I’ve never been the kind of woman/person who gets broody. I see some cute babies every now and then and I’m like “oh, wow, that baby is super-cute” and then almost immediately I think to myself “better her than me.” It’s not a flat-out aversion to babies. I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with baby stuff. I realize that many people do get broody, men and women. I think the Duchess of Cambridge is just one of those people. Even though she gets sick as a dog during her pregnancies, she enjoys them and she likes having a baby in the house. Which is why I’ve been saying for months that Kate is not done. I predict that she’ll be pregnant with her fourth by the end of the year. And it sounds like she’s already thinking about it:
Kate Middleton has baby fever! The royal mom of three, 37, admitted she’s feeling “broody” as she met an adorable 5-month-old baby during her and Prince William’s tour in Northern Ireland on Thursday.
Kate couldn’t resist going up to little James Barr, telling his dad, Alan Barr: “He’s gorgeous. It makes me feel broody.” She then greeted baby James, telling him: “You’re a very sweet little boy.” Alan boldly asked Kate: “Baby number four?”
Kate replied with a laugh: “I think William would be a little worried.”
Reportedly, Kate had to “convince” William to have their third child, Prince Lou, because William was content with the heir (George) and the spare (Charlotte). William got his girl – he reportedly wanted a daughter and he thought they were done after Charlotte. Kate reportedly wanted to mimic her own family of five, which is why she insisted on Prince Lou. But I still think she’ll go for a fourth, I really do. I think it will be a combination of factors – Kate feeling genuinely broody and feeling like she only has time to have one more before it’s “too late.” Plus, she’ll watch carefully at how much attention the Sussexes get when Polo Baby is born, and Kate will want to remind everyone that she did the motherhood thing first. All that being said, I’ve noticed that some “pregnancy rumors” have cropped up about Kate recently and I don’t think she is preg right now. She’ll wait until the late summer or early fall.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Homegirl can have as many as she likes, but wasn’t her husband just giving speeches about the dangers of overpopulation? Or was he just alluding to poor people?
Oh he was just talking about the poors. Or maybe specifically people on the African continent. Hadn’t they also just announced the pregnancy when he made those comments?
He’s very much do as I say not let me lead by example.
To be fair all of them are like that.
Didn’t Charles the environmentalist get flack for taking a helicopter to an engagement that he could have easily driven to not too long ago?
The documentary where Wills & Harry talk about how their dad is all about switching off the lights after leaving the room was beyond cringey.
Let’s not forget also about Harry talking about global warming while his wife was hitching a ride on a private jet.
@MrsBump…….exactly! She was HITCHING a ride on a private jet….the jet didn’t specifically fly with only her in it……sometimes time committments mean the
royals have to get somewhere faster than the average bear….
For a baby shower? Sure.
But let’s be real, Amal Clooney didn’t just happen to be going to NY and Meghan jumped in at the last minute. This whole thing was orchestrated for her by her friends. Fair enough, their money to spend but i’d rather not listen to rich people, whose carbon footprints are far greater than that of ordinary men and women, lecture us on global warming.
In any case, my comment was geared towards the hypocrisy of Royals in general.
In his davos speech, Bregman hit the nail on the head with his remarks on extremely rich people engaging in charity but using every trick in the book to avoid paying their fair share in taxes. Not too long ago, wikileaks uncovered details of the Queen having an offshore account in the Cayman Islands.
well, to be fair, this is a rich people/celebrity thing, not just a royal thing. Rich people love to have “causes” and to have fundraisers and galas for charity and all that, but they’ll wear designer clothes as much as possible and use private jets if they are at that level of wealth and so on.
Absolutely. The hypocrisy of the rich is so blatant.
Amazon paid barely any taxes, yet suddenly this year, Bezos is donating huge sums to charity. That timing had nothing to the bad PR following the cheating scandal i’m sure.
All of these people, celebrity and royal bask in the glow of charity work that they actually contribute very little to and heap the rewards in terms of good PR.
Personally, I’d rather see that money paid in taxes, so there is public scrutiny and accountability into how it is spent.
I can’t recall the exact figure, but a few years ago I read an article that measured how many kids in developing countries equal a single kid from a developed country in terms of environmental impact, I think it was somewhere around 40. If William really cares about the environment, he would be championing reduced population at home.
So they are hypocrites, what’s the point? People in general are a bit hypocritical. This point about climate change is always used, The rich environment protector people are just hypocrites they use too much energy that hurts the environment. Still it doesn’t change the fact the climate is changing and many more areas may become inhabitable. They may be more words than personal action, but their words aren’t wrong.
Now as far as population control and William and Kate, from Kate’s answer to the father with the baby, she said William may be a bit scared about that It sounds like William is still not wanting more children. I think he’s not being hypocritical yet.
@noway – the fact that they are hypocrites is the point.
Real change comes from the common people, from policies and legislation not from nice words out of tax evading celebrities/business men.
Thousands of school kids in Europe marched against climate change recently , ever since this has been THE subject of conversation everywhere.
We need to stop the mindless applause of donations to charity without first questioning whether the rightful tax has been paid by the donor.
As for William, i don’t care about the number of kids he has but i really wish he’d stop popping over to Africa to pontificate about the number of kids people should or shouldn’t have. Imagine the outrage if an African president dared to do the same to the UK
Over population is not an issue when you are the heir to the British throne.
Isn’t that a thing nowadays with wealthy affluent people though? I think I read about it somewhere that now having 4 or even 5 kids is the thing to do if you can. “4 is the new 3” or something like that, I’m sure all their wealthy group of friends probably do the same.
Yes – around here the third child is known as the status child, because it means you make enough money to have a third, even more so if there’s a SAHP.
Overpopulation is not just an issue because of the money that the parents have or lack. Every child that William and Kate (and all Westerners) have will consume infinitely more resources than children of people in the developing world.
But without the poors who is there to be superior to?
Always have a ready supply of serfs #pippatips
That ‘#pippatips’ has me cackling
They all just have to stop with the hypocrisy or stay silent
#pippatips is amazing! I snort laughed here at my desk. Good one!
Well, well, well. Children are a status symbol now, are they? Well, I gladly identify as poor. Am only having the one. Just mindful of growing up in a developing world… It was rough-going many times. I feel sure I can swing college and a meaningful, happy, and well-travelled life for one child. Three or four seems so beyond my financial limit. And emotional reserve also.. Got no nannies or grandparents and would lose my mind with the bickering alone.
The Duchess is well-situated and can feel free to status-signal all she wants.
BTW, totally think my English cocker should count as a second child and my husband as a third.. Am well on my way to being British Upper class… 😁
The 1% loves to lecture us, the rest of the population about the dangers of overpopulation and over consumption while enjoying their perks. It’s part of their hypocrisy.
I think Kate would go for baby N.4 Because she loves to be a mom and maybe throw some vintage wink at the Queen’s own family of 6.
Call me a conspiracy theorist but I feel like William genuinely does feel that way. If he had it his way he would have two kids and no more than that. I think a lot of his reticence to more children comes from this fact as well. He feels two is enough and any more contributes to overpopulation. It’s Kate that wanted 3, and she got them. She can want more but he won’t want them at all and that’s just the sticking point.
I don’t know—I’m done with having kids (physically can’t have more) and I still feel “broody” about it. I’m happy with my decision, especially at 3am with my littlest, but there’s still an element of wistfulness that this is my last one. I’m sure Kate feels that way, too.
I will always want just one more and I’ve made my peace with that feeling because my husband was happy with 2 and we have 3. 😉
But how can she feel broody when her baby son hasn’t even had his first birthday. If she was breast-feeding him she would feel less broody maybe.
I was like, doesn’t she have a baby under 1? Maybe it’s different if you can leave them with a night nurse or nanny 24-7?
As a working woman I wouldn’t be able to handle 4 kids spaced closely together nor would I be able to afford daycare! I think people should enjoy their children and spend time with them.
I would put money on a fourth
Me too.
Me three.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say she’s gonna push for 5. Despite what anyone says about her (and I’m not her greatest fan) I think she’s a good mom. And that’s how she sees her role. Bringing up the next generation of monarchs.
It’s sad that Kate only wants to be defined by one aspect of her life.
@kittycat why is it sad? Some women get genuine joy and fulfillment from being a mother.
@Sash It IS sad. Of course a woman can find joy and fulfillment as a mother. My mother certainly did. And she is an amazing mom. But she also dealt with MAJOR depression and lack of identity when my brother and me grew up. Because her entire identity was wrapped up in being a mother. So what happens when your children are no longer around and you havent taken the time to cultivate your own interests? THAT is what’s sad about it. I’m not a Kate fan, but I have no dout she is a fantastic mother. But that can’t be the only thing that defines her as a woman and as herself.
Isnt that a bit of a dangerous generalization?
Not all SAHM suffer from depression and lack of identity.
It’s sad your mom is going through this and i hope she gets help.
One of my best friend is a SAHM whose daughter suffers from severe ADHD and OCD, frankly her average day is a lot harder than mine. I on the other hand, have no kids and a great job that i really enjoy, but my job doesn’t define me as a woman. It’s ludicrous.
Calling a woman sad for being a stay at home mom is what’s sad, not the woman’s choice.
It’s incredibly patronizing to call a woman’s life sad because she wants to be a SAHM. Feminism is about doing what fulfills you – whether it’s being a working mother or choosing to focus on your children. I have a PH.D. and chose to stay home. It was my decision – and I have never for a second regretted it or felt unfulfilled. We as women need to stop demonizing other women’s choices. It’s corrosive. We’re our own worst enemies.
@VALIANTLY VARNISHED, sorry, I simply don’t agree. Mothers do have other interests other than their families, even those who’ve chosen the SAHM route, they’ve just found a certain happiness and fulfillment in raising their babies. I saw the same judgement when Eva Mendes quit acting to raise her children, she who looks as visibly happy as Kate being a mother. Who are we to judge what brings women unbridled joy? It’s certainly not the path for me but mothers who find absolute joy in motherhood aren’t sad or pathetic in any way.
Well Kate will always see herself as more than a mom because she is the future queen consort. Once the kids grow up, she will be busy redecorating a bunch of palaces and castles.
I thought she was always going to have 4. The queen had 4 so I figured Kate would too.
Kate doesn’t have to do a large portion of the gruelling work that regular moms do. She has a full time nanny, plus another nanny they don’t talk about as well as housekeepers, chefs etc. She isn’t physically exhausted the same way regular moms are. So of course another kid isn’t a big deal for her. It’s also a lot easier for her to find joy when she isn’t doing all the work herself.
For Kate having more kids merely results in more holidays:
– reduced schedule for 6 monthes and then :pregnancy leave
– maternity leave for 3 (?) monthes
– lots of holidays “for the kids’ education”: skiing, water sports …
Here are some dynastic strategic thoughts:
And yes, Kate really has to have more kids:
– not to be outdone by Meghan, Eugenie or Beatrice
– not to be outdone by the Queen: 4 children
– secure her own family: because should the Royal Family ever get streamlined there will be this question: if the then-monarch William has just 3 kids it might be decided that Harry’s and Meghan’s children should remain working Royals because they might be needed. But if William has 4 or 5 or 6 kids it might be decided that H+M’s kids won’t be employed for royal duties. See, Beatrice and Eugenie face this very same fate. Because there are 2 children (Harry and William) by their father’s older brother (Charles) and because the Queen has 4 children it is likely they won’t be employed for Royal duties. Because there are enough higher-ranking Royals to do it.
Now one generation later the same question will arise with regard to Harry’s and William’s children. If William has lots of children then Harry’s children won’t be employed in royal duties because it will be said that William’s flock of children is enough in numbers for royal duties.
So yes, in order to strenghten her own little family it might make sense for Kate to have more children.
If Kate has more children it won’t result in more work or more stress for her because she has staff for everything annoying/nasty/stressful.
We run that risk with any occupation though. Anytime we make one single thing about our lives the defining aspect of our character and personality, we risk losing ourselves when that thing is no longer something that exists to be a part of us. That can happen in our professional lives too.
The difference here is that women have fought hard to break out of the domestic sphere. For so long we were defined by that option only, and often told that it had to come at the expense of all else. I think this is where all those comments about it being sad are coming from. It’s because for so long we saw it as the only thing women could ever find any meaning in. And yes, that is absolutely sad.
But I don’t think that’s what Kate thinks. She knows there’s more out there but she’s content to do what she does. I think it’s because she still feels a great deal of discomfort with her royal status. I know it’s been almost ten years but I don’t think she ever gave any thought to her life as a royal beyond the perks and the position and I think motherhood is infinitely comfortable for her. The role is clearly defined, as opposed to being a royal, which is actually much less defined for her than she originally anticipated.
So many people in and out of the media are saying that she is going to have a fourth baby and will get pregnant this year….hmmm.
Yeah, I’ve always thought she’d have another esp after Harry and Meg made their announcement and Pippa had her baby. Also I would not be surprised if Eugenie make a baby announcement in the next year or so.
I’m almost banking on Eugenie making an announcement within the next 6 months.
I’m hoping when Eugenie does announce that she won’t be instantly overshadowed by either Kate or Meghan announcing right after her. I admit to feeling a little bad for her wedding being almost immediately eclipsed by Polo Baby confirmation.
People keep saying harry is sixth in line of the throne so who cares.
Eugenie is going to be really down the list and not a working royal so she should enjoy the glow of her wedding and marriage.
I get broody too when I see a little one. There is no way I could handle another and my eldest is leaving for a college in a year, so we truly are DONE, but I still get wistful when I see a dark haired, dark eyed baby who resembles my kids when they were little.
This sounds just like Queen Victoria.
My thoughts, exactly @lower case lila.
And people tormented her about being ‘broody’ too. (I hate that term because I raise chickens, so it conjures up images of squawky, annoying, and overly-dramatic women)
Jeez, you’d swear Kate was wishing for child #19, here. There are many woman with four children. And, honestly, they have the means to support those four.
Queen Victoria didn’t like kids and was a horrible mother. There are a tons of documentaries about it and her own diaries suggest as much. She liked sex and getting pregnant was a consequence of that.
I have always thought she would go for a fourth, so I’m not surprised. I don’t think feeling a bit “broody” when looking at a baby is necessarily an indicator of wanting more kids though; I always see cute little babies (and 5 month olds are SUPER cute) and think “awwww” and then I go home to where my children are trying to kill each other over Pokémon cards and I think, nope, I’m good. LOL.
I am surprised that she admitted it – she had to know that saying “I feel a bit broody” or whatever was going to get picked up and start speculation.
Didn’t she make a similar comment though right before Louis? This makes me feel like there’ll be another Cambridge baby. She knows the comment will get out there…maybe she’s trying to prepare William for the idea lol.
Yeah, that’s my point. I think if she said it, there is going to be a fourth. I don’t think she would have made that comment otherwise.
She made a similar comment when they toured in Poland and she was pregnant a few months later. I don’t think she’s pregnant right now because usually she gains a bit of weight before that happens. Right now she is still very thin. And for the last two she didn’t get pregnant until the summer so I think by August we will know if she will have a fourth or not.
@Nic I don’t think she is pregnant now either. She announces super early (due to her HG or just because) and she doesn’t travel this early in her pregnancies either. I bet she is pregnant by the fall though.
I’m going to guess she and Pippa will be pregnant again around the same time,Kate IMO will have at least one more .
She said it deliberately because she wanted to give out a signal.
Yes, I 100% believe William and Kate will have another baby.
Of course she will have another. I agree with all of the reasons mentioned, but I also think the pregnancies help Kate legitimately say why she won’t be working. Did her big project ever launch?
I wish someone would tell her that having babies is only half of the future queen and current duchess job she has.
That little girl’s hair…wow..
I don’t see them having a 4th soon. Maybe in 2 more years, if ever. I think they are done
They got a lot of flack for Louis in a time when many in Britain can’t afford three, so another one might not look so good.
I’d say Kate’s got “time” for more than one more, but I don’t think she”ll have more even if she does want them.
I think Kate genuinely truly loves children and that she wants a really big family.
I feel you girl, I have baby fever something FIERCE. I’m going to get another cat and maybe that will make it go away.
Broodiness happens. That’s how I got my second son. I thought I was one and done and then visited my baby nephew, and instantly it had me wanting another baby.
We visited my in-laws last night and my niece and nephew (3.5y and 8 months) were there. We don’t have kids. There’s a good chance I won’t be a mother because of health reasons. And I 100% contemplated just not handing the nephew back. So I get it haha. It’s especially hard when it’s a baby who is just always happy and bubbly like our nephew is. He of course gets fussy and angry like any baby, but he’s so much more mellow than his sister was. I had never gotten really strong I want a baby feelings until our niece had gotten past the stage where she was so fragile and new – and we were babysitting her and she was overtired and not feeling great and she passed out on my chest while I was trying to settle her down on the couch. I can’t even begin to imagine how tempting it is for people who can have babies with relative ease!
@Erinn Sorry to hear of your health difficulties. I’ve seen you allude to them in other posts and just wanted to say – any support you need that this CBer (and I imagine, the rest of us) can give, just let me/us know. Wishing you all the very best.
I don’t think she will have another baby.
I really doubt she cares about the Sussex’s baby and wanting a child of hers to be the “last” royal baby and the baby of the family. The Sussexes will definitely want to have two kids so Kate would have to have two more if she really cared about “beating” them and I really doubt they’ll have five kids total. I think they’d get a LOT of criticism if they ended up having five total.
The Sussexes might be having twins and if they do that might be it.
I’ve thought they’ll have a fourth since Louis was born (and if they have another boy the tabloids will be in spasms of joy about them “matching” The Queen).
I think Kate really enjoys having babies around at home, I think it gives her a purpose that she hasn’t found elsewhere yet.
Plus they are never as beloved and deified by the press/public as when they are expecting or with a newborn, so I think it’s all around a very happy time for them.
Poor Meghan didn’t get that luxury during her pregnancy, but Kate did/does get that peace.
Serious question, Kate may/may not make a decision for a fourth after Baby Sussex arrives, but does anyone think William isnt above having a fourth as some type of reaction to whatever good press comes from baby sussex? I mean look what happened after the NZ tour.
Well, there is that…
This doesn’t sit right with me though, but that’s mostly because of the sitting government’s policy that after your second child, you won’t get child allowance or support unless you can prove that it’s a child of rape. So for a Royal to have a fourth child in these conditions (especially when Brexit hits hard) is a bit careless.
So because of the government’s awful policy, people should not have more than two children? Hmm come on.
If you are relying on public assistance and government support to help take care of your children; it’s probably a good idea to stop at one or two. The same can said of The Cambridge’s but rich people welfare isn’t treated with the same disdain as poor people welfare.
The UK policy is the child benefit that everyone gets, not just those on social assistance. Part of the reason that there is less in the government treasury to spread to all UK children is that the Windsor end up costing a lot of money to the taxpayers.
Well, not everyone. If you earn over £50k you have to pay a penalty tax charge if you’re claiming child benefit, and if you earn over £60k the extra you pay in tax will cancel out the child benefit.
Even without this story, my answer is yes. It’s clear she loves being a mother and it gives her a focus. She did not seem to have one (aside from William) before.
I don’t know, I’m leaning towards her just being broody on that day (which happens).
I do think it will reignite the issue about number of children, if they go for a forth, which is a very relevant topic to discuss in this day and age.
I’m sorry, but saying half the reason Kate might bring another child into the world is to “remind everyone she did the motherhood thing first” is too far. It’s seriously on par with ridiculous negativity thrown at Meghan that we rightly criticize.
Completely agree. If anything even close to that was said on this website about Meghan people would be up in arms. Just look at some of the intense criticism aimed at Priyanka Chopra re. that totally unsubstantiated story yesterday…
It would be nice if people could be respectful towards BOTH Duchesses on this site, otherwise it just seems hypocritical.
Some commenters on this site are very hypocritical. They talk about feminism but do not miss the opportunity to insult any woman they do not agree with. Take a look at the Priyanka post and the vitriol over an unconfirmed report?
Completely agree. Not everything done, worn and said is a competition. Maybe Kate just loves being a mother, what a shock.
Totally agree. That remark is completely senseless. For crying out loud, she hasn’t stopped being a mother. The kids are still there. What the …
yea, only a person who hasn’t had a kid would say that. To go through HG, 9 months of pregnancy not to mention delivery all for “good press” is absolutely ridiculous. Women can die during childbirth, even in the West. I can just picture kate barfing i’m the royal toiled thinking “but the daily mail loves meee!”
hear hear! Completely agree!
Agree 100% @vavakaboom
I think she will have one more. When William sees how much attention Harry and Meghan are getting with their new baby he will be easy to convince.
Comments like this, making everything a competition, and everything down to jealousy is what fuels the tabloids! Maybe the brothers did have a tiff. Well, that happens in families. That doesn’t make everything they do a tit-for-tat.
Yeah it kind of reduces everyone to sociopaths who have no emotions – like they only do anything to manipulate other people’s opinions of them.
they already have had 3 kids and seen how much attention they bring. Why would they get jealous about the attention that Harry and Meghan’s baby would get? It’s not something they haven’t had; in fact they’ve had it 3 times! comments like this are ridiculous.
She seems to genuinely like kids. If she has another kid, I doubt it’s to remind everyone that she did the motherhood thing first. Kate is so private it’s hard to know what she’s like as a person, but I get the sense she’s one of those people who really likes having a baby to cuddle and to nurture and to see grow up. Some people are built that way, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. She seems to have become more vibrant since having her kids — maybe that was always her wish (to have kids and to have more than one). Some people like kids; some people don’t. It’s all good. Whatever floats your boat. Difference makes the world go round. One more cute little Lou or George or Charlotte isn’t likely to hurt the world at large.
I know they get taxpayer money blah blah blah but if the British are okay with it and don’t mind the system they have in place, I’m not going to put up a stink about a cute baby she and William are likely to create. Same goes for Harry and Meghan. Their reproductive choices have nothing to do with my existence but I guess I’d rather look at a photo of royal baby #somethingsomething than Ivanka Trump, if given the choice.
I don’t think it’s solely to remind anyone, but that’s an added bonus no? She can love children and I’m sure she does (more than she thought she would if you ask me), but having children in the public eye means you can use them to further a narrative if you want to and it helps. I’m not faulting her for it because I don’t think it’s fully a bad thing. She’s not being a Kardashian here, and she’s not prioritizing her image over her children and their autonomy here. But royalty exists to project and image and having a proper family is a part of that, that’s all. You can’t deny it provides them a boost.
Well, she already has George. His very presence reminds us all that she did motherhood first. I don’t think another kid really would be the ultimate reminder. George’s face is.
Every time we see George, the future King and in direct line to throne, we know when she did the motherhood thing.
A fourth kid would probably be a reminder that Kate and William make cute kids, but I don’t think it would strike her that “Oh yeah, having a fourth kid will remind everybody that I was a mother first!”
I just think the fact that she gave birth to the future King reminds us enough that she is, duh, a mother, and as spouse to a Future King, she was required to give birth to an heir and a spare who naturally preceded everyone else in birth order,.
Having a kid first doesn’t necessarily mean she’s portraying herself as having done the motherhood thing first automatically. There’s a difference between the two. There’s a performative aspect to doing motherhood as a public figure here, which is what I’m getting at.
The queen is a mother. Princess Anne is a mother. But the way the Queen performs her motherhood for the purpose of public consumption (a very specific thing) is its own thing. Again, this isn’t a knock on the Queen or Anne or anyone else. I’m just saying that as public figures they seek to use parts of their lives for the purposes of their image, and a big part of that for Kate is having a happy lovely, performatively ordinary family that happens to include a future king.
She’s absolutely trying to demonstrate a particular image of motherhood and domestic life that she thinks will resonate will the middle class in Britain, and refer back to the upbringing she had. Nothing wrong with it, and I’m not saying it’s not genuine. But it specifically and thoughtfully crafted as well.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if by the end of the year Kate, Pippa, Eugenie and Meghan were all pregnant. And hey, may as well throw Zara into the mix, too. One great big announcement at Christmas!
That photo of Kate with the flowers and that adorable child is truly beautiful. Yes, I think she’d love a fourth child.
I hope Meghan gets a reprieve in the British press after her baby is born. I doubt it though. And I really hope they stay away from comparing this child to the Cambridge kids. It would be so wrong. But I don’t think that will stop them. These rags and their writers are merciless and cruel. At the top of the heap is that stupid Piers Morgan. Evil troll.
I just can’t imagine Kate, who is by all accounts a fantastic mother and involved in children’s mental health, would bring a child into the world because she thought her in laws were getting more attention. I don’t think she’s that petty, but she’s been in the public eye for most of her life and has never seemed to love it. There’s much speculation that Kate’s recent boost in confidence coincides with Harry marrying and taking some of the scrutiny of being the only Wales wife off of her. I doubt she’d go out of her way to court that kind of fanfare, especially when her pregnancies have been so unpleasant.
Also I hope it isn’t creepy to say but I think it would be fun if the royal family was a big brood like QE and PP.
I think she and William are done having kids. Louis is still a baby at 10 months, and she has her new nephew (Pippa’s son), another niece/nephew in a few weeks/months (Polo baby), and I’m sure Eugenie will announce that she is having a baby this year, too. She will be able to get her hands on all the smooshy, little ones she wants this year, which is probably a better “look” overall. Adoring mother AND adoring Auntie is not a bad headline, after all.
Some may disagree, but no child compares to ones own. Biological or adopted— it’s just different when you can claim them ☺️ I’ve always liked kids but once I had my own it was a huge difference. Baby fever can be crazy.
I also think she will have one more kid, but I don’t understand how is 37 too late for a kid. You can have a baby in 45 if you want/can.
This is Kate putting everyone on notice. She’s definitely going to have another kid. And then her charity commitments are going to be too much for her to manage with four ‘small’ children. She will then retire from public engagement besides the normal Christmas, Easter, Ascot, Wimbledon, Trooping the Color. and still spend money like it’s water on brand new custom clothes- near copies of which she already has in her closet. We won’t see her “working” again for another 15 years. Especially if they don’t send the kids to boarding school.
I have never heard the term “broody” used this way before.
Neither have I. Does it mean “wanting a baby”?
So UK citizens can’t claim a tax credit after baby number two and are lectured about overpopulation, but the royals get to do what they want, spend what they want….sounds about right. 🙄
@Maddie, right! The third baby has to be a child of rape and scarlet lettered, or else suck it up. I mean, ffs, people need to read the room.
Lol about having to convince William. Since she’s the one dealing with the pregnancy – and after having 3 difficult ones thus far – and the effects on her body, you would think it would be Kate who would need the convincing.
It’s almost like Kate thinks that the benefits of not doing royal work outweigh the hardships of giving birth and raising the child with the help of multiple nannies.
Kate talking about having more kids is an easy way to get press attention. This moves the focus from Broken Britain or Exploring Textiles or her general work ethic and keeps the focus on being a mom which is a source of praise for her public image.
This doesn’t mean she’s going to have more kids. She’s keen baiting us again.
I wanted to add that she always does this to try to control the stories about her. For her first engagement, she wore a reworked Katharine Hooker coat. For her first speech, she wore the same outfit as her mother. Now that there’s a focus on her work ethic in comparison to Meghan, she’s talking about having more kids.
Remember her comments in Australia? Kate knows her words will get picked up by the press.
Yes but comments doesn’t mean she’s really going to have another one. When she said that in Austrailia she was very likely either very early pregnant, or trying and close to a positive result. Louis is only 10 months old, if she was feeling broody she can go home to see him you know? It’s not like she is really going to put herself under another few months of HG and another baby ALL just because of a minute of broodiness.
I have two young toddlers and I’m getting the ‘maybeeee one more’ feeling but then I think about the HG I had with #2, the horrible sleeper #1 was/is, and all the worrying that comes along with being a parent and I think ‘NOPE, I’m good!’ 😂 My two are A LOT and they are healthy, good toddlers. I’m a SAHM with some college degrees I’d like to use one day.
I think she’ll want “one more” her whole life but she’s done with three. I can’t see William wanting to have another one. I know a lot of women like Kate who always want just one more baby esp when they see and hold another baby, but wanting one doesn’t make it a good idea or a done thing and at this point, being wistful for a baby is in and of itself a whole thing for many people who want the rosy parts of a baby but none of the downsides. Heck my parents are old and they feel this way whenever they go to a Costco and see young families. And my sister and I are full fledged grown ups by now.
No, Kate has plenty of nieces and nephews in the pipeline. We’ll hear some variation of this for a decade going forward but I think her and William are done with three.
^ Exactly this @A, it’s one thing saying it, but a whole other matter actually doing it. Especially when it comes to having another child, that’s no joke in having another one just because you see new babies every now and then. Kate seems happy enough with her own 3 and will have plenty of neices and nephews in the future.
Her only discernible personality trait is her role as a mother. It make sense that she’d want another one.