Prince Charles ‘couldn’t be more delighted’ about the birth of Baby Sussex

Prince Charles and Camilla visit the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin

Here are some photos of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall in Berlin this week. They arrived in Germany on Tuesday, and immediately did a photocall at the Brandenburger Tor (Brandenburg Gate), then met with Angela Merkel. This is a four-day German work excursion for Charles and Camilla – something about trade, Brexit and the EU, I’m sure. It probably helps Charles and Camilla that their diplomatic mission was further softened by the arrival of Baby Sussex – Charles’ trip is making international headlines because he’s been commenting on his new grandson, and because he’s been accepting gifts for the baby all over Berlin.

Charles and Camilla haven’t met Polo Baby yet – they were already setting off to Germany when Meghan gave birth. Once he arrived in Berlin, Charles told the press in German and English: “We couldn’t be more delighted at the news and we’re looking forward to meeting the baby when we return.” He also joked that he’s been toasting the new baby “several times.” I think Charles is probably surprised that he finds himself with three grandsons and only one granddaughter – he reportedly longed for a daughter back in the day, and he probably thought he would have more than one granddaughter by now.

Baby Sussex is going to have so many stuffed bears from Germany, isn’t he??

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall meet with Angela Merkel at the Federal Chancellery

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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34 Responses to “Prince Charles ‘couldn’t be more delighted’ about the birth of Baby Sussex”

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  1. Monicack says:

    Charles looks so much older than his age. Is he well?

    • Bryn says:

      He’s 70 years old. How do you expect him to look?

    • Monicack says:

      I said he looks so much older than his age. That means I know how old he is. In my opinion he looks significantly older than that and very much unwell. I think his elegant bearing and impeccable styling are preventing him from being shockingly ill looking beyond what I already see. Just my opinion.

      • Lunde says:

        He has always looked much older than his age – he looks much more like the Queen’s generation than her son! IMHO he has that very red face of someone that may be a big drinker.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Rosacea and lots of time in the sun building wicker fences.

      • Shelley says:

        Just a little FYI: Rosacea and ruddiness is also a hereditary condition that happens to people who never drink alcohol.

    • Uppenyrcraut says:

      I just watched thr new documentary ‘Charles at 70’ tonight and can’t get over how fit and well he looked in it, nary a wrinkle! I have a very soft spot for Charles as his interests are like mine and he has a wicked sense od humour! His sons just want him to eat dinner at a sensible hour…that made me giggle.

      • Catherine says:

        “Charles at 70” is wild AF!!! I love him, he screams at a pig, pretends to be a chicken farmer! The Queen throws shade at him. It’s the best 💖💖💖💖💖👑

  2. Digital Unicorn says:

    He does genuinely look thrilled, I think he loves being a grandpa.

  3. Becks1 says:

    He really does look so happy, and like you said the news has increased the attention for the Germany trip, so it’s a win all around for him.

  4. Lightpurple says:

    I need Camilla’s coat.

    And Charles needs some sun block.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I think he may have rosacea.

      • Kaye says:

        I think he may. As a reply also to the commenter above, I am a fair-skinned blonde with a red face, due to rosacea. I am always being asked if I’m sunburned. I don’t drink.

    • 10KTurtle says:

      I’ve always wondered if he might have lupus. Red face and swollen fingers are my most frequent symptoms. It isn’t as common in men, but they can have lupus.

  5. Nopity Nope says:

    Camilla looks really great in these photos – better than she did even just a few months ago. I wonder if her back issues are getting better.

  6. Becks1 says:

    Also, because some of us were commenting on it a few days/weeks ago, I want to point out that Camilla visited a clinic yesterday to help those affected by domestic and sexual violence. I wish she got more coverage for these events, but maybe she purposely wants to keep them low key?

    • CheckThatPrivilege says:

      I, too, wish her DV-related events got more press, as domestic abuse is such a far-reaching, cross-generational dysfunction that has been enabled as “private family business” for centuries. I love that she’s shining the light of day on it, and I wish the media had more interest in shining further light on it.

      On a different note, I think Camilla and Charles look fantastic — very healthy and vigorous. I love seeing public (and private) figures who seem happy to be showing up, rather than petulant and entitled

    • Lightpurple says:

      One reason a visit to a domestic violence clinic may not get more coverage could be due to the clinic itself wanting to limit the coverage for security reasons and the wish of the women receiving help for privacy. It’s a difficult balance. These facilities need coverage for outreach and funding purposes but need to protect their clients.

  7. Cee says:

    Good – now maybe do something to protect your grandson’s mother.

  8. Rosenaus says:

    Charles was making a speech in German, lovely to hear for me as a German.
    Camilla looks great btw

  9. Jen says:

    He’s excited to have a grandchild that isn’t squirreled away in Bucklebury.

    • TheOriginalMia says:

      This! He knows he will see more of this one. No hoops to jump through for a visit.

  10. mycomment says:

    and for anyone still questioning if he’s actually harry’s father…
    they seem genuinely thrilled. nice to see.

    • TrixC says:

      I don’t understand how anyone can question it, to me Harry is resembling Charles more and more every day. I was particularly struck by it in the photos with Meghan and the baby.

      • Tigerlily says:

        That Hewitt business is such nonsense. Harry looks an awful lot like Grandpa Philip if you look at photos of young philip

    • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

      Oh for goodness sakes, Diana didn’t start with Hewitt till two yrs. AFTER Harry was born!! She took the kids to have riding lessons with him and that started things. Harry was born in 1984; she met Hewitt in 1986!

  11. TheOriginalMia says:

    Proud grandparents! I bet they can’t wait to get back to see him.

  12. Chef Grace says:

    Awwww. Very sweet.

  13. AA says:

    Camilla looks so beautiful in this pic! She seems like a lot of fun.

  14. Gorgonia says:

    Charles made a lot of mistakes in his life, but I think he’ll make a great grandpa’.