“Justin Theroux opened the most edgy ‘dive bar’ ever in New York” links

Justin Theroux has opened up a hipster “dive bar” in New York & I’m sure it is the most performatively edgy bar ever. [LaineyGossip]
Post Malone’s third album is coming out & I’m interested? [Just Jared]
Wendy Williams’ gross ex-husband is still her manager. [Dlisted]
Eva Longoria is ready for autumn fashion. [Go Fug Yourself]
Disney is remaking Home Alone for its streaming service. [Pajiba]
Cyntoia Brown is free and her story is heartbreaking. [Jezebel]
Joshua Rush is bisexual, huzzah. [Towleroad]
The trailer for the Beverly Hills 90210 reboot is here. [OMG Blog]
LOL, Jon Voight says racism has been solved. [The Blemish]

Justin Theroux shows off his toned arms while walking his dog in NYC

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63 Responses to ““Justin Theroux opened the most edgy ‘dive bar’ ever in New York” links”

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  1. pantanlones en fuego says:

    Can he try any harder to be edgy? lol

    • LahdidahBaby says:

      My very first reaction, exactly. When you have to try that hard to be edgy—from the watering hole right down to the costume and the pitbull–maybe your insecurity is showing?

      • Savannah says:

        His insecurity was showing way before he opened an edgy bar and wore edgy costumes and got an edgy pitpull.
        Just look at the way he tucks his tanks tops to show more of those weirdly unproportionate arms.

        Everytime I see him I feel like David Attenborough is hiding in the bushes nearby: “And here we have a fine example of the peacockest of all peacocks in the human species; the insecure male trying to flaunt his feathers for everyone to see”.

      • Megan says:

        This looks like pretty much every dive bar in Florida.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Savannah dying. David Attenborough would say something like that, LOL.

        I cant hate on Theroux at the moment because his post about his dog dying a few weeks ago was so sad. Give me a little more time and then I’ll mock him again lol.

      • Carol says:

        Theroux’s bar looks like a typical “edgy” bar in LA. He basically brought LA to NYC. It seems like its more of an upscale bar trying to pretend its a downscale “divey” bar.

      • Diana says:

        He brought any dive bar anywhere to Manhattan! Incredible! Wow? Gasp! So super rich people can pretend to be hip.

      • cannibell says:

        It looks like an upscale version of the bar where I used to hang out Back in the Day, which is still open and (I dearly hope) continues to serve after bar time when the doors would be locked and the drinks would continue to flow for those of us still inside….

      • LahdidahBaby says:

        Lol Savannah, well said! Gave me a gigglefit.

      • Anonymous says:

        His post about “his” dog dying was referring to Jennifer’s dog. Tacky AF considering that dog isn’t remotely his and should have been kept off social media.

      • Redgrl says:

        @savannah – I just read that in David Attenborough’s voice – hahahahaha! Seriously though, he is to edgy what Olive Garden is to Italian.

    • Mab's A'Mabbin says:

      Hipster dive bar is an oxymoron lol.

  2. minx says:

    Fukc Jon Voight.

    • C-Shell says:


    • Mab's A'Mabbin says:

      I’m not even gonna read about him, he makes me sick. Seriously. I quit watching Ray Donavon because of his disgusting father (JV).

    • Megan says:

      Why eff does he think America wants a message from him?

    • whatWHAT? says:

      hahahahahaha! my post was going to be “I think I speak for everybody (except Cult 45) when I say ‘GFY, Voight!'”

      I’ll make sure I tell my friends of color, when they’re harassed for their skin color, that they don’t need to worry anymore. SMDH

    • LahdidahBaby says:

      Minx, you said it so…well!

  3. Nicegirl says:

    I heard you’ve gotta wear jorts to get in.

  4. HK9 says:

    Kevin is still Wendy’s manager?? Either the contracts are too messy to dissolve or he’s got something on her because I cannot see that sack of s-t doing a goddamn thing in her best interest.

    • BlueSky says:

      I would guess that too. Plus, she seems very codependent and he’s got a baby mama to support 🙄

    • Tonya says:

      When I heard this I thought she had a weak moment and is basically taking him back but she cleared it up on a radio show today that the only deal they are working on together is their divorce. So she debunked this today. Thank god! Would have been really sad to see her get involved with him again!

      Sometimes its hard after a break up with an abuser to not go back to what you know, even if it is miserable, because you are desperate for love and affection and will take their crumbs just to feel temporarily better and ease the pain. The future can feel so uncertain and you’ve lost your confidence in yourself after believing the lies of your abusive partner. But never give up, and try your hardest to never go back because life DOES turn the corner and get better without the abuser. Dare to live the life you’ve dreamed of without the cheating and abuse and it can come true, Wendy!

  5. Xi Tang says:

    I really like Justin. Met him several times and he’s very sweet and down to earth. This site really made me despise him \:. He’s very easy to talk to. And other then mentioning how amazing NY is (literally every sentence lol), he’s really not try hard at all.

    • Becks1 says:

      This is nice to hear! I like hearing nice things like this about celebrities.

    • knotslaning says:

      I’ve never met him but three things stand out to me that make him seem like a decent guy (despite how much this site hates him). 1. He’s obsessed with his dog 2. He is best friends with Amy Sedaris 3. Every time I’ve seen him walking around the city, he seems genuinely nice.

      This bar seems stupid as hell but who cares. He is a rich, famous dude who is creating a “dive” bar for other rich, famous people. That is pretty much how Manhattan works! If you want a cheap pbr, you will need to head to Brooklyn where it is $6 instead of the $12 he is charging!

      I do love this line from the NYP “Ray’s has the cringe-inducing air of a brand desperate for cool points — think Target’s re-creation of CBGB — and even sent out a press release hailing it as “the Lower East Side’s diviest new dive bar.””

    • SamC says:

      Friends have met him through his volunteer work with Austin Pets Alive and have all good things to say about him. Approachable, friendly, engaged, no attitude or entourage, etc. Can’t hate on him because a marriage didn’t work out nor do I think he’s try hard.

    • launicaangelina says:

      I get the impression that he’s actually not a bad guy, too. He’s a huge advocate for dog rescues, especially Austin Pets Alive.

  6. bitchyarchitect says:

    omg wow what a cliche. Also how totally unimaginative. while his outfit is totally laughable on him- i kinda like it for me. something nice- i aspire to those arms.

    • Lillian says:

      I think it’s a cute idea. His dog looks happy. Sat by him once and he was gracious and personable and made good small talk mostly about myself instead of himself. Want the pants and like the person above said, the arms even more so. They are aspirational.

  7. ItReallyIsYou,NotMe says:

    If Justin wants to go where nobody knows his name, WHY did he announce that it’s HIS bar!

    • Lucky Charm says:

      I think it’s supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek reference to the 80’s tv show Cheers about a Boston bar, and the theme was someplace “where everybody knows your name”.

  8. Tiffany says:

    Kuma has a face that should always, always be photographed.

  9. Dani says:

    When sometimes you want to go where no one knows your name? No one would know his name if it wasn’t for Jennifer Aniston. NEXT.

  10. Naan says:

    Speaking as an actual edgelord, it helps a LOT if the clothes don’t always look brand new. Jus sayin’..

  11. Nievie says:

    of course its called Rays. and I bet the bartender goes Coyote Ugly on Fridays.

  12. SURFCHICK says:

    He is the most cliche person ever. NYC, Cowboy bar, the pit bull, ugh just go away. Hipsters no. No no no and no. And I’m from NYC.

  13. ally says:

    I wear that same pair of sneakers. I am the least edgy person on the planet.

  14. Caty Page says:

    I’ve moved every year for the past 8-ish years because gentrification keeps putting me further and further from my work. This type of “dive bar” comes with telltale signs my rent is about to go up $200 per month: toilets clean enough to sit on, bespoke cocktail menus with ironic drink names, and “bar foods” like “agedashi fries.”

    He is organic mayonnaise personified. Boy, bye.

    • laura-j says:

      Organic Mayonnaise personified… Caty Page for the win!

    • knotslaning says:

      Only someone who lives here could know that “toilets clean enough to sit on” is a sign your rent is going up! Ha, OMG, love that! And yes, me too. I keep moving further and further east in Brooklyn, I’ll be on Long Island soon!

    • Actual Denny Lsu says:

      Thanks for that. I hate hipster coffee shops and bars. Can’t stand the smug that radiates off the staff.

    • Boodiba says:

      I found a dilapidated but rent stabilized, dorm-room sized studio on east 4th & first ave & stayed there 22 years, until I moved to the other edge of the country. But ya all my friends renting moved further & further from downtown NYC. I could never live there again. I just don’t have the requisite energy & aggression.

  15. jennifer says:

    Justin and Goopy Paltrow need to get together, they both seem so in love with themselves and detached from reality.

    • tw says:

      At first I was like, “You are so right!!” However, Gwyneth already tried that, marrying the guy who was equally in love with himself. She needs a Brad who only worships her.

  16. Bella Bella says:

    If Instagram had existed when Susan Sarandon opened her pool hall, it probably would have been announced there. Just sayin’.

    Also, the old real dive bars on 6th and 7th Street on the LES disappeared in late ’80s – early ’90s. That’s where an 80-year-old man taught me how to play pool, when a game was a quarter.

  17. sammiches says:

    Okay, but how beautiful is that dog tho

  18. MangoAngelesque says:

    I know this is a hugely unpopular opinion here, but I really like Justin. I’ve met VERY few celebrities, “famouses,” or whatevers, but I have met him on a couple/few occasions. He’s always been super friendly, and actually in the third run-in, HE recognized me and my husband (my husband is heavily tattooed and I’m somewhat tattooed so he’s easily noticeable, I’m relatively noticeable if you’ve met me already), and came over to us to chat. He’s super into animals, as are we, which was our major talking point aside from tattoos and New York, which we were visiting each time. Never a whiff of pretentiousness or “I’m soooo edgy McEdgerson” or Male Gwyneth about him.

    So while he’s a bit cliche, he’s also a really nice guy. And I can’t hate on anyone for living pit bulls, treating them well, and advocating for them. Kuma is also incredibly well-mannered, which always speaks well of the owner, in my opinion.

    • tw says:

      I can see that. Just wish his RP team didn’t drag Anniston. No one really cared about them as a couple. Could have just said they were bicoastal and it didn’t work out.

  19. Mrs. Smith says:

    I’m relieved to hear from the posts above that he seems like a nice guy, approachable/friendly. He makes me cringe so hard otherwise.

  20. prettypersuasion says:

    Looks like a TGI Fridays.

  21. Gobo says:

    Meh, I like hanging out in pubs (I live in Ireland, so not unusual), but am very particular about them. If I had the money I would probably open one that fit the taste and specifications of myself and my friend groups. *Shrug*. The judgement hard on for him is a bit over the top. Everything he does is construed as edgy and try hard.

    • launicaangelina says:

      Agreed and his bar looks like one I’d hang out in or work at. I say this as a long-time former bartender.

  22. shells_bells says:

    He’s a great Instagram follow. His account is full of Kuma and she seems like such a sweet puppers.
    I don’t think he’s nearly as douchey as he’s made out to be.

  23. Anne says:

    I noticed on Instagram that he is liking Lisa Kudrow’s and Courtney Cox’s pics and vise versa, which I find really cool. I know that people here don’t like him or Jennifer but I honestly think that they are both really cool people and that they get along well.

  24. Sassbr says:

    He was probably an exhausting husband the way mine can be. Everything is literally an argument, even down to the specific furniture or towels we have in the house-and it’s always about how it “looks”. She seems very relaxed and he has an aesthetic he subscribes to.