“The trailer for ‘Black Mirror’ season 5 is here and Miley Cyrus is involved” links

Here’s the trailer for Black Mirror Season 5. [Pajiba]
Are Rosario Dawson & Cory Booker engaged? [Dlisted]
I love the name Lachlan and that’s all I have to say. [LaineyGossip]
Jodie Comer’s very odd lace dress is… something. [Go Fug Yourself]
Alabama hates women and wants to murder them. [Jezebel]
Chick-Fil-A shops on every corner? Please, no. [Towleroad]
Britney Spears’ manager says she’ll probably never perform again. [Just Jared]
My 600 Lb Life’s Angie J says her husband walked out on her. [Starcasm]
We should all be watching Model Boy? [OMG Blog]

Lori Loughlin at arrivals for Hallmark C...

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16 Responses to ““The trailer for ‘Black Mirror’ season 5 is here and Miley Cyrus is involved” links”

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  1. jen says:

    britney’s manager says she’ll probably never perform again—yikes 🙁

    • DiegoInSF says:

      Saw her during Circus tour, she should have stopped performing back then, she was so robotic and wooden, I wanted a refund!

      • Juliette says:

        I also saw her on that tour when she came to Vancouver. It was not great. We all felt about sorry for her. It was clearly too early after her hospitalization for her to be performing. Poor Britney, will always root for her. I hope she gets healthy someday.

        However, the Pussycat Dolls opened for her and I loved them!

    • Lucy says:

      Sadly, I think it’s for the best.

  2. kristen says:

    The Britney situation is sad. If anything good can come out of it, I hope it raises awareness and understanding of mental health issues.

    • Wilady says:

      I don’t know why, but Larry Rudolph coming out and saying that publicly gives me manipulative vibes. “She have called me in months. Crickets. She clearly doesn’t want to perform now.” I don’t know. It just feels creepy to me, like he’s talking through the media to her and I don’t like it.

  3. Bella Bella says:

    The first photo of Rosario Dawson is terrifying. The relationship is a sham and it depresses me that Booker feels the need to go down this route. I think it kills any interest I would have in voting for him if he can’t be honest about who he is.

  4. Cali says:

    YES YES YES, I’ve been waiting patiently for BM and Finally it has returned!

  5. Karen2 says:

    …try reading about Alabamas horrific prison system. Obviously a State that goes its own sweet way.

  6. Sam H x says:

    The Britney Spears situation is very sad 😔 She needs this conservatorship because I don’t think she is in a position to take care of herself or her kids. Poor girl is unwell.

    I honestly think without a routine or structure she may end up in a not so good place (That’s my fear.)

    She seems sweet, harmless and you want to root for her. I hope she gets better.

    • Hmmm says:

      How do we know Britney is unwell? She deserves a chance to be free. Let’s see how she does on her own. Her manager said he no longer wants to “make” her get on stage. She doesn’t want to be on stage but daddy dearest makes her because he needs her money. Does Jaime Spears have a job of his own?

      • Jo says:

        @Hmm, when a judge still finds that a conservatorship should be kept in place and to conduct further evaluation of her mental health, it truly speaks volumes. Many people who have never experienced what mental illness firsthand have no understanding of what it truly is like to see a loved one who has no awareness of their own selves without their meds. When they are in deep psychosis, they have no rational thought. Manic episodes may bring out the worst and they go on benders, unable to reach or find them for days or weeks. You pray that they are safe and not taken advantage of or worse, badly hurt. Our government doesn’t have enough policies and social programs that is beneficial for the mentally ill. Also, bless your heart and I hope you will never experience this heartbreak @Hmmm.

      • CairinaCat says:

        The thing is the best you can hope for is you can be high functioning, you are NEVER cured.
        I am in a good place right now, I’m not on medication except for Ativan sometimes for breakthrough stuff.
        I’m 49 right now , I’ve been off for about 4 years now. But from 30-45 I was on about 7 heavy medications, and I big time needed them. And I should have been on them from the time I was around 8 years old and all through my 20’s
        It’s a miracle I’m still alive, if I hadn’t had my first kid at 27 there is a good chance that I wouldn’t be.
        I’m unusual in that I’m able to maintain so we’ll, I have had about 10 years of intense therapy and delt with my big issues, and I recognize when I’m starting to have issues with mania really well. I make sure I eat decently and sleep regular hours. I’m a graphic designer and I burn off a lot of my extra mind energy that way.

        BUT, I know that at some point I will absolutely have to go back on medication. It’s only a matter of time before I have to.
        That’s a for sure thing, I’m not better, I’m just lucky I’m able to maintain so well right now.
        I’m bipolar I,II and mixed episode , rapid cycling. OCD, various Anxiety disorders, ADD, Clinical depression, pretty much all the affect disorders.
        I’m actually really surprised and amazed at how good I’m doing right now.
        But I watch myself like a hawk.

        My youngest son isn’t lucky, I doubt he will ever be off medication again. He is 14 and on 8 very strong medications right now. The great thing is he’s responding well. He had to be committed for a week last June and we are still recovering from that. He’s the best he’s been in two years. He’s unable to go to school so we have to do a independent study through the school district. He is up to going into see the teacher twice a week for two hours each.

        I don’t know what the future will bring but he will probably always live with us, I hope he will be able to have some independence.

        Looking at Britney, having watched her original breakdown, I very much doubt she will ever be able to be on her own. Not totally.
        She probably has times when she’s pretty good, but she will always need someone to make sure she sees her Drs and takes her meds.
        And there will be times when she needs a lot of help.
        My youngest sister frequently decides she doesn’t need her medication, she does. So we have rollercoaster mania rides with her constantly.

        I have my mom, husband, kids who have no problem letting me know if I have any issues, and I will listen. I also see my shrink every three weeks.

        All that to say, Britney will never be well. She will have times she’s better, but she will never be well. Unless she is VERY self aware and very regimented about her self care and medication, she will need outside help.
        I think she needs better help, someone who actually cares about her mental wellbeing and not the money she can earn.

        I’m wondering if her dad being out of commission , it was long enough for her to figure out finially that she can refuse to perform.
        And was that why she was committed? Her free will being called non-compliance?
        Her manager saying she will no longer be made to perform, are they finally listening to her wants?

  7. Hmmm says:

    Okay am I the only one wondering what miley did with her mouth/teeth? She looks weird now.