“A woman found bees living under her eyelid, they were drinking her tears” links

Honeybee (Apis mellifera) feeding on nectar of cultivated Sedum spectabile plant

This story about bees is horrific. The bees were living under a woman’s eyelid and drinking her tears!! I will never be the same. [Pajiba]
Brett Kavanaugh should not be invited to any college campus. [Jezebel]
Chris Hemsworth continues to have a hot body, but his face…? [Go Fug Yourself]
Hilaria Baldwin keeps talking about her miscarriage. [Dlisted]
Lady Olenna was truly one of the best parts of Game of Thrones. [LaineyGossip]
I keep forgetting that John Oliver wrote a children’s book. [Towleroad]
Wow, the RHOBH ladies are really at each other’s throats, huh? [Reality Tea]
American Idol contestant covers some RuPaul songs. [OMG Blog]
This story is… actually more horrifying than the headline. [The Blemish]

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34 Responses to ““A woman found bees living under her eyelid, they were drinking her tears” links”

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  1. Moxie Remon says:


  2. Incredulous says:


    This is a rubbish way to start skynet.

  3. GenericUserName123 says:

    That bee story is the most disturbing thing I’ve ever read. Ahhhhh!!!!

  4. uninspired username says:

    This headline is the worst thing I’ve read in awhile. Thanks. :p

  5. Erinn says:


    I will never click that article. I love bees. But OH MY GOD. That’s the stuff of nightmares.


    I will say the “they were drinking her tears” part added a touch of whimsy to the horror.

  6. minx says:


  7. Sam says:

    “EYE’LL BEE seeing you, in all the old familiar places…”

    Christ, that story broke my brain. Sorry.

  8. Kitten says:

    That whole story smells like BEE S.
    But seriously, I don’t BEE-lieve it.

    (That was horrible and I’m sorry)

  9. Steff says:

    Bees probably: “Mmmm, your salty tears sustain me.”

  10. Nina says:

    What’s wrong with Chris Hemsworth’s face? Seems hot to me!

  11. jules says:

    Hilaria Baldwin = thirsty

    • QuidProQuo says:

      Using miscarriage grief to post lingerie pose on social media? Not sure what’s more alarmingly thirsty – the grade BEE horror story or trophy wife smarminess…

  12. Good says:

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  13. Jaded says:

    Re: Comment #12 – hey Celebitchy folks , why are you allowing these spammers to post ads?

  14. Laura says:

    They were sweat bees, not sweet honey bees! Sweat bees are the worst.

    • Haapa says:

      It actually turns out they were they were stingless honeybees (Meliponines)! That makes sense to me because they are even smaller than Halictids and are incapable of stinging.

  15. Lithe says:

    I can’t bring myself to read the bee article. But, bee*s*? How many bees did she have living under her eyelid?!?

  16. Bella Bella says:

    Surely they were not serious about that American Idol contestant. He was HORRIBLE!!! Why mock the whole process and take away a spot from a more deserving contestant??!!

  17. Bella Bella says:

    Also, I read about Brett Kavanaugh’s teaching position a few weeks ago and I was appalled. I do not want his behavior normalized. I pity the poor students who have to feel all over again the disgust we all felt upon his confirmation. It’s so wrong that the school is choosing money over morals. Just like everywhere. How I wish it would stop. How I wish it would stop. I hate this aspect of our society now.

    • Call_me_al says:

      Also, why would he teach a course in the creation of the constitution in England? Why would he teach a course at all — isn’t he kinda busy?

  18. Adrien says:

    Saw the photos. They’re not as horrific as I thought. Glad they saved her eyes.

  19. JT says:

    Eye’m so uncomfortable right now…

  20. justwastingtime says:

    OK another horrid bee-eye story but not nearly as bad as that poor woman’s experience.

    We had killer bee colony do a hostile takeover on a perfectly sweet lovely colony of bees in our LA backyard under the house eaves. The new killer bees attacked us when we went into the back yard, they would literally swoop down and follow us around the house to try to sting us while we ran at top speed. Never seen anything like it before.

    We hired someone to dispose of the colony (believe me no one wanted these bees) and then the “leave-behinds” who were scouting when the colony was disposed of, went really insane when they realized that their queen was gone. We had long ago banned any children from our backyard while this debacle was going on but one day I went into the background to pick up a branch, straightened up, and a bee flew straight into my eye and stung me on the upper corner of the eye… that’s right, on my f***ing eye.

    My eye blew up so badly that I couldn’t open it.. I retreated to a darkened room like a Victorian lady and texted pics to an internist friend who advised cold compresses and lots of Benedryl and two days later I could leave the house with glasses…

    Those killer bees are nothing to mess with.. and I don’t regret poisoning the colony and their damn queen too. : )

    On the bright side, it cured my youngest of being scared of normal bees.

  21. Rebecca says:

    Didn’t they find a spider living in a women’s ear complete with web and everything? I’d rather have the bees in my eye.

    • cannibell says:

      Eeeyew. I will never unsee this, Rebecca. As to the bee story, it popped up on my co-worker’s FB feed yesterday and we read it, she promptly hid it.

      {Fondly recalls Comment 12 by spammer (“2 check for a total of $2,200”)}