“You can tell Donald Trump is innocent because of his caps-lock whines” links

U.S. President Donald Trump Remarks to the Venezuelan American Community

Nothing says innocence like a caps-lock whine of “I DID NOTHING WRONG” from the fascist Nazi in chief. [Towleroad]
Nic Cage apparently yelled-sang a metal version of “Purple Rain.” [Pajiba]
Jamie Lynn Spears is not here for the #FreeBritney stuff. [Dlisted]
Lainey has a theory about a Tony Stark plotline in Endgame. [LaineyGossip]
Federal judge will block the latest Trump abortion-gag-rule. [Jezebel]
People wore denim to Gigi Hadid’s 24th birthday party. [Go Fug Yourself]
Is Jax Taylor gross & awkward, Y/N? [Reality Tea]
Tiffany redoes “I Think We’re Alone Now.” [OMG Blog]
Offset’s got more legal trouble. [The Blemish]

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35 Responses to ““You can tell Donald Trump is innocent because of his caps-lock whines” links”

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  1. Incredulous says:

    You’d think he’d lose weight with all that shaking going on.

    • Bubbles says:

      Hopefully, he’ll continue to be his own worst enemy, in every way; Including his poor health.
      If diabetes, high blood pressure & full blown dementia don’t kill him soon, I will be shocked.

      • Incredulous says:

        I expect his death to mirror his life, dumb and crass. About the best he can hope for is pulling an Elvis.

  2. MMFuzzyface says:

    Guys, this week I tried to be accountable and said if I didn’t log in my food journal every day that I would have to sign up for a Trump mailing list. AND I DIDN’T LOG EVERY DAY! Why did I do this to myself???!!

  3. Christin says:

    And the media STILL give airtime to those tweets, as if they are factual. I wish they would ignore them, and let his five faithful followers and bots try to disseminate them.

  4. Nicegirl says:

    Jax Taylor is gross, Yes.

    I’m here for Lainey’s End Game theory. Taking the kiddo to see it tomorrow🎫

    I’m off to listen to Tiffany🤦‍♀️

  5. AnnaKist says:

    Too many tweets make a twat.

  6. B n A fan says:

    @kitten, I know you have not posted as yet on this thread. I have a question for you or anyone who wants to reply, do you believe Nancy should be dragging her feet this long with impeachment? I cannot for the life of me to understand what the Dems are waiting for. Mueller gave them all the evidence they need to start. This man is thuming his nose on the Congress is a way I have never seen in my life.

    The Dems are afraid that if they impeach he will not be convicted by the Senate, but what the hell, let him get that mark in the history history book like Bill C. As a president who was impeached. I also don’t believe the country is looking on what Bill did, oral sex, the same and compared that to this man who was elected by fraud with the help of a foreign country and Putin. What do you think. I’m saying impeach him.

    • Lightpurple says:

      They have started; Pelosi just isn’t going to admit it just yet so she looks like the measured, moderate adult in the room. Various House committees are making their requests for documents and testimony, with subpoenas to follow. They are trying to schedule Mueller’s testimony. They’re pulling all the pieces together and gathering all the necessary evidence- they don’t have the backup from the Mueller investigation yet. When all the pieces are in place, the impeachment articles that are sitting on someone’s computer in her office will be filed. Meanwhile, Mr I’M INNOCENT digs a deeper hole.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I agree. Being strategic is more important that being fast.

      • lucy2 says:

        I think that’s a good read on it, and I hope it’s the case. If ever someone deserved to be impeached, it’s this garbage dump.

    • Veronica S. says:

      It’s not a matter of dragging feet. Pelosi is biding her time. Unless some Republicans jump ship, there aren’t enough votes to impeach, simple as that. It takes a majority vote in both houses of a Congress to go through. We’re not getting sixty seven votes out of the Senate anytime soon. I’m honestly baffled that impeachment talks are even a thing among voters when it’s clearly not an option with this corrupt AF Republican Party in power.

      • B n A fan says:

        @lightpurple, thanks for taking the time to reply. I’m just so sick of this man, I’m seeing stars.

        @veronica. He can be impeached like Clinton but not convicted. I know the Senate will never convict him but if congress vote to impeach he will have that stain on him just like Bill Clinton. IMO he deserved to be impeached. I’m sorry you don’t know why impeachment is being talked about, but as I understand that’s what Mueller recommend the congress to do.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Clinton was impeached because Republicans had majority control over both the House and Congress during those trials. The only reason it didn’t make it past the Senate hearings to removal from office was because of partisan crossover in closed door negotiations and consideration for the public’s vacillating opinion over the value of impeachment. That’s not going to happen in this environment. Impeachment by the House is a meaningless gesture at this point. It will never make it past a Senate hearing to any sort of ramifications beyond besmirching his reputation, which is already ruined in the eyes of people who hate him already. Mueller’s suggestion is absolutely impeachment, but that requires the system to be just and uncorrupted in its proceedings, which it is not under the current Republican party.

        The 2020 elections are what people’s eyes need to be on. If you want to talk getting this man out of office, vote then, and if somehow he makes it into the presidency again, make sure you put enough people in Congressional seats to take him down. My point is that people shouldn’t complain about Democrats not doing things if they aren’t showing up to elections to give the party the power it needs to move forward. Right now, we’re attempting to clean up two years of backsliding with less than a third of government control. It’s not going to go anywhere fast.

      • Becks1 says:

        If Pelosi isn’t seriously talking about impeachment, its because she knows she doesn’t have the votes to impeach. Not every Democrat would vote to impeach him.

        She may be seriously discussing it behind closed doors, but we don’t know that yet.

        Now, I’m in favor of all these investigations and hearings, because maybe something will come out that will sway some members of Congress – or if not, at least that way the American people have all the facts when they vote in 2020.

    • Holly hobby says:

      Some of the attys mentioned in Twitter that during watergate they had multiple public hearings before impeachment started. So in a way, Nancy is doing exactly what the watergate congress was doing.

      • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

        Thanks for the question and answers all. I am hoping for action. The Root had a great article about the privilege of waiting and Bernie saying the important thing is to him is the orange one not getting re-elected. Admittedly, I can’t stand Bernie, so I’ll also include that Pelosi is often quoted on the divisive nature of pursuing impeachment. Their point (the root), with which I agree, is the waiting doesn’t harm the white people in the same way it impacts others, often to devastating effect. So, while I have hope I am also so over the let’s try and say the right thing and not shake things up. Shake things the eff up so-called leadership! I called out Mitt and Paul Ryan not long ago that they can speak out, if they had any decency and true leadership/democracy leanings. At least Mitt spoke out a little. Paul waiting for a safe time will never ever impress me. It’s true that the senate may not act, but, yes, get that impeachment mark written down.

  7. Digital Unicorn says:

    He’s getting fatter and oranger every day plus his ties are getting longer – guess they grow every time he tells a lie.

  8. Elisabeth says:

    most exhausting president/person ever

  9. Usedtobe says:

    I was thoroughly impressed by the Tiffany remake. The girl can still sing and the new take on her old tune is super catchy.

  10. Angela82 says:

    The Bob Costa tweet was the craziest shit I have read…since yesterday. The man is insane and shouldn’t even be allowed in society much less lead a nation.

  11. LolaB says:

    Is Tony Stark related to Ned Stark

  12. Veronica S. says:

    A Pepperony baby is totally going to happen. C’mon now, why else would you have a baby discussion in the first movie shortly before RDJ bows out of the series? Why have a vague paternalistic relationship develop with Peter Parker as part of the main storyline? He’s either a goner, or his character is permanently retiring and handing the reins off to a new generation.

  13. Karen2 says:

    He keeps saying US is doing great. But the question is What has he done for his rust belt voters. Soon they’ll be saying Thank You. Next.

  14. Pete Booty Jig says:

    Russiagate will be the Democrats undoing. They need to get their heads in the game and focus on electing a candidate who energizes the base by super serving the base, as opposed to telling us to hold our noses while we vote for someone who’s acceptable to the establishment.

    • teehee says:

      What does this mean? (examples)

      • Pete Booty Jig says:

        Medicare for All, Carbon tax, making the top 1% pay their fair share of tax, ending the wars, getting money out of politics, tightening up gun control.

  15. teehee says:

    lets assume hes not even gulty of anything, as he claims.

    Then we are still left with what is bothering all of us: that he is in no way shape or form, slightly fit for the job he has undertaken. He is unethical, illogical, a liar, a coward, a bully, a sexist, a racist, an under-the-bus-thrower POS, and in general just a highlight of the “priviledged white OLD MAN” stereotype that caused most of the social ills we are now trying so hard to reverse. Above all I despise his projection of all his own faults and ills onto all others who do not embody his faults.
    Someone like him does not belong in this position of power.

    THAT is why we dislike him.

    Then lets go back: he DOES incite and order illegal acts. Just no one is so terrible enough to do them on his behalf. He hires minions for his dirty work to obscure the trail.