The New York Times completely failed with their Trump headline, again

United States President Donald J. Trump makes a statementat the White House in response to two separate shooting incidents

In November 2017, the New York Times ran an absolutely horrendous article about Nazism in “the heartland” of America. The idea that Nazism has found a fertile breeding ground in the “flyover states” seemed like a quirky trend for the NY Times editors and journalists, and they investigated it as such, as a trend-piece in which we heard about various neo-Nazis’ food preferences and cats. It was awful. After that, CB canceled the NYT subscription for herself and the Celebitchy staff. It was a good call, because NYT keeps getting it wrong. Like, profoundly WRONG. This was the front page which went out last night:

“Trump Urges Unity VS. Racism” is… not even close to an accurate representation of any of this. Why not “Trump Refuses to Acknowledge His Role In Radicalizing White Supremacist Terrorists.” That would be completely accurate. And I’ve already seen the “Trump wants you to cancel your NYT subscriptions so don’t do it!” Why the f–k not? If the New York Times fails in its duty – and fails consistently – to properly speak truth to power and accurately report what’s happening, why does the paper deserve ANY of our subscription money?

After the backlash online (see below), the NYT changed the headline to “ASSAILING HATE BUT NOT GUNS” and the NYT told the Washington Post: “The headline was bad and has been changed for the second edition.” I’m reminded once again about the warning from a woman who had lived in a fascist state: our institutions will not protect us. The media will not protect us. Checks and balances will not protect us. A fascist wannabe dictator is in charge of our country and he’s radicalizing terrorists to kill us all and our institutions won’t say those words out loud.

United States President Donald J. Trump makes a statementat the White House in response to two separate shooting incidents

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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33 Responses to “The New York Times completely failed with their Trump headline, again”

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  1. Seraphina says:

    Wow to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. Very powerful words. Wow. I’m now a fan and keeping an eye on her. And very disappointed with the NYT.

    • Snappyfish says:

      Cancelled online subscription today citing this as my reasoning.

    • Betsy says:

      I like her plenty; I don’t care for the Justice Dems who support her.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Betsy- Justice Dems?

      • pandabird says:

        Justice Dems is a wave of the Democratic party that are against Corporate Democrats (+10pt), getting money out of politics, medicare for all…all the wonderful ideas (+100pts). However, many are a bunch of Bernie-or-Busts (-10 pts); still crying about the 2016 Primary (-10pt). Will probably not vote if Bernie isn’t the 2020 candidate(-100pts). Some of them will probably come for me now >_< #notalljusticedems #notallwhitepeople #notallblablabla

  2. Nexus says:

    Have been saying for months that the NYT is so focused on being “neutral” that they’ve done nothing but carry water for fascists and the right.

    But finally put my money where my mouth was – or took my money away I guess – and cancelled the subscription to the paper. Can’t give up the crossword though.
    The WaPost doesn’t always get it 100% but they have a much better rate of getting things right.

  3. StartupSpouse says:

    Cancel the NYT and subscribe to your local paper – if you still have one.

    • Seraphina says:

      Local paper is just as bad.

    • Jerusha says:

      My local paper was purchased by that company-don’t recall their name-that has bought papers all around the country and changed them to three days a week rather than seven. Local coverage is terrible, but there’s one bright spot, editorials are no longer 100% conservative, we have some liberal opinion page writers. And in this Sunday’s paper all the letters to the editor were from a liberal pov, rather than the right wing mouth frothers we used to get.
      I subscribe to the Atlantic, Mother Jones, and Hightower Lowdown among others, to keep up.

      • Soup2nuts says:

        @Jerusha that company is GateHouse Media. They’re combining with another huge corporate media conglomerate (just announced this week) to become the world’s largest publisher. It’s the absolute death of local journalistic integrity. They bought one major local paper in my area semi-recently and the quality has absolutely tanked. Their sales team and editorial staff have become a revolving door and the paper itself is a shambolic mess. I myself am blessed to work for a different local paper that has been locally owned by the same family for 90 years. Our staff has been calling out 45 left and right in editorials, and suffering for it in our conservative area. Our publisher doesn’t care. It’s a small bright spot in an otherwise awful local media landscape.

    • Megan says:

      I have to read the NYT because I need real news on the issues my clients are working on but I hate giving them ad revenue. I have been relying more and more on CSM and the Guardian for international news, but my “local” paper WaPo, isn’t as expansive on domestic issues.

    • Green Desert says:

      Don’t forget that a handful of corporations own all of our media, NYT included. Common Dreams and AlterNet are just a few good sources of progressive media not owned by corporations.

    • Bella Bella says:

      My best news source is . Helps me keep my sanity.

  4. Prettykrazee says:

    It’s not about us canceling our subscriptions. It’s not about being impartial. It’s always been about access to Trump. NYT doesn’t want to lose it. As long as they have a smidgen of it, they will NEVER write the articles that need to be written. It’s also why I cancelled my subscription as well.

    • Becks1 says:

      YES. the NYT in general and Maggie Haberman in particular are obsessed with preserving access – they’ve forgotten how to actually be investigative journalists. There are still some good journalists there IMO, but I couldn’t support them after the whole “Nazis in the heartland” thing.

  5. Rapunzel says:

    “Trump reads words he doesn’t mean from teleprompter in desperate attempt to deflect from his vile role in exacerbating race hatred in the US”

    FIFY, NYT.

  6. Jerusha says:

    The Washington Post led the way on Watergate and they’re doing the same here. They get my subscription money. The NYT is no longer relevant, imo.

  7. Rosie says:

    Agree completely. Long-time NY Times reader since moving to the US 20 yrs ago. Switched to mainly WaPo since the election. Seems like NY Times editors are afraid to look hysterical or biased when their hallmark is unemotional, factual reporting. But when your country elects a bat**** crazy wannabe dictator and you have power to reach millions you…sit on your hands? That would be bad enough. But this is actually glossing over events and distorting Trump’s words and actions. Shocking and very disappointing. As if it wasn’t bad enough to wake up to more mass shootings and Trump as president.

    • jennifer sollins says:

      I cancelled my subscription just after the election as well. Their coverage of the Clinton email “scandal” went a long way towards her loss in the general election. Politico reported that their giant headlines around Comey’s announcements about the emails were a, if not the factor in her narrow loss. Indeed Baquet likes to brag that about how the emails were “their” story. Alas, I have missed the Times, so when a neighbor was out of town I picked up her copy from her doorstep and scanned the headlines. The first headline I saw was, “What’s Missing from the Abortion Debate: Nuance.” REALLY? Po–choice women lack nuance? I put it back and now I am never, ever tempted to look at it for a moment. I get national news from the Washington Post and international news from the Guardian and I am perfectly well informed.

  8. Betsy says:

    I don’t understand how newspapers are structured. On the one hand you have the. New York Times breaking investigative stories of grave importance, like the one about the trump family not paying taxes for forty years, and there have been more like that. And then you have crap like this which is AT BEST gaslighting and at worst furthering the work of institutions. This contradiction baffles me.

  9. Ann says:

    So today is a new day and president lard ass is now patting himself on his fat back for the China tariffs and making sure we all know he is the least racist person there is. The China situation is really screwing up the economy. That seems to be one of the most important things for his supporters so let’s see what happens now…

    He still has that war with Iran in his back pocket. Wonder what will get him to pull the trigger on that? Epstein apparently told people he has pictures of trump. The Dow went way down. Foreign perception of America is at an all time low. So many things to choose from.

  10. Marjorie says:

    I have read the Times every day since I learned to read 55 years ago and I can’t stop now. I need Charles M. Blow and Paul Krugman in my life, and I am addicted to the crosswords.

    However, they currently have no balls and continue to employ Maggie Haberman, David Brooks, and Maureen Dowd. They had another headline the other day that enraged me, calling the nation “bewildered” about the latest mass murders. Do you know anyone that’s bewildered? There is a piece of sh!t in the white house and he incited the murders of innocent people.

    I rage in the comment sections and they almost always print my comments. I know that’s futile. Today Michelle Goldberg’s column is entitled “Trump is a White Nationalist Who Inspires Terrorism”. Maybe that isn’t futile.

  11. Frida_K says:

    Well, if you read it as “unity vs. racism” –as in one fighting the other– then I guess there is a hint of accuracy. He does urge conflict, each and every day.

    That said, I do not for a moment think that the slimy NYT was trying to sneak a swipe at him via this headline. I think they were trying so hard to be “neutral” (aka “maintain access”) that they accidentally made a clumsy and accurate allusion to what the illegitimate occupant of the White House is doing.

    Maggie Haberman is scum. She’s her mommy’s daughter–nothing but a PR flack.

  12. MellyMel says:

    Cancelled my online subscription a year and a half ago. And they continue to prove that was a good decision on my part. Ugh!

  13. Fluffy Princess says:

    It baffles me how every single institution (media / congress) is so afraid to not appear “neutral”
    and so afraid of that pos in the white house that they literally allow these atrocities to go on. The NYT could have played a major role in keeping him from NOT being elected by printing THE TRUTH about him starting in 2015. Article after article of his grifting, of his cheating, of his criminal family, but no. And here we are. I never subscribed to them because of this, and will never give them a dime now. They are literally worthless.

  14. Gina says:

    I think what is happening with the NYTimes is the same as networks. They are all corporate owned and they have to answer to share holders. It’s more about money than news.

  15. holly hobby says:

    Sorry neutrality is gone in the face of a racist fascist. Call it like it is NYT.

  16. Jerusha says:

    WaPo vs NYT on the Fields verdict(Charlottesville).

  17. Dee Kay says:

    Cancelled my NYT subscription very soon after the 2016 election, when it became clear the paper was pandering to Trump voters. I subscribe to WaPo and LA Times instead.