Rebecca Romijn: ‘As you get older, you just have to accept your looks’

Rebecca Romijn is one of the women who appeared in People Magazine’s: Stars Without Makeup the 10-Year Challenge. The ‘challenge’ is a handful of celebrities who posed without makeup in People a decade ago, and are posing again without makeup. So far, they all look amazing, like Rebecca above. That’s not a big surprise because, in my opinion, Rebecca is an incredibly attractive woman. She always has a California look to her but without makeup, she’s every bit the Southern California Beachcomber (even if she does hail from Nor Cal). The first time Rebecca did her makeup free session with People, she’s just given birth to her twins, Charlie and Dolly. Since then, much has changed – because kids will deplete your life force! Just kidding. But they do mark the passage of time so regardless of how young you feel, you have a physical reminder of how many years have passed. Fortunately for Rebecca, at this point in her life, she’s comfortable with her age and appearance because she’s come to accept her 46-year old face.

As a child star, Rebecca Romijn learned to embrace all that made her unique.
“I don’t have a huge fear of aging,” Romijn, 46, tells PEOPLE in this week’s Beautiful Issue.

“I always thought my mom was so beautiful growing up no matter how many lines she had on her face. I admired my mom’s laugh lines,” she shares. “I find peace in that and hope that when my daughters look at me, they do too.”
Regardless of the exterior, Romijn has learned to embrace the inner qualities that make someone beautiful.

“I think life is a whole game of acceptance,” she says. “I think when you, especially as you get older, you just have to accept certain things and accepting your looks to a certain extent is part of that, just growing up, maturity.”

[From People]

Not that it’s important but it’s kind of a stretch to say Rebecca was a child actress. She has one credit as Girl 1 In A New Kids on the Block video when she was 16 and her next credit is an appearance on Friends at age 25. I would think the fact that she was a model would have her struggling with age more than her ‘child acting.’ Regardless of what we label her, the fact remains that much of her career was marketed on her looks.

Which brings us to the point that many of you made in the Gabrielle Union post. First of all, the no makeup photos still rely on powder to reduce shininess, gloss on lips, expertly styled hair, perfect lighting and professional photographers. Not to mention, the women themselves are all gorgeous to begin with so of course they are comfortable being photographed without their makeup. I understand that point, but I think aging affects all of us. Even if Rebecca looks as beautiful as she does in the photo above, she doesn’t look like some photo she has of herself at the height of her modeling career. So in that way, I think the point about accepting her looks is a good one. And what is most important that the beauty stick by which she is measuring herself is her own. Personally speaking, I’ll take every layer age puts on my face since it comes with another year of peace about who I am.

Rebecca in 2009

Rebecca in 2019

Not fair, everyone looks hotter with doggos

Photo credit: Twitter and WENN Photos

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43 Responses to “Rebecca Romijn: ‘As you get older, you just have to accept your looks’”

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  1. Ashley says:

    She’s naturally gorgeous, so um, how is accepting your model-standard looks brave? I’m getting tired of this trendy celebrity narrative.

    • bears says:

      Exactly what I was about to say. I know everyone has insecurities but this kind of stuff is so completely tone-deaf and not relatable in the slightest.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Absolutely! When you look like she does… Oh, just shut it.

    • xpresson says:

      I suppose she refers to when you are that beautiful and have attention and compliments all your life that when your looks start to go and the compliments start to dry out it is difficult to take.

  2. minx says:

    She’s beautiful, she hit the jackpot with her gene pool, so…

  3. greenmonster says:

    Wait what? She is the girl from ‘Please don’t go girl’ video?

    • snappyfish says:

      From header photo I wasn’t sure who it was. She has done far too much to her face

    • stormsmama says:

      Im with you- my only thought was WHAT????? I just watched it again lol
      I cant understand- is she the girl with the short hair? She actually looks more like the other girl but internet tells me she’s the gorgeous girl with short hair that made me so jelly when I was in 7th/8th grade lol
      Wow wow wow most important thing Ive learned today definitely!!

      • greenmonster says:

        I looked it up again and she might be the girl with the longer hair. IMDB says Girl 2 is played by Carrie Boone and if you google her, you actually find pictures of the short haired girl.

      • stormsmama says:

        Thanks for clarifying
        After some research I see you are 100% right
        Carrie Boone was the short haired beauty and Rebecca was the other (also pretty) girl
        What a trip down memory lane: covers of sassy& seventeen, and covergirl ads, oh my

  4. Seraphina says:

    She should also add: and not try to change the body you have.

    She’s a model. Hearing this from her is just noise. Good grief. Next.

  5. Coco says:

    It’s been…interesting looking at old photos of myself when FB does the memories of older posts thing. It’s a reminder I’m getting older and not as thin or young looking as I was ten, even five years ago, especially after having kids. I can’t imagine being a celebrity and having my body of work be a constant reminder of growing older in an industry that celebrates youth. I’m learning to accept that these lines are here to stay and my hair is going silver. It’s not easy sometimes but I’m not going to go to extreme lengths to chase down my youth either.

    • Seraphina says:

      Coco, I agree on looking back and photos and seeing the difference. It’s been very humbling because I would listen to older women and think: whatever but I now understand. And I also look back and think: I was way too critical of how I looked.

      • Coco says:

        Seraphina – yes, I was so critical of my body but looking back I was so thin and looked great! I wish I had seen it at the time and enjoyed it more. I’m trying to keep that in mind now as I have the wisdom to know that in ten years I’ll look back at photos and think I looked great at almost 40. My 90 year old Gramdma always says she didn’t know how great she had it at 60 when everything still worked so it’s all about perspective.

      • Seraphina says:

        Coco, exactly. I’m right where you are right now. I pulled out a size 6 skirt from 10 years ago and was like why the hell was I not happy being this thin. I understand with age comes wisdom – for some.

      • Kitten says:

        Was it Oscar Wilde that said “youth is wasted on the young”?

        I think almost all of use have spent a good portion of our younger years obsessing over physical imperfections instead of appreciating them. It’s sad, really.

      • Seraphina says:

        Yes very sad indeed. That said, my teenage years were a mess and rightly so. There is no shame in calling an ugly duckling an I fly duckling.

  6. Ann says:

    She clearly had plastic surgery, what a phony.

    • FHMom says:

      This. Her message is good, but disengenuous, since her face is jacked.

    • Nancito says:

      Absolutely she’s had work done – here in Canada there was a “dramedy” starring Jerry O’Connell (last summer). And, Romijn had a guest star appearance and she was almost unrecognizable. It could be that the work she had done was fresh and hadn’t settled yet, or whatever happens with plastic surgery, but, although in these pics she looks recognizable and lovely, in last summer’s TV appearance she looked awful.

  7. Nic919 says:

    She was on Star Trek recently and her face looked full of fillers in those episodes so it’s very interesting she is going on about accepting aging. Her face looked different enough that I didn’t know it was her at first.
    Maybe she just decided to accept this for the article.

  8. Jay says:

    So bored of gimmicky angles like this. They’re all still wearing makeup. They’re not brave or whatever the angle is. Next.

    • BPM says:

      The word hero gets overused these days but in Bec’s case it’s apt. Her courage is an inspiration to us all. Thoughts and prayers go out to her as she faces the greatest battle of her life.

  9. teehee says:

    I think the inner dialogue is the same regardless of how you look subjectively.
    When you’re younger you try to shape your image via shaping your looks.
    When your looks do their own thing with time, you distance yourself from that and its more like, your looks are tagging along for the free pizza and beer wherever you go:
    “Here this is my pal, hes a cool guy, but please just dont stare at him. And definitely dont stare at him from behind, alright?”
    So you just wind up taking this body along with you and you have to accept that its gonna change whether you decide for it to do so or not.

  10. Krakken says:

    Oh celebrities and their lies. Her face is clearly pulled and jacked. She looks nothing like she did 10 yrs ago. Her eyes are shaped entirely differently after the facelift. Lol.

  11. Raina says:

    Whatever. She might have accepted her aging but her fillers haven’t.
    Still a beauty of course.
    Can’t help it; I find I’m going into older age kicking and screaming. Haven’t made peace yet.

  12. Jane says:

    I’m not buying anything she is saying here. Sure, you can spew out all the word salad you want about “excepting your looks” when you get older! This happens especially when you live in Hollywood, have facials that probably cost as much as my car payment, have a stylist helping you at every turn and enough money to get the best cosmetics! Let’s not forget a plastic surgeon on speed dial so that when a wrinkle happens she can get Botox or God knows whatever to suit her needs.

    God, I HATE it when celebrities talk like this.

  13. Jenns says:

    I just really hate that it always has to be women who say things like this. Meanwhile, men never need to explain their aging insecurities. Because in our society, they’re allowed to age in whatever way they want.

  14. Lucy2 says:

    Accept your looks… Says the model. Lol. But she’s not wrong, laugh lines are a good thing to have.

    She kind of looks like Vanna White in the last photo with the dogs.

  15. jules says:

    Good for her for finally accepting her naturally good looks….rolls eyes.

  16. Wilma says:

    I do like what she says about how we look at the people we love and don’t care about their wrinkles and that the people who love us won’t care about our wrinkles or will appreciate our wrinkles.
    I have to say that I’m very lucky in never having been a great beauty, but someone with an interesting face. I learned early on to accept myself and not care about standards of beauty (helped that I grew up in a family where nobody cared about standards of beauty). And now that I’m getting older my face is still interesting and since I started to take care of my skin because of an adult onslaught of acne, my skin is looking pretty radiant too.
    My sister in law has always been considered a beauty and aging is hard on her. She’s considering botox and fillers now.

  17. sequinedheart says:

    this bitch….
    You’re genetically blessed and pumped full of filler.
    Hardly struggling with age.. and if one more person says “but thats her industry/her reality”, gimme a break. She has access to so many things that this faux-age-bravery is such BS.

  18. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    So, I wanted to think, yeah okay, I understand. But, I followed the link to People and watched the video interview – her brand of acceptance includes lots of botox. I gotta Sure Jan that, she is lovely though, of course.

  19. Christine says:

    She’s 46! Let’s check back with her in 20 years.

  20. Naddie says:

    You have to accept your looks with fillers and botox. Without them…

  21. launicaangelina says:

    As time has pay, I appreciate my unique features more now. I also have a few eye wrinkles but it’s because I’ve smiled and laughed a lot in life.

  22. Anon says:

    I’ve complained to People in writing that those “make up free!” shots they post are not “make up free!”

    Every single one of them are wearing foundation and concealer, and some blush, at the very least. I find it disingenuous and phony to trot out these photos as “make up free!”

    They’re not.

  23. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is the textbook definition of “humble brag.”

    I also call b.s. on it because she’s clearly had work done. Between the face work and the humble brag, she seems so very desperate for people to notice how great she looks. You know what I’ve long thought about celebrities? So many of them use plastic surgery as a substitute for the professional therapy they really need.

  24. sunshine gold says:

    This is what actresses say when they want to seem enlightened. It’s complete and total BS considering how much she’s tweaked her face.

  25. Money@ says:

    I think women place to much emphasis on bring part of the privileged under 40 class. Yes, I know that’s the age most men stop fawning over us, but not all men find women over 40 unattractive, just most men. I think men are more accepting of our wrinkles than we think. I think what’s really unappealing to men is the whining and whinging about aging when we’re still attractive, just older. You have to get up and remind yourself you’re still a bad bitch, just older and more interesting

  26. Reeta Skeeter says:

    I’ve always thought it’s a myth that men age better than women. Women put more care into their appearance at any age. Men don’t tend to bother with their appearance, just cruise by on ego and the privilege of being male, assuming they’re still gorgeous. When I look at the older men around me, literally none are attractive. All either greying, receding, overweight or just generally unkempt and unattractive. IMO women age better, men are just more critical of looks generally.