“Chris Evans, ally, slams the idea of a Straight Pride Parade in Boston” links

World Premiere of 'Avengers: Endgame'

Chris Evans had some thoughts on his city’s proposed Straight Pride Parade. [Just Jared]
Snowflakes want to throw a Straight Pride Parade & people had some thoughts. [Pajiba]
Kyle Chandler looks fantastic on Men’s Journal. [Go Fug Yourself]
Gina Gershon will star in Woody Allen’s next movie, gross. [Dlisted]
We finally got to hear Beyonce-as-Nala in the latest trailer for The Lion King. Also, Nala is wearing eye makeup, yes? [LaineyGossip]
Vanity Fair has the tea on Donald Trump’s divorce from Marla Maples. [Jezebel]
A little girl saw drag queens for the first time & her reaction is amazing. [Towleroad]
Smash Mouth isn’t here for the Straight Pride Parade either. [OMG Blog]
Paris Jackson is not here for pot-shaming. [The Blemish]

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46 Responses to ““Chris Evans, ally, slams the idea of a Straight Pride Parade in Boston” links”

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  1. Valiantly Varnished says:

    And this is why Chris Evans is the best of the Chrises. I used to be fairly indifferent to him but I have to admit he – and his sexy beard – are growing on me. A lot.

    Also, his brother is gay and I think that probably helps inform a lot of how he feels about gay rights. And that’s a good thing.

    • Darla says:

      “And this is why Chris Evans is the best of the Chrises. I used to be fairly indifferent to him but I have to admit he – and his sexy beard – are growing on me. A lot.”

      Yep. Never was interested in him, but big brains + big muscles make me go all weak in the knees.

    • Angela82 says:

      Chris Evans
      Chris Pine
      Chris Hemswoth

      millions of other Chrises…

      Chris Pratt

  2. Valerie says:

    Are they seriously trying to throw a Straight Pride parade?

    • Lightpurple says:

      A small group of Nazis is. The City denied them a permit but they got a court order. The parade route is very short. This crew couldn’t get more than 50 people for a pro-gun, pro-Trump rally last summer and needed police to protect them from hundreds of protesters. They aren’t the type of people to take public transit and they stupidly scheduled it for the Saturday of Allston Xmas, when our streets are chaos with moving vans.

      • Angela82 says:

        I lived in Boston. Can’t imagine the city being the center of a Nazi anti LGBTQ Trump parade. Perhaps they can move it to Kentucky or Missouri…

      • whatWHAT? says:

        and it’s been scheduled for 8/31, which a native Boston-er referred to as “college move in day”. which should bring THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of NON-white, NON-hetero, NON-cis folks, etc to the city at the same time.

        ETA: sorry didn’t know that Allston Xmas was same as move in day.

    • Another Anne says:

      There are 3 incel looking dudes – who previously ran the right wing “Free Speech” event that had about 12 people show up and thousands of counter-protesters – who are “organizing ” this. They claim it’s happening, but no permit has been granted. So far, it seems more of a stunt to gain attention on Twitter, and it worked.

      • Lightpurple says:

        And there’s a counterprotest being planned for this. By riding around the Common on floats, they’ll make it easier for people to throw things at them

  3. livealot says:

    How very “all lives matter” of them.

  4. Lucy says:

    Oh, Captain, my Captain.

  5. Incredulous says:

    Straight pride sounds like a self-outing sausage fest to me.

  6. Snowslow says:

    My son’s former coach Vlad once told me “I’m ok with you being gay, but don’t advertise it. How do they need to parade around like it’s ok to be gay?”.

    “I’m ok with you being gay but don’t advertise it” became my go to phrase for bigots trying to seem open.

    But clearly Boston now found something to please Vlad.

    • Lightpurple says:

      It isn’t Boston. The City Council tried to block this thing but these imbeciles got a court order. The article above says it is the City’s but it is not.

      This “parade” is being organized by a bunch of Nazis, most of whom live elsewhere, who tried to hold a pro-gun rally last summer in support of the Charlottesville Nazis. That rally attracted about 50 people, who needed police escorts in and out to protect them from the thousand people who showed up to protest them.

      These morons know so little about Boston that they’re trying to hold their parade on the Saturday of Allston Xmas. Most locals head out of town for Labor Day weekend while the students move in, bringing moving vans and chaos to the city. There are at least 3 dorms near the short “parade” route. And at least one person gets a moving van stuck under a bridge, clogging up the whole city. These imbeciles won’t even be able to get to their own parade.

      • Bella Bella says:

        Having just survived trying to drive through Boston’s “moving out day,” I’m thinking those guys won’t even be able to get to the parade route. Students, do your thing! Block traffic!

      • Another Anne says:

        Exactly. Everybody who’s not a college student avoids Boston that weekend. No local who is seriously trying to run an event would do it then. And this is the last thing the city and police would want on their plate that weekend. As I understand it, no permit has been granted yet, so the “announcement” was a bit premature.

        This is a stunt to grab attention – and donations from right wing incels and Pence acolytes who are trying to ‘pray their gay away’.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Maybe one of the floats will Storrow.

  7. Karen2 says:

    Kyle Chandler does indeed look absolutely lovely on the cover of Mens Journal.
    However I’ve recently seen Godzilla & he wasn’t good at all. ‘Why tf did they pick him’ is what I kept asking. I looked him up on IMDB & saw he’s got an excellent resume. Like Patrick Wilson really. Who was wonderful in Aquaman. So maybe it was Godzillas terrible script. Or the rubbish human plot. But I doubt he’s bothered.

    • Dee Kay says:

      same here. love Coach but he was baaaaad in Godzilla. not good-bad or funny-bad.

  8. BeanieBean says:

    Loved the little girl’s reaction to seeing drag queens. Princesses!!

  9. phlylfiremama says:

    LOL So let “the straights” have their parade!! Free speech and all. Lets see who actually shows up vs. who shows up for the Pride parades!! Let’s see which is the more FABULOUS parade that people ACTUALLY want to go to. Any bets??? 🙂 🙂 🙂

  10. Usedtobe says:

    Kyle Chandler! Hello! I don’t know why but I totally forgot what Coach Taylor’s name was in real life so just scrolled on passed and then went back and checked it out. He is really a fine looking specimen isn’t he?

  11. KidV says:

    One of the best tweets yesterday said something like “the drive thru at Chick fil a is a straight pride parade”.

    • It’sJustBlanche says:

      Not where I live. I swear all the guys there are out and proud. And I live in GA. Not sure how that happened.

  12. BendyWindy says:

    A straight pride parade happens every time 90% of the population walks down the street. GTFO with that noise.

  13. virginfangirls says:

    I literally agree with all of Chris Evans.

  14. Ye says:

    Straight Pride. Just as dumb as shouting White Lives Matter. The accepted majority has no rason to shout about being the accepted majority.

  15. Mego says:

    Homophobic pieces of shit parade has a certain ring to it. As another twitter user stated, which these fools don’t understand, it’s not about pride in one’s sexual orientation but pride in no longer living in fear and shame about that orientation.