I know Jameela Jamil from The Good Place of course, but more so lately from her advocacy work and frankly, her ongoing beefs with other celebrities. She makes us eyeroll a lot, and by us I mean Kaiser and me primarily. I think Hecate and Quimby have more tolerance for her. I do admire Jameela’s commitment to her causes, and now that I’ve seen this latest interview I feel like I understand her a little more. She said that she doesn’t worry about what people think about her at all. She also gave props to Demi Lovato for Demi’s post celebrating her cellulite. Access Hollywood caught Jameela on the red carpet and here’s what she told them. Jameela of course started I Weigh to advocate for inclusivity and diversity in body types.
How do you manage to be yourself?
It took until I was in my 30s to be able to truly be myself. I realized it’s not my responsibility to make people like me. There are plenty of people who don’t and that’s ok and there’s loads of people who I don’t like. I think letting go of that feeling of responsibility that’s something that’s important for your life is really freeing and so I don’t care.You were one of the first celebrities to Instagram photos that were real. Did you see [Demi Lovato’s recent post]? Do you feel like you started this?
I didn’t start this. Women in the 60s started this. I think part of the celebrity culture of being transparent, I hope I’ve had a part in that. This is not just me on my own. It’s really cool to watch Demi embrace herself. I know that she did this long before I even got to America. I just find her very inspiring generally.
[From Access Hollywood Video]
There’s something powerful about being unbothered, especially when you’re calling people out online. I haven’t reached that level of not caring and I do this for a living somewhat anonymously. Look at celebrities like Pink who say they don’t care but really do care. I don’t think Jameela is at the “couldn’t care less” level but she’s way above Pink.
I enjoyed watching this brief interview with her. I want some of her attitude to rub off on me. She has been an activist for years and it shows. Also, why is it so hard to separate her from her Tahani character? Is it because that’s all I know her from and her red carpet styling is virtually the same (apart from the terrible makeup)?
Who is doing her so dirty with her makeup? Her last two red carpet looks have been horrid. She doesn’t look as bad on camera as she does in the photos though.
photos credit: WENN and Avalon.red
Well she is super unlikeable but at-least she’s self aware ..
Why do you think she is unlikeable?
I think she’s likable, but that may be bc I really dont care what others think and have been that way since 2nd grade…maybe earlier…
I understand that she’s truly just doing her….so many people out there say..”I’m just doin me” buuuuttt they’re not lol they’re doing the same thing as everyone else…
Hecate does not
Ok sorry for speaking out of turn! lol
Ha! You never speak out of turn.
I’ve supported her advocacy and I love her on The Good Place, but gawd – when she missteps, it’s right into a giant pile of dog poop.
I want to like her as I appreciate her calling out the Kartrashians BUT her entire vibe seems inauthentic and like she is milking a cause for as much press she can to raise her star and not necessarily awareness.
I feel this way about most celebrities!
Yup. She is not an advocate for women, only for herself.
If it’s still on YouTube, she was on a celebrity charity version of the Great British BakeOff a few years ago (before The Good Place) and she was charming. She knew she was out of her comfort zone but gave it her best.
I like her character on TGP and, in real life, she seems similarly funny, ditzy, smart and a liiiitle out of touch. I’m older, so the online beefing thing is ridiculous to me, but I like that she speaks out about body positivity (even though it seems hard to believe that she would have ever been on the receiving end of negative comments since she is classically beautiful with a knock out figure).
I just listened to Amanda Seales’ podcast episode with her and learned a lot about why she is an activist for body positivity and the struggles she has gone through. I didn’t doubt her authenticity before but if anyone is on the fence about whether she is just “doing this for name recognition” or whatever, I’d recommend having a listen.
ETA: a shitty family life, lots of pressure about her looks from her family (not being too dark skinned, or gaining any weight). She modeled in her teens so insert bout with anorexia. Mental health issues, attempted suicide. Then finally was able to get healthy and began her crusade against unrealistic beauty standards.
Meh I think she’s funny most of the time
I’m a fan. She’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s fine. But I think her message is super important, and I’m glad she’s not afraid to get out there and really make a point of living by example. While I understand that people can find her preachy or nagging, or whatever, I truly do think she means what she’s saying. I don’t think this is just some shtick for her.
I’m a fan. Everyone isn’t the same. Plenty of people judge enthusiasm as inauthentic in a ton of situations, I feel. We are so overwhelmed by everything that people who have positive energy and outlooks feel fake to so many people, and only negative energy seems genuine.
Why aren’t men called out for being fake? Epstein was an actual fake, without “investments” and no one cared to look; all of Wall Street knew and no one called him out for what he actually was, a pedophile pimp of vulnerable girls. Women get the label more, I think, and the trope of women faking emotions feeds into rape culture. Don’t like her because of what she stands for, or say that her personality annoys you, but how can anyone really determine if someone is fake?
I think that’s a really intriguing question. My bet is a lot of time people think they themselves have a certain characteristic – generosity, for example- and they see someone else who claims to be generous or who is lauded for being generous, and they compare that to themselves. And if they think they have it to a higher degree, the other person must be faking. I think it’s more personal than people let on.
How interesting and insightful. You’ve given me some yummy food for thought. Thanks for posting.
Good point.
Maybe I’m biased because I love The Good Place so much, but I really like her. I wish there had been more of this (that I was aware of) when I was growing up. I follow her on Twitter, and since my weight gain over the past few months (ugh, goodbye metabolism) her posts really help me to feel less negatively about that. *shrug* She’s not for everyone LOL but I like her.
I respect the fact that she’s able to admit to and apologize for her problematic past, which isn’t always easy, while still moving forward with the issues she cares about as an ally. That’s so different from the cold approach often taken by the Pierce Morgan/Megan Mccain demographics. They dismiss everyone as too pc and needing to ‘know their place’/be grateful for where & when they’re at while simultaneously calling for civility (meaning negative peace). But it’s a Jameela Jamil approach that facilitates actual peace.
I agree – I know she’s had some missteps, but she’s owned up to them and is moving forward and learning. That’s good, and what everyone should try to do. Those who never admit to a mistake end up drawing on NOAA maps with sharpies.
Not caring if everyone likes you is a really freeing feeling.
I was skeptical but after hearing her story I’m a fan. Her Instagram is interesting, recently she shared a The Good Place promo pic that had originally been photoshopped to erase a fat bulge under her arm and she made them leave it in. I will leave my skepticism for Demi Lavoto, whom I do not trust to represent female empowerment.
I adore her. Every interview, every new story or perspective from her makes me wish there were more people like her using the celebrity for good causes and ideas that affect us all instead of purely for self promotion of their brand.
I thought she was very brave to call out all the tributes to Karl Lagerfeld and call him ruthless, fat phobic and misogynist.
I tried doing the same here when there were posts about him but they all seemed to “disappear” and none got posted.
That’s surprising.
I love her.
So do I. She’s a smart, politically engaged former teacher.
I think I read that she does her own make-up.
I don’t understand why her makeup is being perceived as bad. Can someone help me out?
High five chickie because me too!
She’s a fake feminist. She flip-flops her position based on social media response and is far more worried about her own image than actually helping/supporting other women.
I love her on TGP! Been binging it!
I’ve read this website for so many years- I like the content even though I frequently disagree with the take of the article. That said, it’s been about a year since I found myself actively liking this site’s posts. The fact that you all aren’t on board with Jameela is my last straw. She is all about learning how to be better- a better person or advocate- and she genuinely just tries. What else are you asking for? Perfection? Please dismount those high horses. I won’t see it happen though, I’m done with this bullshit faux-feminist site.
You won’t read this, but people need room to grow. There is feminism, and then there is feminism in practice. Some posters are less tolerant, but all of us are tolerant to different degrees. I like her, and I like her message. Some people don’t. Your demand that women who live and fight within the patriarchy be perfect feminists is just as stifling as people expecting public figures who we don’t know to conform to our belief systems. I want equal pay, and equal rights, and I want all women to have the right to believe in what they believe in unless it goes against science and ethics. It would be nice if every women who faces sexism could just quit her job and tell the powers that be to shove it, but living in the real world just isn’t that simple. And a ton of us are code switching to survive and to take care of other people we are responsible for. The more “perfect” feminists I’ve read are sometimes riddled with unconscious racial bias. Are they faux feminists because they don’t feel obligated to include me, a Mexican-American, or my buddies of African descent? Being rigid doesn’t solve shit.
I have to agree with Cdk. I posted a response before, but apparently it wasn’t approved, so I’m just going to post the reply again.
The way Jameela Jamil is covered on this website reeks of tone-policing. She’s always “beefing” with celebrities, but that’s not inherently bad; in fact, it’s even important. The celebrities she beefs with are legitimately awful, to the point that they lie about their bodies, “exoticise” they’re whiteness away, and narrow down women’s sexuality to a submissive sex-kitten.
And they do over and over and over again, advocating useless and dangerous products. And every single time they do, Jameela Jamil calls them out on it. So she seems to be beefing so much with celebrities because these very influential and morally bankrupt people keep doing their rubbish over and over again.
If everyone on this website is a feminist, they need to brush up on their feminisms, instead of tone-policing a women whose conflicts over the injustices of the world make her seem mildly unpleasant.