Donald Trump told Beto O’Rourke to ‘be quiet’ & Beto wasn’t having it

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Another day where the White Supremacist-in-Chief weaponizes his social media account to radicalize terrorists and encourage them to violently target his political enemies, personal enemies or simply groups of people he believes to be sub-human (women, Latinos, African-Americans). Last night, Donald Trump decided that he had enough of Beto O’Rourke, whose hometown of El Paso was targeted by one of Trump’s radicalized white supremacist terrorists. The El Paso mass murderer was actively targeting Mexican-Americans and Mexican immigrants, and the murderer was literally shooting women, children and babies. So this happened:

It feels like… something broke in Beto. This is his Network “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” moment – he’s been cursing in interviews, calling out the media for normalizing Trump’s hatred and racism and Beto has just been… emotional. I’m not trying to make a thing out of it, but obviously Beto’s words and actions would be treated much differently if a woman was reacting the way he is. That being said, I appreciate that Beto is just REACTING authentically and it’s not “pollsters say Beto should do this and this.” Beto really is that upset and devastated and angry.

Beto will not be attending whatever little makeshift faux-dignitary thing with Trump today, when Trump visits El Paso. The Trump advance people also haven’t informed the mayor of Dayton, Ohio about any visit, so she suggests that maybe Trump really is going to Toledo.

Also, here’s something nice: Kamala Harris sent a nice lunch to the staffers at Beto’s headquarters in El Paso. Classy.

This was a good tweet too:

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157 Responses to “Donald Trump told Beto O’Rourke to ‘be quiet’ & Beto wasn’t having it”

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  1. Erinn says:

    Say what you will about Beto, but in times like these I love him. It’s nice to see people who are unwilling to back down who obviously truly CARE.

    Will he be president? Very slim chance. But I really really enjoy having him around in general.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Well you never know, look what people said about Dump!

      • Erinn says:

        That’s true, too. I mean there are certainly worse people for the job (current occupant obviously included). I wouldn’t mind seeing him as a VP, either, though I think there are plenty of more qualified candidates.

        At this point, whoever could beat dumpf is at least better than the current situation.

      • JustBitchy says:

        @DigitalUnicorn- always love your comments (biggest reason I head to @celebitchy) and I would love it if you are prescient! His authenticity is wonderful and I will also echo Kamala is a class act on the lunch.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        IMHO. Beto needs to concentrate on a US Senate race to once-an- for-all oust Cruz from office.

      • B n A fan says:

        Some are saying Beto is not ready at this point, that was what they said about Bill Clinton and Barack at this point in the race. Yesterday I was watching, msnbc and one of the panelists on the show said that Don the Con and his people are afraid of Beto, they believe he could beat the Con man.

      • Abby says:

        B N A fan but I feel like in this race (versus when bill clinton or Obama ran) there are more qualified people running than beto, at this point.

      • B n A fan says:

        Abbey, that’s true but you know it’s not always the most qualified person that will win. Look at Don the Con, he won, he could not carry Hillary’s purse. Hilliary was the most qualified and she lost the EC vote. There are lots of variables that goes into these things. I also heard Beto has lots of BO campaign staff working on his campaign. Right now I believe Elizabeth is the most qualified but still Biden is leading. Anyway, it’s too early to pick sides, we just have to keep faith alive.

      • Betsy says:

        @B n A fan – yeah but….
        I really don’t want more qualified women passed over for a male wunderkind. It just keeps happening. That didn’t happen with a Bill Clinton, obviously, but the people who tilted for Bernie over Clinton, the people who went for Obama over Clinton… it smacks of sexism that somehow the women just aren’t right. Obama was a decent to good President (although he is an outstanding human; Kitten laid out several of his Presidential shortcomings), I wonder how Hillary would have been had she been elected in 2008.

    • Mignionette says:

      I think Beto has a way to go before he reaches the Oval office. That said it is within his grasp in the next 10 years.

    • Abby says:

      Agree with all of this. I’m from Texas, voted for Beto in his race against Cruz. I don’t think he’s ready to be president this round. I’d love to see him as a VP someday. But I appreciate him going off a bit unhinged with this shooting in his hometown. I appreciate him SAYING THE THINGS about Trump. I think he’s lending an important element to the conversation right now.

      Shocked (/s) at how Trump made his attack against Beto so racist and based on ratings? So supremely unpresidential. In sharp contrast to how Obama handled his message on social media about these shootings, and others.

      Literally laughed at the Dayton mayor’s quote. It should not be this way with this guy in office. But yet, here we are.

      • Kitten says:

        Agreed. I like and appreciate Beto but he’s not ready for the big time.

      • launicaangelina says:

        @Abby – Also Texan and I agree with everything you said. I’m Mexican-American and my dad is from Mexico. The shit happening in our country is scarier every single day. This hurts my heart and soul and truly makes it hard for me to find the words to talk or write about it.

      • Lindy says:

        Abby, totally agree with everything you said. I’m an Austinite and voted for him against Cruz. I thought he ran an excellent senate campaign. I don’t think he’s ready for the presidency yet, and there’s also a part of me that wants to roll my eyes at the white male privilege oblivion he was in to think, hey, I ran a good senate campaign but lost so now I’ll run for the presidency. Can you imagine if a black woman had done that? She’d have been skewered for lack of experience.

        But I’m also glad that he’s feeling things and saying things in authentic ways. It’s so good–deep down good– to hear a politician say, no way, f#$k this, it’s racist and it’s evil and we can’t do this anymore.

      • Darla says:

        I wonder how many people saying Beto isn’t ready yet voted for the highly inexperienced Obama over Hillary Clinton in the 08 primaries? Just wondering. I feel like sometimes people use that when it works for them to support who they already support, and then when it doesn’t, they say they want someone new and fresh and not part of the establishment.

        I personally don’t believe it’s about experience. It’s about a force. Sometimes it’s a breakout star (Obama). I need trump gone, and I can’t go with Biden so I am wide open on who gets my vote and my dollars. My dollars have gone to a mix of candidates so far. This week, I added Beto to that mix.

      • Kitten says:

        Ok I’ll bite.

        I voted for Obama. Twice.

        I don’t regret my votes but from my perspective, I don’t think the comparisons to Obama are really a good thing–or at least not a selling point.
        Before you get mad, keep in mind that I am a self-described Obama apologist.
        But I am also very aware of the mistakes he made as POTUS: failing to prosecute anybody within Wall Street, surrendering the strategic initiative in the Mid East to Russia after the “Red Line” debacle, supporting drone bombings, aggressively punishing whistle blowers and leakers, Deporter-In-Chief, not being more transparent and effective in stopping Russian interference etc.

        Now, I say all of this NOT to re-litigate Obama’s presidency (please don’t @ me) but to point out that his presidency was imperfect in a lot of ways.

        And I personally do NOT want another Obama after four years of Trump.

        So that’s kind of the issue I have with that comparison: we are not coming to the end of GW Bush’s (admittedly horrible) presidency–we are facing a constitutional crisis of unimaginable magnitude, the likes of which we have never seen. Our country is in great peril and it’s a mistake to pretend that we are where we were 11 years ago.
        We are not.
        We need a courageous fighter with experience and concrete plans to right this sinking ship. We need someone who is going to get in there on Day One and boldly fight for true structural change. And it’s not enough to just say what you will do–you need to convince me by showing me what you have done (videos of Warren hammering away at Big Bank 11 years ago come to mind) to fight for REAL change.

        Amateurs and middle-of-the road folks need not apply.

      • Darla says:

        I get what you are saying Kitten, and I am not an Obama apologist at all, so believe me, I’m not mad. I think we all have our own priorities. I couldn’t have less of an interest in big banks. To me this is an extensional moral crisis, and I want someone who gets, passionately gets, what is happening with white supremacy, and how it is one of two big fights of our lives, along with climate change. Big banks don’t even register on my radar. Nor do big corporations. I think there are different things that speak to us, and we all have to go with our hearts, and then when we have the nominee, we have to put that behind us. I have tried very hard not to fall in love with anyone, and I’ve succeeded. Because I loved Hillary. I didn’t hold my nose and vote for her. I loved her. It breaks my heart what we lost. So I don’t want to go down that road again.

    • Annaloo. says:

      Beto may not be President, but he will still be an important part of turning Texas blue, and that will be incredible!!

    • FC says:

      He will make a great senator. Now is the perfect opp for him to say, “I want to stay and help Texas”, and withdraw from the pres race/launch a senate race.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        Texas already has a great Dem Senate candidate in MJ Hegar, though. I wish everyone urging Beto to run for Senate would turn that energy to lifting MJ up in her bid to unseat Cornyn. She is good people.

    • AnnaKist says:

      It’s of no use, what with me being Australian, but I really like Beto. There’s nothing wrong with him being angry, and showing compassion and how horrified he is. There should be more of it, instead of the hollow, fake sympathy and weasel words we’re hearing from the Dump. Beto is completely correct in what he says about that piece scum president of yours. As a world leader he is abominable, incompetent, belligerent, corrupt and an utter disgrace to his undeserved position and your country. As a human being he is contemptible, weak, ignoble and vile in every possible way.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        This genuine, irrepressible emotion is what lots of us fell in love with during his Senate campaign last year, and why he nearly unseated Cruz. He’s not just a moral cipher seeking power. You can see that there is a real person in there who is passionate about making things better for his constituents. Should be a low bar to clear for candidates for federal office… but it’s not.

      • Ann says:

        Yes, exactly. He’s genuinely heart broken and passionate, as he should be. These are tragedies, and all Trump can offer are weak, half-hearted remarks before going right back to tweeting the same racist rhetoric that caused these shootings.

        Good on Beto for being mad. I want more angry people confronting Trump. He deserves it, and our country deserves it.

    • RedWeatherTiger says:

      I’ve never liked Beto more than I do right now. He is showing dignity, resolve, fearlessness, and compassion–things the stochastic terrorist in the WH has never shown.

    • holly hobby says:

      The field is crowded. Beto shows a lot of promise. I think he should grab one of the Senate seats.

  2. AlwaysAnnaRun says:

    I wish more people would tell Trump “no” when he yells at them or tells them to be quiet during press conferences. Go Beto!

    • Himmiefan says:


    • TQB says:

      The Dayton mayor was on CBS this Morning and I kinda think if she finds out where he is, she’s gonna tell him way more than NO. She’s so sad and angry and completely out of Fs.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        GOOD. I hope she gives him an earful and that it’s all caught on a live mic.

      • holly hobby says:

        The funny thing is that turd didn’t tweet anything about her. She was on the news last night saying he wasn’t helpful at all. That’s putting it mildly.

    • phaedra7 says:

      Dump-Trump is so mentally-ill and paranoid to the point whereas a few months ago when he was being interviewed by George Stephanopoulos, one of his aides coughed–and D-T yelled at him, remarking that “you cannot cough, no coughing here at all. Leave!”, something to that effect. It looks just like Barack (#MY PRESIDENT!) Obama mentioned during the 2016 campaigns: “A person who is too sensitive regarding any and every little thing that is being said should not run for office”.

  3. Jerusha says:

    Please just _ _ _ already, Asshole.

    • Harryg says:

      Yeah. Can’t happen soon enough.

    • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

      🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Can’t happen soon enough… for all those republiTHUGS who sold out this country, but especially…. ——.

  4. tempest prognosticator says:

    Good for you, Beto. Get mad. We should all be so very angry about domestic terrorism. We should be livid about what Trump has done to this country. This isn’t normal. This isn’t acceptable.

    • Ann says:

      Yes! This is not normal. Everybody should be angry about the white supremacy (and lack of gun control) threatening our country. Go get ‘em, Beto.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    I really think he needs to withdraw from the presidential race and run for Senate again against Corryn, who has been tweeting outrageous things in response to the shooting of his constituents.

    • TeamAwesome says:


    • Christin says:

      He needs to have a role, for certain. I have been impressed by how he is not glossing over this madness.

    • Abby says:

      Agree. I think he would do a lot more good there than running against 90 other dem nominees for president.

    • Kitten says:

      We have an awesome Cornyn challenger already though and her name is MJ Hegar.

      On one hand, I understand why people are pushing Beto because he’s getting a lot of praise right now and would likely handily defeat Cornyn. But he hasn’t shown any interest in the senate at this time. I just don’t think that the seats should be looked at as a consolation prize for 2020 candidates who aren’t polling at the top. You can get a LOT done being senator–it’s a very powerful position in a lot of ways–but I think you should have to REALLY want it. In that sense, Beto isn’t a good fit IMO.

      • Esmom says:

        I’m with you, Kitten, this push for him to enter the Senate race has always felt off to me. It seems too late in the game at this point and like you said, it seems clear that it’s not what he wanted.

        I may be in the minority but I think he’d be fine as POTUS. I hear it when people say he’s not ready…but at the same time that argument loses some steam considering who we have in the White House now.

      • Kitten says:

        Oh yeah don’t get me wrong: Beto (and honestly, any of the upper-tier candidates) would be a million times better than Trump. But I think when you have senators who have years of experience running for POTUS, Beto’s candidacy seems a bit premature by comparison.

        But it’s not a knock on Beto–I donated a LOT to his senate campaign against Cruz.
        I like him quite well and if he’s the nominee, he would obvs get my vote.

        That being said, Warren checks every single box for me and I’m kind of a “there is only one queen” type of a person. I don’t really have second or third choices–it’s just Warren all the way.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        Thank you, Kitten! MJ Hegar is awesome. I hope Beto will campaign for her and help drive her name recognition up, but she has the qualifications and has been putting in the work; there is no reason for some male “savior” to swoop in and replace her just because his presidential bid may not work out.

        Also with you on Warren — I’m all in for her at this point.

        Beto is a good guy with an army of supporters and lots of personal connections who will continue to be a force for good in Texas politics in one capacity or another if/when his presidential bid fizzles this time around. He has deep roots in El Paso and I’m sure he will find ways to remain politically relevant.

    • Sofia says:

      “Beto needs to run for senate” is a GOP talking point, because they’re scared of his double-digit lead against Trump in Texas. There are bots who post this on every Beto O’Rourke-related post. I suggest you read this Twitter thread:

      • B n A fan says:

        Thank you Sofia, the clamor to say Beto should run for Senate is a republican talking point because Don the Con is afraid of running against him. I heard that yesterday on tv that the conman is afraid of running against the Beto. It could be some internal polling they did.

      • Darla says:

        I have been looking at that. Beto was not one of my considerations, but i saw those numbers and I’m like, uh…R’s can’t win without Texas. Just them having to seriously defend Texas with time, money and resources, could change the race. I am one Hillary lover who is looking hard at Beto right now.

      • Ann says:

        I want him to run for Senate again. Maybe it is a republican talking point but it’s bad strategy for republicans if that’s the case because we need a democratic Senate as much as we need a democratic president. Beto can win Senate, especially now. I hope that doesn’t sound insensitive because I truly don’t mean to but all this attention he is getting and how he is handling this crisis will get him a Senate seat. The swearing and the passion are what some of us are aching for.

      • Darla says:

        Ann, if he dropped out now and ran for Senate he will be slaughtered by the LEFT. They will say he is a privileged white male who swatted aside a qualified woman already running. They’ll kill him on it. I see it on twitter all the time.

    • Jamie says:

      I totally agree. He did so well against Cruz, I think he really could beat Cornyn. He’s wasting time and money on this run for president.
      We need to get a Democratic majority in the US Senate. To do that, a lot of these people running for president need to get out and get into a senate race.
      Especially Beto.

      • holly hobby says:

        Yes they need to flip the Senate and if he is the means to the end, he should run. I know people are saying MJ is just as good (I’m not from Texas so I don’t know anything about MJ) but if you play the odds, who will win outright? Cornyn needs to go.

    • Giddy says:

      I wish that whoever wins the Democratic nomination would pick Beto for VP. That would firmly put Texas in the win column, plus I truly like Beto. I talked to an old friend last night who lives in El Paso. She said that Beto was such a source of strength and sincere support for everyone there. She said he is trying to go everywhere, each church, hospital, and home, to express his grief and support to those families. And she said that people there want to see him and that he is helping so much.

      • Darla says:

        Yeah he’s definitely on top of my VP list, for sure. Good point Giddy. Depending on who the nominee is, and there is where it gets tricky. You couldn’t have him as VP if Biden is – you cannot have an all male, all white ticket on the Dem side ever again. And I don’t think you can put him on if Warren is the nominee. Any all white ticket is a slap in the face to our most loyal voters! A VP to Kamala? Well, that would be something to look at.

      • Abby says:

        Darla, I’m with you. I am undecided–watching the debates carefully. But I’d vote for Harris/O’Rourke in a heartbeat, if I was going by personalities and platforms. I feel like that would be a really strong opponent to Trump.

  6. Leo says:

    I just don’t get it. Trump literally looks like inverted anus. He’s a grotesque caricature of everything he’s ever tried to be. An imitation of a real human being. Even when he attacks people, it’s more or less childish nonsense. With the exception of the last couple of years, he didn’t even have the power of the presidency behind him. Why are people so reluctant and seemingly afraid to fight back?

    • Christin says:

      I don’t understand why more public officials won’t do what Beto and the mayor are doing. The Dayton mayor has been rather masterful in her comments.

      Some seem afraid of the potential wrath, yet all he does is tweet or make comments from afar. The main fear is some kook will do something to please the orange one.

      After all, bullies are cowards.

      • MuttonChop says:

        Just want to take this moment to give a shout out to Congresswoman Veronica Escobar who reps El Paso! She is phenomenal and a force! She replaced Beto after he ran for Senate. El Paso is lucky to have her and so is the country. She’s been awesome standing up to the golfing pile of orange goo!

    • Elkie says:

      The “Little Guys” he stiffed couldn’t fight back without being near-bankrupted by legal fees, the banks and investors didn’t want to admit that they’d been played by a functionally illiterate con man, so quietly reconciled themselves to their losses, and now the GOP can’t criticise him without feeling the back of Cult 45’s hand.

      One of Nevada’s Republican state senators released a statement a couple of days ago criticising the GOP’s coddling of white supremacists and was immediately slapped with an official rebuke from the state party essentially accusing him of being an open borders, baby-killing socialist.

      • Lindy says:

        At what point will Republicans who criticize Drumpf and the GOP, and get that insane reaction from their own party, decide that enough is enough and leave the party.

        Honestly, unless those GOP critics of 45 make a stand, leave the party, and either leave their position or switch to the Dems, they can f”$k right off. Because news flash for those guys: this is what the Republicans *are*. There is not some pristine, pure version of the GOP that can be rescued from white supremacists, misogynists, evangelicals, and gun fanatics. Those are the people of the GOP. Full stop.

        If you’re still a Republican at this point, then guess what: lie down with dogs…

    • Darla says:

      Thank you, your description of him made me laugh while being so dead-on. I feel as if I am living inside a farce that everyone else is pretending is real. He’s a farce. This is all a joke. And yet people insist on taking it seriously and acting like he is a real president.

  7. Wow2 says:

    Theres a video of him calling out the media, to their faces and I just fucking fell in love with him. He is what America needs right now.

    • Amber says:

      He said what we were all thinking. “Members of the press, WTF?” Of course we need the press and the work they do is important but the questions they were asking him were so absurd.

  8. Lucy2 says:

    I’ve never seen anyone so easily able to make every situation worse, and all about himself. Dump is a living nightmare.

    Nice burn by the Dayton mayor.

    I like Beto. He’s not my choice, but I would certainly vote for him if he were to win the nomination. I appreciate what he has said regarding El Paso. It does seem like something snapped, but who can blame him, these are his people. He should be angry, as we all should.

  9. LadyT says:

    I despise politics. So many lukewarm answers and rehearsed responses.
    Beto talking like someone genuinely pissed off was thrilling.
    He said how fed up he was with the media questioning whether Trump is racist. “Jesus Christ, of course he’s racist,” O’Rourke said. “He’s been racist since day one — before day one.”

  10. Iknow says:

    Beto way out of a failing presidential race. All he has to say is that he needs to save his home state from the GOP, there are more than enough qualified candidates who can beat Trump and bring our country back. This is it, Beto!!!

  11. Michel says:

    Beto needs to run for the Senate again in Texas, get more political experience and then run for president.

  12. Becks1 says:

    Good for Beto. I think so many americans understand his rage and frustration, its almost a relief in a way to see a candidate expressing it.

  13. Darla says:

    Beto really made me realize how much I crave a strong, moral voice. He won’t be at trump’s thing today, but he will be in El Paso, and you know, I don’t think trump will benefit from this head to head comparison.

    • Esmom says:

      I know, right? Beto’s compassion has always shone through and I’m glad he isn’t holding back on Trump and the press. Maybe something will shift. It’s doubtful but I feel like, for example with Ivanka trotting out that tweet about Chicago, the WH and the family are panicking because they can’t control the narrative as well as they have been.

  14. Ye says:

    I am desperate for a president of the US who cares passionately about people. I also loved Bennett for his speech in congress, and think its a shame he isnt being noticed more as a candidate.

    Beto is doing great. But i wish he’d run for senate instead. Warren or Sanders are what America needs. Kamala is great too. As is Booker.

    • Ye, agree. When I look at the difference between how President Obama handled Sandy Hook with such compassion and decency and tried to make changes, some which Trump himself revoked, compared to Trump’s response, it is shocking. We don’t need perfection, or purity tests but come on, a decent, calming, eloquent, compassionate, intelligent person is needed. TrumpKushners are not it. We will change that!

      • Giddy says:

        Did you notice that in that tweet of Dump’s where he was feeling pitiful and thought he was being unfairly blamed for the racist attacks, he complained that no one had blamed Obama for attacks during his reign! HIS REIGN! That tells us everything we need to know about Trump. He really does think he’s an emperor!

    • holly hobby says:

      That’s a big no on Sanders for me. He was part of the problem why Hilary lost. Didn’t he also vote down Russian sanctions? No and never.

      • Lindy says:

        Yep yep yep this. The only way I’ll vote for Sanders is if he is the Dem nominee because it’s a moral imperative to get 45 out. Otherwise, Bernie and his Bros can see themselves out.

  15. Jerusha says:

    Everyone saying Beto should run for Senate instead-tell him that! Letter, phone call, social media, whatever. Don’t just say it here. Add your voice to the chorus that is probably already telling him that.

  16. Esmom says:

    “I’m not trying to make a thing out of it, but obviously Beto’s words and actions would be treated much differently if a woman was reacting the way he is.”

    Indeed. The first example hat comes to mind is Rashida Tlaib. The right is gleefully demonizing her for saying motherf^cker. Although I’d argue that Beto is being treated pretty damn harshly…Trump’s tweet was (yet again) beyond the pale. And the deplorable are already well-practiced at smearing him from the Senate race. I hope he (Beto) doesn’t shut up.

  17. IlsaLund says:

    I wish more politicians were as real as Beto and call it for what it is. The media failed last time and enabled Trump to win and they’re doing the same thing again. Standing by and enabling a hateful, racist to spew his bile unchecked. Everywhere Trump goes he spreads anger and hate.

  18. grabbyhands says:

    And once again that moron proves there’s no tragedy too great for him not to use it as a chance to launch childish insults and behave as if once again, it isn’t about all the victims but instead about how everyone didn’t immediately say how well he reacted to it.

    I’m glad Beto spoke up. I wish more would. At this point, we don’t have much left to lose.

  19. cheryl says:

    I don’t understand why people are pushing Beto to run for Senate again. In what way is he a worse candidate than anyone else running? He has six years of Congressional experience under his belt.

    At any rate the amazing MJ Hegar is running for Senate in TX. How would you react if Beto bumped her from the race?

    • Sofia says:

      It’s a GOP, troll-driven message. They’re afraid of his double-digit lead against Trump in Texas.

      • Darla says:

        Yep. And I also think what is happening is that supporters of other dem candidates are shook up as well, because they see this moment of authenticity, and they know americans crave that. We crave it. I have been very open, to just about everyone other than biden, sanders, and of course, gabbard. I favor Kamala, but love Booker, and could settle with warren, and I really just stayed open, so I can cleary see what is happening with Beto because I don’t have a horse in the race yet. It’s very interesting.

      • LP says:

        Personally I just don’t want a presidential candidate who hasn’t won a state wide race- MJ Hegar is absolutely the best choice to run against Cornyn in 2020, but there’s a lieutenant governor opening in 2022 I think that Beto would be great for! Or any state office really. I want someone with that experience in the White House BUT whoever gets the nomination is getting not only my vote, but as much time, effort, and money out of me as I can spare!

    • a reader says:

      As a Texan I’d be thrilled if he came back home to take on Cornyn. MJ has about zero chance of winning. She’s great, but let’s be real. She has one losing race under her belt and nowhere near the name recognition, organisation, or money that Beto had/could have.

      • cheryl says:

        But now that there’s a woman in the race, imagine for a moment the massive backlash he’d receive if he swooped in and bumped her out now.

        Sofia is absolutely right. It’s GOP talking points being picked up in the media echo chamber.

      • Sandy Eggo says:

        I live in Texas, too. I was all-in for Beto’s senate race, and before he announced for his pres run I was really hoping he’d challenge Cornyn. But MJ is in the race now and it’s too late for Beto, not that he apparently wanted to run for Senate again anyway. Beto is genuine and it is indeed refreshing to hear him not tiptoe around dump’s racist hate and to call it out for what it is.

        I live in the district where MJ ran for House rep in 2018 and I’m not convinced she is nearly as progressive as she implies. I don’t believe she’s all-in for reproductive justice, for one thing. She has a great story about winning a fight against The Man to let women serve in combat, for sure. HOWEVER, I will surely vote for her against Cornyn and I think she might even be able to win. She lost her House race by only a few points in a super red area and against a deplorable incumbent who is the only person to ever represent this district!!

    • Abby says:

      I just wish he’d grow in experience and do some good before going for the presidency. He’s up against a ton of other candidates. Is there another place in office for him to make a difference, now?

    • Kitten says:

      It’s frustrating to me because it feels like people either don’t know that Hegar is running or actually believe that Beto is a superior candidate because he’s a dude. It could also be that people genuinely believe that Beto has more traction because of notoriety or whatever. Either way, I find it so insulting to Hegar’s candidacy.

    • JJ says:

      This is a reasonable point of view, and it is directed not just at Beto, but at the myriad Dem presidential candidates who are way behind in the polls but have a lot of popularity, good will, and name recognition in their home states.

      Arguably, getting control of the Senate back is almost as important as winning the presidency. With Republican president and Senate, vacancies in the Supreme and Federal Courts have been filled gun-loving, women-hating conservatives like Gorusch and Kavanaugh. It has happened on a much wider scale on the level of federal courts. These appointments have the potential to have a profound affect for decades.

      • Kitten says:

        I would argue that the Senate is more important, actually. I would even cede the Executive for control of the Senate, if that were an option. If we don’t have the Senate, we cannot pass a single effing thing, especially if The Grim Reaper is still majority leader.

    • lucy2 says:

      I’d love to see Hegar win, I donated to her a while back.
      I think a little more experience would benefit Beto, and several of the other candidates.

  20. Rapunzel says:

    Beto is right not to shut up. Yesterday, my dad told me not to go to Walmart (I’m nearly 40) because I might get shot. This is not normal. Not normal. F— the ammosexuals who think we should just put up with this.

    • B n A fan says:

      Did you see what happened in Time Square yesterday? A car back fired and people scattered and started running. Everyone nerves are frayed, this is not normal. This has got to stop, We have to get back to normal. If it’s Beto, Elizabeth or anyone of the Dems it will be better than what we have.

    • Esmom says:

      I’m with you. Our insane gun culture has had me seeing red for years. And years. And years. To the GOP, the gun lobby is more important than human lives. And they and the NRA have managed to convince people that their right to carry a gun is more important than the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the rest of us.

      I have never felt more ready to leave the U.S. Yesterday I was daydreaming about my college age kids seeking jobs and building their lives overseas after graduation and me and my husband following them. Sigh.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Esmom- I went off on an otherwise lovely friend who was complaining about a ban on assault riffles. She said that was the start to taking away all the guns. And I’m like, GTFOH with that slippery slope fallacy. That’s NRA BS. They have the gun nuts riled up so they won’t even entertain any action.

        I work at a college, and I told my friend, “I’m literally on pins and needles at my job wondering when someone is gonna shoot up the place. I couldn’t care less about little Johnny crying over losing his assault riffles.”

        She wisely shut up.

        And yes, I too am scoping out places to live internationally if need be.

      • Esmom says:

        Rapunzel, Oh man your friend sounds like she drank the NRA Kool Aid. I mean does she even own guns? I feel like people who previously weren’t even into guns have now jumped on this 2A sh^t simply because it’s a GOP talking point. Anything to own the libs, right?

        And my heart goes out to you being on campus. Both my kids are in college now and just as when they were in high school, I am half expecting to hear of a shooting pretty much at any moment.

        A mom from SE Asia who’s on my younger son’s university FB parent page just posted that she’s no longer excited to send her son to the U.S. for school, she’s terrified. I was so relieved that no parent gun nuts emerged with any callous comments (although frankly I expected it), everyone seemed very compassionate and reasonable, but I don’t blame her at all for second guessing their decision.

      • Giddy says:

        I’m a Texan and terrified of the gun culture. I now do all the shopping I can online. I haven’t gone to a mall in years and don’t see that changing. If my boys were younger I would be buying one of those bullet-proof backpacks for back to school. I would then sit and cry over the necessity.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Giddy- my dad wants me to get one of those backpacks for teaching. I refuse. That is accepting that I should just live with this. I won’t. I’d rather die. I’m not changing my life for the NRA. The NRA needs to change for my life. End of. I get parents are scared, but we can’t afford to normalize this. We need to fight.

  21. I don’t agree with Beto on everything but I do like him. And this is absurd. How dare Mr, Trump order Beto to be quiet? Trump has some nerve, he can’t even be quiet for one darn day himself, and lets his unelected daughter speak up with mistruths and misleading facts constantly. This is the time to have some very serious conversations about G control, followed by serious action. Sheez, not for an all out ban, but what more is it going to take to have more serious background checks, stop selling certain types? How many have to die? I hope Mr. Trump is greeted by stony and harsh criticism and protest today. And that Ivanka continues to be called out too. Can not WAIT until we vote these people out. And I agree with those here that are reminding us that it is also important to focus on the Senate, on everything.

  22. Marjorie says:

    I am on Team Beto for Senate as well. Best thing he could do right now.

    Frontline did an excellent/devastating episode about the demise of Dayton due to loss of industries and the opioid epidemic. Mayor Nan Whaley was in it and she was really impressive. She’s got a tough job and she is really good at it.

  23. Arpeggi says:

    While it’s true Beto’s reaction would be judged differently if he were a woman, goddamit, his reaction is exactly how we should react after a mass shooting! You should be angry, you should call out those who let such a tragedy happen, over and over again, you should demand changes and shouldn’t drop it. Heck! We shouldn’t even wait for shooting to happen to be that angry. The sad thing is that by next week, it’ll all be forgotten… Beto shouldn’t be POTUS this time, he’s not ready yet and there are candidates that are readier, but his reaction is what we should see every tome tragedy strikes. Maybe, then, there would be actual changes in the US

    • Christin says:

      “By next week it will all be forgotten.” Sadly true.

      Gilroy was just one week ago (10 days to be exact).

    • B n A fan says:

      That’s what they said about Barack that he was not ready yet and he turned out to be one of our best president imo.

      • Arpeggi says:

        Barak was a US Senator when he ran his successful primary campaign, Clinton had been Governor of Arkansas before running; Beto’s experience in the House and at city council is fine, but amongst the 19 other candidates, there are some that are more experienced at the national level and have more legislative experience (and that have won their last campaign). I’m not saying he should never run again and he could do great things as a cabinet member or Veep. It doesn’t have to be POTUS or nothing

  24. Gabriella says:

    I’m so proud of Beto. I don’t think he will be or should be our nominee for president, but this is the man I block walked for last year. I’m so glad to see him back.

  25. Heather Bailey says:

    ‘President Obama had 32 mass shootings during his reign’

    Does Trump think Presidents are “kings” or something? Reign?!?

    And of course he’s racist. And just like every racist, he doesn’t think he is racist. Oy.

  26. LW says:

    Good for Beto! This is and should be emotional. Now….run for Senate! We need to flip every seat we possibly can.

  27. Sunnee says:

    F— that! He should keep running for President . And he should keep it up. He’s showing that he’s real, he has a spine and is standing up to the tangerine doofus. If he continues to stand up this way he may urge other candidates to keep it real with the media, and that’s a good thing. One person will get the nomination – and the months ahead will determine who that will be. It may well be Beto. Personally I like Warren, but its’s 15 months to the election. It’s a long distance race not a sprint. Who knows what the road is like up ahead. Each day brings new challenges and new opportunities.

    • B n A fan says:

      Yesterday a news person was asking Joe Biden if he thought the Don the Con man was racist, he replied “what he’s saying is racist”, I’m saying F that shit joe, get a spine! and say the man is racist. He better get a spine or he’ll be out by January.

    • Darla says:

      ^^^^ so well stated! Keep your minds open people, try not to stan your fav too hard that it could blind you to other possibilities. You just don’t know when THAT moment comes until later. We might be seeing something that fizzles out in a week, or we might be seeing the man who can take down trump and take texas, and that means a HUGE jump in House seats, with him. I don’t know. I am waiting. I am watching. My mind is open.

  28. Rapunzel says:

    Can we also talk about DT whining that Beto made up his nickname to sound more Hispanic? “Phony name to indicate Hispanic heritage”? That’s not a thing, you tangerine twat.

    • Abby says:

      He’s repeating what Republicans said over and over in Texas when he was running against Cruz. Like he was trying to pretend to be Hispanic to fool Hispanics, just to win his race. It was so condescending to Hispanic people. Like they didn’t even have anything else to say about him and actual policies. Other than comments about the nickname that he’s said a million times was given to him as a child. He’s never said he was Hispanic. He’s not trying to fool anybody.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Abby- I didn’t realize that was happening when he ran against Cruz. Like you said, condescending to Hispanics. You would think the last name O’Rourke would clearly show he’s probably not Hispanic. And Rafael Cruz shouldn’t even be commenting on name stuff, considering how he anglofied his name.

      • DM2 says:

        It’s really rich of Dump to call anybody out on using nicknames for one’s own gain…considering his family name is really Drumpf, and he was known to use a myriad of aliases during phone call-ins — “John Baron”, “David Dennison”, to name a couple. It’s disgusting how he has to make every tragedy all about him.

      • Kitten says:

        Exactly. The GOP calls him Robert O’Rourke for a reason. Meanwhile, there are literally photos of Beto when he was in elementray school wearing a sweater that said Beto on it. He’s been called that his whole damn life FFS.

        God, these people sre so f*cking sick.

      • holly hobby says:

        So is Rafael pretending to be “white” by going with the name “Ted?”

  29. Skeptical says:

    I don’t see Beto(or some others) taking the nomination or the presidency but I feel like they have a really strong value in beating the crap out of Trump in a way the nominee can’t and stay presidential.

  30. Sidewithkids says:

    Good for Beto. He’s speaking the truth. Plus he called out the media as well for their awful reporting and not calling the Orange Clown out as well. Keep it up.

  31. Rapunzel says:

    And now the orange shitler is whining that the “fake news media” hasn’t given enough coverage to the Dayton shooter being a leftist.

    He’s upset the white supremacist terrorism discussionvwon’t go away. Press this issue harder, folks.

    • Kitten says:

      He ends that tweet by saying “Thank you!” as if it’s some sort of victory SMDH. What a terrible, terrible person he is.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      His usual distract techniques are not really working this time, although Faux News called white supremacy a ‘hoax’. I think the silence and inaction of the Repugs and Trumps disgusting behaviour has pushed things over the edge – I’m getting a sense of change in the air.

      Sadly between and and the next election there will be more of these – he is desperate to get re-elected (primarily to avoid criminal charges) and he will do and say anything to rile up the base while MoscowMitch works to dismantle voting rights.

  32. JRenee says:

    To even have a sitting president display this tacky ass type of behavior via social media is still beyond me. This is an all time low that is transpiring during this entire term. Embarrassing as hell and beyond petty

  33. Meghan says:

    “MEMBERS OF THE PRESS, WTF??” People seem to forget how many EC votes Texas has, and with Beto almost turning TX blue over Cruz whom Texans tend to prefer over trump, he’d be a great choice on the dem ticket. No wonder Trump is scared of him.

  34. adastraperaspera says:

    Trump loves to inspire outrage. His tactic is a blunt instrument, designed to bludgeon opponents into insensibility. His cruelty is deliberate and targeted. His tweets are specifically designed to cause pain and anger. He wants to stimulate more riots, and bolster his narrative of a “divided America.” We are not divided. We are united, and we will remove this monster and his ilk.

  35. Tonya says:

    F trump! Thank god for people like Beto speaking the truth for humanity! We need him in the senate, we need to take the Senate back from the racists republicans. The only thing I can think of is getting people out to vote. We aren’t going to change the hate filled hearts and minds of racist trump supporters so we need to get minorities out to vote to swing the senate in the right direction.

    I just found out Antifa in my area had exposed an old colleague of mine at a previous company I worked for. I am still horrified today to learn I was sitting 10 feet away from domestic terrorist aka neo nazi. I am latina with a hispanic last name. He even hosts a weekly white supremacist podcast that he started in 2017 and antifa revealed he attended anti immigration protests and celebrated Hitler and the third Reich online.

    My colleagues at that company were from all different races and backgrounds, we often complained about Donald Trump amongst ourselves and to think we had a neo-nazi sitting ten feet away from us is DISGUSTING and frightening. The guy never said a word and was very quiet, sucked at his job and was really just a rather unremarkable person. What if he came back to shoot us all up one day after Trump got him all worked up with one of his racist speeches?

    I feel so violated! These neo nazi’s are everywhere and Donald Trump is their idol! it’s so scary! I can’t believe how Donald Trump gets away with this and how any republican can support this at this point.

    • Fluffy Princess says:

      Wow Tonya! How utterly scary to find that out!! I’m glad that nothing ever happened and he kept that sh** to his off work hours. Still though, I bet a cold chill ran down your spine thinking of “what if”.

      *Hugs* to you. Stay safe and stay strong!

      • Tonya says:

        Yes, it was terrifying to learn this after the fact. Keep in mind this was at a #1 software company for K – 12 STUDENT database technology. That company stores and manages the sensitive information of students k – 12 children all over the world. He had access to K – 12 public and private school information across the COUNTRY.

        By the time he was fired, I was gone from the company but when I saw his profile on Antifa’s website and the photos of him and his fellow white supremacist members at a conference in the South – they all looked like unkempt, frumpy losers. They even comb their hair like Hitler. Each one of them looked like a mass shooter in my eyes.

        At least they are getting called what they are – domestic terrorists.

        To think that these losers are scattered across society and have infiltrated our offices and social circles and government, forming clubs based on their hatred of people they don’t even know personally is frightening. These men don’t deserve our concern for their “mental health”. They need to be named, shamed and ostracized for their hearts full of violence hate and terrible values!

      • Fluffy Princess says:

        UGH, I can’t imagine how scary that is. Hopefully, he didn’t somehow take that list of schools and other information with him and give it out to that group.

        I think the most disconcerting part is that he was so nondescript so as not to arise any suspicions to his true nature while you worked with him. It’s also worrying that he is out there–and even if he himself doesn’t become “a shooter” — he probably cheers on those who do this kind of evil in our society, or helps to plan or facilitate any harmful activity. Let’s hope he stays hidden in the dark, like a cockroach and doesn’t do anything.

    • The Other Katherine says:

      What’s extra-terrifying is that there are a non-trivial number of them in law enforcement. White supremacist groups have been deliberately infiltrating law enforcement for decades (to such an extent that the FBI has warned about it).

  36. Ruyana says:

    It really annoys me that they keep on with the “Well, there were 32 mass shootings while Obama was President”. Yes, there were. 32 in EIGHT YEARS. Cheetolini has presided over or CAUSED 250+ in TWO PLUS YEARS.

  37. G Frankel says:

    “IIf Beto was a woman….”
    That must be from our “Strqight out of left field “ department.
    What if Beto was black?
    If Beto was Puerto Rican? Jewish?. Muslim?
    What if Beto endorsed an expanded NFL season?

    “obviously Beto’s words and actions would be treated much differently if a woman was reacting the way he is. “

    Not the point.

    The topic is the horrible fire of hatred of the president is igniting, aimed at everyone different from him.

  38. Valerie says:

    I don’t know enough about Beto to have a solid opinion of his politics, but I love this. More people need to stand up to Drumpf and tell him to fuck off by any means possible. Silence him.

  39. sassafras says:

    Texan here, with good friends who worked on Beto for Senate and now Beto for President.

    1. Stop with your “He’d be a good senator.” PLEASE. The choice has been made for now. Trust me when I say that the decisions to run for Senate or President were both made thoughtfully, thoroughly and with opinions / advice sought from MANY professionals around the country.

    Of COURSE Beto would be an excellent senator. But saying that is taking away support and attention from the amazing Texan WOMEN who are already running against Cornyn. If you want a new Senator from Texas, go support one of them.

    2. At this point, I don’t really freaking care how qualified a Democratic candidate is. If his name is not Donald J. Trump, he’s going to get ALL OF OUR VOTES. We will work our butts off to get anyone who is NOT-RUSSIAN SUPPORTED, NOT-RACIST, NOT- EVIL into the White House. If a white guy is the one to swing all the independent moderates who stayed home in 2016 because “eh, Hillary” IDGAF. And neither should anyone else.

    In a perfect world, we would all like a mixed-race or gay or female president. But the only way we’re going to have a republic healthy enough to vote one of those in is IF we remove the clear and present danger currently in the executive branch.

    3. With that in mind, I’m approaching my primary vote (and my financial support) with one question: Who can beat 45? If that makes me an un-progressive whatever, I don’t care. If Kim Kardashian announced her candidacy for president, I would vote for her.

    4. Beto REALLLLLLLY gets under 45’s skin. That’s another game I play with myself: Which candidate is going to really send DJT into a fit of apoplectic rage? A hotter, younger, cooler white guy who doesn’t bow and scrape and who is beloved by Hollywood and Obama? DJT won’t know what to do with himself. (And women voters will eagerly press that button.) Just a thought.

    • Darla says:

      I had a very interesting conversation with a very close friend this morning. And she told me that between her and I, she is going to admit she wouldn’t mind having a sexy ass president! She’s like look I’m sorry I know this will piss you off, but Cory Booker is HOT, and Beto is too, and I really wouldn’t mind having a Trudeau-like President, sorry! Now she’s a dem, and she’s going to vote for the dem, but it was something I needed to hear because I never ever even think like that. But a lot of women may very well. I don’t know. Whatever gets us there. I can’t live like this anymore. That is what some people I know don’t get. I can’t live like this anymore.

      • B n A fan says:

        A tip for surviving in this this stressful time. What I’ve done is; 1) whenever I hear his voice on tv I switch the channel. I will give myself a few minutes before returning to that channel, if he’s still on I just watch something else. 2) I’ve taken up drawing and acrylic painting. During the fall I attend art classes at night; looking forward to winter classes. I’ve found this has helped me to keep my sanity. I refused to listen to his lies his screaming, complaining and not accepting responsibility for his actions, my children are grown.

        I generally watch Morning joe and at night Rachael Meadows or Lawrence O. I come to this site to catch up with the people who generally share honest opinions without fighting or nickpicking about grammar or spelling🤫 . I do not go to face book or twitter, this has worked for me.

      • Darla says:

        Thank you B n A, good tips for sure.

    • T1000 says:

      @sassafras, Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I agree with all of your points. I’m not a Texan, but I followed Beto’s campaign against Cruz and I donated most heavily to him. I’ve been an admirer of his principles for a long time. He is thoughtful, intelligent, and actually cares about people. He’s not perfect, of course, but I believe he is a uniquely idealistic politician. Unlike some other candidates, Klobuchar, for example, he doesn’t have a disgusting, self serving, career-climbing past built on the unforgivably cruel exploitation of vulnerable people (Klobuchar vigorously prosecuted 16 year old black teenagers and got them sentenced to JLWOP (juvenile life without the possibility of parole, recently declared unconstitutional) on little to no evidence. Big wins for her no matter the cost to others). I’m not necessarily saying he should be the Democratic candidate, but I don’t think he should be so readily dismissed either.

      His recent statements in El Paso have been extremely cathartic for me. The last email I received from his campaign was also brilliant. I hardly think he’s “overreacting.” He’s devastated about a deadly, racist, terrorist attack in his home city— should he act like a robot? It’s not like he’s frothing at the mouth, vomiting up nonsense and blatant lies. Everything he said is true and he was very articulate, under the circumstances.

      The sad state of the world we live in today is that he “gets away with it” relatively easily, as a cisgender, heterosexual white man. I am disgusted by that reality, and depressed to know that if change is going to come, it will be years, perhaps decades away— if it ever comes. In the meantime, I feel we have to work with what we’ve got, in the world we actually live in. I’m an idealist, but also a realist. Yes, it is utterly twisted that only a white man can escape relatively unscathed from situations like this. That said, I’m glad he is on our side.

  40. Fluffy Princess says:

    I was shocked when I first read Beto’s comments — but in a good way.

    Like: “OMG FINALLY!! F-I-N-A-L-L-Y!”
    – Finally, someone who comes off as a REAL person, who cares, who sees the real picture and who is PISSED OFF as so many of the rest of us are.
    – Finally – someone doesn’t care about “decorum” and saying the most neutral thing possible so as not to piss off some trumptard.
    -Finally, someone who just flat out ADMITS it with no flowery language: “Jesus Christ, of course he’s a racist.” SAY IT LOUD, SAY IT OFTEN, Beto. This is how things “stick” in peoples minds.
    – Finally, someone who has literally had ENOUGH. Enough of the excuses, enough of the BS, enough of the media trying to make this garbage goblin who sits in the White House normal.

    I hope other candidates get on the HONESTY train, too.

  41. labman57 says:

    Trump to the citizens of El Paso and the American populace at large:
    “When I want your opinion, I give it to you.”

  42. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    I just can’t handle any of it. I’m super glad Beto’s words and frustrations are out there. I’m glad his team has condolence food. I’m glad Obama wrote a moving statement. But I have yet to see a proper uprising of NO. Until reason and human sanctity infiltrate the political landscape through action and strength, nothing any one does or says moves me as I’m so under-the-table depressed. I’ve lost my smile and hope.

  43. Emily says:

    Whichever Dem candidate Trump mocks the most is the one he is most afraid will beat him. That person should get the nomination.

  44. velvet72 says:

    I often wait out giving money to candidates until it is down to just a few and I have a clear favorite but I woke up Sunday, saw what Beto said and gave him a donation within 15 minutes. Nobody else was out there, on television, speaking the truth so plainly and emotionally. Of course the president is a racist and yes, the media is ridiculous even asking such an obvious question.

  45. Rach says:

    Beto may not be the most qualified but he has the X-factor. He has the ability to attract large crowds, is inspirational, fresh face, empathetic. That is what is required at times like this. He may not be a great debater but debates performances are overrated. Hillary trounced DonTheCon but lost. Beto took a beating for his vanity fair article, he would have been way ahead otherwise. I think some of it was oppo from other candidates/republicans who thought he was a threat.

  46. phlyfiremama says:

    Beto’s my guy~I “found” him shortly after the 2016 election, because flipping the Senate is SO IMPORTANT and I knew someone had to beat Ted Cruz. I started looking around at just who could take the Senate seat, and looked at Wendy Davis, One of the Castro brothers, and Beto O’Rourke. Wendy seems uninterested, maybe Castro could upset it, but just WHO is this Beto O’Rourke dude? And started paying attention. He has ALL of the right stuff, learns as he goes and is flexible enough to change his opinion given new relevant information. He REALLY cares: this isn’t artifice. He seems to be the only political presence that seems to understand that “oh sh!t, my kids have to inherit this mess too!” applies to EVERYBODY. He is so smart, and so eager to learn more and more about the experiences real regular people endure every day. He is charismatic with an appeal that VERY much feels John F. Kennedy, in a way, and is open and approachable. He speaks mostly fluid Spanish and has done 3 terms as a State Representative. He is the total package. He is Progressive enough without entirely scaring conservative voters away, like Bernie and Elizabeth will. He is WHO we need.