The ‘Game of Thrones’ trailer for the final season just dropped, OMG

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I love Lena Headey so hard, and yet whenever I see Cersei smirking, I want to punch her repeatedly in the face with dragon-shaped nunchucks. So, yes, HBO finally (FINALLY) released a real trailer for the final season of Game of Thrones. Obviously, they cut the trailer so severely, just to ensure that we’ll never figure out all of the plotlines for the final episodes. We do know that Sansa and Arya are like “OMG DRAGONS!” We know Arya is in danger. We know that Dany is all *HEART EYES* at Jon, who still knows f–k all. Here’s the trailer. DRAGON SCREEEEE!!!

See what I mean about Cersei? I mean, I get it, she’s the villain. Joffrey got that crap from her. We want to believe that pride cometh before the fall in Cersei’s case, but let’s be real: Cersei will likely bury almost everyone in Westeros. Death has many faces and none of those faces is Cersei’s f–king haughty smirk.

Anyway… I’m going to watch this a million more times. Dragons! Tyrion! GENDRY! TORMUND!

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Trump Kanye Meeting

Trump Kanye Meeting

Covers courtesy of EW.

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90 Responses to “The ‘Game of Thrones’ trailer for the final season just dropped, OMG”

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  1. KatieBo says:

    I’m so excited for this show to be over.

  2. Jenns says:


  3. M.A.F. says:

    The past two months have sucked but April! So excited and yet nervous because I know the ending is going to be polarizing.

  4. Sparkly says:

    I was just coming to make sure you saw it! I’m going to be really upset if Arya or Tyrion dies.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    Did Jaimie stop to get a new hair style on the way North?

    Lots of Grey Worm and Jorah. Will they be among the first to die?

    Tormund survived the fall of the Wall but did Beric and Edd?

    Gendry looks really hot.

    Not much dialogue and none of it stands out except Jaimie’s pledge to fight for the living. Nothing like Sansa’s line in last season’s trailer about the lone wolf dies but the pack survives, which she didn’t finally say until the last episode.

    Where the Hell is a Man?

    • Lucy says:

      Girl, I’m right there with you. The last we saw of A Man was him smiling? with pride? at Arya returning home. I wanna see him again!

    • Lady D says:

      Willing to bet Berric lived. The gods haven’t been keeping him alive all this time just to bury him in ice, although they might have. I’m given to understand the gods also have a warped sense of humour.
      If Edd was his priest, Edd died when a cursed polar bear attacked them. Between his wounds and the cold, he passed. Unless Beric finds himself another priest, he’s on his last life too. There’s an evil, child burning priestess around, maybe she can help him.
      Is Melisandre’s fate dragon fire?

      • Lightpurple says:

        Thoros of Myr was Beric’s drunken priest, I know how he died. Edd was a member of the Night’s Watch, a friend of Jon and Sam, who became Lord Commander when Jon quit. I don’t think he was at Eastgate, where Beric and Tormund were so they must have gotten to Castle Black at some point

      • feralchild says:

        Edd is the commander of the night’s watch, he’s Jon’s friend from the wall

        Thoros of Myr is the priest who died at the hands of the wight bear

      • Lady D says:

        Gotcha, thanks. I was confused, it’s been awhile.

      • PlayItAgain says:

        Berric is in the trailer standing next to Tormund, so we know they both survived the fall of the wall.

    • Diana B says:

      They are SO gonna kill my baby Aria! 🙁 I can feel it in my bones!

      • Nancy says:

        No, no, no. Her sister please. Jon Snow will be the last man standing!! Sorry Dani!

      • Mel says:

        No! No! No! Not today, not ever! ARYA MUST LIVE! She better survive! anyone else can die (though fingers crossed for my Tormund) but if something happens to Arya I’m gonna be devastated.

      • JanetDR says:

        Lalala…fingers in my ears (eyes?). Don’t even think it!

      • Hikaru says:

        I’m counting on Nymeria to jump out at the last minute and take the killing blow in her place. And I will cry a lot when that happens.

      • GreenTurtle says:

        I agree, Diana B. I think she’ll have a really dramatic hero’s ending – maybe she’ll save Sansa, who I have a weird feeling might make it.

      • Mel says:

        @Hikaru- omg, I forgot about Nymeria, I cannot stand another direwolf dying either, I hope she and ghost both survive. My nightmare is Summer coming back as a WW. and Hodor too. So here’s a prayer to the old gods and the new, lord of light and whomever else, to please spare Arya, my Tormund, the direwolves and Brienne of Tarth.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Second viewing, Edd and Beric are with Tormund

    • amilou says:

      Beric was walking right beside Tormund at 0:30!!!

      Edit — I missed Edd there in that same shot on the first two viewings. Awww.

      It’s been a long time since I’ve been this excited for a show.

    • Kimmy says:

      Prett sure Edd was still at Castle Black…not Eastwatch with Tormund and Baric when the ice dragon cane!

      • Lightpurple says:

        Right? So, somehow, they got to Castle Black or they met up on the road somewhere

  6. smcollins says:

    Gah! I’m so excited! C’mon, April 14th, hurry up and get here.

  7. Anna says:

    Never watched GOT – but I’m soo going to watch this season. It looks epic.

    • DP says:

      Quick! Go binge the other seasons!!!!

      • Anna says:

        Well, they are going really cheaply on Amazon at the moment so I’m working my way through.

    • Leslie says:

      There is still time to binge the other 7 seasons before season 8 premieres.

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      I have HBO for about a year, but never caught GoT. During the snow storm, when I was stuck at home – fortunately with electricity) there was a marathon of season 1. I got hooked, even though I was never interested previously. With HBO I could watch the previous seasons and did, so I’d say go for it and binge watch if you can. What I really appreciated about being a newcomer is, as a new fan, I only have a little time to wait from seeing all the previous ones to the last season.

      • Myrtle says:

        That’s how I watched Breaking Bad – binged it all just before the final season. Another epic series, although nothing compares to GoT.

    • Himmiefan says:

      It will make more sense if you start at the beginning.

  8. Rae says:

    I’m trying to not allow myself to get carried away. 1) still got a month to go and 2) I’m trying not to hype it up so much that it is doomed to disappoint me.

  9. koko says:

    The only satisfying ending for me will be when Arya kills Cersei.

    “The last thing you’re going to see is a Stark smiling down at you as you die”.

    • MissM says:

      I think Jaime is going to kill her. Possible spoiler ahead: In the flashback scene when the Witch tells her the prophesy there was a bit from the book that they didn’t include where the Witch tells her that when all is said and done, Cerseis valinqar (which is high Valarian for little brother) would wrap his hands around her throat and take her life. At the time it sounded like Tyrion but I think that it will be Jaime and it’s only fitting that the Kingslayer kills the Mad Queen as well.

      • broodytrudy says:

        I hope jaime kills her. It’s too poetic to leave. Also, lena deserves a better wig.

    • Eve says:

      @ Koko:

      I’ve been saying that for years: Cersei is Arya kill.

    • Eve says:

      I meant “Cersei is Arya’s kill”.

  10. Lucy says:

    Yesterday I complained about the lack of Gendry and today I GET SOME GENDRY!! There is a dragon god.

  11. Lady Luna says:

    I just want to see Jon Snow’s face when he learns who he is and who he slept with!

    • Incredulous says:

      Like it usually does – mouth hanging open like brain.exe stopped working.

      • Desdemina says:

        LoL. He knows nothing…

      • GreenTurtle says:

        😂😂😂 Exactly, a fair bet it will be frozen durr.

      • Debby says:

        Now now, Kit Harrington has improved his acting a bit over the years. I watched the first two episodes of season 1 recently and he doesn’t look like a slow mouthbreather anymore in the later seasons.

    • Nancy says:

      It will be epic! Not quite as disgusting as Cersei and Jaime, oh drat. Gotta say though, Lena is one of the better actors on the show. Can’t wait!

    • LadyGrainacorn says:

      I don’t know. The way Bran has acted, i feel like if he saw benefit in keeping Jon in the dark, he would. Not to protect him, but to ensure victory. He seems to have shed all sentimentality since taking on the mantle of the Three Eyed Raven

  12. Diana B says:

    Holllllllyyyyyyyyy FFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!

  13. Jenns says:

    There’s a lot to take in here.

    But I’m wondering what Cersi is thinking as she is tearing up while drinking that wine. WW on the way? Jaime’s dead? God, I would LOVE to see the Night King walk into that throne room and stare her down. She can’t ignore the enemy anymore.

    And hell yeah to Brienne standing there ready to fight the battle against the dead. I hope she lives. But she probably won’t.

    And shout out to all of us who have waited almost two years for this!

    • Lady D says:

      I really want Brienne to survive, but I’m not holding my breath. Could you imagine her on the Iron Throne? Now there’s a leader.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Cersei doesn’t look pregnant in any of the pictures so did she lie to Jaimie and Tyrion? Did she lose it? Did she have it?

      • Jenns says:

        She’s also drinking again.

        I don’t think she was lying, but she may have lost the baby. Or maybe it’s still early in her pregnancy? Or after her pregnancy? It’s hard to tell with the timelines now.

      • AnotherDirtyMartini says:

        I think Cersei will give birth to a “dwarf” as they say. I hope Jaime & Brienne get it on! Oh man..the list of people I don’t want to die is too long 🙁

  14. TheHeat says:


  15. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Omg omg omg omg omg! My heart is skipping beats. Goosebumps. I’ve never been this excited for a final season like EVAH! I’m already mourning as well. Omg it’s all going to be over. Do I wait and binge? Hello. The internet will spoiler bomb me. Omg. Best damn show.

  16. Cay says:

    Are those flashbacks of Arya running away in season 1?

    Does it look like Arya is going to stab someone with a dragon glass dagger? If so, who on her list would need that? Maybe The Mountain since he isn’t really human at this point.

    Who is the blond boy overlooking the troops?

    Why is Lord Varys sitting in the Stark crypt?

    Last we saw Jaime he was leaving on his own. Now he’s heading the army/navy.

    That’s Brienne fighting with Jaime in the fire light, isn’t it?

    I need more. Now.

    • Jenns says:

      No, Arya running is from this season.

      And it looks like Varys is with the women and children while the battle rages on. How much you want to bet that they’ll end up fighting the dead if they come alive down there…

      • sid says:

        I need Melisandre to roll up and use some of that Red Priestess power and raise some dead herself. Call on the Old Stark Kings to protect their people.

      • Cay says:

        I’ve had a mad crush on Pilou Asbæk since “Borgen.” He’s in the cast photo in EW, but is he in the trailer? Euron is such an evil, yet sexy beast.

        Also, am I wrong about Jaime on the boat? Is that not Jaime?

      • Jenns says:

        It’s not Jaime on the boat. I believe that’s the leader of The Gold Company. Although it looks like Season 1 Jaime.

        And no Euron in this trailer.

    • Lady D says:

      I thought the blonde was Jamie at the head of the Golden Company?

    • Leslie says:

      That’s not Jaime on the greyjoy ship. The sword is on the left hip meaning that person is right handed. Jaime doesn’t have his right hand anymore. I think the people on the greyjoy ships are the Golden Company Euron went to go get.

  17. mycomment says:

    those dragons are my favorite characters… major props to the special effects team.

  18. Sayrah says:

    Can’t wait

  19. Eleonor says:

    I was hoping Cersei got a better haircut for the last season!

  20. HK9 says:


  21. Totally Old says:

    Simply the best television ever! No other show compares. And like my name suggests I’m old and remember the old days but nothing has ever been as good as GoT. I can’t wait and yet I don’t want it to come yet. Can’t stand the thought of no more GoT.

  22. Evie says:

    I can’t wait to see it but at the same time, I don’t want GoT to end, BWAH!!!!

    My wish list:

    Cersei dies at Jamie’s hands.
    Arya lives and either hooks up with Gendry or goes off on a quest with Brienne
    Brienne lives and either hooks up with Jamie or Tormund OR, Brienne goes off on a quest with Arya AND Leanna Mormont, LOL!
    Samwell Tarley becomes the Master Maester
    J’oren Haquar (sp) heads North and saves Arya
    Tyrion survives
    Bran finally goes into that tree and shuts up or flies away for good
    Jorah Mormont finds true love
    The two remaining dragons survive
    The remaining wolves — Ghost and Nymeria survive
    Euron Greyjoy turns on Cersei and fights for the living…
    Sansa goes off somewhere and does needlepoint for the rest of her life.
    The Onion Lord kills Melisandre
    Danaerys finally stops asking everyone to bend the knee!

    Seriously, this season is going to be epic…

    • Incredulous says:

      I reckon after the fallout, Arya will rejoin the Faceless Men, possibly by taking on the face of Jaqen H’ghar and Jorah, if he lives, is a shoo-in for head of the Queen’s Guard.

      Brienne and Lyanna Mormont teaming up would rule, especially if they are advised by Davos.

      • Evie says:

        @Incredulous: I don’t really see Arya rejoining the Faceless Men in Bravos. Arya was pretty well done with them. She is far too independent and with a very well-honed sense of self to subjugate her will and ego to the collective cult. Her parting words to Jaqen H’ghar spoke volumes after he told her “…at last the girl is No One.” Arya replied: “The girl is Arya Stark and I’m going home.” Even during the darkest parts of Arya’s journey over the last seven seasons, she learned, adapted and absorbed all of the knowledge she needed to survive AND thrive. She kept honing her physical and mental skills. IMO, all of her acquired skills and knowledge helped reinforce her individuality and independence. Arya always marches to her own tune and it’s unlikely she’d want to be a mere foot soldier in the cause of the Faceless Men.

        I would however, love to see her reunited with Jaquen H’ghar in the battle against the army of the dead and the Night King…I’m also hoping that Nymeria is there to fight at her side. That’s not asking too much, is it LOL?

      • Incredulous says:

        I sorta disagree with you. I think she more marches to her own kill list and there are few names left. I can see her, in the aftermath, realising she has made herself a weapon and what else is she going to do? I mean, I can see her becoming the throne’s Master of Whispers or King’s/Queen’s Blade or somesuch but she is basically a psycho.

        In more positive speculation, will Hot Pie sit the throne, dispensing culinary tips and browned butter? (I want more Hot Pie)

    • Nancy says:

      I love your post Evie!! My favorites: That the dragons and wolves survive, Sansa goes far far away to do her needlepoint (with or without Joe Jonas!) Arya lives, oh I do believe she will and finally Danaerys stops with bend the knee, Jon Snow is going to tell her to get on her knees, nah too x-rated for a community post! LOL…and yes EPIC is the word I hear the most. I just hate it’s the end.

  23. Amelie says:

    We see a lot of smirking Cersei but I don’t know why she is lol because the White Walkers kill everyone and everything in their path. Not to mention they now have an Ice Dragon. So for her to think she is immune to the impending slaughter is hilarious to me. Unless somehow she convinces the Night King to make her his Queen and becomes the Night Queen but… no, she is probably going to die.

  24. Shelley says:

    I just watched it and hot all emotional. I am not prepared to lose any of these people.

  25. C-Shell says:


  26. Ader says:

    I love GOT, but for some reason I’m not hyped this year. Maybe it’s just been too long? Maybe too many re-watches dulled the excitement? Whatever the case, I’m not filled with anticipatory joy as in past years.

    • Mel says:

      @Ader- I get you, I was not feeling super hyped about it either, mostly because I think the wait was so long I started growing a bit indifferent to it, I started watching the seasons again and I’m starting to get excited mostly just because I’m so ready to find how it all ends. I know people are gutted about this being the last season but I’m ready for it to end and to finally learn how it all does.

  27. Tim Peterson says:

    I just started watching. My money’s on Ned Stark.

  28. Misty says:

    Yay! My red headed wilding made it! Well, at least for the first episode or two. I’ll take whatever I can get.

  29. PlayItAgain says:

    My guess is that Jaime will die the way he wanted—in the arms of the woman he loves…Brienne.

  30. Lady D says:

    Ser Bronn of the Blackwater needs to survive. Where is he by the way? I’m pretty sure Jamie went north without him.