go Fug Yourself]
Poms: a movie about older gals forming a cheerleading squad. [Jezebel]
Lisa Vanderpump is so delightfully shady. [Reality Tea]
Oprah & Steven Tyler search for stillness. [OMG Blog]
Kylie Jenner’s guest house is amazing. [Starcasm]
Paul Feig defends Jason Reitman after Reitman’s terrible comments. [Pajiba]

PS… CB wanted me to mention that she’s ride-or-die for Jordan Peele’s YouTube Premium show, Weird City. You should check it out!

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43 Responses to ““Jordan Peele’s ‘Twilight Zone’ reboot looks completely fantastic” links”

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  1. Tiffany :) says:

    I was SO EXCITED when I saw this trailer…then crushed when I realized it’s on CBS All Access where you have to pay $10 a month to watch. Grrrrr.

    • Jerusha says:

      I’ll wait until it’s released on dvd. That’s what I do for The Good Fight. Not subscribing to anothet service in addition to Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime.

    • Mia4s says:

      Yeah I just can’t get a streaming service that only has one show I’m interested in. Sigh…guess I’m waiting.

    • isabelle says:

      $10 if you go without commercials with commercials it is around $5.

  2. Tiffany says:

    Re:Twilight Zone reboot

    That. Cast. Tho.

    So….are they gonna release them all at once because I will totally pay for a month of service to binge them.

  3. isabelle says:

    So streaming only and not a main series? it really does look fantastic.

  4. eto says:

    Weird City’s first episode is on Youtube! It looks so good. More content from Jordan Peele, please.

  5. Oliviajoy1995 says:

    It’s not on regular CBS? DAMN!

  6. Incredulous says:

    This video not available in Ireland; good advertising there, people.

    • jan90067 says:

      Get a VPN and just change your IP to a country that can get it. There are great ones out there, some even free 😊 I use Express VPN (it’s a paid service, but so worth it). It helps to protect you, making it hard for anyone to track you (advertisers, hackers, etc).

      • Anna S says:

        That doesn’t work on everything, unfortunately. I’m an American in the UK and can use a VPN for Netflix on my laptop, but none of my other devices (all are Apple) will stream with a VPN. And it doesn’t work on any device with Hulu. So it’s really hit or miss. They all used to work with a VPN, but a few years back Hulu figured out that people were using VPNs and blocked access and others followed suit. I think it has to do with copyright laws and licensing.

  7. Angela82 says:

    Robert Kraft arrested. 🙂

    • Lynnie says:

      I saw that!! And in Florida too (surprise surprise). Man my state is weird af sometimes 🤦🏾‍♀️, but can you imagine. Your team just won the Super Bowl for the umpteenth time and you’re going to massage parlors to get your kicks smh.

      • Angela82 says:

        Crazy. You’d think he would go to Reno lol.

      • jan90067 says:

        AND… it’s been put out he’s not the “biggest name” arrested. Also interesting, it’s less than 30 min. from his pal, Fat Nixon’s “Winter WH”.

  8. Mia4s says:

    If Allen really does have financing for his next film then in terms of the lawsuit Amazon is soooooooooooooooo f**ked. They need to settle quietly, sell the movie they have to another distributor or just stream it on Prime, and move on NOW with a lesson learned. I don’t feel remotely sorry for them. The other option is they are holding the movie because they figure if they wait long enough then can likely make some money on a release. And you know what? They’re probably right.

    I’d laugh at the Robert Kroft solicitation defence but my sense is this is all the tip of a very big iceberg. It’s frightening.

    • Steff says:

      Robert Kraft is not the biggest name on the list apparently… 😐

      • Mia4s says:

        Oh sh*t.

        Well it could be an interesting weekend. And I think we should all be clear this is not just a matter of solicitation of consenting sex workers. From the information available, these women were kept prisoner. This is human trafficking.

      • Incredulous says:

        There’s two pretty big sports people live around there who would qualify as big names and the place is not that far from a famous resort as well. (Probably someone sporty though)

      • jan90067 says:

        Doesn’t Tiger Woods still live in Jupiter? Wonder if he still has his “sex addiction” that caused his marriage to fail.

      • hunter says:

        That list sounds presidential.

  9. Case says:

    I am THRILLED about this Twilight Zone reboot. I’m a huge fan of the original and Jordan Peele’s style is just perfect for it (Get Out was basically a feature-length Twilight Zone episode). I will gladly pay to watch it.

  10. Marjorie says:

    You guys, people are going on Yelp and posting reviews of the Robert Kraft day spa under the names Tom B. and Bill B. “my boss Robert recommended this place…” It’s hilarious.

    Of course the situation itself is horrific since it’s really about sex trafficking.

  11. Incredulous says:

    R. Kelly charged with ten counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, yaaaaaaaaay!

    • Mia4s says:

      All the could think was: See, that wasn’t so difficult was it Chicago?

      Keep pushing forward against sex abusers and harassers, burn it all to the ground.

    • schmootc says:

      I’m pleased he’s been indicted, but I was hoping Kushner or Donnie Jr would get indicted today too. Why can’t we have both?! C’mon universe!

      • jan90067 says:

        Jr., Kush, Daughter-Wife, Eric, Laura… all COULD be part of the sealed indictments that are not being released yet so as not to compromise other parts of the investigation(s).

        Let us pray! 🙏🏻

    • Lucy2 says:


  12. Megan says:

    1980’s fashion should never, ever come back. It was hideous then and it’s hideous now.

    • Tanguerita says:

      nothing 80ties about Beckham’s collection tho. It’s actually fabulous.

      • jan90067 says:

        I really like some of those pieces, but those open toe boots need to be burnt! Also, WTH is with that band around the shoulders of some of those jackets/capes??

        I wish her clothes were more affordable to us peons! lol

  13. Other Renee says:

    I refuse to shell out one more time for new streaming services. I watch Netflix and Amazon through YouTube tv (it’s great and way cheaper than anything else). But I watched 19 seasons/series of my beloved Midsomer Murders then found out that the only way I can the most recent series is if I fork out money to some new service called Acorn. No freaking way. 😡 😠

    • Erinn says:

      “some new service ” I mean, it’s been around for like 8 years. But I get it. My mom loves it. Other option would be to get an adroidbox and stream on the gray area of legal/illegal.

  14. Veronica S. says:

    Jordan Peele is behind Weird City?? That…explains a lot, actually.

  15. Sam says:

    Two references in the trailer to William Shatner’s TZ episodes. Cameo by him, perhaps?

  16. ivy says:

    i literally got goosebumps when they started playing the theme omggggg

  17. SilentStar says:

    I liked a lot of Victoria’s dresses in this collection, but everything else was quite ghastly, especially the jackets & sweaters!

  18. AppleTartin says:

    I’m a Big Brother fan so I just wait until it is on and to steam the live feeds and catch up on the series after the seasons are over to binge.

    Or you could just pay 5 bucks for one month and binge a few access shows like Star Trek, TZ… etc. All Access doesn’t drop all the episodes of a new series at once. it’s weekly new episodes.

    This does look good.

  19. paddyjr says:

    The “Twlight Zone” looks really good. I still enjoy reruns of the original on SyFy; it’s scary how much of it resonates today.

  20. Lucy2 says:

    I really want to see this, the cast looks amazing and the trailer is great. But I really don’t want to pay another streaming fee. If they’re all available at once though, maybe I would do it for one month and watch all of that and the good fight, and then cancel.

  21. Lea says:

    About Prince Harry in a uniform : I’d have hurried home too. He is peaking these days. He’s serving the Mountbatten good looks and with a pinch of ginger and just… Wow.

  22. Cayyuutee says:

    Can we appreciate Jordan Peele for putting these great asian men on screen? Thank You!