The straw man argument being made by Bernie Sanders supporters and Russian bots is that “Dumb liberals say Susan Sarandon is the reason why Hillary Clinton lost.” Or some version of that. Susan Sarandon is not the reason why Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and lost the electoral college. Susan Sarandon and her ilk of uninformed, toxic third-party supporters are one of several reasons why Hillary Clinton failed to squeak by in certain states. All of the people voting for Jill Stein could have actually made a difference if they gave a damn, if they weren’t focused on “purity” and unhinged Russian conspiracies. Unfortunately, Sarandon personally despised Hillary Clinton and seemingly every female candidate to the point where I’m just, like…what is even going on here? Is this a personal vendetta or a presidential race? Anyway, Susan Sarandon is still supporting Bernie Sanders, because I guess Boomers still believe that we need a 77-year-old white man screaming at us constantly. Sarandon made an appearance at one of Sanders’ Iowa events and of course she had to take a swipe at… Elizabeth Warren.
During her introduction of Senator Bernie Sanders at a campaign event in Cedar County, Iowa on Monday, Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon took what appeared to be a swipe at his primary progressive competition for the 2020 presidential nomination.
“When people know and when they hear the senator’s policies, when they see his track record, when they know how authentic he is and how he has been fighting for these issues for so long, he is the only one who has that reputation,” Sarandon said from the stage. “He is not someone who used to be a Republican. He is not someone who used to take money—or still takes money—from Wall Street. He is the real deal.”
The line about “someone who used to be a Republican” caught the ear of Politico’s 2020 campaign reporter Holly Otterbein, who pointed out on Twitter that while Sarandon didn’t “name names,” of the other major candidates in the race it is Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) who was a registered Republican until the mid-1990s.
I am so excited that Bernie Sanders and his supporters want purity tests during the 2020 election cycle. The purity tests worked so well in 2016, right? No one can ever vote for anyone who ever was a registered Republican (if they happen to be a woman). No one can ever vote for a… woman. Especially a woman running against Bernie Sanders. Anyway, this is just an update: Susan Sarandon is still up in her bulls–t.
“He is not someone who used to be a Republican,” says Susan Sarandon while introducing Bernie Sanders at an ice cream social in Iowa, talking about how he’s fought for the same issues for years.
She doesn’t name names, but Elizabeth Warren was formerly a registered Republican.
— Holly Otterbein (@hollyotterbein) August 19, 2019
Photos courtesy of WENN.
I’m gonna say the same thing I’ve said about this trick for a long time: she better START voting with her vagina because it’s got to do a better job than whatever she is using now.
Sarandon is why we as women can’t have nice things nor can we get ahead. Some men are the worst but the true traitors to women are some in their own gender ranks. She, Maureen Dowd, and Maggie Haberman at the NYT are enemies. We as women better start closing the sisterhood ranks down and come out forcefully for our real friends and marginalizing foes like this!
Yes I agree, and I strongly agree with your NYT list. The things I tweet to those two, sometimes it can make my entire day.
Truly sick of this privileged rich woman and her cosplay activism. She isn’t impacted as much by Trump’s horrible policies that hurt the poor & middle class. Bernie is no revolutionary. He voted at 40 for the FIRST time & that was for HIMSELF. He stayed in the race in 2016 when it was mathematically impossible for him to win to make bank.
Bernie Sanders is an intellectually dishonest empty suit, a fraud who talks a good game but, when pressed is proven to have no clue how to actually ACHIEVE anything he talks about. His promises are empty & worthless. He’s divisive & a large part of why we have Trump right now.
He has been sucking the government tit his whole life. Welfare, dead beat dad, then ran for office. Has been in office 30 years and has managed to rename 2 post offices! Such a big man.
Let’s not forget Sarandon & her vote for Nader BS in 2000 & we got Bush & his lovely illegal wars. If she was positive HRC would take us into war how safe does she feel now w/Agolf Twitler cozying up to the likes of Putin?. Clearly she doesn’t learn from her past. She & Bernie are a match made in heaven. The look at me twins!
You know, damn! I forgot to talk about 2000 and how we have Sarandon partly to thank for that too! And I honestly feel that 2000 was THE election. Everyone thinks it was 2016, but it was 2000 when the die was cast and there was no turning back on climate change and on the supreme court. Oh I hate her so much, because she’s soooo stupid, so dumb. A real brainless twit. AND she think she’s a genius! She walks around with that arrogant smug look and that arrogant voice, and she lets you know she’s smarter than you. Except, she’s not smarter than a box of rocks!
Jzam, your post is spot on.
Just, no. It’s not Susan Sarandon’s fault that women are harassed, denigrated, or paid less, and it’s absurd and harmful to say that she is the enemy, and absolves the actual systems that hold women back.
Someone remind her that Bernard is an “INDEPENDENT”!
Then make her go away. Please somebody.
I know. Can she F@@k Bernie already and get it over with
NOT JUST an Independent who conveniently changed parties to take big money from Dems, but someone WHO DIDN’T EVEN BOTHER TO REGISTER TO VOTE UNTIL IT WAS TO VOTE FOR HIMSELF…AT THE AGE OF 40!!!! How very “pure” of him!
She’s smug because her life won’t change no matter who is president. She’s insufferable.
She voted for Trump because he would “bring the revolution immediately.” It’s not like Trump wasn’t showing us every damn day of his campaign how racist and incompetent he is. What revolution did she think was coming?
Darla I was thinking as soon as I saw this title “this Trick” so infuriating. She is not only annoying she is an embarrassment.
“Unfortunately, Sarandon personally despised Hillary Clinton and seemingly every female candidate to the point where I’m just, like…what is even going on here?”
Thank you for pointing this out!! I said this on Twitter, hello? Is anyone awake? She obviously hates women and is one of those old-school actresses who got into it because all the attention has to be on Susan, certainly not on some other woman!
She really does remind of female Trumpsters with the internalized misogyny.
Does she have to like Hillary Clinton just because Hillary is a woman??? Isn’t that rather like the argument we’ve made against men who stick up for other men because they’re Bros? The gender issue is real, but can’t people just not like people because they’re … people … and not necessarily because of their gender? I think going there is just too easy.
My opinion is that Susan likes Bernie because he’s Bernie and she likes his ideology, not because he’s a man.
Maybe you forget some of the sexist things Sarandon has said about Hillary in the past but don’t worry, I am here to remind you. (be sure to click on all the links inside the articles for extra content)
@Kitten, those still aren’t ‘gender’ specific hate comments. She could have said that about anyone–male or female. Hillary rubs many women the wrong way, not because she’s a woman, but because she’s Hillary. Do you have any articles in which Susan says she doesn’t like Hillary and didn’t want her to be President because she’s a woman? If you do, please post it and I’ll join you in calling her a sexist, woman hating troll. Everything you’ve posted above is just Susan voicing her opinion about Hillary the person, not Hillary the woman.
Right, because people always come out and say “i’m not voting for a woman” “i’m not voting for the black guy” Please stop being disingenuous. Her gig was up a long time ago, and now that she turned against Warren whom she once used as an example of her panting desire to vote for a woman (just not that hillary!), only the WILLFULLY stupid are fooled. In other words, you’re not fooled, you playin.
In 2016, Sarandon tweeted that she was ready to vote for a woman but that it had to be the right woman, concluding with: “I’m looking at you, Elizabeth Warren.”
Sarandon is just in this to bring attention to herself. Nothing more.
I post this all the time but it never stops being relevant:
Great post Kitten!
“I always tell my daughters they can be anything they want, so long as they don’t make other people feel uncomfortable. They can be as ambitious as they want, so long as they do it in an acceptable manner. They can reach for the stars, which you can see right up there on the ceiling painted to resemble a sky.”
You’re raising your daughters right, MC2 🙂
Question: What do you guys say to a woman who won’t support a woman because “the country isn’t ready for a female president so she won’t beat Trump & he’s the biggest threat, so I’m supporting only male candidates…you know, to protect us”
We weren’t “ready” for a black president either.
What is a good response to this (thinking of actual older women in my life)? We need to talk sense into them & I’m at a loss.
I mean, we never thought Trump would win either, you know? We don’t always know exactly *what* the country is ready for.
But the country can be ready for a woman president if we TELL the country that we’re ready for a woman.
We can’t predict the future–horserace polls are notoriously unreliable and we don’t have a crystal ball–but we CAN change our circumstances. We CAN make a woman “electable” by voting for her. Look at what we just did in the House! There are 15 percent more women in this Congress than there were before the mid-term election. There are now a record number of women of color in the House. There are also a slew of firsts: Congress will get its first Native American women, Muslim women and youngest female member ever.
Women CAN and WILL change this country but *only* with our support! How do we support them? WE VOTE FOR THEM.
*applauds Kitten wildly*
I think Sarandon has a full blown obsession with Bernie and has completely lost her mind. And yes she is starting to sound even more misogynistic. She reminds me of a Trumpster who thinks only he can save them.
Bernie is not a Democrat, and I don’t get why they still let him use their platform after all that went down.
As much as I like the Rocky Horror Picture Show*, I’ve never watched it again after Sarandon’s idiotic behavior in 2016, neither anything else she was ever in.
* A local cinema in my hometown’s student quarter does semi-regular late nights with RHPS, rice, TP, water pistols and stuff.
I really wish more people would recognize that he just climbed on board the Dem train because it served his purposes and then hijacked it when it didn’t let him steer.
Bernie. We don’t need you. Buy a hairbrush.
Bernie fails my purity test because I only vote for Democrats.
He has a really unimpressive legislative record for as long as he’s been in Congress…a couple of bills passed that named post offices and the like. He would be a horrible president.
THIS! If she wants to start saying that people shouldn’t evolve in their politics, then Bernie should forever be on the 3rd party ticket.
What a selfish, horrible woman. I despise her.
So do I.
Same. She needs to sit down.
I didn’t think I could dislike her any more than I did, but now I find it’s possible. I DETEST her platform. And I’m a boomer, and most emphatically don’t think we need a 77 year old white man for president.
She’s a brain-dead moron.
putin’s 2016 election hack divided liberals like the Tower of Babel, scattering otherwise unified masses…. Some spoke Stein, Hillary, Sarandon, or Gary… each despising the other faction… Right now there are two choices MAGAcult & Dem. THIS election, we need to get together or splinter like shrapnel. We need to call out the dividers among us- susan is likely a russian troll, F her and get w Unification!!!
Completely agree!!
When I was younger I used to think I was “socially liberal and fiscally conservative” because I didn’t want my taxes to go to some BS. Of course I now realize I have 0 control over my taxes and I have seen how programs help people more than billions of dollars going to start wars we don’t need. Those dollars should be going to help the men and women coming home from those wars (among other things).
Are people not ever allowed to learn from their past experiences and grow from them?
Right? There’s no reason to hold that against Warren. She didn’t switch parties last year. She didn’t do it opportunistically (like our liar-in-chief). People grow and progress.
It also bothers me that a candidate who changes their mind about something is called a “flip-flopper” like it’s a bad thing. Don’t we want people to update their ideas and policies?
My mom was a life long republican until she finally saw what the party had become. At 66 years old she switched parties and actively campaigned for Barack Obama. Proof positive that people can evolve and grow.
My mother did the same. She been a registered Republican since Nixon in the sixties, but despises Trump and is now a registered Democrat.
I so wish Susan would go away. Her and all the Bernie Bros, if they cost us another election…
We need at least one more party. The Green Party or something.
Right? Especially in the past few years (well, since Newt, really, but especially right now) people have the right to change and grow, and leave an organization when it no longer matches their ideals.
Meghan, I completely agree with you. No matter who is our president, Democrat or republican, I always will have to pay taxes. I would rather those taxes go to my healthcare than a billion dollar plane that doesn’t work and will never be used.
The GOP line of fiscal conservatism sounds practical and reasonable…until you see it put into action. The GOP repeatedly (for 40 years) has blown up the deficit, they spend billions on wars without paying for them, and make tax cuts without cutting spending. A lot of people change parties when they realize that the GOP is NOT the party of fiscal responsibility. They are the party that sets up recessions so they can capitalize on other people’s financial desperation during financial downturns.
She’s a terrible human being.
She really needs to move on.
Probably going to tick some people off, but I did support Bernie the last time around (though I voted for Clinton, obviously). I’m not supporting him this time as I’m tired of having old white guys as president.
I have NO idea what Susan Sarandon’s deal is. Bernie and Elizabeth Warren are friends and allies, and share a lot of the same views. Sarandon seems so unnecessarily vitriolic towards Warren.
Same. That’s one of the things that kills me most about Sanders-supporters: They spend so much time shitting on Warren without even recognizing that Bernie himself probably wouldn’t want that. Bernie and Liz have been friends forever and I have no doubt that they’ll be friends after all of this because Liz wouldn’t have it any other way. Class act, that woman.
Kitten, I don’t believe this, and I will respectfully explain why. Bernie has stacked his campaign with a bunch of Never-Hillarys and Jill Stein voters. This is who Bernie is. And that’s why I hate him. No other reason. He is further to the left than I am, but so is Warren, and I like her and will strongly support her if she’s the nominee. With bernie, it’s personal. It’s: oh hell no!
Hi Darla 🙂
Look, I’m not here to defend Bernie or convince anyone to vote for him. TRULY.
And I understand plenty of the criticisms (and yet, some criticisms I think are unfair) but I don’t think Bernie has any control over who decides to support him. I know PLENTY of people who are for both Sanders and Warren (my BF comes to mind) so I know that they exist. I follow a lot of them on Twitter.
There was a recent study that showed that among the progressive left, college-educated white folks were more drawn to Warren’s platform while non-college-educated white folks were more drawn to Bernie’s platform. There’s a reason why there exists a world within the ven diagram of Trump-supporters and Sanders-supporters that is populated by the likes of Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate, Mike Tracey etc. There are people who prefer Sanders over Warren for reasons that I find at best, arbitrary and at worst, straight-up misogynistic. But I do not believe that this faction that is largely represented on Twitter is actually reflective of every person who supports Sanders.
And trust me when I tell you that I’ve had to fight against my instinct to lump all Sanders-supporters together but then I remind myself that so many Americans are not on Twitter. Twitter can be really toxic in terms of showcasing the worst that politics has to offer. It can be toxic in how it colors our views.
True, but he does control who he decides to hire. Fair enough though, I personally and very unfortunately have had real world experience with a stereotypical bernie bro, and in fact, I ended a relationship with him over it. Just poison. Toxic. He’s not even on twitter, but he spoke just like them! I don’t know. Anyway, I don’t miss him.
Well I knew when he hired Sirota and Briahna Joy EXACTLY what kind of a campaign he’d be running. I know people were annoyed with him in 2016 but I found his campaign back then inspired. This time I find it incredibly negative and also SO repetitive.
Same old tired refrains. Same old tired victim complex.
I know, Darla. As I always say around here, my BF and I never fight, EXCEPT over Bernie! We agree on almost everything except my BF really struggles to accept my (very fair) criticism of Sanders. It drives me nuts. Still, he agreed to canvass for Warren with me this Sunday in NH. Same team at the end of the day. 😉
This. I have no issue with her or anyone supporting Bernie in the primaries, as long as they VOTE DEM IN THE GENERAL ELECTION!! Regardless of the nominee, we all have to join together and vote the orange nightmare out.
But as a public figure, she should support Bernie without tearing down and attacking other Dem candidates, and she should vote for the Dem nominee no matter who it is. This protest vote crap is just that, crap. And all her “oh well, it made people come together” BS – every single part of the country is suffering in some way due to this administration. It wasn’t worth it, Susan!
Joy Reid, this morning, tweeted the same thing: vote your “conscience” in the primaries, for whomever “speaks to you”. But if YOUR candidate that makes it to the general election, you need to step up and VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO.
What worries me about Bernie is that he will not back off or drop out if his numbers start falling. He and Warren will be dividing up a chunk of the democratic progressive wing and they may end giving the nomination to Biden (much like trump won the nomination with just a plurality of votes in each state never a majority). Bernie helped with juicing the dem agenda, now he needs to become an elder statesman and help elect senators and a New Democratic President. He will be turning 80 in 2021, that’s too old to run the country.
Also I’m so offended by the people Sanders brought onto his campaign. Lost a lot of respect for him.
I wasn’t a huge fan of Hilary and even I voted for her in the last election. Idk if the Stein and Bernie voters were a huge reason though-she fouled up her election. The entire party did. They forgot about a huge part of middle America. It was a fatal mistake. And Bernie and Warren are so apprehensive about alienating them. The Dems are STILL not ready for an election post-Obama. It’s embarrassing.
I’m actually a huge fan of Buttigieg and I finally registered as a Dem so I could vote in the primaries for him. Trump is going to win again but I’m hoping to put enough clout behind him for 2024. Even the few things that are questionable about him, like the housing issue, he admits he screwed up and the people who were upset about being pushed out say that he makes himself very accessible and he works hard to see all sides of the issues. I think he’s going to be great. As for a female president, I’m not going to vote for Warren just because she’s a woman but if she gets the primary, I’ll vote for her.
There are many reasons Hilary Clinton is not currently living in the White House, but it’s mathematically true that if Clinton received 90% of the votes that went to Stein in key states, she would be Madame President right now.
Stein votes/Trump margin in key states…
MI: 51,463/10,704
PA: 49,678/46,765
WI: 31,006/22,177
(via Dave Wasserman)
If she despises every female candidate, is it because they are female? Sounds misogynistic to me.
StellainNH – Sounds like it to me too.
Yes, at some point it’s more than a coincidence, it’s a pattern.
Oh, S.S. was cancelled a long time ago. I just wish she would go away now!
I mean..she sounds like most hardcore Sander-supporters *shrugs*
Before the Republican thing, they were accusing Warren of wavering on M4A simply because she said she’d be open to different avenues of pursuing it. Then when she made it MORE than clear in the debates that M4A had her full support, they moved on to this. It’s classic Bernie Bro shit: hold other candidates to a purity test that even Bernie couldn’t pass. But don’t ever talk about Bernard’s records on guns or the fact that he didn’t even vote till he was 40 years old.
And the thing is, Bernie is my second choice (after Warren) but holy hell do I despise his most fervent supporters. They spend more time attacking Kamala and Liz then they do Biden. It’s unreal. I know people around here hate Bernie but I actually like him. I have struggled to separate him from his toxic supporters though…they don’t make it easy!
Interesting how he seems to pick his targets, and do the whining about the ‘unfair press’ just like you know who… I don’t write off anyone because they’re male, white or old, but Bernie didn’t mind peeling off voters knowing how horrible the outcome might be, and he still seems oblivious to that. Why did some of his followers vote for the loathsome one in the election? Obviously, he and Bernie were polar opposites in rhetoric and platform..gotta be that Y chromosome.
The whining about being targeted by the Dem establishment while using the Dem party’s resources to run a presidential campaign is really…something.
One of the things that I think both Bernie and a faction of his supporters struggle to accept is that some people just don’t like Bernie. Sure, there are reasons both fair and unfair that Dems might not gravitate towards him but not everything is indicative of some conspiracy to keep Bernie from succeeding because he’s a Threat To The Establishment.
He didn’t vote tilll he was 40? WTF? 😮
Yep 🙁
I saw that on twitter too-and it was only so he could vote for himself!
@kitten I have no horse in this fight, but I do have a genuine question if that’s okay. Does it bother you or anyone that Elizabeth Warren was a registered Republican until she was 47 during the Reagan and Bush years? Especially, since most of her progressive ideals are soo new, and modeled after Bernie’s 2016 campaign. I am just curious if people genuinely don’t care, or they are willing to overlook it because of her policies?
Hi, Pixie 🙂
I genuinely don’t care.
And it’s absolutely not true that she modeled her progressive ideals on Bernie’s campaign. I know you mean well but I actually REALLY resent that statement–and it’s one I hear often, usually from people who aren’t familiar with Warren’s life before she became a senator. This is a woman who’s LIFE’S work was studying bankruptcy and seeing how banks and credit card companies affect people’s ability to accrue wealth. When Bernie was getting elected mayor of Burlington (and only with the NRA’s help) in 1981, Warren was analyzing court records and interviewing judges, lawyers, and debtors to get a better understanding of bankruptcy law. Warren was the first to point out that bankruptcy rates were caused not by out-of-control consumer spending, but by middle-class families’ attempts to buy homes in good school districts.
10 years ago she was fighting Big Bank CEOs and corporate oligarchs on the senate floor, demanding that they be held accountable for screwing over the average home-owner. When VP Biden was siding with credit card companies, Liz was FIGHTING them. And she was doing all of this on her own, without any of Bernie’s help. Again, protecting consumers is literally her LIFE’S work. She is, quite frankly, the REAL DEAL.
To me, one Reagan vote does little to affect the lives of most Americans, but the creation of the first powerful consumer protection bureau (one that most people credited Obama for creating *eyeroll*) certainly has an impact on ALL of our lives, from preventing credit card companies from exploiting college students to exposing and regulating unfair lending practices from mortgage companies.
Finally, we have to be able to be open to people changing their minds, even in the upcoming 2020 election. We NEED those non college-educated white women’s votes, the ones who have turned away from Trump in disgust. We can’t tar and feather every person who votes differently than we did, especially if they see the mistake they made and are ready to change.
I don’t care, Warren has more than proven how progressive she is.
Well Pixie, after your 2nd comment below, in response to VV’s comment, I think you DO have a horse in this race, sorry. And you are mistaken about Warren modeling her policies after Bernie’s. In fact, in 2016, A LOT Of people said Bernie was actually appropriating Warren’s work. And that has the evidence of his Daily News interview wherein he couldn’t explain jack all about his policies. But you can bet Elizabeth Warren could, and can. Because they’re her policies.
Thank you so much for your detailed reply @Kitten! I wasn’t expecting it so I really appreciate it! I am European so most of your politicians are nowhere near left wing enough for me, and Warren’s early background would likely be a personal dis qualifier for myself. Bernie’s Democratic Socialism is the most closely aligned with the values I recognise, but I completely understand and respect your reasoning 🙂
Hey @Darla. I am European so I genuinely have zero horses in this fight. I didn’t know much about Warren’s policies prior to her election run, and coupled with her Republican past I presumed she newly adopted these left wing policies, which I may well have been wrong about!
@ Pixie-
Ok so I accidentally spread some misinformation about Warren. My BF is reading a book called “We Got People” by Ryan Grim (if you’re an EU progressive who’s interested in American politics, it’s worth checking out BTW). He just sent me a screenshot of the passage about Warren’s political history and…I lied: she never voted for Reagan.
I’ll try to transcribe the screenshot of the page:
“In 1984 and 1988, Warren voted for Walter Mondale and then Michael Dukakis but, in 1992, split her ticket, voting for Republican Arlen Specter for Senate and Democrat Bill Clinton for President. Specter was a good example of a one-time flexibility of the party system and the politicians within it: He began and ended his career as a Democrat, but was a Republican for much of the middle of it.
In 1980, she said, she was a registered independent living in Missouri City, Texas and cast her vote to re-elect CARTER. When Reagan won, she wasn’t happy, but not crushed the way she was in 2016. ‘I was disappointed and didn’t like him, but I wasn’t deeply worried for the country, not anything like when Trump was elected’ she explained. If she could go back in time, she said, she would tell herself ‘this is a far more pivotal moment then you understand.'”
So she voted Ford and then a Dem twice during Nixon.
** just to clear that up 😉 **
I also wanted to add that Warren’s career was one based on GENUINE concern for the middle class–it wasn’t about political opportunism for her. She never had poltical aspirations and was never pandering to a particular segment of the American populous. She saw a wrong and wanted to make it right–and I think that’s a fundamental aspect of her personality–she has a very strong and uncompromising moral core.
Basically, Bernie supporters are classic gaslighting abusers. They make it about this one really important purity test. And then Warren or some other candidate either passes that purity test or has a clear, rational policy platform to address the issue in some other way. And then suddenly it’s about some other most important thing ever ever ever that only Bernie can achieve.
I. Am. So. Sick. Of. White. Dudes.
And in this case, old white chicks (I’m an old white chickn myself; my dream ticket is Stacey Abrams with Warren as VP).
Also. I live in Austin which is apparently Bernie bro hell. I’ve already had three run-ins and it’s only August.
Um, don’t paint all boomers with the Sarandon paint brush. I, personally, am undecided among Harris, Booker and Buttigieg.
Thank you, HB, was just coming here to say this. Although, my dream team varies slightly — I include Warren in the line up. Sanders rides my last nerve and always has. I’m sick of old white men and their privilege believing that they just know best. *sigh* I’ll vote for whoever the Dems run *coughBidencough*, but I might have to skip breakfast. Every time Boomers gets thrown into the blame game, it is a random hurt that I’m never prepared for. Oh well, moving on.
I’ll vote for whoever pledges to go in on 1/20/21 and reverse every fvcking thing OrangeAss has done, fire every POS that he’s hired,and start immediate prosecution of the #trumpcrimefamily and all the criminal Cabinet members.
Boomer here, too. I am fully behind Warren, Harris, and Pete. I like Beto and Booker, too. I will vote my “choice” in the primaries, but I will vote whomever the nominee is in the general election.
Swaying lifelong Rs to Ds IS possible: my 91 yr. old, Faux “News” watching dad was won over (after a LOT of hard work lol); I even got him to vote for Hillary. He only watches CNN & MSNBC now, and is even more committed to voting Dump out in 2020. So never say never!!
@ OG Jan-That’s amazing about your father. Wow!
I’m genuinely not trying to throw boomers under the bus; my in-laws are some of the most progressive people I know. Father in law is an old white dude who was a civil rights atty in Louisiana and in his retirement now does anti racism education and ally training for other old white people:-) Mother in law is an SVP for Volunteers of America who regularly goes to DC to lobby for prison reform, women’s health, and veterans health issues.
I myself am a young gen-Xer. So if anyone has a right to a generation-based grievance it’s probably me. From the forgotten generation lol.
But I think when I say I’m tired of older white dudes, it’s coming from a very visceral place of emotional exhaustion after having old white dudes run my career and ruin my country time after time. (With a lot of complicity from white women who don’t understand why doing the work of the racist patriarchy will never really get them anywhere in the end).
I think I just desperately want to see a woman give it a go. And Bernie, especially this time around, is running a shi!!y, ugly, misogynistic campaign that’s playing to the worst of his supporters. I wish he’d go away.
That said, I’m voting for whoever is running again 45*. If it’s Biden or Bernie I’ll be sick with disappointment but I’ll do it no matter what.
I’m Harris, Booker, Beto. Undecided I mean. I could go with any one of them, or any combination of them.
Boomer here, I like Warren and Harris, Sanders can go away.
I don’t know a single boomer who is with Bernie. They supported Hillary the last go round and are now weighing options, mostly splitting between Warren, Harris, Buttegieg, and Booker. My nieces and nephews were in the Bernie camp in 2016 but are now supporting Warren or Harris.
Exactly, both my sons liked Bernie and the ideas he pushed in 2016 (they voted for HRC in general election of course), but they both support Warren now. Bernie’s riding on name recognition and some diehard bros who still love him. Bet he will come in 3 or 4th in Iowa.
What the eff kind of logic is that? Bernie is not someone who used to be a Republican….but HE is ONLY a Democrat when he’s running for president, wtf.
Ooh, look! A smug white woman is supporting a smug white man!
She’s vile and so is he. Utterly, irredeemably vile.
This. Of course she doesn’t see why her purity test B.S. is harmful. It doesn’t harm her and she doesn’t care about the rest of us. Meanwhile people in my community are afraid of being taken from their homes because even legal citizens who aren’t white are under intense scrutiny. I hate her and people like her because they are no better than Trump and his goons.
Yep. 100%. I might be able to cut her the tiniest bit of slack if she showed some remorse for her part in this debacle but no she is right back at it. She can’t get past herself long enough to look around and see how many people’s lives have been destroyed by trump becoming president. She is sickening.
I can’t stand her.
Don’t blame that bitch on the Boomers. She’s in her own little privileged bubble. She and the morons who listen to her and I don’t think they’re Boomers.
Mark Ruffalo isn’t much better (he is better to be clear, but not much) and he’s no boomer. I do think that a lot of the old male hippies love Susan. And they would be boomers. But, it’s a mix. It’s a mix.
Shut up Susan Sarandon! I’m completely serious. Please stifle yourself, go away, and take your wild-eyed, wild-haired faux Democrat with you. She was so irritating during the last campaign, then she acted like a spoiled child during the convention. Also, I’m in her age group, and I don’t know or care if the following is ageism: Susan is 72 years old, so I think it’s time to put her boobs away! She had made an entire career out of showing off her boobs, and massive cleavage. It’s time to button up her blouse, and condition her hair.
you and me should sit together.
“And condition your hair” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
A support bra would help.
Yes to everything you said, she can and should put the girls away.
And take John Cusack with you!
I used to love Susan Sarandon. And now I genuinely LOATHE her. This is the woman who stated she would vote for a woman…if it was Elizabeth Warren running. Well Warren is running now and she’s taking cheap shots at her?? F*ck this rich old white lady for life. She should just admit that she doesn’t believe a woman can be President and she wants to uphold the patriarchy while seeming to be progressive and feminist. Typical white feminist.
But she endorsed and voted for Jill Stein, right?
Yeah, a woman with no chance of being President. That’s what they do, that’s the whole point. Just like in 2016 Sarandon claimed she wanted a woman president but it had to be the right woman and she wanted Warren. Now, she can have Warren, but oh wouldn’t you know it! Now Warren is corrupt too! Just like crooked hillary! What a shame, and JUST when Sarandon might have been able to vote for a woman with a chance in hell of being president. Gosh, Susan has the worst luck!
See, that’s the con.
You mean Jill Stein who has ties to Russia? Jill Stein who still refuses to say what happened to the half a million dollars she received for a post-election recount that never happened? THAT Jill Stein??
@valiantlyvarnished I wasn’t endorsing Jill Stein as much as I was expressing surprise that the discussion seems to be quite gendered and focused on her feminism when Sarandon did vote for a woman last time when she could have not voted at all. She is definitely an obtuse wealthy, white feminist but I am personally not 100% convinced she would not vote for a woman, is all.
She’s not like any of the white feminists I know, thank God. This broad is vile.
I don’t dislike Sanders, but boy does he attract weird specimens almost Trumpian in their fanaticism.
Sanders is Left Trump. The lies (John Conyers, a black congressman created Medicare for all), the sexism (how many cases against his campaign now?), the appeal towards white working class when he’s actually working against them (current wages/hours scandal) his complete erasure of race from his platform (how many times do you have to be boo’d at a WoC conference) while at the same time the complete obliviousness to his ingrained bias and racism (the civil rights hero… that may or may not have gone to one march and knew none of the black students at his school at the time). He attracts the deplorables of the left. On top of that in 30 years he has gotten absolutely nothing done in congress, never hired a person of color to his staff in VT, and is 187 years old.
This is the woman who said she’d rather see a Trump presidency than a Hillary one. Now that she’s gotten what she wanted, she’s blaming everyone else but herself while acting like she’s some kind of candidate messiah, leading the way to your salvation via her personal choices (ne’e idiocy).
Also, as others have pointed out, Bernie isn’t a Democrat. What he is, is an opportunist who’s using the label of Democrat to benefit himself. If you want a goddamn purity test, he fails it from the jump.
I was at the Warren rally in St. Paul last night!! People are fired up! I couldn’t believe the turnout! For someone that isn’t even the nominee yet and several months before we even vote in the primaries!
did you go to mitra’s event at the turf club after?? so awesome
Olive – I was unable to stay to until the end because I had my senior citizen mother with me. She was getting stiff standing for so long because we arrived at 4! But we were very close and I loved seeing her in person!
That’s great.
Honestly, when Warren first announced she was running I didn’t even glance her way. That has changed a lot in the last month or so. Harris and Warren are my top two right now.
YES!!!! I LOVE hearing this!!!
I’m sick of Susan Sarandon and her faux-intellectual snobbery. Her obvious slagging of Elizabeth Warren is Trumpian in its childishness. Why doesn’t she run for office herself instead of just dragging everyone who isn’t on the Bernie or Bust wagon?
And put your boobs away while you’re at it honey, you’re not 21 anymore.
It is true EW did vote as a Republican for many years but as some point she switched parties when she realized the Republicans forgot the middle class. Read her Wikipedia page. So it’s not a crime to switch parties. I’ve switched from Democrat to Independent to Republican back to Democrat. For a while I was all for Bernie Sanders. But the more I listened to him the more the question of how will he ever implement all that he wants done. It’s impossible. So I don’t condemn Susan Sarandon, but she and others like her are starting to sound like Trump…bringing out the knives and starting swinging. American is so sick and tired of the mud throwing to the point everyone gets hit. Enough already!
As an older liberal white woman, it embarrasses the hell out of me that I can in any way associated with Sarandon. She doesn’t seem to understand that the upcoming election is literally life or death for many people.
I’ll be supporting a candidate who isn’t beholden to Wall Street and the Millitary Industrial Complex.
Susan Sarandon reminds me of the HuffPost article by Arthur Delaney stating that a certain percentage of white liberals would support Trump. I believe she would be potentially one of those crossing the line from per past statements.
Why aren’t humans ever allowed to make mistakes or change their mind? So, what if Warren once registered as a Republican? Now, she’s realized better. These purity tests are going to do in the Democrats. They will pick each other apart and do ourselves in….yet again. It’s maddening. I don’t like Joe Biden at all, but if he’s the nominee, I will vote for him. It’s life or death–my family depends on Obamacare. If Trump wins a second term, all hope is lost.
I. Can’t. Stand. Her.
SS needs to realize she’s one of them. Them meaning boomer women who don’t believe females can do anything other than cook, clean or raise children. It’s so ingrained in that generation that SS can’t even see it in herself. My MIL is super liberal and even she hesitates to support a female candidate. We’ll all be better off once boomers don’t make up the majority of voters. I just hope the US can last that long.