“Awkwafina’s new movie, ‘The Farewell’, looks really beautiful & sad” links

Awkwafina’s new film, The Farewell, looks really good (and sad). [LaineyGossip]
Denise Richards, what are you doing?? [Dlisted]
Donald Trump thinks Abraham Lincoln lost the Civil War. [Pajiba]
I forgot how pretty Katy Perry looks with longer hair. [Go Fug Yourself]
People were fighting about Aperol Spritzs yesterday. [Jezebel]
How is this not treason again? I’m so confused. [Towleroad]
Who are the best reality show moms, in honor of Mother’s Day? [Reality Tea]
Marla the cat does look like Steve Buscemi. [OMG Blog]
Here are the models for Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Edition. [The Blemish]

Vanity Fair Oscars Party

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26 Responses to ““Awkwafina’s new movie, ‘The Farewell’, looks really beautiful & sad” links”

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  1. Nicegirl says:

    I love her and so will see this movie 🎥

  2. BeanieBean says:

    I’m going to love this movie, I just know it. I also know I’ll need to bring a whole box of Kleenex to the theater.

  3. kerwood says:

    ‘The Farewell’ looks amazing. I’m so proud that people of colour are getting a chance to tell their own stories. I know several amazingly talented Asian actors that don’t work as often as they should. I recognized a couple of faces in the trailer so I’m looking forward to this film.

    • Wasabi says:

      Agreed, the movie looks amazing. I love things about regular people and weird family dynamics where everyone would profit from therapy 😅

  4. BeanieBean says:

    Oh, gad, read the two trump-related stories. Why do I do this to myself? Why start my day this way?

    • Mel M says:

      The Golf one too? Just wtf. He’s literally a freaking 6 yo.

    • Some chick says:

      LOL, I can relate. I come here specifically to avoid that stuff! But sometimes I just can’t seem to help myself.

  5. Susannah says:

    Good lord, I always think that I can’t be more outraged or astonished at Trump’s ignorance but then I read this:

    Trump “is a pretty good raconteur of history and he did say that, uh—he was talking about Abraham Lincoln losing the war and said ‘Well, I know you guys have lost a game or two, but this was a war.’”

    Does he really think Robert E. Lee won the war? I’ve read about Lincoln haunting a White House staircase, let’s hope he trips Trump down the steps for this!

    • Rita says:

      Did not read Trump comment. But our Civil War was so bloody. So divisive. Nobody won really.

    • Erinn says:

      LOL there are some hilarious stories about ghost Lincoln.

      One about him supposedly popping up while Churchill was in the white house
      “British Prime Minister Winston Churchill loved to retire late, take a long, hot bath while drinking a Scotch, and smoke a cigar and relax. There is an account that on this occasion, he climbed out of the bath and naked, but for his cigar, walked into the adjoining bedroom. He was startled to see Lincoln standing by the fireplace in the room, leaning on the mantle. Churchill, always quick on the uptake, simply took his cigar out of his mouth, tapped the ash off the end of his cigar and said “Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have me at a disadvantage.” Lincoln smiled softly, as if laughing and disappeared. Churchill smiled in embarrassment”

  6. Mel M says:

    I randomly read that story on Aperol Spritz even though I’ve never had one for some reason last night. I had no idea it was such a huge deal. So weird what people will fight about.

  7. manda says:

    omg that movie looks so good and so sad. I cried at the trailer!

  8. paranormalgirl says:

    There’s something about Awkwafina that I just really like.

    • Anners says:

      Same. I never really knew much about her until Crazy Rich Asians, but she seems so relatable and glamorous simultaneously.

  9. Lynne says:

    Watched the trailer twice…….looks awesome!

  10. Lolamd says:

    Can’t wait to see this movie with a box of Kleenex. I was crying watching the trailer.

  11. 2lazy4username says:

    Oh, boy. I predict I will be a hot mess watching that movie. 😥

  12. Aubrey says:

    Why did Constance Wu tweet angrily about her contract?

    • Violette says:

      Insiders and Constance’s crew and cast on FOTB and other past work knows that in reality she is quite rude and unprofessional to production crew and minor cast. The success on CRA gave her bigger ego and it is clear to see that she wanted out of this series. She never liked the character because she thought it was too stereotyped but it actually was her breakthrough but she signed a 6-7 seasons contract. It films 9 months out of the year and she was counting on it being cancelled. She also tried to land other projects while hoping this show will be cancelled etc. Instead of being a professional and grateful for the show that helped her career and hundreds of ppl that will still have a job, she is putting out in public that she basically cares most about herself and comes across as ungrateful and totally unprofessional. I was rooting for her success but I am totally disappointed. As a fellow Asian American, her conduct is no good; she is old enough to behave better. Plenty of other highly successful film actress have a TV show and it doesn’t hurt their career. She should have kept it out of the public and negotiate an exit deal.

      • Aubrey says:

        Thanks for the reply. Wow. Unfortunate.

      • Patty says:

        Dang. That’s crazy. Someone should pull her aside and let her know that she’s not that good of an actress either. I thought she (Wu) was the week link in CSA.

  13. Lg says:

    The movie is based on a true story! I remember the granddaughter telling it in a This American Life episode. The film looks like it will be as equally lovely as that episode.

  14. Amy says:

    I’m so excited for The Farewell, the trailer had me tearing up. Everything about it has me really excited, already I recognize some of my own experiences in what little I’ve seen. Yay more Asian-American experiences on the big screen!!!

  15. Justjj says:

    I wanted to like Awkwafina, but I saw the ‘My Vag’ video and it’s honestly the most misogynistic piece of cool-girl try hard trash I’ve ever seen. Can’t stand her. She’s really thirsty and boring in interviews.