“How quickly would you get fired as Beyonce’s assistant?” links

Beyoncé and Kelly Rowland attend the Dundas brand opening in LA

I had so much fun with the Beyonce’s Assistant: Don’t Get Fired Twitter thread. It was really brilliant and kudos to the woman who created it. [LaineyGossip]
Someone on the Bond 25 set is a pervert. [Dlisted]
Rest in peace, Judith Krantz. [Go Fug Yourself]
Does anyone want to work at Nu Gawker? [Pajiba]
Jared Kushner’s mideast summit is so sad. [Jezebel]
Bad kitty survives a 35-minute washer cycle. [Towleroad]
George Clooney & Barack Obama are hanging out in Italy. [Just Jared]
Love After Lockup stars are feuding again. [Starcasm]
Alison Brie looks… different. [RCFA]

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25 Responses to ““How quickly would you get fired as Beyonce’s assistant?” links”

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  1. Erinn says:

    The photo of Alison Brie smiling is the most Alison Brie she’s looked in a long time. She looks a lot more like she did when she played Annie on Community- I did however see a photo of her where she’s not smiling and I barely recognized her. It’s so strange.

    • Lightpurple says:

      When is the next season of GLOW coming?

    • lucy2 says:

      She has one of those faces that looks very different depending on her hair and styling. It took me (and others) a while to connect she was both Annie on Community and Trudy on Mad Men.
      I am so looking forward to Glow!

  2. msn says:

    I mean I didn’t get fired once playing this, most fun I’ve had on Twitter in quite some time ;D

    • lucy2 says:

      It’s really clever! I made it pretty far.

    • cannibell says:

      I think I got fired three times, which is pretty remarkable for someone who doesn’t know that much about Beyonce, beyond what I’ve read here – which was enough. Thanks, Celebitchy!

  3. Reece says:

    I got fired right at the end! lol

  4. Valiantly Varnished says:

    I took that Beyoncé twitter test and made it to the end. *Insert Beyoncé hair flip and twirl*.

  5. Becks1 says:

    I forget what the actual question was now, but I got fired on the second question. LOL. I would not last long apparently.

    • Some chick says:

      I haven’t taken the quiz at all, but I’mma over/under myself at about 25 minutes.

      Because it would probably take 23 to fill out the paperwork.

  6. minx says:

    RIP Judith Krantz, her books gave me lots of pleasure over the years.

  7. Rhys says:

    Krantz was a very savvy business woman and she became a millionaire in her own right late in life – she published her first book in her fifties! The New York Times piece on her is pretty good.

    • minx says:

      Her autobiography “Sex and Shopping” is a great read! She’s extremely bright, had a very interesting life well before she became a novelist.

  8. Escondista says:

    July or August!

  9. SoWhatImFat says:

    Screw Beyonce. I’m sick of her. I’ve been sick of her. I will be sick of her in the future.

  10. Myriam says:

    Ugh! George Clooney is such a suck-ass.

    • Emmet says:

      Be sure to read the Daily Beast article his PR wrote about the prep for the visit. Had to mention GC was wearing his branded tequila t-shirt. Barf!!!

  11. Nicegirl says:

    Loved Judith Krantz so much. Scruples 2 is in my guest bathroom rn lol.

  12. Floranet says:

    This is one of the best blogs I have read on this topic.