Fine, let’s talk about how terrible Ivanka Trump looks during the UK state visit

US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Arrival at Downing Street

Something I think about all the time: early in the Trump administration, some newspaper or weekly did an article about how foreign diplomats think Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are raging morons, and one unnamed Saudi diplomat basically said (and I’m paraphrasing) that they should be compared to the idiots of the Saudi royal family, given fake jobs to flatter them and make them look important, but never given any real power. It’s true though? That’s what they are. The Trumps operate on cronyism, blind loyalty to the Don and mafia-like family connections. So, unsurprisingly, Ivanka and Jared have been “included” in everything about the Trumps’ state visit to the UK. Ivanka was at 10 Downing Street today with her father and step-mother. She attended the state banquet, and the lunch at the palace.

I didn’t want to write about Ivanka’s fashion choices, but it’s clear from the comments that you guys want to discuss, so here you go. My form is protest is that I’m not going to look up the IDs on any of Ivanka’s sh-t. F–k her and her fug clothes. Her outfit today for the 10 Downing visit was so inappropriate – a sheer blouse with animal print? Gross. She thought she looked amazing though. She did not.

US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Arrival at Downing Street

US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Arrival at Downing Street

This is what she wore for the day activities yesterday. THAT HAT. Gross. The whole ensemble is a trainwreck, if we’re being honest.

US President Donald Trump state visit to London, UK - 03 Jun 2019

US President Donald Trump state visit to London, UK - 03 Jun 2019

And finally, here’s Ivanka’s look for the state banquet, alongside Eric’s wife and Tiffany Trump. They looked horrible!

Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram and Avalon Red.

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186 Responses to “Fine, let’s talk about how terrible Ivanka Trump looks during the UK state visit”

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  1. Lisa says:

    Expensive trainwreck.

    • ByTheSea says:

      and I just read on CNN that the queen invited only Trump and Melania. The rest of the grifters apparently just crashed the party.

    • xdanix says:

      I am blown away by just how wrong Ivanka has gotten it, REPEATEDLY, on this trip. Like, I have nothing nice to say about her as a person, but I will say that I do think she sometimes does look quite nicely put together. But this has just been one getting it COMPLETELY wrong ensemble after another.

      • Gia says:

        I find it hilarious how she Facetuned her body into oblivion on her instagram. She made that white outfit look like it actually fit her and edited her waist to make it look tinier. Who is she kidding when we have official photos to compare to..??

      • sequinedheart says:

        I agree – despite the horrid person she is, the girl can *sometimes* get it right in fashion. That blue dress – what in the helen of troy was she thinking? A riff on Grace Kelly? so bad.

      • Wilady says:

        I don’t usually like to trash people’s looks and fashion because we all have our own likes and style…. but for Ivanka I’ll make a special exception.

        Her hat looks like she shoved her sleep mask up onto her forehead for the event. And dalmation print showed her inner Cruella DeVille.

        Not a fan of this woman. She can suck it.

    • Hannah says:

      Looks like something you’d get a second hand store in the 80’s. And I bet it was incredibly expensive. So so sad. So uncouth…the whole lot of them.

    • Snowflake says:

      YES YES YES!

    • fishface says:

      Yes! Trying so hard to resist the urge to trash talk them because I don’t want to rubbish other women….but in this case, they have consistently let the side down so….. Tiff really looks like a half-wit in most of the pictures I’ve seen of her. Ivanka could wear the most beautiful dress ever made and she’d still look like a cheap hooker. And Melania will always look like a second rate wannabe Bond girl to me.

    • jane says:

      Poor Tiffany doesn’t have a neck looks just like her father poor girl

    • Nana says:

      The whole family is absolutely horrific, but that is a genuinely f**ked up thing to say @EB.

  2. Ana says:

    The first pic…that dress….That was homecoming for Cruella I guess…

    • Bella DuPont says:

      This might be a testament to my own bad taste, but I actually quite like the cruelly outfit 😍

      • amilou says:

        I like it, too! Ugh. It pained me to think, “But she doesn’t look bad there?!”

        The white monstrosity though…

    • This! First thing I thought! It’s Cruella!

    • CuriousCole says:

      Thank you! I saw that spotted outfit and my first thought was “Thank God the Queen has corgis, not Dalmatians!”

    • Kendra says:

      The last picture with the print dresses is like the step sisters from the Cinderella live-action.

  3. Cay says:

    I would like to predict that Ivanka will be pregnant again in the next year, so that she will be pregs/give birth during the election cycle. Nothing people like more than whitewashing history with a new baby.

  4. st.karolina says:

    honestly not hating the ‘cruella de vil does boozy brunch’ look, I’d wear it to the office. entirely inappropriate for such events though

    • Cate says:

      Yeah, it’s not an awful look for the office. Not my style but I definitely know women who would do it and still look appropriate/tasteful. But to 10 Downing St? NO.

      That hat though! It looks like it is made out of scuply!

      • Kateeeee says:

        Sculpy made me chuckle, it’s perfect. The hat left me thinking of uncooked white bread dough, alarmingly suited to this bunch. Awful.

      • Carmen says:

        I thought it looked like a giant maxi-pad.

      • Melody says:

        It made me think about a sugar made decoration from a wedding or birth cake, slowly melting on her head..

      • frankly says:

        I saw a shot where it was photoshopped into a giant maxi pad. But you could hardly tell.

    • SURFCHICK says:

      Should have pulled back her hair, tight low bun. Stud earrings, rethink the shoe.

  5. Kate says:

    Tiffany should sue, that last pic of her is SO unflattering.

    • Megan says:

      It’s her best Queen Victoria. Ugly and unflattering, but more on point for the event than the other two.

      • Fluffy Princess says:

        Queen Victoria — perfect description. My first reaction to that photo was “What happened to Tiffany?” Because that photo, or dress or whatever does her NO favors whatsoever. She looks like she’s holding her breath and trying to suck it in the whole time.

        In those formal clothes, that Orange menace reminds me of that old Chris Farley sketch: “Fat man in a little coat. . .”

    • Bella DuPont says:

      I’m surprised Trump let Tiff come on the trip looking like that – I would have imagined he’d be a lot more shallow than that.

    • Some chick says:

      Tiff looks fine. They should all be totally embarrassed tho.

      I wonder how much she gets for going along. Can it be worth it?! I’d try to change my identity, in her shoes.


      Tiffany looks like Princess Fiona from Shrek, but the Ogre version…paint her green…

      • Kateeeee says:

        She is probably like a size 6 but having big shoulders and bad posture, then stuffed into a too-small, untailored dress… then add two barbies in front of you… not flattering. I hate to defend a Trump, but good for her for not surgery-ing herself into oblivion. The pressure is certainly there.

      • Mary Jemail says:

        Wait till she gets out of law school—-She’ll hit the surgeon then!

    • runcmc says:

      DailyFail has been posting pics of her and they are suggesting she may be pregnant. Normally I hate speculating about a woman’s body/bump-watch but…she’s a Trump so F it. She’s definitely put on a little weight and it does seem fairly concentrated to her midsection. If she’s not pregnant, then that is unfortunate.

      • Brooke says:

        I also noticed how big Tiff has gotten and was hesitant to fat shame her, but since she’s an opportunistic grifter too, I say she’s fair game. She got big all over, though I can’t say I blame her for eating/drinking her feelings. I always kind of feel bad for her until I look at her Instagram and see her posting about privileged Trump life.

      • Mego says:

        Tiffany has piled on the weight. I feel sorry for her because I struggle with my weight too and it’s so hard. I hope she hasn’t had to endure fat shaming from her father like I did.

      • Lightpurple says:

        She’s cradling her stomach in one of the pictures Nagini posted

      • himmiefan says:

        She’s probably been stress-eating while in law school.

    • MrsPanda says:

      Yes my first thought was she looks like preening chicken! all plumped up plummage and chest pushed upwards. It looks like a photoshopped of someone with no neck, just cropped at the shoulders with a round little head on top. Sooo unflattering, she does have a normal neck (I just checked hahaa), it’s just the most awful dress and posture!

      • Kate says:

        Yes, agree, she looks totally different here than any other recent picture of her, it’s just a really bad dress and unflattering angle/pose. I can only assume Ivanka is trolling her by choosing these pics.

    • SKF says:

      She is probably just a little bit bigger than before but the combination of an unflattering dress and hairstyle and being photographed next to much thinner women has made her look big. Honestly, break out the pieces – the neckline of the dress and the hairstyle are really unflattering on her and make her look bigger than she is.

  6. RoyalBlue says:

    She has been going for the conservative school marm look ever since she married Jared. Zero sense of style.

  7. Grey says:

    I remember that one time I used to think Jared Kushner was attractive and it was embarrassing… but the more I see and hear him now I just can’t see it anymore. Thank goodness.

  8. Christina says:

    You are my hero of petty, Kaiser. Totally agree with you.

    • Megan says:

      When they first got to DC the most well connected man in government, politics, and business held a reception for them at his amazing house, even though he owned one of the most prestigious office buildings in DC and regularly held receptions there. He was giving them a massive in to make the connections they needed to succeed and they basically stood around and talked about the weather.

      • PleaseAndThankYou says:

        Lol, what is the “most prestigious office building” in DC? I know who you’re talking about and how the Kushners absolutely failed when being essentially handed opportunities for connections that could’ve opened every door for them because they’re both honestly morons, but… please 😂 – “most prestigious office building” in DC?

        I’m sorry for being petty, but that makes zero sense; we have a lot of office buildings… how does one know which is “prestigious”, let alone “most prestigious”? I can’t stop giggling.

  9. Chica71 says:

    She is a wannabe but her her genetic inferiority always shine through. So many people from nowhere reinvent themselves with money in New York.. as a native NYer she just couldn’t manage it

    • Hotsauceinmybag says:

      Hello fellow native NY’er! (We’re a rare breed these days…)

      ITA with you

    • HK9 says:

      @Chica71 You know….I always get my back up when people start talking about genetic inferiority, but in this instance, imma let it slide, because the truth of the comment slapped me right between the eyes. **Reclines in chair & sips one’s tea**

    • Bella Bella says:

      Did Ivanka get a new chin inplant and nose job? Her face looks different.

      • Nic919 says:

        Do you mean for the second time? Because she definitely already had a nose job and chin implant before now.

  10. Darla says:

    The pic of all the adult kids lined up was so bad. I tweeted a lyric from an old Joe Jackson song: They say that looks don’t count for much
    If so, there goes your proof

    I find it fascinating that trump’s fug genes are even staging a very successful battle against Ivanka’s extensive plastic surgery. The sons are next level fug, enough said there. And my gawd, what is with tiffany? Her mom is IMO the best (naturally) looking wife of his, and such sweet features. But look. This is what happens when you mate with trump.

  11. BchyYogi says:

    It’s all Monty Python level comedically good/terrible, with falling hats, bulging burger bellies& steve menuschkin lurking in every photo, but… just gonna immigrate to Canada out of unrequited shame…

    • AnnaKist says:

      Nah, come to Australia. Much warmer. Well, not today, because Winter has started, but it’s still warmer than Canada, and just wait until Spring arrives …! 🦘 🐨

      • original_kellybean says:

        You’re right about that, AnnaKist. I am in Toronto and even though it’s June 4th, it was 6 degrees when I left for work this morning – SIX FREAKING DEGREES. This weather is bullshit. And even though it gets warmer in the afternoon, it’s still not what I think of when I think of June weather. So, BchyYogi, take AnnaKist’s advice and move to Australia…or if you insist on Canada, go to the west coast.

      • Lady D says:

        It’s going to hit 30+ for the 6th day in a row in my patch of BC. Happy, happy days:)

    • OriginalLala says:

      Canada welcomes you! but, beware, we have our own Trump of the North and the federal elections are coming where he may very well become our next Prime Minister 🙁

      • Snazzy says:

        I am so worried that THAT FOOL will actually win. Especially after the votes in Ontario and Alberta. We don’t learn …

      • Lady D says:

        Yeah, scary times in Canada. I’m starting to sweat the next federal election also. Time to get to work.

      • Darla says:

        Oh I pray not. I am visiting later this summer to scout the feel for cities. It truly is my escape hatch if things go wrong again here in 2020. But I would also feel so badly for you guys. Jesus, where will this stop?

      • joanne says:

        I refuse to to accept that will happen. We cannot elect useless Andrew Scheer. He’s a bad person and has Mr. Harper lurking in the background, waiting for a return to power. I believe Canadians will make the right choice.

      • Nic919 says:

        There is already trump of the north in Ontario. I can’t stand Scheer but even he can’t out Trump Dofo. I mean our PC members clap for him like seals and make videos bitching that there is no beer in corner stores (ignoring how there are liquor stores and beer stores in every small town)

  12. AB says:

    At the State dinner she looks like a budget Hillary Rodham Clinton. The white suit is not just referencing Diana, it’s a straight up copy. Ivanka’s style is truly THE WORST; classic dressing is just not that hard.

    • Megan says:

      Her hat looked like a maxi pad. Her stylist clearly hates her.

      • Another Anne says:

        I’ve seen so many funny descriptions of that hat – pot holder, bra cup, pizza dough. Pick any of them, it looked utterly ridiculous.

  13. Megan says:

    Tiffany is cosplaying Queen Victoria, right?

  14. minx says:

    First, she probably thinks her long, straight center-part hair helps hide her long alien neck and small head. It doesn’t, it accentuates it. So I hope she continues with that.
    The worst outfit is the cheesy white suit. A peplum, pleated skirt, full sleeves, cheap-looking belt…and the waist doesn’t even fit right. Way too much. I have no words for the hat.

    • mosie says:

      I saw an interview with Aubrey O’Day about her time on The Apprentice. She said that the producers told her she had to part her hair down the middle, wear it straight, and wear low cut clothes so that Trump would think she was pretty.

    • Bella DuPont says:

      The hat is positioned about 2 inches (at least) too low on her forehead. Not sure why no one pulled her aside for quick pity re-adjustment before the pictures.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Minx, the hat looks like the crappy, white plastic mixing bowl I finally chucked out the other day, and is just as attractive. But she thinks she’s a posh lady now.

      Ugh, mosie, that is very, very creepy! I cannot ponder on what this means any further.

  15. Still_Sarah says:

    The last picture of the Trump women. The bottom of Ivanka’s dress looks like she’s wearing a parachute. The US Army Airborne Rangers must be proud (not). And Tiffany looks like she is stress eating her way through law school. Having done law school myself years ago, I totally understand it. A classmate of mine got married, started law school at the same time and put on about 20 lbs. from the pressure of it all in the first year (or maybe it was the depression meds). I hope Tiffany is alright – especially since the Trumps seem to like their women to all have the same Barbie appearance.

    • CooCooCatchoo says:

      You can bet that Tiffany’s dad body shames her at every opportunity. Trump values women’s looks over everything.

  16. AnnaKist says:

    Oh, wow – the Kushners’ faces… What have they done to them? He looks like Mr Toosmooth, in the creepy, Ken-doll way, and she looks if someone made a dreadful error in unmoulding her plastic mask. And, yet, there they are, plying oh-so-very-posh, aren’t we grand… What a bunch of deluded fools. When do the protests begin?

    • BayTampaBay says:

      Good question! I want to see that blimp!

    • Desolee says:

      I saw his video yesterday he is soooooooooo much more unattractive in video than in photos. I can see why ivanka gets so excited to be near Justin Trudeau (not my favourite but much more attractive than her husband!)

  17. Becks1 says:

    Those outfits are all awful, but I’m really surprised at how bad the state dinner dress was. That was REALLY bad.

  18. Kateeeee says:

    I feel a bit bad for Tiffany because she clearly got Trump’s body type and that outfit is doing her no favors.

    Did Melania pick Mary Poppins and Ivanka drew Cruella da Ville as their style inspiration for this trip? Am I the only one who feels a subliminal tingle from their all white outfits? Anyway, the aristo set must be snickering in plain sight at this disaster and for once I cannot be mad at their snobbery. 😂

    • Megan says:

      Tiffany would look a lot better with a soft updo. Flat ironed and parted down the middle is not a flattering style for her.

  19. Mumbles says:

    Some Carolina Herrera is okay, but for the most part her dresses look like expensive shirt-dresses that Upper East Side matrons (from the 1950s) wear. That goes for that mess she wore to the dinner. You could get something more au courant and stylish at Marshall’s.

    • Kateeeee says:

      Is the hem a mess on that dress??? Egad. Though I notice now none of them are well tailored; they didn’t even attempt it on Tiffany’s dress. What a bunch of slobs.

    • Megan says:

      My mom would definitely chose a shirt dress style gown because it is flattering on someone about to turn 80.

  20. MaryContrary says:

    It makes me so happy that they all look so horrible.

  21. 10KTurtle says:

    I can’t help but feel sorry for Tiffany, I know she can’t help it that her whole look is “if Donald J. Trump was born a woman” in real life. I think Lara looked the best of this bunch. All the American men looked terrible in their formal wear.

    • Gia says:

      I used to feel sorry for her until I saw her photos from partying in Cannes. There’s photos of her living it up on a mega yacht with her billionaire boyfriend. She doesn’t really have a job, doesn’t give back in a charitable sense, just enjoys the privileged life. Also I didn’t learn until recently our taxes pay for secret service for her at all times. Why???!?!?

  22. Casey20 says:

    Ivanka has a distorted view of her place in the world…. she really believes she’s important. Mark my word when Trump looses the election the Republicans and Fox News will turn on the Trump Family, it will be brutal!!!

  23. bgirl says:

    What the hell happened to Tiffany…

    • Lightpurple says:

      A colleague thinks she’s stress-eating through law school. It happens. You bring junk food to every class. Pop M&Ms or Skittles. Late night studying with lots of caffeine and takeout.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Speaking as somebody who has a similar face shape as Tiffany (rounder), those features also tend to flatten and look wider in photos. If you put on even a modicum of weight, it goes straight to the cheeks and makes you look “puffy” at certain camera angles. The only way my face retains any of its natural contour in photos is when I’m really thin (and even then, I have noticeable cheeks!). Otherwise, I have to angle photos to keep any facial shape other than “pancake” from remaining. In comparison, my mother has a very beautiful, angular face that tends to photograph well no matter what weight she’s at, which of course means she made sure to donate none of those genes my way lol.

      • Still_Sarah says:

        @ Veronica S. : I fortunately inherited my mother’s height. My sisters and I are several inches taller than our female cousins from my father’s side of the family. They barely clear five feet.

  24. starryfish29 says:

    For all of the money that they undoubtedly spent on these looks, they all managed to look trashy as hell. This family is walking proof that money can buy neither class nor style.

    • Sue says:

      Yes definitely more ass than class, the whole Trump family doesn’t have a clue when it comes to class and style, what a shame.

      Sue, Wagga Wagga Australia

  25. Ladyjax says:

    OMG! Above we see Cruella DeVille does parliament in her trashiest club outfit, and Princess Di 80’s cosplay with melted bird poop and pinworm hat. Ivanka literally looks like a flock of gulls just launched a coordinated attack on her, and one of them had worms. She put this on her own head! Glorious.

  26. Mumbles says:

    I don’t want this to come off as bodyshaming Tiffany, given that the average size of a US woman is 14/16, but given the way Trump especially enjoys mocking women for their weight (Rosie, beauty pageant contestants), I hope he now gives it a second thought. Eh, probably not, who am I kidding, look who I’m talking about.

    • Darla says:

      She’s not fat. She’s extremely broad, she has his build, and is terribly, and I mean TERRIBLY dressed and styled. I wonder if Ivanka told her that dress was perfect for her?

      And of course, the fug genes. But, they all have those.

      • tuille says:

        Well, if Tiff isn’t fat, she’s very “broad” through the neck, arms, & waist.
        Nagini looks like she’s wearing a fancy bandage after brain surgery.
        Jared has the frozen facial mask of a lobotomy victim.

      • Darla says:

        LOL tuille. Yeah she is. Maybe she has put on weight, I may be wrong.

    • lucy2 says:

      Did you guys see the photo of him with the queen, where his tuxedo looks about to burst? He’s never been in any position to comment on anyone else’s physique. I hope he isn’t cruel to Tiffany, but I bet he is and always has been. I’m shocked she’s on this trip with them.

  27. Jrock says:

    I want to scream about that hat. Who the hell picked that, of all things? When I originally caught a glimpse of it, I thought it was a Phantom of the Opera-style masquerade mask fascinator. I don’t know why, but I was like “Ugh, typical classless idiots, probably tried to think of a movie with British accents and this is what they landed on’, but now I’m getting a good look at it, and I have to say, she is in the ugliest shit on this trip. She’s leaning into the skanky and tacky like she lost a bet.

    I don’t even know what that hat is supposed to be, and I can’t think of a way that it should be positioned that would make it look any better. It truly does look like a pad with a tampon tail. Did they throw it together on the plane?

    Also, the fact that they’re all there reminds me of that trashy ass family branch that finds out from the one cousin that is still on your Facebook that you’re having a barbecue, and only register that there’s gonna be food someone else is paying for, so they bring everyone they’ve ever known, make racist/sexist remarks constantly, regale your friends with that story of the time you peed your pants as a kid that they heard thirdhand with loads of embellishments, drink all the liquor, get in fights, break shit, and take leftovers home in your Tupperware. When you finally feel like the worst is over because they’re gone, you realize your medicine cabinet has been emptied out.

  28. Ann Elizabeth says:

    The first time in my life I have ever written words about someone’s fashion choices. Here goes…..”Dynasty” and “Dallas” got married and moved to “Knots Landing” and celebrated by throwing a Jackie Collin’s novel themed housewarming party.

  29. HMC says:

    Is anyone beside me truly shocked she didn’t try to go for a tiara at ANY of the events?

    • Jrock says:

      I absolutely am shocked she didn’t pull the “American Royalty” card and slap on a tiara.

      Don’t they have another day? Give her time, she’s got a ton of bad fashion to show off this trip.

    • TheOriginalMia says:

      Me! I truly thought all of the Trump women would be rocking some tiara or bejeweled hairpiece.

  30. jen says:

    the whole family looks like they are dressed up for halloween. i can’t believe this is for real.

  31. Lightpurple says:

    Nagini seems to see this taxpayer funded trip as the world accepting her as royalty. She is insufferable. I truly feel for Sophie getting stuck with her as a dinner partner.

    I also find it hilarious that they don’t seem to have actually let her within a dozen feet of the Queen. If they had, she would have plastered the pictures all over the internet

  32. line says:

    They are all horribly unattractive, devoid of grace, intelligence and compassion.

  33. Giddy says:

    I had happily forgotten about the gigantic Kotex they gave me at the hospital after my first child was born. But holy hell, there it is on Ivanka-baby’s head! The American Horror Show is on the road!

  34. Laura says:

    That is a Philip Treacy hat. On an experienced (British) hat wearer, it might be chic. But she’s a fake, entitled American parvenu with no sense of style and too much money. She’s wearing it too far forward on her head and there’s no contrast with the rest of the outfit. Awful.

  35. Lesanne says:

    Well I am trapped at the hospital with nothing to do but watch the shit show on TV (hubs got a superbug infection after surgery) and this is my take. Tiffany is the new princess of pork stealing the title from Fergie. I think Ivanka has been giving her roofies and injecting her own fat into Tiff in order to win the mostest of the most Trump award. Ivanka -her face is weirder than ever. She seems to be channeling Gwyneth Paltrow but with a Celine Dion fashion vibe. The boys look like Darryl and his other brother Darryl. Eric is totally awed and nervous but DJ looks like he got back from changing the oil on his truck and still has grease under his fingernails. Katie Keen is twitching around in the vid clips trying to avoid the entire troop from being photographed with her. The bestest is when you look at Melania one of her boobs is about 2-3 inches higher than the other in her white dress. How does this happen?

  36. Brandy says:

    In the photo with Tiffany and Eric’s wife — where is Ivanka’s right hand? Is she holding her father’s arm? Or is it on his back? Or is it on his butt? LOL!

  37. Kaye says:

    I’m not a violent person, but there’s something about Jared Kushner that makes my palm itch to smack that supercilious expression off his face.

  38. Lady Keller says:

    I like the blue dress for a garden party, not a state dinner. The rest of it – hideous.

    Side note- when did Tiffany morph into her father. She really has strong Trump genes presenting here. Oh well, maybe it will make her father more fond of her. The narcissist in him probably loves it, it’s like looking at the female version of himself.

    • Surly Gale says:

      He thinks looking at Ivanka is like looking at the female version of himself, not Tiff

  39. Powermoonchrystal says:

    Ivanka’s state dinner dress is a nightmare (they all are). I think she tried to go for fashionista barbie, and she just has no idea how she truly looks

  40. Passthepopcorn says:

    How sad that in 2019 we’re still attacking women for their looks and clothing.

    • Yoyo says:

      Well trump attacks women for their looks.
      When you say ‘A’ you should also say ‘B’.

    • Jess says:

      That would probably means something if we were talking about women in a far less powerful social strata, like…idk, virtually any other woman who isn’t a royal or a Trump or part of a family dynasty that hands them by birth a level of wealth, privilege and opportunity no other woman can obtain in this world no matter how hard she works for it. These are people who live in a power strata that requires them to maintain an image of power, including how they dress and look. It’s part of their scam to keep us peasants believing they actually deserve to lord over us. And the absolute hilarity of this is, in order to maintain their appearance of being the World’s Most Important People ™ so to sell their scam to us peasants and keep their power, is that they need lowly people to sew their clothes and do their hair and make-up and take care of literally everything. This includes people that these wealthy power hoarders tend to abuse, like LGBTQ creators and designers, less powerful women and scores of people working under them who just need to put food on the table, including immigrants. So it’s great to see them look terrible, to be quite honest, because it’s a total The Emperor Has No Clothes moment where you know they’ve been told they look great by their paid staff when we can plainly see they don’t. Of course, it could be that since the Trumps went and started a war against LBGTQ people and immigrants–the kinds of folks who so often work under these horrible people–that this is someone’s subversive act of image sabotage, and if so, I applaud that person.

    • Darla says:

      I bet you anything this person has those awful, doctored photos of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton on their fb page. and I just really want to make it clear that the right is really good (Kellyanne specializes in this!) at using feminism against the feminists. But I don’t play that game. If I could post the things I (quite cheerfully) call his wife I would, but i can’t so I shan’t but i will continue to yell them at my television.

      • Passthepopcorn says:

        I don’t actually. But you’ve proved with your comment that you’re against any woman that doesn’t fall in line with exactly what you believe. Disgusting. Lift ALL women up. Not just your select few.

      • Darla says:

        It doesn’t have to be exact, but yea, I don’t lift all women up, sell that walking hon. Kellyanne’s media sycophants are buying, strike while it’s hot.

      • Nic919 says:

        Anyone who supports Dump and co is not a supporter of women. He is a misogynist and has treated women like garbage his entire life. Any women who voted for him should be called out and shamed forever. He is not even an actual conservative. It’s not ok for men to have voted for him either, but these “ women attacking women “ hypocrites can go to hell if they voted for him.

        Besides criticizing an outfit that a rich lady got is not the same as sexually assaulting them. Seriously. MAGA women are idiots and will end up just like Mrs Waterford. Silenced and shamed like all the other women.

    • minx says:

      This site discusses fashion every day.

      • Passthepopcorn says:

        You’re missing the point of my comment. If this were based purely on the fashion that would be one thing. But it’s so clearly not. The criticism is rooted in the collective posters hatred toward conservative women. They’re making fun of not only the fashion but of the Trump women’s looks. Wonder what would happen if someone called a democratic woman ugly? Oh right…you all lose your minds and say women shouldn’t be attacked. Bit hypocritical, wouldn’t you say? So I say again…lift up ALL women. Stop tearing each other apart based on looks. When we criticize another woman’s looks we’re just giving more power to men and giving them the approval to do the same.

      • minx says:

        I couldn’t care less about the feelings of conservatives, male or female. They can fend for themselves. They do a great job of it.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Passthepopcorn, are you new to this site? They’ve posted about fashion of democratic women as well. They didn’t love everything Michelle Obama wore, even if they like the woman herself.

        Most importantly: this write up is NOT calling anyone ugly. They don’t like the fashion choices, but there is not a single insult of a woman’s body/face in the article.

        When you talk about lifting up all women, does that happen by grabbing them by the p*ssy? Does that happen when you take a newborn from a woman’s arms to lock it in a cage? Do women get lifted up when their reproductive choices are taken from them? Do women get lifted up when the Global Gag Order is put into place? Do women get lifted up when the US pressures the UN to stop providing help to rape victims in war zones? YES, people passionately dislike this administration, (including the women that work for it and enable it), because they are ACTIVELY HURTING WOMEN and their families.

      • Passthepopcorn says:

        @Minx…then you’re just as much part of the problem. An open mind will lead you to an open heart…if you still have one of those.

        @Tiffany…I wasn’t talking about the article, I was talking about the comments on the article and not even getting into the issues you call out. I was speaking of the very basic concept of kindness by women towards other women. Aren’t we all in this together?? We’re all women. We have enough challenges being lobbed at us. Can’t we just look to each other for some kindness? It’s so discouraging to see how mean women still are to each other just because they don’t agree on issues.

      • minx says:

        Passthepopcorn, I am not wasting my goodwill on people who don’t care about the less fortunate, which is every conservative. And you people call liberals “snowflakes.”

      • Passthepopcorn says:

        @Minx…where did I say I was a conservative? Judgement much? You shouldn’t assume anything about anyone. I’m a human being and a woman. I’d just like to see a little kindness. Clearly you lack that.

      • minx says:

        Sure. It’s quite touching that you’re concerned about the Trump family’s feelings.

      • Darla says:

        You’re a conservative, stahp with the horseisht

      • Nic919 says:

        If you voted for Dump you did not vote for a conservative. You voted for a grifting misogynist. You voted for a racist and someone who has now increased the debt to crazy proportions. You voted for someone who has purchased more abortions than most American men ever will. You voted for a war monger who supports dictatorships including Putin. If you want to defend a grifting family then you are a dumb cultist. Real conservatives do exist but they weren’t voted in the WH.

      • Jane'sWastedTalent says:

        Passthepopcorn- Lol, you’re as obvious as the people who voted for him and try to pretend that they didn’t.

    • JRenee says:

      There’s a real difference between criticism and attacking. Such bs…
      These women are rolling with folks who lock kids in cages among other issurs…they aligned themselves with ideology that discriminates against me so no empathy from me for dressing in such poorly fitting garments

      • Darla says:

        They locked a bunch of them in a hot van overnight, something the rest of us would be (rightfully) jailed for. These con snowflakes crack me up. I don’t give them one second of space in my head or how I conduct myself. It I could get it through here I would give her a real good taste of how I handle this in real life.

    • Snowflake says:

      I feel like Trump is fair game to mock for his looks but I don’t like doing that to Ivanka or Melania. But passthepopcorn, i think after seeing conservatives talk so much shit about women’s looks, i think many people have kind of said fuck it and are doing the same back. I don’t care about lifting ivanka or Melania up, i believe they both are snooty fake women. But i do try not to comment on their looks.

      • cannibell says:

        It’s not so much about looks in this case as it is dressing appropriately for the occasion. And these people, who are representing us, for better or worse, dropped the ball in so many ways. We can laugh or we can cry and most of us out here are going for laughter.

        Tiffany looked like she was going to a Christmas party. Mrs. Eric and Ivanka wore curtains.

        Kate’s dress was lovely, but with all those decorations, I thought of a refrigerator covered with kid art and magnets.

  41. JRenee says:

    Trump looks like he’s gained weight…

    • agnes says:

      He does.

      I have to confess that I was totally lookig forward to see him trying to enter one of the coaches.

      With that ass, he wouldn’t fit through those very narrow doors. Very sad.

  42. humanhedgehog says:

    I hate how none of them have the blindest clue how to dress for any of this- the Trump women all somehow manage to look like budget air hostesses all the time.

  43. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    That family. So so so embarrassing. Nag has painted poo on her fascinator.

  44. Sparky says:

    Check out the photos the “Go Fug Yourselves” women have posted. There is a beautiful pic from Westminster Abbey which is 99% abbey and 1% Trump. And then there is Ivanka… There is a pic of her where the light catches her outfit and that skirt appears to be diaphanous–her thighs are visible. Obvs it needed a better lining!!

    Re Tiffany– I have 2 words– law school.

  45. TheOriginalMia says:

    Someone posted on Twitter a side by side of Bernie with his bandaged head and Ivanka with her maxi pad hat and I’m still giggling. So much Dynasty/80s cosplay. So much money spent on these outfits and she looked tacky, frumpy and dated. I love it!

  46. Silver Poodle says:

    The facinator looks like a maxi pad. 🙄

  47. lolalola3 says:

    I am loving how Jared looks like he escaped Madame Tussauds. His wax face has seen more botox than most of the grifter party. Hilarious. And yes, agreed how Ivanka has just made poor dressing decision after poor dressing decision. Melania too. What is up with her wearing her big white hat indoors? Honey, there is no sun indoors. Take it off. Camilla’s wink said it all.

  48. Charfromdarock says:

    No amount of money or access can buy clothing to cover up the feckless see you next Tuesday underneath.

  49. CindyP says:

    The white trash Clampetts crash the state dinner at the Palace.

  50. car54 says:

    Poor Tiffany looks uncomfortable. When I see her I think of that interview with Trump and Marla right after she was born—I think they were saying she inherited Marla’s long legs and Trump was hoping she’d inherit her boobs. That dress is wearing her.

    I can’t understand why Ivanka would think to wear her bra cup as a hat. I think when I see them together that she and Jared have bonded over their botox and skin care regimes. Such shiny faces!

  51. Gia says:

    Lately I noticed that white women get a lot of shade on this site whereas that mixed black Royal never ever gets any shade? At all?

  52. virginfangirls says:

    Trash is trash & she can only put up the facade for so long before we see through it.

  53. ikki says:

    why was she even there? why did uk even entertain these buffoons? the uk will look back on history and regret this

  54. Angry Bird says:

    Oh Tiffany.